Drones need the police, army and navy

The UAV market in South America will quadruple by 2022

In South America, the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is increasing, which is due to the requirements for the protection of borders and the protection of natural resources, as well as the fight against organized crime and riots.

The most experienced user of unmanned technology in South America is Colombia, which has been using UAVs since 2007. Seven years ago, the Colombian Air Force (Air Force) adopted the first Scan Eagle, developed by Insitu, a division of Boeing. Since then, the air force fleet has grown to 14 drones and an additional four UAVs "Night Eagle" (Night Eagle), equipped with special equipment for night operations.

Drones need the police, army and navyUnmanned aerial vehicles in Colombia are used to solve a very complex task of ensuring internal security. At the same time, the observation function, in particular, local drug trafficking, is also performed. BLAs are used to support other operations, including the fight against organized crime, as well as with the insurgents of the rebel groups FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia - Ejército del Pueblo) and ELN (Ejército de Liberación Nacional).

The Colombian Air Force, in addition, began operating medium-long UAVs of the MALE (Medium-Altitude, Long-Endurance) long duration class - two Hermes-450 (Hermes 450) and one Hermes-900 (Hermes 900) produced by an Israeli company Elbit ”(Elbit), which arrived at the end of 2013 of the year as part of a contract that includes additional supplies. The ground forces of Colombia are armed with nine lightweight tactical devices RQ-11B from the US manufacturer AeroVironment. The possibility of acquiring drones is also considering the police.

As for Ecuador, this country became the largest operator of Israeli UAVs after the purchase of two Heron (Heron) and four Searcher apparatuses from Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) in 2008 year from Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI).

The naval forces (Navy) use UAVs in the fight against drug trafficking through Ecuadorian territory on the way to markets in North America and Europe, as well as to prevent theft and smuggling of Ecuadorian oil, which cause annual damage to the local industry in the amount of 500 million dollars.

Since 2009, when UAVs began to be used, oil losses have halved and continue to decrease, according to a report from the Ecuadorian Ministry of Non-Renewable Natural Resources, from 2013. This motivates the Navy to seek funding for the purchase of an additional number of unmanned systems.

At the beginning of 2010, the SV of Ecuador ordered the 10 light drone Skylark-2 (Skylark II) to Elbit, which they plan to use both for solving combat missions, in particular tactical reconnaissance and target detection, and to monitor and control the border with Colombia.

Meanwhile, the Ecuadorian air force is investigating the potential use of high-altitude UAVs equipped with satellite communications, radar and electro-optical observation systems in order to monitor the terrain for receiving and transmitting data similar to those supplied by spacecraft, but at lower prices. This project, being developed in conjunction with the National Polytechnic University, was presented in 2008 to President Rafael Correa, and work with experienced devices continued in 2013.

In Brazil, the federal police operates the 12 UAV “Heron”, acquired by the parties from the IAI, starting with the 2009 year. They are regularly used to monitor the border in the north-west of the country in order to combat drug traffickers and smugglers. These vehicles are also expected to ensure the safety of the World Cup and the Olympics in 2016.

The Brazilian Navy is investigating the possibility of using UAVs for maritime patrols from coastal bases. At the same time, "Scan Needles" has recently been tested to perform similar operations when launching from the deck of a ship.

The Marine Corps is armed with 40 UAV “Carcara” (Carcara) and two UAVs “Karkara-2” (Carcara II) developed by Santos Lab (Santos Lab) from Rio de Janeiro.

The Brazilian Air Force fleet includes four Hermes-450 UAVs acquired in 2011 and 2013, and the possibility of purchasing larger devices, given the size of the state territory and the length of borders, seems quite likely. In cooperation with the Air Force, the local company Avibras (Avibras) developed the MALE drone class Falcao (Falcao), but no statements have been made regarding its purchase.

The Brazilian aerospace company Embraer has teamed up with AEL, the local Elbit subsidiary, and Avibrasto, to jointly adapt the Hermes 450 to Brazilian requirements, as well as to develop a line of unmanned aerial vehicles in the future. aviation systems.

