Psychotronic race superpowers

Currently, there is an increasing interest in non-lethal arms. One of his examples is psychotronic weapons. It should be noted that psychotronic weapons can now be spoken of only as a hypothetical means of mass destruction. There are no officially registered facts of the use of this weapon, just as there are no documented facts of its creation. The basis of the action of such a weapon is the impact on the brain and psyche of man, animals. In this case, it is assumed that a forced control or forced destructive effect.

Like many types of weapons, science fiction writers started talking about psychotronic weapons for the first time. Among the first writers who predicted the emergence of these weapons was the Soviet science fiction writer Alexander Belyaev. The prototype of psychotronic weapons can be found in the science fiction novel The Lord of the World, which was released in 1926 year.

From the point of view of the military, the main area of ​​influence of psychotronic weapons may be the crews of various military vehicles (tanks, Armored personnel carriers, aircraft, automobiles, ships and submarines) with the aim of destabilizing or defeating them. It is also assumed that the psychotronic weapons will have a massive impact on certain territories in order to provoke unrest and riots, to create a state of increased aggression in people, or, conversely, apathy, drowsiness and depression. Psychotronic weapons can be classified as a type of weapon that is used covertly.

Psychotronic race superpowers

The phrase “psychotronic weapon” appeared rather strange to the ear of a simple inhabitant in the press about 20 years ago. At the same time, it was mostly scientists who were not recognized by the Academy of Sciences, or retired military men who talked about such weapons. Usually, they both talked about certain generators that were located hundreds of kilometers from the “objects” of the impact and could, if necessary, create a “mess” in the human brain, shake the psyche, model and change behavior, and even bring a person to death. Often, after the appearance of such publications in the mass media, the “victims” of the use of this type of weapon appeared, and they filled up the editorial offices with complaints of voices in their heads that whispered orders to them. In most cases, journalists remained silent or recommended that they go to psychiatrists.

It is worth noting that the “degree of marasmus” in some articles on the subject of psychotronic weapons that can be found on the Internet today is off scale. What are the only references to the protective cap of foil in the form of a cone and instructions for its manufacture! .. At the same time, the authors of publications quite seriously compare this cap with the combat helmets of Slavic soldiers. Apparently, our ancestors with the help of such helmets were supposed to protect themselves from the psychotronic weapon of the Teutonic knights or the Mongolian horsemen. It is not surprising that Vitaly Ginzburg, a well-known Russian physicist, Nobel laureate and co-chairman of the commission on false science at the Russian Academy of Sciences, considers information on psychotronic weapons to be complete rubbish.

At the same time, this kind of weapon has its own advocates. Most of them are retired military men. Some of them worked in the state security system of the country. For example, we are talking about Major General Boris Ratnikov. Not so long ago, a foreign specialist Serge Kerbnach, who works at the German Center for Advanced Robotics and Environmental Science (Stuttgart), shared his opinion on this matter. In his opinion, the USA and the USSR have spent enormous sums for many years in conducting various non-traditional research, including the development of psychotronic weapons.

During the Cold War, both the USSR and the USA fought on many fronts, including in order to demonstrate their scientific and technical achievements. Some of these “battles” are widely known and have been described in detail by historians - for example, the race to send the first man into space or the moon. On some others, especially the military, much less is known. One of the fields of such battles can be called non-traditional research - parapsychology, which in the Soviet Union was called psychotronics, influence on a person, control over his consciousness, and similar research. Some of the work that has been done in this area in the United States has been made public today.

At the same time, very little is known about research conducted in the USSR. But thanks to the work of Serge Kernbach, this situation may change. On the basis of declassified documents and information published in Russian technical magazines, he managed to create a peculiar review of the activities of the Soviet Union in the field of conducting non-traditional research, starting with 1917 and ending with 2003 year.

Serge Kernbach argues that research in the USSR developed during this period more or less independently of the work that was done in the West, while Soviet research was based on most of the same unconventional topics that were the basis of secret research conducted in the United States. In his works, Kernbach also talks about how the USSR and the USA used the little that they knew about each other’s work in order to create an autonomous cycle of project financing. The psychotronic race unfolded by countries cost a billion dollars and ended only at the very beginning of the 21st century, when the research funding bubble burst.

For decades, the USSR has focused on those areas, many of which were a kind of reflection of work carried out in the States. For example, a US project called MKULTRA is a 20-year program prepared by the CIA. This project was aimed at exploring various ways to manipulate the human consciousness, as well as changes in certain functions of our brain. In the USSR, work was carried out on a similar program that included various experiments in the field of parapsychology. In the USSR, research was based on the rather old Soviet idea that the human brain is able to receive and send a certain type of electromagnetic radiation (high frequency). It was assumed that with the help of this radiation it is possible to influence various objects.

