Russian military industrial complex is catching up with American


Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) summed up world trade weapons over the past five years

In their assessments, SIPRI experts use mainly not monetary, but physical indicators, according to which the total volume of transactions in 2010 – 2014 increased by almost 16% compared to the previous five-year period - 2005 – 2009.

This is explained both by the start of new cycles of rearmament of armies in countries such as India, China, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and others, and by the intensification of military conflicts in Africa and the Middle East - in Syria, Iraq and Yemen.

The five largest arms exporters, according to SIPRI, remained unchanged: the United States, Russia, China, Germany and France. In total, they control almost three-quarters of the global market. But within this group, radical changes have taken place in recent years. Thus, the share of Germany decreased from 11 to 5%, and France - from 8 to 5%. But the share of Russia and the United States, on the contrary, has grown. Five years ago, our country controlled only 22% of the world market, and now - 27%. Americans also increased the share, but not so much, from 29 to 31%. At the same time, the geography of arms exports from the United States is much wider than from Russia: 94 states against 56.

"The United States has long viewed arms exports as the main tool of foreign policy and security, but in recent years it has increasingly been designed to help the US military industry maintain production levels while reducing military spending," says SIPRI military spending program director Od Fleran. In Russia, the export of military equipment is an ordinary business, and the main rate of enterprises of the domestic military industrial complex is to fulfill the state defense order. Its share in the total volume of almost all the largest defense enterprises in Russia has long exceeded 60 – 70%. As for the sale of weapons to foreign markets, over the past year it has declined from 15,7 to 13 billion dollars in the whole country. At the same time, the portfolio of export contracts still amounts to 48 – 50 billion dollars.

No less interesting changes are occurring in the group of the largest importers of weapons. Here the most important player is India, which almost doubled its share, from 7 to 15%. Saudi Arabia, which occupies second place in the camp of the main buyers, has sharply - fivefold - increased its share. But the share of China, on the contrary, decreased from 9 to 5%. This is primarily due to the development in China of its own defense industry, which over the past decades has learned how to manufacture several sophisticated weapons systems and naval equipment. The same applies to South Korea, which sharply reduced arms purchases abroad. As a result, its share fell from 6 to 3%. But these two cases are the exception. “In general, Asian countries are still dependent on imports of the main types of weapons, which have grown substantially and will remain at a high level in the coming years,” said SIPRI Senior Researcher Simon Wesemann. And if so, then Russia has very good chances in the next five years to circumvent the United States. And above all, because the traditional buyers of our weapons in Asia have not yet saturated their armies with new military equipment.

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  1. +4
    29 March 2015 05: 58
    Through the defense industry and subsequent development of production, it will give us the opportunity to peel off oil - gas needles.
    1. +12
      29 March 2015 11: 20
      Russia will not succeed in getting off the oil and gas needle while it has a liberal government led by DAM, which defends the interests of Russian oligarchs, the main players in the oil and gas market, as well as suppliers of other raw materials. Until the government develops and adopts a concept and plan for the development of the manufacturing (rather than raw materials, as now) economic sector, and most importantly, takes effective steps for import substitution in the defense industry, the development of military production will not give Russia anything. One thing is good - for 2015, about a quarter of the defense budget is allocated to the R&D share (I don’t remember the exact numbers request ) - this gives reason to hope that the Russian defense industry will receive funding for the development of new weapons systems, which in particular will help to overcome the lag behind the West in the development of new artillery systems, artillery fire control systems and new ammunition for existing artillery systems - these measures will allow them to be more competitive in the global arms market. This is true for other types of weapons and military equipment.
      I have the honor.
      1. +8
        29 March 2015 12: 43
        Quote: avvg
        Through the defense industry and subsequent development of production, it will give us the opportunity to peel off oil - gas needles.

        The fact is that the state budget revenues from the sale of oil and from arms exports are not comparable. Our country can’t get rid of oil dependence by raising one military-industrial complex. We need drastic changes in the banking system (affordable loans), civil industry and agriculture. Otherwise, we will continue to buy meat from Brazil and go in imported clothes.
        1. +3
          29 March 2015 15: 47
          We need dramatic changes in the banking system (affordable loans), civil industry and agriculture

          Everything is true + Lazy does not tell you about this, only things are still there.
          1. +1
            29 March 2015 16: 18
            Quote: Alan
            We need dramatic changes in the banking system (affordable loans), civil industry and agriculture

            Everything is true + Lazy does not tell you about this, only things are still there.

