Briefly about the tank - modernized T-72BA

Briefly about the tank - modernized T-72BA

So, in Russia there are a lot of different rumors about modernization tanks, releases of new tanks. You can list tank models for a long time, but let's take the upgraded T-72BA, learn a lot about it and what kind of modernization it is.

Немного stories
Let's start the story of the tank from the beginning. In 1991, the Uralvagonzavod plant produced a good pace with the T-72B tank and a modification of this tank for export of the T-72С. Together with UKBTM works on the design of improved models and modifications. T-72B produces another plant - a tractor plant in Chelyabinsk.
The collapse of the USSR into separate and independent states puts the plants on the verge of closure. Production of tanks at the factory is completely minimized. Chelyabinsk Plant never produced armored heavy military equipment.
Uralvagonzavod masters the repair of tanks and is engaged only in repairs up to 1998 of the year.
Maybe the plant was helped by a change of director or was affected by another factor, but it was in 1998 that the plant began to upgrade several dozen tanks at its own peril and risk. But the first wave of upgrades was not affordable for the Russian military.
In 1999, the plant sends repaired and upgraded T-72Bs to a state test.
After successful tests, the 184A object is accepted into service under the name T-72BA.

Ongoing upgrades
The first tanks, upgraded to 2000, were equipped with:
- “Contact” kit, plus some part from “Contact-5”;
- LMS 1А40-1;
- 2EX42-4 stabilizers;
- B-84MS engine;
The following modernization of tanks to 2002 year is additionally equipped with:
- LMS 1А40-1М;
- A complete set of "Contact-5".
The next upgrade from 2003 brings the tank:
- MTO unified;
- B-92C2 engine;
- enhanced transmission;
- aluminum radiators;
- modified air purification system;
- IR masking;
- improved on the course of the rinks;
- PPO with SU 3EC 13-1;
- communication complex "Paragraph";
Next upgrade from 2005 year:
- The aiming complex 1А40-М2;
The latest 2011 upgrade of the year:
- LMS "Pine-y".
“Pine-U” is similar to “Kalina” with T-90MS. The main difference is the lack of a panoramic performance sight.

After the factory modernization, the tanks are painted with protective paint. Some tanks are painted in military units, it all depends on the order.

Fly in the Ointment
Tanks entering the modernization, have a deplorable state. Judging by them, then in Russia there are no not only tank troops, but also military equipment and specialists.
Almost all the tanks looted, lacking basic parts and spare parts. On the gland grows grass, moss and shrubs.
It is not surprising that the modernization of SUCH tanks is worth good money. And in the military, they wonder why the modernization of a “working” tank costs so much.
Modernization is also expensive because in the process of working the car must first be disassembled, then modernized, and then assembled. This work is worth the money requested for modernization orders.

Tank today
For the first time, the T-72BA tank was shown in the 2000 year at the then-Ural exhibition of weapons. “Uralvagonzavod” after the presentation of the exhibition equipment presented T-72BA. It was not without embarrassment - since the tank did not have time to install a complex of dynamic protection, it was closed with a tarpaulin. Well, the domestic media, without really understanding the situation, showed a video with a tank and presented it as the newest promising tank for the Russian armed forces.
To date, the upgraded tanks serve in the units of the Armed Forces, such as:
- 276 MSE;
- 34 MSD;
- 81 MSE;
- 152 MSE;
- 27 MSD.
For training tankers have developed a simulator with elements of computerization "MKT-184A". It is already known about several shipments to the military units of Vladikavkaz and Yekaterinburg.

