Does the Army need "HAZING"?

Does the Army need "HAZING"?I just want to note that these are NOT RECOMMENDATIONS, as it MUST be, but REFLECTIONS on the topic ... I will express controversial thoughts (including for myself), and I will be grateful for the comments, especially weighted and not overflowing with emotions!

So, about the hazing in the army. Probably, you must first determine, and what exactly is behind this term: "hazing"? The politically correct name "non-statutory relations" in my opinion, only confuses the question! My opinion is this: if (God forbid!) The army tries to act STRONGLY by the letter of the charters, it will not only be demoralized, as it is now, but FULLY paralyzed: any relations between soldiers and soldiers and officers will simply become impossible! Imagine for a moment that EVERYTHING and ALWAYS in the army are coming together as a march! They give each other the honor, turning only by rank ...

No, who argues when it comes to SERVICE business, it happens, it should be so, but not in constant and everyday life! So able to communicate with each other only Robots! We, in the years 75-77, punished the "Ustavshchina" STOCKERS. EVERYONE WERE ADDRESSING TO THEM STRICTLY ACCORDING TO THE REGULATIONS, and all the sergeants demanded the same from THEM. It acted more cruelly than physical reprisal - reports were filed about transfers to other units, there were even suicide attempts, although there was no BURNING: just LITERAL COMPLIANCE WITH THE CHARTER! But this is one side of the coin! I want to talk a little about something else: about whether an army is possible in PRINCIPLE without this or that form of "hazing", and which "hazing" benefits the army, and which one brings unacceptable harm and is subject to steady eradication. Let's try to figure it out!

In my opinion, it does not matter at all for this question whether the army is recruited on a professional basis, on the basis of conscription, or on a mixed basis, when the service is carried out, both by contract servicemen and citizens called up for a fixed term. Anyway, people come to the service absolutely morally not ready for the most important thing, which is the meaning of the existence of any army ... If you drop all beautiful words and look into the essence, the army’s task is ... what? Defense of the fatherland? - That's right! But what is it? - combat operations! War, that is! And in peacetime, the ARMY MUST be ready for war! And in the war, they kill ... And first of all the soldiers are killed (and the officers, of course, also). If someone says that the defense of the fatherland is not connected with the murder of enemies, I will not believe him! There have not been bloodless wars! So, people come to the army for whom the killing of a person is absolutely unavoidable! It contradicts the inner attitudes of a normal person! Moreover, the murder is not in the state of Affect, not after an insult, not in the struggle for their lives, no! Often this is a murder by order of someone who has not done anything wrong to you personally! And is it so important how the murder is carried out, whether by pressing the trigger of the submachine gun, throwing grenades, or pressing the start button on the console, the result of the military use of the army is murder; "Democracy" - blood is blood! I will not resonate, and pretend that everything is one, no! But one way or another, a soldier must be morally ready to KILL! And the task of psychological preparation at the initial stage of the service MUST solve this problem! Otherwise, the price of such an Army is worthless, it is only suitable for parades ...

But raw materials, so to speak, for future soldiers, are not ready to kill at all! How to achieve this? From the time of the world's oldest armies, from the times of Ancient Egypt and China, Assyria and Babylon, the recipe was simple: Squeeze tank! Constant psychological pressure from the very first day of service! They pressed young and in the Macedonian phalanxes, and in the Roman cohorts and in the Slavic ratyahs — always! In most modern armies of the world, this pressure is imposed on junior sergeant commanders and corporals. At first, they constantly put pressure on young recruits, breaking stereotypes well established in civilian life! Yes, they cause hatred of subordinates, and when he is ready to KILL his sergeant, the job is done! The civilian remained in the past, was born the scroller! As a rule, at this moment the attitude towards the youngs was SHARPENLY changing, they BECAME OWN in the Army and the need to drive them so further no longer!

