It’s too early against the Russians! Artificial intelligence of American aircraft

It’s too early against the Russians! Artificial intelligence of American aircraft

In a surprising move for the times, the US Air Force made a breakthrough in air combat when it announced last week that its X-62A test aircraft, powered by an artificial intelligence (AI) brain, had gone head-to-head with a manned fighter jet. in a simulated air battle. The battle was simulated, yes, but in real airspace, and not simulated by a computer.

While this is indeed a great achievement, there are still many significant obstacles to fully realizing such a thing as a plane controlled by an artificial brain. This is still not the Senate or the State Duma, it is much more complicated. The main difficulty is the artificial intelligence’s understanding of three-dimensional space and its location in it. This is the main problem today, and if it is solved, the US Air Force will be able to make air combat a reality using AI. And other autonomous tasks in the air will be performed more easily.

Autonomous AI systems for controlling aircraft during air combat are a fantasy that they want to make reality.

There have been many live tests, but to summarize briefly, last September the X-62A test aircraft, a highly modified two-seat F-16D Viper, also known as the Variable Stability Simulator Test Aircraft (VISTA), met for the first time in the sky with a manned F-16.

The X-62A conducted dogfights in fully autonomous mode using software based on artificial intelligence and machine learning, although the pilot remained in the cockpit at all times as a safety measure. Still, an airplane is not a cheap thing.

The flight tests were conducted under a program called Air Combat Evolution (ACE), which is led by the well-known Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), but also includes the US Air Force, as well as several private contractors and scientific institutions. .

The unique X-62A Variable Stability Test Aircraft (VISTA) flew in fully autonomous mode against a manned F-16 fighter jet in a landmark dogfight training event in September 2023. US Air Force

Overall, the organizers of this show were pleased with the results. Defensive and offensive maneuvers were practiced, and the culmination of all were high-level nose-to-nose battles, when planes approached at short distances and high speeds and maneuvered, simulating a “dog dump.”

Despite more than a century of military achievements aviation, dogfight remains an event in which the pilot's direct judgment, intuition and three-dimensional vision are critical. The aircraft's sensor suite, including radar, electro-optical and infrared cameras, as well as electronic warfare and support systems, can provide a wealth of data on enemy contacts. However, their usefulness is steadily diminishing, if not disappearing, as aircraft come into ever closer contact.

The radar in the nose of an airplane, for example, can only “see” what is in the cone-shaped area in front of it. Even existing 360-degree camera systems have XNUMXD limitations and can be limited by environmental conditions. Information linked to data from external sources can be extremely valuable in enhancing situational awareness or even targeting weapons, but it also has limited accuracy. External traces of enemy and friendly fighters can merge together at very close range.

“Lost sight - lost the battle” is a common saying from American pilots during the Second World War, which, oddly enough, is still relevant today. But it's especially important for AI-controlled aircraft, which need high-quality telemetry to know where they are in relation to enemy aircraft. A real enemy will be very reluctant to cooperate in providing this type of information, and artificial intelligence is not able to compete with the human brain in terms of analyzing incoming information and making decisions based on it in battle.

Not surprisingly, there are serious caveats to the very important phase of autonomous air combat. DARPA experts have repeatedly described how so-called "autonomous agents" loaded into the X-62A mission systems maintained overall situational awareness during dogfights. The picture that emerged was one in which AI-driven algorithms had full situational awareness during DARPA's AlphaDogfight test, which ended in 2020 and fed directly into ACE. True, these tests, AlphaDogfight, took place in completely simulated conditions.

But DARPA understood that the program and the simulated space are one thing, but reality is another. And the first will never replace the second. Therefore, in the end, both the F-16, piloted by a man, and the F-16, which is VISTA, met in flight. And the main task was to create an “observation space”, that is, data transmission and reception channels between aircraft, so that information about the position of a conventional aircraft was received on the VISTA platform, and then, as necessary, transmitted to other agents in the created observation space.

Agents, or also called “autonomy agents,” are, first of all, aircraft control and situation analysis subsystems. Work with them has been going on for a long time, but so far American engineers have not achieved such tangible progress that they can make any statements. And there are still more questions than answers, but work is underway.