Let's try to evaluate this upgrade. The tank is morally obsolete, years like this on 15, but based on the technical requirements and operating conditions and, most importantly, the economic component, the tank turned out to be a good one. Criticized the lack of a thermal imager. But then the price will rise significantly. The OMS with a thermal imager is on upgrades to the T-90, and the Ministry of Defense constantly refuses these tanks. But the point is in the price of the tank.
So the option of modernizing T-72BA in Russia is simply called modernization by the available means. How much was given, so much and carried out upgrades.
And it is not the fault of the plant that modernization is not the most modern, but the fault of the customer of the Ministry of Defense of Russia that they order such an upgrade.
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  1. Anatoly
    8 December 2011 09: 03
    "Fly in the ointment", of course, solid. But modernization is anyway cheaper than a new tank. Therefore, it is necessary to maneuver - both the old will come in handy and the new order. A thermal imager could have been installed, not by half measures.
    In general, the news is good. Even a little surprised.
    1. +1
      8 December 2011 10: 05
      Given the T-72 collisions in Iraq with the Abroms, the car is not so bad yet, even without modernization. America also has the latest generation Abroms, even 1200 pieces will not. So the T-72BA will find a target on the battlefield
      U.S. Army 1,547 M1A2 (1992year) and M1A2SEP (2000year), 4,393 M1A1 (1985year), 2,385 M1 (1980year) in storage. In parentheses years of modernization
      1. Mr. Truth
        8 December 2011 11: 11
        Moreover, below A2 is already UG full of no panorama or normal armor.
  2. +12
    8 December 2011 09: 39
    I would even say, not a fly in the ointment, but a complete lack of honey, as such - why there is no thermal imager, and what kind of modern army we can talk about, this mine should have long been a standard and integral attribute of military vehicles !!!!!!!! ! you can’t upgrade or build equipment based on the price as they do in the Moscow Region — Iveco’s prices are much higher than necessary for a car of this class, albeit an armored one, and its maintainability and performance characteristics leave much to be desired — but they want to buy it — and they left the tank without a thermal imager - for it is a luxury! ???? So maybe just do it in the doctrine to make a point that the army can carry out military operations only in the daytime, with good visibility and the absence of wind! ?????
    1. Mr. Truth
      8 December 2011 11: 10
      TPV is included in the Pine.
      1. Superduck
        8 December 2011 20: 36
        NVD and thermal imager are not exactly the same thing.
        1. Mr. Truth
          8 December 2011 23: 49
          TPV I wrote and not PNV
          1. Superduck
            9 December 2011 13: 32
            Indeed, was inattentive, sorry.
    2. +1
      8 December 2011 13: 42
      Quote: Dart Weyder
      why there is no thermal imager, and what kind of modern army can we talk about, this mine should have long been a standard and integral attribute of military vehicles !!

      I agree for 100%
      You can modify the T-72, the Georgians even modified

      T - 72 - SIM - 1, modernized by the Israeli company Elbit Systems. The updated tanks were equipped with new means of communication, "friend or foe" devices, a GPS navigation system, two (for the driver and gunner) thermal imagers in my opinion French, a complex for the use of guided weapons, T-72 SIM1 have a stabilized weapon system, then yes - they can shoot on the move. Ukrainian specialists adapted their system of guided weapons to these tanks - the Kombat anti-tank missiles launched directly from the barrel of a tank gun. This system is newer than the analogous Svir system of T-72BV tanks. At the same time, it should be noted that the level of armor protection of Georgian tanks does not exceed the armor of Russian ones involved in the conflict zone. Tanks of a number of Russian units (T-72BM) have a higher level of protection than Georgian ones.

      Most of them did not act at the forefront, since the Georgian command sought to preserve expensive weapons.
      1. Joker
        8 December 2011 20: 17

        Quote: Vadivak
        T-72 SIM1s have a stabilized weapon system, that is, they can shoot from the move.

        In my opinion, this feature is present in 72 starting from the "base" model, the T-72 Ural.
        1. Superduck
          8 December 2011 20: 38
          Yeah, while the opportunity is very nominal. At a speed of 30km / h, the probability of hitting a target is already striving for 30% against 80-90% from the spot.
      2. 0
        16 August 2015 02: 10
        We generally drove there 62.
    3. +3
      8 December 2011 13: 53
      and only in hand-to-hand combat (it is necessary to protect expensive ammunition) am
    4. +1
      8 December 2011 14: 41
      Quote: Dart Weyder
      How can I just add a clause to the doctrine that the army can carry out military operations only in the daytime, with good visibility and the absence of wind! ?????