            Unfortunately, at present, the debt burden of our enterprises has led to the fact that about 3/4 of the proceeds goes to loan payments. That's what high stakes mean. Now the question. Who benefits from this? Naturally, the banks. This is where you need to start. And this situation is not only in industry, but also in agriculture.
            1. +2
              29 March 2015 20: 26
              Enemy cans cut to the root. Leave only state banks and put on a salary from the budget. The interest rate is close to zero. It is the interest rate that causes inflation, and not vice versa.
              1. +1
                30 March 2015 10: 21
                Learn Economics Dear!
                Low interest rates will lead not to inflation, but to hyperinflation in our case. And also to inflate the bubble.
                Not so clear as it might seem at first glance. First you need to change the structure of the economy, and then interest.
      2. +5
        29 March 2015 18: 23
        how you tortured with this oil needle, well, you start trading in the forest, they say on the forest needle ... you will mine gold .. they will say on the golden needle .... you will trade intelligence, they will say on the intellectual needle ....

        that’s what Russia has and sells .... that’s not the question .. but that it’s not raw materials, but products from these raw materials that need to be sold .... it’s more expensive and more profitable ...
        1. +2
          29 March 2015 19: 17
          Quote: Demo
          that’s what Russia has and sells .... that’s not the question .. but that it’s not raw materials, but products from these raw materials that need to be sold .... it’s more expensive and more profitable ...

          Masterpiece !!!!!
          Do you know anything about the means of production and their production? About the basis and superstructure? On the relationship between productive forces and production relations?
          hehe ...... And you know that over the past 15 years we have come to the conclusion that the country cannot produce means of production?
          Do you know that over the past 15 years we have come to the conclusion that the localization level of domestic production is less than 30%?
          But did you know that over the past 15 years the scientific and experimental base has been practically lost?
          So, the main question is the question of ownership of the means of production !!! And this, my friend, does not smell, but for a long time it stinks of a change in political course, i.e. revolution .....
          And the People are not ready to change anything. Many still believe the promises of the promises, believe in propaganda campaigns about "getting up from their knees", believe in the duroscope, believe in the merciless and incessant struggle of the "most eager of the Siberian Cranes" with the 125th column and corruption .. ...
          And therefore, there is a "pipe" and there is a "mine" and there are slaves to serve them. The rest is from the evil one ...
          1. 0
            29 March 2015 22: 53
            If the traitors to Russia had not staged a perestroika revolution, which led the country to collapse, a planned economy with modern computing technical means would currently have no equal in efficiency, and yet another revolution would completely ruin the country, therefore, only evolution without sharp leaps: a merciless struggle corruption, do not choose crooks and crooks, even if they are your friends, because you will still lose. This way we will come faster to a "bright future".
          2. -1
            29 March 2015 22: 53
            If the traitors to Russia had not staged a perestroika revolution, which led the country to collapse, a planned economy with modern computing technical means would currently have no equal in efficiency, and yet another revolution would completely ruin the country, therefore, only evolution without sharp leaps: a merciless struggle corruption, do not choose crooks and crooks, even if they are your friends, because you will still lose. This way we will come faster to a "bright future".
        2. +1
          29 March 2015 19: 49
          Based on your logic, will it be a "production" needle?
        3. +3
          29 March 2015 20: 27
          Quote: Demo

          that’s what Russia has and sells .... that’s not the question .. but that it’s not raw materials, but products from these raw materials that need to be sold .... it’s more expensive and more profitable ...