According to those working in the program, there are a large number of variables that affect the operation of aircraft systems, and first it is necessary to understand how an aircraft with AI works in a complex, with an understanding of all aspects. There are too many differences in the actual operation of systems from the simulated conditions.

The gap between reality and the simulation environment creates many problems in the security environment.
With so many unknowns in this first air combat, the main focus was on ensuring the X-62A was capable of autonomously performing a variety of missions. Moreover, one of the first tasks was precisely to obtain the largest possible amount of “edible” data about the environment by the aircraft’s systems.

DARPA and the Air Force have repeatedly emphasized that ACE's primary goal is to build trust in the autonomy of artificial intelligence. Developing the necessary technologies and capabilities for an autonomous aircraft capable of performing such maneuvers and tasks has much broader implications.

There is also a question of practicality. The X-62A simply does not yet have any organic sensor suite that would give it the continuous, so to speak, XNUMX-degree situational awareness that would be required for truly autonomous air combat.

Circular, 360 degrees - this is not entirely correct, the plane in flight is in a ball of three-dimensional space, so there are a little more degrees there. And there should be more sensors. And they must look further.

This is something that needs to be addressed when it comes to developing future autonomous platforms. Arrays of small conformal radars, electro-optical or infrared cameras and other sensors can be used to provide the necessary situational and spatial data, essentially working together to create telemetry to create a solid digital 3D "picture" of what is happening immediately around the aircraft during a fast-moving air combat.

Distributed network of sensors, including on separate drones, operating in a cooperative swarm, as well as on other remote platforms, can also be used to create a more complete situational picture.

That is, a lot of smart and modern electronics must sooner or later learn what a person does with one turn of his head, looking around and instantly drawing a conclusion about what is happening in the space around the aircraft. And reacting accordingly.

The aviation industry, as represented by commercial aviation, and the military portion of that industry, have made significant advances in automated “sense and avoid” capabilities over the past couple of decades, including when it comes to unmanned platforms. Some of these technologies could be transferred to solve the problem of air combat, especially when combined with a much more dynamic "thinking" AI agent framework that benefits from deep machine learning. Even the sensors and software models used for self-driving cars can be used to help better understand what's going on around a combat drone engaged in this kind of combat. Prospect? Yes.

What needs to be clearly understood here is that simply installing something like an array of simple cameras (optical and IR) around the aircraft may not provide the required 3D situational awareness to reliably implement autonomous air combat capabilities. 2D data does not provide complete information about the aircraft's position, although some of it can be emulated in software using machine learning into a 3D coordinate system. However, 3D data will be of greatest value for such combat applications.

“The position in space of the mission in which you operate the aircraft or are initially deploying is a critical issue that we must solve in the airspace.”, said Lieutenant Colonel Hefron, responsible for developments at ACE. The head of ACE acknowledged that his program is not the only one aimed at overcoming these problems, and particularly focused on a separate Air Force project, VENOM (Viper Experimentation and Next-Gen Operations Mode).

A total of six F-16s are being modified under Project VENOM to support further research and development into autonomous flight. These efforts will also allow for more experimentation with multiple autonomous platforms working together.

One of the first F-16s to be converted into an autonomous test bed as part of Project VENOM

“The VENOM aircraft are platforms that will be able to sense the environment and do some things that we currently have some limitations with on VISTA,” Hefron said. - Not to say... that we won't continue to work on VISTA, because we definitely will. There are certain things that the X-62A aircraft can do well that the requirements are not well suited to the VENOM program aircraft. Each of them has its own unique place as test beds.”

ACE and Project VENOM are among a wide range of programs and activities that contribute to the Air Force's broader vision of future autonomous capabilities, particularly the Collaborative Combat Aircraft advanced unmanned aerial vehicle program. The rest of the US military is also increasingly interested in new and evolving autonomous capabilities that extend beyond the airspace. All this could have implications for the commercial aviation sector as well.

Overall, after last year's breakthrough dogfight, significant challenges clearly remain, especially when it comes to allowing an AI-piloted fighter to successfully engage a real enemy. It will be very interesting to see what milestones ACE and other autonomous R&D efforts reach next, and solving this problem will undoubtedly be high on their priority to-do lists.

