Another lie of Yulia Latynina

Another lie of Yulia LatyninaThere are good traditions, but there are such that to say a good word does not turn the language. Therefore, we call it a "trend." That's how journalist Yulia Latynina has a tendency to release a big voluminous lie on the holy day of 9 in May.

Leaving this lie without an answer would be wrong.

In Latynina every word splashes hatred towards Russia. Therefore, to deny everything that says is too laborious, and probably unnecessary work. Let's take ten theses from her speech and show their lies.

1. “In the 1913 year, 170 lived in the Russian empire of millions of people, it was 10% of the world's population. After India and China, it was the largest population of the Earth. Now on the territory of what remains of Russia, 2,4% of the population of the Earth live, that is, a quarter of these 10%, and, actually, lives less in Russia itself than lived in the Russian Empire in 1913 year. ”

Classic, just from the textbook, an example of manipulation. We speak one number and do not speak others. In 1913, the Russian Empire had 170 million. And why do we now consider only the Russian Federation, in the same time calling our Motherland “what remains of Russia”? In order to compare correctly, it is necessary today to take the same or almost the same territory. (The funny thing is that you, dear reader, suggest that Latynina restore Russia within the boundaries of 1913, so she will be the first to be totally against it. And she will pour a bunch of crap on you).

Let us remind the forgetful Yulia Latynina that in 1913, Ukraine, Belarus, Finland, a good half of Poland, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the republics of Central Asia, and Moldova almost all were part of our country in 170. Even without bothering with the calculations, we will see that the population is much larger than the 1913 million that were in the 220 year. As a matter of fact, you can not even count it, just remembering that there were 1917 million people in the USSR. Therefore, today our demographic situation is not as tragic as Latynina is trying to present. But it could have been much better - if it had not been for 1991 and not for 600, the year when such “democrats” and “truth-lovers”, like this Echo of Moscow employee, did not powder our people’s heads. According to the forecast of Mendeleev, we should already have been XNUMX million.

And the February foremost ladies, revolutionaries - traitors and a bunch of bourgeois Octo-Cadet cadets, who decided that everything is bad in Russia and everything needs to be redone, stopped Russia on this path. Was it possible to avoid February 1917 and the way to the abyss? Can. Having shot crowds of demonstrators in Petrograd from machine guns. But it is the “Latins” who in fact consider the “Februaryists” a model and standard, and anyone who is ready to put things in order with an iron hand is a “bloody regime”. What then, what now.

2. “And here is a simple example - compare just the intellectual environment in 1913 and even in 1927 and 2013. Here, Kapitsa with Burmatov. That's what happened to Russia, this Russia, why did she die? Who destroyed her? Answer: Stalin destroyed it, he burned it in the firebox of the war for world domination, and this war did not start in 1941 and in 1939. ”

Here is another typical manipulation. Knowing the current deplorable state of science, Latynina proposes to compare the 1913 and 1927 year with the 2013 year. The comparison is clearly not in favor of today. And if you compare with the 1961 year? With 1985 year? The picture is completely different. Brilliant Soviet science, the first flight into space. And it is immediately evident how Latynina is drawn by the ears. Well, Stalin could not "burn" the country and science, if even with him after the war, and thirty years after his death - our science did not lag behind the science of the West. And then the liberals came to power and for 20 years crushed science. Not Stalin, but the liberals burned Russian science and the country in the furnace.

3. “Actually, Hitler owed Stalin his coming to power: in the 6 elections of November 1932 of the year, Hitler received 33% of votes, and the Social Democrats and the Communists together received 37%. That is, if the Communists had entered into a coalition with the Social Democrats, Hitler would not have come to power and there would have been no revenge. ”

This lie Latynina repeats time from time to time. I already wrote an article about it called “Tenfold Lies of Yulia Latynina” already three years ago. Nothing, we are not proud - we will expose the lie again.

Three years ago, Latynina said: “Actually, Hitler was largely indebted to Stalin for his coming to power. In the 1933 election of the year, Hitler gets 43% of the votes, and the Social Democrats and the Communists together 49%. If the Social Democrats and the Communists formed a bloc, Hitler simply would not have come to power. ” You can read the refutation of the old lie in my article three years ago. Pay attention - today she speaks not about 1933 year, but about 1932. Either she read my article, or she was told that she needed to lie more accurately.

So she changed the year - now she says about the 1932 year and takes the correct numbers this time. But leaving his lies with the same vile.

That's what it really was. In the November 6 elections, 1932, the Nazis scored 33,1% of the votes, the Communists 16,9%, the Social Democrats 20,4% (in total, 41,3%). And as a result of these elections, Hitler did not come to power. Why? Because the Nazis did not have a majority. It must be said that before they put everyone in prison, the Nazis could not win any elections at all. Even in the March 5 elections, 1933, two months after Hitler was appointed Chancellor, after the repressions, the Nazis received 43,9%.

Hitler did not become chancellor because someone was not united. His opponents themselves also never had 50,1% votes. But Adolf Hitler became Chancellor in January 1933. How? Having won the elections, how does Latynina tell us? Nothing like this. To bring Hitler to power through the elections really tried. The impression was that the authorities of the Weimar Republic, controlled from abroad, decided to hold them as many times until the Nazis came to power by collecting more than 50% of votes. From 1929 to 1933, there were 9 elections for the Reichstag. And this is not counting the election of 12.11. 1933, when there was one NSDAP in the bulletin and she scored 92%.

Latynina lies that Hitler became the chancellor because of Stalin’s order not to block the Communists from the SPD. Hitler came to power in the most constitutional way. Rather, he was brought to her. According to the 48 article of the Weimar Constitution, the president of Germany had the opportunity, under certain circumstances, to take “emergency measures” (including the adoption of legislative decrees) without the prior consent of the Reichstag (the German parliament). But until 1930, this rule was not used. In the 1930 year, it was “uncorked”, “trained”, and in January 1933, this was the way MINUTE PARLIAMENT, President Hindenburg, appointed Hitler Chancellor (Prime Minister). That is, the election results had nothing to do with the appointment. It was a decision based on backstage bargaining, and not on elective%. And then Stalin?
(Source: A. Bulok, Hitler and Stalin, Smolensk, Rusich, 1994, the table of the results of the elections in Germany)

4. 'History 1925, narrated by Viktor Suvorov in The Last Republic. 1925 year. A red warrior, a red military pilot Minov, arrives in France. Minov's assignment - buy 4 thousand soldiers aviation engines. Hitler had less on the Eastern Front on June 22, I remind you. And the essence of the matter lies in the fact that Minov, however, could not fully fulfill his task, because France did not have so many engines. But he was incognito, and it was very funny when the Minister of Aviation of France found out about his visit and at the very last moment ran into the carriage with a bouquet of flowers with regret that his colleague was already leaving without seeing so much. "

Suvorov-Rezun for Latynina authority. So be it. In one of his books, Suvorov writes about Tukhachevsky, who wanted to build 100 tanks. And then 4 thousand engines for aircraft. Similar handwriting, right? Stalin the adventurer Tukhachevsky besieged, and then the other military sitting in the tribunal in 1938 sentenced him to treason. And in 1925, who led the USSR? Stalin? No. The struggle for power was just beginning. Comrade Trotsky is sovereign. Other "comrades" in the field. Only October 31, 1925 will be stabbed to death on the operating table by order of Trotsky, People's Commissar of Defense Frunze, who was seriously thinking about the invasion of the Red Cavalry in India.

Where did the information that Stalin personally ordered to buy so many engines, not having the production of aircraft? She is not. There is a story about the pilot from the book of Rezun. And that's all.

5. “But the question is, from whom did Stalin defend himself in 1925? From the imperialists? He bought motors from them. From the Germans? At this moment, in fact, the USSR coached the Germans at their training grounds. If Stalin was afraid of Germany's revenge, why did he train German generals? These trainings stopped only with Hitler coming to power, but on the initiative of Hitler, not Stalin. ”

The lie about how the USSR trained the “German generals” is one of the liberals' favorites. And three years ago Latynina lied in the same way. Therefore, the answer is the same. According to the results of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany had the right to have 100 thousand army. Without heavy weapons, without aircraft, without tanks, without fleet. Did Stalin give all this to Hitler? Nothing like this. What really happened?

The creation of top-secret joint military projects was the result of the Rapallo Treaty between Germany and Russia in 1922. Weimar Germany and the USSR agreed to open a tank school, flight school and chemical test site on our territory.

The agreement on the organization of a joint tank school was signed on October 2 1926 in Moscow. The German side bore costs for the current maintenance of the school and the acquisition of all the necessary property for its operation, including the tanks themselves. The Soviet side allocated technical staff for workshops, workers and security. The cadets of the school were to study in combat vehicles of English and French production, which the Germans were going to buy through various machinations and bring into the Soviet Union. Thus, the Red Army, not spending a penny, got access to the latest models of military equipment. (Source: Military-Historical Journal. 1993. No. 6, s.39-44; No.7, s.41-44; No.8, s.36-42.).

The ten combat vehicles promised by the Germans arrived only at the start of the 1929 of the year. For all the time of its existence, the tank school managed to make three issues of German students: in 1929 / 30. - 10, in 1931 / 32 - 11 and in 1933 year - 9 people.

Total: in the USSR prepared 30 German tankers. How many times did Hitler have tankers? Tens of thousands. (Source: Gorlov SA, Top Secret: Alliance Moscow - Berlin, 1920 — 1933, M., 2001, p. 220)

The situation is similar with the “production” of the German aces. The first steps towards the emergence of a school in Lipetsk were made in 1923, when the German military ministry, through an intermediary, bought single fighters from the Fokker company in the Netherlands. Full-time studies began only in the second half of 1926. Please note - in the fleet of aviation schools exclusively foreign aircraft: 34 fighter "Fokker", 8 reconnaissance "Heinkel" training aircraft "Albatross", "Heinkel" and "Junkers", and another transport "Junkers".

Where is the help of Stalin? And it was not. The Soviet Union provided the Germans only with their own sky, and they brought everything else with them, and in addition trained our pilots and designers. In total, the 120 German fighter pilots and 100 observer pilots were trained or re-trained at the flight school in Lipetsk. (Source: Sobolev, DA, Khazanov, D. B. A German trace in the history of domestic aviation., Moscow, Rusavia, 2000, p. XXUMX)
Latynina is learning to lie more skillfully. Previously, did not tell a drop of truth. Now he mixes up lies and truth. The truth is that both schools were really closed on the orders of Hitler, immediately after he came to power. And never again resumed their work. That is, with Hitler, Stalin had no military cooperation. It took place in very modest quantities with the Democratic Weimmar Republic! Stalin and the USSR had nothing to do with the armament of Hitler's Reich. Hitler armed the West, not the East.

And a new kind of lies - now Stalin is even to blame for Latynina even that it was not he, but Hitler, who terminated the agreement and closed the schools! And why was it necessary to close them to Stalin? Hitler, England and France were allowed to open schools right in Germany, and he closed them in Russia, for the war with which he was brought to power by the same British and French. And why did Stalin close these schools? The Germans brought the latest technology (of which we have no analogues and so far we do not know how to produce) and learn how to use it with us. Why close such a good school?

6. “Finally, if Stalin defended himself, why weaponwhich he did was offensive? Here, with the light hand of Viktor Suvorov, there is a great example. This is an example of a BT tank, which, in fact, was a tank by, in fact, American designer Christie, which was bought in 1930 year and was produced in Kharkov at a factory built by the American designer Kan in the amount of 22 units per day. BT was a great tank. He fought in Spain, he showed himself well there, he did a two-day march in 630 kilometers, a march to the Ebro River. Under Halkin-Gol, it was BT that was fighting, the 800-kilometer march along the Mongolian steppe. Finally, in 1945, BT was also the main tank in the war with the Japanese, it marched 820 kilometers march. ”

Yulia Latynina may not know, but it was Japan that attacked Mongolia and the USSR on the eve of World War II, and not vice versa. The fighting near Khalkhin Gol and Lake Hassan brought the Japanese to their senses. So much so that they then in 1941 did not dare to try their luck again. And the BT tanks were one of the shock forces of our army. Which defended, and was not the aggressor. That is, citing such an example, Latynina exposes herself, to put it mildly, unintelligent. Having an offensive weapon is not a sign of aggressiveness. Offensive weapons are in the armies of all countries, including those who themselves will never be the first to attack anyone. Incidentally, according to Latynina, again, the American tank. That is, not having their own samples yet, the USSR purchased what was abroad. The reason - see the previous paragraph.

7. “The question arises: how did Stalin, who turned the whole country into a weapons factory, why did he not have strategic bombers? The answer is that a strategic bomber is a weapon of retaliation. Now, if you were attacked, then you are flying to the rear of your opponent and bombing the factories producing weapons with which you were attacked. ”

Another stupidity. According to Latynina - who has strategic bombers, he will never attack first. Stupidity. Just strategic bombing can bring the enemy's economy down and it is this kind of aggression that we see today (and yesterday) on the part of the Anglo-Saxons and NATO. Another thing is that the resources to develop and aviation and short-range and strategic are usually not enough. You have to make a choice. Hitler made a choice in favor of "non-strategic" aviation. Why? Because I was preparing for war with the USSR, where in the European part you can “get there” to the enemy and its important centers. But to England, the German planes flew to the limit of their capabilities. A small fight - and it's time to go back, and then run out of fuel. To fight with the United States without strategic aviation is impossible at all. So Hitler was not going to fight the Anglo-Saxons. Apparently planning to capture the "whole world" without a fight with the States? But the British and Americans already in the course of the war began to develop precisely strategic aviation, hoping to put both Germans and Russians on their knees. The bombing of Dresden is a “portfolio” of allied strategic aviation. Destroyed a large city, killed hundreds of thousands of people - and all in order to put pressure on Stalin. Exactly, like a bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, this is an attempt to make Stalin compliant by demonstrating his capabilities.

8. “There is such a unique battle in world history under 22’s January 1879 of Izandlwan. This is a battle in which Zulu warriors, armed with spears and clubs, beat the English army. Why? Because the British ran out of ammo.

