Memory of modern Ikarov

Memory of modern Ikarov

When bad people under the cries of "Allah Akbar" viciously trampled on their bodies, the souls of modern Ikar were already high in the heavens. Much higher than MI-8, on which they had recently cut the clouds. And they didn’t just fly over mountains, semi-deserts and destroyed cities of suffering Syria, but delivered humanitarian aid to the civilian population ... And at the last moment they tried to take the burning car away from populated areas.

From the very settlements of the province Idleb, where they live, mostly supporters of the Islamists. These alleged civilians rejoiced over the death of the Russians. Particularly diligent were not even too lazy to come to the place of the crash of the helicopter and jump on its smoking wreckage. The majority of normal citizens, who do not share the bloody ideas of terrorists, long ago left this province, which became the arena of confrontation between various gangster groups. Now it is difficult to understand where ISIL is, where Dzhebhat An-Nusra (organizations banned in the Russian Federation), and where “moderate oppositionists” are. And it is difficult to say exactly which gang did this atrocity.

While the Islamists mocked the dead, supporters of “independent Ukraine” did roughly the same thing on the Internet. There, behind the line of the Donbass front, any tragedy of Russia is perceived with unhealthy joy. And it would be fine among the gloating were only narrow-minded users of social networks! But Ukrainian journalists joined this wild howl. Whatever the position of the Russian media employees, whom Maidan supporters call "Kremlin propagandists," but none of the so-called "wadded" journalists would ever call the corpses of the killed enemies "carcasses" ...

But let the virtual mockery of the fallen remain on the conscience of the authors. The main responsibility for the crime lies not even on those who shot down a helicopter and sneered at the dead guys in real life. And on those who handed into the hands of outright bandits MANPADS. And who all these years supports the militants in Syria and does not allow to end the bloody war that took the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. Who leads a fierce informational struggle against Syria (and also against Russia, which came to the Arab Republic at the invitation of its legitimate authority).

And even the tragedy of a helicopter shot down by these true perpetrators of deaths are trying to use for their dirty political manipulations.

No sooner had the blood of the murdered pilots and the staff of the Center for reconciliation of the warring parties soak into the hot Syrian sand, as new anti-Russian statements follow from Washington.

At first, Pentagon spokesman Rankin-Galloway stated that the United States did not have any information about the helicopter incident. And from the White House followed hypocritical "regrets" that soldiers were killed. Hypocritical - because Washington suddenly spoke that this tragedy "speaks about the need to resolve the situation in Syria through political means." In fact, it was about the need for a political path that Damascus and Moscow spoke all the time. But Washington responded to these signals with the material support of the militants "of the opposition, then with direct threats of the bombing of Syria, now with increased supplies weapons to terrorists. As a result, Islamist radicals have in their hands means capable of shooting down helicopters and airplanes.

But then, after duty regrets and false calls for peace, there was a frankly provocative accusation against Russia.

With reference to the “Syrian moderate opposition”, US authorities are trying to accuse the Russian Federation of ... using chemical weapons. Allegedly, as a retaliation action for a downed Russian helicopter aviation dumped two tanks with toxic gas to the city of Serakib (Idleb province).

State Department spokesman John Kirby said at the briefing: "If this turns out to be true, then this is extremely serious."

Let us recall the 2013 year, which almost became fatal for Syria. This year it was the main provocations related to chemical weapons. First, at the end of March, the “opposition” used toxic substances against civilians in the Khan Al-Asal district of Aleppo Province. The authorities of the Syrian Arab Republic for almost half a year have written to all imaginable and inconceivable international instances, demanding that the incident be investigated. Finally, in August, 2013, it would seem, was able to secure the arrival of international experts in Syria. But then the United States and the "Syrian opposition" (then not yet divided into "moderate" and "radical") made up a grandiose provocation. They accused the leadership and the army of the SAR of using chemical weapons in Eastern Ghouta (Damascus province). Despite the absurdity of the accusations - as if, to put it mildly, strange people were sitting in the Syrian leadership, they used chemical weapons right on the day of the experts' arrival - this accusation was almost the reason for the beginning of direct aggression against the SAR.