The Chilean Air Force operates three Hermes-900 UAVs acquired by the General Staff of the Armed Forces in 2011 to accomplish the tasks of observation and operational-strategic reconnaissance. This year, additional orders are expected for another three such devices.

Hermes-900 was also interested in the Chilean Navy from the point of view of observing maritime space. At the same time, the Marines use the Skua light tactical UAV developed by the local company RMS.

The Chilean ground forces, after a brief use in 2013 of two light machines Skylark-2, issued an order to the Israeli firm BlueBird Aero Systems to supply several Spylite drone of the same type. SV also collaborates with the Universidad de Concepcion University of Chile (Universidad de Concepción - UdeC) to develop the Lascar UAV of extended flight range.

In Argentina, under the control of the military, several UAV development projects are being implemented. These include The Guardian for the Navy, PAE 22365 for the Air Force and Lipan for the Air Force. But only the last of these devices is in trial operation on a regular basis.

Nostromo, a local privately owned firm that sold its UAVs to the US Department of Defense, delivered three of its Yarara drone to the Argentine Air Force UAV Flight School, created in 2011 year. However, the expected contract for the supply of a number of Hermes-450 devices, with the help of which it is planned to tighten controls on vulnerable parts of the border with Brazil and Paraguay, has not yet been signed.

The Peruvian armed forces and police in the fight against the Shining Path militant group in the south of the central region of the country use mini-UAVs, including Microfalcon and Orbiter made by Israeli Innocon ) and Aeronautics Defense Systems, respectively.

The Air Force has a need for larger-sized UAVs, but even though the international systems are constantly investigating suitable systems, the Ministry of Defense decided to give local industry a chance first, as Colonel Carlos Osiol said in 2012. He led an interspecific group that developed the relevant apparatus in cooperation with civilian technological organizations. Some of them have been tested in real operating conditions, but have not yet been put into production.

UAV Charrua (Charrua) local development adopted in Uruguay. Abroad, he ensured the successful fulfillment of monitoring tasks during peacekeeping operations and, in his own country, in fighting forest fires.

Bolivia and Paraguay have identified the needs for UAVs, which sooner or later will lead to the formulation of supply contracts.

According to Phil Finnegan, director of integrated corporate analysis for Teal Group (Teal Group), the South American UAV market will grow in the coming decade. Studies of the global UAV market for the 2013 year showed that Latin American countries spent 71,1 million dollars on their purchases. In 2022, this indicator will reach, as predicted, the level of 271,5 million dollars. At the same time, over the next decade (2013 – 2022), Latin America will spend a total of 1,7 billion dollars on unmanned aircraft systems.

Until now, Israeli firms dominated this market, but sequestration of the US defense budget will force American companies to look for new markets, including in the southern direction. At the same time, according to Finnegan, this is unlikely to crowd out the presence of Israeli industry: “Promotion of American products to the South American market will give impetus to rising costs for UAV purchases in the region, but the presence of Israeli industry is fairly stable and it will not give up. especially in Brazil. "

Brazil will continue to be the main UAV market in the region. The country's strong economy, the need to patrol large areas and upcoming major events, such as the World Cup and the Olympic Games, mean that Brazil will dominate this area.

In addition to Brazil, Finnegan singles out Colombia, Chile and Mexico among the most active unmanned aircraft users in South America. These countries are expected to increase their fleets in the coming decade, mainly as a necessary measure to combat drug smuggling.

South America is a novice UAV operator, and the demand for this type of aircraft in the region in the future will grow, opening up opportunities for importing drones and revitalizing the local industry to create them.
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  1. Horde
    April 26 2014 09: 26
    The word "drone" comes from Old English 'shit or dræn' [1] meaning "male honey bees". [Citation] In the 16th century it was given figuratively "lazy" or "lazy worker" as male bees do not honey, which is sometimes presented as the folk etymology of the word "drone", in itself.

    according to our TRUTON, it does not work, but it rubs or, as the children say, MUSICIAN
    , in both cases, in Russian it is absurd and nonsense, to use these nonsense in Russian is to clog our RUSSIAN language, it is necessary to say drone ...
    1. +8
      April 26 2014 09: 41
      Quote: Horde
      use these nonsense in Russian-clog our Russian language, we must say drone ...

