Would be enough money

Would be enough money
To begin with a couple of quotes.

“In order for the regiment to be ready to perform tasks, it was necessary to carry out a large range of activities: get personnel from the military commissariats, equipment from the national economy, load ammunition on vehicles. And only a day later the regiment was able to complete the tasks. But time does not wait ... ".

“The reform, the increased intensity of combat training, sharply exacerbated the problem, which consisted in the insufficient and sometimes frankly low level of individual professional and official training of officers. Today it is no secret that the officers of the units of the reduced staff and staff for a long time were engaged in solving mainly household problems. ”

In fact, over the past two years we have heard something like this more than once. We heard from Chief of the General Staff Nikolai Makarov and Commander of the Airborne Forces Vladimir Shamanov - in fact, the only commanders who risked openly supporting the “Serdyuk” reforms. Reforms, based on the elimination of parts and formations of incomplete composition (constituting 84 percent of all parts and formations), which required completing and mobilizing reservists for participation in hostilities. Reforms that demand exemption from business executive officers.

The rest of the military leaders prefer to keep quiet. Firstly, because everything that happens in the Armed Forces is deeply contrary to their inner conviction about how army construction should be conducted. Secondly, because it is still unknown how this will end, and it is better to stay away from dubious reforms.

And now, in public, under cameras, the truth about the former state of the Armed Forces was told to the president, who honored the demonstration maneuvers in Mulino with his presence, the main people in the current army are the commanders of brigades and squadrons. Of course, I’m not so naive as to suggest that Colonels Timofeev and Ryazantse (probably not the worst commanders in the Armed Forces) themselves come up with the following phrases: “The development of means of armed struggle significantly changed the views of the military leadership of leading foreign countries on military operations by armed forces . And the fact that modern wars are replaced by wars of functional-selective influence using weaponsdeveloped on the basis of advanced technologies. " But no one was standing with a pistol to his forehead in front of the combat officers. And we can assume that they said (at least in part) about what they really think. They also need, in the end, to explain to themselves and others why they fired two-thirds (415 from 611 in the case of Colonel Ryazantsev) of former colleagues.

The fact remains. Despite all the “landing” scandals with the defense minister, the president, who is also the Supreme Commander, considered it necessary to support all the decisive and extremely painful changes taking place in the Armed Forces. Dmitry Anatolyevich said in Mulino many more things, under which any liberal military analyst would be happy to subscribe, including and (scary to say) the author of these lines.

“Anyone who can not produce modern equipment, he will not supply it. I appeal to all the directors of our defense enterprises. Or they will do the normal technique, or they will have to break contracts with such structures. ”

“We, of course, will return in the near future to the issue of providing contract servicemen. At the same time, we must understand that the question of manning the Armed Forces ultimately depends on how we solve the problem with contract servicemen, because they will bear a significant part of their official duties within the framework of the existing staff organization of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation ... more I repeat once again, without modern, well-paid, socially motivated contract soldiers in the army, in the Armed Forces, of course, nothing will happen. ”

Thus, the state represented by Medvedev at least understands that the Russian military-industrial complex is not capable of producing the necessary military products. I suspect that some time will pass, and the Russian leaders are aware that, in principle, the domestic military industry will not be able to produce the necessary weapons, until it is reformed. Moreover, these reforms will be directly opposed to the nonsense that Vladimir Putin and Sergey Ivanov have done, restoring the parody of Soviet military-industrial ministries in the form of “united corporations”.

Even more remarkable is that Glavkoverkh clearly states that it is impossible to create a new Russian army without contract soldiers. I suspect that in a couple of years, the Kremlin commanders will be forced to understand: there are no other ways besides the creation of contractual Armed forces.

And, most importantly, the president assured: contrary to rumors, since 1 January 2012, the salaries of servicemen will be tripled. The lieutenant of the Russian army will receive 50 000 rubles, which is no less than the salary of an American lieutenant.

The problem is different. Simultaneously with the most highly intelligent things, Dmitry Anatolyevich said a lot of nonsense. For example, the need to have military bases abroad. I suspect that an attempt to create a system of military strongholds abroad will require just as much money as is necessary for the maintenance of contract soldiers and for the effective production of armaments. I also suspect that the main line of the opponents of the “Serdyukov” reforms is an attempt to take money from the government. Spray them on the senseless content of military bases abroad, the production of unnecessary weapons.

In fact, this is the main problem of military reform. Or the reformers will have enough spiritual strength and will to resist the cries of unfortunate officers who were dismissed because of their complete inability to serve. Or they will bite on calls "to restore the power of a great superpower." Obviously, there is no money for the maintenance of a semblance of the Soviet army.
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  1. Russia
    27 November 2010 07: 05
    "... They need, in the end, to explain to themselves and to those around them why they fired two-thirds (415 out of 611 in the case of Colonel Ryazantsev) of their former colleagues ...."
    "... the former poesaul went to fight. To the curse of his father and the silence of his brother, he replied - SO IT IS NECESSARY, but you do not understand, hugged his wife tightly and added - it is necessary ..."