Battle Profile-1: RB Spas

There are countless areas of martial arts called "saved." What is the melee "saved"? What "saved" appeared first? Trying to understand this question, we turned to Roman Miskin - the instructor of the Republic of Belarus was “saved” by L.P. Without a club, to a writer, researcher, author of articles in the famous Russian Style / Martial Arts magazine, and, finally, to a militia fighter in Donetsk. “Spas” was the first direction that we considered in the new cycle “Battle Questionnaire”.
Battle Profile-1: RB Spas

General questions

The film about the "save"

1. Characteristic style (school, direction) in one sentence

- Express training in the field of the personnel of military intelligence and counterintelligence units for integrated combat (unarmed combat weapons and with melee weapons, infantry training of short-barreled weapons)

2. Style motto (schools, directions)

- Spas are what save in battle!

3. The origins (beginning) of the direction (when and who founded)

- Preparation of Plastun teams in Tsarist Russia, preparation of SMERSH and units of military intelligence during the Great Patriotic War. This is one of the classic examples of the little-known early training complexes of the Republic of Belarus relating to a special section of combat sambo developed in the USSR in 30 - 40-e 20 c. for the needs of military intelligence and counterintelligence.

4. The ultimate goal of the class (the ideal to which the student is going), the physical and mental qualities that he must acquire

- High-speed guaranteed destruction of the enemy with minimization of efforts on the part of those who own this direction of the Republic of Belarus. The concept of mastery in the Eastern understanding of this ideal is absent - priority is given to the formation of a stable skill as a reaction to an extreme situation.

5. Used equipment (shock, wrestling, zalomnaya, etc.)

- The complex technique is used - blows and painful effects are aimed at damaging the vulnerable areas of the human body (primarily the groin, throat, eyes, nose, kidneys, ganglia, tendons, articular bags). Impact combinations and pain effects (for example, compression of soft tissues, pressing on the nerve nodes of open parts of the body) form the basis of this technology, are combined with each other and interconnect with each other.

The few shots have an auxiliary function and are simple and reliable unbalancing. Virtually the entire technical arsenal of this trend in sports classification refers to prohibited actions. The technique is based on the natural movements and reflexes of the human body, and is also extremely unified - for example, the technique of striking with an unarmed hand and with a weapon (knife, pistol, improvised means) is not changed, which allows:
1. simplify the process of mastering the material;
2. reduce the training time to develop a sustainable skill in just a few days;
3. to maintain combat readiness for a long time without the possibility of constant training.

6. Direction tactics

- Attacking aggressive fighting style. For an attack on an opponent, as well as in repelling his attack, a counter movement forward with a trick (departure) to the side is always used - this movement is called a “go-go”, and refers to pendulum movements that remotely resemble fraudulent movements of the boxers with the head and body for the enemy and exit him behind his back.

7. The presence of training battles (sparring). In what form, according to what rules are held?

- Training fights are an obligatory element of training in this direction of the Republic of Belarus. However, the sparring, familiar to full contact fights (for example, as in boxing, kickboxing, MMA, etc.), are absent due to the extreme trauma of the technical salvage arrest. In addition, the presence of protectors on the body and gloves from full contact: 1. significantly hamper the movement of a fighter;
2. change the technique of his strikes in comparison with strikes with his bare hands;
3. do not allow to hit vulnerable areas.

Instead, the opposite principle is used in the club's “salvation” - the trained man-to-be’s melee acts without protectors and gloves on his body, which allows him to move naturally and reinforces the correct skills of delivering full blows without protective devices on his limbs. His partner, who opposes him, uses a bag in the size of a human body with a special padding and strapping that allows you to hold the bag as a shield. Thus, the melee works in full contact without protective devices on his body against an actively moving opponent - this brings the training bout to the maximum to reality. In addition, to fool the melee and develop his defensive skills, the opponent can push his bag with a shield, hold the bag with one hand, and use the other with blows, a soft small club, etc. Thus, in training fights of this direction of the Republic of Belarus, work is synthesized into one whole both as a bag, a pear or a dummy, as well as work against an unpredictable and rapidly moving partner. Later, after consolidating the skills of work against one opponent, the number of opponents with bags increases to 2-x, and then 3-x people, which forms the skills of work against several attackers. Training fights for the melee can also be complicated by working in the dark or blindly (the melee is pre-blindfolded), holding fights in difficult terrain conditions, including in water, on loose soils, snow, ice, etc.