Now the allegations of “using chemical weapons” are allegedly already being heard by Russia. A new round of anti-Russian hysteria may follow. This is necessary to discredit the antiterrorist operation conducted by the Russian Federation at the request of Syria, as well as to halt the onset of the Syrian troops on Aleppo. Washington is well aware that if Aleppo can be freed from terrorists, this will be a huge victory for Syria (and Russia). This will be a turning point in the course of the entire Syrian war.

A spokesman for the Russian president, Dmitry Peskov, in response to these absurd accusations, said: “It is very difficult to react to such stuffing: it is always unclear what they are based on.”

It is not yet known whether Washington has enough sense not to develop this topic, or the States will still try to build on this flimsy foundation any provocation. One thing is clear - now Russia has to endure another portion of false “calls for peace”. There will be those among the Russian "democratic public" who will talk about the need to stop the counter-terrorist operation.

However, this would mean betraying those guys who died in the fight against terrorists. Including - and those five who flew in this helicopter, shot down when returning to the base "Khmeymim" from Aleppo, after they delivered medicines and food to the needy.

At the moment, the names of three of them are known. This is the crew commander - 33-year-old Roman Pavlov, 29-year-old navigator Oleg Shelamov and an on-board technician, 41-year-old Alexey Shorokhov. The first two were graduates of the Syzran Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots. The names of the officers of the Center for reconciliation of the warring parties are still unknown.

They died in the performance of international duty, and no mockery of their bodies would diminish their achievement. These vile actions of the militants, on the contrary, detract from the “Syrian opposition” itself, no matter under what flag or slogan it may be.

Scary (18 +)
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  1. +28
    3 August 2016 06: 25
    Eternal Memory to Heroes !!!
    1. +23
      3 August 2016 09: 59
      Today is Oleg Peshkov’s birthday. He would have turned 46 years old.
      Everlasting memory .
  2. +18
    3 August 2016 06: 49
    When nonhumans shouted "Allahu akbar" viciously trampled their bodies.. The beast .. frantic, frantic beast shoot ... Do not forget ...
    1. aba
      3 August 2016 07: 48
      Take a look at the photo:

      The signature under it gives out whose ears are visible behind the ghouls shouting "Allahu Akbar!"
    2. +13
      3 August 2016 10: 31
      After watching the video a few more times, it seems that there really were ordinary citizens ... Children, old people. But due to their mentality and age-old traditions (beheading, stoning, etc.), they usually behave for them. Well, what, the Russians are flying over them here, and even bombing, here ISIS is hanging out by their side, which do not give them life. Only at the corpses of the militants, they would not sneer, they would be afraid, but then who would say against what? And once again before ISIS popontovat, they say we are the same slime ... So, this can be expected from the "civilian population", in which the animal nature plays. Let us recall how the representatives of the "red macasin" behave in our streets. No, it is clear that now, by the way, there are fewer, and it is clear that there are more adequate people of the same nationalities who condemn such behavior. This behavior has been forming for centuries, and if our representatives of the hot blood have become more democratic or something, more tolerant, thanks to the fact that we all live together, we can say pollinated. But there they live among the like, and they have such behavior - NORMAL! I do not want to be tied to religion, because I met very pious and wise Muslims, in whom humanity is no less than in the Orthodox. Most likely this is the entire region, which remained to live in the primitive communal system.
      Good day!
      1. +3
        3 August 2016 12: 10
        Quote: Sashka
        Children, old people. But because of their mentality and centuries-old traditions (decapitation, stoning, etc.), they usually behave for them. Well, what, Russians are flying over them here, and even bombing, here ISIS hangs out at their side, which does not give them life. Only over the corpses of the militants would they not mock, be afraid, but then who will say anything against?

        they mock at the corpses of those killed there, absolutely everything, such a mentality, and in 5 years of the war people have become hardened to the limit
        1. +1
          3 August 2016 13: 45
          That's right. The only concern is that they do not particularly distinguish between ISIS and us. Probably for 5 years of the war they do not care whom to go under. Those who are closer are relatives, I will not be surprised that many of them consider us to be interventionists.
        2. +7
          3 August 2016 19: 28
          Quote: Stirbjorn
          they mock at the corpses of those killed there, absolutely everything, such a mentality, and in 5 years of the war people have become hardened to the limit

          it is already not people.
          To be honest, in half eternal the problems of the East are to blame for them mentality.
          I really understand more and more Israelis.
      2. +9
        3 August 2016 13: 02
        Quote: Sashka
        Only over the corpses of militants would they not mock, would be afraid

        Absolutely accurate definition!
        Therefore, to interfere with the city ... to be afraid, and therefore "by virtue of their mentality and age-old traditions" would be respected and wary of being accomplices of various kinds of barmaley.
        To understand the clear connection between the complicity of ISIS, etc. and the deprivation of the "belly", housing, etc.
  3. +26
    3 August 2016 06: 52
    Stop looking back at the "world" community. There is no opposition and there was no opposition there. The opposition should walk at maximum meetings, and not run around with machine guns in the desert and shoot down turntables.
    Bomb everyone indiscriminately !!!

