Why create a fake about the "Mongol" invasion of Russia

1 049
Why create a fake about the "Mongol" invasion of Russia 780 years ago, on the night of 20 on 21 December 1237, the troops of Batu stormed Ryazan. The "Tatar-Mongol" invasion began. We should know and remember that the fake about the “Mongols from Mongolia” was launched by Catholic Rome - the then “command post” of the Western community.

Hordes of Batu attacked Russia, took Ryazan, ruined the Ryazan principality, the invasion of other Russian lands began, cities and villages burned, fierce battles were fought - all this historical truth. The horde of the Great Khan Prince Batu prevailed over fragmented Russia, where most of the princes "pulled a blanket" over themselves. The fragmentation of Russia did not allow the gathering of a common army, which could repel the invasion of the steppes.

At the same time, we must remember that the myth of the "Mongols from Mongolia" was launched by the papal spy Plano Carpini and other agents of Rome. No Mongols from Mongolia ever reached Russia. It was simply impossible - a huge army of hundreds of thousands of warriors and even more horses could not be fed. Yes, the Mongols in this period simply did not correspond to the great conquerors who decided to conquer the whole "universe." They were at a low stage of development - the expansion of tribal relations; they had neither military-economic potential, nor human resources, nor the corresponding drive.

As you know from history, Great empires and powers are created by adding up several factors: 1) military and economic potential, the ability to expose, arm and supply a powerful army; 2) advanced technology, military revolution, for example, domestication of a horse and its use in military affairs, iron weapon, Macedonian phalanx, Roman legions, etc .; 3) demographic factor - the conquering people must have the appropriate size in order to expose a large army and control the conquered space; 4) passionarity is a great idea, mission, ability to go to death for a great cause.

For example, these factors have the current American empire - the “world gendarme”: the first economy of the world and the most powerful military-industrial complex, the armed forces controlling a large part of the planet; advanced developments in the military field; a significant population - more than 325 million people (third place in the world); American messianism - the construction of the American world order, the protection of "democracy" and "human rights". In the past, similar factors can be identified in the Soviet Union (Red Empire), the Russian Empire, the Second and Third Reichs (Germany), and the Roman Empire. Another example is the empire of Alexander the Great: the military and financial reforms of Tsar Philip created the military-economic potential for conquest, the Macedonian phalanx was a revolution in military affairs; Alexander and his warriors were real passionaries, ready to overcome fire and water for the sake of their goal.

Thus, a handful of Mongolian shepherds and hunters, who had neither military-industrial base and organization, nor the corresponding number and fighting spirit, could in no way conquer the Rurikovich empire, even fragmented. No great leader, such as Temujin-Genghis Khan, would be able to create an invincible invasion army capable of crushing a number of strong states, conquering China, and fighting to Central Europe from small and half-wilder clans that do not have the appropriate technological and production base.

Iron discipline, the decimal system of organization of the troops, the great archers and horsemen all this already. In particular, in the Russian squads. Since ancient times, the Russian squad and rati were divided into dozens, hundreds, thousands and darkness (10 thousand fighters). Russian complex bow was much more powerful and long-range of the famous English bow.

"Mongols" and "Tatars" - representatives of the Mongoloid race, who subjugated a significant part of Eurasia, simply did not exist. However, there was an ancient Scythian-Siberian world of the Rus-pagans, inheriting the traditions of many millennia, going back to the times of the Aryans and Hyperboreans. These were the heirs of the oldest, having its origins in the very beginning of the white race, the northern civilization. From the legendary Hyperborea, the Aryan world and the Great Scythiaoccupying a vast territory from the Pacific Ocean, the borders of China, India and Persia to the Baltic and the Black (Russian) Sea. Actually, the Russian civilization and the Russian superethnos, as a direct heir of the ancient northern tradition, still occupy most of this territory. The spiritual, cultural and military impulses of this northern civilization led to the birth and development of Ancient Persia, India (they still remember their northern homeland), China and other civilizations.

Scythian-Siberian Rus in anthropological (white skin, bright eyes, tall), cultural (common traditions, customs, faith, material culture, including weapons and combat skills), economic relations were direct relatives of the Rusam who lived in Ryazan, Vladimir -Suzdal, Novgorod and Kiev and Galician Russia. Before the West destroyed the Slavorian tribes of Central Europe (Porussia-Prussia, Germany, Austria, Northern Italy), they were also part of a huge super-ethnos Rus, a single ethno-cultural and linguistic community.

The peculiarity of the Scythian-Siberian world of the Rus was that they led semi-nomadic (developed animal husbandry) for thousands of years and at the same time the agricultural way of life. They also kept the pagan faith. True, the Russes of Vladimir-Suzdal, Novgorod Russia, for the most part, were still double-believers, retaining many pagan beliefs and rituals.

Only this huge fragment of the Great Scythia - the Scythian-Siberian world, which had a thousand-year history, a powerful military production base, a considerable number, and fighting spirit, could put out a strong army, which once again shook the world. It was they who conquered Central Asia, China, defeated and subjugated another fragment of the Great Scythia - the Polovtsy (they also were not “Mongoloids”, but typical Northern Caucasians), the Volgars-Bulgarians (Tatars), invaded Russia, and then moved into Europe. The horde is Rod, Rada, tumen - darkness, the word Khan comes from "Kohang, Kokhany," beloved, respected. "

The so-called "Mongols" did not bring to Russia a single Mongolian word and not a single skull of a representative of the Mongoloid race. "Mongols" in Russia was not. "Tatar-Mongols", Polovtsians and Russes of Ryazan, Vladimir and Kiev were representatives of a single super-ethnos. Therefore, later, when the administrative center of the Eurasian Empire moved from Saray to Moscow, the vast majority of the population of the Horde simply became Russian. Since there were no anthropological, indigenous linguistic and cultural differences between Russians from Moscow and Kiev and the Horde. If at the time of the Golden Horde, the population of the Horde and Russia was approximately equal, then after the fall of the Horde Empire, most of its population (former Polovtsians) became Russian. At the same time, the Russians did not receive Mongoloid features (Mongoloid features are dominant), nor Mongolian words.

It should be remembered that the war was, the battles of the Russians of Ryazan, Vladimir, Chernigov and Kiev and the pagans of the Scythian-Siberian world were tough. It was a terrifying scramble, Big Strife. So only Rus can fight. Prince Batu won this war. At the same time, they both fought and framed, as happened with Prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky and Baty and his son, were related (as before with the Polovtsy - they were their own, not strangers), spoke the same language, quarreled again, fought and put up. Later, and completely mixed. Some of the Russo-Scythians adopted Orthodoxy, another settled in the Golden Horde, Central Asia and China — the princely and imperial dynasties of the local tribes gave it to the local tribes (all this happened before, in the times of Great Scythia).

The fact that Western historians falsifiers called the Great Empire of Genghis Khan, in fact, was the Great Empire of the Rus. They began to rewrite history a long time ago, not in the 20th century, when Westerners, for example, made the revision of the Great War to their advantage. Historians of the Romano-Germanic world, chroniclers of the Roman Catholic Church, historians of the East Roman (Byzantine) and Roman empires copied history. Rome, the most ancient “command center” of governing the West, is the real center for distorting the history of mankind. The masters of the West cannot recognize that Russia-Russia, the Russian super-ethnos are the direct heirs and guardians of the most ancient northern civilization of humanity. This is a question of the “big game”, of geopolitics - the many thousands-year struggle for the right to be the “king of the mountain” - the owner of the planet. Do not recognize it in Japan and China, hiding traces of an ancient civilization. Only in India they say directly that their ancestors of the aria came from the north, from Russia. That Russians and white Indians are descendants of one great race. Only Russians are descendants of those who remained on a common ancestral homeland, retaining their language and physical attributes. And the Indians "turned black" in the south. However, it was the Indians who preserved the ancient Vedic mythology, and India is a kind of "reserve" of our ancient traditions and customs. Hence the spiritual affinity of Russians and Hindus.

The masters of the West distort world history, replacing the true history with fakes, destroy and hide the true monuments of the past, stick out and expand the chronological framework of the “historical nations” - the British, Germans, French, Italians, Jews, etc. At the same time, they cut and distort the history of Slavs and Russ -Russian, pesting the myths of "wildness", "inferiority", "inferiority", "secondary" of Russia, which is always supposedly borrowed everything from the West or the East, etc. This is an information war. And the story plays a leading role in it. Managing history allows you to "program" the course of events for centuries to come. Even create new “peoples”, like “Ukrainians”, who are Russian, but turn into a “independent” people separate from the Russians.

Ruined the Great Empire of the Rus new conceptual and ideological sabotage. In the south, they began to introduce Islam, in which part of the elite elite was interested. This was the main cause of the split, unrest and further disintegration. Islam, which originated in the Semitic environment, introduced into the society of Indo-Europeans-Aryans, the unusual beginnings and customs, leading to the degeneration and degeneration of the marginal families of the Rus. The most striking example is Iran (“the state of the Aryans”). Persia - Indo-European, whose Aryan population was forced to convert to Islam. As a result, Semitization (Arabization) and Islamization of one of the ancient Aryan civilizations occurred.

However, the empire of Genghis Khan did not die. Northern civilization, as it was more than once in the past, took a new form. The control center shifted from the Horde to Moscow. There was a merger of European and Scythian-Siberian Rus. This made Russia a continental empire, from ocean to ocean. And Russia again challenged the masters of the West. The Big Game continues.

Thus, there were no “Mongols from Mongolia” in Russia. Clan-hordes of Rus of the Scythian-Siberian world, stretching from the Northern Black Sea coast to the Altai and Sayans, including Mongolia, came to European Russia. The ancestors of the current Mongols were then at a low stage of development, were hunters, cattlemen, did not have the military-industrial, demographic and cultural potential for great conquests. Rus-Scythians were Caucasians, Aryans-Rus - Rus Pagan, Asian. In fact, two passionary nuclei of a single superethnos of the Rus, the European and the Asian, collided. Two parts of the Great Scythia, the ancient northern civilization, which existed for thousands of years from the Pacific Ocean to the Varangian and Russian (Black) seas, the Carpathians, from the Arctic Ocean to the borders of China, India and Persia.