Various researchers testified that such “human energy” is able to influence the hydrogen nuclei, change their magnetization, which led to stimulation of the immune system of some plants, for example, wheat or grapes, and even people. In the USSR, even a special device was developed under the name Tserpan, which was supposed to store and generate similar energy. Like the American MKULTRA program, the Soviet also provided for the possibility of studying the effects of electromagnetic waves on people, and, in fact, led to the development and development of psychotronic weapons, the main purpose of which was to manipulate human consciousness.

Serge Kernbach also talks about the substantial Soviet study of non-local signal transmission, which is based on the Aaronov-Bohm effect. This effect can be seen at the moment when the charged particle is exposed to an electromagnetic field, even if it is located at that time in an area where the field strength is zero. Apparently, the Soviet experts gave this effect the name "twist" and even designed special devices for its use. But at the same time, it remains unclear how they were able to advance in their work and how successful these attempts were. Apparently, by 2003, all work in this direction was stopped. At the same time, Kernbach’s analysis lacks a detailed discussion of Soviet research programs. Therefore, the reader is still hard to get rid of the idea that he is dealing only with sets of professional terms and pseudoscience.

According to Serge Kernbach, these studies required a significant amount of investment. It is difficult to give exact figures today, but he believes that the USSR has spent up to 1 billion dollars on research in this area. Washington's costs for implementing such projects were comparable, hundreds of millions of dollars were spent on the MKULTRA project. According to the German researcher, at the level of individual programs, American and Soviet spending are quite comparable. Currently, most non-traditional research is still classified. The documents on the experiments that were still under the control of the OGPU and the NKVD, even more than 80 years later, are still classified, Kernbach said.

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  1. +6
    10 January 2014 12: 12
    Psychotropic warfare has long been going on and brings big profits that unleashed it ... Drug trafficking, their legalization in an increasing number of countries, the spread of various pseudo-religious teachings and sects, the popularization of various perversions, etc., etc., these are all elements of a psychotropic war.
    No expensive emitters and other special equipment are needed, the media will do everything themselves and also earn money. A simple radio show "War of the Worlds" sowed panic in several states (this is a classic example of the influence of the media on the human psyche), 6 million people began to either barricade themselves at home, with weapons in hand, or hurriedly began to leave. Phones that evening were overloaded 5 times, traffic jams from New York, Trenton and Philadelphia stretched for almost 100 km, people claimed to have seen lightning volleys of aliens and smelled their poisonous gases, and all this is only a 40-minute radio broadcast ...
    1. +8
      10 January 2014 13: 03
      Quote: Rebus
      No expensive emitters and other special equipment are needed, the media will do everything themselves and earn money.

      I completely agree. A recent story is a clear testimony.
      The Soviet Union had the best nuclear, rocket, air, tank and other weapons. But he did not seriously deal with the most terrible - information weapons.
      As a result, the Voice of America won and the Soviet people themselves began to destroy their homeland: the economy, science, the state itself, including its unsurpassed rocket and aircraft weapons. How many people remember now the cover of the poisonous “Spark”, which depicted dozens of our Tu-95MS, cut in half and spread across the airfield?
      Do they remember how our strategic and operational missiles were blown up, jumping out of their pants, to show their commitment to a criminal democracy and a cleverly twisted market?
      So the fact that the information weapon is the most effective and terrible is beyond doubt.
      That is why I am deeply grateful to the creators of the "Military Review" and all its active participants who are actively involved in informational opposition to our opponents. And I always try to put in place the crafty trolls, who call on the pages of the site to be limited to considering only samples of material weapons.
      1. Kir
        10 January 2014 17: 26
        Yes, they pissed away the State, from the fact that they believed in a blatant lie interspersed with a properly presented truth, spewed out through the mouthpieces of the "free world", and the same samizdat, for example, and then another leak into the mass media of "personalities" with dubious guidelines, which before for a time there were very even Bolsheviks, and then suddenly it saw the light and carried .......... to the People, but after all, what is significant is that it was not simple in the greater mass it was and is.
        And to the author, the Weapon is Psychotronic, and the substance is psychotropic. This one other thing is such a thing as flicker purity and a certain light spectrum of the emitter, it may well be a monitor, see the experiments of V.M. Bekhterev and others.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. AVV
      10 January 2014 23: 02
      Correctly, the states are conducting a psychotropic war against the whole world !!! Russia and Western Europe! Without forgetting themselves, the grandmother is rowing huge, exceptional Americans on drugs. And people are fucked by them, ki !!!
  2. +2
    10 January 2014 12: 53
    The article resembles a dough, seemingly on the topic, but about nothing.
    1. Volkhov
      10 January 2014 21: 50
      Yes, the theme of helmets and clubs is not disclosed - send the author at the right time!
  3. +5
    10 January 2014 13: 23
    And what is happening with us on "MAIDAN" is not a proof of the power of this weapon.
  4. +3
    10 January 2014 17: 14
    Quote: Gorinich
    The article resembles a dough, seemingly on the topic, but about nothing.

