Software in the service of the Russian army

Software in the service of the Russian armyThe software is used to effectively use many types of modern weapons. We will conduct a small analysis of technical means in which software plays a significant role.

Flight Information Storage (NPI)

This device is recognized to record information from the KompaNav-2 flight navigation system and then transfer it to a computer. The drive uses a ring data storage module.

The drive communicates with computers via a USB cable. The program complex allows two-way logging of information in the form of machine codes. The software is created by Russian experts, which allows you to update the software on an ongoing basis without significant costs.

Digital installation EL-C

This device allows you to create digital images of a variety of materials, including three-dimensional. The installation allows you to photograph objects and create accompanying information. The photographic materials prepared by the EL-C mobile unit are distinguished by their excellent quality: high resolution and color reproduction. This device is used to detect forged documents.

Receiving high-quality photographic images is possible due to the work of a special software complex. Its task: to distribute the illumination of an object along several vectors in order to create a digital copy of each point object of the image. At the next stage, the program “collects” individual photocopies of pixels and forms a single picture. Next, a mechanism similar to a scanner checks the received digital image with the original copy and creates a so-called reference marker. This marker will serve as the basis for checking authenticity of documents.

Barkhan 4 +

A unique development of Russian specialists, which allows you to block the activity of mobile communication systems. The device is controlled by a software mechanism capable of capturing electromagnetic waves of certain frequencies. Barkhan 4 + can even work from the power supply system of the car, which makes it quite mobile.

The program used for the work of Barkhan 4 + is an analogue of the wave destructor of EW systems. Such a system is improving every year.
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  1. 0
    15 November 2011 21: 14
    Slurred, or very secret, or the author did not understand.
  2. dred
    16 November 2011 10: 27
    the author didn’t figure it out in moyma.
  3. Commoner
    18 November 2011 14: 16
    An interesting topic, but the information is extremely scarce, sorry. It sounded:
    Attention! You do not have permission to view hidden text.

    This makes me happy. But only in this area you need to think not about costs, but about the reliability and security of software products from the introduction of third-party code, etc.
  4. 0
    4 December 2014 22: 21
    The topic is interesting, but absolutely not disclosed.