New generation hypersonic shock systems using guided aerial bombs

New generation hypersonic shock systems using guided aerial bombs

Over the millennia, mankind has developed a rule according to which, in order to survive and defeat the enemy weapon It must be more accurate, faster and more powerful than the enemy. Meets these requirements in modern conditions aviation weapons. Currently, abroad guided aircraft weapons (UAPs), in particular guided aircraft bombs (UAB), whose caliber lies in a wide range - from 9 to 13600 kg, are being intensively developed: they are equipped with new types of guidance and control systems, effective combat parts, methods of combat use are being improved. UAB are an indispensable accessory of modern strike aviation systems (UAK) for tactical and strategic purposes. Despite the high level of efficiency of modern UAB prototypes, being part of the UAK, they do not always meet the requirements of fulfilling promising combat missions. As a rule, UAKs operate near the front line, while all efficiency is lost.

Local wars of the last decades, and above all military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, have revealed the inadequacy of conventional high-precision weapons, including the UAB. When performing a combat mission, too much time passes from the moment the target is detected and the decision to attack is taken until its defeat. For example, a B-2 Spirit bomber, taking off from an airfield in the United States, must fly 12-15 hours before the target area of ​​attack. Therefore, in modern conditions it is necessary to have a rapid-response weapon and a high-precision action at a long distance, reaching tens of thousands of kilometers.

One of the areas of research to fulfill these requirements abroad is the creation of a new generation of hypersonic shock systems. Work on the creation of hypersonic aircraft (LA) (missiles) and kinetic weapons, with the ability to accurately target targets are conducted in the United States, Britain, France and Germany.

Studying foreign experience is extremely important for us, because before the domestic defense industry complex (DIC), as noted by D. Rogozin in his article “Russia needs smart defense” (The newspaper “Krasnaya Zvezda”. 2012. - February 7. - С . 3) tasked to "in the shortest possible time to regain the global technological leadership in the field of weapons production." As noted in the article by V.V. Putin's “To Be Strong: National Security Guarantees for Russia” (Rossiyskaya Gazeta Newspaper. - 2012. - No. 5708 (35). - February 20. - C. 1-3) “The task of the coming decade is to The Armed Forces could rely on a fundamentally new technique. It shoots more precisely at a technique that “sees” further, reacts faster than similar systems of any potential adversary. ”

To achieve this, you need to thoroughly know the state, trends and main areas of work abroad. Of course, our specialists always performed R & D efforts to fulfill this condition. But in today's situation, when “the defense industry complex does not have an opportunity to calmly catch up with someone, we have to make a breakthrough, become leading inventors and producers ... Responding to the threats and challenges of today only means condemning ourselves to the eternal role of the laggards. We must by all means ensure technical, technological, and organizational superiority over any potential adversary ”(From the article by V. Putin).

It is believed that for the first time the creation of hypersonic aircrafts was proposed in 1930-s in Germany by Professor Eigen Zenger and engineer Irena Bredt. It was proposed to create an airplane that starts horizontally on a rocket catapult under the influence of rocket engines accelerating to a speed of about 5900 m / s, making a transcontinental flight with a range of 5-7 thousand km along a ricochet trajectory with dumping a combat load of up to 10 t and making an aircraft landing at a range more 20 thousand km from the starting point.

Considering the development of rocket science 1930-ies, engineer S. Korolev and pilot-observer E. Burch (Korolev S., Burch E. Rocket on the war // Young Technicians. - 1935. - №5. - C. 57-59) They proposed a scheme for the use of a rocket combat airplane of a stratoplane: “Turning to bombing, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the accuracy of hitting from heights measured in dozens of kilometers and at enormous speeds of the stratoplane should be negligible. But it’s quite possible that the approach to the target in the stratosphere is beyond the reach of ground weapons, rapid descent, bombing from ordinary heights, providing the necessary accuracy, and then a lightning ascent again to an unattainable height. ”

The concept of a global strike based on hypersonic weapons

Currently, this idea is beginning to materialize. In the United States in the middle of 1990, the concept of Global Reach - Global Power (“Global Reach - Global Power”) was formulated. In accordance with it, the United States should have the ability to attack land and surface targets anywhere in the world during 1-2 hours after an order is received, without using foreign military bases using conventional means of destruction, for example, UAB. It is possible to do this with the use of a new hypersonic weapon consisting of a hypersonic carrier platform and autonomous aircraft with a combat load, in particular UAB. The main properties of such weapons are high speed, long range, relatively high maneuverability, low visibility and high efficiency of use.

As part of the large-scale program of the US Armed Forces Global Strike (“Fast Global Strike”), which allows to strike conventional (non-nuclear) weapons of kinetic action on any part of the planet within one hour, and a new generation hypersonic shock system is being developed for the benefit of the US Army. two options:
• the first one, called AHW (Advanced Hypersonic Weapon), uses a disposable launch vehicle as a supersonic platform followed by launching a supersonic aircraft AHW (hypersonic planning aircraft can also be called a maneuvering warhead) equipped with guided aerial bombs to hit the target;
• The second one, called the FALCON HCV-2 shock hypersonic shock system, uses a hypersonic aircraft to create the conditions for launching an autonomous hypersonic gliding LA CAV that flies to the target and defeats it with the help of the UAB.

Fig.1 - Variants of the structurally-aerodynamic appearance of the shock hypersonic LA HCV

The first variant of the technical solution has a significant drawback, namely, that the launch vehicle delivering the hypersonic projectile to the launch point of the AHW can be mistaken for a nuclear warhead missile.

In 2003, the Air Force and the Advanced Development Department (DARPA) of the US Department of Defense based on their own developments and industry proposals for advanced hypersonic systems developed a new concept for a promising hypersonic shock system, called FALCON (Force Application and Launch from Continental US). launch from the continental United States ”) or“ Falcon ”. According to this concept, the FALCON shock system consists of a hypersonic reusable (for example, unmanned) carrier aircraft HCV (Hypersonic Cruise Vehicle - LA, flying at altitudes of the order of 40-60 km with hypersonic cruising speed, with a mass of payload up to 5400 kg and 15 range -17000 km) and reusable hypersonic highly maneuverable controlled glider CAV (Common Aero Vehicle - unified autonomous aircraft) with aerodynamic quality 3-5. Basing of HCV vehicles is assumed at airfields with a runway up to 3 km in length.

