Main T-80UD tank (Birch 478B Object)



Work on the Object 478 tank at the Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau began in the mid-1970s with the aim of improving the combat and technical characteristics of the T-80 tank and installing a diesel engine on it. It was planned to install a new turret tested on the Ob.476 tank. Two main versions of the tank were designed - Object 478, which differed in the installation of different types of diesel engines. As a result of long-term work on the vehicle, the main tank T-1987UD (Object 80B) was created and accepted into service in 478.

The project to improve the tank "object 478" was made KMBM them. A. Morozov in 1976 year, he received the designation - "478 object". The tank was supposed to use the Tent active protection complex, which defends the sector at the rate of 200 degrees, the number of cluster shots - 20 pcs, the probability of hitting projectiles - 0,7-0,8.

Works on the tank "object 478B" "Birch" were started KMDB them. A.A.Morozova (General Designer I.L.Protopopov) in the middle of 1970-ies (object 478) and ended in 1987 with the adoption of the T-80UD tank. As a result, during the creation of the tank, the Reflex guided weapons complex, 1А45 fire control complex, etc. were placed. The series began with the 1985 of the year. Sometimes referred to as T-XNUMHUD (informal name). In 80, the tank was upgraded.

In accordance with the Decision of the CM Commission on military-industrial issues from 21 in January 1977, the development of a more powerful diesel engine 6ТD-2 with a capacity of 1200 hp began in the modernized tanks. With the 1983, the engine began testing on pilot tanks, in 1992, its mass production began.

In 1988, the T-80 tank with the 6TD diesel engine was upgraded. It installed the built-in dynamic protection, finalized weapon systems. At the beginning of the 1990-ies, the tank was preparing for the adoption of the Soviet Army under the symbol - T-84. In the future, the designation T-84 received the next version of the Ukrainian modernization of the T-80UD tank.

During serial production for the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union, 800 T-80UD tanks were launched. After the collapse of the USSR, around 50 tanks were produced.
MBT T-80UD was demonstrated and tested in Pakistan in 1993 and 1995 as part of a tender for the supply of a new MBT for this country.

In 1996, Pakistan entered into a contract with Ukraine for the supply of 320 T-80UD. The first batch (15 machines) was delivered at the beginning of 1997, and in 1999, the contract was successfully completed.

From October 1996, Ukraine began shipping T-80UD tanks (478BE object, tank variant with new structural elements from the T-84 tank, including a welded turret of new design) to Pakistan, the total volume of the contract includes 320 machines. Until June, 1997 was supplied to 50 tanks, they were moved and modernized old, and the rest were made again. Tanks that have been upgraded with a cast turret, received an index "478BE", and again made with welded-rolled tower - "478BE-1".

Many systems and T-84 units, including a new welded-rolled tower, etc. were introduced into the machines of the last installments.

The main armament of these tanks is the 125-mm QA3 smoothbore gun (the 2A46М1 gun was installed in the USSR and Russia), charged with a conveyor-type automatic loader. The gun is equipped with an ejector of powder gases and a thermocasing. The barrel of the gun is quick-detachable and can be replaced in field conditions without dismantling the gun from the tank.

The gun's ammunition complement consists of 45 separate-loading rounds (projectile and charge), of which 28 are located in the automatic loader conveyor, and the rest are in the control compartment and in the fighting compartment. The ammunition used is: armor-piercing, cumulative, high-explosive fragmentation and missiles, controlled by a laser beam.

A feature of the tank is the presence of guided weapons, which allows firing from a cannon guided missiles with laser guidance at ranges up to 5000 m. The rocket consists of two parts. The first part includes a throwing device and a hardware compartment with a steering device. The second part consists of a main engine and a combat unit of tandem action. Both parts are stored in the conveyor automatic loader as well as conventional ammunition. Docking two parts of the rocket occurs in the barrel when fired.

The T-80UD is equipped with a modern fire control system, which provides firing by the gunner and commander at fixed and moving targets, both in motion and in motion, with a high probability of hitting the first shot.

The fire control system consists of the 1Г46 gunner sightsight, TO1-C1E gunner's night complex, PNK-4C commander-in-command complex, ZNG-7, zenith sight, 1CXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, XUXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXP 29EX1 and other devices.

The gunner's day sight 1Г46 has a line of sight stabilized in two planes, an integrated laser range finder and a guided missile control channel.
With a standard tank configuration, the gunner installed a TO1-KO1E night aiming complex with a TPN-4E sight (with an electron-optical converter), however, it is possible to install a Buran-Katrin-E thermal sight.
The sighting and observation complex of the commander PNK-4С consists of the combined day-night sight of the commander TKN-4С and the gun position sensor.

The commander's TKN-4C combined sight is stabilized in a vertical plane and has three channels: a daytime single channel, a daytime multiple channel with a magnification factor of 8x and a night channel with a magnification of 5,4x. The commander can switch from the day channel to the night channel (with the electron-optical converter) and back with the help of the lever.

