Congress endorses nuclear weapons strategy


The US Secretary of Defense, acting on behalf of the President of the country, sent to Congress "The report on weapons U.S.A". A few days later, an official report was published about the main content of US presidential guidance on this strategy. Prior to this, the new strategy was approved by the Minister of Defense, the Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee (CNS) and the Commander of the Joint Strategic Command (USC). Previous changes in the nuclear weapons strategy (NLP) took place under President George W. Bush in 2002.

The new strategy came into force in August of 2013, and next year (probably before October 1), the working out and distribution to the executive officers of the Minister of Defense and the Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee on emergency plans to the commanders of functional and geographic joint commands will be completed nuclear weapons commander of USC. This strategy is based on the results of the analysis of the requirements for nuclear deterrence with intimidation and the need for modern nuclear planning policies in the interests of safety, carried out by the Ministry of Defense with the participation of the leadership of the CNSC, the USC, the Ministry of Energy, the State Department, national intelligence and the National Security Council staff.


The presidential guidelines and the report of the Minister of Defense contain a requirement to focus only on those goals and objectives that are necessary to deter deterrence in the twenty-first century. The six objectives of the US nuclear policy are named: preventing the spread of nuclear weapons and nuclear terrorism; reducing the role of nuclear weapons in the US security strategy; maintaining strategic deterrence and strategic stability at reduced levels of nuclear forces; strengthening regional deterrence by deterring and reaffirming US commitments to its allies and partners; maintaining a safe, secure and efficient nuclear arsenal; achieving the goals of the US and allies in the event of failure of deterrence deterrence.

The designation of nuclear weapons (NW) is defined in the report as follows: "The fundamental role of the United States nuclear weapons is deterrence by intimidating a nuclear attack on the United States and its allies and partners." It further explains that the country cannot yet endorse such a policy when deterrence by intimidating a nuclear attack is the sole purpose of US nuclear weapons, and it is reported that the use of nuclear weapons will be considered in emergency circumstances "to defend the vital interests of the US or its allies and partners." It also specifies the conditions for non-use of nuclear weapons specified by comparison with the past century: “The United States will not use nuclear weapons or threaten to use nuclear weapons on non-nuclear states that are parties to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and abide by their nuclear commitments non-proliferation. Judging by the Secretary of Defense's “Nuclear Review 2010 of the Year” (NF-2010) and its report on the NNFX NPS strategy, the US nuclear forces carry out strategic deterrence with deterrence (without indicating restrained countries) and maintain strategic stability (with respect to the Russian Federation and China) they also carry out regional (extended) deterrence by intimidation (having or trying to get nuclear weapons of countries) with non-strategic nuclear weapons already deployed in key areas and located in the United States in readiness for vertyvaniyu in advanced areas, and the forces of the triad. In the American open interpretation, strategic deterrence with intimidation is, first of all, the conviction of any potential adversary that the adverse consequences for him of his attack on the United States or its allies and partners will significantly outweigh any potential benefit for him from the attack. In our understanding, strategic deterrence with deterrence is not a cloud in pants: “conviction” can be forceful and graduated (for example, 2013’s “Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation” 2010 of the year officially includes the use of high-precision weapons in the concept of “strategic deterrence”). Strategic stability usually implies a state of nuclear equilibrium (nuclear stalemate), that is, the inability of any adversary to inflict a first strike with impunity due to the fact that the country under attack would have a guaranteed response potential (second).