          I totally agree!
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +1
      29 March 2015 18: 55
      Who was sitting on what "needle" will judge history laughing
  2. +1
    29 March 2015 06: 03
    Russia will catch up with the United States sooner or later. I am convinced of this. Alternatives in the current environment simply do not exist.
    1. +1
      29 March 2015 16: 37
      This is according to Khrushchev: Hold on to a cow from Iowa! And we’ll also catch up and overtake America!
    2. The comment was deleted.
  3. +1
    29 March 2015 06: 20
    Let's not rush with such populist slogans - to the military-industrial complex and our military-industrial complex oh how far
    1. 0
      29 March 2015 15: 40
      I agree! It is necessary to work, as our grandfathers !!!
      1. +2
        29 March 2015 16: 17
        For example, shoot for corruption and imprison for parasitism?
        So, "we are not 37th year!" (from)
        1. 0
          April 26 2015 20: 39
          such a law needs to be returned for the theft of 1937 corruption. need oh need
  4. +2
    29 March 2015 06: 25
    The article is frankly weak, some general phrases without specifics by types of weapons. But the general message pleases. We will overtake everyone with a silent glanders, because our weapons are the best. And with the strengthening of the country's authority in the world, the desire to buy our systems will come from small countries. If only the military-industrial complex would not let us down.
    1. +1
      29 March 2015 07: 05
      The military-industrial complex also depends on the economic situation. Sanctions still make themselves felt. Most of the money is spent on maintaining the ruble, and the defense budget is being cut. Think about when we can overtake! We can overtake when the default is dollar.
      1. 0
        29 March 2015 16: 41
        Under sanctions, Russia cannot produce corvettes and armored KAMAZ trucks
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. 0
        29 March 2015 18: 26
        But at the same time, the ruble fell almost 1,5 times - respectively, and the cost of weapons decreased, and competitiveness increased. It is only a pity that the equipment at the factories is mainly foreign, as well as many components for the equipment being exported - otherwise the reduction in price would be even more significant.
  5. anakonda
    29 March 2015 06: 52
    Ukraine has 3 percent of the global GDP from arms exports, if we take into account the export of old Soviet weapons as half of the exports, the remaining share of exports is also not small, given that they will now intensely produce weapons, any war spurs the production of weapons.
    1. +1
      29 March 2015 13: 31
      Hardly. Ukraine almost does not produce weapons, and the Soviet ones that were previously sold off are now being destroyed much faster at the ATO. Taking into account recent trends (including a loan from the United States specifically for the purchase of weapons from the United States), Ukraine is turning from a major exporter into a major importer.
      1. +1
        29 March 2015 15: 41
        By the way, it produces .... True, it uses imported components, but for example with helicopter engines and gas turbine engines for ships they put our manufacturers in an uncomfortable position .... All talk about import substitution so far does not spill over into engines and assemblies, for this five years will take no sooner .Well, we don’t have an organizer of the level of L.P. Beria.
        Quote: Dagen
        Hardly. Ukraine almost does not produce weapons, and the Soviet ones that were previously sold off are now being destroyed much faster at the ATO. Taking into account recent trends (including a loan from the United States specifically for the purchase of weapons from the United States), Ukraine is turning from a major exporter into a major importer.
    2. 0
      29 March 2015 15: 11
      You know how many enterprises of the military-industrial complex remain in Ukraine, and even in 50 years it is not possible to break up.
      I am not a technologist, but I think for 30 years it’s enough for Ukrainians to trade the heritage of ancient ukrov.
  6. +4
    29 March 2015 07: 30
    Unlike the American one, our military-industrial complex is paid for with resources, mostly irreplaceable. As long as the American waste paper is in use in the world, it will be incredibly difficult to overtake the "partners". The current state of affairs is costing us enormous effort and expense. When the hegemony of the bucks is defeated and the machine is jammed, what color of the sneaker do you think will be exceptional? And much less blood than in an open collision.
    1. 0
      29 March 2015 15: 16
      Once Yaroslav proved that the sword is stronger than the Golden one, maybe our Children will prove it again.
      I believe in it.
  7. +4
    29 March 2015 08: 36
    In the near future, the airborne arms market will be asked to fill the countries of South America. Our duty is not to miss this chance. It requires: aviation, radio navigation, instrument landing systems, ATC system and simulators, ships with aircraft, etc. So in due time I had to provide Angola (1986) during the war there. Then Gorbachev and the drunkard surrendered everything. Now it is necessary to learn their specialists from us, these will be our allies in the consumption of our weapons. I was a participant in 3 military events, I can say in terms of its parameters we are not inferior to others. I continue to create military hardware, it is only necessary for the Government to support the inventors, as we supported them in the 80s. I have the honor.
    1. 0
      29 March 2015 15: 18
      This is war.
  8. stranik72
    29 March 2015 09: 48
    By shaft, yes, by quality, no.
  9. +2
    29 March 2015 09: 57
    The article is full of praises. God grant that. But the statement of Mr. Advisor to the General Director of Rosoboronexport Alexander Brindikov sounds dissonant to this article. I quote: "The markets of China and India, our main buyers, will close for us in the coming years."
    I continue: “We have practically left half of the defense industry sectors, and the question is not that we have failed to do something in marketing, but that we are simply becoming uncompetitive in these sectors,” RIA Novosti quotes him. As an example, Brindikov cited artillery systems and ammunition for them. "We occupy a bad position in the field of artillery systems and modern rounds, although previously we were in no way inferior to the question of Sweden." According to Brindikov, this is due to "internal problems", in particular, with problems "in the field of the electronic component base," TASS reports. As a result, for example, on the armored vehicle market Russia is increasingly being squeezed by Germany, China and even Ukraine, which has stepped up the supply of armored vehicles, said a representative of Rosoboronexport. “And here we left, we became uncompetitive. We had problems with the industry, with the supply of this equipment,” Interfax quotes him.