The headline may have already provoked many to think: what does this have to do with us? Excuse me, who are all these future programs against? Against Iran, whose air force has fifty-year-old planes? Or against the DPRK, where the MiG-17 and MiG-19 are still in service? Currently, the United States has two sane adversaries that are not so easy to deal with: China and Russia. And if China will take quantity, then, excuse me, we will take only quality.

However, the development of air defense systems has already led to the fact that often the pilot and aircraft in the air defense coverage area are potential victims. And even if we take the air defense statistics, it is a great honor that the aircraft on both sides of the front were shot down by air defense.

Air combat is a rarity today, but a well-trained pilot has become an even more valuable resource. Therefore, the desire to “plant” a powerful computer in the cockpit that can analyze the situation around and make a decision is normal. This is commendable, because in the future such devices can be thrown at the enemy, just as cruise missiles and Shaheeds are sent today - without particularly taking into account losses.

This is a slightly vile nation - they want to fight and win, but without losing their own. Preferably - absolutely. However, this has been known for a long time, which means that it is worth waiting for the development of this topic in the future. As they say, consistency is a sign of mastery.
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  1. +8
    April 27 2024 05: 08
    Quote: Roman Skomorokhov
    X-62A test aircraft powered by artificial intelligence (AI) brains
    Recently I had the opportunity to communicate with AI when calling a taxi. With this stupid digital creature that understands absolutely nothing, doesn’t even understand the simplest words like “yes” and “no,” I almost had a stroke, after which I urgently had to treat my frayed nerves with a glass of ice-cold vodka! If AI starts flying airplanes, then you know what will happen to all of us! wink
    1. +5
      April 27 2024 06: 10
      Today, AI is a specific algorithm written by programmers. It all depends on the professionalism of programmers. He won't be able to think outside the box. In short, for every nut there is always a bolt.
      1. +7
        April 27 2024 09: 08
        Today, AI is a specific algorithm written by programmers.

        No. The fundamental difference between AI is that the algorithm is not prescribed by programmers, but is created and changed during operation by the program itself.
        1. +1
          April 27 2024 10: 15
          The conditions for changing the program are prescribed by the programmer. If he does not prescribe any situation, then the AI ​​will not make a different decision.
          1. +8
            April 27 2024 11: 05
            The road will be mastered by those who walk and this is a huge step in the creation of both a sixth-generation aircraft and in the creation of autonomous UAVs of various classes that will be controlled by AI.
            Once upon a time, a computer played chess poorly, but 20 years ago it already beat the world champion. This will be the case here too, and after some time the AI ​​will pilot a fighter much better than any ace.
            1. +1
              April 27 2024 11: 20
              Everyone has been talking about this for at least 15 years. That there will be small flocks of jet UAVs. Hundreds of suicide-sized drones. It doesn’t matter how it’s managed, quantity will turn into quality.
          2. 0
            April 28 2024 09: 45
            The conditions for changing the program are prescribed by the programmer.

            No. These conditions are formed by the program itself during the learning process.
    2. +1
      April 27 2024 07: 34
      He's already in charge. It's called an autopilot, moreover, it seems to take off and land in automatic mode. At least in good conditions.
    3. +4
      April 27 2024 07: 45
      Do not confuse a prescribed wooden algorithm with a self-learning structure. An essential property of AI is self-learning. And you shouldn’t listen to politicians and advertisers. This is their trick - selling algorithms at the price of AI
      1. +4
        April 27 2024 08: 34
        I’m interested - did the AI ​​take into account the presence of a living pilot on the plane in this “battle”??
        Well, let’s say, does it take into account the ability to spin, for example, 100 barrels in a row? (conditionally!) - if there is a pilot in the office who simply passes out from overload?
        Possibility of maneuvering without of the person on board is obviously higher due to human physiology.
        1. +2
          April 27 2024 10: 13
          If the F16 on-board computer takes physiological parameters of the pilot, then it could take it into account. But I doubt that introducing such an additional burden to the digital “pilot” will make the result of the experiment cleaner. Good note, colleague! Yes
        2. 0
          April 27 2024 11: 31
          Interestingly, AI is a self-learning program. Its retraction speed is higher, but it can’t compete with the human soul, maybe you’ll go for a ram, or dive from above. But of course she will think faster. Although we won’t last long - the pedal is to the floor while you shout “pray, you bastards.” But it's a good thing what
    4. +7
      April 27 2024 07: 47
      Quote: Dutchman Michel
      With this stupid digital creature that understands absolutely nothing, doesn’t even understand the simplest words like “yes” and “no,” I almost had a stroke