Lockheed-Martin Corporation was chosen as the lead developer of the HCV hypersonic percussion apparatus and the CAV delivery system of the FALCON shock system. In 2005, she began work on determining their technical appearance and assessing the technological feasibility of projects. The largest aerospace firms of the USA - Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Andrews Space are also connected to the works. Due to the high level of technological risk of the program, conceptual studies were conducted of several variants of experimental samples of delivery vehicles and their carriers with an assessment of the characteristics of maneuverability and controllability.

When discarded from a carrier at hypersonic speed, it can deliver to the target at a distance of up to 16000 km a different combat load with a maximum mass of 500 kg. The device is supposed to be performed according to a promising aerodynamic scheme, which provides high aerodynamic quality. For retargeting the device in flight and hitting targets detected within a radius of up to 5400, its equipment is supposed to include real-time data exchange equipment with various reconnaissance systems and control points. The defeat of stationary high-security (buried) targets will be provided by the use of means of defeat caliber 500 kg with penetrating warhead. Accuracy (circular probable deviation) should be about 3 m at a meeting speed with a target of up to 1200 m / s.

Fig.2 - Autonomous hypersonic LA CAV

A hypersonic gliding LA CAV with aerodynamic controls has a mass of approximately 900 kg, which can be up to six on a carrier plane, carries in its combat compartment two conventional 226 kg bombs. The accuracy of the use of bombs is very high - 3 meter. The range of the actual CAV may be about 5000 km. In fig. 2 presents a scheme for the separation of penetrating weapons using inflatable shells.

The FALCON hypersonic shock system combat use scheme looks approximately as follows. After receiving the job, the HCV hypersonic bomber takes off from a conventional aerodrome and, using a combined propulsion system (DU), accelerates to a speed approximately corresponding to M = 6. When this speed is reached, the remote control switches to the hypersonic ramjet mode, accelerating the aircraft to M = 10 and a height of at least 40 km. At a given moment, the CAV hypersonic planning aircraft LA detach from the aircraft carrier, which, after completing the combat mission for hitting targets, return to the airfield of one of the US overseas air bases (if the CAV is equipped with its own engine and necessary fuel, it can return to the continental US ) (fig. 3).

Fig.3 - The combat application of a HVA using a wave-like flight path of the impact aircraft

There are two types of flight paths. The first type characterizes the wave-like trajectory for a hypersonic aircraft, which was proposed by German engineer Eigen Senger in the bomber design as early as World War II. The meaning of the wave-like trajectory is as follows. Due to acceleration, the device leaves the atmosphere and turns off the engine, saving fuel. Then, under the influence of gravity, the plane returns to the atmosphere and turns on the engine again (for a short while, only on 20-40 с), which again throws the device into space. Such a trajectory, in addition to increasing the range, also contributes to cooling the design of the bomber when it is in space. Flight altitude does not exceed 60 km, and the wave step is about 400 km. The second type of trajectory has a classic straight flight trajectory.

Experimental research on the creation of hypersonic weapons

Hypersonic HTV models (Hypersonic Test Vehicle) weighing about 900 kg and up to 5 m in length were proposed to evaluate their performance, controllability and thermal loads at speeds M = 10 - HTV-1, HTV-2, HTV-3.

Fig.4 - Experimental hypersonic aircraft HTV-1

Fig.5 - Experimental hypersonic aircraft HTV-2

Fig.6 - Experimental hypersonic aircraft HTV-3

Fig.7 - Profile test flight hypersonic LA HTV-2

The HTV-1 with the duration of the controlled flight of the 800 with the speed M = 10 was removed from the tests due to the technological complexity in the manufacture of the heat shield and the wrong design solutions (Fig. 4).

The HTV-2 is built on an integrated circuit with sharp leading edges and provides 3,5-4 quality, which, the developers believe, will ensure the specified planning distance, as well as maneuverability and controllability using aerodynamic shields for aiming at the target with the required accuracy (Fig 5). According to the Congressional Research Service (CRS), the FALCON HTV-2 hypersonic device is capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 27000 km and can reach speeds up to 20 Mach numbers (23000 km / h).

The HTV-3 is a scale model of the HCV hypersonic strike aircraft with aerodynamic quality 4-5 (Fig. 6). The model is designed to evaluate the adopted technological and structural solutions, aerodynamic and flight performance, as well as maneuverability and controllability in the interests of the further development of the HCV aircraft. Flight tests were supposed to be carried out in 2009. The total cost of the model fabrication and flight tests was estimated at $ 50 million.

Testing of the impact complex was supposed to be carried out in 2008-2009. using rocket carriers. The test flight of the HTV-2 hypersonic aircraft is shown in fig. 7.

As studies have shown, the main issues of concern for the creation of a hypersonic aircraft will be associated with the development of a power plant, the choice of fuel and structural materials, aerodynamics and flight dynamics, and a control system.

The choice of the aerodynamic scheme and the structural layout of the aircraft should be based on the condition of ensuring the joint operation of the air intake, power plant and other elements of the aircraft. At hypersonic speeds, the questions of studying the efficiency of aerodynamic controls, with minimal areas of stabilizing and control surfaces, articulated moments, especially when approaching the target area at a speed of about 1600 m / s, become paramount, first of all, to ensure the strength of the design and high-precision targeting target.

According to preliminary studies, the temperature on the surface of the hypersonic device reaches 1900 ° С, while for the normal functioning of the onboard equipment the temperature inside the compartment should be no higher than 70 ° C. Therefore, the device body must have a heat-resistant shell of high-temperature materials and multilayer heat protection based on existing currently constructive materials.

The hypersonic device is equipped with a combined inertial-satellite control system and in the future a finite homing system of optical-electronic or radar type.

