Highly mobile ZRAK "Centaur"

Highly mobile ZRAK "Centaur"

One of the main combat missions of self-propelled anti-aircraft missile systems in modern warfare is: protection against air strikes aviation the enemy in important strategic, industrial or administrative facilities, protecting personnel and equipment of military units and various defensive structures, destroying in the air guided cruise missiles of various types, such as Tomahawk, Helfaer, Mayverik, and other precision weapons, fighter and ground attack aircraft, enemy transport and landing helicopters, high-altitude unmanned aerial vehicles, carrying out reconnaissance of the area. In addition to hitting air targets, the anti-aircraft missile system is able to fire at direct fire and destroy light armored vehicles, vehicles and enemy manpower.

The “Centaur” anti-aircraft missile artillery complex for air defense refers specifically to this type of self-propelled military equipment as part of the air defense forces. The use of the armor and chassis of one of the most modern Ukrainian armored vehicles in the creation of the Centaur air defense system tanks allowed to achieve very high performance both in speed and maneuverability, as well as to increase the cross-country ability of the car The combat weight of the anti-aircraft missile system does not exceed 38 tons, as a result of which the ground pressure is small and allows the machine to move without much difficulty even on soft ground. The maximum speed on the highway is high enough for this type of combat vehicles and is more than 60 km per hour, the capacity of the fuel tanks installed on the Centaur SPRAK provides it with a cruising range of up to 500 km. In addition to high mobility, which allows you to quickly change firing positions, such missile systems have a number of advantages compared to stationary ones. In particular, the high protection of the crew, located in the armored hull of the machine, against damage by small arms, fragments of mines and shells. Modern, high-tech radar and optoelectronic equipment located on the anti-aircraft missile system allows you to detect and conduct multiple air targets. Also accept and hit various targets specified from a remote command post, including flying at extremely low altitude, anti-aircraft high-precision guided missiles or artillery fire of an automatic gun.

Combining missile and artillery weapons in one mobile anti-aircraft missile system makes it possible to multiply the effectiveness of combat use and, depending on the type and nature of the target, choose and use one or another weapon. The main parts of the design of the Centaur anti-aircraft missile system are: a launcher for self-guided ground-to-air missiles, an automatic anti-aircraft gun, equipped with a new automatic loader mechanism, which allows increasing the rate of fire and simplifying service in a combat situation, radar control system (Radar weapons control) OLSU (Opto-electronic weapons control station), on-board computer with the most modern means of detecting, maintaining and hitting both airborne and ground targets.

The range of destruction of the target with missile armament installed on the air defense complex "Centaur" ranges from 1km to 12 km, the maximum height at which the airborne target can be destroyed reaches more than 4 km. Anti-aircraft artillery armament, installed on the "Centaur", consists of a rapid-fire automatic 40-mm gun, capable of firing both armor-piercing and high-explosive fragmentation projectiles equipped with proximity fuses. Ammunition is 170 high-explosive fragmentation projectiles and 30 armor-piercing. Rocket armament includes eight ground-to-air missiles equipped with a guidance system for several radio and laser channels, which can be aimed at a target by the crew of the vehicle or by data obtained from the command post. The response of the anti-aircraft complex to a target does not exceed 8-12 seconds in rocket fire mode and no more than 6-8 seconds in artillery fire mode.

In all of its indicators, Centaur ADC suggests that it is he who will come to replace aging anti-aircraft complexes, such as Shilka and Strela-10, the number of which in the armies of Asia, Africa and the Middle East exceeds 2000 units.
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  1. +3
    8 November 2011 09: 19
    If a rocket from the Stiletto air defense system will be used, with a range of 20 km and a height of 10, then class. in Belarus, when firing with these missiles, all targets were hit.

    The ammunition of the guns is surprising - 170 high-explosive fragmentation shells and 30 armor-piercing shells. Not enough?
    1. Jaguar
      8 November 2011 13: 01
      buy imported missiles when you have your own missiles from the Shell. Serdyukov would appreciate your offer
      1. +1
        9 November 2011 23: 03
        I believe that Belarus can be bought, and support an ally (the only real one, by the way) and a good missile to master, with Serdyukov, there is no way to discuss the purchase of weapons nor the main desire
        1. Insurgent
          3 February 2012 22: 51
          This rocket was developed by the Kiev KB ray in it as many Belarusian as Russian
    2. Joker
      8 November 2011 13: 45
      Vadivak, in my opinion there are two aspects:

      - with a caliber of 40 mm, it becomes possible to install a controlled detonation sensor in a projectile. There is no need to accurately hit the target, the shell can be detonated near the target. Therefore, to hit each target will require fewer shells. Why is the caliber exactly 40 mm? In this caliber, you can install a remote detonation sensor, of course you can put in a smaller caliber, but then there will be little space for the explosive charge.

      - I wouldn’t trust about the ammunition, most likely we are talking about the BK directly ready for use, so there will be another 1 to 3 sets in the car.
    3. Voodoopeople
      8 November 2011 14: 05
      Quote: Vadivak
      in Belarus, when firing with these missiles, all targets were hit.

