Secret "Mozyr"

By the beginning of the 70-s classical methods of protecting silos (silo launchers) of intercontinental ballistic missiles from enemy attacks using high-precision weapons become ineffective. Counteraction of the enemy's technical means of intelligence, masking of silos, the creation of a multitude of false targets that simulate launching mines with the development of satellite intelligence technologies has become a difficult and sometimes impossible task. By 1970 year, thanks to the developed tracking means, the coordinates of all silos of ICBM Strategic Missile Forces become known to the enemy.

The fortification method of protection, based on an increase in the armor protection of the launcher, due to the rapid increase in the accuracy of nuclear warhead guidance and the appearance of new types of high-precision weapons in the middle of 70, was also ineffective. If in the middle of the twentieth century the pointing accuracy was determined by tens of meters, then by the year of 1970 it was already a few centimeters. It became clear that rocket mines could be put out of action by a sudden pre-emptive strike, not even with a nuclear one, but with conventional weapons with high precision guidance. Even if an accurate hit of the warhead of an enemy guided missile does not lead to the destruction of the shaft or to the penetration of the silo cover, it will at least lead to its jamming, which ultimately will not allow the launch of the missile, that is, it will not allow the combat mission. Therefore, the Soviet engineers were tasked to quickly develop and create a fundamentally new and highly effective system for the protection of silo launchers.

One of the first Soviet projects aimed at creating a KAZ (active protection complex) silo of ICBMs was the KAZ Mozyr project, or “complex 171” (however, it is believed that this designation is incorrect), developed by the design bureau of Kolomna. Work on the project was started in the mid-70s, the main designer of the complex was N.I. Gushchin, the general management was carried out by a talented engineer and designer S.P. Invincible. It was thanks to his initiative and perseverance that the Soviet, and then the Russian army, was armed with a new type of weapon, such as MANPADS "Strela", and created for tanks active defense complex "Arena". The principle of operation of KAZ “Arena” is the same as that of KAZ “Mozyr”. In total, over 250 various enterprises of Soviet industry from almost all the ministries of the USSR worked on the KAZ Mozyr project.

Secret "Mozyr"

The territory of the object DIP at the site Kura, Kamchatka. In 1988, nearby - at the DIP-1 facility - the Mozyr missile defense system of the machine-building design bureau was allegedly tested. Photo - no later than autumn 2010 g

The KAZ design includes a large number of small-caliber trunks assembled in a package (the Mozyr complex, according to various sources, included 80 to 100 trunks), each of which contains a powder charge and a striking core element (projectile?) Of high-strength alloy . When a signal is received about an enemy attack on a guarded object, in a fraction of a second, the KAZ in standby mode seizes an approaching target and shoots hundreds of small striking elements (projectiles) towards it. The shot is made simultaneously from all trunks, one volley. In front of an enemy warhead, a wall or cloud is formed of steel shells, the density of which is such that it is almost impossible to overcome this barrier. As a result, the target, in this case, the enemy warhead, is destroyed (at a distance of 1 000 meters), before reaching the target. With this type of weapon you can protect almost all important objects.

According to unconfirmed reports, the Mozyr complex was created at the beginning of the 1980s, and the first prototype was sent for testing at the Kura Strategic Missile Forces test site, 25522 military unit, located in Kamchatka. Where, again according to unconfirmed data, in the framework of tests conducted, at the end of 1980-ies, a block of a target that simulates an intercontinental ballistic missile launched from Baikonur was intercepted for the first time (however, some sources claim that the launch was made from Plesetsk). However, the changes that occurred in the country influenced the further course of events. At the beginning of 90, the allocation of funds for further work on the project was discontinued, and soon it was closed. At the moment it is difficult to judge how KAZ "Mozyr" was effective and how the future fate of the project would have been if the Soviet Union had not collapsed. Data on this project were not disclosed, and all information is tentative. However, the very idea of ​​creating this fundamentally new weapon gave impetus to the creation of other models (Arena and Drozd complexes), the action of which is based on the principle of self-defense and worked out when creating the first domestic complex of active protection.