To ensure straightforward flight, direct-flow engines are considered the most promising for military systems: SPRRD (supersonic ramjet) and scramjet (hypersonic ramjet). They are simple in design, since they have practically no moving parts (except for the fuel supply pump) using conventional hydrocarbon fuel.

Fig.8 - Hypersonic LA X-51A

Fig.9 - Launch of AHW hypersonic aircraft from a launch vehicle

Fig.10 - Autonomous hypersonic aircraft HTV-2 in flight

The aerodynamic scheme and design of the CAV apparatus are being worked out within the framework of the X-41 project, and the carrier aircraft - under the X-51 program. The purpose of the X-51A program is to demonstrate the possibilities of creating a scramjet, developing heat-resistant materials, integrating an airframe and an engine, as well as other technologies necessary for flight in the range of 4,5-6,5 M. Within the framework of this program, work is also underway to create a ballistic missile with conventional warhead, Kh-51A Waverider hypersonic missile and orbital drone X-37V.

According to CRS, funding for the program in 2011 amounted to 239,9 million, of which 69 million was spent on AHW.

The US DoD has conducted another test of the advanced hypersonic weapon AHW (Advanced Hypersonic Weapon). The test of the munition took place on November 17 2011. The main purpose of the test was to test the munition for maneuverability, controllability and resistance to high temperature effects. It is known that AHW was bred to the upper atmosphere using a launch vehicle launched from an air base in Hawaii (Fig. 9). After separating the ammunition from the rocket, he planned and hit the target on the Marshall Islands near Kwajalein Atoll, located four thousand kilometers south-west of Hawaii, at a hypersonic speed five times the speed of sound. The flight lasted less than 30 min.

According to Pentagon spokesperson Melinda Morgan, the purpose of testing the ammunition was to collect data on the AHW aerodynamics, its controllability and resistance to high temperatures.

The last HTV-2 tests took place in mid-August 2011 and were unsuccessful (Fig. 10).

According to experts, it is possible to adopt the shock hypersonic system of the new generation of the first generation up to 2015 g. It is considered necessary to provide with a one-time launch vehicle up to 16 starts per day. The launch cost is about 5 million.
The creation of a full-scale shock system is expected no earlier than 2025-2030.

The idea of ​​a military use of a stratoplane with a rocket engine, proposed by S. Korolev and E. Burch in the 1930-ies, according to research conducted in the United States, begins to be implemented in projects to create a new-generation shock hypersonic weapon.
The use of UAB in the composition of a hypersonic autonomous apparatus when attacking a target imposes high requirements on providing high-precision guidance in conditions of hypersonic flight and thermal protection of equipment from the effects of kinetic heating.

Using the example of the development of hypersonic weapons in the United States, we see that the capabilities for the combat use of the UAB are far from exhausted and they are determined not only by the tactical and technical characteristics of the UAB itself, which provides the specified range, accuracy and probability of destruction, but also by means of delivery. In addition, the implementation of this project can also solve the peaceful task of promptly delivering cargo or rescue equipment to any place on earth.

The material presented makes us seriously think about the content of the main directions of development of domestic guided strike systems until 2020-2030. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the statement of D. Rogozin (D. Rogozin. Work on the exact algorithm // National Defense. - 2012. - No. 2. - P. 34-406): "... we must abandon the idea of" catching up and overtaking "... And it is unlikely that in a short time we will gather the strength and capabilities that would allow us to catch up with high-tech countries at incredible speeds. This does not need to be done. We need something else, much more complicated ... We need to calculate the course of the armed struggle with a prospect of up to 30 years, determine this point, and reach it. To understand what we need, that is, to prepare weapons not of tomorrow or even the day after tomorrow, but on historical a week in advance ... I repeat, do not think about what they are doing in the USA, in France, in Germany, think about what they will have in 30 years. And you have to create something that will be better than what they have now. “Do not follow them, try to understand where everything is heading, and then we will win.”

That is, it is necessary to understand whether a similar task has arisen for us, and if “yes”, how to solve it.
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  1. ramsi
    16 March 2013 10: 09
    interesting information. Nothing even comes to mind, except for a full-scale nuclear strike in response to a noticed attack. For the "Papuans" such ammunition is completely redundant. Strategic opponents remain.
    And here already such games do not pass.
    1. w.ebdo.g
      16 March 2013 11: 06
      ramsi, on the site everything is like in life ... some speak on the case and are specialists, while others carry such crap - the main thing is to say the fastest of all, in the hope that the "plus signs" will be made)))

      Thanks for attention.
      1. ramsi
        16 March 2013 12: 01
        buddy, well, no pluses are needed. And what is your constructive?
      2. yak69
        16 March 2013 13: 45
        The author of the article very precisely defines the principle of arms development - we need to develop our science in such a way that it works for the distant future, 50-100 years. And in fact in our USSR there was just such a science. Now she is gone. It’s stupid to pour tears, it is necessary to restore it.
        Amer in the early 20th century "calculated" that the strength of the state in the number of highly educated citizens and began to buy "tadpoles" from all over the world (they themselves print candy wrappers). We have also achieved a lot on ideological grounds. Then they realized that our strength lies in our ideology and began to corrupt us in every way. And we, too, are good, for the gum and sneakers "lay" under them. Now amerovskoy grub got drunk to vomit and want to go back to the great USSR!
        Well, then let's really move towards him, each in his own place - a scientist in his office, an engineer at a factory, a traffic cop on the road, an officer in the service. And not for the good and honor, but for the love of the motherland (after all, this was precisely what our fathers and grandfathers who created the great country were guided by).
        Are you ready ?!
        Or again, we will begin to talk about the fact that "" they steal around and what am I, red-haired or what? "

        It is easy and pleasant to work for a lot of money in a comfortable environment. In our conditions, success comes only through self-denial and self-sacrifice. Such is the specificity of Russian life - our wealth does not give rest to the whole world.
        1. +3
          16 March 2013 16: 17
          Quote: yak69
          In our conditions, success comes only through self-denial and self-sacrifice.