But in the Soviet, and later in the Russian army, unfortunately, the importance of the sergeant corps was sharply diminished! (Was diminished). It's one thing when 18-19-year-old boys are chased by a 25-28-year-old sergeant, it's another thing when the sergeant is six months older, or even the same age! This is how hazing appeared in the SA ... As usual, especially when the selection bar for the troops fell below the plinth, and people with already distorted psyche began to get into the army, this hazing began to take perverted, terrible forms, stopped working on EDUCATION of stamina and endurance , became just a terry mockery of some over others! And, what is typical, where the service was characterized by increased risk, high physical, moral and intellectual stress, there hazing did not take on the goblin's, ugly forms! So it was (at least in the mid-70s of the last century) in the Airborne Forces, On Fleets, in the Strategic Missile Forces, in the technical troops, where either physical readiness of the highest level was required, or good knowledge of a military specialty. In the same places where the psychological, intellectual and physical loads were lower (Authors, service workers, Stroybat, etc.), there hazing took horrible, ugly forms, not educating, but crippling soldiers! I'll tell you about what I know personally. The grandfathers in the unit, after training, threw us in the tail and mane, but! There were never any attempts to make them work for themselves ("slavery"), any hemming of collars, hair cutting and ironing of uniforms, and the like! If there were attempts, they, as a rule, were harshly reproached either by the senior soldiers themselves or by the officers! But to press on you during physical training, yes, it was in the order of things! Weapon after shooting, too, everyone cleaned himself! But they could cut in the gaping spirit, so that the raven would not catch it with its beak! And they explained: "Man, the enemy will not warn you!" However, when one spirit responded, he put his grandfather, that he was called, “From the heart!”, And that “he climbed into the bottle” was kept by the “old men” themselves - “and what do you get to the bottom? The hedgehog did everything right!” And another such moment! A sense of pride was constantly cultivated in us: we are the landing party! Others will not stand the fact that we are! It was possible to file a report and you were transferred to serve in other troops ... All this led to the fact that there was no obvious antagonism between appeals! Both young and old servicemen understood when it was possible (and needed) to drive the young, and when they needed help. After all, tomorrow you can be in the rear of the enemy, and the one whom you are chasing today will have a machine gun! To the credit of the officers, they regularly conveyed this idea to every senior serviceman. I will not be cunning, that we had a brotherhood and composure of vozusy, but I don’t remember anything special atrocities.

It is quite another thing when the ohame "Grandfathers", considering themselves the navel of the earth, begin precisely to mock the young ... Here you can, perhaps, say only one thing. Commanders who have committed such a development of events must be mercilessly judged by the article "undermining the defense capability of the armed forces", because it cannot be anything else. The pressure, even harsh, almost cruel, but thoughtful and calculated, has nothing in common with the morals of the “black zone”! The task of "hazing" is to make conscripts from soldiers, not crippled, physical and moral. And from the Officers it depends very much on what forms the notorious hazing took in its division or part!

I would appreciate comments and thoughts expressed in the discussion!
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  1. viktor_ui
    8 January 2011 13: 45
    I agree with the author on all points. A serious application to rethink some of today's polished stereotypes. There is a rookie, an accomplished warrior and as the summit of a military pro. They will never be equal. And to be creature and cattle in the human concept, the army is an extreme entity and under this press climbs out of a person what he really is. From a company or from a cap 99,9% depends on what will be in his part - AREA OR SERVICE. He served in 85-87 years. in ZABVO (Blue Division).
    My respect.
  2. Michael
    8 January 2011 20: 55
    He served in the KDVO from 77 to 79. Khabarovsk village of Krasnaya Rechka. I agree that the system of getting used to the team was tough, but clearly worked out for years and everything was put on driving into the child’s head elementary skills of his own survival and RESPONSIBILITY for the survival of the whole unit. You didn’t cover your partner’s back, then you either p .. c or driving in all available and inaccessible ways of understanding this.
    Frankly, "dead", opened veins rotten, such as today's liberals and fools who got drunk on vodka and stuck in the cold. Tough natural selection and those who have passed it to this day have polished shoes and ironed edges of trousers to the point of a knife, not to mention the skills of management and the ability to kill embedded in the subconscious. For this I am grateful to the Soviet Army!
  3. vasily
    9 January 2011 04: 26
  4. Nicholas
    9 January 2011 10: 41
    He served on Sakhalin on 09-10. I’ll say right away that hazing wasn’t like that, well, what kind of grandfather is a teacher who is only six months older than you in life. They could only shout at us, but they themselves couldn’t teach something could. therefore now everything depends on the officers (my opinion)
  5. steady
    10 January 2011 07: 44
    If you take it very deeply, it turns out that the person who has taken the oath subscribes to several things.
    1. To be a killer in the service of the state. (be prepared to pull the trigger by aiming the weapon at the person, morally and at the skill level (and not with fright and in a state of passion) if you receive an order), even if you just press the ICBM launch button.
    2. Be prepared to die before the deadline, if necessary, following the order.
    Accordingly, in peacetime, the main task of the army is preparation, training and a pressure vat at the exit from which people are able to fulfill the first and second.
    Accordingly, based on this, you can get the concept of hazing which is necessary for the normal functioning of the processes of training soldiers. But if we add to this the selection system for sergeants on the principle of the most arrogant and cruel, and not very clearly understanding the need for moral pressure and the final result, then we get a real state of things.
    I agree with the author of the article