Why did not the fronts break through to the First World War? Because no government could afford to lose 10 or 100 thousands of people in the attack. Stalin created such a system that allowed it. "

There is nothing to even comment on. "Oscilloscope Arrow" in its purest form. Fronts in World War broke through. Repeatedly. The most striking example is the Brusilov breakthrough of the Russian army. But Latynina will not write this - this is a victory for the Russian weapon, you can’t write and talk about it. As for the losses, just any unsuccessful offensive, of which there were many in the history of the First World War, was precisely the one that was marked by terrible losses. About the cost of 10 thousands of lives - it is almost ANY offensive of that time and the war. Paid for a couple of square kilometers. But especially for the "Latin" we take the upper bar - 100 thousands of lives. Is this the only “bloody Stalin” that can attack ?!

Here is the statistics of the loss of one of the bloodiest battles of the First World War - Verdun. The British and the French began to attack him, that is, those governments who, according to Latynina, cannot afford the losses in 100 thousand people. They attacked from 21 February to 18 in December 1916 of the year, during which time near Verdun both sides lost about a million people, among whom there were thousands of people killed - up to 430. This battle will be called the "meat grinder."

Here is another battle - the slaughter of Nivelle. Again come the "governments that can not afford to lose 100 thousand people in the attack." In the spring of 1917, the French and the British stormed the German fortifications head on: 16 April 1917 - May 1917. The largest battle of the First World War. For several weeks, even according to Wikipedia, which the liberals love so much, “In the Nivel Offensive, the French lost the killed and wounded 180 000 people, the English 160 000 people. The losses of the German army were 163 000 people (29 000 prisoners). ”
Again, Stalin is to blame?

9. “Even in the 1945 year, with the capture of Berlin, the daily losses of the Red Army were 15 thousands of people a day. These were the biggest losses for the war, that is, nothing had changed since Rzhev. ”

Every time Latynina calls numbers, she tries to beat on emotions. The real numbers are: Berlin defended about 1 million enemy soldiers. Of this number of Germans and mixed SS men who defended Berlin, 480 thousand soldiers and officers were taken prisoner. Our losses - 101 960 killed, 200 thousand wounded (G. Hilger, A. Meyer. Russia and Germany. Allies or enemies ?, M.CentrePoligraph, 2008, C.412).

Taking Berlin is a huge victory. And it's not just that during the 8 days of fighting, our army defeated and captured a huge army. The fact is that it was Stalin’s decision to storm Berlin and saved the world from the Third World War. The British did not dare to fight the army, which in a short time took the most powerful fortress. Having decided to storm the German capital, Stalin showed the allies the power of his army, just as they showed him the power of their aircraft, having burned the poor Dresden to the ground. The British military stated their premiere that there would be no quick victory. But in April, 1945-th Churchill ordered to prepare a plan for Operation Unthinkable. A possible start was planned for July 1 1945.

What was the operation like? The overall plan was this - a sudden (without a declaration of war) all-destructive attack on the Russian army in Europe. Next - the attack there, from where just our people drove Hitler. Allied strategic aviation was preparing to wipe out the largest cities of the USSR. Especially for the admirers of Sir Winston Churchill, of whom there is a lot of poor knowledge of history in our country, I cite the points of the Anglo-Saxon plan. The purpose of the operation was to "force Russia to submit to the will of the United States and the British Empire." To achieve the goal, the Allies planned:

A) To occupy those areas of internal Russia, having lost which, the country will lose the material possibilities of waging war and further resistance;

B) inflict such a decisive defeat on the Russian armed forces, which will make it impossible for the USSR to continue the war.

Read? Now explain the difference with the German Barbarossa plan and the goals that Adolf Hitler set for himself in 1941 year. The goal of the Fuhrer was the elimination of the USSR as a military factor and the subordination of the Russians to the will of Germany. The British tried to achieve the same thing four years later, Hitler, developing the operation “Unthinkable”. According to the Barbarossa plan, the Germans were going to occupy a significant part of the USSR’s territory and smash the main forces of the Red Army in border battles, which, in their opinion, should have brought Reich victory in the war with the Russians. Exactly the same were the plans of their English "colleagues".

Operation "Unthinkable" did not take place just because of the fact that its developers considered the combination of forces in Europe to be not in their favor. Hot heads cooled down. Third World War, which our English “partners” had planned for 1 July 1945, did not happen. How many lives, how many millions of lives did Stalin save by his decision? He could not stop Hitler, but was able to stop Churchill. The assault on Berlin was carried out quickly and clearly. 2 May 1945, the Berlin garrison capitulated.

And the losses ... Yes, they were - 8 days by 15 000 people, there are a hundred thousand. Who gave their lives for their homeland, storming Berlin. So that British aviation would not wipe out Moscow and Leningrad from the face of the earth ...

10. “The problem is that even before 1939, Stalin tried to develop the war in at least two places - in Spain in 1936 and Czechoslovakia in 1938, and both times he did exactly the same thing. He pursued his policy in the same way, both times through the Fifth Column in the face of the Comintern and useful idiots, so that France and Britain declared war on Hitler, and Stalin was on the sidelines. ”

That lived. Stalin had already organized a civil war in Spain. Did Stalin persuade General Franco to rebel? Not. So what is Stalin's fault? And about this wrote three years ago Latynina. Stalin supplied weapons to the legitimate government of Spain. Serious guilt, nothing to say. Today, Russia is very guilty - it supplies weapons to Syria. And years through 50, Vladimir Putin’s “Latin” will be blamed for fomenting the war in Syria. Why, Western media already blames Moscow for this.

And about Czechoslovakia is just an anecdote. No one in historiography laid the blame on Stalin for the desire to unleash a war during the Munich Agreement, when the British and French, through the mediation of Mussolini, gave Hitler the floor of Czechoslovakia. Not asking, by the way, and the Czechs. Having an allied treaty with Czechoslovakia. The USSR also had an agreement with the Czechs and declared that it was ready to fight with Hitler for Czechoslovakia, observing the agreement. But since they themselves surrendered, Stalin, of course, led the troops away from the border. So what is Stalin to blame? What the British and French handed over to Hitler successively Austria and Czechoslovakia?

Do not look for the truth in the words Latynina and the like.

They are always to blame Russia, always to blame the Russian authorities.

In extreme cases, Stalin is always to blame for everything.
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  1. Lech from ZATULINKI
    17 May 2013 06: 01
    Such pseudo-historians as Latynina and her ilk work every day on how to brainwash our people.
    For her, a lie of two million raped German women and billions of supposedly shot hehe STALIN is her axiom requiring no proof.
    I consider such people as schizophrenics - HEALTHY SENSE is unknown to them.
    1. +52
      17 May 2013 07: 13
      To Magadan for re-education. "Echo of Moscow" - glamor and strikebreakers gathered there! -You listen to what they give out their hair on end!
      1. Baboon
        17 May 2013 10: 54
        That's right, it's high time, such as Latynina, to prescribe occupational therapy for several years, somewhere in remote places and for hard work. It will help a person clear his head when the mind is already behind the mind. In a few years of physical labor, everything will disappear. at the same time, they will begin to understand how ordinary people live, thanks to which she lives now. Even Dostoevsky, had already written for a long time, sent Raskolnikov to the felling in his novel, and there he already returned to the real world.
        1. +5
          19 May 2013 11: 17
          Quote: Babon
          That's right, it's high time, such as Latynina, to prescribe occupational therapy for several years, somewhere in remote places and for hard work. It will help a person clear his head when the mind is already behind the mind. In a few years of physical labor, everything will disappear. at the same time, they will begin to understand how ordinary people live, thanks to which she lives now. Even Dostoevsky, had already written for a long time, sent Raskolnikov to the felling in his novel, and there he already returned to the real world.

          This will embitter them more. Better how the Bolsheviks dealt with the Constituent Assembly rally. And there is no 5th column. And those who remain alive, the authorities will lick their ass to shine.
        2. +2
          20 May 2013 11: 47
          And here is another figure culture entertainment shows:
          Quote: M. Galkin
          On Sunday with Vladimir Pozner, the Minister of Education announced that a new history textbook was being prepared. When asked how the figure of Stalin would be interpreted in it, for example, Livanov replied that he was a supporter of the selection of the correct facts, but the teacher would evaluate these facts in a discussion with students.
          As I understand it, something like this will be written: Stalin built a lot of things, won the war, raised the country, started space exploration and repressed ten million, and then a hypothetical teacher will begin a polemic with students, which is more important and it’s not known what they will solve.
          And if the children do not come across such excellent teachers as I do? I want Stalin’s assessment not to depend on whether the student was lucky with the teacher, so that in this textbook in red arshin letters it was written even before listing any facts that Stalin was a bloody dictator who systematically and extensively exterminated his multinational people, and no real merit can atone for his atrocities. And so that the Russian language teacher instills respect for every word written in this characteristic.

          But many showmen almost look into their mouths am
        3. nicotine
          6 July 2013 10: 48
          A new national project is immediately visible. We want the Gulag, they write on the Internet FSB-shniki pretending to be Russian people. And the fools excited by professional provocateur Starikov, they echo
          1. ded10041948
            7 July 2013 09: 46
            What were you called before?
      2. +32
        17 May 2013 11: 43
        In Magadan for re-education
        An interesting and informative article. I read it and thought it over. Now I understand why the repression was carried out in the 30s. Why wasn’t it in those years, such pseudo-patriots with 30 silver coins as Latynina, and others like her with Bolotnaya? You really don’t know whether they are good or bad, these repressions. request There is no need to shoot people like Latynina @ company, so that their "bright minds" do not have dark thoughts, I suggest sending them to the Kolyma, and to Siberia, to cut the taiga, or to build roads. the construction detachment of mass entertainers will turn out quite good. laughing
        1. Baboon
          17 May 2013 12: 05
          And my grandfather well explained to me about the repression of the 30s. Although my grandmother and grandfather were dispossessed, they took everything away, they just drove them out of the field in the field. But none of them was repressed, and during the war they were for our country and for Stalin. They were like working people, so they remained, anew the whole economy was acquired, by their labor. But those who worked a little, but deceived a lot, were repressed. My grandfather didn’t spare any of the repressed, they were not hard workers, so he said. Yes, we were prosperous, I myself felt as a child on myself, getting up at 3.00 to sleep is possible at 21.00, when I was allowed to sleep, I already fell, and so I worked all day. So. that although they dispossessed, there was nothing to repress us for.
          1. +23
            17 May 2013 12: 13
            According to my grandmother, it was just such screamers and idlers like Latynina and the company that were dispossessed. Grandmother remembered one of these "heroes" who got down from the attic, and a sunflower was falling from his bosom. And who took the pillow from under the baby. They left the horse with the cart, and he says thank you. In what heroes of our time, 100 years have passed, and the faces are the same.
            1. Baboon
              17 May 2013 12: 20
              You are right, and there was a lot of that too. My grandfather was offended very much, there was a village loafer, he slept and rested. But they gave a gun, and went around the yards to show what anyone had (the local one). So he said, with dawn he never woke up. Well, they somehow solved the issue, I don’t know about his fate, but somehow they dealt with these figures over time. They just disappeared completely, disappeared, and that’s it. Well, here no one already told me anything. They brought resentment to more than one family.
              1. Zynaps
                18 May 2013 01: 36
                listen to less grandmother’s bedtime stories, expert. your grandfather’s stories will contain super-stories of another super-grandfather. it would be better if he raised his ass and went to the prosecutor's office, where things can be stored on your grandfather. usually people who do this then grab their hearts after reading a criminal case with testimonies and incriminating grandfather materials. but then they begin to look at things with a sober look and do not poke tales from the crypt to other people as a killer argument.
                1. Baboon
                  18 May 2013 15: 55
                  I wrote about the village, there is no prosecutor there. My grandfather worked all his life as an ordinary railwayman, of all the achievements of civilization, he only used bulbs. He had a radio. Once a week he listened to the news. It was me who was little with him in the 80-90s. The large yard was not arguing. 2 horses, 2 cows, 2 bulls, 1 foal. 20 sheep, 20 chickens, 15 geese, 2 pigs. The question is, how could he interfere with the prosecutor's office? All year round from morning to night, then gardens, then hayfields, then refresh the fence, then firewood, I did not sit there at all.
                  1. Baboon
                    18 May 2013 15: 57
                    And yes, they dispossessed us when we had 6 horses, and the family was big. plowed their own hands at 3 in the morning starting.
            2. The comment was deleted.
              1. The comment was deleted.
            3. The comment was deleted.
              1. The comment was deleted.
          2. +13
            17 May 2013 21: 39
            For the reason that Stalin repressed the likes of Latynina, the liberals took up arms against Stalin, and also because Stalin did not allow Trotsky to turn Russia into a labor concentration camp for the needs of the world behind the scenes. And yet, for exactly what Stalin won the war.
            Fiercely they hate Stalin. They have the same liberal creed, the worse for Russia, the better for them
          3. nicotine
            6 July 2013 10: 54
            The meaning is clear. They robbed, robbed, lied. They wiped it off, they all made it again. Good!!!!! They robbed, robbed, lied. They wiped it off, they all made it again. Good!!!!! They robbed, robbed, lied. They wiped it off, they all made it again. Good!!!!! Well, our regiment, fools, has arrived ...
        2. nicotine
          6 July 2013 10: 51
          A new national project is immediately visible. We want the Gulag, they write on the Internet FSB-shniki pretending to be Russian people. And the fools excited by professional provocateur Starikov, they echo
        3. kotas
          9 July 2013 08: 46
          There is no need to shoot people like Latynina @ company, so that their "bright minds" do not have dark thoughts, I suggest sending such to Kolyma, and to Siberia, to cut the taiga

          And what is Siberia in your understanding? What is this garbage? !!! You Muscovite live off Siberia: in Siberia there is oil, gas, coal, timber, precious metals, the energy system, and Muscovites from this region to the last. You gave birth to this "Latin" creature - figure it out yourself!
          But you don’t need to cut the taiga! Taiga gives life. Although you don’t understand this
      3. +24
        17 May 2013 13: 28
        It is high time to introduce a law on liability for the distortion of facts, distorting the history and / or leading to a review of the results of the Second World War.
        Latynina and the like are the most important pests, saboteurs in our rear. They corrupt the whole nation, confuse in the facts those who are not too interested in history and do not know what to believe.
        The strength of the army in battles comes from the confidence of the people in their rightness.