The report lacks a number of conditions for the transition of the United States to the use of nuclear weapons in nuclear and non-nuclear countries and non-state organizations. But they are in the NW-2010 Minister of Defense: “For states that possess nuclear weapons and states that do not comply with their nuclear non-proliferation obligations, there remains a narrow range of emergency situations in which nuclear weapons can still play a role in deterring the the use of conventional or chemical and biological weapons on the United States or its allies and partners. " Therefore, if we discard reservations in the form of a “narrow range of emergencies” and “emergencies”, then the use of nuclear weapons by the United States is due to deterrence intimidating the attacks on the United States, its allies and partners of previously characterized states, which could be used for this as conventional weapons, so and any kind of weapons of mass destruction. Who are these states? The “Strategic Situation” section of the Defense Minister’s report on the PLN strategy does not mention Great Britain, France, Israel, and even India and Pakistan, but instead Al-Qaida with its allies, Iran, the DPRK, the PRC and the Russian Federation. It can be seen from the report that regional deterrence with intimidation of nuclear and conventional weapons is directed against Al-Qaeda’s nuclear-seeking weapons with its allies and against nuclear proliferators - two countries with unpredictable behavior - Iran and the DPRK. In relation to the PRC and the Russian Federation (“Russia and the United States are no longer adversaries, and the prospects for military confrontation between us have drastically decreased,” “the threat of a global nuclear war has become remote”), the United States supports strategic stability.

The organization of the PNP includes the determination of the order of targeting, options and types of attacks. Traditionally, there are two ways of targeting: counter-force and counter-value. Flipping through the KNSH document from 29 of April 1993, “Doctrine of Joint Nuclear Operations”, there we will find the following definitions. “Counter-force targeting is a strategy to use forces to destroy or disable the enemy’s military capabilities.

Typical targets for counter-force targeting are bomber airbases, SSBN bases, ICGM defense tanks, missile defense and air defense facilities, command centers and weapons of mass destruction warehouses. ” “The counter-targeting strategy involves the destruction or neutralization of military and military-related facilities, such as industries, resources, and / or institutions that contribute to the enemy’s ability to wage war.” Recently, the main target for counter-force targeting has become more commonly called weapons of mass destruction, and for counter-targeting targeting - “providing the infrastructure”. At the same time, the category “weapons of mass destruction” (WMD) included everything from the objects of production and storage of weapons of mass destruction to the entities that make decisions on the NWP.

Let us return to the minister’s report, which states that it intends to “maintain substantial counter-force capabilities against potential adversaries” and states that the United States does not rely on a “counter-interest” strategy or a “minimum deterrent” strategy under “new guidelines”. It also speaks of the need to “apply the principles of distinction and proportionality and strive to minimize the collateral damage to civilians and civilian objects. The United States will not deliberately target civilians and civilian objects. ” So, the Americans do not rely on the strategy of “minimum deterrence by deterrence”, which involves the possession of a country with a limited number of nuclear warheads (YABZ) to destroy only cities, and they do not rely on a “counter-value” strategy. (But it is obvious that “not to rely” does not mean at all to completely abandon counter-interest targeting). Consequently, counter-force targeting will act in a somewhat “narrowed” form, and counter-interest targeting in a clearly reduced form. Here, one wonders if you ask yourself: is it not the case that Americans do not rely on a counter-value strategy with the possibility of reducing their credible strategic YBZ by one third, that is, somewhere on 500 YABZ?


In developing NSP plans, either side should provide four options for delivering nuclear strikes: a sudden (preventive), a preemptive, retaliatory (if an enemy missile launch is detected) and a retaliatory (after nuclear explosions on its territory). If YAO-2010 explicitly states the existence of retaliatory strike plans (“ensuring strategic stability with the possibility of a guaranteed second strike”), then the 2013 report of the year deals only with the option of a retaliatory counter-strike.

Presidential guidelines require the Department of Defense to “investigate and reduce the role of a retaliatory strike in emergency planning, recognizing that the possibility of a sudden disarming nuclear attack is extremely remote. While retaining the ability of the United States to carry out a retaliatory strike, the Department of Defense should focus planning on more likely emergencies in the twenty-first century. ” The text of the statement of this thesis differs from the above one by one caveat: “The Department of Defense should explore additional options to reduce the role of the counter-backlash it plays in US planning, while retaining the ability to strike back-to-face, if ordered.”