          That's why the tadpoles at any opportunity and dump over the hill ... Correct it! hi
          And on the topic of the article. Why wait for something?
          - Take your time in advance to throw enough UABs into orbit,
          - Again, calmly, slowly, dilute them according to pre-selected goals, without rushing to aim,
          - And then again, calmly, not rushing to use them as needed: it slowed down the product and then it itself will fall to the right place.
          1. Uncle Vasya
            17 March 2013 13: 47
            This contradicts the treaties on the non-proliferation of weapons in outer space, then it’s easier to place platforms with nuclear warheads in geostationary orbit over the United States, which is equivalent to declaring war on any developed world power.
          2. imperiologist
            17 March 2013 13: 50
            and the so-called tadpoles should not be allowed out of the country at all. Universities should distribute them to work as before with a mandatory contract for at least 10 years, and now every jerk is already dreaming of working on an American life for Uncle Sema, the amers tried to brainwash our citizens with their own films about pseudo-wonderful life
            1. +1
              17 March 2013 17: 24
              What is the minus? Case man says.
            2. imperiologist
              17 March 2013 19: 51
              oh, the liberals are backing the minusers! or what a tadpole of Americanoliz wound up
            3. 0
              17 March 2013 20: 05
              Quote: imperiolist
              and the so-called tadpoles should not be allowed out of the country at all. Universities should distribute them to work as before with a mandatory contract for at least 10 years, and now every jerk is already dreaming of working on an American life for Uncle Sema, the amers tried to brainwash our citizens with their own films about pseudo-wonderful life

              Well, if only they paid normally and ensured normal work, when scientists think only about science and their development was needed by the country, and did not go into the closet. No one would leave, but according to your logic, 10 years a person should work for bread and water.
              Although huge amounts of money are being allocated for science in Russia (by the standards of Russia), it’s probably, as always, miserable crumbs reach real scientists, and the rest is taken away by officials in their pockets.
              1. Kir
                17 March 2013 21: 13
                If this is a person, then he will understand how difficult it is and will live and fight together with everyone, but I don’t hold any non-patriots for people !, and if you think it’s good, but let's make it easier, immediately upon receipt sign a contract with the state, that the acquired skills and knowledge will never be used to the detriment of the country, to put it more simply, sir, you do not have the right to work for foreign companies that not only work in the defense industry, but also create products that are competing with ours, and if the courses of scavengers and janitors are not ready ? or for your grandmothers and only according to the allowed list of professions, and not in all universities, but with regards to the latter, and you try to hint at personal responsibility and surety when appointing to the post under vigilant control, immediately scream Tyranny, the Gulag and other words of the spell.
              2. imperiologist
                18 March 2013 19: 56
                Quote: Atrix
                if only they paid normally and provided normal work

                so maybe you and your mother will love more if she will pay you. No dear, our great Soviet science was created by patriots and not for millions. We tried for the children, for you and me!
                1. 0
                  18 March 2013 23: 28
                  Quote: imperiolist
                  Quote: Atrix
                  if only they paid normally and provided normal work

                  so maybe you and your mother will love more if she will pay you. No dear, our great Soviet science was created by patriots and not for millions. We tried for the children, for you and me!

                  What does Mother have to do with science? In Soviet times, scientists did not think about how to feed his children and where to get the money. Or when you have been working for 5-10 years to create something and they tell you why the fuck we need it, and in the west they give you a lot of money for your invention, What the hell should this scientist sit in a country that he doesn’t need? So there is no need to breed patriotic snot when the country (not the motherland, the motherland alone and they do not choose it) puts a big and thick hey on a person, a person also has the right to put on this country.
                  1. Kir
                    19 March 2013 03: 34
                    Atrix, to be sure, you, confusion and substitution of concepts in the best traditions of liberal rights defenders of crap, country and state Not the same thing, a country is a territory with a population, and the very definition of Patriotism is derived from the word Patria - Fatherland, Motherland, and the state this is an ideology, coupled with the institutions of power, so by definition, the country cannot do what you hang on it, and if Patria really does not need him and ......., then the character is complete ... it, But that's just what to do with his knowledge and experience that can be used to the detriment of his homeland, there is only one worthy way out to send the forest to cut down for 10 years or more, it all depends on what knowledge and skills he has, but when all of him " quality "will lose relevance let it roll anywhere, only irrevocably !!! Or, if unbearable, go through the procedure of erasing memory in certain areas,
                    1. 0
                      19 March 2013 07: 47
                      Quote: Kir

                      Yes, you have pseudo-patriotic concepts crammed in your head. If you are such a "patriot" that you propose to send people for 10 years, then start with yourself, give up everything Western, do not use the Internet, a mobile phone, do not watch American films, do not wear clothes of Western brands, do not drive cars of Western companies, set an example for your children and people around you, and then just start telling who to send there for 10 years. The homeland is where I was born, and the state is where I live, Just like a mother, one does not choose a homeland, but the state can choose where it is better for you to live and where you can realize yourself as a person, and not be a gray mass like everyone else.
                      And I wrote to you what to do with scientists who worked in the research institute for 5-10 years and invented advanced technologies for more than a year, and the state told them what the hell do we need? And in the west they were expected with their developments, and then the state buys these technologies for dollars in the west, what is the fault of this scientist that the state has idiots in power?
            4. +1
              17 March 2013 21: 07
              Quite right, they’re doing it in Belarus, but not for 10 years, you see, they will furnish us with science and high-tech industries.
            5. 0
              April 17 2013 03: 04
              And ten years not to leave, with the simultaneous removal from work related to the state of the art, after expressing a desire to change the host country ...
        2. +2
          17 March 2013 21: 06
          Wow! how everything is correct, concise and precise. If there were more patriots of Russia, they would have risen faster.
      3. vladsolo56
        16 March 2013 14: 11
        What are those who, for the sake of pluses here, is that such a game? Well, I thought it was a serious project.
      16 March 2013 13: 59
      If it’s like Serdyukov’s, then such a scheme will go soon. (You can start minus)
    3. -1
      April 13 2013 20: 46
      In Iran, it will be the same for the United States. Well, in the future, you look, there is a reduction in nuclear weapons, improvement of missile defense + hypersonic shock systems. It may be that all this levels the significance of nuclear weapons. In any case, it will allow the United States to maintain that gap with its regional opponents, even if a number of countries have their own few strategic nuclear forces.
  2. Xtra1l
    16 March 2013 11: 08
    Similar to our Pak da
    1. +1
      17 March 2013 20: 08
      Quote: Xtra1l
      Similar to our Pak da

