The main thing - to be able to win in battle
The process of imparting a new look to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is associated not only with changes in the staff structure and transition of the Russian army from the regimental organization to the brigade, but also with updating the legislative, regulatory and legal framework, orders and directives that determine the daily activities of military units. What changes have occurred? What does the new method and instruction envisage? The editorial board of the military industrial complex asked the head of the Main Directorate of Combat Training and Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to tell about it.
Recently, as is known, deep structural changes have taken place in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The transition to a one-year service life. Given the changes in the nature of warfare, the prospective system of forms and methods of using the RF Armed Forces for the period 2011-2020 is being actively introduced into the practice of the troops (forces). A more efficient three-tier control system is being created. Intensive work has been launched to re-equip formations and military units with new types of weapons and military equipment.
But all this is just the tip of the iceberg. Changes will inevitably entail serious changes in all parts of the army, including in the organization of personnel training, since one of the main tasks of reforming the Armed Forces is the steady improvement in the quality of combat training. This process today is planned to be carried out in close cooperation with other security agencies and drawing on the best practices of the armed forces of other states.
However, to accomplish this task, a whole range of activities are required. For example, review approaches to the training of citizens of the Russian Federation for military service and rework guidance documents. And also to introduce into the troops new methods of training and to improve the system of commander training for officers and sergeants. And yet, in the conditions of transition to military service for 12 months, it seems that the preliminary (pre-conscription) training of young people comes to the fore.
Currently, in the educational institutions of DOSAAF, people of military age are trained in more than 40 military occupational specialties. Volumes increased more than twice in comparison with 2007 - more than 160 thousand people a year. But the quality, unfortunately, until recently remained extremely low. So, the specialists of MTLB and BTR, trained in DOSAAF, did not have a sufficient level of professional training and demanded additional training directly in military units upon appointment to the post. There is also no interest of young people themselves.
In order for the system to work efficiently, it is necessary to clarify the lists of specialties in which DOSAAF, taking into account the existing training material base, will be guaranteed to train specialists who can begin to fulfill their official duties in the troops without additional training.
In order to increase the interest of young people in the development of military occupational specialties that do not have a civil focus, the issue of their acquisition of a second (civil) specialty is also being worked out. Much attention is paid to living conditions. And for training in specialties related to the maintenance of complex radio-electronic equipment, there is an address call of citizens with a specialty related to military accounting (radio engineering, instrument engineering, etc.), and sending them for training in military training units.
But pre-conscription training is only one side of the coin. Today it is already clear: without new ideology of training troops and purposeful introduction of new methods into the process of training, no changes and transformations are possible.
Last year and over the past period of this year, more than 60 fundamental guidance (statutory) documents were revised in the Armed Forces. We name only a few.
First of all, new combat training programs have been created and introduced, in which both general and specific areas of joint training are defined. As a result, common for all troops are stages of coordination, at which joint forms and training methods (group exercises and tactical battles, command and staff and tactical exercises, conferences, etc.) are worked out, which allow units and formations for actions to be prepared by the deadline. in different conditions of the combat situation. These programs are quite flexible and give commanders ample opportunities to work with subordinates, depending on their level of training.
There was also a new Manual on combat training in the Armed Forces for the tactical level of command and control. It systematizes approaches to the organization of training, specifies the duties of officials of the formations (military units) in directing and providing combat training in accordance with modern requirements. It reveals in more detail the role of sergeants in the training of soldiers (sailors), taking into account their increasing importance in the reformed army, the specifics of organizing and conducting exercises far from the places of permanent deployment and international exercises, as well as the issues of comprehensive training.
The revision of the Mining Training Instructions in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the draft of new general military regulations is being completed today.
With the transition of the Armed Forces to a new look, a steady practice of cooperation with sports federations has developed. This is most clearly expressed in the training of mountain units with the involvement of the Russian Mountaineering Federation and in the training of effective shooting weapons with the involvement of representatives of the Federation of practical shooting.
On the basis of training methods for high-speed shooting of the All-Russian sports public organization “Federation of Practical Shooting”, as well as positive experience gained in fire training by the special purpose units of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Security Service of Russia, a method for training practical shooting has been developed, which allows training military personnel in a short time. to conduct close fire-fighting in the conditions of mountain-wooded area, urban development and limited visibility.
A new model and organization of physical training has been developed, a distinctive feature of which is the applied focus and development of mass sports. The new manuals take into account the peculiarities of training military personnel of a particular specialty. Set a course for the maximum intensification of classes and the frequency of their conduct. Physical education classes in the military unit are now held on 4-5 hours per day. The daily routine provides time for rest after lunch. There was a new sports uniform, earned sections. Each soldier now has the opportunity to additionally engage in the chosen sport. It is hoped that in the near future, the implementation of the adopted model will help raise the level of physical fitness among the troops and improve the health of servicemen. And the main thing is to solve the main task: to increase the combat capability of the Armed Forces.