In addition, in the training process itself, special equipment is actively used - the above bags with special stuffing and strapping, clubs with a soft top, lozina, etc. Thus, learning takes place in three successive stages:
1. slow mastering of technical actions;
2. working out technical actions in full speed and strength with the help of special equipment by performing certain exercises;
3 consolidates stable skills when working at full speed and strength against opponents using special equipment.

8. Physical training (general and special) - including work with weights, free weights, your weight

- To begin classes in this area of ​​the Republic of Belarus, it is considered sufficient to be at the secondary school level. To special physical training can be attributed, first of all, running over rough terrain with jerks at maximum speed, special exercises for the development of flexibility of the spine and the correct performance of the “goyd”, as well as a number of exercises of lower acrobatics. Weights are welcome from exercises with weights.

9. Work against the group

- The work of one against several opponents, as well as a group against a group are mandatory elements of training in this direction of the Republic of Belarus. The system of collective interactions in group hand-to-hand combat (two, three, five against a group of opponents) has no analogues in other directions of the Republic of Belarus. I would like to emphasize once again - this is not the work of twos, threes and fives from tactical-rifle training, but the work of twos, threes and fives in hand-to-hand combat, i.e. with bare hands or using cold weapons.

10. Work against weapons / with weapons

- Working with weapons is a mandatory element of training and takes precedence over unarmed work.

The following training options are available:
1. one hand with a knife and one unarmed hand;
2. knives are clamped in both hands (with the same and different grip);
3. work with an ax;
4. work with a string saw (the so-called tourist diamond saw Gilly);
5. work with improvised means with pricking, chopping and / or cutting properties (a fragment of a branch with sharp edges, a screwdriver, a rope, a comb, a belt, etc.);
6. working with one gun as a cold weapon, i.e. like brass knuckles (blows with the pistol grip, butting with the barrel, etc.);
7. working with two pistols like cold weapons;
8. the combination of working with a knife in one hand and a pistol in the other hand.

Work against weapons is primarily based on working with weapons. Extreme nonsense to fight with bare hands against a knife - as life experience (and statistics) shows, there is practically no chance of an unarmed versus an armed. However, in certain situations such an opportunity for an unarmed person may turn up - therefore, some of the most reliable ways to fight off or knock out weapons are trained. But I emphasize once again - the emphasis is on working with weapons or improvised means against weapons.

A separate section is a tactical-rifle training - shooting from one and two pistols at close (up to 20-25 m.) Distances in movement, as well as without traditional aiming. In special literature, as well as in some works of art, this preparation is known as “swinging the pendulum” and “shooting in Macedonian”. This section of the tactical-rifle training is unique in the “save” of Clubless and only very remotely resembles the currently popular designs by A.A. Potapov, S.V. Ospishchev, and others.

11. Work on the ground (in the stalls)

- Work on the ground is a mandatory section of the preparation of a man-to-be fighter. They distinguish the work of the melee on the ground against one and several attackers, as well as rising from the enemy, incl. with the help of clicks on vulnerable areas, painful seizures, as well as with the help of knives.

12. Work in non-standard conditions, from non-standard opponents (in water, in darkness, confined space, from a dog, etc.)

- Work in non-standard conditions is also a mandatory section of training. You can select work in the dark, in water, in difficult terrain conditions. In fact, from the very beginning, all trainings are conducted only in nature - in the forest, and then as one-day or two-day refresher courses on wooded slopes, on slopes with loose ground (for example, sand or rubble), in snow, on ice, on slippery mud etc.