It is later that the southern genera of the Rus will be Islamized, subjected to assimilation by the Turkic, Mongoloid and Semitic peoples of Asia. But in the XIII century the Rus-Scythians came to Russia, and not the “Mongols” or the Turks. And as we know from history, the most fierce, fierce battles are internecine when a brother rises against a brother. The battle was fierce, many cities and villages were turned to ashes, many thousands of people were killed.

But every cloud has a silver lining. At first, European Russia became part of a huge empire - the Golden Horde. Then, with the degradation, destruction of the Horde, inspired by our external enemies, its collapse, the new center of the Eurasian Empire, the Ruses, matured. The empire of Rurikovich turned under Ivan the Terrible into the Eurasian Russian Empire. The Russians again united the vast territory of the ancient northern civilization into a single state. The descendants of the Horde russians became part of a single super-ethnos of the Rus. Russia became the heir of the ancient super-civilization. The West could not get dominance on the planet, and the war was continued.

To be continued ...
1 049 comments
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  1. The comment was deleted.
    1. +1
      22 December 2017 17: 43
      They know. In the PRC, according to the Soviet communist tradition, this is explained by the fact that China was a “prison of nations” so that no one would escape.
  2. 0
    22 December 2017 18: 23
    And there were no single people who became billionaires from poor people - there were only thieves! And there were no thieves who were able to amass fantastic wealth in a short period of time - this is not possible for seven reasons: 1..... 2..... continue? And the Russians founded Jerusalem!!! And also... To his room, my friend, number 6.
  3. 0
    22 December 2017 19: 26
    Danila Poperechny, what is the reason for A. Samsonov’s article? laughing
  4. The comment was deleted.
  5. Net
    22 December 2017 19: 44
    Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
    Quote: Boris55
    have you heard anything about Tartaria

    I already answered above, I will tell you: "Tartaria" is the European name for the Horde. And the Horde tributaries were included on European maps in this Tartaria. So do not produce entities beyond measure.
    Quote: Boris55
    The Tatar-Mongol yoke, Christians are trying to cover up the genocide of the Russian people during the forced Christianization of it.

    Are you serious now? That is, as I understand it, the myth of "9 million killed out of 12 in the 10th century" was successfully debunked and now neopagans are trying to come up with the myth of "resistance to the Slavic Aryans in the 13th century"? And you are not embarrassed by the fact that there is not a word about this “resistance” either in secular or church chronicles? It would seem that such a glorious victory for Christians should be immortalized in the annals, as the memory of the triumph over the enemy in the feud. Only for some reason all the annals are silent. Could it be that this "resistance" is just an invention?

    Immortalized. Have you heard about Vladimir "Red Sun"?
    Baptism of Rus' - 988
    Oleg’s campaign against Constantinople in 907 - about 140 thousand troops (Karamzin. “History of the Russian State”).
    Mobilization reserve of no more than 10% of the population (usually up to 5%)
    Hence, at 5%, the population of Rus' is 2,8 million people. At 10% - 1,4 million.
    Battle of Kalka 1223 the number of Russian troops was 20-30 thousand.
    The invasion of Batu in 1237, the number of Russian troops was 50-100 thousand people.
    We count. During the 34-year reign of Catherine II, the population of Russia doubled.
    There are 1223 years between the Battle of Kalka (907) and Oleg’s Campaign against Constantinople (316). Divide by the period of population doubling (Catherine’s 34 years) = 9,2 times the doubling occurred.
    That is, for the period of 1223, the population of Rus' should be 1,4 - 2,8 - 5,6 - 11,2 - 22,4 - 44,8 - 89,6 - 179,2 - 358,4 - 726,8 million . Human.
    And taking into account the initial 2,8 million, it is even more significantly. Then the number of Russian troops should be about 70 million. But in reality it’s 20-30 thousand.
    20-30 thousand troops correspond to 200-300 thousand population (or up to a million during Batu’s invasion).
    Where did the population of Rus' go?
    The only event was the Baptism of Rus' by Vladimir, a murderer and rapist.
    From the baptism of Rus' to the Battle of Kalka - 235 years, divided by the period of doubling of the population (34 years) - about 7 times.
    300 - 150 - 75 - 38 - 19 - 9,5 - 4,6 - 2,3
    That is, after the “Baptism of Rus'” by Vladimir, there were 2300 people left in Rus' (two thousand three hundred (!!) population)
    Or from the initial 1,4 million 0,16 percent! 98,4% of the population of Rus' was destroyed.
    This is what "Baptism of Rus'" means
    1. +2
      22 December 2017 20: 08
      98,4% of the population of Rus' was destroyed

      Re-read biology. Populations of living beings are not restored.
      Eh, with such pressure as yours, you and Olgovich would clash...
      1. 0
        22 December 2017 20: 23
        You can also read the history of Vyatka.
  6. The comment was deleted.
    1. Net
      22 December 2017 21: 37
      Having trouble with arithmetic? ))))
  7. +1
    22 December 2017 21: 00
    just explo,
    Of course not. You took my thought out of context somewhere.
  8. The comment was deleted.
  9. Net
    22 December 2017 21: 45
    Opening the academic dictionary - Yu.N. Roerich. Tibetan-Russian-English dictionary with Sanskrit parallels. M: Science. 1987 Issue. 7. p. 100.
    We read: “Mon-ko(l) is the name of a mythical mountain inhabited by goblins and women with horse heads.”
    And the name of the people living in the steppes of Asia is Sog-po.
    When this people were called mythical goblins (Mongols), they mocked these people, and so did the Russians, “conquered” by this mythical people.
  10. +2
    22 December 2017 21: 57
    an order or some kind of nonsense
  11. 0
    22 December 2017 23: 14
    the author got a little too excited when he spoke about pagans, although pagan is not a lack of faith.
    after all, there were references to the miraculous action of the icon of the Mother of God. I’m not begging for a miraculous action, but it can also be argued that the soldiers saw that the city recognized the Mother of God with the Child and stopped, which awakened the inhabitants of the cities to believe, and those who believed believed stronger...
    and here we can understand differently the negative reviews about the clergy, who were shepherds in the flock of the cities... who, in the absence of control, began to run amok, especially in view of the fact that the cities were, as it were, free and when the authorities did not reach the city, when they themselves gave concessions !!!
  12. +2
    23 December 2017 00: 24
    It’s a pity we forget about the ancient ukrov, I would add to complete the picture.
  13. +1
    23 December 2017 05: 48
    So it was, and as a child I wondered how the superpower Russia appeared so “easily”
  14. +1
    23 December 2017 06: 28
    Quote: Net
    Having trouble with arithmetic? ))))

    ...generally, Vladimir the Red Sun *baptized* Perun.. (wooden idol)..., the real baptism with fire and sword (Christ) was in the 15th century, which led to the split of Apostolic Christianity (Paganism) and the emergence of Islam and Jewish Christianity ...- simpler - after the death of Ivan Kalita - the Vatican took over..
  15. kig
    23 December 2017 07: 50
    This is just another version of events. It will be possible to find out how everything really happened only when the possibility of time travel becomes available. And even then they will argue - they looked in the wrong place, they understood it wrong, and in general everything was wrong.
  16. 0
    23 December 2017 08: 31
    Nonsense.... What did Samsonov smoke??????
  17. 0
    23 December 2017 08: 40
    The nomadic Huns did the same thing long before Batu. Who are they then? Descendants of aliens?
    1. +1
      25 December 2017 09: 10
      In general, official academic science does not equate the “Hsiung-nu” and the “Huns”.
  18. The comment was deleted.
    1. Net
      23 December 2017 17: 58
      Everything is correct. On the left is north, on the right is south. The north was protected by a wall from Chinese aggression from the south. This means that the wall was not built by the Chinese, they only captured it and appropriated it.
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. Net
          22 January 2018 18: 39
          In primary school, I believe you had a bad geography teacher. )) I didn’t show you the sundial. You can catch up now. Measure the height of the object and the height of its shadow. Calculate the angle (height) of the Sun. According to the photo it's about 70 degrees. It's close to noon. On the right is south.
  19. +2
    23 December 2017 10: 13
    Aren’t we great without Scythia and Prince-Khan-the-fish-whale Batu?

    ..of course great, especially if we take it well to our chests - and the sea is knee-deep to us...
  20. +2
    23 December 2017 13: 51
    Lieutenant Teterin,
    I haven’t heard about “detachment 734”.
    Maybe you meant squad 731? hi
  21. +2
    23 December 2017 14: 25
    Read A. Bushkov. “The Russia that never existed.” Everything is explained there in more detail.
  22. +3
    23 December 2017 14: 42
    Quote: Freeman
    Alone Today, 10:32 AM
    The true face of the Mongol. Is not it?

    avva2012 Today, 10:50 ↑
    1227-1502, not bad lived .....

    There is a small town in Turkey called Söğüt.
    The town is very tiny, but very important for the Turks. It is here that the Ottoman Empire is believed to have originated.
    The Turks built the Museum of Ertuğrul Gazi, and next to it - a small gallery of busts of almost all the founders of empires, which are currently known in the world, on which the years of the existence of these empires are knocked out.

    kih-empires-past-people-white-race /

    Batu Khan - Batur (Batu) Han - in Turkey it is customary to portray more as a Turk or a Ukrainian Cossack than as a “Tatar-Mongol”.

