Pentagon muscle building technology

Pentagon muscle building technology

Following the recipe of the Pentagon, in order to grow fully functional large muscles, a few pig cells, a small surgical intervention and rigorous daily training are enough.

Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh started developing a technology to restore damaged muscles after they received an order from the military. This technique is implemented quickly. Despite the fact that clinical trials were initiated several months ago, there were four volunteers from the military to participate in the pilot process. While maintaining the same pace, in a couple of years the new technology will be widely used by American orthopedists and traumatologists in their work.

In the results of the research, there is no extension of the limbs, but everything is precisely to that and is moving. For the method of regeneration, it was based on the development of Dr. Stefan Badilak, who managed to grow a small part of a finger in 2007, using cells obtained from the bladder of a pig. To restore muscle tissue, similar actions are carried out. To begin with, the surgeons conduct the implantation of the extracellular matrix to the patient, it glues the cells together and consists of growth factor proteins, which are taken in the pig bladder. With the help of proteins, a collection of human stem cells is carried out to the damaged site and tissue growth process is initiated. In other words, there is a healing of the damaged part of the body. This method is particularly effective in the restoration of large muscles, the ability to fully regenerate which is not in natural conditions.

And when organizing a competent rehabilitation process for a new muscle, the body’s ability to restore not only the underlying muscle tissue, but also tendons and nerves, without which proper muscle function is not possible.

The importance of the new technology is beyond doubt, because when conducting combat operations, it is often necessary to remove large sections of tissue that have been damaged by war projectiles. And this is for a person a disability and a feeling of constant pain.

Perhaps the next decade will bring thousands of soldiers recovery and improvement in physical function. In civil society, the use of new technology can be used for injuries resulting from car accidents, post-cancer complications, diabetes and peripheral vascular diseases.
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    18 November 2011 08: 34
    The beginning of the end of the human race ((
  2. Artemka
    18 November 2011 09: 57
    Will the super-soldiers be doing it again?
    1. Lech e-mine
      18 November 2011 14: 56
      pigs will be made, not soldier.
      1. vadimus
        19 November 2011 00: 54
        New super pigs
  3. +1
    18 November 2011 11: 15
    but this is reality, a pig is born to die and be synchronized in our stomachs, so why not use its organs and cells in transplantology, for the benefit of mankind.
  4. dred
    18 November 2011 13: 08
    Why again. Before this was not. Secondly, they are not super-soldiers.
  5. Odessa
    18 November 2011 15: 35
    At one time, lambs were cloned in the USA, now they have taken up piglets. Any bodybuilding student can explain that there are exercises that increase the strength coefficient, and there are exercises to increase the bulk density of muscles. Not all people are huge in size and are strong. This is said in Ukraine - the bigger the cabinet, the louder it falls, they say in Russia it’s great in body, but small in fact. The only thing that can be said is that almost all toys-transformers are military designs that later migrated into industry, in the same way all kinds of anabolic steroids First of all, they were designed for a military complex with the goal of increasing the power module of fighters. But since it is not very effective and is prone to cause side effects in the body, it migrated to a number of products for the ordinary consumer. As well as with these pork cells, even the set of chromosomes is completely different . With a high degree of probability that the United States is currently under development of universal soldiers, and this information is what in the media, under the good pretext of fraud for the gullible is called.
  6. stalker
    18 November 2011 17: 40
    Something, I look, they see only bad things in this news, but they don’t see good.
    1. lightforcer
      18 November 2011 18: 03
      This was presented to her in the title.
  7. 0
    18 November 2011 19: 02
    Simple development.
    Soldiers because in their cases huge damage to the limbs and muscle mass. And who would not want to restore what was lost at least somehow does not matter how. Here, the guys are soldiers and responded to the experiments like mice, but the eight will work, it is impossible to condemn.
    But the fact that the technology is just being developed is far from perfect, and in general God knows how lost parts of the body will regenerate, how much time and money are needed for this, and indeed how much they will structurally and functionally recover is an appropriate question.
    I’ll live one thing for the children - to get well and send their army to _x + p + e + n with its Downick leadership, in other matters as well as the political one.
  8. Anatoly
    18 November 2011 22: 14
    And with us - they will bandage, inject morphine and release ....
    1. lightforcer
      18 November 2011 23: 02
      They have the same thing, since this technology is still experimental.
  9. Lech e-mine
    19 November 2011 11: 47
    to the next world. recourse
  10. belarus
    20 November 2011 23: 12
    amerikosy yes amerikosy and that the rest do not develop anything or something
  11. 0
    9 December 2014 20: 21
    It would be cool if it worked. How many people can be helped.