      Your PAK YES is even not even in the drawings, only a couple of weeks ago it seemed like they approved what it would be and the characteristics would be similar to those of the B-2 (maybe better)
  3. lechatormosis
    16 March 2013 11: 34
    Yes, the idea presented in the article is correct - the race for the west is meaningless.
    The development mouse should be 2 steps ahead in front.
    And then we will not be afraid of any missile defense of the United States and NATO.
  4. -2
    16 March 2013 11: 45
    in general, science fiction, everything stated in the article will be developed in 30 years and cut by 3, if anyone else needs
  5. +6
    16 March 2013 12: 31
    In principle, I did not learn anything fundamentally new from the article. Hypersonic work has been going on for a long time both in the states and here. Everything rests on creating a workable engine and solving the problem of heating the aircraft structure.
    A similar article was published in April 2008. in the magazine "Around the World"

    According to Boris Obnosov, CEO of Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation

    Research in the field of hypersonic aircraft will allow technically and technologically bringing Russian industry to a fundamentally new level of development, since their creation in terms of the complexity of the task is comparable to the launch of the first man into space. After all, hypersound is a comprehensive topic, it involves the development of new engines, new fuel for them, new materials, new on-board electronics, new warheads. In this case, we are talking about speeds of 12-14 M. Such a weapon is designed for completely new conditions for its use. In Russia, the Director General emphasized, while there is a certain reserve on this topic and Now the main thing is not to lose time. “We are working and in the near future the results will be”.
  6. +2
    16 March 2013 12: 40
    It is necessary to calculate the course of conducting an armed struggle with a prospect of up to 30 years, determine this point, and reach it. To understand what we need, that is, to prepare weapons not of tomorrow or even the day after tomorrow, but for the historical week ahead ... I repeat, do not think about what they are doing in the USA, in France, in Germany, think about what they will have in 30 years. And you have to create something that will be better than what they have now .--------------- This is what Rogozin said. request But what about the technologies, the production base, you can't think of them. They are developed empirically, consistently. But like this: sit down, "think" and make a wonder weapon. Well, I don't know, maybe there are some promising, breakthrough, unique developments .Everything is secret bully
  7. +1
    16 March 2013 14: 21
    The arms race for the states was like a gamble, a game. They underestimated the USSR, the country after the war and all that, they wanted to spin the USSR for money and ruin it, which they did. In the United States, everything was more conditional, but the union took a serious approach to the matter, and even now I think ours are not fools. Who knows what the research institutes are preparing for our overseas "friends". When our missile defense system flew in space, the Stars and Stripes could not imagine it in a dream.
    1. Kir
      16 March 2013 15: 14
      Well, they not only threw us into spending, the main thing is that with the collapse of Us, these bastards got a lot of unparalleled developments, But only this was possible due to the fact that We had a completely uncleaned "5 column", and part of the top, in particular their kids didn’t want to live as before, because look at the infection through them and got here! So it turns out, whatever one may say, but without Repression and Total Control over everything and everything, it will not turn out to turn the situation around.
      And it’s not the last one, it’s a national policy.All residents of the State should be completely equal before the law and not any privileges and privileges, otherwise places in universities were reserved for national cadres, and of course a criminal (I don’t know to whom to attribute it?) , but for me he is, but with regards to the elected authorities and all sorts of "public chambers" I wonder what kind of society they represent, both in terms of property and in terms of national cultural and religious qualifications? Yes, and the habit of transferring territories with a population from one republic to another for the purpose of ........., Well, in short, there should be no division according to nationality, you want to honor and remember your history and culture of your ethnic group, but for the sake of everything, But no further nor!
      And so long as this is not decided on the revival, you can generally keep quiet, and besides, forgive me, but it all starts with banal screwdrivers, hammers, etc., etc., and so long as we have a tool ...... .quality, not what to say, but because how precise engineering is 1MCHZ equipment primarily from Switzerland, but a tool? either they made it themselves or they used the same articulated-lip-cutting, and they themselves drove the abrasive tool, And this is forgive of spending both time and money, and compare how they need one and order it, but they won’t do it themselves!
  8. +4
    16 March 2013 14: 24
    Quote: Ascetic
    Autonomous hypersonic aircraft HTV-2

    Yes, really- facts on this subject in the public domain
    If this site seems interesting:

    My personal opinion: The creation of a hypersonic carrier weighing 50 tons or more is unjustified from an economic point of view.
    It is much more practical to create a hypersonic missile, the carrier of which could be a non-hypersonic front-line or strategic bomber.
    Or another alternative is positioning ahead of time in low Earth orbit, something like an autonomous hypersonic HTV

    1. +1
      16 March 2013 14: 37
      Quote: Simple
      positioning ahead of time in low Earth orbit is something like an autonomous hypersonic HTV
      37 can also become a carrier, the real one will be larger than its prototype (clicks well)
  9. +2
    16 March 2013 15: 26
    [quote = Stormbreaker]
    [/ quote] 37 can also become a carrier, the real one will be larger than its prototype (clicks well) [/ quote]

    maybe I think that the X-47B or its follower was most likely created for more “jewelry” work — to place “buckets with nails” or “bugs” next to the satellites with the orbital grouping of the potential adversary, if the existing X-37B are no longer doing this.