      I reached approximately the same state when I tried to find out at the bank the reason for not sending me PUSH notifications. After almost an hour of empty communication with the robot (I was never connected to a living leather operator), I wanted to find Sarah Connor and impregnate her 4 times, so that Skynet would certainly end up there four times in the future.
      1. +8
        April 27 2024 08: 27
        I wanted to find Sarah Connor and impregnate her 4 times
        Taking off my hat! wink
        1. +3
          April 27 2024 08: 30
          Quote: Dutchman Michel
          Taking off my hat!

          Join now. wink The stakes are too high in the battle against Skynet.
          1. +2
            April 27 2024 10: 07
            I think it will be a little easier for you two to find Sarah Connor. But be sure to check her documents, dear Polite Elk! Otherwise it turns out that they found the wrong one...
            laughing wink hi
            1. +1
              April 27 2024 10: 16
              Quote: Galleon
              But be sure to check her documents

              Well, this is a must. Afterwards.
              Quote: Galleon
              Otherwise it turns out that they found the wrong one...

              No one is immune from mistakes. We will search further.
      2. +3
        April 27 2024 08: 32
        I wanted to find Sarah Connor and impregnate her 4 times The phrase of the day! laughing hi
      3. 0
        April 27 2024 17: 13
        Find the story "Automatic Hotel" online. The story is old. Mind is eternal))
    5. 0
      April 27 2024 12: 04
      The first thing that comes to mind is this video, after your text)))
    6. +2
      April 27 2024 14: 15
      With this stupid digital creature who understands absolutely nothing,
      It seems to me that even such an AI can easily replace, for example, Peskov)) And generate template phrases. What savings would there be laughing
      1. 0
        April 29 2024 12: 03
        It seems to me that even such an AI can easily replace, for example, Peskov)) And generate template phrases. What savings would there be

        In order to replace Peskov, intelligence is not needed. Even artificial
  2. -2
    April 27 2024 05: 38
    Why not come up with something in the form of flying air defense as an answer...
    Well, for example, make an aerial version of the S-400 or S-500... using aircraft like the IL-76 or, at worst, strategists with their large payload capacity as a platform.
    Altitude, speed, good radar visibility and powerful weapons will allow you to shoot down the enemy at long range without engaging in close combat.
    1. 0
      April 30 2024 16: 11
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      Why not come up with something in the form of flying air defense as an answer...

      You are absolutely right, but your post makes all the pilots furious. Absolutely everyone. Therefore, there will be no order for such work until the number of pilots who have not yet been shot down approaches zero. Just as people once had to prove with their own blood that the Ryzhov troikas were genocide of our few pilots, compared to the couples...
  3. +2
    April 27 2024 06: 05
    Well, yes, someday “clonic wars” will happen... but for now, they took aim at AI against... and against whom?
    1. +3
      April 27 2024 06: 27
      How against whom??? Against everyone who is not with them!!! And also for intimidating those who are with them!!!
      1. +2
        April 27 2024 07: 48
        Another "genie" that is ready to escape from the bottle!!!
        Everything is like in the most apocalyptic science fiction novels and films! am
    2. +2
      April 27 2024 07: 54
      Quote: rocket757
      aimed at AI against... and against whom?