The anti-aircraft sight allows the commander to fire at aerial targets from an anti-aircraft machine gun, while being protected by the turret armor.

The 1B528-1 ballistic computer for calculating ballistic corrections automatically takes into account signals from the following sensors: tank speed, target angular velocity, roll angle of the gun axle axle, transverse component of wind speed, distance to the target, heading angle. Additionally, the following parameters are manually entered for the calculation: ambient air temperature, charge temperature, barrel bore wear, ambient air pressure, etc. The calculator also calculates the time point of the explosion of the high-explosive fragmentation projectile over the target.

The so-called “shot clearance zone” is provided in the fire control complex, i.e. after pressing the firing button, the shot will occur only if the mismatch of the line of sight and the axis of the bore does not exceed the specified value. The size of the “shot clearance zone” is adjusted when setting up a fire control system as part of a tank.

The T-80UD armor protection, which includes modern multi-layered armor and a set of built-in dynamic protection mounted on the tower and the hull, provides the tank with a high level of survivability on the battlefield.

The T-80UD tank can hide its location on the battlefield by setting a smoke or aerosol curtain. On the sides of the tower installed four launchers smoke grenades, which are driven electrically.
T-80UD can also install a smoke screen by injecting diesel into the engine exhaust system (i.e. using so-called thermal smoke equipment).

In order to reduce the visibility of the tank on the battlefield, the roof of the engine compartment T-80UD is equipped with special thermal protection.
On the main battle tank T-80UD installed 6-cylinder diesel engine 6TD-1 1000 hp power.

The engine air intake device provides air to the engine from the least dusty point of the tank. In addition, the air intake device allows the tank to overcome water obstacles to a depth of 1,8 m without training.
The air cleaning system consists of two main components: centrifugal pre-filters and an air cleaner cartridge. The system allows you to operate the tank in hot and dusty conditions in the amount of 1000-kilometer run without the need to change the filters, as well as in conditions of radioactive contamination.

Suspension - torsion. On each side of the hull - six double rubberized road wheels. The guide wheel is located in the forward part of the hull, the drive wheel is in the aft one. There are also supporting videos.
The upper part of the suspension is protected by side screens, which are armored in the forward part of the hull (with built-in dynamic protection).
A rubber screen is fixed at the bottom of the body to keep dust from spreading.

The standard equipment of the main battle tank T-80UD also includes a collective protection system, equipment for underwater driving, an explosion and fire suppression system, radiation protection (slaughter) and self-digging equipment (located on the lower inclined sheet of the aft hull).

The collective protection system provides protection for the crew and the internal equipment of the tank against the effects of nuclear explosions, radioactive dust, poisonous and bacteriological substances.

Underwater driving equipment allows the tank to overcome water obstacles to a depth of 5 m (water obstacles to a depth of 1,8 m, the T-80UD tank overcomes without preparation).

Fire extinguishing system provides detection and extinguishing of internal fires in the habitable compartment, as well as in the engine-transmission compartment.
Anti-radiation protection is designed as a tamping on the internal and external surfaces of the tank.

Self-digging equipment allows you to dig a tank caponier for 15-40 minutes, depending on the type of soil.

The main battle tank T-80UD can be equipped with various types of mine trawls (connected to the hull nose), including the KMT-6 knife-type mine trawl and the KMT-7 roller-type mine trawl. At the stern of the hull, two barrels with additional fuel can be mounted, as well as a log for tank self-pulling.

Today it is no secret that in the USSR after the Second World War there were excess capacities for the creation and production of tanks. This gave rise to a fierce competition between the three design bureaus - the developers - in Kharkov, Nizhny Tagil and Leningrad - for the right to supply their products to the armament.

This struggle was particularly aggravated in 1970-1980-s, and the experience gained then came in handy when several tender tests concluded a contract for the supply of a large batch of T-1997UD tanks from 80 to Pakistan. By this time all its components had been mastered in production, with the exception of the tank gun.

However, the customer’s demand - independence of supplies from third countries and statements by individual politicians forced them to speed up the organization of production of barrels at Sumy NPO Frunze, and the breech - at the Plant. Malysheva. As a result, in 1998, the development of the gun and the organization of its production were completed.

Currently, T-XNUMHUD tanks have improved armor protection, an improved fire control system. The tank can be operated at temperatures from -80 to + 40 degrees C.

On the basis of the T-XNUMHUD tank created:
commander tank T-XNUMHUDK;
Experimental object 478D with a Buran-E night-time TPN-4 surveillance device and the Anet system of high-explosive fragmentation projectiles, which undermine them at a given point; Experimental objects 478BK with a welded turret, manufactured three cars;
Experienced tanks - 478DU and 478DU2 objects with various types of running gear (with steel and rubber-coated rollers).

