Universal Soldier: Pros and Cons

Universal Soldier: Pros and Cons

Any state needs defenders of the fatherland, therefore one cannot spare time for training soldiers, and leaders of various states understood this perfectly well at all times. In ancient Sparta, for example, the training of a soldier began immediately from the very birth of a boy. Newborn babies of the male sex were subjected to strict selection, and children who did not pass the selection were thrown off the cliff, according to Plutarch, but the boys who were selected were brought up in very harsh conditions: they had to learn to go without sleep for several days, to constantly improve their physical skills, endure the cold, beating. As a result, the strength, endurance and solidarity of the Spartan warriors not only glorified them throughout the entire Eastern Mediterranean, but also left them in memory for centuries.

And since then, for the past several centuries, military science has been trying to find a way to accelerate the training of warriors who can kill without remorse, fearless and tireless in battle.

After the end of World War II, it was assumed that the soldiers would no longer have to take a direct part in military conflicts, leaving the whole thing to technology: tanks and missiles, and the military will only have to lead the process by clicking on the appropriate buttons. But time has shown that in the XNUMXst century, war can be protracted and tedious, an example of this is the military operations of recent years, when soldiers had to fight knee-deep in dirt and dust.

The prospect of a tireless and fearless soldier assimilating knowledge on the fly becomes especially tempting also because soldiers are no longer treated like cannon fodder, and huge funds from the state budget are spent on their training. However, about the creation of a real Terminator, Robot-killers, it hardly makes sense to dream in the coming decades, because modern robots still struggle to perform simple tasks like climbing stairs.

Scientists have achieved much greater success in creating a technology that turns living people into a fighting machine. According to Michael Henlon, this year alone, the Pentagon sent 400 million dollars to research ways to create a perfect warrior man. And this summer, representatives of Lockheed gave a presentation of the robotic suit “Hulc”, (Human Universal Load Carrier), in fact, being a universal transport device for humans. This armor allows an ordinary person not only to lift a hundred kilogram load, but to run, without letting it go, at a speed of 16 km / h.

Scientists do not bypass the problem of the lack of sleep of soldiers, associated with the need for a long wakefulness. In general, this problem has its roots in the darkness of the ages, and different nations at different times approached its solution in their own way. In ancient Sparta, boys were trained to do without sleep, and the Inca warriors chewed coca leaves for the same purpose. At a later time, people began to use nicotine, caffeine, amphetamines and other groups of stimulant drugs, as well as modafinil, which allows the fighters of the modern special forces not to interrupt the performance of their duties even after a day of 2 without sleep. However, chemists continue to work on the extension of modafinil.

Another problem is the fight against mental disorders of the military, in particular with post-traumatic stress disorder. Currently, this ailment is treated with psychotherapeutic methods and the use of antidepressants, which is effective, but very expensive and time consuming. Therefore, chemists continue to search for a fast-acting drug that can, if not completely erase unwanted memories, then at least dull them. Harvard psychiatry professor Roger Pitman conducts experiments with beta-blocker propranol, commonly used in the treatment of hypertension. The experiment involved young people who once survived a traumatic accident. During the experiment, it was found that taking propranol helps people not to react to the video of the accident with their participation.

The American psychologist Albert Rizzo to overcome post-traumatic stress disorder without the use of chemicals was created a computer game "Virtual Iraq", immersion in a virtual world which should help veterans relieve stress.

Against the background of other attempts to influence the psyche of a soldier, the latest achievement of modern neurology is especially notable, thanks to which the world has learned that a strong magnetic field has an amazing effect on the human brain, stimulating memory and mental activity. How exactly this happens, scientists have not yet been able to figure out, but the participants in the experiments could memorize the contents of the telephone directory at one time. However, the effect has a short character. However, in the future it is possible to use the influence of a magnetic field to facilitate the study of combat electronics and other intricate devices by the military.

Nevertheless, the transformation of a person into a perfect fighting machine, not knowing the reproaches of conscience, practically does not feel pain and does not feel fear, despite certain advantages, has its drawbacks. After all, the natural reactions of the body are able to bring their own benefit, fear stimulates our brain to develop a solution that allows us once again not to endanger ourselves and others; fatigue is a signal of the body, indicating overvoltage; and the presence of common ideals and values ​​helps to unite people.