    .. Turks - * wild Russians * - at first it was the Ataman Empire, after the rebellion, it became the Ottoman Empire ..
  23. The comment was deleted.
  24. +2
    23 December 2017 15: 59
    Have you heard anything about those who are now called Cossacks, about their way of life? They had enough time to plow the land and themselves. Feed and terrorize Europe until almost the middle of the last century!
    Now, if in the third decade of the last century they were called Mongols and not Khalka, then Karamzin’s story would be more plausible!
  25. The comment was deleted.
  26. +2
    23 December 2017 18: 14
    Quote: KaPToC
    Quote: Tula gingerbread
    Indeed, in the Middle Ages, armies could not be large.

    That is, for developed Russians with a centralized supply, large armies could not, and for primitive Mongols - ... - could they?

    ...in those times there were no Mongols about the word at all..., the nation and nationality of Mongol appeared only in the 20th century.. Search to help you... Feel like this, this is a debate in Kashchenko’s wards...among patients.. It's good that they're not violent...
  27. +2
    23 December 2017 18: 32
    Quote: Dzungar
    You only have enough for an empty UAV - UAV - UAV ..... I feel sorry for you

    Well, of course, the shepherd, who imagined himself to be a warrior, took pity on me.
  28. The comment was deleted.
    1. Net
      25 December 2017 06: 05
      Don't make things up. “Boy” in the Khalkas dialect of the Mongols is read as “khubuun”, and “girl”, depending on age, is read as “heukhet” (child) or “haton” (lady).
  29. 0
    23 December 2017 19: 46
    the wrong line was copiedxtur,
    I answered:
    >And this - “let themselves be conquered in one battle”
  30. +1
    23 December 2017 20: 21
    I ask you to forgive me for my naivety, but I just can’t understand what the “mountainous country of Armenia” and everything else connected with it have to do with the topic under discussion?
  31. +5
    23 December 2017 22: 41
    Good day. I barely made it through the whole discussion. wassat
    Such interesting sciences are history and archeology. And if you add linguistics and DNA analysis - in general, something with something... It feels like no one wants to understand anyone. And no one cares about related specialties.
    According to an apt comparison by one author, if, for example, in 500 years they dig up our cities, they will conclude that the culture of vinyl discs was completely exterminated by the more highly developed culture of CD discs, which, in turn, fell under the pressure of the culture of USB flash drives.
    But I know for sure that I did not fall anywhere and was not destroyed by anyone. I live for myself and have children.
    So in our discussion it was repeatedly said that, supposedly, the Russians were not there, that, supposedly, the last 400 years had only just appeared in Siberia, and on the Central Russian Plain certainly not earlier than the 9th century... Well, colleagues, let’s be honest. Well, let’s say those who lived here did not call themselves Russians. But did someone live here? Certain peoples, carriers of a certain culture and, according to the latest data, belonging to haplogroup R1a. They had a father and mother, their own children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren.
    Here, for example, is a reconstruction of the appearance of a woman from the Sintashta culture (Arkaim or Aleksandrovskoe)

    from this burial

    Well, or from there, the Arkaim Museum

    These burials are approximately 4 thousand years old, according to Academician Zdanovich.
    Nobody knows what they called themselves or what language they spoke. They even say (museum workers) that these are the very winked arias. But we don’t talk about it! The Supreme Commander himself did not order it when he was in the museum.
    And, of course, haplogroup R1a.
    In conclusion, I would like to reconcile Slavophiles and Slavophobes. Here is the factual data: people with this haplogroup and this appearance have already lived here for many thousands of years. No matter what they call themselves. Those. the family continues, no matter who comes here and no matter what they want.
    What do I wish for everyone present here? hi
  32. 0
    24 December 2017 07: 04
    Quote: KaPToC
    Quote: aybolyt678
    and the kings and communists were different, no need to crap on their own past

    It’s impossible to spoil the past, you have some kind of substitution of concepts.

    Absolutely right! we shit on ourselves. You noticed very accurately laughing
  33. +2
    24 December 2017 07: 26
    Quote: prelovskij
    The author writes that there are no Mongolian words in the Russian language - this is not true. “Boy” in Buryat is “x@y”, and “girl” in Buryat is “p@zda”. But this came into the Russian language from the Mongols, not the Buryats. (Mongolian and Buryat languages ​​are almost identical).

    ...for the especially gifted: this very *x@y* from the word *sui*, and *p@zda* from the word -write.. - no need for fantasies reaching the point of idiocy..
  34. +1
    24 December 2017 08: 38
    Quote: KaPToC
    The Mongols did not have any centralization, and even more so there was no centralized supply of troops.

    How did you know this...? Were you there then...? Gyyyy
  35. +1
    24 December 2017 08: 45
    P Is it possible without hysterics...? NOBODY IS IMPOSING our Faith on you... My Faith is Tengrian, have you seen its advertisement here somewhere... And imposing it on you...?
  36. +1
    24 December 2017 09: 16
    I have never understood the complex that some Russians have regarding two historical episodes:
    1. Vocations of the Varangians;
    2. Mongol-Tatar invasion;
    considering them something shameful.
    In fact, all pseudo-historical fabrications revolve around these events, “proving” that they never happened.
    I don't see anything unworthy in these episodes. Every nation has been subjected to enemy invasions.
    Another thing is that I, from the outside, notice support for such aggressive ideas in certain circles.
    The funny thing is that ideas about a super-hyper-ethnic group at different times, and even now, were propagated in different states (for example, in Romania under Ceausescu). Nowadays, in addition to Russia, similar ideas are actively promoted in Ukraine and in my native Kazakhstan. Perhaps a similar phenomenon exists in other post-Soviet republics. In Kazakhstan, for example, historians prove that Genghis Khan was a Kazakh, and his empire was the first Kazakh state. The leader of the Huns, Attila, is the ancestor of the Kazakhs, the Saka tribes are Turkic, etc.
    More seriously, it is precisely because of articles like this that the topwar.ru website is blocked in Kazakhstan as promoting fascism
  37. 0
    24 December 2017 09: 47
    In the previous comment, for some reason the site was remade with an anonymizer. This refers to the site "Military Review"
  38. +2
    25 December 2017 06: 06
    The stories of countries that later created (received as a gift from the UN) their statehood (Greece, Italy, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Israel) are particularly fantastic. Now this principle is clearly confirmed by Ukraine.
  39. +2
    25 December 2017 08: 55
    Quote: Serg65
    They are trying to rewrite the history of my Motherland and my people to suit the new situation!

    To please the situation, a theory was created that my Motherland and my people were under the Tatar, then the Tatar-Mongol, then the Mongol-Tatar, and now purely under the “Mongol” yoke. Our ancestors did not know any “yoke”.
    What is happening now is not a rewriting, but a cleansing of our history from everything delusional brought in from the outside. Including, first of all, the “Mongol invasion”.
  40. +1
    25 December 2017 09: 00
    The Mongols came here only to collect tribute and slaughter a village or two.

    Hmmm, even on the current straightened roads it will be 10 thousand kilometers from Mongolia. And 400 years ago, all 20 thousand. And there were no bridges; rivers had to be crossed. And the Mongols, by the way, are still not friends with water.
    Well, the Mongols simply “had” some kind of fixed idea: to be born, become a warrior and go far to the West in order to burn and massacre some Nikolaevka or Ivanovka.
  41. +2
    25 December 2017 09: 01
    Quote: kalibr
    No, I just always found the opinions or views of junior haulers of sewage trucks judging Rembrandt’s paintings funny.

    Likewise. I have always found it funny the opinions or views of the assistants of the junior septic tank diggers judging Rembrandt’s paintings.
  42. +2
    25 December 2017 09: 06
    Quote: Talgarets
    I have never understood the complex that some Russians have regarding two historical episodes:
    1. Vocations of the Varangians;
    2. Mongol-Tatar invasion;
    considering them something shameful.
    In fact, all pseudo-historical fabrications revolve around these events, “proving” that they never happened.

    Do you consider the ordinary and natural desire of a heterosexual to fight off accusations of homosexuality to be a “complex”? Why should we agree to something that did not happen? Why would a heterosexual agree that he is homosexual?

    You don't even understand what you are writing. So you wrote: “proving” that they never existed. But in fact, something that didn’t happen cannot be “proven.” Well, how can you prove that something that did not exist did not exist? It’s like, “And you prove that there is no God.” hi
  43. +1
    25 December 2017 09: 12
    Quote: Net
    Oleg’s campaign against Constantinople in 907 - about 140 thousand troops (Karamzin. “History of the Russian State”).

    Excuse me, but where did Karamzin get this figure? No, he wrote it. The question is where did you get it from? He doesn't talk about it himself. Options:
    - from the ceiling
    - from a finger
    - Catherine II thought so
  44. +2
    25 December 2017 12: 10
    Quote: Serg65
    "Collection of Chronicles" by Rashid ad-Din, "Laurentian Chronicle"

    Is Rashid ad Din a Muslim? Muslim!!! Show me another Muslim who, instead of counting years according to the Hijri, will use the Chinese animal calendar, and even write in the title “This was in the year pigs."
    Yes, any devout Muslim would rather cut off his own hand that is about to write this expression.

