"Secrets" of Hand-to-hand combat of the Landing Party -II

"Brick, guys, does not give delivery !!"
Nach Fiz training 126 PDP, hand-to-hand combat instructor,
KMS in Sambo, kmS in boxing. Gv.kapitan Iavnov VI

I wanted to continue the theme of preparing the Marines of the times of the legendary Vasily Filippovich Margelov ...
All, probably (well, or many) watched the films "In the zone of special attention" and the like, where the wonderful actor Volontir played the role of the landing Ensign-intelligence officer Valentir ... He is such a simple Soviet rembo, humane, but SUPERMAN! And he fights like a god, and the scapula knives throw! And the opinion about the paratrooper, ready to throw everything that is capable of flying and sticking and crushing bricks and boards with his hands, elbows, legs, or even his head firmly entered the mass consciousness ... How much does this correspond to reality?

I don’t presume to talk about “specialists” - I haven’t been there myself, and those whom I know prefer not to spread their training! I speak here ONLY about the usual airborne troops, that is, the Airborne Forces of the second half of the 70s of the last century, that I know firsthand, but I experienced it on my dearly beloved skin! So here. He began his service in the school in Gaižiūnai, where he studied the MAS-030, namely the gunner-operator BMD, for the past six months. It is clear that the lion’s share of the time spent in the training was devoted to the study of the BMD hardware, first of all the towers with all personal belongings: Pturs, the thunder cannon, the PKT machine gun paired with it ... Of course, there was also exhausting Fizuha, and training the basics of the handwriting, I already wrote about this ... But throwing knives, sapper blades and the like "weapon"there was no time to say it right ... Half a year passed and I got to the unit. In the capital city of Kirovabad, (now Ganja) of" fraternal "Azerbaijan ... My first company company loved, so to speak," to show the face of the goods! "- and in the company’s disposition there was a wooden shield, in which the people joyfully (and extremely unskillfully!) threw knives and sapper blades. This circus did not last very long: The company company went on increasing (UP-UBKO), and in its place sent us Senior Lieutenant Stolyarov, who previously commanded the Intelligence-Divers Roth. The first thing he did was an order l remove a wooden shield from the company’s location ... Having built a company, he explained to us that we are simply wasting time on nonsense! Some effective throwing weapons can be mastered in several years of hard training. It brought some kind of use to a silent watchman. On the question of the shovel in hand-to-hand combat, he also answered simply: he asked who in the company had the best command? Hearing the answer, he called the named guard, ordered him to hang a shoulder blade in a case on his belt. The cover at the same time was CLEARED. Further ordered to attack him from behind. Small did not have time to pull out the scapula even by half, as he lay, shockingly turning his head, and not understanding where the blow came from. More stupid questions, we did not ask him ... The team was to stop the circus and get down to business!

Теперь о битье кирпичей! Почему-то многие считают,что десант только и занят переводом столь нужных Родине стройматериалов в труху... С одной стороны, имея сколь-нибудь поставленный удар, сломать кирпич ударом ребра ладони, кулака, или основания ладони- не так уж и сложно... Если кирпич не силикитный, повышенной прочности и не промокший и промерзший насквозь. Любой более-менее развитый молодой мужчина, если ему показать технику удара и объяснить некоторые нюансы, будет ломать эти кирпичи- мама не горюй! но...ЗАЧЕМ? понятное дело, что обладая ТАКИМ ударом, он наверняка если уж не убьёт, то покалечит человека, нагнувшегося и подставившего затылок. Только вряд ли кто в драке, и, тем более, в бою, подставит затылок, да ещё и подождет, пока там десантник примерится, вырвняет дыхание, и с резким криком-выдохом нанесёт роковой удар! Так что, господа, битьё кирпичей, равно как и метание разных ножей, Сапёрных лопаток, топров и иже с ними не более, чем ПОКАЗУХА, чем всегда славилась доблестная Советская Army. На разного рода праздниках подобные трюки демонстрируют ребята, которых два-три месяца натскивали на эти, с позоления сказать, "боевые манёвры", и которые в реальных войсках применения не имели и не имеют.

In conclusion about “Spetsakh” .... One of my familiar “stuntmen” (From the “cascade” group) in the combat specialty is a sniper, on kebabs in the forest languidly mumbled: “knives? ... throwing?” Did not suffer from such garbage. .. "After that, he waved his hand and the knife with which he cut the meat stuck into a willow branch three centimeters thick that grew twenty meters away from the place of our conversation ...

Conclusions, as they say, do it yourself ...