Let's try to understand the reasons for this requirement and guess its consequences. The President of the United States has a maximum of 10 – 12 minutes to assess the situation, select and decide on a retaliatory strike, which is clearly not enough. The combat crews of the US ICBM launch control centers are in constant readiness to launch missiles on the orders of the president (as they say, they keep their finger on the trigger), regardless of whether the world is prospering or the clouds are gathering over the US. In the conditions of strategic stability, the United States does not have to wait for thunder from a clear sky (a sudden strike from the Russian Federation and the PRC), therefore, maintaining the ICBM on-duty forces at the existing highest level of readiness is irrational.

The way out of the current situation and adaptation to the reality of our time would be to transfer the USMBR from a state of full combat duty (ready to launch in 1 – 2 minutes) to “modified combat duty” (ready to start, measured in hours) and maintain them in such readiness with a favorable geopolitical situation, but with the possibility of returning these forces to the ICBM for full combat duty (“if there is an order”) when a crisis situation is about to occur. Moreover, the practice of transferring US SSBNs from a state of "modified" combat duty to "full" and vice versa, which began to operate from the 60-s, proved its right to exist. In general, the role of “destabilizing” nuclear ICBMs of the USA in the nuclear triad has been steadily decreasing since 1991.

So, if we take into account the fact that the United States has never officially abandoned the use of nuclear weapons first, it becomes obvious that the Americans consider a retaliatory strike forced, a reciprocal counter-strike unlikely, and proactive and sudden acceptable. US nuclear forces must "ensure the ability to convincingly threaten a wide-range nuclear response if deterrence deterrence does not work."

The types of nuclear strikes by the triad in the report of the Minister of Defense did not find a place for themselves. If we recall the past decade, then four of these types were planned: emergency response options, selective strike options, primary strike options, and options for strikes ordered / as part of adaptive planning.

Types of wars in the report of the Minister found a half-coverage. While in 2005, such types of military conflicts and military operations as global nuclear war, strategic nuclear operations, and nuclear operations in a theater of war featured in the official draft of the KNSH document, then only global nuclear war was named in the 2013 report of the year. sense that her threat has become distant.


Congress endorses nuclear weapons strategy

US thermonuclear warheads W87 are designed for installation on intercontinental ballistic missiles

The United States will retain the strategic nuclear triad. The level of force that the USC would have achieved after the full implementation of the 2018 agreement in the 2010 year would be “more than enough for the needs of the United States to fulfill its national security goals”. Additional changes in the envisaged quantitative composition of the forces are not planned. The report does not say about the planned composition of non-strategic nuclear forces and the number of nuclear weapons for them.

The Defense Minister’s report does not contain specific requirements for the readiness of nuclear forces (although YAO-2010 provided for continued patrols in the sea of ​​a significant number of SSBNs, combat duty on almost all ICBMs targeting the ocean, abandoning constant alert duty on air bases of heavy bombers with nuclear weapons on board). But in the report it is said about maintaining the ability to deploy non-strategic nuclear weapons aboard heavy bomber and dual-purpose fighters in the interests of regional deterrence by intimidation. It should be noted that the report did not intentionally characterize both the quantitative ammunition of non-strategic US nuclear-guided missiles in Europe, and the composition and readiness of US-based dual-purpose fighters allocated to the strategic command of NATO operations. The information on the allocation of strategic YAB to NATO (recall the allocation of a specific number of YAB to NATO on the SLBM of the US SSBN during the Cold War and after its termination) remains equally closed.