      Before you learn someone Russian, you yourself would learn it. Don't beЗpilot, but beСsawfly !!! fool
      1. Horde
        April 26 2014 10: 14
        Quote: professor
        Ed, how to teach someone the Russian language themselves would have learned it. Not a drone, but a drone

        Professor, knock yourself on the head, by the way, what rule from Russian can you bring to this?
        1. +3
          April 26 2014 10: 23
          Quote: Horde
          Professor, knock yourself on the head, by the way, what rule from Russian will you bring about this

          "Knock yourself on the head" I'll give you rudeness, it's called, unmanned you are ours.
          1. Horde
            April 26 2014 10: 33
            Quote: professor
            knock yourself on the head "I'll give you rudeness, it's called, unmanned you are our

            who would say this "professor" with an indecently sticking out tongue? you were deceived by the "professor" it is impossible for the people to CONSTANTLY SHOW THE LANGUAGE this starts to make an OUTSTANDING impression, can this new word REALLY run counter to some rules of the Russian language about the UNMAN? Well tell me finally ...
            1. +2
              April 26 2014 10: 41
              Quote: Horde
              who would say this "professor" with an indecently protruding tongue?

              A genius like Einstein is allowed to stick out his tongue, but user avatars discuss this last matter.

              Do you have anything to say about drones?
              1. Horde
                April 26 2014 11: 24
                Quote: professor
                A genius like Einstein is allowed to stick his tongue out

                we read about the "great Einstein" studied badly, the inventor engineer was useless, although he sat on patents, the main provisions of the special theory of relativity in a strange way echo the works of Poincaré and Minkovsky, to which this "genius" forgot to refer in his works, and about works write bad, that they say Milena calculated his theory for him, and the theory of proof itself, as it turns out, does not have, and then moved to America and lived out basking in the rays of "created" glory on the money of Jewish bankers. Einstein is a typical drone drone, a Jewish project ...
                about "dronof" I already said these drones need to be exterminated with a fly swatter laughing ...
              2. 0
                April 26 2014 11: 27
                There is a plug in every hole!
                The prefix "devil" does not exist in ru (s) com language - http://www.kpe.ru/partiinaya-rabota/partiinaya-deyatelnost/4668-listen-rusko-go
                1. Horde
                  April 26 2014 11: 37
                  Quote: Lomikus
                  There is a plug in every hole!
                  The prefix "devil" does not exist in ru (s) com language - http://www.kpe.ru/partiinaya-rabota/partiinaya-deyatelnost/4668-listen-rusko-go

                  Listen, this is a wonderful article, WITHOUT something is worship of the devil-BESU, demonic power, very right, thanks for the info good drinks
                  1. +1
                    April 26 2014 12: 10
                    The answer is simple: "BEZTOLOCH"
                    1. 0
                      April 28 2014 22: 34
                      Modern wisdom:

                      Who does not know, he is resting!

                      The less you know, the easier it is to cheat!
                  2. 0
                    April 28 2014 22: 35
                    You're welcome drinks
                2. 0
                  April 26 2014 11: 38
                  Another genius. Dictionary in hand and learn how to spell "Unmanned aerial vehicle".
                  1. +5
                    April 26 2014 12: 02
                    the prefix "WITHOUT" is written if it is followed by a voiced consonant: "homeless" or a vowel: "unparticipated"; the prefix "BES" is written if it is followed by a hissing consonant: "IMMEDIATE"