    Py.Sy Admins, are you still overwriting unflattering phrases about Americans? Just like ours in Syria, if only the "partners" didn't say anything bad.
    1. -15
      3 August 2016 19: 05
      It seems that Russia sent its guys to help the Syrian people win the battle against Daesh - ISIS, the organization is banned ... and so on. In Halabu (Aleppo), these banned in Russia are not. There is an armed anti-Assad opposition. Where did the opposition come from? Pope Assad usurped power and, after his death, seized power, or rather, made a coup, his son Bashar. Why did the opposition take up arms? Bashar thought and decided: "Free elections? What's it like! And those who peacefully demonstrate their desire for, indeed, normal elections - they must be jailed or shot. And better, in large numbers." And who wants to be shot with their family? So they took up arms. And don't blame the United States. They will start to kill you, and suddenly you start to resist - did the USA bribe you?
      For Russia, only a shame! She got involved in a civil war on the side of a scoundrel, only because Assad promised, in case of victory over the opposition, to give Russia territory for the creation of military bases.
      1. +5
        3 August 2016 20: 03
        Scoundrels are those who from overseas unleashed a bloody war in the Middle East. As for the legitimate President of Syria, Bashar Al-Assad, his powers were twice confirmed in a referendum in peacetime, as well as in the general democratic elections 3 June 2014 of the year.
        1. -5
          3 August 2016 23: 28
          Why from overseas? Maybe the home bastards are to blame.
          I forgot. Did the State Department plunder the Vostochny cosmodrome too? And "Are you holding on there," also State Department spies? Or, where the Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev, in the course of communication with the participants of the "Territory of Meanings" forum, suggested that teachers, for the sake of higher income, change their profession and go, for example, into business. The video showing the Russian prime minister communicating with the forum participants is posted on YouTube. Do you believe that the Prime Minister does not coordinate his actions and statements with the President? God help you!
          1. +7
            4 August 2016 00: 14
            I wonder why the daughter of a Czech officer (NATO country) so confidently (and unprovenly) points to theft and corruption in the power of another state? Or is the former socialist camp country (one of the first to join NATO today an example of prosperity and democracy?
          2. +5
            4 August 2016 00: 33
            And what anxiety you are about what is happening in Russia, you live in a democratic country, you believe in consolidated democratic elections, the absence of corruption, teachers in the Czech Republic do not starve and you don’t need to "hold on", what kind of interest on the Russian site with "vatniki" communicate?
          3. 0
            4 August 2016 00: 33
            And what anxiety you are about what is happening in Russia, you live in a democratic country, you believe in consolidated democratic elections, the absence of corruption, teachers in the Czech Republic do not starve and you don’t need to "hold on", what kind of interest on the Russian site with "vatniki" communicate?
  4. +15
    3 August 2016 07: 30
    Guys are very sorry. I just don’t understand one thing: do we have nowhere else to send humanitarian aid? Yamal, Ural, Siberia, Far East. There will be more benefits. And there, in Syria, acting quickly and efficiently ... With or without humanitarian aid, we are all the same bad for the West, so we would do it. Our leadership has some manic desire to help everyone. Would help then Russia even chtoli ....
    1. -8
      3 August 2016 08: 30
      Quote: standing
      humanitarian aid nowhere to send?