    To this should be added the knowledge of the Stanford prison experiment, very informative and applicable to the army

    and the Milgram Experiment, also informative when applied to this topic.

    In my opinion, all officers signed must be familiarized with this. And only then assign the title.
  6. Fonzy
    12 January 2011 18: 56
    This is all of course good, and it may even be true to some degree, but the author did not take into account one thing - today's Russian army is equipped according to the mixed (consider conscription) recruitment principle, respectively, for most conscripts the goal is to serve your term, return to civilian life and build your further life, and not to make of yourself some kind of super duper cool warrior, tempered by grandfathers in the barracks. Yes, and about the oath - as you know, it is also not taken voluntarily, so the priest who was forced to swear to someone there to swear something has the full moral right to break this oath.
  7. Eugene
    17 February 2011 22: 24
    I agree with the author. I know that there are two types of bullying since the time of commanding a motorized rifle platoon. There were "grandfathers" who strictly demanded from young people "do as I do" and knew how to show in practice how to do, as well as those who enjoyed the process itself bullying. The latter, as a rule, did not differ in particular successes in combat training and brutally tried to somehow prove their "coolness" to their colleagues.

    For Fonzy. You have a direct road to the committee of soldier's grandmothers. Sure, they will be accepted with open arms and truly sexual pleasure.
  8. Isupov Vitaliy Vasilievich
    April 3 2011 15: 29
    A long time ago he served in the GSVG. The officers were afraid of expulsion.
    in the USSR, and so to speak, there were no special problems!
    20 August 2011 21: 14
    Huge Gratitude For the "painful" topic I completely agree. I myself served in the "Uncle Vasya's Troops" 73-75gg 104 division Kirovobad Seen Anyone And the fact that some sergeants could not understand the service until you get to the "penny"!
    Guard Sergeant Airborne!
  10. zczczc
    20 August 2011 21: 40
    The problem is too complex. To understand this, remember that an officer of the Russian army under the tsar could:
    - play the piano;
    - dance (do not jump) complicated dances at the ball;
    - dress with a needle, and not only in a military uniform;
    - to be an absolute example for civilians.

    How much they drained the army now - even requisitions from subordinates began!

    The decomposition of the army began in the 80s. When I saw how a company of soldiers was guarded by the police, so that they would not do anything wrong with civilians in the city - ofigel, to be honest. The soldiers in some elements of behavior were like prisoners, people shied away from them on the street. It was a construction battalion, but this fact is not an indulgence in cheeky behavior - they overtook their time by 10 years, behaved as they had become the norm in the 90s.
    1. One of many
      21 August 2011 00: 46
      and gentlemen, officers knew how:
      - to make cards.
      - embezzlement.
      - drink. And with a special chic.
      cultivated contempt for all "shpatskim". and were not yet distinguished by high culture in dealing with the lower ranks.
      all this did not disdain the gentlemen of the capital's brilliant guards, not to mention all sorts of "garrison" raznochinets, cantonists and other people from the people.
      Of course they were not like that. But this is more an exception than a rule.
  11. 0
    26 October 2019 01: 01
    In normal armies, it is the person who is allowed to do it by the position, not the rank or term of service, that puts pressure on. As a rule, this is a kind of universal instructor, or an instructor in a specific specialty (drill, physical training, etc.). And when everyone who has served half of the draft term considers it his duty to go and drive "ghosts", then this is hazing, no matter how hard it manifests itself.