                    Prof. completely agree with you
                    1. Horde
                      April 26 2014 12: 08
                      Quote: gas113
                      the prefix "WITHOUT" is written if it is followed by a voiced consonant: "homeless" or a vowel: "unparticipated"; the prefix "BES" is written if it is followed by a hissing consonant: "IMMEDIATE"

                      this is not the ultimate truth and the rule is far-fetched, one must be guided by HOW this new word is used by the RUSSIAN PEOPLE, since there is no pilot, it means BEZPILOT ...
                    2. 0
                      April 28 2014 22: 37
                      And look beyond the school curriculum weakly?
                      Or these things are not included around our concepts?
                3. +3
                  April 26 2014 12: 06
                  Tell THIS to the sailors on the Fearless
                  1. Horde
                    April 26 2014 12: 10
                    and nah ... I need it 7
                    1. +1
                      April 26 2014 12: 55
                      You, sir, see the rules of the Russian language to nothing
                      1. Horde
                        April 26 2014 13: 13
                        Quote: saag
                        You, sir, see the rules of the Russian language to nothing

                        do not call me sir I am sick of such an appeal, but the Russian word "shit" echoes sulfur, these are assholes in our opinion, as for the Russian language, then on the contrary, we must get rid of unnecessary and far-fetched rules ...
                        WITHOUT - the absence of something. It expresses the same as the union "not".

                        END - the presence of dark forces.

                        BES was introduced into the Russian language in 1921 by the Bolsheviks Lunacharsky-Lenin, contrary to Orthodoxy.
                      2. Kus Imak
                        April 26 2014 15: 44
                        the devastation is not in the closets, but in the heads.
    2. 0
      April 26 2014 15: 58
      Quote: Horde
      according to our TRUTON, it does not work, but it rubs or, as the children say, MUSICIAN
      , in both cases, in Russian it is absurd and nonsense, to use these nonsense in Russian is to clog our RUSSIAN language, it is necessary to say drone ...

      This may surprise you, but borrowing the language of words from foreign languages ​​and using several synonyms to denote the same term is the norm. For any language. Linguists distinguish several stages in the Russian language:

      from Germanic languages ​​and Latin (pre-Slavic period);
      from the Greek, and then the Old / Church Slavonic language (the era of Christianization, further book influence);
      from Turkic languages ​​(throughout history);
      from the Polish language (XVI — XVIII centuries) - polonisms;
      from the Dutch (XVIII), German and French (XVIII — XIX centuries) languages;
      from the English language (from the beginning of the 20th century).

      Many foreign words borrowed by the Russian language in the distant past are so learned by them that their origin is detected only with the help of an etymological analysis.

      bureau, boudoir, stained glass window, couch; boot, veil, wardrobe, vest, coat, muffler, pan, shag, broth, vinaigrette, jelly, marmalade, actor, entrepreneur, poster, ballet, juggler, director, army, battalion, garrison, gun, squadron, HORSE, lime, sugar, bench, notebook, lantern, beets. All these are borrowings.

      And I just started to list.

      However, in English, too, to fig borrowings:
      1 Celtic borrowing
      2 Latin borrowing
      3 Scandinavian borrowing
      4 French borrowing
      5 European Borrowings of the 20th Century
      1. Horde
        April 26 2014 18: 40
        Quote: Pimply
        Many foreign words borrowed by the Russian language in the distant past are so learned by them that their origin is detected only with the help of an etymological analysis.

        if you are going to exile to the fasmer, then this "scientist" has long been gone, you say sugar, beets, not our horse? break through
        GUN-PISTOL is also not Russian? and such a word heard PISCHAL? probably french? but there is no Polish, the Russians can’t have their weapons, no checkers, no silicon locks — is it all Circassian or ours?
        But the word GARDA is written exactly French, but they cannot clarify the etymology, some unreasonable references to Latin, but in Russian it is simply FENCING (hand).
        But CAVALERY - the whole learned world swears by his mother that Latin from CAVELLA says, what is it? no one knows, or maybe this is KOBYLERIYA and everything falls into place. The Russian language was robbed and it happened after the capture of power by Peter and further HUNDRED FIFTY YEARS the dominance of Germans and all other Varangians in Russian science ...
        as for this DRONE, it doesn’t draw the image of this musician on a serious flying apparatus, so speaking so simply does not like your own language ...
        1. +2
          April 26 2014 19: 57
          Quote: Horde
          GUN-PISTOL is also not Russian?