      The antagonist of artificial intelligence is natural stupidity.
      1. 0
        April 27 2024 07: 58
        And whose stupidity is more important/more important, those who are trying to use AI for their own purposes or those who oppose it?
        Here, after all, any mistake in goals and assessments is fraught with various consequences, which are unpleasant in the first place.
        1. +1
          April 27 2024 08: 16
          Quote: rocket757
          And whose stupidity is more important,

          There are no limits to human stupidity. And who is dumber, supporters or opponents of AI, only time will tell, or rather, the results of future battles or intercourse between humanity and Skynet, etc.
          PS With regard to the topic of AI, in my opinion, the most stupid thing seems to be the embodiment in hardware and software of the intelligence of an oligophrenic or a moron.
          1. 0
            April 27 2024 08: 29
            What they strive to call AI will be a reflection of what its creators are like, in the best, in the worst manifestations, traits, characters, etc., this is a question to which there is no answer and will not be forthcoming in the foreseeable future.
            1. -1
              April 27 2024 08: 57
              Quote: rocket757
              This is a question to which there is no answer and will not be answered in the foreseeable future.

              If we take a single country with a high level of development of science and technology, for example the United States, and assume that a group of engineers and scientists, financed by the Democratic Party, in order to automate all processes of governing the country, created an electronic copy of the personality of the current president, then the concept of “Genius de beat" and "Devil genius", when applied to the developers and their creation, become identical.
              1. +1
                April 27 2024 09: 24
                The ways... of eggheads are inscrutable!!!
                Some, for the sake of experiment, for the sake of science, will burn the earth to hell!!! am
                1. +6
                  April 27 2024 09: 29
                  Quote: rocket757
                  Some, for the sake of experiment, for the sake of science, will burn the earth to hell!!!

                  We have formed an initiative group to “support” Sarah Connor. Join us. Otherwise, they say that this Skynet there in the future has completely gone wild. wink
                  1. 0
                    April 27 2024 09: 35
                    So, already in adulthood I watched the film... but I gained the most impressions.
                    The nuances of the service, I had/managed to see and learn a lot before all the other citizens of the USSR.
                    In general, Sarah Conner and fighter Rick rule as before.
          2. 0
            April 30 2024 16: 12
            Quote: Polite Elk
            The stupidest thing seems to be the embodiment in hardware and software of the intelligence of an oligophrenic or a moron.

            In order to follow an enemy plane in a dog-like curve, the intelligence of a moron is more than sufficient. Alas.
  4. -1
    April 27 2024 06: 25
    I think the article is not fully expanded!!! If the author talked about what they have, then they should also talk about what we have to counteract!!! For example about electronic warfare systems!!! Or about EMP!!!
  5. 0
    April 27 2024 06: 30
    He needs “edible data” about the environment!
    And if you pour kerosene on it, will it digest it?
  6. +2
    April 27 2024 06: 33
    In general, after the breakthrough air battle last year, significant problems clearly remain In the end they will bring it to fruition, so it’s the sixth generation or whatever it is. Progress no matter how you look at it, it’s a pity that we don’t have this.
    1. -6
      April 27 2024 06: 36
      Read about the Su-57. They wrote that it was ALREADY tested in unmanned mode wink
      1. +5
        April 27 2024 07: 00
        You read the article, AI and unmanned mode, and even with simulated air combat, this is not just a “big difference”, there is a “huge distance” and yes, “poking” strangers is impolite wink
        1. -3
          April 27 2024 07: 45
          Do you think such developments are not underway here? They are underway, but not everything can be discussed publicly.
          In general, everyone is now involved in artificial intelligence, from banks to military research institutes. I would even say that in scale this topic is 1st among all. It’s not for nothing that the Americans have limited the supply of the coolest neuroaccelerators to China. In principle, everyone can use neurons now, if you want to subscribe to different bots, or if you want to work at a lower level. And this is on the surface. Yes, in fact, any corporate answering machine is an example of this. But we can only guess what developments have actually come to. Although, of course, real artificial intelligence is still far away
        2. -6
          April 27 2024 08: 00
          ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I apologize for the “poking”. As for the unmanned mode, this in no way cancels the use of AI in OUR fighters, which brings them to the 6+ generation!!! And we are ALREADY starting to get ahead of the geldings in THIS matter!!! wink
  7. +6
    April 27 2024 06: 54
    What does "a little vile nation" mean? Let's leave "a little" aside and talk about "vileness." The author himself, above in the article, emphasizes the normality and laudability of the desire to reduce one’s own combat losses. So what is the infamy then? Apparently the author considers Americans a “vile nation” because the leadership of the American state and armed forces do not perceive the war as a fight “man against man and let the best win”? Does anyone, other than the authors of knightly novels, believe that war is something like a knightly tournament? War is the solution of economic, social and political problems by violent means and methods. There is nothing noble in war itself. And finally, what does “nation” have to do with it? Nations do not make decisions about war and peace. This is done by the state, the apparatus for realizing the interests of the ruling classes of society. The nation, which is understood as a certain community of the country's population, in matters of war and peace plays the role of a source of formal support for state decisions and a resource base for the implementation of state plans. So if we’re talking about anyone, it’s about the socio-economic classes, whose will the state expresses. And in modern conditions we are not even talking about individual states, but about the bourgeois class and the capitalist economy.
    1. -8
      April 27 2024 07: 56
      Quote: Yuras_Belarus
      What does "a little vile nation" mean?