And most importantly: the creation of universal soldiers and unfeeling zombies is not a guarantee of victory, because people fighting for the idea have always found a way to defeat the mercenaries spoiled by the fruits of civilization. Patriotism, fighting spirit and a feeling of elbow are the key to success in the war against any adversary.
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  1. Ion coaelung
    21 November 2011 12: 29
    Previously, when anyone, in the event of war, went to the front, even (even more so) voluntarily, they went to fight for their FAMILIES, for their FAMILY, for the nature that surrounds them. These concepts-images motivated this man, filled him with intention, courage, courage, justice, impeccability! From the point of view of the anatomy of the gland, enough substances and hormones were isolated to increase the qualities and physical properties of the fighter. That's the difference with the modern world!
      21 November 2011 13: 38
      Ion coaelung
      --- “From the point of view of the anatomy of the gland, enough substances and hormones were secreted to increase the physical properties of a fighter”

      The glands do not secrete any substances and hormones, it is a component of the Pirogov ring to protect against infection.
      From the point of view of not anatomy, but physiology.
      Perhaps you would like to say about the pituitary and adrenal cortex, endorphins and adrenaline.
      In general, I support the main idea.
      1. Ion coaelung
        21 November 2011 13: 49
        Thanks for the corrections! I "taught" anatomy during the beginning of absenteeism, cigarettes, wine, weed ... and I felt sad, since then I did not delve into and did not delve into anatomy. The essence is understood! The body can be made to work at high revs like a car, without necessarily knowing how everything works under the hood. feel But still ashamed!
      2. Odessa
        21 November 2011 15: 56
        Do not guys, judge for yourself. All the actions come from the cranial gearbox), whether it’s a signal to break into someone or the other way around, or in a matter of seconds to figure out and ignore any situations. I think the glands are like filters and nothing more, and there are no interconnections which is not with fighting qualities.
  2. Artemka
    21 November 2011 13: 47
    Scientists will play out, then there will be some sort of mutants.
  3. sol
    21 November 2011 14: 06
    Quote: Ion Coaelung
    From the point of view of the anatomy of the gland, enough substances and hormones were isolated to improve the qualities and physical properties of the fighter

    Question, do you mean palatine tonsils? If so, then do not drop the link to this information? It’s just that in my childhood the tonsils were removed. And after reading your comment, a thought crept in, maybe because of this I became a very calm person)) Although I was a fighter before the 4th grade, I waved with peers at almost every change in school.
  4. sol
    21 November 2011 14: 19
    Quote: ESCANDER
    The glands do not secrete any substances and hormones, it is a component of the Pirogov ring to protect against infection.

    I read about the tonsils, it seems to the end about his appointment, it is still not clear. Just a comment about the tonsils, gave a glimpse of the question, so to speak, that I always ask myself why, in childhood, from about 3-4 grades, I became very calm, almost stopped fighting. And now I remember, this happened after the removal of the tonsils, although before that, fights at every turn were commonplace for me. This is my personal guess, so to speak, but there is one relative who was also troubled in early childhood and became very calm after removing the tonsils, maybe there is still some kind of connection here. Probably you need to stir up such a survey among site visitors))
    1. J_silver
      21 November 2011 22: 32
      And after removing the eggs? In general, people calm down ... Anatomists and physiologists, damn it ...
  5. +1
    21 November 2011 16: 58
    In the photo, his rifle is so rusty, or so painted in a protective color ..? feel
    1. -1
      21 November 2011 22: 20
      Worn from frequent use, or maybe the color is just a shabby number, I saw one on the head.
    2. J_silver
      21 November 2011 22: 33
      Of course, I got it - I had to use it ...
      1. Anatoly
        21 November 2011 22: 39
        in Libya ......
  6. -1
    21 November 2011 23: 50
    I watched a video report about exoskeletons with which the amers boast so much, the thing and the idea is of course quite interesting.
    BUT even before the field tests they are sooo far away, they did not come up with a power source for this crap, and in terms of mobility and actions on the intersection, it’s completely crap.
    In principle, suitable as a porter.
  7. belarus
    22 November 2011 22: 04
    in the dust rifle Regarding the exoskeleton, the idea is good, but the acb needs super
  8. 0
    13 December 2014 17: 34
    Yes, apparently exoskeletons will become a transitional stage to robots. It turns out that in 10 years cyborgs will fight, and in 50 real terminators.