It is declared that "the United States will maintain a safe, secure and effective nuclear arsenal that guarantees the defense of the United States and its allies and partners." "US policy is to have a convincing deterrent force of deterrence with the smallest possible number of YaBZ." In 2013, the US president came to the conclusion that it is possible for the United States to safely reduce by one-third the number of countable strategic strategic missiles of this country (counting from the 1550 numbers of the YABZ in 2018 under the 2010 agreement) and called on the Russian Federation to negotiate such a mutual reduction. This confirms the redundancy of strategic YABZs (in 2012, the USC had about 2150 really deployed strategic YABZs). In connection with this president’s conclusion, it should be noted that in the US 2011 – 2012, the possibility of successive reductions in US nuclear ammunition to 1000 – 1100, 700 – 800 and 300 – 400 YABZ was officially investigated. It can be assumed that behind the idea of ​​such radical reductions there was also a passing goal - engaging China in the multilateral negotiations on limiting and reducing nuclear weapons (from the level in 500 – 1000 YABZ) and then other states (from the level in 300 – 400 YABZ) . Incidentally, in the same 2011, the National Agency for Nuclear Safety believed that by 2023, the country's nuclear capacity would decrease by 30 – 40%, from 5000 to 3000 – 3500 active, replacement, and backup YABZ. By removing the redundant W78 MBR, W76-0 SLBM, W84 KRNB, B61 and B83-0 / 1 bombs and other YABZ, US Forces from the 5113 YABZ level in the 2009 year, we went to the top XNUMN, U.S. But let us return to the report, in which a significant place is given to the stock (“reserve”) of non-deployed YaBZ. A large, albeit smaller than it is now, reserve of undeployed YABZ will be saved in case of technical or geopolitical surprises. One part of it will be made up of YaBZ of those types that are in service with the strategic nuclear triad, and the other - YaBZ of the types that are legacy weapons.

Provision is made for the preservation of “a sufficient number” of undeployed YABZs in service so that in the event of a YABZ failure of one of a deployed type or a failure of any type of carrier / delivery system, the YABZ of a failed deployed type can be replaced with an undeployed YABZ of another type from the reserve. At the same time, the replacement of nuclear warheads of the failed type will be made both within each component of the triad and between its components (probably, based on the interchangeability of the YABZ W78 and W87 on the ICBM, W76 and W88 on the SLBM, the YaBZ MBR and the YABZ SLBM, etc.) .

The reader will certainly calculate the ratio of the deployed and non-deployed YaBZ required for this. The “inherited” non-deployed YABZs will be stored in case of failure of YABZs undergoing modernization under the life extension program until confidence in the success of each modernization program is achieved. In the event of a geopolitical surprise, all these non-deployed, but workable YABs will return to the carriers and delivery systems, increasing their nuclear load.

The report acknowledges the fact that the “large number” of non-deployed YABZ will exist as a return potential for a period of ten or more years until the country's nuclear weapons complex is modernized. The report reiterates the statement that, in the area of ​​nuclear capabilities, “the need for numerical equality between countries is no longer as mandatory as it was during the Cold War.” But in the USA they are aware of their superiority in strategic nuclear weapons for a long time (the Russian Federation planned to catch up to all the parameters of the 2010 treaty only by 2028).

It is also known that the United States is aware of the concern of the Russian Federation with the proximity of nuclear weapons to it so far from five Asian countries and its need to have more non-strategic nuclear weapons than the United States. Nevertheless, the US leadership calls on the Russian Federation to negotiate a reduction in the arsenal of not only strategic, but also non-strategic GAS. But getting approval in the country to conduct a one-third unilateral reduction seems difficult for us, and reaching a bilateral agreement on such reduction seems problematic due to the complete rearmament of the US strategic triad in 2025 – 2042 and the modernization of its nuclear stockpile.


The report reports the start of an advance “planning for non-nuclear strike options” and an upcoming assessment of “integrated non-nuclear strike options” (perhaps an integration of nuclear and non-nuclear strikes?). Despite the fact that non-nuclear weapons and "is not a substitute for nuclear weapons, planning options for non-nuclear strikes is a central part of reducing the role of nuclear weapons." “Although nuclear weapons have proven to be a key component in guaranteeing US commitments to allies and partners, the United States is increasingly relying on non-nuclear elements to strengthen the regional security architecture.” So, it is obvious that in the American shock "quadriga" non-nuclear forces (offensive kinetic and non-kinetic) are pushing the nuclear triad. The shagreen skin of a nuclear monster is gradually shrinking.

