Serdyukov creates an army of ancient Rome - the era of decline
Truth be told, this is not such a fresh innovation. Even 7 (!) Years ago, the government’s Rossiyskaya Gazeta announced: “Yesterday Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the Law of the Russian Federation, which amends the Law on Conscription and Military Service and On the Status of Military Personnel. The essence of the amendments - they create the legal framework for the service of foreigners in the Russian army. The reason is also recognized there: “For the first time that foreigners will be able to serve in the Russian Armed Forces, representatives of the Russian Defense Ministry announced in March of this (2003) year.” For several months, drafts of legislative acts were prepared in the General Organization and Mobilization Directorate of the General Staff, and in October (the exact date was October 17) of the current year 400 State Duma deputies unanimously passed a law that allowed military service for foreigners. At the end of the same month, the law was approved by the Federation Council and entered for signature by the President of the Russian Federation. ” The head of state signed it on November 12 2003.
The federations - during the late Roman Empire, the tribes that entered the military service of the empire and carried it on the borders, for which they received land for settlement and salary. Often these measures were forced: in this way, the emperors paid off from the barbarians, whose armies could not win, and at the same time put them into service. Such treaties were not concluded between states or peoples, but personally between rulers, and therefore, after the death of the ruler who concluded the treaty, the union usually ceased to exist.
For the era of the late empire, the distinction between foederati (federations) and socii (allies) is unclear. It is known that the latter traditionally served in the Roman army, not being citizens of Rome. The service of barbarians in the Roman army and their settlement on Roman territory contributed to the gradual barbarization of both the army and the state.
Even then, commentators noted that the military department was going to recruit contract servicemen from the former "fraternal" republics of Central Asia, as if some DEZ - janitors-guest workers. Moreover, the military as a whole did not deny that they were guided by a similar principle.
In Novaya Zvezda newspaper for 26 November 2003, these innovations were commented as follows: “The Russian Ministry of Defense submitted to the State Duma a draft of changes and additions to the current legislation on military service relating to contractors, which the Interdepartmental Working Group developed. This was announced at a press conference at the Ministry of Defense by the head of the Main Organizational-Mobilization Directorate (GOMU) - Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Colonel-General Vasily Smirnov. ” “Today the country was flooded with so-called. guest workers, ready for pennies to do any work. For them, volunteering can be a reliable bridge leading to the acquisition of Russian citizenship. Three years after the conclusion of the contract, the Ministry of Defense has the right to apply for the granting of Russian citizenship to these citizens, ”said Vasily Smirnov. And after the term of service expires, the contractor “can enter on preferential terms to any state university of the country,” the general noted. In many countries, it is this perspective that often becomes the impetus for impeccable service. ”
Most of the countries of the near abroad, by the way, then responded very sourly to this Russian defense initiative: only Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan received relatively positive responses. However, our generals did not hide the fact that it was the experience of the Tajik 90 war that inspired them to this experiment. Then, indeed, most of the Russian border guards on the Tajik-Afghan border consisted of Tajiks. Remaining citizens of Tajikistan, they nevertheless swore allegiance to the Russian flag, wore the appropriate chevrons on the sleeve, and generally fought quite well.
However, in the 90-e years there were enough other curiosities: many officers who served at the time of the collapse of the USSR outside of Russia turned out to be citizens of the newly emerged states. And even after moving to Russia and occupying various positions in our army, for years they could not get Russian citizenship. Everyone probably remembers the teleconference when the ensign of Tajikistan’s 201 Division, located in Tajikistan, asked Vladimir Putin and wondered why he was actually fighting for Russia, and even awarded the title Hero of Russia, could not receive Russian citizenship. Putin, I remember, was very confused then and promised to sort things out. But there were thousands of such cases! Many Russian guys whose families moved to Russia from the oppression of the nationalists of the newly-baked states were called to the Russian army, they fully served in military service - but did not even receive Russian citizenship for demobilization. Oddly enough, it was easier to get him, after serving a prison term, through a certificate of release ... However, we digress from the topic.
It is clear that then, in the 2003 year, when the rate on the contract army was announced, our statesmen estimated that this could save a little. And they decided to act on the “principle of the DES” - to allow the recruitment of migrant workers. That is, foreign contract soldiers, it is clear that mostly from the near abroad.
However, it did not work - for a whole range of reasons. All this time, the number of foreign contract servicemen in Russian troops has fluctuated within 300 – 350 people, with the majority serving in Russia — in military units in the territories of the 102 Russian base in Armenia and the 201 base in Tajikistan.
According to the General Staff on the 2009 year, most of all in the Russian army were precisely the citizens of Tajikistan - 103 man. In second place - the citizens of Uzbekistan (69 people), in third - Ukraine (42). In addition to them, Belarusians, Kazakhs, Armenians and even 1 citizens of Georgia also serve Russia. Where exactly was part of it during the armed conflict between Russia and Georgia, the Ministry of Defense does not report.
But at the beginning of this spring, as KM.RU already said, the military department recognized the complete failure of the transition to the contract army (where the money allocated for this program over the years had gone - another conversation) and the need for a mass appeal for everyone capable of becoming a gun. However, due to demographic problems, the draft fund is still limited, and some of the personnel will still have to be recruited under the contract. Therefore, the military department decided to reanimate the idea of 7-year-old and further simplify the opportunity for citizens of neighboring countries to become under the Russian banner.
For example, in the previous edition of the aforementioned “Provision on the procedure for military service”, the absence of a Russian passport by a volunteer was the first possible reason for refusing to accept him for service under the contract. Now this item is excluded.
Foreigners of all countries, without exception, in the age from 18 to 30 years can be employed in the Russian army. There is no educational qualification, but it is necessary to prove knowledge of the Russian language and undergo fingerprinting, mandatory for all contract servicemen.
Unlike Russian citizens, a foreigner does not swear allegiance to Russia and does not undertake to "courageously defend freedom, independence and the constitutional order of Russia." He only undertakes to abide by the Constitution, "adequately fulfill the military duty" and "execute the orders of the commanders."
The foreigner will have to conclude the first contract for 5 years (for Russian citizens - for 3), and for those who are going to study at a military university or college, they will additionally have a term of study. After serving the first term, a foreigner is demobilized, if only during this time he did not receive Russian citizenship (service in the Russian army gives the right to a Russian passport after three years).
At the same time, in contrast to the Russian contract soldiers, their co-workers of other citizenship can save money. No benefits they are not entitled to. They provide housing for foreign contractors only for the duration of the service and only in the dormitory, they will not be given vouchers to the sanatorium and children's camps, they will not be paid for vacation tickets. The salary of the mercenary will be the same as that of his Russian colleague (now, depending on the region, 10-12 thousand rubles.).
Actually, nothing is new under the moon. And representatives of the military department, developing this idea in front of the highest state leadership, will be able to safely refer to the experience of the Roman Empire itself. When most of the Romans preferred “bread and circuses” to military service, and the extended borders had to be somehow defended, the imperial leadership gave birth to a similar idea. In the Roman legions began to recruit representatives of all imperial and neighboring peoples - both individually and whole tribes. Many of them, by the way, made a brilliant career, becoming not only major commanders, but even emperors - such as Philip Arab or Maximin Thracian. And often (as, for example, the Dalmatian Diocletian) were greater patriots of Rome than most of the indigenous Romans. But all the same, in the end, it all ended for Rome is very sad ...