          I don’t want to upset about the gun, but genus. n. -a, for the first time in 1689, under Peter I, see Christiani 34; dial. in meaning "karapuz", petersburg. Through the old. German Pistolet (XVI century; see Schulz-Basler 2, 541) or directly from French. pistolet from it. pistola.
          The Russian word peep is good, but it also has Slavic, but most likely imported roots. However, at the moment it is outdated.
          Quote: Horde

          Kobyleria is you strong. The scribe is so strong. The origin of the French. cavalerie, ital. cavalleria, from lat. caballus is a horse. Under Peter, terms from the languages ​​of the Latin group began to enter the Russian language more actively. Prior to this, dear, if you are not in the know, the Turkic group of languages ​​had a strong influence and Greek - during the Christianization of Russia. What do you think, where did the mare come from? From Greek, from where it migrated from Latin.

          Languages ​​constantly complement and enrich each other. And before you carry nonsense about kobyliriya, you would at least read about the native language, about its development, about word formation.
          1. Horde
            April 26 2014 20: 13
            Quote: Pimply
            The Russian word peep is good, but it also has Slavic, but most likely imported roots. However, at the moment it is outdated.

            there is evidence of Fomenko Nosovsky that the gunpowder was not first invented by the monk Bertold Schwartz, but by Sergius of Radonezh in the world Bartholomew Chernets, and the first Russian guns Kulikovo field 1380 were called PISHCHAL from here and all sorts of PISTOLS went.
            Quote: Pimply
            What do you think, where did the mare come from? From Greek, from where it migrated from Latin.

            funny where in greece horses? there is barely enough feed for goats, horses were cultivated, tamed by humans, just on the steppe expanses of SKYPHIA i.e. RUSSIA is logical and understandable, from there went the GREAT CONQUEST of the Huns, Goths, Alans, Sarmatians, Great Mongols, all synonymous with RUSSIANS ...
            1. 0
              April 26 2014 20: 45
              Quote: Horde
              there is evidence of Fomenko Nosovsky that the gunpowder was not first invented by the monk Bertold Schwartz, but by Sergius of Radonezh in the world Bartholomew Chernets, and the first Russian guns Kulikovo field 1380 were called PISHCHAL from here and all sorts of PISTOLS went.

              Pancake. How is everything running? Ignorance, dear, is not knowing one’s own story and trying to think of it.
              He is engaged in linguistics pancake. What a shame - a Russian person is so illiterate in relation to his own language. Fu
              1. Horde
                April 26 2014 21: 12
                Quote: Pimply
                Pancake. How is everything running? Ignorance, dear, is not knowing one’s own story and trying to think of it.
                He is engaged in linguistics pancake. What a shame - a Russian person is so illiterate in relation to his own language. Fu

                it's cool, when there is nothing to say the traditions start to make various indecent sounds, this has already passed. into a puddle, his nose was stuck on the forum of FOMENKO NOSOVSKY CHRONOLOGYAORG and this is by no means an isolated case in linguistics, more and more discoveries and justifications for the presence in the past of the GREAT KINGDOM OF RUSSIA-ORDA appear ...
          2. Horde
            April 26 2014 20: 22
            Quote: Pimply
            Languages ​​constantly complement and enrich each other. And before you carry nonsense about kobyliriya, you would at least read about the native language, about its development, about word formation.