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  1. Sergh
    5 December 2011 08: 16
    Well, if they tested, then they did. The fruits are on the face, and talking about everything is not necessary, you can guess for yourself. Keep it up!
  2. +1
    5 December 2011 08: 45
    Quote: Sergh
    Keep it up!

    What to keep? Are you kidding me? He was strangled. .Like and much more. Financing of work was discontinued in August 1991.
  3. 0
    5 December 2011 09: 17
    The main thing is that all this works ... smile
    1. Artemka
      5 December 2011 14: 31
      It will take everyone to restore.
      1. 0
        5 December 2011 14: 34
        Yeah, and for what period of time?
  4. Boot under the carpet
    5 December 2011 12: 02
    Vadivak, and you just saw him strangled? Of course, the probability is high, but this source and no other military secrets will be shared with you! You can indulge on this subject as much as you like.
    1. +1
      5 December 2011 13: 44
      Quote: Boot under the carpet
      but this source and no other military secrets will be shared with you

      I don’t need to spread it, I know where the author of the article got inspiration from, and so you know - the lands under the DIP-1 object were reclaimed back in 2007
  5. 0
    5 December 2011 13: 03
    So what? Now there is an actual answer about what is written in the article? I see in the photo, only that everything is broken up and lost ... Is there a given system or its analogue now?
  6. +1
    5 December 2011 20: 02
    There are no analogues, there was a MiG-31D ("product 07") for the destruction of orbiting space stations, but this is another topic
  7. Cardamom
    5 December 2011 21: 00
    As far as I understand, the idea itself is not new today. This kind of principle (shooting a lot of submunitions) is used, if I don't confuse anything, in active anti-missile systems that are installed on modern tanks ("windbreaker" on "Merkava 4"). There are certainly not a hundred barrels, but a smaller rocket.
  8. marc
    5 December 2011 21: 29
    The article is complete nonsense, the author is not in the subject. And what kind of protection is said? And what is the WTO? If it is said that the US Army is conducting an air offensive operation (striking a Tomahawk-type missile defense system), then it will cover the MIG-31 regiment. If you implement the idea, then you need a fucking mountain of radars, shining in different directions, thank God that they did not think of such stupidity.
    1. rkt7
      7 December 2011 16: 05
      The little thing is still sucked from a finger ...
  9. Nechai
    5 December 2011 23: 53
    MiG-31D ("product 07")

    Property of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The source and inspirer of Amer's harp, was defrosted allegedly the only remaining in the c / employee - ensign. And scrapped for scrap.
    If you realize the idea, then you need a horseradish mount radar
    In fact, in the USSR, everything was already built. The primary detection and determination of the calculated targeting area, the flight time of the b / h was carried out by the "DONs", and then the missile defense of the area and this system - the extreme boundary.
  10. Nechai
    6 December 2011 00: 31
    Addition: "Mozyr" is for the protection of only buried objects of attack. And for the destruction of the bulk of the g / h, designed to destroy ground and air targets, where I / air explosion. It was planned that in addition to missile defense missiles, the main mass of tasks will be solved by the created high-speed weapon systems based on "non-traditional principles of influence." During the passage of g / h through the dense layers of the atmosphere, a little more than 12 seconds and from a height of about 80 km, it and the extended trail behind it SHINE very brightly. Plasma, however. So, it is not radars that come to the fore, but automatic optoelectronic systems.
  11. dred
    12 December 2011 17: 31
    a bucket of rust.
  12. galeo88
    13 March 2012 20: 44
    For each mine in the C1-Pantsyr division, add in addition 4-5 mines for the S-400, then we can talk about replacing the Voyevoda. Otherwise, a new 100-ton missile will cost dearly, and the risk of being shot down in the booster section is huge without cover from air defense missile defense, since the Iskander missiles will not be 100% able to neutralize the European missile defense system. As a last resort, at least on the European borders to place attack aircraft in large sizes.
  13. DIMMI
    17 March 2012 21: 12
    I’m wondering, but it’s not shameful for the author to even indicate where he got this information ??? I, therefore, searched, wrote, didn’t sleep at night ... And you don’t have any references either ... Mr. Max Belyaev, aren’t you ashamed?