        An example is the Syrians.
        The West did not manage to buy a sufficient number of leaders, and the Syrian people, under the leadership of a patriotic leadership, are successfully opposing external intervention and the information pressure of almost the whole world. And deserters will still be held responsible, there is no doubt. Why? Yes, because the Syrians are confident in their innocence and confident in their Assad. We are sure that Assad will perish, but the people will not abandon, they will not bend.

        "LATINS" consciously or unconsciously - it doesn't matter - work for the external enemy of Russia and the entire Slavic world. They themselves are traitors and infect the people with their distorted vision, who, due to such massive disinforming pressure, no longer believe in anything, and loses any guidelines and meanings in life.
        “If we are really that bad, and the rest of the world is so correct and good - why should we remain Russian, why live? Why fight, we will be merged anyway, and if democratizers come, we will live like them, in full chocolate. , brothers !!! " - this is the kind of worldview these Judas form among the people.
        1. +15
          17 May 2013 13: 34
          PS Indeed, we need as air a fundamental unified textbook of Russian history, adopted completely officially, and for any unsubstantiated deviations from it in the media (ours or others, anyway) punish the law to the fullest extent! One’s most important tasks of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for which it’s even possible to create a special legal department, are journalists of their own journalists, right up to the ban on working in the media and involving foreign ones in an international court, in which they will have to prove the validity of their statements.

          All historical research and the search for errors in the official textbook should not be conducted by semi-literate journalists, but accredited professional historians and published in relevant scientific journals. If any mistake in the official view of our history will be scientifically and actually proven, then then it should be reflected in the textbook, and only after that it has the right to be submitted to the media.

          The "democratizers" have long been using this practice of legislative control over history in their free and liberal countries. Examples? try to squeeze a new look at the Holocaust. For example, to question not even the very existence of the Holocaust, but simply the number of Jews who died. You will be surprised by the reaction of the international community, right up to the moment when you are locked up. Only there will be time to come to your senses.
          Or try to revise the history of the same USA? publicly say something about the results of the civil war, about the personality of Washington itself and its shortcomings, about the fact that this "bloody dictator" led America to a civil war in which the mass of its own population of the country died, and for the defeated "rebels" were formed, probably the first in history, concentration camps ...
          The whole world, all countries provide for the protection of their own history.

          Freedom does not mean anarchy, and freedom of speech does not mean freedom of lies!

          Latynin - to responsibility !!!
          1. 0
            20 May 2013 14: 32
            Quote: Skating rink
            Examples? try to squeeze a new look at the Holocaust. For example, to question not even the very existence of the Holocaust, but simply the number of Jews who died.

            As far as I remember, a couple of people have already been condemned for denying the Holocaust and doubts about its authenticity - as a result, they received a couple of years + rather big fines.
      4. +8
        17 May 2013 14: 32
        Russophobes gathered there for content and just scum.
      5. ivachum
        17 May 2013 17: 43
        In no case!!! No therapy ... only surgery ... Better this witch to the bonfire! Live! As quickly as possible... am And the rest (Rezun, Alekseev, Svanidze, etc.) for the company ... negative
        1. -16
          17 May 2013 19: 37
          ... Only after you...
          1. +4
            17 May 2013 20: 20
            Quote: alex86
            ... Only after you...

            Latin fan?
      6. +7
        17 May 2013 17: 52
        In Magadan for re-education.
        But it seems to me not necessary. Let brechet. It’s better for articles like this to spawn like mushrooms after rain. So that everyone who listens to her understands that she is not a martyr for freedom of speech, but, as dear Alexei said, an ordinary schizophrenic.
        Shl. I will definitely send this article to my friends - we also have a dime a dozen of such "historians-political scientists" ...
      7. +5
        17 May 2013 20: 17
        and for hell are they in Magadan? !!!
        Do you think they will work ?!
        it’s unlikely that they will be deprived of their citizenship and they’ll be knocked down to their beloved west, only nobody needs them there, they need their work here, from which it becomes disgusting and disgusting, from the results of which the hands themselves are looking for an automaton
      8. pavelfi
        18 May 2013 00: 19
        I fully support
      9. 0
        24 May 2013 00: 04
        Quote: krasin
        To Magadan for re-education. "Echo of Moscow" - glamor and strikebreakers gathered there! -You listen to what they give out their hair on end!

        Why Magadan? In Magadan, decent people live. In America for her permanent residence, without the right to leave. Let him swallow for fighting.
      10. nicotine
        6 July 2013 10: 50
        A new national project is immediately visible. We want the Gulag, they write on the Internet FSB-shniki pretending to be Russian people. And the fools excited by professional provocateur Starikov, they echo
    2. Hudo
      17 May 2013 07: 24
      Quote: Lech s ZATULINKI
      I consider such people as schizophrenics - HEALTHY SENSE is unknown to them.

      Patients are usually examined and treated in appropriate institutions until they recover completely. And healthy people for such tricks can be judged and isolated in places of detention.
      1. +11
        17 May 2013 07: 34
        Quote: Hudo
        Patients are usually examined and treated in appropriate institutions until they recover completely.

        People like her are incurable! With her diagnosis, life-long compulsory treatment, preferably in a guantanomic institution hi
        look into her eyes, there the level of intelligence is zero!
        1. +3
          17 May 2013 13: 29
          Alexander Romanov: ... look into her eyes, there the level of intelligence is zero!
          Skunk, just a skunk.
          1. +1
            17 May 2013 15: 52
            [quote = knn54] Alexander Romanov: ... look into her eyes, there the level of intelligence is zero!
            Skunk, just a skunk, yes no, she just imbeciled walking !!!! wink
            1. ivachum
              17 May 2013 17: 45
              "Skunk, just a skunk"

              Why do you offend the beast ?! These maggots to a skunk, "like to China with cancer" !!!!
          2. nicotine
            6 July 2013 10: 59
            Fools are simply not able to appreciate the mind. It is their privilege to insult the smart. Socrates was also considered a fool. The crucified Christ laughed at him like an idiot. Latynina is not a good person, but not a fool.
        2. nicotine
          6 July 2013 10: 57
          "Intellect" you have. And Starikov's. She still has "intelligence", which can be seen from the eyes. Although she is not a good person, but the woman is smart, without "initiation".
      2. +19
        17 May 2013 08: 58
        Guys, if we devote such a lengthy article (article +++) to each dreamer from "Matzah's Ear", then we will come to Novodvorskaya, and folk wisdom says: "Do not argue with an idiot - he will lower it to your level, and there will crush you with experience"
        1. ed65b
          17 May 2013 12: 12
          about we get to Novodvorskaya

          Chur me chur.
      3. redwar6
        17 May 2013 16: 08
        It seems to me that in this situation the link will help more, you look, they will understand how hard people earn money for bread. And the link is 10 years old.
    3. +8
      17 May 2013 07: 25
      Quote: Lech s ZATULINKI
      HEALTH MEANING is unknown to them.

      Well, why!?!? winked This is a well-paid job, bully
    4. +4
      17 May 2013 07: 28
      Yes, you must ignore this bitch, let her poison herself with poison.
      1. nickname 1 and 2
        17 May 2013 08: 14
        Quote: Denis
        Yes, you must ignore this bitch, let her poison herself with poison.

        Here to ignore - for sure, it is necessary!
        Sam N. Starikov condescended to this Ginger! But in vain!

        This substance is not at all from a human being!
        Kohl envy ONE, vertically moving, ...........
        don't get in contact, poisonous!
        That's why aliens do not come into contact!
        But what a blight is born from them, they have studied it and are working on their genetic material.
        They understand what SPRING they spoil.
      2. +24
        17 May 2013 10: 41
        Quote: Denis
        Yes, you must ignore this bitch, let her poison herself with poison.

        But I do not agree with this. Do not ignore, but judge for slander! Defamation of people who can no longer answer you! How convenient and easy to fight with the dead. That's how they do business on their bones!
        And I’m very upset! LATININA! Such a surname! The pride of our country! Many international athletes can envy the world fame and achievements in sports gymnasts Larisa Latynina. And here some evil creature dishonors the glorious name with its opus!
        1. Baboon
          17 May 2013 10: 56
          But surely, there is such an article.
        2. +14
          17 May 2013 11: 07
          Latin is a complete dumbass. Belching out jagged phrases from Rezun's pulp fiction, which he himself admits - that he writes nonsense in the form in which it is best sold. He is not a historian - he is a cheap author, cooking up his little books in such a way that a western citizen with completely brainwashed has something to pass the evening. History in his literary rubbish does not smell - sheer fantasy. The traitor and renegade for this fool is an authority ...
          And Starikov is right when he explains to people all her lies, constantly pouring from "Echo of Matzo" against Russia. the truth, this does not mean that the majority of our citizens know it!
          1. The comment was deleted.
          2. +9
            17 May 2013 12: 50
            redhead diagnosis: terminal stage "FGM". to the morgue.
            1. bask
              17 May 2013 12: 57
              Quote: dmitreach
              diagnosis of redhead:

              They all have the same schizo-manic Russophobia!
              1. +5
                17 May 2013 13: 09
                Here a man is sick, and he is still paid for illness and money ... a paradox. request
          3. +9
            17 May 2013 15: 11
            Unfortunately, Latin and others like her are not dumb. They know exactly what they are doing. Their idol seems to be Gebels - "the worse the lie, the easier it is to believe in it." They kill generations.
          4. redwar6
            17 May 2013 16: 12
            I would not want to repeat myself, but I already wrote here, the link is the best medicine for them. Repressions would be very helpful.
          5. 0
            17 May 2013 19: 35
            If the majority knows the truth, this does not mean that you know it ...
        3. +3
          17 May 2013 12: 16
          How realistic is it to shame the Cynics writing to order?
          She exchanged her conscience for dallary, the right cure for such hysteria - get out of the country - they will make a noise for a couple of months and no one will remember about it in a quarter ...
        4. +8
          17 May 2013 13: 48
          "... Not to ignore, but to judge for libel! .."
          Where did you see slander here?
          In my opinion, this is verbal diarrhea from Latynina.
          Even direct indications of Stalin ... rate:
          ".. And here is a simple example - just compare the intellectual environment in 1913 and even in 1927 and in 2013. Here, Kapitsa and Burmatov. This is what happened to Russia, this Russia, why did it die? Who destroyed it? ? Answer: Stalin destroyed it"he burned it in the furnace of the war for world domination, and this war did not begin in 1941 and not in 1939."
          Do you understand whom Stalin destroyed?
          Kapitsa with Burmatov? Russia that died? Or what?
          - it turns out - Stalin destroyed - intellectual environment..
          Then the second question is what is the intellectual environment?

          The answer is the same verbal <....> that is in the heads of Latynina and others like her.

          This is a clinical case. Treatment is surgery.
          Shown - craniotomy. With ... a Nagant-type lancet.
          Optimal exposure - decapitato.

          They, these - (I wanted to write - bezmogli, so after all they are - the cunning of their cunning) .. just do not take. And do not sew slander.
          They turn out to be "green" .. when not "blue" or "pink".
          They are fighting for the environment.
          And on Friday they fight for Saturday.
          In short, the stream of consciousness. Poorly structured.

          They must be killed. In childhood. From a slingshot.
          1. redwar6
            17 May 2013 16: 14
            To take up the "Lancet" of my great-great-grandfather? And I do not mind. I, please, a special robe and a blue hat! And, even the approval of the authorities, it would not be bad. I almost forgot, two orderlies more ..
          2. AdAAkRuSS
            22 May 2013 17: 30
            It was necessary to tear it in childhood, and not to beat it on the head.
      3. +7
        17 May 2013 20: 00
        You can’t ignore it! Young people read and listen to her opuses. To attract a rat for slander. Many thanks to Starikov.
    5. vilenich
      17 May 2013 08: 08
      Quote: Lech s ZATULINKI
      I consider such people as schizophrenics - HEALTHY SENSE is unknown to them

      Or maybe it's time to apply the power to such "hacks"! Enough already to deceive the people, but to seduce fragile minds!
      1. 0
        20 May 2013 10: 32
        do not confuse schizophrenics with villains, the first really sick people, the second are well aware of what they are doing
    6. +5
      17 May 2013 09: 07
      Quote: Lech s ZATULINKI
      Pseudo-historians such as LATININA

      What Latynina is, I think most forum participants know the manipulation of facts, juggling and outright lies is her credo! negativeFor the article to the author RESPECT! good
      1. bask
        17 May 2013 13: 08
        Quote: ultra
        and, juggling and outright lies is her credo

        This is not just lies, it is Zionist propaganda. And fierce hatred of everything Russian, Orthodox.
        LATINISM is a dangerous infectious disease of the brain. It has acute and chronic forms. It is considered an occupational disease, transmitted through BITES ,,, rabid magazines ,,, and the media. angry
        1. +4
          17 May 2013 13: 42
          hatred of everything Russian, Orthodox.
          LATINISM ...