      You can add a point and the absence of the enemy. wink
    5. +2
      8 December 2011 16: 49
      Dart weyder, yeah, and instead of making a radio station it will be generally cheap to make a flag signaling — this is an idea for these comb ..... x optimizers. wink to save the saved money on the golden toilets for your beloved ones, because they act on this principle!
      1. -1
        8 December 2011 18: 26
        this sentence (about flags) has a grain of rationalism - keeping the radio silence mode, you can "imperceptibly" approach the enemy winked
        1. Superduck
          8 December 2011 20: 39
          the main thing is to make the flags transparent so that the enemy does not notice them. but there is still pigeon mail.
  3. vadimus
    8 December 2011 09: 53
    Pull for lack of a better, but it is necessary to bring to the end. All the bells and whistles, as expected!
  4. Phoenixl
    8 December 2011 10: 38
    Not only that, in the process of serial production of the tank at UVZ they didn’t come up with the option of installing a remote sensing system, they still don’t correct their mistakes during modernization
    1. +3
      8 December 2011 11: 26
      I absolutely agree with you. The tower has many weakened areas. In the frontal part, this is simply not permissible, and a rather large gap remains under the DZ. Wouldn't it be easier to put a new tower on the tank? UVZ had such a project. It’s hard for them to understand the logic of the MO T-90 is not modern for them and it’s a pity to spend money on it, but to spend money on an incomprehensible modernization that does not particularly affect the fighting qualities of the tank is easy.
      1. +1
        8 December 2011 22: 12
        1. Phoenixl
          9 December 2011 00: 42
          This is the Omsk Tower Burlak
          Today, major upgrades, and even more so with the replacement of the tower, are very doubtful because of the cost. after such modernizations, something expensive and with old problems will turn out.
      2. 0
        9 December 2011 10: 44
        Grenader - Monsieur Perdukov and his closest circle are the owners of the army's rem-bases - from where he fucked this modernization ... he doesn't care about our tankers. OJSC "OBORONSERVICE" must be rolled very far.
  5. wk
    8 December 2011 10: 47
    modernization is a good deal for cutting funds. there were 100 tanks - 100 tanks left and money? - Yes, there and there, they tear off the moss from rust, cleaned broken engines, repaired the transmissions. and who thought how much rust, how much moss, but he was there, and maybe the engine started. It’s like a major overhaul in construction is a good feeding trough, and go check what is at the exit, so the defense miner refuses new tanks by all means, it’s more difficult to cheat goods on their faces. Sucks all these upgrades and noodles on your ears. Warmia needs new tanks and many new tanks. There are funds if you don’t spray them for outsourcing by washing the barracks, cooking porridge, English furniture for the navy, purchasing lie detectors in part, but you won’t write about everything.
    1. +7
      8 December 2011 13: 34
      Quote: wk
      modernization is a good deal for cutting funds. there were 100 tanks - 100 tanks left and money? - yes, there and there, the moss was torn away from the rust, cleaned, broken engines,