Currently T-80UD is in service with Ukraine, Russia and Pakistan.
After the collapse of the USSR, work on the further improvement of technology based on 478D was already indicated with the prefix "U". The “478DU object” (T-84) is similar to the “478D” tank, but has a T-64 undercarriage. Passed the test, made one copy.

In the "object 478DU2" compared with "478D" there was no auxiliary power unit and a new welded-rolled tower was installed. On the tower, the new built-in dynamic protection (VDZ), changed the installation of smoke grenades. Made a prototype, was tested. Not commercially available.

“The 478D4 object” was different from the “DXXUMX” by installing a new auxiliary power unit on the left fender. On the case - a new dynamic protection.

"Object 478DU5" participated in the early stages of testing in the Turkish tender. In contrast to the "DU4" there is air conditioning at the stern of the tower. Ankara’s demands were very tough, especially in terms of armament. It required the installation of 120-mm guns under NATO standard shells.

In a short time, the “object 478N” was developed, which received its own name “Yatagan”, with the required artillery installation and a new belt automatic loader for 22 rounds, placed in the "fat tail" behind the turret. The remaining shells were placed in a mechanized stowage in the hull. One prototype was built, which passed the second stage of the tender in Turkey. Based on the results of the competition, the documentation for the tank was revised and prepared for serial production under the index "478N1".
Especially for the tender in Malaysia, the “object 478DU8” was made, taking into account the specifics of the region - the caterpillar is expanded to 600 millimeters.

The “478DU9” object (tank “Oplot”) was tested and adopted by the army of Ukraine, a series of ten vehicles was made in 2001 year. A new commander's sight with a laser rangefinder and the Ainet system are used.

The main battle tank Oplot was developed on the basis of the T-XNUMHUD, but differs from it in a number of improvements, namely:
- new welded-rolled tower
- built-in dynamic protection of the new generation, providing increased security in the anterior sector from both cumulative and armor-piercing projectiles
- thermal sight
- 6TD-2 engine with 1200 horsepower instead of the 1000-strong engine mounted on the T-XNUMHUD
- transition to digital technology in relation to the components of the fire control complex and related systems
- a complex of optical-electronic countermeasures
- auxiliary power unit
- accounting system for bending the bore
- navigation support system
- wider side screens that provide additional protection for the hull sides and undercarriage components against short-range anti-tank weapons used by enemy infantry.

By order of the US Army, four 478BEM-1 tanks were manufactured for four vehicles with the installation of the Drozd-1 active protection system (KAZ) and an auxiliary power unit (APU) on the left flank shelf and one 478BEM-2 tank with air conditioning at the stern of the tower and the APU on the left flank shelf.
28 May 2009, the tank "Oplot-M" - "an object 478DU10" was adopted by the army of Ukraine.

It is possible to supply the following main auxiliary machines, providing logistics for the T-80UD tank during its service life:
- armored repair and recovery vehicle (based on chassis T-80UD)
- armored bridge laying (based on the chassis of the tank Oplot)
- tracked conveyor capable of carrying 12 tons of cargo (its main components are similar to the components of the T-80UD)
various mobile workshops for servicing the tank (based on off-road vehicles)

The product "478BP" ​​- an armored repair and recovery vehicle BRET "Atlet" is made on the basis of the chassis nodes of the tank "Oplot", which provides the car with comparable dynamic and mobile characteristics, the necessary level of protection and permeability. "Athlete" is designed to solve a wide range of technical support for tank units when they conduct all types of combat operations in various weather and climatic conditions: conducting technical reconnaissance on the battlefield day and night, towing defective and damaged armored vehicles to the nearest shelters and prefabricated points of damaged cars (SPPM), start of engines of serviced cars by electric and pneumatic methods, assist crews in carrying out maintenance, carrying out cargo opodemnyh work, pulling stuck and sunken samples of armored vehicles in all kinds of jams, crossing water obstacles along the bottom, entrenching, performing welding and cutting work, digging at the equipment SPPM, entrances and exits.

The product “478BM” is the MTU-84 bridge laying machine, the documentation for which was developed, but the prototype was not built.

The status was adopted into service in 1985.
Developer Kharkiv Morozov Design Bureau
Manufacturer: KhZTM
Production series from 1985 to 1988

Combat weight, t 46
Dry weight, t 43
Length, mm:
- with gun forward 9664
- cases 7085
Width, mm 3589
Roof height
towers, mm 2285
Clearance, mm 515
Wed. beats. pressure on
soil, kg/cm2 0,93
Obstacle obstacles:
- rise, degrees 32
- roll, degrees 20
- ditch, m 2,85
- wall, m 1,0
- ford, m 1,8 (with OPVT -5)

Engine type diesel 6TD
- manufacturer PO "Malyshev Plant"
power, hp 1000
Fuel capacity, l 740+560
Power density,
hp/t 21,7
Maximum speed
km/h 60
Power reserve, km 560