    So, what interested you so much in the Laurentian Chronicle?
    It is not even known for certain when it was written. There are different opinions. For example, Shakhmatov wrote about the nature of the real texts of the Laurentian and Trinity Chronicles that the Laurentian Chronicle was in 1377 “compiled or only rewritten from a finished original” completed in 1305;13 he noted the complete similarity, almost identity of the texts of the Trinity Chronicle of 1305. and the Laurentian Chronicles, but was inclined, however, to believe that Trinity was influenced by both the Polychron of the early 1377th century and the Laurentian Chronicle itself (list of XNUMX or its original).
    The Laurentian Chronicle does not provide any details. Only 10 pages have been written about the so-called “Tatar” (without mentioning any “Mongols”). From which, if we subtract such fragments as: “pitying tears.” This is no longer the case. The people were pleased with a multitude of true believers. see ѡts҃a sirım̑ . and feeder for those who walk. The sad consolation is great. The gloomy star brings light to the one that has set. for the entire church. I've come to the end of my life. and all the church members. and the poor. and sad. How do I love you more? even more so for a million L. remember the word G. bliss of love. How will you be pardoned? and Solomon gul. With love and faith they cleanse away their sins. Moreover, do not fail in hope. It’s just as good as oh Bang. G s s s s s y lyubshikhs,” then there won’t be enough information content to fill even two pages.
    Moreover, in this annals there is a contradiction with the generally accepted official version. Namely, about Chernihiv. So the Laurentian Chronicle claims that Chernigov was taken.
    Vozsha Tatarove Chernihiv. knѧzi them. Въıѣхаша в Оугръı. but the hail is worse, and the people are beating. and manastıırѣ pograbish. and єps̑pa Perfury ӕ wasteland in Glukhovѣ V. And the idols themselves in their own camp ѣ
    And for example the same PSRL. Volume 32. Chronicles of Lithuania and Zhmoitsk, and Bykhovets from the legendary times (beginning of our era) until the 60s of the XNUMXth century.
    "And during the reign of Montville, Tsar Batu rose up, and went to the Russian land, and fought the entire Russian land, and killed many Russian princes, and took some into captivity, and burned the capital of the entire Russian land, the city of Kiev, and made it empty. the great Kiev Dmitry, frightened by his great strength and power, fled from Kiev to the city of Chernigov, and then learned that the city of Kiev was burned and the entire Russian land was devastated. "
    By the way, the Novgorod and Pskov annals generally comment on this “invasion” event very briefly:
    A) PSRL. Volume 4. Novgorod and Pskov chronicles. 1848. In the summer of 6746. Tsar Batu came with his army and with the power of the Tatars to the Russian land, and captured the cities; and went to Ignach of the cross, and she turned back.
    B) Or do not comment at all. We look at PSRL. Volume 5. Pskov and Sofia chronicles. 1851 - there is nothing about the "invasion".
    So, neither Lithuania, nor Novgorod and Pskov realized a terrible geopolitical catastrophe and did not show special sympathy for the Russian people who were “invaded”.
    Yes, and our behavior was somehow strange.
    Your Laurentian Chronicle for the same year 1239 says that “Togozh. years Ӕroslav ide Smolinsk to Lithuania. and conquer Lithuania. and knѧzѧ them ӕl. and Smolnѧnı ourѧdiv. Prince Vsevolod seated on the table. and itself with many is full with great happiness in its ❙ Same year.”
    Something like that. In your opinion, the “Mongols” are attacking them, and our princes are going to war against Lithuania.
  45. +1
    25 December 2017 12: 13
    Quote: avva2012
    Considering that in the steppe it is difficult to get close to prey and as a consequence of this, it was invented by the peoples living in this landscape zone.

    In the tundra the conditions are similar. But for some reason, the Khanty or Nenets, for example, did not invent the compound bow.
  46. +2
    25 December 2017 12: 17
    Quote: Tlauicol
    battle of Voronezh, Kolomna, City, etc. - Russian chronicles explain in detail how the princes went out to meet the nomads and died.

    It is believed that the main description of the "invasion" is given in the Laurentian Chronicle.
    True, it is reliably unknown when it is written. There are different opinions. For example, Shakhmatov wrote about the character of the real texts of the Lavrentievsky and Trinity chronicles that the Lavrentievsky chronicle was “compiled or only rewritten from the finished original”, dated 1377; 1305 noted the full similarity, almost the identity of the texts of the Troitskaya 13. and the Lavrentievsky annals, however, was inclined to believe that Troitskaya experienced the influence of both Polychron on the beginning of the 1305th century and the Lavrentievsky annals (a list of 1377 or its original).
    But unfortunately for you, even the Laurentian Chronicle does not provide any details. Only 10 pages have been written about the so-called “Tatar” (without mentioning any “Mongols”). From which, if we subtract such fragments as: “pitying tears.” This is no longer the case. The people were pleased with a multitude of true believers. see ѡts҃a sirım̑ . and feeder for those who walk. The sad consolation is great. The gloomy star brings light to the one that has set. for the entire church. I've come to the end of my life. and all the church members. and the poor. and sad. How do I love you more? even more so for a million L. remember the word G. bliss of love. How will you be pardoned? and Solomon gul. With love and faith they cleanse away their sins. Moreover, do not fail in hope. It’s just as good as oh Bang. G s s s s s y lyubshikhs,” then there won’t be enough information content to fill even two pages.
    Moreover, in this annals there is a contradiction with the generally accepted official version. Namely, about Chernihiv. So the Laurentian Chronicle claims that Chernigov was taken.
    Vozsha Tatarove Chernihiv. knѧzi them. Въıѣхаша в Оугръı. but the hail is worse, and the people are beating. and manastıırѣ pograbish. and єps̑pa Perfury ӕ wasteland in Glukhovѣ V. And the idols themselves in their own camp ѣ
    And for example the same PSRL. Volume 32. Chronicles of Lithuania and Zhmoitsk, and Bykhovets from the legendary times (beginning of our era) until the 60s of the XNUMXth century.
    "And during the reign of Montville, Tsar Batu rose up, and went to the Russian land, and fought the entire Russian land, and killed many Russian princes, and took some into captivity, and burned the capital of the entire Russian land, the city of Kiev, and made it empty. the great Kiev Dmitry, frightened by his great strength and power, fled from Kiev to the city of Chernigov, and then learned that the city of Kiev was burned and the entire Russian land was devastated. "
    By the way, the Novgorod and Pskov annals generally comment on this “invasion” event very briefly:
    A) PSRL. Volume 4. Novgorod and Pskov chronicles. 1848. In the summer of 6746. Tsar Batu came with his army and with the power of the Tatars to the Russian land, and captured the cities; and went to Ignach of the cross, and she turned back.
    B) Or do not comment at all. We look at PSRL. Volume 5. Pskov and Sofia chronicles. 1851 - there is nothing about the "invasion".
    So, neither Lithuania, nor Novgorod and Pskov realized a terrible geopolitical catastrophe and did not show special sympathy for the Russian people who were “invaded”.
    Yes, and our behavior was somehow strange.
    Your Laurentian Chronicle for the same year 1239 says that “Togozh. years Ӕroslav ide Smolinsk to Lithuania. and conquer Lithuania. and knѧzѧ them ӕl. and Smolnѧnı ourѧdiv. Prince Vsevolod seated on the table. and itself with many is full with great happiness in its ❙ Same year.”
    Something like that. In your opinion, the “Mongols” are attacking them, and our princes are going to war against Lithuania.
  47. +2
    25 December 2017 12: 18
    Quote: Dzungar
    Quote: KaPToC
    The Mongols did not have any centralization, and even more so there was no centralized supply of troops.

    How did you know this...? Were you there then...? Gyyyy

    And you, who insists on what happened, how did you know? Were you there then...?
  48. +2
    25 December 2017 12: 31
    Quote: kalibr
    Go to the mosque to the mullah and ask...

    Why do I need a mullah if the traditional version of history officially says that
    "Rashid ad-Din, before converting to Islam (around 1277, the date is disputed), was known as Rashid ad-Dowle. After his execution in 1318, his head was carried around Tabriz, “proclaiming the execution of the 'infidel Jew'"

    If you want to say that he is still a Jew, then I will note that Jews have exactly the same attitude towards pigs as Muslims. Neither a devout Muslim nor a devout Jew will use the Chinese animal calendar when writing their “works,” much less use the expression “it was in the year pigs".
  49. +1
    25 December 2017 12: 32
    Quote: kalibr
    And there’s no need to talk about Occam’s razor. I know.

    Maybe he knows. But nevertheless, multiply entities unnecessarily without measure.
  50. +2
    25 December 2017 12: 37
    Quote: HanTengri
    Quote: Net
    To Karakoram or Saray trips?

    В Karakorum. Both Alexander Yaroslavich and his father, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, rushed to Karakorum for a label. Yaroslav Vsevolodovich was there, during the second trip, and “that one” was sent to the Lord God... If sclerosis serves me right.

    I would also like to know where “Black Rome” is.
    In the Karakum Desert?
  51. +1
    25 December 2017 13: 14
    Quote: anderson
    And so they drove Europe very successfully, and there is written evidence about this.

    Oh, this eternal admiration for the West. And the ineradicable belief that they already have written evidence in the enlightened West.
    Photocopies of original written evidence clearly dating from “that time” - to the studio.
  52. 0
    25 December 2017 13: 15
    Quote: Shahno
    First in Mughal, the language of the Scythians, then in Kipchak, then in Kazakh...

    And then again in Mongolian? hi
  53. +3
    25 December 2017 13: 15
    Quote: Seal
    The Mongols came here only to collect tribute and slaughter a village or two.

    Hmmm, even on the current straightened roads it will be 10 thousand kilometers from Mongolia. And 400 years ago, all 20 thousand. And there were no bridges; rivers had to be crossed. And the Mongols, by the way, are still not friends with water.
    Well, the Mongols simply “had” some kind of fixed idea: to be born, become a warrior and go far to the West in order to burn and massacre some Nikolaevka or Ivanovka.

    ...I had to talk to a man who lived in Mongolia with his parents in the thirties.. The Mongols treated them well and helped.. According to him, the Mongols had a special relationship with rivers - the boys did not know how to swim.. the Mongols did not fish and didn’t eat fish.. -it was a taboo for them..-apparently something connected with their religion...
  54. +2
    25 December 2017 13: 51
    Quote: kalibr
    I wrote to you about the Zolotarevskoye settlement, and not about Penza. These are different things.

    This is the same as saying on the scale of the Great Patriotic War that “I’m not telling you about the defense of Moscow, but about the defense of Volokolamsk.”
    Zolotarevka is an urban-type settlement in the Penza district of the Penza region of Russia. Located 25 km from Penza,
  55. +2
    25 December 2017 14: 03
    Quote: Dzungar
    In other words, you know nothing about your history....