          And her faith is "LATYNIAN" smile
          transmitted through BITS ,,, rabid zhurnalyug ,,, and the media.

          and esho airborne droplets, with mass crowds of people, through a microphone and speakers. Swamp area is in danger! They need quarantine, without the right of correspondence. (and a restraining shirt, just in case)
          1. bask
            17 May 2013 14: 21
            Quote: dmitreach
            eszho airborne droplets, with mass crowds, through a microphone and speakers. Swamp

            Gas masks on the face.
            Quote: dmitreach
            need quarantine, without the right of correspondence. (

            10 years minimum and 40 vaccinations against rabies, ((brain fever)) Well .... !!! laughing
        2. 0
          22 May 2013 18: 12
          Precisely what Zionist propaganda! This obsessed woman has been lying for several years, pouring slop on the heads of the whole people ... Her burning hatred of everything Russian and Orthodox reached its climax. But the Lord is long-suffering and once again gives her a chance to realize his actions in relation to the Russian nation, for the punishment will be great.
          As for the Zionist attack, the "great expert" in nanotechnology L. Gozman also contracted with it. The same rhetoric, that drive to insult and offend incessantly, well, let's keep quiet about Posner, and about Shenderovich! They have such a "united front".
          Gathered in the company! Or who collected it, and for what purposes?
          Nearby there, at the door ... Tomorrow comes soon!
    7. ed65b
      17 May 2013 12: 11
      Alexey You forgot to write "Personally by Stalin"
    8. +5
      17 May 2013 18: 48
      Quote: Lech s ZATULINKI
      I consider such people as schizophrenics - HEALTHY SENSE is unknown to them.

      Do not be fooled, Alex. Such as Latynina are quite sane people. And they lie not because of a lack of common sense, but because of a lack of conscience. Julia Latynina is paying pretty well for this lie and is trying. In general, Julia, this is, in fact, a prostitute from journalism. Cynic? - Yes! traitor of the motherland? - Yes! journalistic whore? - Yes! But not a schizophrenic, and common sense she knows ...
    9. sashka
      18 May 2013 12: 35
      Quote: Lech s ZATULINKI
      Such pseudo-historians as Latynina and her ilk work every day on how to brainwash our people.

      Verbiage did not bring anything to anyone. Look at the telly and everything will fall into place. That's where the flushing is .. She's RIGHT ...
    10. sashka
      18 May 2013 12: 48
      Quote: Lech s ZATULINKI
      Such pseudo-historians as Latynina and her ilk work every day on how to brainwash our people.

      And who are you ... the historian? Maybe you can’t get out of the libraries? Why do you really have, but she doesn’t?
      1. +1
        22 May 2013 18: 22
        Demons have no truth! From evil joy will not be born.
    11. +2
      20 May 2013 01: 37
      You can’t consider it like that, it’s just an echo of that frenzied campaign that was unleashed in Russia, they celebrated Victory Day in their own way and interestingly flashed through the mailbox on many channels, I’m certainly not an expert on military history of the Second World War, but when I listen to what they broadcast on the mailbox, another thing surprises me they do not occupy weaknesses in our country, In any other country they would have been pensioners for a long time, And here they just show off their hatred here are what we are, In the European Union, the laws are clearly in force there will not let pass such attacks, And we have power says one thing in words and acts differently
    12. 0
      24 May 2013 00: 02
      Quote: Lech from ZATULINKI
      I consider such people as schizophrenics - HEALTHY SENSE is unknown to them.

      No, she is in perfect health and her mind is sober. I think the young lady is such that for American money all these theses will be repeated even in a naked place in a public place.
  2. sergeybulkin
    17 May 2013 06: 19
    this Latin and the like, are simply or absolutely incompetent, or the infamous liars trying to slur the current Russia and its people. Comparing pre-revolutionary Russia with the current one is like comparing a tank with a pram.
    1. +3
      17 May 2013 08: 38
      Quote: sergeybulkin
      Latin and the like, simply or completely incompetent, or heinous liars

      Most likely, those who accept their words on faith are competent, not competent. It is not grateful to expose the lies of Latynina and Rezun: while you expose one of their opus with figures and facts, they will suck ten new ones out of ....
      1. vilenich
        17 May 2013 10: 26
        Quote: OTTO
        Exposing the lies of Latynina and Rezun is not grateful

        That's for sure! And how interesting Latynina sees the organization of work of the commander and staff:
        in the infantry divisions already in 1941-42 there was formed the backbone of procurers, doctors, counterintelligence officers, staff officers and the like, who formed the mechanism for accepting replenishment and sending it into battle for death.

        Some set of words for zombies!
        1. +3
          17 May 2013 11: 16
          Her knowledge of the work of the headquarters is deep ...
        2. +3
          17 May 2013 12: 18
          For dallary and not such will write, if only to pay ..
        3. 0
          20 May 2013 10: 44
          Well, Rezun actually needs to be shot for the betrayal of the Motherland, according to the laws in force at the time of desertion /, everything would be according to the law, there is no such pity for the court now, otherwise you would look and Gorbachev would be judged ...
      2. +2
        17 May 2013 19: 03
        Quote: OTTO
        It is not grateful to expose the lies of Latynina and Rezun: while you expose one of their opus with figures and facts, they will suck ten new ones out of ...

        The occupation is quite rewarding, the exposure of the opuses of these scum undermines confidence in the rest of their "works" ...
    2. folds
      17 May 2013 12: 17
      Compare pre-revolutionary Russia with the current,
      - a very good welcome, 20 years of the collapse of the Union - cross out, 40 years of Khrushchev's deindustrialization and Brezhnev's stagnation - cross out, it turns out that Stalin is to blame for everything! :) You just need to follow its logical path - and cross out the influence of VOSR and WWII on the life of the country - then Kaiser Wilhelm will be to blame for the current mess, ruin and corruption :)) You will compensate for Russia's damage from Germany! :)
    3. sashka
      18 May 2013 15: 08
      Quote: sergeybulkin
      this Latin and the like, are simply or absolutely incompetent, or the infamous liars trying to slur the current Russia and its people. Comparing pre-revolutionary Russia with the current one is like comparing a tank with a child’s

      According to the story. Russia really produced, and depended on no one. The rest of the time 1917-2013 friends and partners. Now it’s different ??? There used to be INDEPENDENCE, now they’ll say. Believe in your idols. (Money). I’m Russian and I remember the story .. And I pray to my Russian Gods ..
  3. Genera
    17 May 2013 06: 19
    In general, what a chicken. Who generally listens to all of these bulk, Kasparov, etc. It is necessary for these roosters and hens to put together a chicken coop and let them crow, cackle, stomp and rush there. Normal people for breakfast, scrambled eggs (in the form of clean streets).
    1. +8
      17 May 2013 07: 35
      Quote: Genera
      In general, what a chicken.

      From the Bush Leg Party laughing
    2. +8
      17 May 2013 11: 02
      You are wrong, a lot of people are poisoned by such a lie. Rezun PADLA !!! This scum was necessary as Trotsky, but the country was ruled by liberals (((((And this red-haired scum has been pouring mud on her own people for so many years. How much more can Russia tolerate these Judas?!?!
      1. ed65b
        17 May 2013 12: 17
        Yeah, I remember brother. I was exposed by the bloody regime. I’m telling him where the infa comes from, but he’s a cutter for me. (dashing 90 were in the yard). I think let me read. Such vomit. I didn’t finish reading the book; I pushed it away (I would have thrown it out), but I made my brother read the correct literature.
  4. mogus
    17 May 2013 06: 25
    here and Lenya Gozman compared "SMERSH" with "ss", with the specification for a different form ... It's time to restore "SMERSH", without work they will not.
    1. djon3volta
      17 May 2013 07: 41
      Quote: mogus
      so Lenya Gozman compared "SMERSH" with "ss

      but how did the gozvan explode with hatred when Mikhalkov showed a patriotic clip? did you see how he almost burst out of anger? that’s what they are afraid of all these gozmans, Roizmans, Latin, Venediktovs, and after all they are not Russian (however, Solovyov too, but he’s not on the side of gozman).
      and Latin manipulates the numbers, just like that - if 170 million lived in the Russian Empire and it was 10% of the total population of the earth, then the entire population of the planet comes out, then there were 1.7 billion people, and why doesn’t that 7 billion Latin live on the planet now? ??
      and they like to manipulate our birth rate, saying that the population is dying out, and if it is increasing, it’s at the expense of migrants. LIES, here’s an online mortality / birth rate counter for Russia every 17 seconds a new Russian is born, yes, and as many diebut as many as I repeat am there is an advantage in the direction of the population’s profit, although it is small.
      1. mogus
        17 May 2013 08: 29
        so yesterday a new one on the site under the nickname "honest Jew" also showed its essence. At first he scored points, and then gave out that it was Russia’s advantageous to the massacre in Syria, well, in confirmation of nonsense, he poured everything about oil and the pipeline.
        And the gozman on Uha matzah was still noted on his blog.
        Aspids creep out ...
      2. +12
        17 May 2013 08: 43
        Gozman's laziness against Mikhalkov had only one "argument", which he dragged through the entire program, about the alleged destruction of some village somewhere there and for which someone received orders. And not a word of hundreds of thousands of soldiers, including the NKVD, killed in battles with fascism. For people like him, it is not important. They stick at Stalin, like a bull on a red rag, not noticing anything around.
        You can relate to Mikhalkov and his work in different ways. But the handsome man went around in this program. Yes, and Soloviev was well done, although he had to restrain himself so as not to express himself more sharply.
        1. djon3volta
          17 May 2013 09: 11
          Here’s the video that Mikhalkov brought to the program. This video infuriated Gozman.

          1. +6
            17 May 2013 13: 03
            That is how I dislike Mikhalkov for his "Burnt by the Sun 2" (the delirium of an inflamed mind), but looking at Goizman (yesterday in the program), the hand was automatically looking for the Nagant. Mikhalkov washed him right at the end of the program, incriminating him with hatred. After watching the video, when "Ostap suffered" about stirring up something there.
            1. +4
              17 May 2013 13: 26
              Solovyov, even in the open side Mikhalkov took ....
      3. Baboon
        17 May 2013 11: 12
        Russian, I myself know a lot of Kyrgyz who have recently become Russians, and their children are also born Russians. So do not, migrants are very influential.
      4. itkul
        17 May 2013 11: 52
        Quote: djon3volta
        . LIES! Here is the online mortality / birth rate counter of the Russian population, every 17 seconds a new Russian is born, yes, and it dies as much, but as many as I repeat

        And why is there other data here

        590 Born this year

        856 Died This Year

        142 Net migration this year
        1. +5
          17 May 2013 12: 37
          Quote: itkul
          And why is there other data here

          who pays, he orders the music
    2. ed65b
      17 May 2013 12: 19
      Do not touch the holy, Lenya Gozman is a holy man. laughing
      1. mogus
        17 May 2013 12: 58
        touch no. And so would the receiver from combat sambo ... with an eversion of the head by 180 degrees.
  5. +13
    17 May 2013 06: 27
    How can one live in Russia and so pour mud on everything that is connected with dreams. Maybe she is still a foreign agent like an NPO.
  6. +11
    17 May 2013 06: 28
    It is amazing that people really think as one-sidedly as Latynin expounds, why not just search, read, and not harass what they put in their mouth, and they also say there is no freedom of speech, but they write what they want, and where, what censorship is. thank God there are still indifferent to historical truth, this is what we will be alive with, and time will put everything in place
    1. +5
      17 May 2013 11: 06
      The trouble is that they disaccustom. Clearly and consistently. They do not need people to think. Let hawtha that flows from the screens. That's why there are traitors like this Latin.
      1. +2
        17 May 2013 11: 49
        "People HAVE!" (humorist Yeshchenko) Actual!
    2. +3
      17 May 2013 11: 10
      A lot of such people! Which is simply too lazy to read, search, so much is mixed in our heads that it’s already scary! Our TV is all (((((
  7. +7
    17 May 2013 06: 30
    There are good traditions, but there are such that to say a good word does not turn the language. Therefore, we call it a "trend." That's how journalist Yulia Latynina has a tendency to release a big voluminous lie on the holy day of 9 in May.

    In Latynina, this is DIAGNOSIS.
    1. Hudo
      17 May 2013 07: 15
      Quote: v53993

      In Latynina, this is DIAGNOSIS.

      No, not a diagnosis, but a fee from the enemies of Russia.
      1. +1
        17 May 2013 11: 50
        With such a diagnosis in the days of the ever-memorable in the psychiatric hospital was determined. For treatment.
    2. 0
      17 May 2013 12: 41
      Quote: v53993
      In Latynina, this is DIAGNOSIS.

      ett is exact

      look for the tail number at the Chelyabinsk meteorite ...

      it’s not even a diagnosis, it is a FULL CLINIC.

      previously they were sent for compulsory treatment, but now you see, they broadcast from the TV.

      Your deeds are wonderful.
      1. +3
        17 May 2013 13: 40
        For fun, right now I listened to a couple of her programs, including the one about which the article was written, in it she, by the way, was polymerized with Medinsky and not with the author of the article !!!! belay fool
        I x .. her !!!

        Yu. Latynina is an expert in all fields, especially in wars, especially in the Caucasus !!!

        No words, the Russian soldiers are sadists, gangsters and, and the FSB (KGB, NKVD) officers are just not people.

        I don’t even know what to do with such bl .. guys !!!

        Plain n .. bolka !!!
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. +1
          17 May 2013 13: 59
          Plain n .. bolka !!!

          Definitely NOT common. Discharged from the Red Book of Rare Species. "Kosher and Halal".
          I agree with the rest.
    3. +1
      17 May 2013 19: 15
      Quote: v53993
      In Latynina, this is DIAGNOSIS.

      This is an order!
  8. +9
    17 May 2013 06: 31
    And without comment, everything is clear. Article +
  9. +9
    17 May 2013 06: 42
    People like her receive money for their articles from foreign NGOs. Nothing personal, just business.
    1. Hudo
      17 May 2013 07: 20
      Quote: Good
      People like her receive money for their articles from foreign NGOs. Nothing personal, just business.

      The sale of drugs or stolen children is also just a vile and illegal business and is severely punished for it. Is it time to check the legitimacy of the business of this gobbels patlaty and take legislative and subsequently criminal measures to it?
      1. stroporez
        17 May 2013 12: 48
        I hope she repeats the fate of Politkovskaya
    2. +5
      17 May 2013 12: 43
      Quote: Good
      Nothing personal, just business.

      I want to rephrase



  10. wax
    17 May 2013 06: 43
    Could February 1917 and the path to the abyss be avoided? Can. Having shot crowds of demonstrators in Petrograd from machine guns. But it is precisely the “Latins” who, after all, consider the “Februaryists” to be a model and standard, and anyone who is ready to put things in order with an iron hand is a “bloody regime”. What then what now.