A separate block is the development of learned skills in the water.

Preparation in a confined space (elevator, car, etc.) is absent as a section, since All technical actions are carried out at close distances, which is achieved by instantly reducing the distance with the enemy with the help of a gojo. Therefore, most technical actions and so adapted to work in a confined space.

In addition to work in the water and in the dark, the individual sections of the preparation of this direction of the Republic of Belarus include:
1. work against the dog as well:
2. removal of sentries;
3. methods of delivering (escorting) a language and
4. Express interrogation of prisoners in the field.

13. Psychological training

- Psychological preparation is carried out by constant psychological pressure of cadets during the training process - shouts, insults, etc., designed to develop resistance to similar methods of influence from the enemy, as well as the necessary healthy anger towards him.

For the psychological relaxation and stress relief, those who are engaged in the training process are actively involved in moving national games with a cheerful script - laughter neutralizes the side effects of training psychological pressure.

In addition, other methods are used to quickly introduce yourself to the required aggressive attacking state and exit it, for example, singing songs for yourself or under your breath, a system of visual anchor images, special breathing exercises and fighting cries that can drive the enemy into a short-term stupor. to divert attention from his attack, as well as quickly normalize breathing at the melee.

14. Other effects from occupations (improving, developing and etc.)

- Training in this area of ​​the Republic of Belarus develops primarily an explosive reaction of the psyche to extreme situations, form a stable stereotype of a hunter or a predator with the sudden appearance of the enemy, as well as good dexterity.

In addition, a non-standard approach to combat and a comprehensive, voluminous perception of the environment are being shaped. There have been several instances when the person present at the one and only training for the “save” melee of another direction (for example, kickboxing or ARB) was surprised to notice at the next training session in his main area of ​​martial arts significant progress in sparring exactly because of the complex perception of the situation.

The formation of effective combat skills with maximum damage to the enemy in the shortest possible time (for 1-2 p.), Leads to the stability of the hand-to-hand fighter’s mentality in most extreme situations.

15. Unique features of the direction (style, school)

- Perhaps the most unique features of this direction are, firstly, its amazing simplicity and naturalness, secondly, the extreme efficiency of the technical arsenal, and, thirdly, the speed of learning (a full course in non-stop mode can be completed from 3-4-x days to one week, depending on the level of the initial physical fitness of cadets).

At the same time, this direction, unlike many complexes of the Republic of Belarus, is not a set of separate techniques - namely, an integrated system with the formation of a single motor skill and the ability to quickly improvise in a suddenly changing environment. The naturalness and scarcity of the technical arsenal and basing on the basis of the natural reflexes of the body allows for a long time to maintain combat capability without supporting constant training, which distinguishes this area from other areas of contact of the Republic of Belarus.

A sufficient minimum to maintain the physical and technical level is to complete a full course of study (3-7 days in the 6-8 training hours per day) and then conditional refresher courses in the 1-2 mode of the day with 4 frequency once a year (for example, quarterly ).

16. Use in life (a case of self-defense, when the student was able to protect himself in this area)

- In normal, civilian life, the use of this direction of the Republic of Belarus is fraught with exceeding the limits of permissible self-defense due to the pronounced trauma risk of every and all technician. But what is a minus in a peaceful life, on the contrary, is a plus for security officers, as well as with a direct threat to life. Therefore, it is desirable to avoid demonstrating these techniques in the first case in order to avoid problems with law enforcement agencies. Nevertheless, the precedents of the use of techniques of this direction were taking place, although they were carried out halfway. Due to the above details were not disclosed.

Add. questions:

Have you fought with athletes, representatives of other BI, using the technique of the Savior? If so, what are the results?