    No one knows for sure about its history before the 16th century. It’s just that some people, having read all sorts of books on historical topics, imagine that they “know history.” And if these some are also involved in Great Mongolian chauvinism and are ready, for the sake of commercial gain, to agree that their peaceful and good-natured (Buddhism, after all) herdsman ancestors are in fact bloody murderer-conquerors, and even consider themselves entitled to teach the history of others - then here, as they say, “drain the water.” Nothing can bring these to their senses.
  56. +3
    25 December 2017 14: 51
    Quote: evgeny68
    In fact, there are not many primary sources left, so only the scientific genius of Gumilyov quite clearly described this time, based on an analysis of primary sources, climate change, the political situation and many other factors.

    There are so many contradictions in such a short comment.
    On the one hand There are not many primary sources left
    On the other hand, Gumilyov’s genius quite clearly described this time, based on analysis of primary sources
    About Gumilyov's interpretation of climate change" is a controversial issue. It should be noted that Gumilyov was rather not guided by theories about climate change (and it should be noted that there are several of them and they often contradict each other), but brought climate under his theory of passionarity. That is He took from several theories the one most suitable for him, then “modified” it, so to speak, and now, the finished product in substantiating his theory of passionarity is on the table.
    Further. If 30 thousand people left Mongolia to conquer Rus' (sorry, they left), then how many of them will reach our borders?
    Let's compare the Mongols with our Cossacks, whom Emperor Paul the First sent on a campaign to India in 1801.
    The state treasury allocated a fabulous sum of 1,5 million rubles for the operation.
    By royal decree, an army was assembled. In addition to the Cossacks, Kalmyks were also required to serve.
    The following villages were designated as gathering places: Buzulutskaya, Medveditskaya, Ust-Medveditskaya and Kachalinskaya. In the winter cold, at the end of February, the Cossacks gathered to review the ataman. In total, the troops recruited 510 officers, 20 Cossack cavalry regiments, 947 artillerymen and 500 Kalmyks. These people made up the 500st cavalry regiment.
    Orlov divided them into 4 parts. 1, out of 13 regiments, was led by Major General Platov; 2, from 8 regiments, Major General Buzin; 3rd, from 10 regiments, Major General Bokov and 4th, from 10 regiments, Major General Denisov, who had just returned from Italy. Ataman Orlov and with him two companies of Don horse artillery and military engineers walked with General Platov’s detachment. The artillery was commanded by Colonel Karpov.
    On February 27 and 28, the regiments set out on an unknown campaign. Their path lay towards the Orenburg side.
    The horses were dying from lack of food, and the path traversed by the Cossacks was marked by a long line of swollen horse corpses and black flocks of crows.
    The Don people were drawn into the boundless steppes in a huge crowd and became lost in them, like a grain of sand. The distant songs fell silent. The Cossacks froze at night, and during the day they suffered in the mud and puddles into which the spring sun turned the steppe. There were already many sick Cossacks. Scurvy appeared. Ataman Vasily Orlov died of a stroke on the way, and Matvey Platov took his place.
    From the Don we walked almost seven hundred miles through the desert. On March 23, on the eve of the Resurrection of Christ, a Cossack detachment located in the village of Mechetnoye, Volsky district, Saratov province, was caught up by a courier from St. Petersburg. On the night of March 11-12, Emperor Paul I died and Emperor Alexander I Pavlovich ascended the throne. He ordered to return home. According to various sources, from 10 to 25 percent of the Cossacks did not return home.
    Or let’s take the Prut campaign of Peter the Great. According to various estimates, from 70 to 80 thousand troops went with Peter to the Danube. 37 thousand people died in the campaign. Of these, only 5 thousand are in battle. And 32 thousand soldiers and officers died mainly from disease.

    I see no reason to consider the Mongols more tenacious and immortal than the Don Cossacks and Peter the Great's soldiers and officers.
    Moreover, both those (Cossacks) and others (the army of Peter the Great) covered distances hundreds of times shorter than the “Mongols” had to cover from “Mongolia” to Ryazan.
  57. +1
    25 December 2017 14: 52
    We can also add that according to the chronicle, Batu came from Cheremkha, which is near Yaroslavl, and came to avenge his father. Did Mongols and Tatars live there?
    It is unclear how the Romanovs established themselves on the throne and spent their entire lives destroying the history of the country and writing their own history. Eyewitnesses described that after the burning of old books, dozens of pounds of copper book clasps were collected on the fire pits!
  58. 0
    25 December 2017 16: 33
    : )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
  59. +2
    25 December 2017 17: 31
    THANK YOU Alexander!
    Before his article, I couldn’t get rid of the “internal dissonance” regarding our history. The so-called “Tatar-Mongol 200-year yoke”, “enslaved Rus'”, “collection of tribute”, “fraternization and joint military operations with the “Mongols”... the purity of the genotype of the Slavs - all this did not add up with each other.
    Thanks again!
  60. +2
    25 December 2017 17: 35
    Quote: Trampoline area instructor
    We must ask who “Samsonov Alexander” is, what kind of scientific work and degree he has.

    And if, like Zhukov, for example, he did not defend his candidate’s dissertation “Criticism of modern bourgeois Anglo-American historiography of the development of Soviet culture of the USSR,” then shut him up?
    Is it okay that, for example, Karamzin also had neither academic titles nor historical education?
    In 1778 he was sent to Moscow to the boarding school of Moscow University professor I.M. Schaden. At the same time, he attended lectures by I. G. Schwartz at the University in 1781-1782[12].
    Just in case, let me inform you that Schwartz taught aesthetics, not history.
    In 1783 he entered service in the Preobrazhensky Guards Regiment, but soon retired. The first literary experiments date back to his military service. After retirement, he lived for some time in Simbirsk, and then in Moscow. During his stay in Simbirsk he joined the Masonic lodge of the Golden Crown, and after arriving in Moscow for four years (1785-1789) he was a member of the Friendly Scientific Society.
    In Moscow, Karamzin met writers and writers: N. I. Novikov, A. M. Kutuzov, A. A. Petrov, participated in the publication of the first Russian magazine for children - "Children's Reading for Heart and Mind."
    In the years 1789-1790 he made a trip to Europe, during which he visited Immanuel Kant in Konigsberg, was in Paris during the great French revolution. As a result of this trip, the famous "Letters of a Russian Traveler" were written, the publication of which immediately made Karamzin a famous writer. Some philologists believe that it is from this book that modern Russian literature begins to count. Be that as it may, in the literature of Russian “travels” Karamzin really became a pioneer - he quickly found both imitators (V.V. Izmailov, P.I. Sumarokov, P.I. Shalikov) and worthy successors (A. A. Bestuzhev, N.A. Bestuzhev, F.N. Glinka, A.S. Griboedov). Since then, Karamzin is considered one of the main literary figures in Russia.
    Upon returning from a trip to Europe, Karamzin settled in Moscow and began working as a professional writer and journalist, proceeding with the publication of the Moscow Journal 1791-1792 (the first Russian literary magazine in which, among other works of Karamzin, appeared the novel “Poor Liza, which strengthened his fame) ”), Then released a number of collections and almanacs: Aglaya, Aonida, Pantheon of Foreign Literature, My Trinkets, which made sentimentalism the main literary movement in Russia, and Karamzin its recognized leader.
    In addition to prose and poetry, the Moscow Journal systematically published reviews, critical articles and theatrical analyses. In May 1792, the magazine published Karamzin’s review of Nikolai Petrovich Osipov’s ironic poem “Virgil’s Aeneid, Turned Inside Out.”

    And Tatishchev, Oh, horror, I also didn’t defend anything, like “The ever-growing role of the CPSU in the development of socialist historical science in the USSR.”
    А Kostomarov. From the second half of the 1830s, he began writing in Ukrainian, under the pseudonym Jeremiah Galka, and in 1839-1841 he published two dramas and several collections of poems, original and translated. In 1842, he published a dissertation “On the meaning of the union in Western Russia". The already scheduled debate did not take place due to a message from Archbishop Innocent of Kharkov about the outrageous contents of the book. Although we were talking only about a few unfortunate expressions, St. Petersburg professor N. G. Ustryalov, who, on behalf of the Ministry of Public Education, examined Kostomarov’s work, gave such a review of it that the book was ordered to be burned.

    Kostomarov was allowed to write another master's thesis, and at the end of 1843 he submitted to the faculty a work entitled “On the historical significance of Russian folk poetry,” which he defended at the beginning of the next year. In this work, the ethnographic aspirations of the researcher found a clear expression, which took a more definite form thanks to his rapprochement with a circle of young Ukrainians (Korsun, Korenitsky, Betsky, etc.), who, like him, dreamed of the revival of Ukrainian literature.
    Or a historian Valishevsky. Polish historian, writer and publicist, known in Russia for his works on the court history of the 1875th century (the era of palace coups), which are peppered with salon anecdotes and details of the intimate lives of rulers. He graduated from high school in Warsaw. He then studied at the Jesuit school in Metz (France) and at the law school in Nancy, and completed his education at the Paris Law School, where he received a Doctor of Laws degree. In 1884-1885. taught in Krakow, since 1870 he constantly lived and worked in France. Since the late XNUMXs, he began publishing articles, collections of documents, and books devoted to economic and legal problems. Waliszewski's historical works are generally considered to have no scientific value. Even before the revolution, the authors of the Garnet encyclopedia stated: “vividly written and replete with everyday details are scientifically assessed as extremely lightweight, often not rising above the level of an ordinary historical novel.” The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives an equally harsh assessment of Valishevsky’s professional qualities as a historian:
    Focusing his attention exclusively on the personal life of the reigning persons, Walishevsky gives only the history of court intrigues and love affairs and anecdotes; any social analysis is completely absent in Waliszewski's writings.
    Despite these shortcomings, Waliszewski's books actively used by some historians pre-revolutionary Russia (in particular, A.D. Nechvolodov when creating “Tales of the Russian Land”).
  61. +2
    25 December 2017 18: 08
    Quote: zoolu350
    Mongolian horses ate grass, hay, straw and oats, which either grew in the fields, were carried in the wagon train, or were robbed from the local population.