      Or maybe to reduce the defense industry, well .... so that people can give money to people ??? No liberal snot!
    2. +10
      3 August 2016 19: 25
      You know, I’ve thought it over here .. - Once upon a time children took ships from the burning Spain to the USSR .. That’s good, of course, so in Russian and humanly .. But why not in neighboring France or Portugal? Interestingly, does anyone else in Spain remember this except historians? Why the hell, excuse me, do we always go somewhere with our fraternal help? How many African leaders Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev kissed? How many weapons did the Egyptians, Ethiopians and Angolans give away for nothing? Who in Africa today remembers this? Where are the fraternal Cuban people? Vietnamese? What are they with us now? Remember Afghan ... They built schools and hospitals, dams, houses .. Who now recalls this? Why on earth do we squander our kindness? We ruin our people in this kindness and humanity .. But a man is a thankless bastard by nature .. and his memory is short. In Warsaw, who remembers the Russian soldier? In Prague? And look, yes, there is no Saddam, but suicide bombers are blowing people up, but for some reason no one is blowing up the oil fields and pipelines in Iraq .. And in Libya, by the way, too. So that’s how it should be. So we just once again beat, no matter how cynical it sounds. We worry about someone, fight, and someone just makes money and thinks about the good of ONLY their own country ... What will our current leadership do if Assad stupidly chokes on an apricot kernel, for example? After all, it is impossible to build relations with the country through one person? What will our military do then? How is it in Spain? Vietnam In Egypt? In Cuba? In Afghanistan?
      All the recent history of our country is stepping on the same "fraternal" rake .. And sorry for the pilots. It is a pity for everyone who gave their lives not for their own people, but for a stranger who, in 5-10 years, will not remember the kindness and breadth of the Russian soul ..
      1. +5
        3 August 2016 20: 07
        I’ll add, in the end .. Already, it would seem that Gaddafi built socialism for his people, which was not in the USSR either. However, as we all remember, every nation deserves the leader that it deserves .. So they don’t deserve .. So it will be blow them up, burn them and return them to the primitive communal Bedouin way of life .. No matter how cynical it sounds ... So they did not deserve a good life, and did not appreciate it ..
  5. ICT
    3 August 2016 07: 36
    The beast ... mad

    drove them a little later
  6. +12
    3 August 2016 08: 26
    So only could the Nazis perished by our fighters during the Second World War. I recall the cases of this abuse in the area of ​​Volkhov and Tikhvin. Seeing this, our fighters tried not to take the fascists, when they never saw the political leaders. An international death penalty should be introduced for these savages. Until their critical mass is physically destroyed, there will be no peace in the area. I have the honor
    1. +8
      3 August 2016 12: 13
      come on, Chechens in the 90s surpassed any fascists, you really have a selective memory
  7. +5
    3 August 2016 08: 36
    Bright memory to our guys.
    And the states that have untied the "Pandora's bag" would do well to plug their dirty mouths.
    1. +2
      3 August 2016 21: 19
      Quote: EvgNik
      And the states that unleashed the "Pandora's bag" would be nice and plug their dirty mouth

      For this, it’s time for us to shut up their mouths for a long time, and at the same time for the whole district at the place where the helicopter crashed. It's terrible how these ki scoff at our guys.
  8. +5
    3 August 2016 08: 53
    Pilots have eternal memory and the house of angels!
  9. +2
    3 August 2016 08: 56
    Veter does not need to distort. The defense industry and humanitarian aid are, as it were, slightly different things.
  10. +3
    3 August 2016 08: 59
    Western civilization is deceitful, mean! How much blood and sweat have drunk from all over the world! Not a grain of confidence!
  11. +10
    3 August 2016 09: 21
    Quote: Veter
    Stop looking back at the "world" community. There is no opposition and there was no opposition there. The opposition should walk at maximum meetings, and not run around with machine guns in the desert and shoot down turntables.
    Bomb everyone indiscriminately !!!

    Py.Sy Admins, are you still overwriting unflattering phrases about Americans? Just like ours in Syria, if only the "partners" didn't say anything bad.

    It is difficult to disagree with you, it is high time to switch to the childish principle: whoever did not hide, I am not to blame. After all, we remember about Afghanistan, until they feel the power, they don't understand shit. Today this applies to both performers and those who manage this mess, and they are the ones who need to "drive it into the brain". Crimea is a good example, everyone will wither in the end and the squeals of people will merge404
  12. +4
    3 August 2016 09: 49
    Ah, author, Elena Gromova ... You wouldn’t have a price in the ideological department of the Central Committee of the CPSU.
    - And with what kind of humanitarian mission to blazing Aleppo fly on the Mi-8? Those who have flown an 8-ke know how much they can put there;
    - And how does a cardboard helicopter fly without Mi-24 escort at least ?;
    - And where did the dead pilots from the village take the car away in the desert, why write it;
    - WHO will be personally responsible for the "humanitarian" helicopter mission and cover?