Booking spine,
combined with hinged dynamic protection "Contact"
Staging Tools
smoke curtain TDA, 8x902B

Crew, persons 3

- number x caliber, mm and type of gun 125 mm 2A46M1
(ammunition, pieces) (45)
- number x caliber, mm and type of machine guns 12,7 mm NSVT
(ammunition, pieces) (450)
- number x caliber, mm and type of machine guns 7,62 mm PKT
(ammunition, pieces) (1250)

Rangefinder sight 1G46
Night Scope:
Active-passive type TPN-4 "Buran-PA"
- developer Krasnogorsk plant named after S.A. Zverev
Manufacturer ROMZ
Target recognition range, m up to 3000
Field of view angle, degrees 4 x 2,7
Magnification, times up to 11
Fire control system 1A45
Weapons control complex 9K119
Navigation equipment GPK-59
Weapon stabilizer 2E42
Radio station R-173

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  1. +10
    1 June 2013 09: 28
    In my youth I saw the "torments" in which this tank was being born. If the Union had not fallen apart, this machine would have become a very good "argument" in a dispute with the West. And of course, one cannot fail to note the enormous selfless work of all the workers of the Malyshev Plant. It is a pity that now they have become competitors. But many ideas and developments of that machine are still on Ukrainian and Russian tanks...
    1. +6
      1 June 2013 22: 53
      T-80 with a diesel engine (X-shaped) was also developed in St. Petersburg (the birthplace of the T-80).
      1. +2
        2 June 2013 18: 19
        I wonder where the projectile should be aimed to get into this dynamic defense (on the bumps)?
        1. Yemelya
          2 June 2013 19: 18
          Quote: Bad_gr
          I wonder where the projectile should be aimed to get into this dynamic defense (on the bumps)?

          Top, sort of. And behind the pipe there should still be an OPVT pipe, it protects the exposed area of ​​the armor.
  2. Algor73
    1 June 2013 09: 33
    Yes, a good tank, one of the best, but no longer in demand. The former glory of the USSR.
  3. -3
    1 June 2013 09: 46
    Quote: Algor73
    Yes, a good tank, one of the best, but no longer in demand. The former glory of the USSR.

    How is this not in demand? What is UNA going to arm themselves with?
    The main battle tank "Oplot" was developed on the basis of the T-80UD,
    1. Akim
      1 June 2013 10: 27
      Quote: svp67
      The main battle tank "Oplot" was developed on the basis of the T-80UD,

      Compare BM Oplot with T-80UD, it's like comparing T-90MS with T-72B
      What is UNA going to arm themselves with?

      What is UNA?
      1. +3
        1 June 2013 12: 32
        Quote: Akim
        What is UNA?

        Yes, excuse me, "Ukrainian people's army" is somewhat different, the Armed Forces of Ukraine can be applied or should it be - Zbroyni forces of Ukraine?
        1. Akim
          2 June 2013 17: 23
          Quote: svp67
          or is it necessary to build Ukraine?

          I think the Ukrainian Armed Forces will be enough. You do not pronounce the PLA in Chinese? (Zhōnggúo Rénmín Jiěfàng Jūn)
        2. malkor
          2 June 2013 21: 26
          Zbroynі sily of Ukraine - sounds like the WOOD OF UKRAINE
          and ukrneftegaz - as an organization for the theft of gas and oil
          And judging by the activities of these organizations, it’s very similar
  4. Engineer
    1 June 2013 10: 47
    You can ask a question from an unenlightened person, why on tanks and bmpshki logs hitch to the stern?
    1. Akim
      1 June 2013 11: 06
      Quote: Engineer
      why on tanks and bmpshki logs cling to the stern?

      This is for self-extraction.
      1. +5
        1 June 2013 12: 22
        Quote: Akim
        This is for self-extraction.

        And in the SA it was used for educational purposes, in the walking mode on the tank. wassat
        1. Akim
          1 June 2013 12: 26
          Quote: perepilka
          in walking mode on the tank.

          "Horse on foot" I know. How's that?
          1. +5
            1 June 2013 12: 45
            Quote: Akim
            "Horse on foot" I know. How's that?

            Did cavalry appear in your Armed Forces again or did artillery switch to horse traction? I think no. So, I think the term is clear to you. And the way when the crew works out the element on foot in a "hug" with a log, for a gross blunder while acting on the tank, albeit not humane, but very quickly brings to their senses and makes them continue to act in a more organized manner ...
            1. Akim
              1 June 2013 13: 00
              Quote: svp67
              Did cavalry reappear in your Armed Forces, or did artillery switch to horse drawn traction?

              Equestrian on foot - this established phrase. It is when the crews of technology work out their actions without it. It is often used in the initial preparation of parades.
              1. +2
                1 June 2013 13: 11
                Quote: Akim
                Quote: svp67
                Did cavalry reappear in your Armed Forces, or did artillery switch to horse drawn traction?