  10. +5
    16 March 2013 16: 48
    For me, as a person who understands something in air defense, hypersonic vehicles are presented in the form of a relatively light and tidbit. First of all, such a device cannot, due to its speed, fly at low and ultra-low altitudes, including with rounding the terrain. Further. On the hypersound around the device, a very noticeable thermal and other fields are formed which make it relatively easy to detect "hypers" with conventional radars, a circle of view, infrared, etc. sensors. And finally, due to the same hypersound, the permissible overload, and therefore the maneuverability of the apparatus, is very limited. And if this is so, then it will not be difficult to ensure the setting of such goals for tracking, their stable tracking and interception. There will be enough time for all the calculations.
    Of course, the reaction time of the entire air defense system may need to be squeezed, but this is also quite feasible, including by reducing the number of decision-making levels and / or delegating decision-making rights to lower levels.
    And then after all they wake up the air defense commander-in-chief (if they are still allowed to wake up), until they report back, until he realizes why he was raised, while he consults with his higher comrades ......
    1. ramsi
      16 March 2013 16: 59
      and interception how do you imagine?
      1. Kir
        16 March 2013 18: 08
        Of course, I myself have an anti-aircraft defense and I don't even have one nearby, but my father was, as they say, not only an anti-aircraft gunner. but even further in civilian life, he was related to the topic, well, firstly, the missiles are supplied with numerous striking elements, that is, when detonated, a "cloud" is formed, and secondly, given the low maneuverability, knowing the speed and trajectory of firing ahead of time, in other words, at the time of the detonation of the anti-missile, the device will into the affected area, as they say, the main thing is to correctly calculate and make corrections where necessary.
        1. ramsi
          16 March 2013 18: 44
          and I, here, even with a nuclear warhead missile defense would not be so optimistic
      2. +2
        16 March 2013 19: 03
        I imagine it as a classic interception of a high-speed, high-flying and weakly maneuvering target. And for such purposes, the standard means of the same C300, C400 and even earlier air defense systems are quite suitable. And without "vigorous" warheads. You can also use MIG31. Its capabilities are quite enough. He coped quite successfully with more complex goals. And to shoot at "hypers" anti-missile type A 135? Wouldn't it be too much for "hyper"? In my opinion, more than
        1. ramsi
          16 March 2013 19: 38
          Guys, how are you doing well in theory - but in practice, it turns out that you can’t really cope with the antediluvian skads either.
        2. 0
          17 March 2013 00: 30
          as soon as you think about why missile defense is not air defense, you will immediately understand what your mistake is ... I hope
          Another clue is the Chelyabinsk meteorite ...
          1. Anti
            17 March 2013 00: 51
            Quote: El13
            Another hint

            about worked?
            1. 0
              17 March 2013 03: 13
              Yes, the fact of the matter is that they didn’t even have time to air defense, but the missile defense system has not really been created yet ...
          2. ramsi
            17 March 2013 06: 17
            Actually, I'm talking about a planning hypersonic bomb, not an airplane
          3. +2
            17 March 2013 08: 59
            Now it is difficult to draw a clear line between air defense and missile defense, tk. the same cruise missiles are aerodynamic targets and so far nothing has been invented better than air defense fighters (for example, the MiG31) to combat them. On the other hand, many modern air defense systems were originally designed to solve the problems of combating both aerodynamic and ballistic targets. Example C300 and its subsequent modifications. Naturally, the tasks of long-range air defense / missile defense are solved by slightly different methods and means than the tasks of air defense / missile defense of short and medium range, but in general they do not contradict each other, but only complement each other. Moreover, at the final stage of the trajectory, a ballistic missile may well "grow" its wings and begin to behave like a maneuvering aerodynamic target. It is not for nothing that the air defense and missile defense troops were united into the air space defense troops. It is quite logical step in modern conditions.
            1. ramsi
              17 March 2013 20: 07
              no, well, as I understand it, missile defense differs from air defense only in that it can be pulled higher and further away, in the expectation that there, in the distance, the speed of warheads is slower. But hypersound can block this loophole and missile defense will become just the first echelon of poor air defense
              1. Kir
                17 March 2013 21: 21
                Rather, it is worth considering missile defense as a special case of air defense, but I just don't understand where you got the idea that the speed is "far less", it seems like now the interception is carried out on the finishing trajectory, it seems that in reality there is no, but most likely it will never happen, destruction over the territory launched, as they say, is fraught, not the fact that against you.
                1. ramsi
                  17 March 2013 22: 04
                  simply, while the warhead is high and just beginning to fall along the ballistic trajectory, its speed is lower than at the end; and far away - this is the hope that the box has not yet opened, and you can slam them at once
                  1. Kir
                    17 March 2013 22: 32
                    So it seems that now, the interception is being carried out, then what is the question, if the ratio of how many anti-missiles per enemy is, then everyone has not 1 in 1, but as far as shapkoyatatelny results, so the exercises where the sector is known, but how in reality .. ....., and an anti-missile with nuclear warheads. hmm? I’m not talking about the price of the issue, but the weight is so big! And the places of "storage" are the same problem, not to mention the service personnel, and how many people there are structures !!!
                    1. ramsi
                      17 March 2013 22: 38
                      so I summarize: poor protection today, with the prospect of getting worse
                  2. +2
                    17 March 2013 22: 43
                    Quote: ramsi
                    the warhead is high and has just begun to fall along a ballistic trajectory, its speed is lower than at the end

                    misconception, at the top of the trajectory, the speed is almost equal to the speed at the end of the acceleration section (slightly different), then the head enters the atmosphere and slows down ...
                    Quote: ramsi
                    the box has not yet opened, and you can slam them at once

                    this promise is true, but hard to implement, because the speed is very high, it’s not possible to catch up, from space you can beat with lasers ... SOI awww (remember this?) Therefore, either shoot down on take-off - catch up, spit on the risk, because with a mass launch of a large number of missiles, everything is clear - it’s hard, but it’s possible, the reaction time (determine, prepare and shoot) is very small, very small ... And then the fenite flew away ... Either in the forehead at the end of the trajectory we have a hypersonic device (8km / s almost), which we have to get on the oncoming course .... like that meteorite (though there was 30km / s, there were no chances there at all) ... well, there will be time to start working (for now take off while hobbling through space), but you have to get into each of the separated warheads (x3-x10 + false targets), and get there is not easy, imagine shooting a pistol at a bullet fired at you ... ahem, it's hard, but you can, especially if you throw a grenade instead of firing bullets ... it's about missiles with nuclear warheads.
  11. spok
    16 March 2013 17: 04
    this one-way road will end only in war
  12. +4
    16 March 2013 17: 15
    Hypersound is good for knocking out "peepers" in the first days of the conflict. We knock out satellites, radars, AWACS and EW aircraft. Here, with small charges delivered in a short period of time, significant success can be achieved.
  13. +1
    16 March 2013 17: 30
    Quote: gregor6549
    hypersonic devices