    Yes, now the guys will be awarded. As usual, to the commander of the Hero, the rest of the Order of Courage (posthumously), hsi ... (they reset me here, I carefully), good words will be spoken.

    (if you give everyone a Hero, you won’t get enough stars, they’re dying and dying, it’s a pity the astronauts are out, they don’t give the second one, they divorced a lot)

    No one will say that our guys go there so that the Qatari pipelines through Syria do not go, piss ... Weak bombing of Qatar, we are not Americans, we are humane and cowardly like hares, piss ... We filled our faces to the ambassador in Qatar ours are worn out. When you are already in the Kremlin for the country you will think, a loan ...

    Guys, as usual, feel sorry. Let the earth rest in peace!

    Only here is the thing ... I wrote when our gunner died that in a month no one would remember about him, the way it is.
    1. +4
      3 August 2016 12: 29
      nonsense of course with this humanitarian aid, who will be there, what to deliver when the battles go around the entire perimeter.
      PS Comrades, calling to bomb on a new one, everything that moves, would read their comments in the topics about our previous bombing by bearded men - there are joyful pants. Well, it’s a war, periodically getting answers - not just bombs and missiles from the sky — is it worth it to write claims to bearded men and call for the next total blows, what is the difference between people from different countries?
    2. +2
      3 August 2016 18: 54
      Well, go bomb Qatar, go ahead. And then explain to everyone why, why, and with what fright the Americans are wrong when speaking about the Russian threat.
      1. +2
        3 August 2016 20: 58
        Citizen of EvilLion! If it was possible to smash Iraq for a test tube, starting from Yugoslavia, then for such a truly royal occasion as the "massacre of the ambassador", one could drive Qatar not even into the Neolithic, but further, to the "Denisov man", and grab the Saudis.
    3. 0
      5 August 2016 22: 37
      V. Shurygin (deputy editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Zavtra") reported that the Mi-8 was flying at a high altitude (3800 m), where it was very problematic to get it. Incidentally, this height explains the lack of cover. Again, according to him, the last word of the crew commander was "refusal ...". And, pay attention, there is data on the crew, but not on the two dead officers. I think that they were scouts, but what was planted for them in the helicopter at the place where they were taken away is the subject of investigation. It was unlikely that a helicopter could be mined at the Khmeinim airbase. And there is no video of the shoot down, and these lumps always post it.
  13. 0
    3 August 2016 10: 11
    Well, why upload such a video here? Let the insane are watching, we don't need it! Well, how can we not do without attracting Ukrainians? "But let the virtual mockery of the fallen remain on the conscience of the authors" on whose
    conscience? If you replicate it! Article minus! Those who perished eternal memory and help to relatives.
    1. +7
      3 August 2016 14: 46
      If your video causes a negative towards me, and not to those who did it, I feel sorry for you.
      And this is true. Not a sweetie, but a bitter pill.
      Our guys are not smelling the flowers there, but together with the Syrians they are fighting the evil of the world. And it is. This is not a cartoon picture about Tom and Jerry.
      Churn on the Nünberg Tribunal for making photos of Auschwitz public.
      Or when Slobodan Milosevic showed pictures of the effects of NATO bombings at the Hague Judgment Seat - some Western TV channels shyly covered them with a black rectangle. Like, you can not show this.
      It was possible to bomb.
      1. -3
        3 August 2016 18: 42
        It’s a war and they’re being killed there! But for what purpose did you post a video where scumbags jump on the corpses of our soldiers? Do our soldiers have mothers fathers do you think it’s nice to watch this? How are you with ethics?
        1. +3
          3 August 2016 19: 58
          After what the fascist sadists did to Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, photographs of the tortured girl appeared in newspapers. Normal men in response to this thought and said that they would do everything possible to take revenge on the Nazis. I wonder if you would have said then: “Oh, take these pictures away, I don’t want to see this, they destroyed my blissful picture of the world”?
          1. -1
            3 August 2016 20: 34
            The Communists didn’t do everything right! And the men themselves without clues know what happens in war! You don’t have to go to the level of the bearded! They shot you showed ... Well, don’t go down to their animal level, you have to remain HUMAN! This video is for investigators and intelligence. It's bad that everything is possible with us now.