                Equestrian on foot - this established phrase. It is when the crews of technology work out their actions without it. It is often used in the initial preparation of parades.

                Installed by what? And I have heard it in different versions. Of which "horseback riding on a devil" is the most innocuous ... army folklore is limitless ... And "walking along a tank" still more reflects the essence of what is happening.
              2. Akim
                1 June 2013 13: 43
                Quote: Akim
                Equestrian on foot - this established phrase

                I’ll get better: not an established, but an established phrase.
          2. +5
            1 June 2013 12: 49
            Quote: Akim
            "Horse on foot" I know. How's that?

            If the crew screws up, they walk along the tank's route through the training ground, carrying a log in front of them for self-extraction. Next time, all their strength and attention goes to completing the assigned task. laughing
    2. Genady1976
      1 June 2013 11: 20
      here are some answers to your question from the internet
      Log in order for the tank not to tumble forward.
      Are you sure this is a log, not a tank with a fuel capacity of 1000 liters?
      Maybe a bumper?
      They didn’t put guns on the commander’s tanks, and so that they wouldn’t fire on them in the first place, they would tie a log instead of a trunk.

      They didn’t put guns, because otherwise there would not be enough room for walkie-talkies
      in order to drink tea
    3. Donetskiy
      3 June 2013 14: 49
      the log is a standard anti-slip tool
  5. Abakanets
    1 June 2013 10: 55
    It would be worth cooperating with Ukraine in the modernization of the t-80, because this tank is given the t-72 in all respects.
    1. +2
      1 June 2013 12: 49
      Quote: Abakanets
      in the modernization of the t-80, for this tank in all respects is given to the t-72.

      Not. Initially, back in the USSR, the T72 in terms of its performance and production costs significantly exceeded its competitors, both the T64 and especially the T80 ... The modern modifications of T72, in terms of combat qualities, are absolutely equivalent to T80 ... Yes, and modernization of T80, Russia is better to use the potential Omsk plant ...
    2. +1
      1 June 2013 14: 27
      And if it’s not a secret, can you explain which ones?
    3. The comment was deleted.
      1. Akim
        2 June 2013 09: 12
        Quote: AlexxxNik
        the impossibility of emergency exit through the standard hatch, the driver usually died,

        This is a modern fairy tale, as an argument for supporting AZ. Decide for yourself what is better, what is worse - it will not change anything (on a global scale). But removing three shells from the mechanism is a matter of half a minute. But a wide passage is formed. Even a wounded person can be pulled out. And you can drown from fright even with an empty conveyor. Last year, a conscript mechanic drowned while driving underwater in a T-64B, when it stalled, although there was not a single shell in the tank. He was confused.
        1. 0
          2 June 2013 11: 15
          I know about tanks by hearsay, not special, but more than once I read the memoirs of the tankers of the Second World War, where they write that they walked around the connectors of tank helmets and altered the hatch stopper, so that at the right time to fly out of it with a bullet, I think that the prospect of the mechanic to turn over "half a minute" ammunition of optimism does not add, it would be better to admit mistakes than to persist in your delusion
          1. Akim
            2 June 2013 12: 41
            Quote: AlexxxNik
            so that at the right time to fly out of it with a bullet, I think that the prospect of the mechanic to turn over "half a minute" ammunition does not add optimism

            If you think that the driver, like a cat can slip over the AZ, then you are mistaken. What does the designers mistake? I think if everything was so critical, he (MOH) would not have been produced for 40 years and even in a different configuration.
      2. +2
        2 June 2013 14: 09
        Quote: AlexxxNik
        -80, like the T-64 at one time, had such a "small" drawback, if it was impossible to emergency exit through the regular hatch, the mechanic drive usually died,

        The trained mechanical drive did NOT HAVE ANY problems with the exit through the conveyor, for this it was just necessary to drop two trays ...
  6. The comment was deleted.
  7. abu
    1 June 2013 11: 29
    Wasn't the gas turbine engine on the t-80, or replaced it with a tank upgrade?
    1. Genady1976
      1 June 2013 11: 38
      T-80 UD A 80TD-6 6-cylinder diesel engine with a capacity of 1 hp was installed on the main battle tank T-1000UD.
    2. +4
      1 June 2013 13: 50
      Quote: abu
      Wasn't the gas turbine engine on the t-80, or replaced it with a tank upgrade?

