"Secrets" Hand-to-hand combat

"Remember, the main method of hand-to-hand combat: First, throw a grenade at the enemy ..." Instructor for hand-to-hand, head of the FPP preparation

The main, perhaps, secret of the hand-to-hand combat style of the Airborne Forces, is that ... there were no "secrets"! There are no, and there have never been any terrible spetsdar in super-secret points, no "Touch of delayed death" and other superexotics ... So what do the paratroopers and special forces who say that "Take" cope with several opponents in a fight? -not! Do not lie! Cope and very EFFECTIVE! That's just, if you shoot this fight on film and then show it at normal speed, then the 9 / 10 audience simply will not understand anything about what is happening, and half will be disappointed and wondering: what they fall so easily? What's the matter?

I want to explain right away that I’m not talking about the Spetsura hand-to-hand maneuver, especially officer units like Vympel, Alpha and Cascade, especially those imprisoned under forceful detention by living languages ​​or criminals! —And there’s no specifics and not knowing it! And about the combat hand-to-hand training of conventional airborne troops (Uncle Vasya's troops). Somehow in one book I came up with the following argument, I quote in a free retelling: "No matter how cynical it sounds, everything has its price and soldier’s life, even more so. This price is the price of training a new soldier instead of a retired one. After all, no matter how skillful a fighter is, it will not save him either from a crossbow bolt, or, what is more offensive, from bloody diarrhea "... Rude but fair ...

I don’t want to say anything bad about the eastern martial arts schools, but ... For six months or a year, it’s impossible to prepare a real person using the training methods of Karate, Taekwondo, Tai Chi Chuan and so on! For six months he, at best, will learn two or three basic stances, and the ability to breathe more or less correctly in the stance, and not in battle! In a real hand-to-hand combat, such a fighter is a danger to only one person for himself! Only after five to seven years of daily, painstaking, hours-long workouts will he begin to understand that he has only come close to mastering the basics! You understand, to prepare a SOLDIER in such a way is senseless! There is simply no such five or seven years to train even a non-semi-finished fighter!

On the right of participation (and SURVIVOR!) After three real hand-to-hand fighting fights, let me notice! that the school is the hands of the Airborne Forces, the training system is still there! And she is EFFICIENT! What are the basic principles of training a fighter? We must also take into account that in addition to Fizuha, there is also a daily service! Rifle training, training in combat specialty, Drill (so that it), outfits and guards, and so on and so forth! But the system has proven its effectiveness, so what is it, this system of training of a melee paratrooper? I'll try to answer ...

The entire system of combat melee training for airborne troops is based on three pillars, each component is important; and the question does not make sense - which! These are Psychological training, Physical training and a set of basic hand-to-hand combat techniques. Let's sort them in turn. So, psychological training. It includes bringing to the level of the subconscious, to the conditioned reflex: the fight is NOT a competition! It is not possible to WIN or play! In battle, you can either win or die! the third, as they say, is not given ... No one will shake your hand before a fight or perform a ritual bow. You will immediately try to kill, and by all means, which are available at the moment! The preparation was carried out quite simply, but effectively, no one conducted conversations and psychological tests with us — we were simply beaten! Not to defeat, but in such a way that did not seem to be enough! Emphasize! Do not beaten, and beaten! Feel the difference! You could get a splash or be caught on a suffocating grip at any moment: at the time of the conversation with the officer, standing on the bedside table, just walking through the unit. Avoiding strike or seizure is a big deal! Otvetka- the more! Although it is worth mentioning, it is rarely possible for anyone! They say that such a system was introduced into the practice of the Airborne Forces by their commander, the legendary V.F. Margelov, I don’t know, but if this is so, then I bow to him for that! SUCH a system of preparation saved many lives in real wars and me too ... I still, although more than thirty years have passed, I simply cannot physically round the corner of a building close to it, walk around in three or four steps ... Constant pressure in which, by the way, there was nothing personal, for the grandfather also, like the young, developed the skill for constant vigilance, the ability not to relax even in a dream, to some sixth sense of danger ...

Physical training in the Airborne Forces requires no special comments. Training endurance, running in different conditions, moving in goose step, alternating accelerations, ragged rhythm ... strength training, pull-ups, pushing up different types, squats, jumps ... swing the press again in different ways. All this is “I can't get through” until complete darkness in my eyes ... Zadela still suffices, although dmb-77 ... As for the basic techniques of hand-to-hand combat, here it is necessary to decipher ... Not for desantura and spetsury- they are all know and so! For fans of films like Rambo ... This is exactly the training of BASIC technicians, and not of "RECEPTIONS", and it is quite individual ... Someone is more comfortable than a throwing one, someone prefers a shock, someone suffocating seizures or techniques for breaking ligaments and fractures joints are closer. Basics were given to everyone, further the development of stereotypes, bringing the movement to the level of the knee jerk; in battle there is no time to think, the body reacts by itself, the thought does not have time! The blows were worked out on various types of simulators such as makivara and punching bag, throws with each other, VERY ACCURATELY AND NOT TO THE FULL POWER, also applies to all sorts of pain and chokes. And after mastering the basic movements, everyone trained himself! There are no combat sparring in real life, with one exception, about otorom below ... After all, an attempt to hold, for example, in the conditions of sparring, an elbow attack in a barrel for one of the fighters may well be the last ... And I also note that there is no Van Ballet -Dame and Chuck Norris! Feet work to the knee, not higher! The front of the lower leg and ankle, the inner surface of the lower leg. Knee - kick in the crotch and on the inside of the thigh. The elbow is mainly for finishing the enemy who has already lost orientation. Everything is simple and ineffective, ugly ... BUT EFFECTIVE!

Now for the exception: About once every two weeks you were dressed in a boxing helmet, and released portiv four or five people, senior soldiers or officers. Not immediately, take turns. It was necessary to hold out for five minutes ... From the first time, as far as I remember, nobody managed ... I went to rest for the tenth second for the first time, letting the most powerful straight into my head ... In a real battle, the result would be my death as I got up I only ten minutes later ... On the third attempt, I received thanks in the order of the unit, because I was able to “put into the ring” the zampotekh regiment. The captain, by the way, did not take offense at me, and the first one came to himself, shook his hand. At the same time, he said: "I started classes ... we need to work" ... We did not kill the rats with our bare hands ... but everything is the same, willingness to fight, at any second of the day and night, and not for life, but for death, was absorbed into the flesh and blood, into the bone marrow ... Here, in general, and all the "terrible military secrets" that I was going to tell you ...
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  1. Nicholas
    5 January 2011 15: 07
    I regret that we didn’t have such a school :(
  2. max
    5 January 2011 22: 24
    that school is gone, welcome to parachute kindergarten with weekend layoffs and afternoon nap. and what kind of hand-to-hand, God forbid, you shake off what then you will be tortured to the prosecutor's office to wear explanations.
    and I'm not talking about hazing but about classes.