            I have been doing linguistics for a long time, so I know what I am saying, so your "complement and enrich" does not have ANY SENSE. DO NOT "enrich" but STEAL, do not "supplement", but ASSOCIATE others' merits, victories, history. Therefore, to read, say, some slug and his far-fetched maxims-rules, only time to lose, he exists for this in science, to fence nonsense and carry nonsense ...
        2. 0
          April 28 2014 17: 46
          Quote: Horde
          the dominance in Russian science of Germans and all other Varangians
          bgggg ...
          I have one feeling that we are observing the problem of Russia, which immediately after the roads? =)))
  2. +3
    April 26 2014 11: 23
    Russia with its open spaces simply needs unmanned aerial vehicles to solve various classes of problems.
    One monitoring of the occurrence of fires can give the economic effect of their use.
    You can make a constant flight of the borders for a given flight task. Oil workers are considering monitoring pipelines.
    In general, there are many tasks and they lie not only in the plane of combat use and control of the rule of law.
    1. 0
      April 28 2014 17: 48
      Quote: silberwolf88
      Oil workers are considering monitoring pipelines.

      why consider? Actively use! - for example, the pipeline to Basra from Western Qurna is protected by them =)
  3. Fiero
    April 26 2014 11: 54
    Hopefully in Russia there will be own drones!
    1. Horde
      April 26 2014 12: 00
      Quote: Fiero
      Hopefully in Russia there will be own drones

      crows in Russia already have drones have not yet delivered laughing
      1. Fiero
        April 26 2014 12: 35
        Something like Israel had already arrived from Israel, it is a pity that the stupid Serdyukov didn’t agree with the Jews to buy the Yak-130, and not his Italian clone, in his turn.
        1. +2
          April 26 2014 12: 47
          1. Not delivered, but acquired a production license
          2. Not a clone, but a joint project.
          3. According to the contract between the Italians, the Russian markets are divided.
          1. Fiero
            April 26 2014 14: 48
            1.This was meant. Or do you not like the word stuck?
            2 No joint development in general was not done. The plan is completely ours, but it means we simply took advantage of the problems of Russia in the 90s and got a cheap clone.
            3. Under the agreement, the Italian clone cannot be sold in the CIS. Once again it confirms ...
            Speak better about drones.
            1. 0
              April 26 2014 15: 03
              Quote: Fiero
              1.This was meant. Or do you not like the word stuck?
              2 No joint development in general did not happen. The plan is completely ours, but it means we just got a clone on the cheap due to the problem of Russia in the 90s.
              3. Under the agreement, the Italian clone cannot be sold in the CIS. Once again confirms this ...
              Speak better about drones.

              1. Potatoes are imported from the base, and here we are talking about cooperation and technology transfer.
              2. Italians conducted and paid for it by a large bill. Glider incidentally is not 100% identical, NMNIP.
              3. Maybe. It was then necessary to make such an offer that Israel could not refuse.
              1. Fiero
                April 26 2014 16: 08
                I’m not sure that at that time someone just made such a proposal, but the macaronians did the same thing when they met in collaboration ...
                Regarding the word, they got it, read the dialogue with which I started, I don’t need to cling to the words ;-)
  4. +1
    April 26 2014 15: 56
    Not bad when UAVs are used for monitoring and reconnaissance. This thing is necessary and useful. But if you give weapons to this piece of iron ... as under remote control, and even more so (in the future) uncontrolled i.e. autonomous mode. then this bird will do troubles! The operator has a sense of reality ... and mechanical intelligence has no humanity. I recall a story from science fiction: In one country, they created UAVs with an artificial intelligence. The bird flew and prevented offenses by using various types of weapons from shock to lethal. There is peace and order in the country ... But here the system was glitching and punished with death for the slightest action ... No matter how it turns into reality!
    1. Kus Imak
      April 26 2014 16: 09
      Robert Sheckley Sentinel
  5. 0
    April 26 2014 21: 04
    Everyone needs drones, except for ordinary hard workers and their families. laughing
  6. 0
    April 27 2014 23: 42
    So far, I think such systems need to be implemented in the Border Guards!
    The boundaries are quite long, you do not run up, and tracking, signaling and barrage systems for the entire length come out a little expensive. Especially the border with China is not small, but passes through the taiga.
    So at the border they are just right.
    1. 0
      April 28 2014 17: 51
      Yes, where does China have it, we have a sea of ​​mountain ranges in the south where, the fence is not built and it is physically impossible to build. As the border guards call the strip with gravel sand and a double fence, a pancake flew out of my head.
  7. The comment was deleted.