      In the USSR, the T80 was produced at three factories - in Leningrad, Omsk and Kharkov. And in the future it was supposed to become a "single" tank of the USSR Armed Forces. It had two options - with a GTE engine and a 6TD ...
  8. Genady1976
    1 June 2013 11: 34
    for Engineer
    1. Engineer
      1 June 2013 19: 48
      thanks for enlightenment hi
      1. Genady1976
        1 June 2013 20: 54
        knowing everything is not real and asking questions is a normal healthy curiosity
        who is the thread and tell me drinks
        man to man friend, comrade and brother Yes
  9. +7
    1 June 2013 11: 40
    He served on such a 2 years 86-88 in the GSVG, it was a good machine. It is worn like crazy, it accelerates through the field to 105 km / h. Now no one needs it, without a whole range of related weapons they will be burned with helicopters at a time.
    1. +2
      2 June 2013 14: 27
      You are talking about 80 (U, D) with a gas turbine engine, and here they talk about the diesel version, these are fundamentally different cars.
    2. +1
      2 June 2013 16: 42
      Quote: sash411
      Accelerated across the field to 105 km / h.

      Quote: killganoff
      You talk about 80 (U, D) with the GTD,

      More fussed with the T-72 in the army, but it also seemed that the conversation was about 6TD and not about the GTE. wink
  10. Sashko07
    1 June 2013 15: 22
    Quote: svp67
    How is this not in demand? What is UNA going to arm themselves with?

    UNA can arm a maximum air rifle for a sparrow laughing
    Yes, and then they will pick it up and give it to the tinsel.

    Quote: svp67
    The Union did not collapse, this machine would become a very good "argument" in a dispute with the West.

    If the Union would not fall apart, I think together they would create something else more powerful than the T-80UD and T-90.
    1. Alexander D.
      1 June 2013 18: 15
      And something more powerful than the T-80 and T-90 created in Ukraine ...
      1. +2
        2 June 2013 13: 02
        Great video - especially pinned one moment - when
        a high-ranking soldier called the French tank "Leclerc" - Eclair !!! :)))))))))))) Good cake :))) Damn, why on the leading positions in the Army always choose the most die-hard ??? :)))

        And as a whole, the influence of the American school of tank building is felt in the construction of the Bastion ...
  11. Nik one
    1 June 2013 18: 38
    T-80UD is no longer in service with the Russian army.
    1. 0
      3 June 2013 01: 07
      Quote: Nik One
      T-80UD is no longer located

      they are in warehouses of long-term storage in the amount of from 800 to 2000 pieces ...
  12. waisson
    1 June 2013 18: 47
    how long we turn our plan into real during this time it manages to age
  13. desiscia
    1 June 2013 18: 52
    T-80UD car beast.
  14. The comment was deleted.
    1. Akim
      1 June 2013 19: 50
      Quote: vkrav
      And then the evil tongues talk that almost as many as fifty shots - with a gap after this fifty

      Exactly that evil. Pakistan buys them at both Al-Khalid and Al-Zarrar.
      1. crush
        2 June 2013 10: 23
        This is because Pakistanis think that Ukraine is somewhere in Russia, and Russian weapons are a brand for them. Ukrainians need to come up with a new name for their equipment, so that it is not associated with old time-tested Soviet equipment
        1. Akim
          2 June 2013 12: 35
          Quote: crush
          Ukraine is somewhere in Russia

          I hate to disappoint you, but Pakistanis now know very well where Ukraine is and how Kharkov tanks differ from Tagil tanks. When they bought T-80UDs, they were scared. They even wanted to buy old T-72Bs in Ukraine because they knew it by ear. Only after learning that Kharkov worked only for domestic defense, they agreed. And they did not regret it.
        2. Nik one
          2 June 2013 16: 46
          Pakistanis bought these tanks for political reasons only
          1. Akim
            2 June 2013 17: 15
            Quote: Nik One
            for political reasons only

            They bought it because no one else sold them (by the way, India, too), and then the Chinese tanks did not correspond to the normal level.
            Russia, on the contrary, would have to rejoice, not gloat. Because the Pakistani contract saved your tank building. (large order from India). Many generals and politicians believed that there were many tanks in Russia and new ones were not needed, which means death for the factories.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  15. +3
    1 June 2013 21: 15
    I served on such a good car.
  16. crush
    2 June 2013 10: 05
    Ukrainians are not able to produce their tanks and armored personnel carriers because technology has been lost. Ukrainians do not know how to make normal guns, ask the Iraqis. But tank guns experience a much greater load than 30 mm Btrov. Oplot and bucephals are wiring.
    Why did Iraq buy Ukrainian armored personnel carriers? Firstly, the Americans paid for the order. Secondly, the Americans forced them to buy. It can be said that the Americans bought the Ukrainian armored vehicles for Iraqis with their money, there is a complicated scheme. The Americans thanked the Ukrainians for the purchase of Ukrainian soldiers served in Iraq.
    1. Akim
      2 June 2013 10: 24
      Quote: crush
      kraintsy can't make normal guns, ask Iraqis