A small digression in 1992 year, when the report to the Congress of the then Secretary of Defense and future US Vice President R. Cheney contained the following passage: “Somewhere in the future, Russia's nuclear weapons will no longer be a threat to the United States and its allies; and when that happens, the United States will no longer have to hold at the sight of what future Russian leaders will treasure. This would require ... the possession of Russia by such nuclear forces that would not threaten the West (having a small number of nuclear warheads, having single-charge missiles, being in a low degree of readiness), possessing such usual capabilities that would not threaten the neighbors. " How little the United States needs for complete happiness!

What seems to be central to the “modifications” to the USSW strategy? In NLP planning, counter-force targeting displaces the countercenter. The role of a retaliatory strike decreases. With the possibility of reducing the deployed triad ammunition on 500 YABZ, the quantitative composition of the triad provided earlier is preserved without additional changes and a large number of non-deployed YaBZs are maintained for ten years as a return potential. In an effort to dispel the fears of its allies and partners in the reliability of the American “nuclear umbrella”, the United States declares increased regional deterrence by intimidation by expanding response options with non-strategic nuclear weapons and the triad. It is recognized that the accumulated undeniable potential of non-nuclear weapons plays a major role in reducing the role of American nuclear weapons, and that advance planning of non-nuclear strikes will be carried out.

Let us try to understand the North American way of thinking based on the open texts of the presidential guidelines and the report of the Secretary of Defense to the Congress on the strategy of using nuclear weapons, which became known in June of this year.

In the conditions of maintaining the strategic stability of the great powers, the usefulness of large arsenals of nuclear weapons decreases, since they cannot be used by such powers against each other. This circumstance leads to the following consequences: the adaptation of nuclear forces to the new situation; transferring the real possibility of using nuclear weapons from the strategic level (by the great powers among themselves) to the regional level (by the great powers against other states and private organizations professing nuclear terrorism); reduction of the excess deployed strategic nuclear weapon and partial compensation of the created vacuum of force by non-nuclear kinetic and non-kinetic means of warfare; maintaining, just in case, a significant number of undeployed nuclear warheads as return capacity; “Humanizing” the strategy of using nuclear weapons with the temporary abandonment of certain types of counter-interest targeting and with an emphasis on counter-force targeting (mainly against weapons of mass destruction); efforts to plan the use of nuclear weapons in strategic deterrence with intimidation in retaliatory strike, and regional deterrence with intimidation in pre-emptive strike options.

What will be concretely contained in the real and detailed new plans for the use of nuclear weapons by the United States, hidden behind seven seals, will be learned later. In the meantime, the components of the US strategic nuclear triad, acting on command training orders, rehearse nuclear operations several times a day according to the previously provided scenarios for such operations.
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  1. +32
    12 October 2013 07: 54
    "For the defense of vital US interests"
    and since the "vital interests" of the United States have spread throughout the planet, it turns out that no one is immune from the inadequacy of the possessed
    1. +4
      12 October 2013 21: 53
      Quote: andrei332809
      "For the defense of vital US interests"

      Very capacious phrase. But here's how to distinguish between the US vital interests from their usual (non-vital) ones? And where are the guarantees that these interests will not (by magic of the American wand) migrate from one epostasy to another? In general, the published part of the strategy lacks important nuances in order to understand its real essence. Caught up with the fog. But given the aggressive style of state foreign policy, it is not difficult to predict what is hidden behind this fog. sad
      1. timer
        13 October 2013 00: 01
        Right. I agree completely.
      2. +4
        13 October 2013 02: 11
        Quote: GSH-18
        But given the aggressive style of state foreign policy, it is not difficult to predict what is hidden behind this fog. sad

        There is no need to go to a fortune-teller, El-Fallujah is a confirmation of this, IMHO it would not have worked out with phosphorus, if they could start spilling with vigorous charges, the complete irresponsibility and inhumanity of the American army is compensated by the propaganda of the US responsibility for peace and the struggle for humanity. "We've come with peace"
    2. +1
      13 October 2013 02: 02
      Quote: andrei332809
      "For the defense of vital US interests"
      and since the "vital interests" of the United States have spread throughout the planet, it turns out that no one is immune from the inadequacy of the possessed