  14. +7
    3 August 2016 10: 17
    In the death of two Mi-35 helicopters near Palmyra and Mi-8, there is one oddity that unites them. Barmaley are very fond of filming video of ATGM and MANPADS shooting, recording their successes. In the same cases, there is no video of the shooting. And the video near Palmyra shows that the death of the helicopter was unexpected for the Barmaleev. Some very "modest" barmaley who know the flight plan.
    1. +1
      3 August 2016 10: 34
      You think the Syrian army has few traitors.
    2. +3
      3 August 2016 14: 20
      for me, they often began to get into the tail boom, too often ...
      1. +2
        3 August 2016 16: 57
        This indicates the highest class of opponents received or good such combat experience or thorough training on a decent simulator. Which by the way makes you think. This is not an automatic machine to pour bubbles from.
  15. +5
    3 August 2016 10: 32
    Was it worth it to help them. Does this reconciliation commission make sense? Stamped among other things those with whom they want to put up and who carry help. By the way, there’s not much to take away with helicopters. Instead of beating, ours are now engaged in incomprehensible fluttering and reconciliation. And this helicopter is the first sign of what will soon begin, namely the killing of conciliators by landmines on the roads and other joys of guerrilla warfare.
  16. +5
    3 August 2016 10: 47
    The Kingdom of Heaven is for the real Heroes of Russia, condolences to their families and friends!
  17. -3
    3 August 2016 10: 48
    -I'm not an expert and I can not fairly objectively judge our Air Force or Aerospace Forces ... -But more and more doubt creeps in ... -and are they really so professional and suitable for conducting any actions, even if they are directly military, but even just - for all other actions related to flights ... - Something is painfully easy to destroy our aircraft ... - And all the time these tragic events are associated with "suddenness", "unexpectedness", failure of electronic warfare and other means protection ... -What is it ..?
    -And how long will this continue ..? -Is that ... -this "surprise" is the most terrible and effective weapon against our VKS ..?
    - In general ... - it's kind of strange ... - five of our military specialists are flying over the desert, where the enemies have nowhere to hide ... and now they are suddenly shot down ... - and shot down, as it becomes clear and " nonspecialists "... - they are knocked out of some not very modern MANPADS ... -Not modern" super-missiles "of air defense were there, in this viewable bare desert ... -And how did it suddenly happen on this route at all some kind of "means of shooting down" ... - in this particular place ..? -Maybe ours were shot down by those who received our humanitarian aid ..? -Because it was they who knew when our helicopter would fly and in which direction ... -And again, our (now deceased pilots) do not have time to do anything ... -for some reason, the protection does not work ... -And maybe They planted a mine in the helicopter, while our pilots were trying so hard to unload everything as quickly as possible ... -In general, it's time to stop with all kinds of "humanitarian aid" ... -And soon, just as "unexpectedly", our giant huge transport plane will suddenly be shot down (after unloading humanitarian aid) and there will be many more victims ...
    1. +1
      3 August 2016 11: 28
      You have a very long and tedious comment, and illiterate, that you cannot objectively judge our Air Force is just a rush from all the cracks.
      1. +1
        3 August 2016 12: 35
        - You yourself know how to read ..? -Or only honor your brilliant creations ..?
        -I do not pretend to be "the truth in the highest instance" ...
        -But what is happening gives me the right to doubt ... in general, the effectiveness of our VKS ... -Yes, just like that ... -You can report as much as you like about the crushing blows of our VKS and list some names of the destroyed ISIS leaders (different "Mahmuds" , "Ahmedov" and so on ..), but the objective reality of all these reports is starting to "lame" more and more ... -Where is the real evidence of the destroyed objects and camps of ISIS ..? - Some blows are delivered, then it is reported that everything is literally "wiped off the face of the earth" .., they destroy the columns with oil tankers (such easy targets), and then these convoys reappear ... - How do they reappear .. ? -Why are they allowed to come again ..? -There drivers that ...- are not afraid of being destroyed, or what ..? - Or are they so rarely bombed that they can easily make a safe "good trip" ..? -And then ...- how suddenly the bandits are recapturing whole areas occupied by the Syrian army ..... -Yes, and it seems that the bandits of our Aerospace Forces are not really afraid of the so-called "retaliation". .. -constantly and cold-bloodedly shoot down our helicopters ...