      Don't talk nonsense! Do you personally know those Iraqis or at least have you seen a video interview with an Iraqi soldier (not a politician). I think you only have a problem with English, and even more so with Arabic. You only read what is written on the Russian-language Internet and believe it all as if it were the Bible.
    2. +6
      2 June 2013 11: 25
      Quote: crush
      The Americans thanked the Ukrainians with the purchase for the fact that Ukrainian soldiers served in Iraq.
      Huh request Kazakhs bought 100 pieces .. did the Americans pay too ??!
      1. crush
        2 June 2013 13: 34
        Kazakhs are rogue, they have no money for high-quality equipment, and Ukrainian armored personnel carriers are the cheapest in the world
        1. +4
          3 June 2013 14: 43
          Quote: crush
          Kazakhs are rogue, they have no money for high-quality equipment, and Ukrainian armored personnel carriers
          These Kazakh rogues, in fact, the Russian BTR-82, were bought, in the same quantity as the Ukrainian BTR-4 what Following your logic, the Russian BTR-82 were purchased because they are cheap ?? laughing There are also Otokars in Kazakhstan ..
          P.S. Let me tell you, malshyk, a little secret .. K-n can afford to buy ie. there is money for how you write "quality technology". It's just that Russia and Ukraine are far from strangers to us .. And, all other things being equal, priority is given to Russian and Ukrainian companies .. After all, until then, THEY-for us "OUR". At least for now..
        2. Akim
          3 June 2013 18: 42
          Quote: crush
          and Ukrainian armored personnel carriers are the cheapest in the world

          I would not say that they bribe with their cheapness. One and a half lemons apiece is the normal price. About 5 years ago, how much the tank cost
    3. Alexander D.
      2 June 2013 11: 29
      Quote: crush
      Ukrainians are not able to produce their tanks and armored personnel carriers because technology has been lost. Ukrainians do not know how to make normal guns, ask the Iraqis. But tank guns experience a much greater load than 30 mm Btrov. Oplot and bucephals are wiring.
      Why did Iraq buy Ukrainian armored personnel carriers? Firstly, the Americans paid for the order. Secondly, the Americans forced them to buy. It can be said that the Americans bought the Ukrainian armored vehicles for Iraqis with their money, there is a complicated scheme. The Americans thanked the Ukrainians for the purchase of Ukrainian soldiers served in Iraq.

      Technology lost what? BTRs were never produced in Ukraine - in Kharkov this production was organized from scratch and is moving by leaps and bounds (several variants of BTRs have already been invented and sold).
      And about the tank guns ... Get comfortable - everything we can do - read carefully:
      1. crush
        2 June 2013 13: 43
        even worse. The Ukrainians never in their life produced armored personnel carriers and guns, but then they sat down, thought and came up with the best tanks and armored personnel carriers in the world. The Ukrainian land did not look scantily on Petriks and Lysenko
  17. 0
    2 June 2013 11: 48
    Quote: Abakanets
    It would be worth cooperating with Ukraine

    it’s difficult to cooperate with a partner who at night sells the fruits of cooperation to the left
    1. 0
      2 June 2013 13: 55
      So Russia itself is actively selling to the left its own design developments - that’s why it built a whole plant for the production of RPG-32 to the left !!!
  18. 0
    2 June 2013 12: 00
    I liked the log. In the war, firewood will come in handy as well. But the soldiers who tied it to the caterpillars are useless. They are not trained at all, no suitable clothes, no gloves.
    1. +2
      2 June 2013 13: 07
      A good weapon is a weapon verified by a real battle !!! So you can endlessly praise or scold Oplot and T-90, but the old T-72 grandfather shows in Syria that he can still do a lot !!!
  19. crush
    2 June 2013 13: 45
    The only plus of Ukrainian technology is cheapness, the rest are cons
  20. +2
    2 June 2013 15: 48
    The design bureau, both in our country and in our country, is powerful, but there are not enough new specialists, views, technology has been lost, and much attention is paid to trifles, which affects the final result.
  21. Yemelya
    2 June 2013 19: 22
    As I understand it, in Ukraine the T-80UD is gone. In Russia, I heard, they sawed it, the towers just left. It turns out that the only user is Pakistan.
    1. Akim
      2 June 2013 20: 28
      Quote: Emelya
      As I understand it, in Ukraine the T-80UD is gone.

      In the Dnipropetrovsk region there is a cropped regiment, where about two hundred T-80BV and UD. They are not at the bases, but quite combat ready. In tank and mechanized brigades they really use T-64B (BV), there are BC and BM Bulat. This is logistically true. When they begin to complete the 17th tank brigade with BM Oplot, then the T-80UD will be returned to their active service.
      1. Yemelya
        2 June 2013 20: 33
        Quote: Akim
        cropped regiment, where about two hundred T-80BV and UD

        And why in the same regiment both "BV" and "UD" - they have different engines. Wouldn't it be easier to combine the T-80UD and T-64BV, for example, into one unit?

        Maybe there is still a T-80U with a gas turbine engine?
        1. Akim
          2 June 2013 20: 49
          Quote: Emelya
          Maybe there is still a T-80U with a gas turbine engine?