      - From where is the information and when?
      1. +1
        9 November 2011 18: 08
        Alexander here for example http://www.arms-expo.ru/049051124049057051049055.html
    4. mox
      8 November 2011 22: 26
      This missile is a medium-range missile of the OSA-AKM type.
      It is unrealistic to cram into such an apparatus.
  2. Cross
    8 November 2011 10: 11
    I do not understand, our development? Then why in the first figure does this wunderwafle look like an overfilled file? 0 ___ about
  3. Jaguar
    8 November 2011 12: 54
    what's the point at all in a centaur? For the Russian army it is better to shell, poor countries and the Tunguska enough to replace
    1. Voodoopeople
      8 November 2011 14: 06
      This is a Ukrainian project, possibly with Belarus.
      1. mox
        8 November 2011 22: 27
        This is not even a project, but a reflection on the topic.
        1. Voodoopeople
          8 November 2011 22: 52
          Quote: mox
          This is not even a project.

          - Right, the projects are different
  4. kotmster
    8 November 2011 15: 19
    Better Tunguska M1 still does not work. Is it possible that the Ukrainians hope to sell it abroad later, but the same Tunguska has already proved its reliability and unpretentiousness .... therefore I think that these are just ambitious plans, although they can put several complexes for their army if there is enough money ...
    1. Voodoopeople
      8 November 2011 15: 29
      Quote: kotmster
      Better Tunguska M1 still does not work.

      - Who knows, but Belarusians put rockets on Stiletto not from Tunguska, and not even from Shell, but they want a new two-stage of a similar class with Shell. And while the Armor is 20 years old, constantly finishing and bringing to the third version of modernization-finishing work.
      Stiletto-Stiletto, here soon it will be necessary to wait for the Ukrainian air defense system in this class. And the Centaur is like an old development-sketch-layout.
  5. Voodoopeople
    8 November 2011 16: 01
    The gun must be assumed to be western.
    1. Alexey Prikazchikov
      8 November 2011 16: 50
      Proof in the studio and no, don’t carry nonsense
      1. Voodoopeople
        8 November 2011 17: 00
        Quote: Alexey Prikazchikov

        - This is your middle name.
        1. Alexey Prikazchikov
          8 November 2011 18: 29
          I asked to explain that the Ukrainians will not be able to create an armament unit that you did what rc 20 in Ukraine did, and only a condom can turn arrows.
          1. Voodoopeople
            8 November 2011 22: 57
            Quote: Alexey Prikazchikov
            ondon is over.

            “This is your first name before the second.”
      2. 0
        9 January 2012 21: 00
        caliber - 40mm. there is simply no such caliber in the CIS - 20, 23, 30, 37, 45 mm. 40mm. - Swedish buffors
  6. Alexey Prikazchikov
    8 November 2011 16: 51
    I don’t understand the people, that there is a promising zsu for replacing the torus of shilka tunguska and here’s the question why do we need so much unification in the end, and so it’s kind of mess
    1. Voodoopeople
      8 November 2011 17: 03
      Quote: Alexey Prikazchikov
      I did not understand the people

      “What's so surprising about that?”
      Quote: Alexey Prikazchikov
      zsu for replacing the torus shilka tunguska and here is the question why do we need so much unification in the end, and so what a mess it turns out

      - This is a Ukrainian child.
      1. Alexey Prikazchikov
        8 November 2011 18: 35
        Yes, I generally asked all the more so that we and Ukrainians still use Soviet weapons and the question just does both Russian and Ukrainians
  7. Voodoopeople
    8 November 2011 17: 21
    The gun is probably Swedish, more like:

    Or Finmekkaniki, about the Ukrainian 40mm did not seem to be heard.

    If there is 40mm at all.

    1. kesa1111
      8 November 2011 18: 58
      In Ukraine there is such a tendency, the transition to NATO calibers, so it is very likely.
      1. kotmster
        8 November 2011 19: 18
        rather, the tendency to change owners every 4 years, or even earlier ...
        1. kesa1111
          8 November 2011 19: 29
          UAG 40 http://www.topwar.ru/5423-granatomet-ukrainy.html
          1. kotmster
            8 November 2011 19: 51
            Well, apparently, their logic is even less than that of our MO
          2. Voodoopeople
            8 November 2011 21: 53
            And which side?
      2. Voodoopeople
        8 November 2011 22: 59
        There is no such tendency, there is a tendency - to do more Russian Soviet calibers with guns combined.
  8. kotmster
    9 November 2011 11: 26
    Quote: Voodoopeople
    And which side?

    I'm talking about the fact that before they even join the North Atlantic Alliance, they are already starting to customize their armaments to their standards, if, say, the direction of their foreign policy changes in any direction, all the work of design bureaus, supply plants, factories of direct production of products can be safely allowed down the drain!
    Quote: Voodoopeople
    do more russian soviet calibers

    something I have not heard about Ukrainian guns 40 mm, do not share the information?
  9. 0
    10 November 2011 14: 23
    "Tunguska" seems to fit these requirements. And there are guns and missiles ... what's the difference? The missiles are new and the electronic stuffing can be delivered during the upgrade
  10. 0
    17 November 2011 23: 45
    Quote: nnz226
    Tunguska "seems to fit these requirements. And there are guns and rockets ... what is the difference

    30 mm 2A38 machine is not eternal. There are no sub-caliber normal to him, there is no nickname 2A42 \ 2A72. UAS in the caliber is not 30 mm (Erlikon has 35 mm). The 40 mm version with UAS is only partially acceptable. 57 mm with UAS for centaurs You won’t put it on wheels after this (you’ll shoot to one side - topple over)