Considering the experience of 2009 and the tasks that were set in the 2010 academic year, they also approached the planning of combat training activities: more attention is paid to the conditions of the situation, the condition of units and formations, the nature of the training and combat tasks to be solved. The specific dates for the main events are determined by the commanders of the military districts (fleets) This approach provides high-quality training for personnel of the compound (military unit) at specific times.
Some of these innovations have already been tested in the 2009 school year. Thus, at operational-strategic exercises, the fulfillment of tasks in unfamiliar terrain was a prerequisite. This allowed the troops to act according to a single plan, to abandon the flow-through conduct of expensive tactical exercises on the newly tested training grounds. And for commanders who did not participate in large-scale events, organize ostentatious tactical exercises (in the Ground Forces - brigade, in the Airborne Forces - regimental, in the coastal troops of the Navy - battalion). Battalion tactical exercises with the accomplishment of the march to 200 km were also held in military districts.
The main emphasis is placed on the coordination of units. For example, the battalions began to prepare as self-sufficient tactical units. All this made it possible to maintain the combat readiness of troops (forces) at a level that ensures guaranteed performance of tasks in the conditions of transition to new organizational and staff structures and the basing system of troops (forces). And also save money.
Naturally, the tasks assigned by the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, the President of the Russian Federation, to create compact, mobile Armed Forces require the training of officers of the new formation. Commanders who think outside the box should be able to make extraordinary decisions and teach their subordinates to act non-routinely, with high mobility. In the future, these are highly intellectual professionals who confidently own modern high-tech means of warfare: defeat, intelligence, navigation and control. In this regard, during the 2010 school year, approaches to organizing commander training will be revised. It will be held not only in units, but also at training camps in high schools of the Ministry of Defense, during practical demonstration, instructor-methodical and control classes, specialty training, field training competitions, tactical and operational-strategic exercises.
At this stage, the proposed approach allows for the centralized training of commanders of all degrees and their deputies. The activities are united by a single vision and are aimed at improving skills and abilities with the joint performance of combat missions. They exclude the detachment of commanders of units from personnel.
In connection with the abolition of the category of ensigns and midshipmen, a link of junior commanders comes to the fore in the matter of training units. Previously, they were selected from among the recruits. To get a more or less trained sergeant was possible only at the end of the service. And his functions had to be taken over by junior officers (platoon commanders, companies, and even battalion level officers), at the same time teaching both the soldiers and the sergeants themselves.
Today, the Armed Forces have begun creating effective, modern systems of selection and training junior commanders who could guarantee the functioning of a qualitatively new institution of professional sergeants (foremen) who can train and educate soldiers, be an example and role model for them. The main thing is to train sergeants who, by their professional level, will be able to replace the officer in the performance of combat and combat training tasks.
To this end, painstaking work is being done to increase the attractiveness of the non-commissioned service, which should be competitive in the current labor market. For this, for example, on the basis of three military schools - airborne, communications and automobile in Ryazan, a sergeants training center has been established. In addition, faculties of secondary vocational education have been established in a number of universities to train sergeants. And the existing schools of ensigns are reformed into sergeant schools. The district and interregional training centers, which are currently engaged in training junior specialists for the Armed Forces, also set up cycles for training sergeants from among the draftees for the posts of section commanders (crews, crews). Provides for the creation of courses of improvement. And so it will be until the full staffing of sergeant positions with contract servicemen.
The development of the Armed Forces at the stage of their transition to a new look, changing the requirements for the organization and the level of training of troops (forces) required to systematize the training and material base. Indeed, in the long term, it should be maintained and operated by third-party organizations, thereby relieving the military from performing a number of uncharacteristic functions.
In the Ministry of Defense of Russia, within the framework of the State Armaments Program for 2011-2020, a draft comprehensive target program “Development of technical training aids for training troops (forces), ensuring the educational process in higher educational institutions up to 2020 of the year” was developed. Its implementation will allow to solve almost all the problems of training a specialist and a unit as a whole with a significant reduction in costs. As well as carry out the preparation of tactical-level command and control agencies by modeling the theater of operations, the actions of their units and the enemy.
Thus, with structural changes in the Armed Forces, approaches to the organization of combat training and the system itself to ensure it are changing. One thing is invariable - combat training remains the main content of the daily activities of military personnel.