    According to the official version of history, the "Mongols" attacked us in December. I doubt that anything will grow in the fields in December. And they “went to the steppes” in March-April. When there are no more plants in the fields than in December.
    Now let's talk. What do you think, at what distance from each other in the 13th century on the Central Russian Plain were the villages and how many households did they consist of? How far could a horse travel during a winter daylight, considering that the speed of Mongolian horses is 5-6 km/h, and they are 126-127 cm tall. That is, they cannot go off the road into a snowdrift, because they will drown in a snowdrift .
  62. +2
    25 December 2017 18: 15
    Quote: Operator
    The names of the participants in the Western Campaign are the most “Russian” (according to the author, of course): Ogedei, Jochi, Batu, Buri, Munke, Subedey, Jebe, Orda-Ezhen, Shiban, Tangkut, Berke, Buri, Baydar, Guyuk, Kadan, Buchek, Kulhan, Argasun.

    Here is a list of Old Russian names (extracts made by the authors in 1936 from various archival records).
    A: Adash Alai Akhmat Altukh Argun Ashurok ("A" is all purely Russian, right? "
    B: Bakulko Bakhteyar Bayako Basarga Bazhek Baklanko Trampoline Leopard Shoe Baush Bakhmet Balakhna Beschasnaya Belaya Bogdana Bogdanitsa Borzoi Burets Belyai Brezhny Brovka Bersen Bachen Bachin Bachenko Bozai Bozyka Boban Bobakha Bovyka Beztuzhko Bakaka Bull Beaver Boldir Beshak Boyda Bulgak Bunai Brekh Brenko, Borchach Butak Buzhek Burnash Bulat Belen Burka Burnyako Budatko
    In: Volga Grandson Warrior Second Sage Vtorishka Vladyko Volynets Red tape Flash of Vaul Vereshchag Crow Vyluzga Vzryuma Veshnyak William Venyuk Vbisaba Woredko Volosyan Voropan Vorohobka Vardamai Varansa Great Vargan Dilapidated Band Veriga Fork Sundries
    G: Goluba Gostyapa Goremyka Lip Pea Gorchak Head Dove Glazunko Holochel Gnevash Godyachko Gridya Gulyay Gulyayko Ermine Griban Glock Gustikha Goltsik Goryain Sinful Dirty Nail Thunderstorm Thick
    D: Annoyance Dukhanya Danube Drugan Noblewoman Druginya Ninth Dubrava Friend Dokuka Diak Dedko Dey Deyko Dorsha Dzhata Drykan Dragon Homemotkan Woodpecker Derbysh Dulebko Deryabka Dushak Dusan Drobysh Dokuchaiko Drozd Dobrik Dobrynya Village Druzhina Cudgel Dorodka Domestic Money Domestic Wild Cheap Path
    E: Epancha Elka Yesukh Ruff Ermak
    F: Vein Stomach Lark Beetle Zhokh Zhadoba Zhegalo Zhdan Zhuiko
    Z: Zamyatnya Zloba Zaika Hare Zavyalko Zavorozhnya Zagreb Land of Zvoryk Zuy Zolotoy Zvyaga Zubatoy Local Green
    I: Inozem Istoma Ibolda Inyaka Needle Istorka Ishuta
    K: Mower Peasant Christening Cossack Whooper Kupava Bellflower Viburnum Ear Casing Kelar Mower Cabbage Dagger Kissel Sour Kadorka Karmanko Clock Box Wing Hook Peg Porridge Kitayko Cat Kotko China Kolmak Kudryash Kazarin Koptyuk Konyuta Kistena Kirey Kalitnik Kansha Kobyak Kormilko Koyryak Kocheva Kokhno Kudeyar Kubenko Konyashka Kurak Kornoukh Kiabr Cyprus Kudash Koza Kaur Korotay Kalinka Kit Kurbet Koreva Mare Kurdyumko Kovacko Kurdyap Koshka Kurap Karaulko Kryachko Kushnik Kovrig Piece Kucha
    L: Lopar Lover Elbow Lapot Likhar Loban Lotynya Lupanda Lomaka Lustya Lomash Lut Leshchuk Laguta Lazuk Litovar Luzha Lashun Lyapun Fox Lopata Lizak Loda Labza Ladyga
    M: Mama Mamushka Murza Murin Philistine Molchan Meat Eater Meshai Maksan Makoma Mansha Morozko Miryai Menshik Meretin Moroz Small Maloy Milovanko Mamai Mizin Mochala Malka Misyur Manko Man(t)sur Mlyak Monk Murat Muratko Oil Smaller Fly Mai Maiko
    N: Week of Nekras Nagoy Nadezhda Nadya Nadeinko Hen Failure Nelid Nadelyayko Navik Nevera Neverka Nashko Negodyayko Neupokoy Nelyub Naydenko Neustroy Nerodna Nezamayka Nezamayka Nenash Nezhdan Nekhlyud Nekras Nevzor Bad Nesvoy Nevedo Naprakhlishko Neryk Nevdanya Nevryuy Unkind Nerezvoy Nemir Nesvitoy Nesmeyan
    About: Odinets Ovsyanik Osmoy Sample Rite Ocul Ocula Ovlyuk Olgazey Onashka Omena Okat Onitka Obruta Ontsuk Ozarco opalsha Cotton Scrap Cinder Pancake Danger Nut Armful Hake
    P: Pechora First Pervushka Pan Persid Plut Podolenin Pyatushka Poshlyak Heel Fifth Ambassador Pripritok Posadnik Pshenko Prokuda Bad Powder Stick Visitors Simple Poyarok Ripe Penyayko Jumped Putayko Pyanko Putilo Putyata Pozdeyko Polezhaiko Postnik
    R: Slob Rybnik Snout Ryazanko Radish Rarely Rakita Ratman Ratmir Rotpiko Rakhmanin Rakhmanko Remesko Repchukh Rozinko Roar Rychko Rykunya Ratay Rudak Rusak Rusin Ryuma Cancer Rapsak Pockmarked Ryabuha Fish Fleece Reut Tripe
    From: Starodub Saturday Smirenka Selinin Furrier Sotnik Stroy Satanko Council Sutorma Semoy Saltanko Smaga Currant Sobina Sedomko Sugonay Starko Stekhna Somey Sumarok Suleisha Sumgur Sunbul Sura Surik Suryan Susar Sozyka Sureiko Sydavnoy Saltyr Sadyk Severga Sapryk Svirid Seleh Samyka Sviyuga Segit Savmun Sheaf Dry Spoke Smirnaya Suslo Saltyk Smirka Smiryaiko Earring Resin Svoytin Sevryuk Savrasko Sivko Sonya Suvorko Skok Sutyrga Sipko Sokol Sip Sable Serik Sarych Gray Dog
    T: Tarusa Tatarinko Tretyak Comrade Tulup Tursulov Tashlyk Temir Turlyaiko Tenbyak Toloka Torkh Trufonko Turantai Tuchko Tyumchen Tyutyai Tyrya Tashak Temka Tomila Carry Tonko Toropka Tipun Bargain Trash Trunyaiko Quiet Tolstoy Tolstyk Warm Tarhan Thin Tanay
    Y: Ulanko Urzan Uryupa Urachko Umak Gloomy Urvan Utesh Stubbornly
    F: Fay Fat Firyak Funik Fursik
    X: Khaldei Khmelevik Khokhol Snoring Ridge Horseradish Hanya Khlyusta Khobar Hotko Hotey Khudyshko Khudyak Good Cold Khripun Thin Master
    C: Tsipirka
    Part: Fourth Quarter Chelyadnya Cheremysin Cherkasko Chelo Stocking Chacha Cherepen Chechulya Chichan Chur Chubar Chernyava Black Alien Chuzhanya Chudilko Churila Chernat
    Sh: Sixth Shestak Sharap Shishka Shashlyako Shibot Shigan Shipka Shiropai Shirai Shishalko Sholonya Shavko Shebolda Shedvorka Shah Shavrun Shaga Shelpyak Shalganko Shantay Shepshil Sheptyak Shemyaka Shumilko Shirokaya Shumyata Shaban Shagaleika
    Shch: Shchilo Tickle Bee-eater Bee-eater Lyen Shcherbak
    YU: Yufan Yumrak Yukhno
    Me: Yarets Yaroslav Yaurilo Yakhno.
  63. +3
    25 December 2017 18: 19
    Quote: ver_
    According to him, the Mongols had a special relationship with rivers - the boys did not know how to swim... the Mongols did not fish or eat fish... - it was a taboo for them... - apparently something is connected with their religion...

    Same thing here. And among the traditional historians, these Mongols easily swim across the great rivers (Volga, Don, and in the lower reaches, like “holding on to their horses”), and if they gallop anywhere, they certainly do it along “frozen rivers.”

    However, according to “The Great Mongolian Fleet, which scattered the sacred kamikaze wind off the coast of Japan” is even funnier. laughing
  64. +2
    25 December 2017 18: 37
    Quote: gunn
    And countless testimonies of European, Persian, Russian, Central Asian, Armenian. Georgian and Chinese sources?