    It is a pity that the clever Starikov does not understand the historical reasons for either the February or the October revolutions. By the way, both revolutions were practically bloodless, and blood was shed in the Civil War, to the unleashing of which Western "democracies" made great efforts.
    And all the more dangerous is Starikov's thesis to establish "order" in our time with an iron hand. Whose order? In 1993, EBN shot the "crowd" with an iron hand, and so that there were not many wounded, they shot cartridges with a shifted center of gravity. Does Starikov need such an order? I do not need.
    1. dmb
      17 May 2013 10: 38
      To be honest, I was convinced once again that if you want to discredit an idea, find a narcissistic writer, although he partly shares it. There are few printed definitions of Latynina, there is no dispute. But the old people are better? In my opinion, only that I do not agree with Latynina. Not an article, but porridge. This figure is akin to Prokhanov. Both of them naively believe that the more pompous and loudly they express themselves, the more convincing their speech. In general, the article resembles a squabble in a communal apartment, where the opposing sides accompany arguments with spitting towards the opponent. Honestly listening to them. I recall the well-known saying: "God save me from such friends, and somehow I myself will get rid of enemies." However, I personally am glad that the more such "supporters" as the aforementioned writers and the "police officers" who have joined them on the website, the more quickly we will get rid of it, and return to that society and country, which, in fact, was built by the same Stalin. Naturally adjusted for the present.
      1. +1
        17 May 2013 21: 53
        Did you read something yourself at Starikov’s. Or did Svanidze tell you everything about his books?
        I have not read anyone with a clearer historical argument in his books.
    2. +1
      17 May 2013 21: 51
      What does bloodless mean? When turning over, bloodless, and then how much blood was spilled? It’s necessary to look at the consequences. So, in relation to Starikov, you shouldn’t understand everything correctly. In 1991, too, at first we didn’t spill blood, and then blood dripped everywhere, Russia is still dying, also bloodless?
      1. wax
        18 May 2013 11: 27
        We need to look not only at the consequences. but for the reasons thereof. The tsar precisely followed recipes similar to Starikov. A vivid example is a bloodbath for the unarmed on January 9, 1905. Next is the unprecedented cruelty of the suppression of the December uprising, the rampage of the Black Hundreds. Further, even the illiterate Grishka Rasputin could see the tragic nature of Russia's participation in the First World War, which was completely meaningless for Russia. By the beginning of 1917, tsarism brought Russia to ruin and collapse, putting it on the brink of existence in the interests of the Anglo-Saxons. The Bolsheviks saved the country. The price is huge, but the price of dismembering Russia would be an order of magnitude higher.
        In 1991 there was a bloodless counter-revolution in the interests of all the same Anglo-Saxons again. And again, blood and deprivation in Russia for the amusement of all the same partners. Here, in these reasons, lies the answer to the question, why are we not half a billion. Latynin is deeply alien to me, and in general I do not know her. In this particular case, I speak of the specific thesis of Starikov, in which I see the historical ignorance of his author on this issue.
    3. wax
      18 May 2013 11: 04
      Interestingly, the minuses of the commentary are the pluses of machine guns for putting "order" with an iron hand?
  11. Belogor
    17 May 2013 06: 44
    Only the same as herself can believe her.
    1. Baboon
      17 May 2013 11: 03
      Well, don’t tell me, she won’t deceive the adults who have already lived, but her young heads can be dusted. So, fighting with people like her, we will fight for the next generation. There is a monument to the liberator warrior in Germany with a girl in her arms, and they have already convinced everyone that Soviet soldiers are rapists and occupiers. And after May 9, as our soldiers, the people of Berlin fed from their stocks no one is going to remember.
    2. 0
      17 May 2013 19: 21
      Quote: Belogor
      Only the same as herself can believe her.

      Do you think that she herself believes in what she expounds ?! I doubt it Oooh ...
  12. +3
    17 May 2013 06: 53
    There was a journalist with us, don’t teach her to write an article, but she doesn’t knit a bast, she must be put on a barrel of gunpowder and fly to America!
  13. +12
    17 May 2013 06: 54
    I liked the article. I would like to contribute.
    It is very characteristic that the search engine gave out information about Latin that she was a dreamer. And the themes of her hot fantasies are politics and economics.
    Again her company speaks for itself (similar requests): bulk, bulls, Novodvorskaya ..
    Well, the Wikipedia photo where it is captured with Lisa makes the final diagnosis.
    He would have been treated a little bit like in the good old days, somewhere in a closed psychiatric hospital, about five years old, you see, maybe the old woman would feel better.
    1. +3
      17 May 2013 10: 40
      Quote: Onotolle
      . And the themes of her hot fantasies are politics and economics.

      Her fantasies are not so much hot as delusional
  14. Vladomir
    17 May 2013 07: 06
    As always, Latynina breeds like a dog. It cannot do otherwise under the leadership of Venediktov-Goebels of the West.
  15. +1
    17 May 2013 07: 06
    Maybe one of the very official graduated state officials will sue for libel? Let him pay for "fantasy" and then write fantasy novels!
    1. Hudo
      17 May 2013 07: 22
      Quote: treskoed
      Maybe one of the very official graduated state officials will sue for libel? Let him pay for "fantasy" and then write fantasy novels!

      He writes in a cell, either at a logging or at hard labor, in my opinion it is time.
      1. +1
        17 May 2013 19: 23
        Quote: Hudo
        In the cell, he writes, either at a logging or hard labor,

        That's it, to the local wall newspaper ...
    2. +2
      17 May 2013 10: 48
      Quote: treskoed
      and then writes fantasy novels!

      It won’t work out for her. After all, you need to be an honest romantic, and not an evil viper. Yes, and it is impossible to admit it to this type of literature, part of its youth reads. Let’s write memoirs better.
  16. +5
    17 May 2013 07: 26
    Do not know anything deeply, do not seriously engage in anything, and do not be professional in anything.
    Only deaf hatred and whining. And her audience is the same. They do not need any arguments and facts, and nothing will correct them.
    Despise negative
    1. Baboon
      17 May 2013 11: 07
      In general, she would have studied the plans of England and France to attack the USSR back in the 30s. Yes, and how is it that Germany, after the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, began to have such an army (who allowed them) But all the USSR is to blame.
  17. +7
    17 May 2013 07: 37
    Rezun's theses (to call him a pseudonym, disrespect for Alexander Vasilievich) have been refuted more than once or twice, but does she write an article based on them? Bullshit, oh bullshit No. ...
    And on all other points, this is not even an alternative story, but the addict’s nonsense wassat
    She, I remember, even about the Chelyabinsk meteorite, stated that this was the business of the military in general and, as it were, not of Putin personally in particular. laughing
    Damn, you are sorry of course, but she, hike, is completely fucked up. Novodvorskaya v 2.0
  18. andrey903
    17 May 2013 07: 41
    Who is she? She and others like her will not be allowed to access secret archives, take data from the ceiling and claim to be unverifiable truth. There are such scientists in every newspaper
  19. +3
    17 May 2013 07: 42
    Latynina and her kind of cancer, which destroys the people's faith in themselves, it’s a pity that they cannot be deprived of their citizenship and expelled from the country.
  20. djon3volta
    17 May 2013 07: 52
    yeah, from people like Latin and Gozman I think there is more harm to mine than from Serdyukov + the secretive taken together. and if you think deeply about it it is. Serdyukov he generally like margarine - from him no harm is not good. request
  21. fenix57
    17 May 2013 08: 00
    Hello! It's time, it's time for this "girl", and in the "stone chambers." It's not hard to find the reason!
    1. neodymium
      17 May 2013 10: 49
      Latynina is the Enemy.
      The personification of corruption, Russophobia, unprincipled.
  22. AlexW
    17 May 2013 08: 07
    Why discuss her opuses at all? "Oscilloscope arrow" and that says it all. Everything is fake - last name, nationality, education and brains. She, like a vampire, is fueled by negative energy. Khazarian is an enemy and there is nothing to discuss here. In the ignore, she will wither away.
    1. +6
      17 May 2013 10: 51
      Quote: AlexW
      Why discuss her opuses at all?

      Then, in order to be able to reasonably refute in conversations with young, ignorant people.
  23. +5
    17 May 2013 08: 09
    Yesterday I rode the bus with my old friend - alas ... Our conversation is indicative and just in the style of YUL. The current oratorio democrats, like my friend, scold everyone, the current government, the Soviet government and do not want to hear any arguments:
    Al - here comes to Novosib Zyuga
    I am fine
    Al - Will rant again. And I hate the scoop!
    I - Why - well?
    Al - And there it was impossible to do business, my friend sold jeans and 2 healthy foreheads came up to him
    Am I planted?
    Al - no, just banned from trading
    I - Have you seen anywhere that in any state you could freely trade without paying taxes?
    Al - no
    I - so what exactly is the scoop objection? It was possible to open a cooperative and there were mutual partnerships, and people traded in the market with paying for a place.
    Al - and even at school even the sick were forced to ride potatoes - is this normal?
    I - abnormally - what does the sick mean? I have never seen children in a hospital bed send potatoes ...
    Al - there was a certificate, but the classkeeper said that it should bring 24 of a person because the certificate is invalid.
    I - and why the certificate, I always believed that the sick leave is an excuse and certificates were issued to those who violate the regime.
    Al - Let's close the topic, otherwise I will explode.
    I - as you want ...
    There were also statements about the current government - here he stands - scolds the roads, the oligarchs, but for some reason he puts all this on the scoop! And Yul is forgive me "woman" I do not want to offend the beautiful half of humanity, for the most part they are adequate, but the "women" have their own point of view on everything. I have met similar ones more than once, when you give them an argument and they tell you - "you talk nonsense, I don't even want to listen"
  24. Vladimir_61
    17 May 2013 08: 16
    Statistics have never been true, especially now. It is a means of manipulation, depending on the goals of those in power. Dumb-headed puppets, supposedly free in their actions, are in fact slavishly dependent on their masters. Looking at them, one can understand: how can a man fall low. And without realizing it. The time is approaching when for all the hirelings there is a place for isolation, as individuals, mentally infectious, therefore dangerous. Nothing strikes a person like that when he, having passed the peak of impunity, receives well-deserved retribution.
  25. luka095
    17 May 2013 08: 58
    The article is a definite plus. The author analyzed all the theses of the "historian" Latynina. Briefly and clearly.
  26. +4
    17 May 2013 09: 42
    She must be banned. So to say: the more you ted, the more it stinks.
  27. +3
    17 May 2013 09: 43
    krasin EN
    To Magadan for re-education. "Echo of Moscow" - glamor and strikebreakers gathered there! -You listen to what they give out their hair on end!

    It would be necessary to add an article on criminal liability for "defamation of HISTORY" if it is not an accidental mistake that is seen, but a deliberate distortion of historical facts, since such "TRUE-LOVERS" pose a threat to the country's security with their "works". And their "masterpieces" to be destroyed, right down to the manuscripts.
  28. +13
    17 May 2013 09: 58
    Bonus best freelancers
    1. Anti
      17 May 2013 22: 38
      Washington Regional Committee awards honored worker with Award negative

  29. adg76
    17 May 2013 10: 07
    The time has come to equate democracy and liberalism with fascism. The Democrats defiled the phrase "democracy" by their actions. Democracy is the rule of the people. In reality, this is the power of the oligarchic and large capitalist minority, imposed on the majority. Where persuasions to surrender markets and national ideas do not help, bombs and rockets begin to explode with exclamations "you have no democracy. We carry it. You will live better." At least one country began to live better from the arrival of democrats or liberals? Eastern Europe? Where is their national identity? How many emigrants are there in these countries? Why did some sexual minorities appear? Who gave the right to a handful of liberal renegades to vilify their homeland? Incite conflicts? Allow death and encourage with the words "we are against violence" the destruction of their soldiers by bandit formations?
  30. +5
    17 May 2013 10: 16
    when I see characters like Latynin, I immediately remember Klimov with his "Protocols ...", a typical "heroine" - (cenzor).

    Starikov, for the article, the ultimate big plus. But there is a big BUT, last year, if I am not mistaken, a lecture course for bloggers was posted on his website and naturally he was talking about Internet trolls, he himself said that it was practically useless to fight them. (сenzor) Latynina is a real troll, she copes with her responsibilities at 100%, for which she is encouraged (cenzor) with grants, I liked this one:

    8 December 2008 year was awarded the prize "Defender of Freedom", established by the US Department of State. The Latynina Prize was personally presented by the US Secretary of State. According to Condoleezza Rice:

    “Yulia exposed the corruption and abuses of government officials, as well as flagrant human rights violations committed by both government and private individuals, especially in the North Caucasus. With great courage, she openly spoke out in defense of her fellow journalists, who were forced silence. "

    Well, who can we talk about here?
  31. aepocmam
    17 May 2013 10: 16
    It would be high time for Latynin to "shunt" like Ksyusha the Horse. And all access to the media should be blocked for her, for life ...
  32. AK44
    17 May 2013 10: 28
    I often hear her on "Echo" and I have long had doubts about her sanity. In my opinion, last year, on the eve of May 9, the phrase "The Red Army cowardly fled from the Nazis" flew out of this lady's mouth opening. It is a pity that we do not provide for any punishments for such sayings and bastards like her can talk with impunity everything that climbs into his head and shit on the holy! Shenderovich, Svanidze, Ganapolsky and others from the same crowd as Latynina. All of them are united by a wild hatred of Russia and Russians!
    1. +1
      17 May 2013 21: 56
      I hope the State Duma will soon adopt the Law on the protection of historical truth about the Second World War
  33. +3
    17 May 2013 10: 38
    Why in our country do liars flourish from the history of Latynins, Suvorovs-Rezuns, Gozmans ---- in any other country would they be outcasts? Everything that exists in Russia with foreign money supports such individuals (Latynina often teaches on RTVI TV, etc.). Gozman generally put an equal sign between punitive SS and counterintelligence SMERSH. These slanderers in our society should not be shaking hands.
    1. djon3volta
      17 May 2013 11: 26
      Quote: Semyon Albertovich
      These slanderers in our society should not be shaking hands.