    And how long would the author live if he knew something real? Simple logic testifies that such studies could not have been conducted. This is simply impossible, because if we know something, it is that we know extremely little. But at the same time, we know that some people can influence others, and in some aspects this influence is simply amazing.
    So the studies were, for sure, and knowing our scientists responsibly declare - the results were also. Could not be! The Soviet academics and the corresponding members were not the same people to squander for nothing. On the other hand, it is difficult to imagine something more terrible than psychocracy. Death is ten times better. So the topic ... how to say it ... is very mixed.
  5. +5
    10 January 2014 17: 27
    Good afternoon - readers and administration of the site. I am very interested in why my article "Psychological Weapons" and Sergei Yuferev's material "The Psychotropic Race of the Superpowers" were close? What for? I will not get paranoid and so minus. I will write about the case.

    Means of psycho-influence are divided into two groups:
    1. those that beat the features of human perception, which was my article.
    2. those that directly affect the cortex and brain tissue, in this group we will find both psychotropic and psychotronic agents and the like. Sergey tried to write about this.

    So here are the means of psycho-influence of the 2 group, it is in its essence a dirty weapon comparable in its effect to chemical weapons. It usually cripples, and a cure for mental disorders is rare. Moreover, I will tell you an attempt to poke around in the basic settings of a person can lead to monstrous consequences. Where are you going to go mad with half-humans, half-monsters? No one needs this. The weapons of the 2 group can only be used locally.

    1. Kir
      10 January 2014 17: 31
      Once you are in the topic, then in general there is where to find the complete Legacy of V.M. Bekhterev and his granddaughter, as well as where to find the works of Academician Kaznacheev.
      And with regards to being researched, don’t you remember the defamation of Psychiatry, this is one thing and the other, but there is 100% certainty that they are not carried out even now, but simply do not advertise, so as not to excite the already possessed.
      Regards Castor.
  6. 0
    10 January 2014 20: 07
    Psychotronic weapons simply cannot exist, whatever they say about them and in the near future will become one of the main means of influence, not only on the enemy, but also on anyone, including their own population. This is a very profitable area of ​​technology development, when at a low cost you can get a good result. The human brain is so designed that it (and its owner) is easily misleading using chemical, optical or electromagnetic effects or a combination of them. People are not able to distinguish the image arising in their consciousness from reality. The exchange of information between nerve cells is carried out using electromagnetic pulses. Even a short exposure to a strong electromagnetic field can lead to a partial or complete impairment of the ability to perform conscious actions. Chemists also have some successes that you don’t have to tell everyone about.
    1. Kir
      10 January 2014 20: 36
      Forgive me, but you still do not see that for the top, for the most part, the enemies are all except themselves, although rather, exactly the opposite, they are mostly enemies to everyone, including their own kind, so you can just indicate soon enough is expected large-scale use of this, although what I mean when, and without that, many brains from the presented "true" information have already demolished the brain, however, if it was, of course, what in relation to some there are clear suspicions of its absence, or an extreme illness thereof - liberalism and democracy in their perverted form of understanding. In general, read the classics of Psychiatry, everything has been spelled out in detail for a long time. Yes, and with chemistry, you shouldn't eat such rubbish, which is officially called psychic infection, including cancer in areas that are not really exposed to radiation, where only according to "reliable rumors" they exist, and so on.
      1. 0
        10 January 2014 22: 35
        It’s true that we are slowly being poisoned like cockroaches. Some suspicious epidemics and diseases.
  7. 0
    13 January 2014 02: 25
    The main reason that research of this kind is classified without a statute of limitations is not in their importance to the state, but in the need for officials who sanction these studies and maniacs who call themselves scientists to evade criminal responsibility for the use of brutal and inhuman methods. Indeed, unlike medicine, these experiments cannot be performed on animals, and the consequences of such an impact on humans are difficult to predict and in any case destructive.
  8. 0
    20 January 2014 09: 31
    Since our silence means then still have not forgotten how to HIDE SECRETS!
    And the WAR didn’t when it didn’t stop at THIS FRONT .... it’s stupid to think that the funding has ended and the program has been closed .. the name most likely changed .. They tried to close ... they started another))