          T-80U in Ukraine during the Soviet era was not. A cropped regiment is essentially the same storage base. Only there, once every six months, tanks are driven out of the boxes and routine maintenance is carried out. And in which case, based on it, you can expand the connection. There is no difference in the models of tanks. Apparently the T-80BV decided to keep in combat reserve.
          1. Yemelya
            2 June 2013 21: 06
            Then it is clear.

            Where did the T-80BV come from? As I understand it, they were all in the GSVG, and when they decided to withdraw, they shoved it all over the USSR. So could the T-80U gas turbine in the Ukrainian SSR, but they are in Belarus.

            And if the T-80UD, then how much? there is information?
            1. Akim
              2 June 2013 22: 38
              Quote: Emelya
              Where did the T-80BV come from?

              They gave me information. I searched for a long time, but I can’t find it. But the bottom line is that in the Odessa Military District there was a tank regiment on the T-80BV.
  22. Yemelya
    2 June 2013 19: 31
    Anyone can enlighten about the T-80UD with "Contact-1", how much has been released?
    1. Genady1976
      2 June 2013 21: 32
      Adopted into service in 1987
      the first options were equipped with a mounted DZ, since 1988 - built-in DZ, as on the T-80U;
      The output of 6TD-1 engines increased. In 1986, 62 engines were manufactured, in 1987 - 99, in 1988 - 183.
      What a secret, I think 100-200
      1. Yemelya
        2 June 2013 22: 57
        Thank you hi

        And the Omsk and Leningrad T-80Us were produced immediately from the "Contact-5"?

        And, if there is information, how much has the T-80U been released?
        1. +3
          2 June 2013 23: 06
          Quote: Emelya
          And the Omsk and Leningrad T-80Us were produced immediately from the "Contact-5"?

          Contact-5 - built-in dynamic protection of tanks developed by the Research Institute of Steel. Designed to enhance the protection of armored vehicles from sub-caliber armor-piercing and cumulative shells. The complex was adopted in 1986.
          1. Yemelya
            2 June 2013 23: 28
            Most likely, "Contact-5" was installed simultaneously on all Soviet tanks - T-80U, T-80UD and T-72B in 1988.
        2. Genady1976
          2 June 2013 23: 08
          The best units of the Soviet Army, in particular, the Kantemirov Division, were equipped with new tanks. In total, about 700 T-80UD tanks were produced.
          1. +3
            2 June 2013 23: 15
            _______________________ Toman
          2. Yemelya
            2 June 2013 23: 17
            Quote: Genady1976
            In total, about 700 T-80UD tanks were produced.

            As for the T-80UD, everything seems to be clear - the number 700-800 is found in many sources.

            But with the T-80U and T-72B - there is no clarity.

            For some reason, you can easily find the number of armored vehicles produced in any period and any country, except for the USSR in 1960-80.
            1. Genady1976
              2 June 2013 23: 34
              I found the number 6500pcs.
              and who counted them
              1. Yemelya
                2 June 2013 23: 41
                Quote: Genady1976
                I found the number 6500pcs.

                These are, presumably, T-80, T-80B, T-80BV and T-80U combined.

                Interested in the number of T-80U.

                You can meet the figure approx. 1500, but this, apparently, is simply the result of dividing the total number released for the years of production of the T-80U. No specifics.
                1. Genady1976
                  3 June 2013 00: 20
                  I think that the factories themselves about entom do not know how many tanks they built lol
  23. 0
    3 June 2013 17: 28
    Cloth some kind of language. Is this a reprint from the materials of the marketing department of the tank factory?
  24. Diesel
    4 June 2013 14: 43
    IMHO, perhaps the best tank of the 80s.
  25. Darkheir
    6 June 2013 17: 15
    This is certainly not the topic, but still. Some Ukrainian organization simulated battles between the 10 most modern tanks. And I was not so much struck by the fact that out of 14 battles the Ukrainian tank did NOT LOSE ANY FIGHT, but the fact that the Pakistani tank of the 10nd generation got into this 2-pack
  26. +1
    17 March 2022 23: 49
    Does anyone know how many T-80UD tanks were in the Russian army after the collapse of the Soviet Union? Thanks!
  27. 0
    4 October 2024 22: 37
    Object 478B — T-80UD "Beryozha" main battle tank. Modification of T-80U tank with diesel engine. Two-stroke, opposite, multi-fuel, 6-cylinder diesel engine 6TD (1000 hp), anti-aircraft machine gun mount with remote control are installed; the first versions were equipped with suspended ERA, since 1988 — built-in ERA, as on T-80U; combat weight is 46 tons. Adopted into service in 1987. Before the collapse of the USSR, about 800 T-80UD were produced, after the collapse — about 50. By 1992, all T-80UD in the Russian army were decommissioned. Then they were produced in Ukraine for export.