      Yes, no one takes them seriously in the country, they are well aware of this and understand it. They are furious. They know that they won’t succeed and they won’t succeed. Let this Latina, for example, go to a Russian village and try to inspire people there, they’ll trample it with her sledge rags. All their political activity will never go beyond the virtual. And they understand this very well, they are very aware of it, that's why they sprinkle poison with poison.
  34. +2
    17 May 2013 10: 59
    Is this magazine-reader still screaming with an arrow from the oscilloscope? And are they listening to her?
    December 8, 2008 was awarded the Defender of Freedom Prize, established by the US Department of State.
    Does the State Department already take clowns for content? Seriously? And what about their head? Not if they seriously take it scarecrow, that is, the grounds will doubt their mental abilities. If you believe that they are serious about her here, the same conclusion suggests itself.
  35. fatty
    17 May 2013 11: 03
    Latin-note-teller. Singer-listen to the woman, and do the opposite, it's about her.
  36. GBG_Belarus
    17 May 2013 11: 05
    Latynina is a diagnosis. It is very good that there are people who incriminate and reveal her lies. But in principle it’s good that it is. Having listened and looked at Latynina, you begin to understand even better what kind of part of society they are and what values ​​they have, and this forces more people to gather in order to prevent the victory of their “truth”. In general, it seems that this eternally unsatisfied creature was very much disliked in childhood, and now there are problems with this. Humanly, I just want to give her and their ilk in the face, because defiling the memory of our veterans in general, she insults my grandfathers, and therefore, me personally. I apologize in advance for being rude.
  37. i12345
    17 May 2013 11: 12
    Laureate of the prize of the Association of Russian-speaking writers of Israel Latynina, red-haired witch. "Pockmarked and redheads do not take to the service of the sovereign and do not give a word in court, before God marks rogue "from the Decree of Peter I.
  38. +6
    17 May 2013 11: 14
    burn the damn su ... ku !!! Neh..y to stir up water!
    1. +8
      17 May 2013 11: 38
      When I see Latynina, I always remember the coined phrase of medieval judicial proceedings
      "Hang by the neck until he dies"
  39. Sashko07
    17 May 2013 11: 17
    Hang ... although not, this is a woman, as you can. Shoot.
    1. 0
      17 May 2013 14: 04
      Five times .... In a clean field face to the wall.
    2. 0
      21 May 2013 10: 56
      Nah. Shooting, this is for officers, but for b-dei: on a stake, on a pine tree, so that with splinters.
  40. +3
    17 May 2013 11: 18
    It seems that she (Latynina) came up with a parallel universe, she herself believed in it and now convinces everyone of the reality of her existence. Schizophrenia in a classic manifestation.
  41. 0
    17 May 2013 11: 22
    And no one escaped from a crazy house? We ought to see, suddenly we see a familiar face there.
  42. +4
    17 May 2013 11: 24
    Why is the enemy of Russia and the werewolf Yulia Latynina for so many years living in Moscow on the money of the enemies of Russia and at the same time trash Russian history and generally harm the Russian state? She is a foreign agent, and why doesn’t the Russian authorities apply any measures to her? For example, in the United States, a citizen working against his state would have long been destroyed ...
  43. +8
    17 May 2013 11: 36
    Nikolai Starikov, the author of the article, is honored, and my deepest respect.
    And not even because he briefly, but very capaciously and competently rolled out our red-headed nature error, but because he had the patience to listen to or read the streams of delirium of this exalted lady. Personally, I can’t get to this heap ... ehhkm ... I won’t be able to force myself to even approach a kilometer, and the respected author had to roll up his sleeves and dig into the crap ... as it should.
    Many thanks to Nikolai for the fact that he, of his own free will, took on the honorary role of "sewer and water carrier"! hi
  44. +5
    17 May 2013 11: 37
    To item number 8 “There is such a unique battle in world history under Isandlvan on January 22, 1879. This is a battle in which the Zulus warriors, armed with spears and clubs, defeated the English army. Why? Because the English ran out of ammunition. But how then did Zuluzy take 400 thousand rounds of ammunition as trophies? Lied in the hope that no one in the search engine will pick up the name of the battle?
    1. +1
      17 May 2013 13: 57
      Quote: OTTO
      But how then did Zuluzy take 400 thousand rounds of ammunition as trophies

      Just before the battle they were put under a bush, in the shade, and the advancing enemy repulsed the memory of the Angles. They forgot under which bush they laid the nest. laughing
  45. MG42
    17 May 2013 11: 42
    An ugly red-haired journalist with curly hair, feeds handouts from the USA and yells from the gateway of Echo of Moscow.
    1. +4
      17 May 2013 11: 53
      Quote: MG42
      Ugly red-haired journalist with curly hair

      after listening to such a redhead, you begin to respect blondes laughing
      1. MG42
        17 May 2013 12: 29
        Quote: lewerlin53rus
        you start to respect blondes

        It’s a myth that blondes are stupid. Stupidity does not depend on the color of the hair, in the case of Latynina, she simply can be angry because she is ugly, she does not particularly pay attention to men ...
  46. kazssr
    17 May 2013 11: 52
    How can I go to her? tell me pliz
    1. 0
      18 May 2013 19: 35
      Yes, very simple - on the site "Echo of Moscow". There, your appeal will be welcome, regardless of your attitude - they have applied, which means that the popularity of radio is growing, this is evidenced by the number of malicious statements in this "discussion" - people are angry - it means they know, they know - that means they listen, and the task of any radio is to make it listened, so welcome (can you imagine there, also Venediktov and Ganopolsky - that's horror, wink ) ...
      (Not quite a topic, but psychologists say that the most active opponents of homosexuality are hidden homosexuals - this is such a difficult (not really, actually) association)
  47. +3
    17 May 2013 12: 02
    Well, her face.
    1. MG42
      17 May 2013 14: 07
      Latynina and her reflection in the mirror
      1. +3
        17 May 2013 15: 47
        From the left, her mother must be! Already painfully similar. laughing
      2. +1
        19 May 2013 13: 54
        Quote: MG42
        Latynina and her reflection in the mirror

        The difficult path from a monkey to a man has not been mastered by everyone.
        1. MG42
          19 May 2013 20: 25
          Quote: OTTO
          The hard way from monkey to man

          In this case, rather a regression from a person to a monkey ..
      3. AK44
        20 May 2013 09: 15
        The monkey will be prettier laughing
  48. +6
    17 May 2013 12: 21



    1. +5
      17 May 2013 13: 02
      Arrested one and a half thousand millionOne and a half billion!. This is what happens? That every citizen of the country was arrested at least ten times! Goebbels in hell is probably blushing with shame.
    2. +3
      17 May 2013 14: 08
      AAAAAAAAA imbeciles !!!!! does not miss other words (
      1. AK44
        17 May 2013 14: 25
        Fifteen hundred million. That is, if I’m not mistaken, one and a half billion! Such a population at that time was not like in the Union, not even in China! But what is the name of the degenerate, which proves that so many people were repressed?
        1. MG42
          17 May 2013 14: 45
          Quote: AK44
          Such a population at that time was not like in the Union, not even in China!

          Yes, and now there is no such population in China = 1,35 billion, in India about 1,2 billion. The oppositionists only have to shine their lively mind with live numbers and hit the plug, ready to take this noodle off your ears, and even better in general Do not listen to such transmissions.
          1. AK44
            17 May 2013 15: 29
            Quote: MG42
            and even better not to listen to such programs at all.

            You can listen, for the sake of laughter! Only seriously take this nonsense is not necessary. Agree, you rarely hear such nonsense as in this audio clip.
    3. +3
      17 May 2013 14: 17
      Considering that during the time of Yezhov Terror, the population of planet Earth was 2,2 billion people, 68% of humanity visited Soviet prisons.

      Well! Stalin ... Well! Worker ... laughing
    4. +7
      17 May 2013 14: 28
      Here is this thing! I almost office scared horse neighing! THOUSAND HALF MILLION !!!
      That's the whole level of education of these schizoids. Numbers are not familiar to them. good laughing
    5. +3
      17 May 2013 15: 24
      AAAAAA! Air !!!!! I can’t breathe .... Well this is necessary, huh?
      laughing laughing laughing
      Goebbels in comparison with them- jerk and dropout wassat
    6. +2
      17 May 2013 20: 46
      1500000000 arrested !!!!!!!!
      Did this stupid person study at school? !!!!
      1. 0
        23 May 2013 16: 31
        Of course I studied with Goebels
  49. +3
    17 May 2013 12: 22
    from the Don.
    Thanks to the author! Dashing! Keep it up!
    And this Madame I can describe in one word, MARES!
  50. ed65b
    17 May 2013 12: 30
    I often hear her on "Echo" and I have long had doubts about her sanity.

    My doubts have already grown into the belief that there are really sick people there. And Venediktov is their leader. Now RBC is catching up with Prokhorova. In general, why do not Muscovites demand the renaming of this "mouthpiece of democracy". For example, in "Echo of Magadan", no northerners will be offended in "Echo of Kolyma" and here I will offend. Exactly "Echo of the State Department".
    1. 0
      17 May 2013 13: 47
      Quote: ed65b
      Now RBC is catching up with Prokhorova. Why don't Muscovites demand renaming of this "Mouthpiece of Democracy"

      On RBC, different points of view show, and Prokhorova is not so much offended by intellect as Latynina. But in general, RBC is an excellent channel, Vittel is very impressive to me there.
  51. +2
    17 May 2013 12: 31
    So she receives a salary from the ov, why be surprised. she will now bear something else, after the introduction of the concept of “foreign agents”. hanging or shooting is unprofitable and inhumane. to a colony for life for dangerous work, without the right of pardon. and if he doesn’t want to work, don’t feed him. treat only if it has a positive impact on hard labor.

    Otherwise, in Ukraine there is one such patient, with a steering wheel on her head. like stealing and eating cocaine - you’re not sick. lives in a hospital room specially equipped for her. brought harm to the country - let him work it off. I am against the death penalty. let them work out in the toughest camps.
  52. 0
    17 May 2013 12: 49
    It’s good that there are people who respond adequately and in a good style and expose such figures for whom a direct road to the gallows is ordered...
  53. +2
    17 May 2013 12: 50
    Also on point No. 8 “Why didn’t the fronts break through in the First World War? Because no government could afford to lose 10 or 100 thousand people in an attack. Stalin created a system that allowed this.” Regarding the numbers, the author of the article made a good point, but it must be added that the First World War was that period of history when the “shield” was stronger than the “sword”. And the first use of tanks violated this ratio. In World War II, the “sword” already prevailed.
  54. +2
    17 May 2013 12: 55
    Quote: MG42
    It’s a myth that blondes are stupid. Stupidity does not depend on the color of the hair, in the case of Latynina, she simply can be angry because she is ugly, she does not particularly pay attention to men ...

    Come on, it was a joke wink But in the case of Latynina, you are right. She would like a good man, so that she doesn’t think about anything else... But it’s not in vain that they say that all women’s illnesses come from the lack of it. Especially mental ones.
    1. MG42
      17 May 2013 13: 02
      Quote: lewerlin53rus
      But in the case of Latynina, you are right. She would like a good man so she doesn’t think about anything else

      What good man would be tempted by this red scarecrow? laughing She will be in an eternal search and spray with poisonous saliva. Of course, you have oppositionist Novodvorskaya out of competition. The rule is that there are no ugly women, but only a little vodka >> here is an exception.
      1. MG42
        17 May 2013 13: 24
        In Ukraine we also have one oppositionist from the Svoboda party who could compete, blonde... also in search
        1. +6
          17 May 2013 14: 21
          We have one blonde called Ksyushad. Looks like she has found a guy who is more or less a traveler. Lately we haven’t heard anything about her exploits
          1. MG42
            17 May 2013 14: 41
            Quote: lewerlin53rus
            We have one blonde called Ksyushad

            Ksenia Obshchak looks a little better, and even younger than the characters listed above>>>
          2. k220150
            17 May 2013 15: 48
            Study G. Klimov. Then you will understand what is happening.
          3. 0
            17 May 2013 21: 59
            Maybe someone started covering her and she calmed down?
        2. The comment was deleted.
          1. MG42
            17 May 2013 15: 11
            This is Irina Farion, an ardent Russophobe.
        3. The comment was deleted.
        4. k220150
          17 May 2013 15: 46
          People call it chronic... well, in general, you understand. This is a problem.
        5. +1
          17 May 2013 21: 59
          You can immediately see the mark of the devil on your face. Well, not a beauty!
      2. +2
        17 May 2013 14: 15
        Quote: MG42
        Of course, you have oppositionist Novodvorskaya out of competition.

        There is another one called Alekseev. But it's completely deaf there...
      3. k220150
        17 May 2013 15: 44
        Someone calling himself Konstantin B. was recommended as the “beloved” of this monster.
        1. ded10041948
          17 May 2013 17: 50
          Is he chronic...? I created an anti-advertising for myself! Who will he go to if this... leaves?
      4. The comment was deleted.
        1. MG42
          17 May 2013 16: 05
          Quote: AK44
          The one that is pretty much under the table.

