For the first time an ultra-long flight is carried out by Su-34 bombers.

For the first time in stories Russia, two Su-34 bomber perform a long-distance non-stop flight en route Lipetsk-Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

Head of the Information and Public Relations Service of the Far Eastern Air Force Association and Defense Sergei Roshcha said that "the planes are currently in the air, they will land at the Dzemgi airfield in Komsomolsk-on-Amur at 21:30 local time (14:30 Moscow time)."

Bombers will take part in the exercise "Vostok-2010", which will be held in Primorye in late June and early July.

The first production Su-34 manufactured for the Russian Air Force by Novosibirsk aviation Chkalov Production Association (NAPO) was introduced to customers exactly a year ago.

Su-34 is designed to deliver powerful and accurate rocket-bombing attacks on land, sea, and other targets when conducting autonomous and group actions day and night, in simple and complex meteorological conditions and under the influence of interference created by the enemy.

Advanced electronic equipment, controlled missiles The air-to-air class, as well as high flight and maneuverability characteristics, allow the Su-34 to be used as a fighter for air combat, ITAR-TASS reports.

Su-34 should become the base attack aircraft of the front-line aviation of the Russian Air Force and completely replace Su-24 and Su-24-type bombers.


Su-34 (according to NATO codification: Fullback - Russian. Defender) - Soviet / Russian front bomber (in some sources it is classified as a fighter-bomber), developed in the Soviet Union in the Sukhoi Design Bureau.

The first flight of the Su-34 prototype - T10B-1 took place on 13 on April 1990. It was piloted by the honored test pilot of the USSR Ivanov A. A. .. T10В-1 was the result of a deep modernization of the well-known Su-27 air superiority fighter. It was intended, first of all, to destroy ground and surface targets, including small and mobile ones, both in the tactical and operational depths of the enemy, in all weather and climatic conditions, day and night. The new Su-34 is intended to replace the older Su-24 bombers. In the Sukhoi design bureau, the cockpit was completely re-assembled, the entrance to which, unlike the Su-24, was carried out through the niche of the front landing gear.
In the spring of 1995, a new car was shown at the Le Bourget International Air Show in France. In Paris, Su-34 was exhibited under the designation Su-32FN. The letters in the designation were translated as "Fighter Navy" - a sea fighter.
The aircraft has an almost unlimited range when using refueling in the air. Without it and without the use of additional outboard fuel tanks, it flies more than four thousand kilometers.
Chief Designer - Rolland Gurgenovich Martirosov, general management was carried out by Mikhail Petrovich Simonov.

8 June 2010 of the year became known about the state tests for new modifications of Su-34 bomber. Tests of new options for the aircraft are held at the State Flight Test Center of the Russian Air Force in Akhtubinsk. According to the published information, the tests will end before the end of the 2010 year, and part of the modifications may be allowed for mass production in 2011 year.
So far, the following innovations are known:
New types of air-to-air and air-to-surface missiles. Their tests will be completed in the fourth quarter of 2010.
Upgraded high-temperature turbojet bypass engines AL-31ФМ1. Their tests were completed and the engine received permission for mass production.
Auxiliary gas turbine powerplant TA14-130-35, which will allow the launch of Su-34 engines on the ground without the use of ground equipment. According to preliminary estimates, such an installation will increase the autonomy of the use of front-line bombers and expand the list of their airfield bases. As expected, all Su-34, produced with 2011, will be equipped with an auxiliary power unit.
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  1. dred
    29 November 2011 14: 41
    set records sets and will set.