    They are countless only in your imagination. If there is one at all. I have already said many times that all history grows from Europe, their Christianity, from the Bible (Old Testament). And any European historian, holding in his hands, who knows who and who knows when, written a passage of who knows what, on which one can make out something like "... in the fifth year of the reign of our wisest lord, the Big Fair Elephant, we were attacked by northern robbers" European historian " confidently dates this “document” to the 13th century AD, declaring that we are talking about the Mongols. And he is looking for a place in history for such a character as some local king, the Big Fair Elephant. Although in fact we may be talking about the 16th-17th century, but the attack was carried out by residents of a neighboring area, which is located just to the north.
    About the Batu and Genghis Khan. The Turks, well, take, for example, the Kazakhs, as a basis for orientation in space, the directions for sunrise and sunset are taken. In the Kazakh language, sunrise is shygys, sunset is batys. Hence the East-Shygys, and the West-Batys. The main holy direction of the Turks (Kazakhs) was and remains the "East". If you face east, then on the right (in the Kazakh language “right side” - “he”) will be Ontustik-South, and on the left (in the Kazakh language - “sol”), respectively, Soltustik-North. In this regard, everything that is located to the west of the steppe for the Kazakhs had the prefix "batu", and to the east - "shygys." From here the ruler of any Turk (Kazakhs) western from the habitat was called Batu-Khan (Batu). And the one who ruled east - well, for example, China - was Shygys Khan (in our pronunciation, Genghis Khan). That is, all of these Batu, Batu, Batys and Shagysy (Genghis) could be (and were, after all in the West is full of all kinds of “Karls”) the names of both specific people and common names for all khans-rulers of these areas and territories. By the way, Genghis Khan is simply any “Solar Khan” or “Eastern Khan” and in the language of a number of Volga non-Turkic peoples. But apparently, the Volga peoples still nevertheless adopted this term, well, for example, among the Tatars. Genghis Khan is a post. More precisely, the position is Khan. And Shagys or Chinggis is East. Just the "Eastern Khan", of which there have been thousands over the centuries. Here, another puncture is evident among professional historians. Those travelers who then brought to the European courts and court historians all the information they received when they traveled through the Turkic lands, the question “Who caused this or that destruction” from their Turkic counterparts could receive the following answers:
    1) This was done by Shagys Khan (Genghis Khan). In the understanding of the storyteller is some kind of famous Khan, whose lands were located east of those who were interviewed.
    2) This was done by Batys-Khan (Batu, Batu). This is any Khan of lands located west of those who were interviewed. Batys - Western.
    Maybe even names were called, such as Genghis Khan Roll of Wallpaper or Genghis Khan Kirdyk Nadoev. But since the last (proper names) components were inconstant - only the first invariably constant part was remembered - CHINGIS KHAN. Since the East was and remains the main holy direction among the Turks (Kazakhs), it goes without saying that now every second in Asia is a descendant of one or another Genghis Khan (Genghisid). If the Turks would have been in the main holy direction not the East, but the West - then every second Kazakh or other Turk would now be someone like "Batyzid." Well, apparently, since the Turks were attacked by the Turks from the south (deserts and mountains) and from the north (Siberian swamps, the Arctic Ocean), not less than that, the Turkic-speaking storytellers put all the main complaints against Genghis Khan and Batu- Khan. " But European historians, having gathered such a lot of complaints against Genghis Khan and Batu Khan and stupidly not realizing that they (well, those travelers who later brought all this information to European courts and court historians), the locals were simply talking about their local showdowns with some eastern or western neighbors for 300-400 years, and believing that “Genghis Khan” and “Batu Khan” are the names of specific people decided that only great people could commit such large-scale acts. And being honestly mistaken, historians began to sculpt the myth of the “Great Genghis Khan” and his grandson “Batu Khan” (which historians sent to the very west).
  65. +3
    25 December 2017 18: 41
    Quote: E_V_N
    You are also wrong about the peasants. The main works are spring and autumn, in the summer there is work, but there is no rush. Winter is generally almost a vacation. Moreover, it does not make sense to attack the peasant not in spring or summer, the old crop is eaten, the new one has not grown. You can attack only in late autumn when the crop is harvested. In winter it is cold and there is little feed for the horses. So the farmers had time to comprehend the military craft and nature protected from robbery.

    Everything is correct. I myself wanted to write approximately the same thing to this Great Mongolian chauvinist Oirat Dzhungar.
  66. +2
    25 December 2017 18: 48
    Quote: Dzungar
    We haven’t heard anything about the works of Rashil-Ad-Din

    Somehow you are thrown from one extreme to another. Maybe because you laugh often? Then you attack Jews
    Dzungar December 21, 2017 20:17
    It’s okay that these “Vedas” of yours written by a Jew Khinevich....?

    Dzungar December 22, 2017 12:54 ↑
    well, like this what about Jewish authorship your “original Russian book - the Slavic-Aryan Vedas”...? I understand how unpleasant this is for you, but please understand that you and people like you are just an impersonal mass, designed to be a tool in someone’s hands

    And the way it is now, you refer to the works of a Jew.
    Indeed, according to the traditional version of history, Rashid ad-Din was known as Rashid ad-Dole before converting to Islam (around 1277, the date is disputed). After his execution in 1318, his head was carried around Tabriz, "proclaiming the execution"infidel Jew"" hi
    So, I ask you again, either take off the cross or put on your panties. laughing
    1. 0
      26 December 2017 05: 09
      ...abcheto - Islam arose only in the 15th century .. - as a result of the implantation of Jewish Christianity ...
  67. +3
    25 December 2017 19: 02
    Quote: Dzungar
    Your lamentations that someone there destroyed something, distorted, remade your story - these are precisely the complaints of a weak little man, unable to change anything in his destiny, about the machinations of others, stronger ones.

    Again you are wishful thinking. I have no lamentations. I am fighting to cleanse our Russian history of everything superficial, which in fact did not happen. And this battle will end in our victory. Even 20 years ago it was impossible to imagine that there would be so many doubters. And now there are already millions of us. We can change our destiny. And let's change it. No matter how great Mongolian chauvinists like you moan that we, the Russian people, should not dare to abandon the version that was thrown at us that we were allegedly once conquered by the “Mongols” - we will clear our history.
    It is not for you, who betrayed the honest name of your ancestors, who never conquered anyone, for 30 pieces of silver for commercial profit, to teach us how to relate to our own history. You could not resist the temptation, at least in your fantasies, to imagine your ancestors as such bloody monsters who captured half the world, in which they enslaved the population, or even slaughtered them in the hundreds of thousands.
    Your peaceful herder ancestors, who never did anything like this, are spinning with indignation in their coffins (or whatever you bury your ancestors in). And I hope that when you meet in the next world, they will explain to you popularly and intelligibly (with belts and whips) that in fact they did not go on any campaigns against Khorezm, much less against Rus'. And we didn’t even think about it. It was the Vatican who made bloody monsters out of them. And you strongly support this version, which humiliates the memory of your ancestors.
    Are you somehow connected with the commercial use of the Genghis Khan brand?
    Or do you humiliate the memory of your ancestors just like that, due to lack of intelligence?
  68. +2
    25 December 2017 19: 17
    Quote: kalibr
    Read Solovyov and the books listed in his bibliography.

    Listen. There are actually many such studies. Just because you don't know about them doesn't mean they don't exist. People honestly try to write about something technical, but without thinking at all about the conceptual correctness of their version of the story. They simply do not set themselves such a task. And therefore, they tie their generally benign works to the official version of history. Consequently, these works, including Solovyov’s, conceptually prove nothing and do not refute anything. It is not clear for what purpose you are displaying them? Well, however, this is just understandable. Since you have no arguments, you are trying to hide the fact that you have no arguments, hiding behind authorities in near-historical areas.
  69. +2
    25 December 2017 20: 34
    Quote: Olgovich
    Such as those left by Roman and Greek civilization

    Are you sure that the traces you mentioned are “ancient Greek” and “ancient Roman” civilizations? Or maybe not very antique, but even very medieval Byzantine?
  70. +2
    25 December 2017 21: 23
    Quote: de_monSher
    to spite your delusional fantasies, for some reason they themselves turn out beautiful and produce their children beautifully... *))

    It’s not at all like that, problems with fertility are precisely in countries with a mixed population, “they produce beautiful fruit” - these are your inventions.
    Quote: de_monSher
    Damn, so many Nazis got divorced, with their crazy “ideas”... *)))

    Yeah, all geneticists are Nazis with crazy ideas.
  71. +2
    25 December 2017 23: 06
    myobius59,That's it. I am already tired of explaining the difference between the snow cover of Mongolia and Rus'. If you explain it to one, three new “experts” in geography appear. Like some kind of hydra.
  72. +1
    26 December 2017 10: 41
    Quote: Alexander Abiduev
    Vedists from Christians is that the Vedists Russians drank a lot, that’s why their faces were swollen, their eyes were slits from alcohol

    If I'm not mistaken, drinking alcohol was not encouraged in Vedicism. Well, “of course” the Russians are drunks again. So if you read the article and the comments to it, you will learn a lot. But delving into history without facts is like inventing fairy tales. And since the entire world history was very often rewritten to please different rulers, there is no truth and there never will be.
  73. 0
    26 December 2017 10: 55
    The fish rots from the head!
  74. The comment was deleted.
  75. 0
    26 December 2017 11: 13
    The Russians came from Euphrates. The following fact allows us to speak about this - the level of bureaucratization and corruption in the state of Ur during the III dynasty.
  76. 0
    26 December 2017 19: 38
    However, the question is - what do the Tatars have to do with it?
    About ten years ago I watched a Mongolian series about Genghis Khan. So there, according to their national epic, Temuchin, in revenge for his father, massacred the entire clan of Tatars.
    There is a version that in Russian the word Tatar comes from the word tartar, but this is a completely different gender.
  77. The comment was deleted.
    1. 0
      26 December 2017 21: 20
      All these liars must be burned out with a hot iron.
      Tartaria, synonym - Tataria [2] (Latin Tartaria, French Tartarie, English Tartary, German Tartarei) - geographical term used in Western European literature and cartography covering vast areas from the Caspian Sea to the Pacific Ocean and to the borders of China and India. The use of the term can be traced from the 3th century to the 4th century[XNUMX]. The space formerly called Tartary is called Inner or Central Eurasia in modern European tradition. These territories are arid plains, the main population of which in the past was engaged in cattle breeding[XNUMX].
  78. 0
    26 December 2017 21: 28
    Quote: Boris55
    Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
    Do you not know that the history of most states originates in the conquest of one people by another or others?

