"Bereg" complexes for the Dnieper river flotilla

"Bereg" complexes for the Dnieper river flotilla

Just a few days ago it became known about the formation of the Dnieper River flotilla, which will have to strengthen our grouping of troops in important sectors of the front. Now the first detailed information about the structure, capabilities and equipment of the new association is appearing. As expected, the flotilla will have its own coastal troops. In particular, it will be equipped with artillery units equipped with A-222 Bereg complexes.

According to new data

The formation of the Dnieper River Flotilla was officially announced by Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu on March 20. He said that a brigade of boats was included in this naval association, but other details remained unknown. Soon new information about the structure and capabilities of the flotilla appeared in the press.

On March 22, the Izvestia publication, citing its sources in the defense department, reported the formation of coastal units. The Dnieper flotilla will have its own marines and special forces. In addition, it will receive artillery units equipped with A-222 Bereg coastal artillery systems (BAK).

The number and composition of the flotilla's artillery batteries are not reported. Probably, Izvestia’s sources do not have such information or cannot disclose it. At the same time, the publication provides an assessment of specialized experts who point out the correctness of equipping coastal troops with artillery and the potential of such a solution.

It is expected that the Dnieper River Flotilla will begin full service and begin combat missions in the very near future. Accordingly, one can expect news about the start of combat work of artillerymen and about the destruction of enemy targets. It is obvious that the involvement of “Bereg” will improve the situation in the Dnieper direction and will make a certain contribution to achieving the general goals of the Special Operation.

Predictable step

It should be recalled that coastal units of various kinds exist within all operational-strategic formations of the Russian Navy, regardless of their size and location. Coastal forces of four navies and one flotilla include marines, tank units, artillery and missile systems, air defense, etc.

The existing coastal units are armed with artillery systems of various types of almost all major calibers. There are both 82-mm mortars 2B14 "Podnos" and 152-mm towed guns 2A36 "Gyacinth-B" and 2A65 "Msta-B". Self-propelled artillery is widely represented - from 120-mm systems of the Nona family to 152-mm self-propelled guns 2S19 Msta-S. A separate niche in this nomenclature is occupied by the A-222 “Bereg” tank, created to solve a specific range of tasks.

The current processes of creating a new Dnieper river flotilla are carried out in accordance with established standards and principles. As a result, this association, like others, should have coastal units, incl. artillery. For this reason, the latest news is not unexpected and does not raise questions.

At the same time, you can pay attention to the type of artillery system chosen. Of the variety of guns and self-propelled guns in service with the coastal troops, the BAK A-222 was chosen for the Dnieper flotilla. The reason for this choice could be a special combination of tactical and technical characteristics and combat qualities of the complex. At the same time, it cannot be ruled out that other models will also enter service with the flotilla.

One way or another, it is obvious that the Ministry of Defense is counting on the maximum result when forming a new flotilla and coastal troops. The troops as a whole will have to strengthen the grouping in the Dnieper direction, and the Bereg complexes will strengthen its overall firepower and provide some special capabilities.

It should be recalled that the coastal units of the Russian Navy have no more than 5-6 Bereg divisions. All this equipment was supplied to the coastal troops of the Black Sea Fleet in the past. The deployment of A-222 products in parts of other fleets was not considered unnecessary at that time. Now they decided that this type of equipment is necessary for the new Dnieper river flotilla. Apparently, the UAV for the flotilla will be taken from the coastal troops of the KChF.

Specialized sample

The coastal defense artillery system with the code “Bereg” has been developed since the late seventies at OKB-2 of the Barrikady plant (Volgograd). In the late eighties, the first experimental complex went into testing, and a few years later the product was put into service. Testing and preparation for serial production were carried out during a difficult period, which negatively affected the deadlines. The first serial complex was transferred to the Navy only in 2003.

The Bereg tank includes a central post, six self-propelled guns and one or two combat duty support vehicles, as well as various auxiliary equipment. Organizationally, all the assets of the complex are consolidated into an artillery division with three batteries of two self-propelled guns each. The division is an independent combat unit, capable of moving around the theater and responding to threats.

All BAC vehicles are built on the MAZ-543M wheeled chassis, which provides high mobility on roads and terrain. The CPU and MOBD are equipped with kung vans with the necessary equipment, and self-propelled guns on the same base carry a turret-type fighting compartment.