          This topic was discussed we came to the conclusion that there is not enough vodka to be “flattered”, for example, by Novodvorskaya belay
  55. Drosselmeyer
    17 May 2013 12: 55
    Why discuss the ravings of an old, sick woman? Let him live in the Echo of Moscow nature reserve. He’s delirious on the sly, and that’s okay. Normal people have not been paying attention to her “historical” research for a long time.
  56. +3
    17 May 2013 12: 59
    Quote: Egoza
    Not to ignore, but to judge for slander

  57. Drosselmeyer
    17 May 2013 13: 15
    By the way, the myth about the huge Soviet losses began thanks to the seemingly wonderful idea of ​​perpetuating the memory of the victims and their heroism. A classic example is the assault on Sapun Mountain. If you listen to the guides and read the memoirs, they often describe the monstrous losses of the Red Army, but rarely give exact figures. Everything is described in metaphors: “all the slopes are drenched in blood,” “the slopes are sent away with the dead,” etc. One gets the impression that tens of thousands of Soviet soldiers died during the assault. And if you look at the archives, then there is the exact number of those killed during the assault - 540 people and not thousands or tens of thousands...
  58. smershspy
    17 May 2013 13: 17
    Gentlemen! Yes! There are a lot of foreign fosterlings....! They must be judged! I have the honor!
  59. +4
    17 May 2013 13: 18
    The infection is lying, because if it stops, then it will have to be retrained from political prostitutes to physical ones... because it can’t do anything else.
    1. +4
      17 May 2013 13: 48
      Quote: Sochi
      political prostitutes will have to be retrained as physical...

      What are you!!! Everyone will run away if she also leans against the wall next to her! What will I do in a hopeless situation?...
      1. +2
        17 May 2013 14: 08
        This is what she is afraid of. That’s why she lies so selflessly, but how will the State Department decide that it’s time for her to be put into circulation...
  60. +2
    17 May 2013 13: 23
    There is no need to waste energy and words convincing all sorts of rubbish that they are rubbish. It’s better to make it a public indicator - the more it stinks, the better we are doing. That's all.
  61. +2
    17 May 2013 13: 25
    Everything is correct. Only again there are mistakes in the article. Why and where did a certain “Khalkin-gol” come from and where is the arrow on the oscilloscope?
  62. ded10041948
    17 May 2013 13: 31
    Quote: borisjdin1957
    from the Don.
    Thanks to the author! Dashing! Keep it up!
    And this Madame I can describe in one word, MARES!

    Don't offend the fauna and apologize to the animal! Horses have been helping him for half of human history!
  63. +2
    17 May 2013 13: 38
    Kolya Starikov, as always, hits the bull's eye. Upvoted.
    And, what are there people in Russia who consider the “poodle” Latynina a historian, etc.? A typical liberal woman, on the most liberal radio station, “Echo of Moscow” (which should be renamed “Echo of Washington and London”).
  64. dc120mm
    17 May 2013 13: 38
    Misha financed her and she said that they ordered smile
  65. +2
    17 May 2013 13: 44
    It seems to me that any psychiatrist who even glanced at this Julia would immediately make a well-known diagnosis. And having listened to even a couple of minutes of her speeches, I would immediately begin to call strong guys with all the paraphernalia, because... she is socially dangerous. And we are still discussing another nonsense from her. Let them live in a zoo of their own kind (echo, business, rbk and what else?). There is no point in popularizing it. And further. Take a closer look. And this is a woman??? Let him dry up... who was there! But in general, she’s doing all this out of grief... If she’s hmm... how is this more civilized... Maybe she’ll improve?
    1. k220150
      17 May 2013 15: 40
      The diagnosis is correct, it follows her.
  66. 0
    17 May 2013 13: 50
    You should have first read what people write, otherwise.... Oh well. Type IMHO
  67. -1
    17 May 2013 13: 53
    Quote: Author Nikolai Starikov
    Do not look for the truth in the words Latynina and the like.

    As I understand it, by devoting so much space to Latynina, you, dear one, are still advertising for her and her “creativity.” Ask yourself, is she worthy of this advertising?
    1. +2
      17 May 2013 14: 13
      Let everyone know and tell their loved ones! This is not the case when you need to remain silent. These jackals take silence for weakness....
  68. +2
    17 May 2013 14: 03
    I didn’t read all the comments from forum members, but I would like to voice my conclusion about this person: shoot...
    1. ivachum
      17 May 2013 17: 53
      I repeat.... under no circumstances! Only burning at the stake! am Preferably a group... laughing
  69. +3
    17 May 2013 14: 04
    Under Stalin, who was disliked by this trade unionist, there was such an article of the Criminal Code as deprivation of Soviet citizenship. Maybe it makes sense to restore this for Russian citizenship too?! Or offer this...slogan: "Suitcase, station, Brussels!"
    1. ded10041948
      17 May 2013 18: 01
      Don't offend whores by comparing yourself to this...! They are more honest and professional!
      1. 0
        17 May 2013 18: 34
        T-! and cuter...
  70. +5
    17 May 2013 14: 23
    Condoleezza Rice presented the State Department's Defender of Freedom Award to Russian journalist Yulia Latynina.

    On March 18, 2008, in one of the online publications - “Daily Journal” - a famous journalist and writer harshly attacked the prevailing public image of the heroic death of the 6th company of the Pskov Airborne Division at Ulus-Kert in 2000. According to Latynina, “ the feat of the 84 paratroopers who stopped the breakthrough of two thousand militants from the Argun Gorge under the command of Khattab simply did not happen.”
    Latynina’s lies about American “humanitarian foundations”:
    American non-governmental organizations that have developed active activities in Russia and the CIS are completely harmless and do not pose a threat to our national interests. Suspecting them of subversive activities is simply ridiculous, writes Latynina.
    Goal: to whitewash all kinds of Western foundations engaged in subversive activities in Russia, to mislead readers about the real goals of such organizations, and to ridicule the actions of the Russian special services.
    Latynina’s false insinuations about the Great Patriotic War have one goal: to turn our victory into defeat, to equate the Soviet Union with fascist Germany and hold it responsible, to poison the younger generation with their lies.
    Yulia Latynina, a vivid example of betrayal, is a journalist in the worst sense of the word. She combines business with pleasure, receives American grants, and conducts subversive work against Russia.
  71. AK44
    17 May 2013 14: 32
    I mean that in the near future Red-haired Julia will burst into a violent tirade in defense of domestic homosexuals, lesbians and other freaks and perverts! After all, once again the undemocratic Moscow authorities refused to hold the PIDOR parade in Moscow (planned for May 25). It's going to stink!!!
    1. ded10041948
      17 May 2013 17: 22
      “Why, without fear of sin, does the cuckoo praise the rooster? Because he praises the cuckoo.”
      Naturally it starts to smell, you have to protect kindred spirits.
      (Or apologize to the fagots and others for considering them kindred spirits with this....?).
  72. +4
    17 May 2013 14: 34
    Quote: bbss
    Everything is correct. Only again there are mistakes in the article. Why and where did a certain “Khalkin-gol” come from and where is the arrow on the oscilloscope?

    “She was rushing around like an oscilloscope needle” - a phrase from Latynina’s “work.” The entire Internet has been laughing at her for a long time. I advise you to read an article about her on Lurkomorye, the diagnosis will become clear.
  73. +4
    17 May 2013 14: 36
    It’s a shame for the state! It’s high time to adopt a code for the media and punish them for unverified information and for statements discrediting the state. In general, in place of the presidential administration, they sued Echo of Moscow for such statements on air. And the Ministry of Media should take away their license and accuse them of subversive activities against the state. And then let them sue until they are blue in the face and scream that they are not guilty.
  74. fenix57
    17 May 2013 14: 41
    Some individuals are affected, but:
    Vladimir Vladimirovich, why don’t we remove Yulka Latynina - she
    something is completely off topic and chattering
    - How crazy are you - I should know from somewhere what’s really going on...
  75. Alikovo
    17 May 2013 14: 50
    Latynina made a mistake twice when she wrote that Nicolaus Copernicus was burned at the stake, confusing him with Giordano Bruno.

    Hot on the heels of the incident in Chelyabinsk on February 15, 2013, Yulia Leonidovna made an original assumption that it was explained by a missile fired from a neighboring test site. Latynina’s statement did not go unnoticed. A couple of hours later, the text was removed from the Novaya Gazeta website. The next day, the journalist admitted that she had rushed to conclusions and described her assumption as “absolute nonsense.”

    She generally understands what she is writing about.
    1. k220150
      17 May 2013 15: 37
      All the creakles in the school were among the UOs, madam was no exception.
  76. +1
    17 May 2013 14: 57
    Latynina also reached the Decembrists. In her book, she says that the Decembrists were an ordinary bunch of losers; people with complexes gathered together in order to glorify themselves. Soloviev announced the book, giving excellent assessments of Latynina. But as Latynina presented what she wrote, in my opinion, even Solovyov went nuts. But there are those who consider Latynina’s creations outstanding... The energy of such people must be used correctly. They don’t need to write with a pen, but to roll a roller, compacting the asphalt, or, in extreme cases, to dig trenches with a shovel... You’ll see that their views will change!
    1. k220150
      17 May 2013 15: 35
      There is no need to show your lack of culture. The Decembrists are darkness.
  77. k220150
    17 May 2013 15: 33
    Let's remember Lombroso. The photographs are especially good, it is clear that ... on a par with Svanidza, Pozdner, Gozdman, Chubais ... and “the man with the iPhone.”
  78. 0
    17 May 2013 15: 40
    Quote: bbss
    where is the arrow on the oscilloscope

    This phrase was already in the article somewhere. Laughed until I was blue in the face!
  79. +2
    17 May 2013 15: 48
    Recently, someone suggested that in connection with the return of the title “Hero of Labor”, the “title” “Enemy of the People” should also be returned. And all these “historians”, “freedom fighters”, whose thieves were misled, and their pro... girlfriends to Magadan for occupational therapy, with confiscation up to the 7th generation.
  80. +1
    17 May 2013 15: 52
    Guys! Anyone who has heard an echo in the mountains distorts the sound very much, and “Echo of Moscow”, represented by Latynina, distorts the facts of the history of our state. hi
    1. sashka
      18 May 2013 14: 58
      Quote: Simon
      represented by Latynina, distorts the facts of the history of our state.

      Have you been to the library lately? Time is running. Except glory. It’s time to shout guard..
  81. inbous
    17 May 2013 16: 01
    well) for a collection of collages
    1. +1
      17 May 2013 22: 03
      This is called - Julia took off her mask and showed her mug (true face)
  82. +1
    17 May 2013 16: 05
    Good article! It should be read on the radio throughout Russia, so that as many people as possible can hear it and think about it. But there is no such radio where you can tell the truth, that’s the problem. But in general, it’s better not to listen to or notice all these rotten “democrats”, usually relatives of former commissars from the past. The dog barks, the caravan moves on.
  83. +1
    17 May 2013 16: 27
    Friends, is it worth paying attention to Latynina’s libels? She is the author of many detective stories (including the “Bandit” series), that is, a storyteller. In all likelihood, since childhood, she has been “not on friendly terms with her head,” but she wants to eat, and, like a “decent” corrupt woman, she is trying to negotiate her salary through the media, judging by the awards and bonuses, not in rubles. I think we need to remember not only our people, but also monsters like her (there’s no way in a family without them): the longer we remember, the less likeness will be born, because normal people periodically get rid of garbage.
    1. Larus
      17 May 2013 17: 02
      Very worth it, because... they have their own “flock”, which, although small, is expanding, constantly hearing misinformation and not hearing a real refutation from the state.
  84. stranik72
    17 May 2013 16: 38
    What do you want from a US citizen, she “honestly” fulfills her duty, and Russia for her is just a place of work. Another thing is that she is also a citizen of Russia, well, this is a cover for her. It’s time for some kind of brick to be found on her head, there is no other way for her.
  85. +2
    17 May 2013 17: 03
    Yes, this Latynina is nonsense!
    It's not about her. Another interesting thing is who and with whose money is campaigning against the country, against us. It's not just green NGOs from the States that are making noise and fuss. A lot of money, both mine and yours. "Echo of Moscow", where Latins are like uncut dogs, belongs to Gazprom.
    Question - is it possible in the States for the CIA to officially finance the broadcasting of the TV channel "Russia 1" or "Zvezda" on the USA?
    Our so-called “elite”, for example Miller and Co., whose is it really?
  86. 0
    17 May 2013 18: 00
    Quote: AK44
    Red-haired Julia will burst into a violent tirade in defense of domestic homosexuals, lesbians and other freaks

    Let him look at himself in the mirror first!
  87. yurta2013
    17 May 2013 18: 01
    The author, of course, made a lot of fun at the truly historically illiterate statements of the female politician, while completely groundlessly accusing her (and at the same time all “liberals”) of malicious attacks against Russia. However, a number of his own arguments are far from blameless. Particularly impressive is the assertion that the capture of Berlin by Soviet troops warned England against attacking the USSR. As evidence, a certain April plan by Churchill to start a war against the USSR in July 1945 is cited. At the same time, for some reason, he forgot to cite the sources of this information, although he regularly supplied them with previous arguments. Of course, such a plan itself could well exist in reality, as well as Soviet plans for a possible war with the allies after the defeat of Nazi Germany. Only in an analytical article you cannot use unconfirmed facts.
    Another pearl: Hitler made a choice in favor of non-strategic aviation because he was going to fight with the USSR. Just for the war with the USSR, strategic aviation was simply necessary, due to the enormous, by European standards, distances from the border to the political and economic centers of the country. But France could have been bombed without strategic aviation, just like England later, across the English Channel. Of course, Hitler was preparing to fight with the USSR, but he considered his primary task to be the defeat of France and England. That’s why he focused on operational-tactical aviation, leaving the development of strategic aviation for better times.
    And another controversial statement: Allegedly, the USA and England placed emphasis on strategic aviation in order to conquer both Germany and the USSR. Let me remind you that the war was started by Germany, which managed to almost completely take control of continental Europe, the resources of which Hitler intended to use to the fullest extent to increase arms production. Without strategic aviation, it was simply impossible for the Allies to prevent the Germans from fully implementing these plans. And at first the allies had no other opportunity to continue military operations directly against Germany, except through systematic bombing of its territory.
    There are other disadvantages too. Conclusion: the article was written from a Stalinist position solely with the aim of once again kicking the so-called “liberals”, that is, supporters of Russia’s development along a market path, completely groundlessly accusing them of trying to distort the history of the country in order to ultimately deliberately destroy it. In fact, the history of our country has long been distorted under the pressure of party ideology precisely by Stalinist historians back in the USSR. The task of all honest historians today is to restore the true history of our state, without embellishing or denigrating anything to please anyone’s political interests.
    1. +2
      17 May 2013 18: 40
      Quote: yurta2013
      The author, of course, made a lot of fun at the truly historically illiterate statements of the female politician, while completely groundlessly accusing her (and at the same time all “liberals”) of malicious attacks against Russia.