    So what am I trying to tell you about? Before Christianity came to Russia, there was no state as an apparatus of minority violence over the majority. Pre-Christian Russia resisted this invasion as much as possible, but because of the betrayal of the Magi, we lost this battle. But the war is not over yet.

    Listen, uncle, don’t drive against Orthodox Christianity. No one forced anyone or conquered anyone.
    I’ll tell you more - it’s you who are imposing your paganism here and lying and slandering Russian Orthodox Christian Russia.
    Christian Orthodoxy does not teach evil. But on the contrary, good. It teaches that one should not kill, steal, bear false witness, but should love and help one’s neighbor. It teaches not to attack, kill, conquer, be aggressive and occupy foreign countries and peoples, but to defend one’s own ( your country, your people, your people) and help. Do you feel the difference?
    Besides, I’ll tell you this - I, my parents, my parents’ parents and their parents, were Russian Orthodox Christians and my children will be.
    And it’s not clear what your pseudo-religions and paganism are - we didn’t know and don’t want to know. Listen, neither I, nor my parents, nor my grandparents knew and don’t want to know your Vedism. We were Russian Orthodox. And no one Orthodoxy was not imposed on us. It is now the West, through people like you, that is imposing lies and all sorts of pseudo-religions on us. I’ll tell you, my father, grandfather, great-grandfather, great-great-great-grandfather, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, were and will be Russian Orthodox Christians!
    This is such as you pour nastiness on Orthodoxy and they plant all kinds of pseudo-religions and Vedism.
    Advisor to several American presidents, a great hater of Russia, a Pole by birth and a Catholic in religion, Zbigniew Brzezinski has repeatedly said that: "Orthodoxy is the main spiritual bond of Russia. And, most importantly, what the West needs to do is to destroy Orthodoxy in Russia." the impression that Brzezinski-well learned the lesson of Dostoevsky. And Fedor Mikhailovich said that: “A Russian person is either a believer — and then he is decent, or not a believer — and then he is a pig.” The task of Brzezinski and other enemies of Russia is to turn us all into pigs. And for this, it is necessary to deprive us of the spiritual foundation.
    1. 0
      26 December 2017 21: 49
      Christian Orthodoxy does not teach evil. But on the contrary, good. It teaches that one should not kill, steal, bear false witness, but should love and help one’s neighbor. It teaches not to attack, kill, conquer, be aggressive and occupy foreign countries and peoples, but to defend one’s own ( your country, your people, your people) and help. Do you feel the difference? And if someone voluntarily, of his own free will and desire, wants to join Russian Orthodox Russia, become Russian Orthodox Russia, Russian Orthodox, the people of Russian Russian Orthodox Russia, just accept under their wing - and this means that they themselves must ask and must want, of their own free will and desire, to become Russian Orthodox Russia, Russian Orthodox, the people of Russian Orthodox Russia; and protect and take care of them. Conquests from the Russians, Russia, from the Russian Orthodox, Russian Orthodox Russia - others. Peace and Goodness, Protection and Care, Justice and the Future, Wealth and by the will and desire of those asking from the Russian Orthodox, from Orthodox Russia, and not by capture, aggression, occupation.
      You see, I, my father, grandfather, great-grandfather, great-great-grandfather, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, great
      great-grandmother were Orthodox Christians. And no one forced them or imposed Christian Orthodoxy. Why did you lie and ruin it. And I and my children will be Russian Orthodox Christians. I will raise and educate them to be real Russian Orthodox Christians, Defenders of good people. But we didn’t know your paganism, Vedism and some other incomprehensible religions of yours, and we don’t want to know them. And you shouldn’t impose them on us.
      1. +1
        27 December 2017 03: 00
        The Jewish yoke was marked by a schism in Rus'. The A-beginning An, the solar masculine one was replaced by the I-beginning, In the Sarmatian-Jewish matriarchy. Con Iga, "Greek" Bible. The A-vowels of the Aryans were replaced by discord. Therefore, pagan resisters appeared. Before Ig there were no gods, there was the teaching of enlightenment. As-su-se, means “clarity of the essence of this,” I-Ezus In in Poland-Germany, returned to Rus' as “Lord Jesus” with the slavery of “God” in the monastery.
        The Aryan Ases were burned at the stake for A-glasie, like Habakkuk, not for the “pagan gods” invented by the Jesuits.
        Russians should not defend the Igo, but restore understanding and clarity of thought through the teachings of Assuse.
  79. 0
    27 December 2017 03: 08
    Quote: Anasti
    The Jewish yoke was marked by a schism in Rus'. The A-beginning An, the solar masculine one was replaced by the I-beginning, In the Sarmatian-Jewish matriarchy. Con Iga, "Greek" Bible. The A-vowels of the Aryans were replaced by discord. Therefore, pagan resisters appeared. Before Ig there were no gods, there was the teaching of enlightenment. As-su-se, means “clarity of the essence of this,” I-Ezus In in Poland-Germany, returned to Rus' as “Lord Jesus” with the slavery of “God” in the monastery.
    The Aryan Ases were burned at the stake for A-glasie, like Habakkuk, not for the “pagan gods” invented by the Jesuits.
    Russians should not defend the Igo, but restore understanding and clarity of thought through the teachings of Assuse.

    What are you up to here? Are you talking to aliens??? Or did you get drunk or get drunk? Dude, neither I nor my ancestors, great-great-grandfathers and great-great-grandmothers, understand you. And we don’t want to listen to the nonsense that you’re pushing on us here. We are Russian Orthodox Christians. And go to hell with your nonsense.
  80. +1
    27 December 2017 03: 22
    Mangaley is a village in Transbaikal Artania, Serika was recently a silkworm farm nearby. After climate change, the Mangal-Aryans and the Serbs went west, leaving Aryan toponymy.
    The I-go (state) was organized by the Jews, the U-vowels under the halachic I-beginning. Since then, they have not left the North alone and in our time they seek the destruction of the aborigines by all means. Mr. Iga the Bible inspires the significance of an invented story. The title of the patriarch is “Mr.,” which means the sovereignty of In. When the events took place can be judged by the “schism” and the change from A-voice to silence and then discord. “I” has become the beginning of many words.
    Almost international crime has taken over the planet, this is the essence of Iga. Usury and destruction of "superfluous"
  81. 0
    27 December 2017 05: 02
    Quote: Anasti
    Mangaley is a village in Transbaikal Artania, Serika was recently a silkworm farm nearby. After climate change, the Mangal-Aryans and the Serbs went west, leaving Aryan toponymy.
    The I-go (state) was organized by the Jews, the U-vowels under the halachic I-beginning. Since then, they have not left the North alone and in our time they seek the destruction of the aborigines by all means. Mr. Iga the Bible inspires the significance of an invented story. The title of the patriarch is “Mr.,” which means the sovereignty of In. When the events took place can be judged by the “schism” and the change from A-voice to silence and then discord. “I” has become the beginning of many words.
    Almost international crime has taken over the planet, this is the essence of Iga. Usury and destruction of "superfluous"

    I don’t communicate with drug addicts.
  82. 0
    27 December 2017 15: 39
    This article is a complete LIE, although with some truth thrown in. And judging by some comments, for them, “like a balm for the soul.” Samsonov in all his fantasy glory!
  83. The comment was deleted.
    1. 0
      31 December 2017 01: 39
      Are the Mongols very similar to the Russians?
  84. 0
    31 December 2017 05: 48
    “It was simply impossible - a huge army of hundreds of thousands of warriors and even more horses would have nothing to feed. And the Mongols during this period simply did not correspond to the great conquerors who decided to conquer the entire “universe”. They were at a low stage of development - the decomposition of tribal relations , had neither military-economic potential, nor human resources, nor corresponding passionarity." - writes the author of the article. and the records that have survived
    Let me question the ability of nomadic people to wage successful wars against more numerous settled peoples with developed statehood. First, a few assumptions. Ancient history is shrouded in darkness, since few people wrote historical records that have survived to this day. And what is written in the era of the Internet and universal literacy is prone to errors. If you listen to Rain, you can decide that Russia prevented the Americans from defeating ISIS, and Ukrainians have the right to glorify OUN figures, even if the first brutal pogrom of Jews in Lviv was organized by OUN members.
    But until approximately the end of the Napoleonic wars, the United States paid tribute to representatives of North African pirates, Russia only during the time of Catherine 2 was able to secure its Ukrainian provinces from the raids of Tatar slave traders from the Crimea and the Northern Black Sea region, and the Siberian ones from the Bukharians and Khivans in the 2nd half of the 19th century. Moreover, American historians write with pride about the exploits of their fleet, which, at the cost of the death of several ships, was able to stop the payment of a shameful tribute.
  85. 0
    3 January 2018 10: 28
    I don’t need to read anything about them, about the Yakuts, UNLIKE YOU. I communicate with them personally. And they themselves tell me that THEY, THE YAKUTS, BELONG TO THE TURKISH-SPEAKING PEOPLES
  86. The comment was deleted.
  87. 0
    22 February 2018 19: 35
    And WHAT DID the horses themselves EAT?

    What about your super-mega true Slavs? I suppose they re-read Veles’s book... These kind of scribblers are morons. Expose the false new story from Fomenko-Nosovsky and others.
  88. 0
    19 March 2018 08: 00
    It is not clear what prompted the one we call Genghis Khan to such large-scale conquests. Where do the resources come from? Where in European sources, when describing the Horde, they describe exactly the signs of the Mongol troops (I remember the banners with horse tails)
  89. 0
    27 March 2018 03: 20
    Quote: Ingvar 72
    Quote: Serg65
    Bogatyr from Mongolian bagatura

    Are you sure it's not the other way around? After all, the word BOGATYR comes from two words - GOD and MOVEMENT. Bearing God.
    Cheers from Mongolian Urai
    U Ra - an ancient Slavic war cry, meaning proximity to the sun God Ra.
    Enrages that all the "official" historians believe that the introduction of words went only in one direction. It is to what extent you need not to love your people? hi

    Bogatyr from the word with God to you