    I am citing only what was recently reported by Russian agencies such as RIA Novosti, TASS and Interfax. I don't think these agencies are carrying out anti-Russian propaganda.
    1. 0
      29 March 2015 15: 31
      [quote = Hrad] You said that "As an example, Brindikov brought artillery systems and ammunition to them." We occupy a bad position in the field of artillery systems and modern shots, although before nothing was inferior to the question of the same Sweden. "According to Brindikov, this is due to "internal problems", in particular, with problems "in the field of electronic component base." As a result, for example, on the armored vehicles market Russia is increasingly squeezed by Germany, China and even Ukraine, which has stepped up the supply of armored personnel carriers, noted a representative of Rosoboronexport.
      Do you know what Outskirts sells? I find it funny. Concerning CRS (Somewhere we are stronger (counter-battery fight, I'm not a pro, but we say the best,). Everything else, France and Germany, is still a maximum of 5 years.
      1. 0
        29 March 2015 16: 16
        1) It was not me who said this, but Alexander Brindikov, advisor to the general director of Rosoboronexport. The conversation was published by TASS.
        2) What does Ukraine sell, also ask Mr. Brindikov at Rosoboronexport.
        3) For example, the Swedish systems for reconnaissance and detection of enemy artillery batteries, along the trajectory of projectiles, "speak", work faster and more accurately. The FH 77BW L52 Archer howitzer fires at 40 km (with a guided M982 Excalibur projectile at 60 km). Russian 2S19 "Msta-S" shoots at 29 km, with a guided missile Krasnopol, they say, as much as 36 km. I don't know how the Coalition will shoot.
        1. 0
          30 March 2015 12: 00
          Archer also hits 30 km with a conventional HE, 40 km with an AR projectile, and Excalibur is more of a rocket, not a projectile, and even has a horse price (compared to Krasnopol). msta costs $ 1,6 million, and archer is more than 7. Everyone (Croatia, Norway, etc.) refused to purchase it except Sweden and the project was suspended. according to the escalibur: its standard range is up to 40 km, 57 km only in the version with some intellectual filling (not developed), and more, "In June 2005, a contract was signed for the production of 140 XM982 1a-1 shells (the cost of each shell is 144 thousand dollars) with delivery in March next year.However, due to the detected failures during the tests, the first ammunition began to arrive only in September, and the shooting was carried out only in early 2007. In the same year, it was planned to purchase two lots of XM982 1a -1: 321 shells - at a price of 153 thousand dollars and 224 shells - at a price of 120 thousand dollars per unit, respectively. " Of course, his KVO is good, but Krasnopol is not much worse, by 15 km 38 hits out of 40, the Americans in Iraq have 92% of defeats. and yet, there is no PF version of Excalibur, only cassette and concrete-piercing shells, and it is incorrect to compare a concrete-piercing and HE shell.
  10. 0
    29 March 2015 13: 29
    I don’t understand anything. NATO organized a warrior in Iraq, so like everything on the figure shoots everything super-duper, the bastards die, the Americans are excellent soldiers, packed with weapons and other high-tech
    trinkets. But as soon as the guys with shaggy snouts from the IG drew -O b.l.ya. we need to buy weapons in RUSSIA, the Congress of Amer’s sanctions imposes against us and the generals from the Pentagon send them to hell and sentenced as they bought from the Russians and we will buy what we need. Well, and in what we concede. request
    1. 0
      29 March 2015 16: 27
      Americans buy Russian weapons for their allies (or what to call them?), Who were armed with Soviet weapons, are able to handle them and who will not need to be retrained. For example, helicopters like MI-8/17 for the Afghan army. The Americans themselves fly on their own.
  11. +3
    29 March 2015 14: 43
    Enough of these eulogies, Americans, unlike us, use their technologies, and ours here and there are imported, albeit in some places, but there is one. On the same T-90, at the request of India, the German company Rank requested the installation of an automatic transmission and they created it as well as for her Leopard. And most likely she goes on the latest modifications of the T-90. And you need everything to be your own and of high quality, and when that happens then you can say that we caught up with the Americans and most importantly became independent!
  12. +1
    29 March 2015 14: 52
    1. Weapons
    2. Food and biotechnology.
    3. Well, at least some (Electronics), but its own.
    4. Natural resources.
    5. To give birth, give birth and give birth again, as the Great Lenin bequeathed.
    Moscow - The Third Rome - and the last !!!
  13. +1
    29 March 2015 16: 28
    Quote: fiction
    But as soon as the guys with shaggy snouts from the IG drew -O b.l.ya. we need to buy weapons in RUSSIA, the Congress of Amer’s sanctions imposes against us and the generals from the Pentagon send them to hell and sentenced as they bought from the Russians and we will buy what we need. Well, and in what we concede.

    The problem is not so much in the quality of armaments as in military specialists, which are impossible, to retrain somehow quickly from the Soviet Mi-17,24 and Su-25,24 to modern NATO high-tech.
    1. +1
      29 March 2015 19: 11
      So this is where we have to start, namely, that the arms sales market for Russia came from
      USSR, and countries are not rich, and even part of this market is lost under pressure
      Eastern partnership. And at the same time, separation from the USA is minuscule. And then I read the comments on this topic and immediately go to the coffin to hunt. Well now about the quality of weapons from Russia I want to hear something specific. hi
    2. The comment was deleted.
  14. +2
    29 March 2015 20: 22
    Why repeat the tables?
    Why repeat the tables?