- How to fight? What are the rules? This is an old well-known truth that a boxer will lose to a wrestler on the mat, but will win in the ring. So it is with the “salvation” - from the point of view of sports, almost all of its technical arsenal falls into the section of prohibited devices. Those. to fight with an athlete, you need to turn into a whipping boy without the possibility of using certain techniques? This is absurd. Again, the priority in this direction of the Republic of Belarus is given to working with weapons - for example, with a knife or pistol. How many contact athletes will risk going out against a pistol? Therefore, I invite everyone who wants to fight to their trainings - after that, the desire to beat practically does not happen, but on the contrary, there is an interest in studying this system. “Spas” is not a hand-to-hand fight in the sports sense of the word - it is training in complex combat, i.e. combination of melee techniques (with and without weapons) with rifle training.

You are in the ranks of the militia and one cannot help asking - if “saved” is the early RB system (combat training), how effective is it in a modern war?

- The so-called "saved" without the club is one of the complexes of a special section of combat sambo, developed in 40-50-s. 20 in., Therefore, part of its provisions are significantly outdated. In modern war, melee fights have a place to be with sweeps in populated areas, as well as during the work of the DRG - and then in extremely limited conditions. Nevertheless, from experience we can say that about half of the technical arsenal of this direction of the Republic of Belarus works. For example, some technicians with a knife are not effective when working on the body, since modern fighter is protected by unloading vest, and often lightweight body armor. In this case, the best results are shown by adapted techniques of the Filipino schools of knife fighting. Again, the same unloading and bronik do not allow to carry out the "gojok". And there are a lot of similar examples. Nevertheless, this direction of the Republic of Belarus is of great value even in a modern war - provided it adapts to the changed realities. The most important thing in this variety of RB is the speed of training, naturalness and efficiency, which very quickly forms the character of a real fighter.

How do you feel about the version of the origin of “saved” from the Fairborn system?

- Soviet sambo actively absorbed the best achievements from all types of martial arts. At the initial stage, sambo was formed as a synthesis of Japanese jiu-jitsu techniques with the national forms of struggle of the peoples of the Soviet Union (kuresh, chidaoba, Russian wrestling, etc.), as well as with the best practices of Western European martial arts, first of all English and French boxing. In the future, sambo experts actively studied the experience of all other types of martial arts and borrowed their best achievements. Considering that the Fairburn system became the basis for preparing for the hand-to-hand fighting of the armies of the countries of the Anglo-Saxon coalition (primarily the United States and Great Britain), it would be surprising if Sambo experts missed these developments. Some combat sambo techniques already had direct parallels with the Fairburn system, but developed independently, and some others were borrowed, for example, tactical forward-and-side movement schemes when attacking an enemy. This is remotely similar to the "go-go" - but without the active work of the body. Because the “gojoke” is primarily a “swing of the pendulum” during fleeting fire contacts, adapted for conducting hand-to-hand combat. The forward-sided movement scheme is not the know-how of Fairburn and his students - this tactical scheme is well known in European fencing, from where, through the Spaniards, it penetrated into the Philippine schools, where Fairburn borrowed them.

Nowadays there are so many directions called "saved." What does the club's “saved” have to do with them?

- Before the appearance of the article-letter L.P. Without the "Interest of My Thoughts" in 2 of the magazine "Technology Youth" for 1989, there are no written sources for using the word "saved" as applied to hand-to-hand fighting. Prior to this, the word "Savior" was used only in the religious sphere.

And only after the appearance of the interpretation of “saved” as a kind of hand-to-hand combat “from the grandfather in the village,” numerous imaginary “saved” began to appear.

This became possible in the wake of the rush to the restoration of Russian (and, more broadly, in general Slavic) military traditions. Thus, the phenomenon of the spread of the term "saved" as a designation of various areas of domestic hand-to-hand combat can be considered a successful PR action - the target audience was chosen ideally (the reader is the youth), the information carrier also (the circulation of "TM" at that time was 250 thousands (!) copies, one number read an average 3,5 person (i.e. the readership was almost one million people).

The absolute majority of the so-called "Spas" is a fiction of their authors - this is just the market's response to panic demand.