      I am far from being a “Stalinist”; I don’t like much about my Russia. But..
      A politician must be precise, and the statements of a female politician must be verified.
      History is a malleable girl; when a historian (gender does not matter!) pulls something under the spotlight, the fact itself, as a rule, becomes insignificant compared to its interpretation.
      If a LADY shuffles the facts as she pleases, while shoving her fist into my country, into the history of my country, calling me into the super-democracy of the 90s, I see malicious intent in that. I don't believe in the virginity of her thoughts.
      1. yurta2013
        18 May 2013 09: 50
        To be honest, I have never read or listened to what Latynina says or writes. However, she is not a historian and therefore hardly deserves a detailed refutation article on a military-historical topic. What she said is her personal opinion and nothing more. And “democracy,” by the way, is not such a bad word. Translated into Russian it means “democracy”. I hope you don’t have the desire to spit on this word either.
        1. +1
          18 May 2013 10: 55
          A personal opinion said on air becomes not personal but public. The word "democracy" means democracy but does not mean manipulation of public opinion. If you remember, the socialist principle was democratic centralism. And unlike “pluralism,” it relied on the broad masses and not on the opinion of individuals in the image of Latynina. Unlike tolerance, it always had its own socio-political positions, which could not be turned upside down simply by a statement by some Solzhenitsyn or Novodvorskaya.
    2. +1
      17 May 2013 18: 47
      Quote: yurta2013
      Particularly impressive is the assertion that the capture of Berlin by Soviet troops warned England against attacking the USSR. As evidence, a certain April plan by Churchill to start a war against the USSR in July 1945 is cited. At the same time, for some reason, he forgot to cite the sources of this information, although he regularly supplied them with previous arguments

      he just didn’t think that there would be people who didn’t know quite simple things

      please plan UNTHOUGHT

      By the way, if you want to broaden your horizons, type into the search the plan for an attack by the United States (NATO) on the USSR.
      there will be at least a dozen of them there.
      1. yurta2013
        18 May 2013 09: 57
        Actually, I don’t have the slightest desire to look for someone’s plans to attack the USSR. Plans are plans. They are always composed of self-respecting headquarters of participants in any military-political confrontation. To correct the one-sided imbalance in education, I advise you to look in our archives for the plans of the Soviet General Staff in the event of a war with potential opponents. I think you will also find a lot of interesting things there.
        1. 0
          18 May 2013 12: 59
          Quote: yurta2013
          Actually, I don't have the slightest desire to look for someone's plans

          you know, when I read your posts, I get a strange impression that your logical thinking is not okay.

          At first you accused the author of “inventing” a plan for the “allies” to attack the USSR.
          then (when this fact was presented to you) you stated that you were not going to look for anything (find out, read)
          in my opinion it looks strange, illogical and inconsistent.

          Well, about the USSR’s plans for Western Europe.
          In fact, it was you (as the one who touched upon the topic) who should have brought these plans.
          and then pay attention to WHEN they were developed, and IN REPLY TO WHAT.

          When you figure this out, then we can continue the discussion.

          all the best.
  88. +1
    17 May 2013 18: 20
    Quote: yurta2013
    The task of all honest historians today is to restore the true history of our state

    Well, this is not about the said lady. In Tbilisi today people like her were beaten naturally.
    1. +1
      17 May 2013 21: 40
      Quote: Chen
      In Tbilisi today people like her were beaten naturally.

      Yeah. The Georgians made us happy today. Well done! In general, now there is a feeling that the coming wars will not be based on national or religious principles, but on sexual ones. Look, in France, Christians and Muslims have united against LGBT people.
    2. yurta2013
      18 May 2013 10: 00
      Latynina is not a historian. But there is no particular point in paying attention to the writings of publicists. By the way, these exist not only among liberals. Many Stalinist scribblers have long deserved no less a thrashing for their lies.
      1. 0
        18 May 2013 13: 09
        Quote: yurta2013
        But there is no particular point in paying attention to the writings of publicists.

        and why exactly?
        Is she saying something worthwhile?
        recently she was looking for the side number of the Chelyabinsk meteorite, what does this relate to?
        after all, she is not interested in any other topics


        as far as I can judge from her publications and speeches,

        and about "ignore"

        Now, if someone starts writing bad words about YOU on the door of YOUR house, YOU won’t pay attention either?

        there is such a thing it's called


        think about it.
  89. cool.ya-nikola
    17 May 2013 19: 19
    Quote: vlad.1924
    Why has the enemy of Russia and werewolf Yulia Latynina been living in Moscow for so many years with the money of Russia’s enemies and at the same time ruining Russian history and generally harming the Russian state?

    And, if we add to this that “Echo of Moscow” (an openly enemy radio station, where the above-mentioned Yulia works), is maintained at the expense of Gazprom (as far as I know, a state company, to which, you and I, we regularly bring monthly your own rubles!), then in general, such masochism becomes incomprehensible! Apparently this is a great mystery!... Wonderful are your deeds, O Lord!...
    For those who like to laugh, I can also recommend looking for Yulin’s comment on You Tube, entitled “Why couldn’t the Russian army reach Tbilisi?” For those who have no particular desire to look for outright nonsense, the newly-minted “military expert”, Madame Latynina, in a nutshell, I inform you that it turns out that all of our military equipment simply broke down, got stuck in ditches, and therefore was never able to get to Tbilisi. Something like that! wassat
    And finally, a question: - brothers, Muscovites, why do you have so much rubbish in the Mother See!?...
  90. Anat1974
    17 May 2013 19: 33
    You know, friends, I have known similar ladies. Anger, bile, inadequacy. You can argue until you are hoarse with Latin, although there is no need, you can discuss its pearls, but this is pointless and unproductive. She just needs a man and everything will pass. (Just where to find it for such a beauty).
    1. DPN
      17 May 2013 20: 41
      It looks like all the anger is right that no one is ****!
  91. The comment was deleted.
    1. +1
      17 May 2013 20: 02
      Why do you want the forum members to believe in the 1,5 billion who were arrested personally by Stalin? Mrs. Latynina does not have such a habit of listening to opponents - for her, everything that is said against her point of view is nonsense that she does not even want to discuss. What do you want from the citizens of the country who are tired of the lies and humiliation of the “democratic” press?
      1. -8
        17 May 2013 20: 22
        Quote: dddym
        does not have such a habit of listening to opponents
        - well, this is primarily for the mentioned “forum members”
        Quote: dddym
        citizens of the country who are tired of the lies and humiliation of the “democratic” press
        and this is mainly for “forum members”, and not for citizens of the country
        therefore, once again the quote (see above, so as not to be taken as a personal appeal) “... it’s too early to suck each other’s dicks...” (the emphasis is not on “early”, but on “each other” - no one with “forum members "does not argue - they are disdainful, like me)
        Personally, the paranoid delirium that constitutes the vast majority of comments turns me off from any discussion of this topic...
        1. 0
          18 May 2013 08: 37
          Are you sure your name is not Yulia? fellow
        2. 0
          18 May 2013 13: 17
          Quote: alex86
          no one argues with the “forum members” - they are disdainful, like me)

          try it just for fun.

          This is not a rambler, and not an ear with soap.

          Here you need to ARGUMENT your theses.

          and your verbiage about
          Quote: alex86
          "'s too early to suck each other's dicks..."

          leave it for sexual minority forums.
          1. +1
            18 May 2013 19: 06
            Onee writers cannot read :) And they are not even trained for discussion. They simply label it as Surkov’s propaganda and that’s all...
  92. +2
    17 May 2013 20: 02
    I read Madame Yulia’s “literary pearls” and understand that her uncles from the CIA and their colleagues from the European Union helped her in this concoction. The stupidity of these “experts” on Russia is visible in every paragraph. I would like to wish Yulia to help her Western curators study the history of Russia! I agree with the opinion that Love Yulichka is missing.
  93. +1
    17 May 2013 20: 15
    I don’t see any point in trying to argue with these pi-pi-pi-pi, you can’t prove anything anyway.
    they have a pathological hatred of everything Russian, such as they wrote congratulatory telegrams to the Japanese emperor, for them people in blue uniforms were entirely satraps, and the SMERSHists were related to the SS-Soviet people.
    It’s a pity that there is no dueling code and you can’t just shoot them in a duel.
    there is only one thing left to do, at the first meeting, spit in the face
  94. DPN
    17 May 2013 20: 39
    Starikov is a great fellow and a patriot of his HOMELAND, the only writer who writes about the greatness of our country, proving it with facts and thereby uniting the people, and does not create discord between the population of RUSSIA.
    Only now for some reason they are printing books by the traitor Rezun
    - Suvorov, and this journalist also seems to be fulfilling someone’s order for a lot of money, just as Solzhenitsyn crap on his country for the Nobel Prize in his time.

    Is it surprising to study at the expense of the state and then pour stench on it?
  95. Avenger711
    17 May 2013 20: 59
    According to Mendeleev’s forecast, there should already be 600 million of us.

    When Mendeleev made his forecast, he had no idea that in 100 years a normal Soviet family would include not 5-6, but 2-3 children.

    Maybe it’s enough to demonstrate your complete illiteracy? And if it weren’t for 1917, we would not have existed at all, or we would have been slaves to the same Germans. I don’t see the point in reading the rest of the “refutations”; Latynina, of course, is a fool and a stupid vagina, but the “refutator” is clearly no smarter.
  96. +1
    17 May 2013 21: 20
    Looks like they were in so much trouble :) I still can’t calm down :)
  97. -1
    17 May 2013 22: 12
    In 1913, 170 million people lived in the Russian Empire, which accounted for 10% of the world's population. After India and China, it was the largest population on Earth.

    Without even bothering with calculations, we will see that the population is much larger than the 170 million it was in 1913.

    Wait, maybe Latynina claims that the population of today's Russia should be equal population of the Russian Empire at the level of 1913?
    She only says that the population of Russia should be at least third in the world! (as it was at the beginning of the twentieth century)

    Now the third place in the world, after China and India, is occupied by the United States (316 million people as of 2013).
    Alas, the population of Russia, even combined with the population of Ukraine, Moldova and other republics of the USSR (here we can also add Finland - a former colony of Tsarist Russia) is not close to the value of 316 million.

    The author-provocateur took phrases out of context, attributed his erroneous conclusions to Latynina and argues with himself.
    1. +1
      23 May 2013 16: 34
      sweetie, read the whole thing and don’t distort it yourself...
  98. Red hornet
    17 May 2013 22: 44
    Red-haired Yulya is burning and rushing about “like an oscilloscope needle”!!!
    An excerpt from her book “Land of War”, in which she was noted as a rare “expert” in ballistics:
    "... The bullet hit in the most amazing way, at the tip of the little finger, ripped open the entire finger, came out from the back of the hand and hit the bolt of the machine gun. There it split into three parts, and two of them ricocheted into Jamaluddin’s shoulder, and a soft lead ball inside "The bullet flew off and hit just above the eyebrow. Because the bullet was jumping back and forth for so long, it lost speed and did not pierce the head, but simply slid along the temple, tearing off skin and hair." laughing

    Well, and also, a scattering of pearls, little things:

    * Now, if you look at all these countries, what unites them? They are united by what they are.
    * Those KV tanks that were also built were also the best in the world and fired concrete-piercing shells and fired howitzers.
    * Cases of anti-government signs have become more frequent in the district
    * What do you mean, Andropov - should I work at night for that kind of money?
    * They stopped at the threshold and began to look at Kirill, curious and angry, like ferrets into whose hole a flounder has swum...
    * (“Gazeta.Ru”, 30.10.09) The technique with which the helicopters were shot down was very specific: a grenade launcher shot at the right rear engine.
    * (“Novaya Gazeta”, 15.02.2013/XNUMX/XNUMX) Alas, the picture clearly shows that the satellite photographed a meteorite plume in the atmosphere. For some reason he didn’t photograph it in space.
    * ...comrade killed people like a combine harvester mowed cabbage. Or do combine harvesters not cut cabbage? (
    * The KV tank could destroy any German tank and any howitzer at any distance.

  99. zaitsev
    17 May 2013 23: 24
    Send Latynina out of the country to her owners. There, no one will need her and she will end up like Berezovsky (I don’t want to write with a capital letter) - without a homeland, without loved ones, having committed suicide, without a chance to be buried humanly.
  100. Seraph
    17 May 2013 23: 41
    2018 The 3rd trial of traitors to the Motherland is underway in Moscow. The moratorium on the death penalty has been lifted. In front of a massive gathering of the public and the media, the chief prosecutor reads out the verdict against former liberal journalists who have been corrupting the consciousness of Russian citizens for many years. After the announcement of the sentence - 10 years in prison - mass demonstrations took place in Moscow and other cities demanding tougher punishment; There were clashes with the police. The result was a decision on a people's court, which made the decision expected by society: death by hanging. Early in the morning one October day, 24 paddy wagons were transporting prisoners from the pre-trial detention center towards Tushinsky Field, where rows of gallows were installed...
    1. yurta2013
      18 May 2013 09: 37
      You should hang everything. These are truly worthy followers of Stalin. How many people have been killed in their time, and still everything is numb.
      1. 0
        18 May 2013 10: 55
        Quote: yurta2013
        How many people were killed in their time, but still it’s numb

        how much just in numbers and links to sources, otherwise some here have already taken aim at a third of the world’s population
        1. +2
          18 May 2013 11: 00
          one and a half billion then is not a third :))) It’s 68% :))))
          1. +1
            18 May 2013 11: 02
            I’m too lazy to look for the exact numbers at a glance, the meaning is the same
            one thing is not clear who fought with whom then, they were all in Siberia
      2. DPN
        7 July 2013 08: 25
        Yes, how many people Yeltsin and Gorbachev killed, this has already happened before your eyes. But to believe fairy tales or fiction is dearer to the country and the people.