      In fact, there are no other interests besides the American, that is, they exist - in the form of obstacles for the American. For this, we need a nuclear club. IMHO, well, even in Yugoslavia they did not wail, otherwise 101st Chernobyl would be for us now ...
  2. Lech from our city
    12 October 2013 08: 04
    Thus, the US doctrine has not changed much since the destruction of the AMERICA Indians.
    If someone or something interferes with the United States, it must undergo a sudden disarming strike.
    1. +1
      13 October 2013 02: 25
      Quote: Lech from our city
      Thus, the US doctrine has not changed much since the destruction of the AMERICA Indians.
      If someone or something interferes with the United States, it must undergo a sudden disarming strike.

      the doctrine has not really changed and will not change, only this is not a sudden disarming blow, but deception and other immoral methods.
  3. +14
    12 October 2013 08: 07
    This only says one thing - we can’t relax. “Do not believe the words of either your own or another’s, believe only your deeds and your own and that of others.” L.N. Tolstoy
  4. +5
    12 October 2013 08: 42
    and it is reported that the use of nuclear weapons will be considered in extreme circumstances "to defend the vital interests of the United States or its allies and partners."

    Here is the CBO ... chi! Again their "vital interests" ...
  5. +3
    12 October 2013 08: 55
    It is not for nothing that all this was decided in October (the country is actually bankrupt) .. They hope for their "exclusivity? .. ???
  6. +6
    12 October 2013 08: 58
    These mericatos will never slip away. Such an open warlike policy will be, because they consider themselves the supreme race, in relation to other nations and STATES. Until the fangs rip them out.
  7. +5
    12 October 2013 10: 06
    In its doctrine of the threat of nuclear danger, the United States ruled out Pakistan, but called al-Qaeda as a potential enemy.
    But excuse the United States in the special services of Pakistan created Al Qaeda and this most uncontrolled terrorist organization is closest to the Pakistani nuclear bomb and their delivery vehicles.
    So, all the same, Russia, the PRC, Iran and the DPRK are the main targets of their nuclear weapons.
    Well well!
  8. patriot2
    12 October 2013 10: 42
    Yes, medicine is powerless here. Although we know their diagnosis ... wassat
    1. +1
      12 October 2013 22: 04
      Quote: patriot2
      Yes, medicine is powerless here. Although we know their diagnosis ... wassat

