The delights of officer life in modern Russia

The delights of officer life in modern RussiaThe officer of modern Russia - who is he? Does he wear his form proudly or is he ashamed of her? The answer for many is obvious. Especially for the officers themselves and for their families.

The sacred duty of every citizen is to protect the Motherland. The officers in the service of Russia fulfill this duty in full. But for some reason there is no talk about the state’s debt to these people. And it would be necessary. Someone, of course, can argue. To say that for officers there are certain benefits, for example, free medical care, once a year - free travel for the family members of the officer to the place of leave and back, even state certificates for housing. But officers with their families are well aware of how reluctant the state is to take these steps in relation to people who give years of life, and often their health, to protect it. But in reality one can only see a deterioration in social security for both military personnel and their family members. And only various mass media unreasonably publish the statements of officials about the increase in the monetary allowance for officers. In fact, this turns out to be, at best, a penny increase in salary, often one-time. Here, it is appropriate to recall the “four hundredth order” of the RF Minister from 2, September 2008, sensational in its time. Why it was created for many servicemen is still a mystery. Instead of evenly distributing the payments between the officers, the state then simply “appointed the best”, while the rest were simply out of work.

When the situation is so complex as a whole, the question of young officer families is particularly acute. A large-scale reduction of the officer corps is coming, and what it will entail, only God knows ... But now it is clear that the reform of the army will entail multiple moves from the garrison to the garrison for a huge number of officers and their families. And this means that their children will need to arrange in new schools, kindergartens and colleges. Many old-timers have repeatedly encountered this problem. As is usually the case: the officer is transferred to another city, and he goes to kindergarten, located near the military unit. And what is the answer? It is advised to sign up in a queue, or, even better, to bring up children at home. And this, in turn, leads to another problem. Indeed, in this case, the officer's wife is forced to give up work and stay at home with the children. That, with a very small rate of captains, lieutenants, and even more so, contract soldiers, very significantly affects the family budget. No wonder Viktor Zavarzin, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense, insisted on amending the Law “On the Status of Military Personnel”. The law now allegedly guarantees for the children of officers the right of priority admission to general education and pre-school institutions. It should also be noted that the Ministry of Defense undertakes to compensate officers for payment for kindergarten.

All this is of course good, but the facts are stubborn things. And the facts show that about 31go percent of families of officers is below the poverty line. Due to the constant lack of money, about 41 percent of junior officers are not married, and 19 percent of senior officers are afraid of having children. Yes, it is not surprising. Prices for children's clothes, toys, food - a huge part of the budget of any family. For example, only one pram Cybex worth about three hundred euros. Not every family can afford such luxury. What then to say about the families of officers with their paltry rate?

At the same time, the state creates laws, amends the existing ones and, with the help of the media, talks about how it cares for the military. Where is this concern in practice? But young officer families, more than anyone else, need such care. Huge sums of money are allocated annually and monthly from the budget. Especially - now, when the decision on the reorganization of the army. Where this money goes, simple officers in the majority do not even guess.

Funny and sad at the same time. Because the most important problem for the state is the annual change of style of buttons on the soldier’s uniform. Then it is presented as a reorganization of the army. And human problems, in particular, the problems of young officer families, often simply remain behind the scenes of public policy. Such is the bitter truth ...
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  1. Stranez
    15 December 2010 01: 47
    Something recently listening and reading the news and somehow trying to comprehend what I saw and read, I began to strongly doubt the existence of a relationship between the well-being of an individual family or person and his need for a family to create and have children ...

    Our Grandparents often lived in harsher conditions than we gave birth not one at a time, two children.

    The problem is something else, maybe even deeper ...
  2. max
    15 December 2010 08: 25
    who does not want to feed his army will feed someone else's !!!
  3. Sergei
    15 December 2010 20: 54
    In Turkey, the girls did not want to marry the military. Not that was a social status. Everything in the country changed after the well-known events and officers in the military rank up to colonel inclusive organized these events. Now in this country, no serious decision is made without the participation of the military.