    This depends on the speed of the hypersonic apparatus (and on its kinertian energy) and on the range of the anti-aircraft missile launch relative to the target.
    The fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite in the Urals in 2013 is different
    dimensions, but for the sake of example, if I may say so.
  14. 0
    16 March 2013 18: 29
    Well, this is what the Nazis were developing. Today, with ballistic missiles, this is a useless expensive toy.
    On the other hand, this is a kind of "concept car" :) like a Formula 1 car, which is still not going to ride, but testing and development of new solutions is constantly underway. Perhaps, someday this thread will be adopted, but it will have completely different characteristics and appearance and will be adapted not so much for the war here as for the war there. In "near space", for example, on the Moon ... smile
  15. +2
    16 March 2013 18: 35
    They have been engaged in hypersound for a long time and since There was no particular success in this matter. Interest in such "flying machines" quietly disappeared and resumed only after September 11, when the United States wanted to get a rapid response weapon to terrorist attacks. Moreover, such a weapon that could be used against ter. target attacks, taking into account the fact that these locations of these targets are well known and such targets do not have particularly strong air defense. The use of hypersound against full-fledged air defense is not yet expected for the reasons I already wrote about above. It is not entirely correct to compare combat "hypers" with meteorites. and the nature of meteorites and, consequently, the methods and means of their detection and tracking are very different from those that are applicable to the detection and tracking of "hyper". There is no need to talk about means of destroying meteorites due to their absence. And it is not yet known when they will appear, if at all.
    1. 0
      16 March 2013 23: 51

      "The use of hypersound against a full-fledged air defense is not yet supposed for the reasons I already wrote about above."

      Your truth.
      1. 0
        17 March 2013 00: 27
        A bit of video on the topic.

        [media = http: // feature = player_embedded & v = W-vQIi-arV4 #!]

        [media = http: // v = XV8AfgbGh5M]

        [media = http: // v = L5QHDV6S3jc]

        [media = http: // v = 8MhtLWB0dJ8]
    2. 0
      17 March 2013 14: 33
      Good bottom to all.


      "It is not entirely correct to compare combat" hypers "with meteorites, since the nature of meteorites and, therefore, the methods and means of their detection, tracking are very different from those that are applicable to the detection and tracking of" hyper ""

      If "high-speed, high-flying and poorly maneuvering target"
      entered the zone of responsibility of BKC, it must be eliminated, regardless of its terrestrial or unearthly origin. In the case of the Chelyabinsk meteorite with its huge
      kinertic energy in the earth’s atmosphere was not represented
      Or did they try to bring down?

      [media = http: // v = 52IxxANb2e0]

      [media = [media = http: // v = 52IxxANb2e0]]
      1. +1
        17 March 2013 15: 32
        Not tried for several reasons. The meteorite’s fall area was not covered by the radar and other detection fields, which made it possible to detect targets of a similar class. This time, And two. Even if it were possible to detect and react in time, there was nothing to destroy the meteorite anyway. Such active air defense / missile defense systems that can effectively deal with stone ones and the like have not yet been created. boulders from space. Even if this block could be broken into pieces, for example, by a vigorous warhead (which is unlikely), it is not known what is worse. One big lump or dozens smaller? Perhaps such technologies will be able to create years through 20 40, provided that they are taken over by the whole world now and receive normal financial, personnel and other support for the corresponding work. And it’s very difficult to test such technologies, even if they are created. Meteorites of this size fly infrequently near the Earth. And without testing, these technologies can be considered efficient only very, very conditionally
  16. 0
    17 March 2013 00: 24
    A bit of video on the topic.

    [media = http: // feature = player_embedded & v = W-vQIi-arV4 #!]

    [media = http: // v = XV8AfgbGh5M]

    [media = http: // v = L5QHDV6S3jc]