        -If you are so all-knowing, explain what is happening ... -And then put the minuses and move away from objectivity ... -There does not require a lot of mind ...
        - It is necessary, on the contrary, to really correct something and get rid of various "surprises" ... -And then at one time ... -and immediately such losses ... -five of our military specialists ...
        1. +1
          3 August 2016 12: 41
          Again, long and tedious, you can’t express your thoughts in short ?, minus I, by the way, didn’t set you. Do not write nonsense.
      2. +6
        3 August 2016 13: 54
        You are good at being rude, but it is impossible to give arguments or respond to quite reasonable remarks.
        1. +1
          3 August 2016 14: 25
          The teachers were good, taught.
    2. +4
      3 August 2016 14: 04
      As for this incident, the crew could well fly at an altitude inaccessible to tow tows or even obsolete MANPADS. Could have heat traps and monitor the air situation for possible launches. In fact, this also applies to other cases of sudden destruction of our aircraft and helicopters. But in general, of course, it is impossible to foresee everything. A well-trained adversary capable of hitting a helicopter from RPGs or pturs is a serious enemy and one must be prepared for new losses or bombed from high altitudes and sit without getting out of a well-guarded base.
    3. 0
      4 August 2016 22: 46
      I agree. I don’t understand at all: why are our troops delivering humanitarian aid? The military must fight. Let the OSCE or PACE carry all sorts of gingerbread in the desert. Humanitarian assistance - pickup. And stop flying on turntables, especially one by one. What kind of commanders are there?
  18. +4
    3 August 2016 11: 21
    just boys at 29-30 years old. memory to you guys !!!
  19. +4
    3 August 2016 11: 48
    Glory to the heroes and eternal memory. condolences to family and friends and all of Russia
  20. +2
    3 August 2016 13: 41
    Would local pilots be pulled out of a burning helicopter? It seems that one with a shot head could do it.
  21. +4
    3 August 2016 16: 06
    There is no war without casualties, I would like to have fewer, but vague doubts creep in that someone is draining the bearded routes and flight times of our VKS, and it is time to return those parts of the VKS that have been returned to Syria.
  22. +5
    3 August 2016 17: 34
    wild filth, stupid animals, although no, why insult animals, black evil should be destroyed. I have no doubt that they will receive theirs, along with their American instructors.
    Well, Ukrainians, what to take from them, they are not even people, abomination, squalor and insignificance. I sincerely hope that the Russian government will stop sponsoring this abscess with gas and electricity, I sincerely wish Ukrainians a break from hunger and cold this winter. Shout at the top of your lungs "moskalyak on gilyak" and die.
    PS no need to fill in about the fraternal people and "they were deceived, this bad Ukrainian government is to blame for everything."
    1. +2
      3 August 2016 21: 36
      You understand correctly, the hatred of Ukrainians towards us is a project of the Anglo-Saxons! Many years and money have been spent on this! The point is to tear us apart, divide the Russians into two opposing camps! Will we become stronger from this? No. They taught us to hate by submitting information at the right angle and just lying! You can be sure that they work for us, too, inciting Ukrainians! Those who set us against Ukrainians and incite hatred play into the hands of Amers! Let's not give in to emotions and think about who benefits from this? We just have to let Amers tear Ukraine away from us! And believe me, they are working on it!
    2. 0
      3 August 2016 21: 46
      Do not choke on bile.
  23. +2
    3 August 2016 17: 42
    Probably, it was not worth uploading such a video? His relatives and friends can see him.
    1. +1
      3 August 2016 20: 06
      You need to know the truth and you need to tell it. Otherwise, we will all be told again about the "good" and "good" moderate oppositionists who are "fighting for freedom."
      1. -1
        4 August 2016 12: 59
        In two years we will see how Russia and "Time will Show" will scold Assad
  24. +1
    3 August 2016 22: 59
    It was definitely an ambush. A spinner without cover ... A crowd of "local" residents suddenly appeared in the desert in jeeps ... Video filming at the crash site. Mockery of the killed. Repetition of history with SU-24. Almost one to one.
    1. 0
      5 August 2016 22: 41
      No shot down frames. The helicopter fell on these very savages by accident, or rather, as a result of sabotage, as it was sailing at a safe altitude of 3800 m (according to V. Shurygin, the newspaper "Zavtra"). It is the height of the flight that explains the lack of cover.