      A nation of excessive vileness.
      Disgusting; disgusting
      Mean, dishonest, low
      Very bad, nasty

      The whole infamy of the American (Anglo-Saxon group) lies in the fact that they do not conduct combat operations with strong opponents capable of causing them critical damage. Trying to minimize the harm of the enemy's retaliatory actions, they attack in a flock.
      These are “knights” riding out to fight with an equestrian enemy on an elephant...
      These are scoundrels who strike on the sly.
      War is not like a knight's tournament. On the one hand, this is capture, aggression, on the other, the defense of sovereignty.
      All wars started by the Americans are aggressive in nature.
      That is why the American nation is a clot of abomination and vileness.
      1. +4
        April 27 2024 11: 21
        The Imperial British, the Germans in both world wars, the Chinese + Koreans, the Japanese are not capable of a strong enemy?
        1. -7
          April 27 2024 11: 56
          Quote: Kmon
          don't they take on a strong opponent?

          What is this acute habit of isolating phrases? Read lips:
          Quote: ROSS 42
          The whole vileness of the American (Anglo-Saxon group) lies in the fact that they do not fight strong opponents, capable of causing them critical damage. Trying to minimize the harm of the enemy's retaliatory actions they attack in a pack.
      2. +2
        April 27 2024 16: 23
        The American nation is a bundle of abomination and vileness.
        It is noteworthy that the Tajbeks talk about the Russian nation in exactly the same way.
        1. 0
          April 27 2024 18: 23
          Well, he's a communist. International-international, but at the first opportunity the use of the skull meter in relation to white European peoples will not take long)
  8. +4
    April 27 2024 07: 28
    That is, if people don’t want to die, then they are vile, and if in batches for slaughter, then they are heroes, patriots, well done? Everyone has interests, some want to achieve them safely and this is natural, others apparently just don’t think about it. Calling something like that is very one-sided. I understand that they were brainwashed this way, but it’s better to let the machines die and achieve their goals than to let people die, who won’t care what was achieved there.
    1. -5
      April 27 2024 12: 01
      Quote: Vadim S
      That is, if people do not want to die, then they are vile

      If people don’t know how to spell it: “vile ones are vile; sad - sadness,” then they have no right to talk about these concepts!!!
      There is nothing more valuable than human life, and sending soldiers who have taken the Oath to slaughter just like that is a crime.
      1. 0
        April 27 2024 13: 39
        I give myself any rights, who will deny me?
        And on the topic, some people think how valuable every life is, while others apparently don’t, everything points to this! And the author insulted the former, because he is one of the latter. And the latter either cannot or do not want to think about how to save lives, that’s what I’m talking about
        1. -1
          April 28 2024 03: 33
          Quote: Vadim S
          I give myself any rights, who will deny me?

