"Army-2015". "Innovative weapons technology" - ours to screw


It is time to talk about another unique company, an exhibition which we visited in the framework of the forum "Army-2015". As they say, "cooled down", shoveled a bunch of pictures and minutes of video, and spreading out for yourself all on the shelves.

So get to know, “Innovative weapons technologies".

The company is a developer of modern and unique integrated solutions based on thermal imaging equipment for hunting, anti-terrorism and security systems. As well as intelligent thermal automated sighting and observation systems, thermal imaging video surveillance systems and modernized radio-controlled products.

The company conducts a full cycle of product development and maintenance, starting with research and development and development, production management, and ending with the production of serial products, design of facilities, installation and maintenance of equipment at customer sites.

"IWT" is also the developer of its own exclusive software that is installed on the created equipment. As we were told at the stand, representatives of the company, "from the first screw to the last byte - everything is Russian."

Having tried several products, "having felt", I will say that it is believed. I had to communicate with Chinese and Belarusian-made thermal imagers, I had something to compare with. Our looks somehow more substantive, or something. Although clearly losing weight. But there is a feeling that if this device is dropped, then there will be nothing for it.

It is worth telling separately and in detail about each of the devices being manufactured (the hand should not be called a gun). Than in the near future we plan to do more by visiting the manufacturers "on the spot".

What impressions I received, briefly reading some of the devices, I will share now.

This masterpiece is called IWT SHADOW 3D Thermal Goggles. Glasses ... Well, yes, glasses, yes, with a three-dimensional image. And the car options. In general, they are a certain center of the IWT instrument cluster, and allow not only to detect "warm" targets at a distance of up to 700 meters, but also to record the current image, transmit it, location maps, telemetry, text information to any PC and smartphones with "Android".

Absolutely calmly communicates wirelessly with any IWT device. It can project an image, for example, from an optical sight to your viewfinder and record it. Useful when shooting from cover.

The navigation system from the GPS / GLONASS module and the electronic compass is built into the "glasses". There is a GPS tracker.

The system is used to integrate the identification of "your - someone else's" development of IWT. When in contact with the eyeglasses of the system’s beacon, information on the belonging and condition of the fighter or equipment is displayed on the eyepiece.

There is a warning system when irradiated with range finders, both military and civilian. At hit of the device to a zone of action of a range finder the alarm system works.

There is generally a cool option - self-detection of moving targets. This is if the fighter took off the device or just fell asleep. Then the signal will go to the remote control, which is made in the form of a watch. Vibrate will wake anyone up. The hand will not tear off, of course, but it vibrates strongly.

I don’t even want to talk about such things as “zoom” and image stabilizer. There is.

The weight is small. 330 grams. The lion's share, of course, takes the battery, which allows you to work up to 16 hours. You get used to the battery hanging on the back of your head very quickly.

Walking in these glasses is easy. The stabilizer is good, there is no “overflowing” of the image and loop, as on cheap Chinese models. The contours are clear. The volume is simply superb: 5-6 steps, and it is addictive. Since I walked in a room where the temperature was much lower than on the street, the people who are in the pavilion for a long time, immediately distinguished from just entered.

Very interesting device. And I think we will do a more detailed test in the near future. He is worth it.

Probably worth adding that there are no analogues in the world. In many respects, including the price.

"Army-2015". "Innovative weapons technology" - ours to screw

The second device, which came into my hands, is also unique in its parameters and also has no equal.

To our great regret, we got to the IWT booth just before the closing of the exposition, so it was not really possible to photograph everything. So I had to insert a picture from the manufacturer.

This is the IWT 640 MICRO 2 micro-thermal imager. The smallest thermal imager in the world.

Weight is no more than 100 grams. But also heaped enough device. Can shoot, take pictures, send to other devices. There is a "zoom". There is a compass. Working time is about two hours. From batteries.

The range of work is also impressive. Detect a person can at a distance of 1300 meters, recognize - 800. Technique detects over long distances, of course.

Again, we could not pay enough attention to the products of IWT, but there is an intention to correct this situation. Such products deserve to talk about it in more detail. Moreover, we have not evaluated the portable and airborne tracking systems. And they are already working on finding hidden fires on peatlands.

I am pleased to finish this material with the words "To be continued."
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  1. -14
    8 July 2015 07: 12
    to all these new products, one could also offer the NORMAL LIFE OF OUR PEOPLE, GASOLINE at 7 kopeks per liter, SAUSAGE DOCTOR ITD, only without WINE-VODVOKH and TOBACCO PRODUCTS !!! THE PEOPLE WILL BE SPIRITUALLY SPIRIT THEN!
    1. +4
      8 July 2015 07: 24
      Quote: Sanyht
      to all these new products, one could offer more

      Good offer.
      Such a sight, as in the last photo, costs only $ 40000 +/-.
      Such capabilities as realized on it and many armored vehicles have not dreamed of.
      Here is the way their site:
      And, I almost forgot: The author is a huge "+".
    2. +3
      8 July 2015 09: 32
      Well then, the people all profiled it in due time? Doesn't inspire come out?
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. +4
      8 July 2015 10: 36
      Quote: Sanyht
      to all these new products, one could also offer the NORMAL LIFE OF OUR PEOPLE, GASOLINE at 7 kopeks per liter, SAUSAGE DOCTOR ITD, only without WINE-VODVOKH and TOBACCO PRODUCTS !!! THE PEOPLE WILL BE SPIRITUALLY SPIRIT THEN!