      For this, the army repair brigades were liquidated and the Oboronservis OJSC was created
    2. +1
      8 December 2011 16: 54
      you still forgot about costumes for masquerade-- the most unnecessary thing for our army - and its best part wink
  6. Igor
    8 December 2011 11: 07
    Modernization in Russian is an American overhaul lol
  7. Mr. Truth
    8 December 2011 11: 13
    Of course it is a pity that they did not see the panorama and the relic, but nothing as an intermediate option would do.
  8. snek
    8 December 2011 11: 22
    In connection with the described "fly in the ointment" the question arises - how many tanks do we have in reality. I mean machines that could (in the confusion of wartime) be brought into combat readiness for at least a week.
      8 December 2011 12: 36
      Well, judging by our team, that is basically three types of T-72.
      Some of them ride well, the second shoot well, and the third are well painted (for the parade).
      Modernization has not yet (or already) come.
      But there is no moss, bushes and trees on the tanks.
      1. ESCANDER
        8 December 2011 12: 52
        Not so long ago an incident occurred. We went to the village for moonshine, fell from the bridge.
        There are no victims, which can not be said about the destruction. But the bridge was repaired.
        After which, the locals dubbed the "Wild Division".
      2. snek
        8 December 2011 13: 02
        Well, I hope that about moss and shrubs it was about cars that are on storage bases, if there is one somewhere in combat units, then this is already complete ....
  9. Igor
    8 December 2011 11: 49
    Sharashkin’s office, not MO !!! There is no intelligible policy, in Tula they make a new version of AK despite the fact that the MO does not say which machine the army needs, then they will say Kalash reincarnation, the scheme is outdated, the price doesn’t suit you for that price you can buy 3 b / at scara
  10. ivachum
    8 December 2011 13: 16
    To date, the upgraded tanks serve in the units of the Armed Forces, such as:
    - 276 MSE;
    - 34 MSD;
    - 81 MSE;
    - 152 MSE;
    - 27 MSD.

    I do not know WHEN the article was written, but these parts DO NOT exist for two years ... and not 152 MSE, but 152 TP. Now it is 7otbr, 28omsbr, 21msbr and 23msbr
  11. schta
    8 December 2011 13: 33
    Probably used old data. And obsolescence for 15 years for a tank is normal. 15 years is the level of 95 years only)))
  12. djerel
    8 December 2011 13: 57
    data five years ago - thanks for the comment
    the fact is that tanks entered the troops after modernization
  13. Desert Fox
    8 December 2011 15: 52
    we built built and finally built! throw out these modernizations nafig, all this is not serious, it is an old thing and it will remain old as long as it is not mend and paint! our army needs absolutely new weapons systems that could compete with any NATO or Pendossian ... and we ... and we ... ugh, not only do we not develop anything new, and we cannot make modernization of anything normally. "mister stool" saves ahamel, ruined the army, radish ...
    Where are these words that everyone said when they saw our weapon: - "It has no analogues in the world!" ???
    And all this from the fact that we destroyed our army ourselves. Where is this layer of sergeants, foremen, and ensigns? all those people who in theory should train low-clothing, conscripts, and even serve all this equipment?
    Who should serve it? The officer? soldier conscript? Yes, for a year of service, you can only teach one-time clearance !!! am

    Our army rests on enthusiasm, those in it serves, in principle, something wink All of this, the DMB film says very well at the very end, in the last five minutes, when they show how they are sworn in. wink
    1. танк
      8 December 2011 16: 41
      Fox, in fact, they are not engaged in repairs now, but the special company "Rosoboronservis" is called in my opinion, and not sergeants and warrant officers, but how they repair it there is a completely different topic
      1. Phoenixl
        8 December 2011 16: 57
        Can, but maintenance and repair on personnel
        There is a position of senior technician in the companies, but as a rule, people in these positions only occupy them

        And what kind of officer is it asked if he does not know his equipment and is unable to repair it?
        1. танк
          8 December 2011 17: 17
          Well, what can I say, in the Moscow Oblast apparently disagree with you
        2. Superduck
          9 December 2011 13: 34
          Yes, it is normal. My father was the only one in the division in 1971 who knew how to get a T-64.
      2. Desert Fox
        9 December 2011 12: 03
        learn mate part winked will you call a maintenance team on the battlefield or wait for a tow truck? fellow grab a wrench in the teeth and popresch turn nuts ...
      3. 0
        17 March 2012 17: 51
        Yes, now they don’t wear outfits, they don’t hem their collars,
        drive, cut and cut ...?
  14. танк
    8 December 2011 15: 56
    Disabled with one RPG-7 shot and no need to argue, poor tankers angry
    1. snek
      8 December 2011 19: 31
      Firstly, not with a shot, but with a hit - these are two different things, and, secondly, depending on where you go.
  15. Joker
    8 December 2011 20: 12
    Taburetkin seemed to be communicating that in the future they would upgrade to the level of T-90S or higher, so we are waiting for fresh income ..