      Today, such raging boils as McCain, Brzezinski and other disease-causing "agents" of the State Department are well known. crying lol
  9. +7
    12 October 2013 11: 31
    You might think that before the adoption of the strategy, the United States had other goals. As long as Russia exists, the United States headed by the US will always try to destroy us in one way or another, they have always been and will be our enemies.
  10. vkrav
    12 October 2013 11: 33
    Something unhealthy stirring among the amers ... In the light of this decision, the infa month ago on moving the state nuclear weapons looks in a completely different light:
  11. dpwPOL
    12 October 2013 11: 42
    This doctrine is similar to - the last breath of the pancreas.
    ju ceased to be afraid all over the world, and that's clanking with muds ...
  12. Alikovo
    12 October 2013 12: 13
    in the us government alone are inadequate.
  13. +2
    12 October 2013 14: 39
    They really liked being the only superpower after the collapse of the USSR, they did what I want - I turn it over, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, I really want to in Syria, Iran, but the time of one polar world is coming to an end, and the reputation in the world is strong spoiled, false facts creeped out to start aggression and skillfully created provocations. It is necessary to maintain the image, then wave the nuclear baton.
  14. +2
    12 October 2013 15: 00
    It was necessary to consider the project on "NON-use of nuclear weapons".
    Most congressmen do not support projects with a large number of consonants.
    That is why they got into the habit of luring Russian primary school teachers with a higher salary.
  15. Shogun23
    12 October 2013 15: 49
    That is, in a simplified version, it sounds like "we can bomb anyone with nuclear missiles at any time, and if we bomb peaceful targets, we are not doing it on purpose"
  16. waisson
    12 October 2013 19: 42
    why don't we adopt such a strategy
  17. 0
    12 October 2013 22: 35
    The report should be heard by the whole world, so that later they will not say that they have not heard. And they were going to defend Russian 3,14 doros from the "bloody Putin regime"
  18. 0
    12 October 2013 23: 02
    Excellent! The adversary uses extreme means - that means he is weakening
  19. Cossack23
    12 October 2013 23: 16
    the campaign west ceased to stare in the ass and began in the head. will bring the world to collapse, the organists are bad, and then start all over again from the beginning and where do all these assholes come from.
  20. CARBON
    13 October 2013 00: 42
    It's just that the missile defense of one US state is practically becoming a reality. In any case, in relation to the maritime component, the most difficult-vulnerable and difficult-to-track at the time of deployment. "Sharks" pr. 941-destroyed or disarmed, in the Russian Navy there are only 7 missile carriers 2-pr. 667BDR, 5-pr. 667BDRM, 1-pr. 955 (the rest are under repair, or under construction / testing). That is, not a lot, no more than 3-4 are on combat patrols, and Aegis with 3 Standard will soon control the deployment sites of our missile carriers (the Barents Sea, the North-East of the Pacific Ocean).
    Nuclear trains with "Scalpels" were destroyed, the P-36 "Satan" in that scanty amount of 58 silo launchers and 267 "Topol" and "Yars" (60 of them are mine), apparently do not frighten American analysts and congressmen.
    Therefore, they can declare today that: "The blow will be anticipatory and unexpected."
    The United States in the near future (no more than 5 years) will not be available for a nuclear strike. This is the bitter truth.
    One can only believe in the prudence of "our" leaders, in new 100-ton missiles, new nuclear trains, and Boreyev divisions on patrol.
    1. +1
      13 October 2013 03: 44
      Quote: CARBON

      The United States in the near future (no more than 5 years) will not be available for a nuclear strike. This is the bitter truth.

      Really sad how, but did you try to read the news fresher? Another round of the arms race has passed, and the bitter truth is that some not the last Americans believe in miracle Aegis.
  21. Sadikoff
    13 October 2013 08: 35
    Nuclear weapons have become obsolete weapons, in the light of the Syrian confrontation, they have been neutralized. I recall that 2 hatchets launched from Spain were neutralized by Russian means of the reb.
  22. 0
    13 October 2013 10: 16
    But what about Israel with its nuclear potential. Doctrine is the cynical apotheosis of America’s nuclear thinking.
  23. 0
    13 October 2013 12: 53
    What will be specifically contained in the prepared real and detailed new plans for the use of nuclear weapons hidden behind seven seals
    The phrase crosses out all information from official sources. But there is an obvious downward trend in aggressive rhetoric, which means there is an understanding that the image of the chief international policeman with a nuclear democratic baton does not benefit the American people.
  24. +1
    13 October 2013 13: 15
    Apparently this "rattling" is connected with the latest events not only in Syria, but one of the forms of intimidation for "rogue countries" (by American standards). The DPRK does not want to sign a non-attack treaty (analogy to the treaty with the Third Reich) - this is one of the forms of pressure. Yes, it is not quite possible to "flirt" with Iran, Russia is going to design and build Unit 2 in Bushehr and supply the S-300VM "Antey" anti-aircraft system. And, most likely, a hint for Russia with China in "soft packaging", as always.
  25. MIX58
    13 October 2013 13: 40
    In the chat, on this resource I recently had a chance to read the malicious cat from the mouth of some nat..on the battle bear on a leash, a rusty rocket with a nuclear warhead in the underground of a drunkard - .. Russa .... Today I read the pearl about nuclear the doctrine of S. G. A .... decided to put it all in one heap and present it as .... well, in short .. as I see it all .......
    "I wake up this morning - it’s not early to say --- and where is the hurry on Sunday? ... I go out on the porch, and my mother is honest ... My battle bear is sitting on the heap (they call Potapych),
    next to it is a torn accordion, a quarter of moonshine, and a tablet PC disclosed on the Voennoye Obozreniye website. In his paw he has such a healthy rasp, he sharpens his huge claws with this instrument and mutters under his breath: "... well, I'll tear it to shreds. rooster under the mattress .... nope well, I pluck the feathers of the ptsitsa under the striped flag. " I also read the doctrine of the use of I.O. by minke whales .., marveled at their "intelligence" and impudent impudence, Potapych and I snatched 100 "People's Commissars" grammes each, I took oiled rags and climbed into the underground to wipe thermonuclear grenades, direct a complete obsnarvid on personal After putting in order the weapons and ammunition, Potapych and I (more precisely, I am riding a Battle Bear) will ride to the neighboring farm to our Kulibin, Uncle Vasya ... he promised to finalize the C500 ... oh, I would have time, so far the hypersonic missile has not learned to fly .. "
    ... Something like this ... I managed to comment on this article ...
  26. Odessa16
    13 October 2013 13: 59
    By and large, the United States (as well as Russia, however) does not have nuclear weapons. There are few warheads, and their reliability of operation is questionable - what is the guarantee that they will work, given their enormous age (all this has not been tested for more than 30 years, or even 40). And given that all warheads now need to be "painted", the effectiveness of the strategic nuclear weapons leaves much to be desired. The future belongs to defensive systems - the strategy of wars is shifting from offensive to defensive systems, IMHO.
  27. 0
    13 October 2013 15: 57
    While "Perimeter" ("dead hand" in American) is on alert, you should not be afraid.