    [media = http: // v = 8MhtLWB0dJ8]
  17. Cpa
    17 March 2013 03: 27
    If such a device is very hot, then there is an ionization field around it, how can it be controlled remotely then? If only the program is in place, then the differences from the rocket are not big. Rather, such a system can be used as an anti-ballistic missile.
    1. +1
      17 March 2013 21: 21
      Studies are underway to modulate this very ionization field, that is, to use it as an antenna or as such a modulation of the plasma cord generated by the operation of engines.
  18. 0
    17 March 2013 18: 08
    especially pleasing in the article references to the "authoritative" opinion Rogozin is already a dreamer
  19. 0
    18 March 2013 05: 27
    gregor6549 - I read your post and wanted to insert some considerations: on the cover zone at the place of the meteorite fall ... in Russia there is NO full-fledged operating system for observing the near-earth space with coverage zones of the entire territory. We do not have a full-fledged ground component based on the optical-location complexes "OKNO" and the like .... so there is no space component based on orbiting satellites, and as a result we received conflicting information about the fall of this meteorite from the video recorders of random eyewitnesses, or used info from the international monitoring system that both the "amers" and the European community have ... I don't want to continue sales, I can only draw another parallel: in 2008, cell phones were often used to issue combat orders, here data from video recorders - draw your own conclusions.
    Regarding your statement "One big lump or dozens of smaller ones" ... I can only say one thing: believe me, there is a difference between punches in the face with a clenched fist or spread fingers ... well, a very big difference.
    Best regards hi
  20. 0
    18 March 2013 06: 57
    SW Victor,
    There was no continuous detection zone with the proper overlap ratio for radar and other detection fields in the USSR, even in the heyday of stagnation, when money was spared for air defense and missile defense. There were many holes. Some of them could be plugged with heavy patrolling fighters of the TU128 type and the like or satellite detection systems, but in general, the detection zone for air and space targets was very leaky. DON early warning radars and their modifications also served only the most threatening directions. With the advent of the Tomahawk-type missile launcher, the task of timely detection and interception of all types of targets in the entire range of directions of heights and speeds turned out to be simply unrealistic. I would not say that the United States and its allies had and are doing much better. Therefore, all broadcast statements about "umbrellas" which supposedly provide 100% protection for everyone and nothing more than a bluff from everything. May God provide an acceptable level of damage for individual objects. And this is unlikely. Well, the war on space debris was not seriously included in anyone's plans. Yes, some kind of observation and warning bodies were created, but they could not and cannot in time detect all cosmic objects posing a threat to the Earth. Well, what is more acceptable "adyn blocks" or a lot of blocks I cannot say. This is beyond the scope of technology. Each dead is a whole universe, and irreplaceable, and statistics with the theory of probability, etc. "kibenimatics" does not work well here.
    1. 0
      18 March 2013 11: 22
      Gregory ... the matter in this matter is not about an umbrella from everything and everything (which in itself will already look very utopian), but the question is about the banal monitoring of current events in the vernacular called eyes and ears and available for this there is infrastructure (which at the moment or not, or we have isolated fragments from the USSR, or we have something new in the buildings, but the efficiency of the latter raises questions ... I won’t argue with you about the effectiveness of air defense-missile defense in the USSR but already in the 80s there was a tank regiment in our taiga city, there was an air defense base, a training ground, an international class airport with a take-off for receiving a Boeing 747 in ANY weather conditions with appropriate technical support from Hungary ... If you look towards Bratsk 100 telescope, then on the horizon there was a FAST lattice structure in a constant haze ... it was visible, but now there is nothing in that direction, but there is a huge walled underground structure, 5 years ago it was opened for inspection and again mothballed (and this is all the USSR and no Russia). I fundamentally disagree with you that Europe and the United States are doing pretty much the same as ours or with a small margin (it makes no sense to compare the jig and BMW).
      We have a big "hole" in the area of ​​detection and tracking (I don’t bother about the defeat of sales). Yesterday I watched an interview with our compatriot who works in the field of "quantum computers", he is in his 30s, has already gained worldwide fame in terms of extending stability by an order of magnitude at room temperature - he lives and works in the despicable and dying of the US crisis and speaks Russian without a hint of English accent ... who is a traitor, or a person who moves world science in one of the key directions ???
      Best regards hi .
  21. 0
    18 March 2013 11: 54
    Victor, I agree that it makes no sense to compare military and other technologies of Russia and the United States. But the fact is that even with the technologies and many dilapidated military towns that Russia inherited from the USSR, the United States will NEVER go into open confrontation with Russia, clearly understanding that what Russia has today will be more than it is enough that there are no winners in this confrontation. They will bluff and scare each other, how can we go without it? A whole army of officials feeds on this on both sides of the "fence", patting each other on the shoulder in a friendly way during personal meetings. So even the appearance of all kinds of "hyper" on one side or the other will not give anyone a significant gain. And the holes will quietly close, where will they go, though if the next "rebuilder" does not come to power again. But here no phased antenna array will help. You need to watch yourself and not let yourself be led by the chaff. Yes in the direction of China, North, Korea and Iran to look more carefully, These "friends" are very unpredictable.
  22. +2
    18 March 2013 12: 29
    And further. History has shown that technological advantages in a particular area are usually temporary, have never been and are unlikely to be a guarantee of victory in a big war. Moreover, everyone is closely watching each other and does not allow anyone to have serious advantages due to the appearance of another "wunderwaffe".
    In the end, for each z ... there was always a screw with ..., and the question whether or not to be rested and rests on those who serve, their abilities, courage and will. Therefore, I would be more concerned about the army being for all those who serve as a home in it, in which it is comfortable enough to live in peacetime and not so sad to die in the war. And first of all, I would allocate money so that servicemen and their families have just such feelings. And one more toy, one less toy .... Moreover, instead of one of some kind of "toys" (for example, a nuclear submarine or an aircraft-carrying cruiser, you can build a completely comfortable military town with schools, nurseries and other superfluous extra bells and whistles. the "toys" themselves would attend to the elementary conveniences for the crews, especially for those who have to spend many hours in a cramped cockpit without being humanly able to "go to the pot", ladies forgive me)))))
  23. shvindin2012
    April 18 2013 20: 27
    Quote: gregor6549
    For me, as a person who understands something in air defense, hypersonic vehicles are presented in the form of a relatively light and tidbit. First of all, such a device cannot, due to its speed, fly at low and ultra-low altitudes, including with rounding the terrain. Further. On the hypersound around the device, a very noticeable thermal and other fields are formed which make it relatively easy to detect "hypers" with conventional radars, a circle of view, infrared, etc. sensors. And finally, due to the same hypersound, the permissible overload, and therefore the maneuverability of the apparatus, is very limited. And if this is so, then it will not be difficult to ensure the setting of such goals for tracking, their stable tracking and interception. There will be enough time for all the calculations.
    Of course, the reaction time of the entire air defense system may need to be squeezed, but this is also quite feasible, including by reducing the number of decision-making levels and / or delegating decision-making rights to lower levels.
    And then after all they wake up the air defense commander-in-chief (if they are still allowed to wake up), until they report back, until he realizes why he was raised, while he consults with his higher comrades ......

    We live a young man at the beginning of the 21st century and not at the beginning of 20. In your opinion, if hypersonic devices are bad at a speed of 10000 km / h and a ceiling of 30-40 km, then maybe WWII aircraft will do. and what is the speed like that of KAMAZ, the ceiling with Ostankino meters is 500 mx maximum. and radars will not notice a rotten wood hull can be curved out of an airplane before an air defense missile arrives. Directly invulnerable technique. Review your views and do not rush your knowledge of these aspects. stop
    Maybe this is how you imagine the 21st century. recourse
  24. 0
    8 March 2016 15: 27
    Unambiguously hypersonic devices will be created in the near future. And undoubtedly the first will be the Americans, who very seriously broke away from everyone else.