    So of course it would be much better:
    T-72 Ural II

    1. Phoenixl
      8 December 2011 21: 58
      This is a Slingshot, no Ural 2
      1. Joker
        10 December 2011 00: 53

        You’re wrong, at the beginning of the post a link, follow it, duplicate:

        And as for the slingshot - you are in appearance, the presence of this name does not deny the Name Ural II.
        1. Phoenixl
          11 December 2011 00: 22
          I will not watch anything. This comrade invents not such things
          1. Joker
            16 December 2011 00: 13

            There is a poster of the Tagil Design Bureau, and if it was called that, it means that it is called so, you will not argue that the T-80UD is "Birch". This is the first thing.

            Quote: Phoenixl
            This comrade invents not such things

            Be so kind as to justify the fact that this author is an inventor, citing specific facts, or at least one fact, otherwise you will start to look like empty holes, which are enough here. This is the second.
  16. Superduck
    8 December 2011 20: 35
    So how much does this modernization cost, is it written somewhere?
    1. Joker
      10 December 2011 00: 54

      Which one?
  17. mib1982
    9 December 2011 02: 06
    The armor is strong and our tanks are fast.
  18. mshl
    9 December 2011 12: 08
    276 MSP was and is part of 34 MSD.
  19. Voodoopeople
    9 December 2011 12: 55
    Gavnotank, not today, not yesterday, the maximum - the day before yesterday's modernization of the 2nd half of the 80s.
  20. without
    9 December 2011 13: 28
    He served on the T-72 B and quit in 1991. At that time, he also raised a number of questions; representatives of the plant did not sit without work and, as they could, fought complaints. I can imagine what modernization is. At least, the cost of major repairs +++ .... A morally obsolete tank is bad. Money down the drain!
    1. Voodoopeople
      9 December 2011 14: 03
      Quote: bez
      A morally obsolete tank is bad. Money down the drain!

      The most vulnerable part of the tank from the experience of recent applications is like a naked ass in a fortress during the Parade.
  21. ivachum
    9 December 2011 15: 10

    maybe it comes in ... wink only 34 ffd since 2009 no. Now it is 7 otbr and 28 omsbr.
    1. mshl
      28 December 2011 10: 45
      Well, the fact that he came in is for sure. And now the 7th selection and finally there was a small and medium business already in the Central Headquarters then.
  22. dred
    12 December 2011 20: 35
    Modernization is good but not for us.
  23. Joker
    13 December 2011 10: 05
    This article talks about past upgrades. Below is a link to a brief analysis of modern modernized 72-k:

    The first video of the updated T-72BA
  24. son of the fatherland
    11 March 2012 14: 25
    I’ll ask again. How much can you procrastinate this topic? This question is primarily for those who, again and again, spread these clone articles. There is nothing in the article. There are no facts. No analysis. Outdated data used. The result of the article - Army shit. Mo shit. To write that the factories are shit, the author was apparently shy, and decided to mention in another article.
    And I would like to ask the commentators, why should I leave such "comments" - dred "Modernization is good, but not for us."? Incontinence?

    l # comment-id-165880

    ney-polnostyu-gotovo.html # comment-id-205572


    Here are my comments on related topics. I think they complement each other. What specifically, and why, do you disagree? Just do not repeat the cliches and mantras of the liberals.
  25. 0
    17 March 2012 17: 43
    No modernization will pay for itself if there is not enough training
    crews of tank units. laughing