          And no one will stop me from poking your nose at your illiteracy and denseness... You give a damn about starting to write - many will be interested.
  9. +6
    April 27 2024 07: 40
    Even existing 360-degree camera systems have XNUMXD limitations
    Lord, what nonsense... In general, the author, clearly not understanding anything about the topic, apparently diligently copied and pasted the nonsense that the Pentagon is pushing to cloud the brains of such “experts”. The entire article lists “difficulties” that do not exist in reality.
    The only real problem with AI is that it is very stupid, because it is still not intelligence, but a set of options for solving standard problems that have been previously hammered into it. However... Even extremely stupid AI is the death of manned aircraft. For a completely simple reason - overload. The AI ​​doesn't care about them.
    A computer-controlled aircraft will not be able to conduct a complex air battle. But he doesn’t need this at all, because he will catch any air ace on the third turn. Because his turns have a radius much smaller than that of any pilot, and the speed of their execution is close to the maximum for the aircraft. Or even equal to her. The limitations imposed on the pilot by his body are fatal.
    Shitty news indeed...
  10. -6
    April 27 2024 07: 40
    Therefore, the desire to “plant” a powerful computer in the cockpit that can analyze the situation around and make a decision is normal.

    “Alabuga” - the combat potential of the Russian “jammer” missile being developed, equipped with a high-power high-frequency generator, will make it possible to neutralize the enemy without firing a single shot...
  11. +7
    April 27 2024 10: 10
    This is a slightly vile nation - they want to fight and win, but without losing their own. Preferably - absolutely.

    This is called respect for the lives of soldiers, Roman. Therefore, the United States is investing large budgets in the development of AI and field medicine.
  12. +6
    April 27 2024 10: 18
    Quote: ROSS 42
    The whole infamy of the American (Anglo-Saxon group) lies in the fact that they do not conduct combat operations with strong opponents capable of causing them critical damage. Trying to minimize the harm of the enemy's retaliatory actions, they attack in a flock.

    And are there any precedents when the Americans abandoned the fight? The Iraqi army was definitely not weak.
  13. +6
    April 27 2024 11: 23
    In fact, the desire to minimize your own losses is natural and logical behavior.
  14. +2
    April 27 2024 11: 43
    Potentially very good. a dangerous direction, but while it is being “probed” it can cause “hihi-haha” and all sorts of skepticism. Just as some comrades chuckled over the methane reusable crafts of Elon Batkovich Musk. Then, however, it may not be so funny.

    The advantage of AI over a person is that a person inevitably focuses on a part, and AI, being inferior to him in this (for now), can more fully process the “array” and, most importantly, react much more quickly where this can bring victory.
    As long as there are no LOs on the fighters, maybe it won’t be so deadly. As soon as a working LO appears, connecting it with AI will be a damn big problem. Generally speaking, with a wide range of weapons and an abundance of sensors on the machine, the AI ​​will have significant advantages over the “meat pie”, because it will keep all these characteristics and conditions in one deck and apply it much more quickly than a person forced to sort out the cards every time.
    And AI is also much less afraid of overloads - and if you model the device under the “iron brains”, then it will be structurally and maneuverably better than for a person. And he will always be ready at the airfield, cheerful and fresh, so to speak.

    In short, let's pray that our "friends" from abroad will not be able to achieve anything worthwhile in this direction for a long time.
    1. 0
      5 May 2024 12: 51
      Isn’t it too late to pray, haven’t they achieved it?
  15. +1
    April 27 2024 16: 14
    Agents, or also called “autonomy agents,” are, first of all, aircraft control and situation analysis subsystems.

    Aircraft control subsystems are independent parts of the aircraft as a system. An aircraft as a system is a collection of interconnected controlled subsystems. Control surfaces, engine control, landing gear control, wing mechanization control, etc. are subsystems.
    An “artificial intelligence agent” is a program that can interact with its environment, collect data and use it to perform self-determined tasks aimed at achieving predetermined goals. That is, the final goal is determined by a person, but the AI ​​agent independently selects the most optimal actions that it needs to perform to achieve this goal. The AI ​​agent performs these actions through a system of actuators, which in this case are the aircraft control subsystems.
  16. +2
    April 27 2024 18: 50
    Quote: ROSS 42
    Quote: Vadim S
    That is, if people do not want to die, then they are vile

    If people don’t know how to spell it: “vile ones are vile; sad - sadness,” then they have no right to talk about these concepts!!!
    There is nothing more valuable than human life, and sending soldiers who have taken the Oath to slaughter just like that is a crime.

    Oh, the guard has nothing to answer after the fact, so he decided to “jump off” the mistakes.