    KP: - At one time, in our and foreign press there were publications about the Perimeter system that existed in the USSR. And in 2009, the American magazine Wyrett told its readers that this system is functioning and is still alive. This is the rocket that, if everything is lost, takes off and gives the command to all other missiles. And they already automatically take off and hit the desired targets. The "dead hand" in the West is called this system.

    Sergey Karakaev: - And it’s not for nothing that you eat your bread! Yes, the Perimeter system exists today. She is on combat duty. And, when there is a need for a retaliatory strike, when there is no way to bring a signal to some part of the launchers, this command can come from these missiles from the Perimeter ...

    KP: - There was a very interesting remark by Putin at a meeting with the Valdai club. There someone says to him: "You can destroy the United States in about half an hour." But Putin thought and thought and answered: “Actually, faster” ...

    Sergey Karakaev: - I will answer briefly: Vladimir Vladimirovich is right. But I believe that today neither Russia nor the United States are going to destroy each other.
  28. +1
    13 October 2013 19: 10
    The fact that such directives are disclosed immediately for review suggests that this is another shock to a nuclear club under the nose of humanity: Remember and do not forget who I am, if I can do anything ... Tired of it. America knows that it will not apply anything against Russia. And then her a kayuk. And so, once again pull out the club and wave (albeit virtually) the Americans specialists. Bullshit all this ...
    1. Mikkado31
      15 October 2013 02: 05
      Unlike the Russian Federation, apparently, in the United States, the national defense doctrine is a subject for discussion and approval by the US Congress. America is not going to use anything against Russia. And all the comments on this subject are a bunch during a thunderstorm ...
      1. MIX58
        16 October 2013 10: 30
        Quote: mikkado31
        mikkado31 Yesterday, 02:05 ↑ New
        Unlike the Russian Federation, apparently, in the United States, the national defense doctrine is a subject for discussion and approval by the US Congress. America is not going to use anything against Russia. And all the comments on this subject are a bunch during a thunderstorm ...

        My dear, how is the congress of S.G.A ....-- discussed and approved the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ??? .. (a more arrogant, shameless, vile aggressor - the only 20th century state in its exclusivity --- does not exist !!!!) So, that kind fart in the water and preferably - quietly and really not during a thunderstorm !!!!