Professional sergeants in the Russian army "shines" salary in 35 thousands
The newspaper "Military Gazette" published interesting information that may be of interest to young guys who served in the army. In the coming year, military schools of the Russian Federation, which are engaged in training specialists for the Ground Forces of Russia, will recruit for a course for sergeants of motorized rifle, repair and automotive troops, as well as for the purpose of training deputy commanders of parachute and reconnaissance platoons. The future cadets, in addition to the results of the unified state exam in the Russian language and mathematics, will have to show their suitability for military service on the physical training exam and show good results in the professional-technical selection and the military-medical commission.
If a young man succeeds in becoming a cadet in a higher military school, a contract is concluded for a period of two years and ten months of training and for five years of service in the army. During the period of study, cadets will receive a scholarship of eight thousand rubles, and, depending on their academic progress, it may be more. In addition to scholarships, they are provided with a free hostel, clothing and food. In the summer of thirty-day vacation, and provides free travel to the place of rest and back. Winter holidays, fifteen days of rest with the same free travel. In a normal scenario, the cadet is on almost everything ready, so that a stipend can be saved for the future life. The apartment, of course, is not enough, but interested selling auto bu can. After graduation, the cadet receives the title of "sergeant" with the qualification of "technician" and is sent to the duty station. Salary is guaranteed in the amount of thirty-five thousand rubles.
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