The central post "Bereg" has a radar and an optical-electronic station for illuminating the situation, detecting and tracking surface targets at ranges of 35 km. It also calculates data for firing and controls fire installations.

The self-propelled gun carries a rotating turret with a modified 130-mm gun from the AK-130 shipborne mount. The design of the fighting compartment allows horizontal aiming within 120° to the right and left of the neutral position and elevation angles from -5° to +50°. The 130 mm rifled gun uses unitary shots with projectiles for various purposes. The main one is the F-44 high-explosive ammunition weighing 33,4 kg. Ammunition includes 40 rounds; manual loading with mechanical rammer. Rate of fire – up to 10 rds/min. Maximum range – 20-23 km.

TANK A-222 "Bereg" is capable of firing at stationary and moving surface or ground objects. If target tracking is possible, amendments are constantly made and fire is adjusted. Due to this, a high probability of hitting a small or medium-sized target such as a boat or ship is achieved. At the same time, a 130-mm high-explosive projectile is powerful enough to destroy or damage standard targets.

Future Challenges

The main task of the BAK A-222 is to provide anti-landing defense of the coast. In a dangerous situation, the complex must enter a given area and meet enemy ships and landing craft with heavy fire. One or two hits on a surface target will force its crew to stop performing their combat mission and move on to fighting for survivability, if it is possible after the damage received.

In addition, the Bereg can be used to inflict fire on landing enemy forces. In this case, it should work like “regular” ground self-propelled guns - fire across areas and destroy manpower or equipment.

It is easy to see that as part of the coastal troops of the Dnieper River Flotilla, the BAK A-222 will be able to use both of its functions and show good results. So, since last year, the enemy has been regularly making attempts to cross the Dnieper and land on our bank. Such attempts are suppressed by various means, incl. artillery using guided projectiles.

"Bereg" differs from other self-propelled guns in its special fire control system, optimized for work against surface targets. Such an artillery system will be able to independently search for and hit boats and boats, without the involvement of third-party reconnaissance and target designation, as well as using standard unguided ammunition. At the same time, the specifics of the tasks being solved and the characteristics of the expected targets level out the gap from ground self-propelled guns in caliber and firing range.

If necessary, the A-222 will be able to fire at targets on the opposite bank of the Dnieper. In this case, the BAC will complement other artillery and help solve common problems. However, the need to involve a specialized complex in such combat work is questionable. Towed guns and self-propelled guns of the ground forces, as well as front-line aviation and this is how they cope with the destruction of objects deep in enemy formations.

On a responsible direction

Thus, in accordance with the observed changes in the situation and existing strategic plans, the Russian armed forces are forming a new naval association in a responsible direction. The newly created Dnieper river flotilla will not differ in size, but should receive all the necessary forces and means, including coastal artillery.

It is now known that the flotilla’s artillery units will include a number of A-222 Bereg coastal systems with special functions and capabilities. They will allow our troops to more effectively fight the enemy on the Dnieper and beyond. In the near future, our armed forces can use this potential and show the desired results.
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  1. 21+
    27 March 2024 05: 04
    The absence of a modern guided projectile, such as the "Krasnopol" type, in the ammo system sharply reduces the combat value of this artillery system
    1. AAK
      27 March 2024 05: 49
      And it’s not only the lack of guided ammunition that reduces the combat value of “Bereg”: of the tasks described in the article, “Bereg” can only be used for fire support of troops landing on the right bank of the Dnieper... Shoot effectively at inflatable boats and high-speed boats of Bandera (in particular, supplying up to the landing party in the same Krynki has not yet been destroyed) "Bereg" will not be able to due to the high maneuverability and speed of these small watercraft, its outdated locator will simply not be able to provide fast, primarily proactive, target designation, and the complex will not fire to correct the UAV adapted... Well, in a fire confrontation, "Bereg" will be one and a half to two times inferior to the same "Caesars" and "Archers", both in range and in accuracy
      1. +4
        27 March 2024 07: 03
        There was news somewhere that “Bereg” was already used in the Northern Military District.
      2. +6
        27 March 2024 10: 24
        Quote: AAK
        Well, in a fire confrontation, “Bereg” will lose one and a half to two times to the same “Caesars” and “Archers”, both in range and in accuracy