      This is another question ...
    5. 0
      8 July 2015 17: 32
      it is incomprehensible light converters there solid-state or crt? if CRT, then over time the sensitivity may move due to the fact that the cathodes are sitting ...
    6. +2
      9 July 2015 07: 01
      We are all aware of the standard of living prepared by the shit-thieves hooliganigarchy in ruin. THANK! keep yourself .....
  2. +1
    8 July 2015 07: 14
    Great article, very interesting! I look forward to continuing
  3. 0
    8 July 2015 08: 13
    I would really like these samples to get into the armed forces and power structures. Our. Really needed.
  4. -15
    8 July 2015 08: 52
    "IWT" is also the developer of its own exclusive software that is installed on the created equipment. As we were told at the stand, representatives of the company, "from the first screw to the last byte - everything is Russian."

    How, how so. Does Russia produce equipment for the semiconductor industry? No. The Japanese, Americans and all kinds of Europeans are doing this.
    1. +2
      8 July 2015 09: 34
      There is no equipment, but they print their elemental base for military purposes.
    2. +3
      8 July 2015 11: 20
      So what? and is great Israel releasing EVERYTHING necessary? Or is it also cooperating with other countries?
      1. -4
        8 July 2015 11: 32
        Quote: Victor Demchenko
        So what? and is great Israel releasing EVERYTHING necessary? Or is it also cooperating with other countries?

        And the article about the great Israel and the fact that he releases everything himself? Or about non-analogous devices made in Israel? wink

        Quote: Centurion1
        There is no equipment, but they print their elemental base for military purposes.

        No. Rogozin cried about this more than once.
        1. -8
          8 July 2015 15: 32
          You are unlikely to be able to argue with the local "uryakalok"
        2. +4
          8 July 2015 21: 27
          Quote: professor
          And the article about the great Israel and the fact that he releases everything himself?

          Professor, go get some kind of your national resource.
        3. 0
          9 July 2015 13: 42
          Yes, partially. For example in the Constellation concern. So "ours to the screw" may not be a lie.
      2. +9
        8 July 2015 17: 30
        Quote: Victor Demchenko
        So what? and is great Israel releasing EVERYTHING necessary? Or is it also cooperating with other countries?

        immigration has such a complex - justification for immigration
  5. wanderer_032
    8 July 2015 11: 16
    Such products deserve to be described in more detail.

    Undoubtedly. I liked the review very much, quite a while ago there was nothing of the kind. And considering that this equipment is of Russian manufacture, it is doubly interesting.
  6. +1
    8 July 2015 11: 22
    Very impressive. Fantastic opportunities are opening up in combat protection, reconnaissance, and the formation of a battle formation, the concentration of the main efforts at breakthrough areas and covering the flanks with minimal forces. Element of network-centric wars - completely changes the modern tactics of warfare. I hope we will solve the problem with the equipment.
  7. 0
    8 July 2015 15: 13
    It is good that these devices are being made in our country, and as you know, with the imposition of sanctions, our armed forces have lost French thermal imaging sights, on which France would have signed an agreement.
  8. 0
    8 July 2015 16: 37
    Time will tell...
  9. 0
    8 July 2015 20: 34
    Even this carabiner reminds me, it’s obvious that it’s not possible to put karma on optics of AK or ancient SVD.
    1. 0
      8 July 2015 23: 02
      This is a rifle from ORSIS based on the SR-25
      1. 0
        9 July 2015 17: 22
        Based on AP15, more precisely
  10. +1
    8 July 2015 21: 57
    Like never before, similar devices of domestic production will be needed. Such a device mounted on any military equipment will increase its capabilities.
    Of course, the guys from the Innovative Arms Technologies CJSC should not be limited only to military products. I think for such a team to make a competitive camera or a car panoramic video recorder capable of normally shooting in poor lighting conditions will not be difficult.
  11. +1
    9 July 2015 14: 10
    very interesting and useful article! Thanks to the author! Perhaps no one would have paid attention to these foreign letters "IWT". Think: "Again foreigners demonstrate their technique!" and you will pass by! I have nothing against "IWT" or, moreover, "ORSIS"! But all the same it is offensive - we live in Russia, but we write and "encrypt" in the Latin alphabet!
    1. 0
      21 July 2015 16: 42
      senima56 RU - you're right, I also think so, in general you need to write Cyrillic
  12. 0
    18 October 2020 14: 46
    Everything, except for the Russification of the software, is made in China :)