However, directly from L.P. Without a club, quite a few people were engaged - and later his students in the middle of 21's zero years. split into two hostile camps for political reasons: one part supports the nationalistic Ukrainians views of their coach, which resulted in the creation of a number of sections of the Republic of Belarus, to whose students Bandera's worldview is inculcated to varying degrees. The other part of Bezklubny’s students tried to clean up the “saved” from the nationalist husk and in their research came to the reasoned conclusion that the “saved” from Bezkluby was not the style of the Ukrainian Zaporozhye Cossacks, as he liked to tell Clubless, which he learned in his service in the Soviet army at the end of 60's 20. In the special literature on sambo and RB 30-50-x. 20 c. there are all used equipment for training, special training exercises, as well as a significant part of the technical arsenal of this direction of the Republic of Belarus. Veterans of the Soviet power structures, including military intelligence, were noted during the demonstration of the “saving” technique to them, that this was no “saving” - but the old combat sambo, which now, with the mass distribution of martial arts, is hardly taught. In order to avoid debunking the “save” myth, Bandera repeatedly resorted to threats against researchers, and after Kiev’s Maidan 2014, to dirty provocations, slander and attempts to directly physically eliminate their opponents. This campaign of slander and threats against independent researchers of the Clubless legacy, debunking Bandera myths, continues to this day — by virtue of which some researchers were forced to emigrate to Russia and others to join the ranks of the Donbas militia.
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  1. Riv
    1 October 2015 09: 45
    It reminded me of the old joke: "If you are so smart, why don't you march in formation?"
    If the combat system is so comprehensive and omnipotent, why does the author not teach at one of the military schools, but teach some partisans in the Donbass? Excuse me, but apart from the partisans of the people in the starting picture, I can’t name. Do not engage in hand-to-hand fighting seriously in dirty trousers and torn T-shirts.

    In general, judging by the description of the style, it does not pull, but rather is something like accelerated courses. A trained fighter in advance will undoubtedly bring out something useful from there, but for an amateur they are nothing more than gymnastics.
    1. +3
      1 October 2015 09: 55
      but in my opinion, it’s not the main thing WHAT to train in, the main desire ... the desire to master the technique of battle and improve it ... in my youth I was engaged in RB, and now no, no, and I warm up - and it’s good for health, and live calmer in the modern world ...
      1. Riv
        1 October 2015 15: 01
        Desire should not play any role here. Either we have a more or less formal system that can really be taught and studied "impersonally", or everything will depend on the teacher. The second case is clearly not suitable for the army. There are many recruits and there will not be enough teachers for all. And even more so hand-to-hand combat in the army is not studied "for health."

        That is, the choice is extremely limited. This is either boxing, or the basic technique of karate / wushu / tae kwon do, or again the basic technique of judo. Stands, 5-6 punches and kicks in motion, several techniques for disarming and holding, 2-3 throws. If a rookie can use the basic technique in relation to the situation and without hesitation, the goal of preparation has been achieved: a person has learned how to receive and strike. This, of course, is not a task for a week or a month. And then what a person then picks up from above - depends on himself and his teacher should not worry.

        From my own practice, I can recall a funny incident at the Kyokushin karate certification. After it, there were small competitions, and our heavyweight got sick at the wrong time. To avoid being fined, senpai asked me to come out. The eighth kyu against the second, yeah ... :))) They promised that they would not hurt. By that time, ten years had passed after the army, but you cannot spend on your skills. An attempt to kick in the head (mawashi giri jodan, who knows) led to the fact that I squatted down, braided the opponent's supporting leg and came to hold. Completely reflexive, without even noticing resistance. They made me remarks like: "is this karate, or where?", And the opponent was slightly stunned. They told him: do not hit hard, but it turned out a little differently ... In general, he did not show off any more, but knocked me down with two blows into the sun. Well, here the strength aches the straw, but he was stronger. The simplest technique is the most dangerous if correctly set.
  2. 0
    1 October 2015 17: 27
    - "Saw Gigli" is a surgical (!) Instrument ... can be used as a "stranglehold".