        Moreover, it will become a priority goal, and the ability to change positions in the shortest possible time while maintaining all its advantages (of which there are not many in the river area) is clearly not enough. It takes time to collapse and expand a division. The radar will clearly tell you where to look for the division. In general, it can apparently be used as a coastal complex for marine areas, but it will apparently be a burden for river units.
        1. +3
          27 March 2024 11: 36
          The river flotilla will conduct its combat operations in cooperation with ground forces, so it is logical to expect that they should be compatible in terms of ammunition. The Bereg complex uses unitary 130mm ammunition, which is not used anywhere except in the naval fleet. There will be supply problems.
          1. +3
            27 March 2024 12: 59
            Quote: Bad_gr
            There will be supply problems.

            I don’t think they’re big, Crimea is nearby...
            But China has 130-mm shells for the M-46 cannon that fly at 44000 meters, maybe there is some kind of calculation for them
          2. +2
            5 May 2024 11: 37
            There is no “morfleet” in the Russian Federation. There is a Navy.
      3. +1
        27 March 2024 13: 07
        Quote: AAK
        "Bereg" will not be able to shoot effectively at inflatable boats and high-speed boats of the Bandera (in particular, supplying the still not destroyed landing forces in the same Krynki) due to the high maneuverability and speed of these small watercraft; its outdated locator will not be able to simply issue a fast, first of all, proactive, target designation, and the complex is not equipped to fire while adjusting the UAV...

        What I’m saying is that there is a VERY lack of “Krasnopol” and “Orlan-30” “tailored” for this artillery system.
        And yet, for 122-mm artillery systems, our industry began to produce new shells with an increased range, purely coincidentally similar to these, but of Chinese design, and in China there are 130-mm shells that fly at 44000 meters, and in Iran at 42000 meters
      4. 0
        27 May 2024 10: 04
        . and the complex is not equipped to fire while adjusting the UAV

        Why? Where did you come up with it?
    2. +3
      27 March 2024 18: 03
      So the value of the self-propelled gun (and its high cost) lies precisely in the fact that it can hit moving targets using cheap and easy-to-produce cast iron.
      There's a fork right there. Or an expensive self-propelled gun with a radar and a powerful fire control system and cheap shells, or a relatively cheap self-propelled gun, but with an expensive adjustable projectile... In general, taking into account the development of UAVs, the second option seems more promising, before that I even liked the first one more...
      1. 0
        28 March 2024 11: 13
        Quote: Georgy Sviridov
        expensive self-propelled gun with radar and powerful fire control system and cheap shells

        But all this “splendor” can be effectively used by this self-propelled gun only in the open spaces of the sea, in battles on land and rivers, this will be much more problematic.
        The same radar will immediately become a priority target for AGM-88 HARM strikes
        1. +1
          April 3 2024 16: 22
          It doesn’t even have to be harm, the radar takes a bearing and Khaymars or Excalibur flies there. That’s why I wrote that now an expensive howitzer is not a good solution
  2. 10+
    27 March 2024 05: 58
    Another very necessary prodigy, for which we now need to come up with a task. Which she can't handle
  3. fiv
    27 March 2024 06: 28
    It will take a long time to camouflage such equipment on the ground.
    1. 0
      27 May 2024 10: 11
      No longer than to camouflage a tank or self-propelled gun.
  4. +5
    27 March 2024 08: 00
    We finally found a place to shove these suitcases. Closer to enemy UAVs, apparently to get rid of them as quickly as possible
  5. 10+
    27 March 2024 08: 09
    Khokhlo cannot be defeated by this prodigy. An excellent target for drones and Himara. Especially with a huge number of waiting gunners with whom they don’t work in any way. Somehow they work more accurately, but it’s this “somehow” that’s annoying.
    1. 0
      31 May 2024 17: 21
      waiting gunners with whom they don’t work in any way.

      Well, as far as the soldiers write, there are a little less than all the “waiting gunners.” And the further you go to the West, the tougher it will be. But I think much “further” is neither in the plans nor in the possibilities. Alas. what
  6. +4
    27 March 2024 08: 50
    Controversial decision. The shore was made to destroy “landing means” off our shores. Essentially an ambush. And more due to unification with the fleet in terms of ammunition.
    The flotilla seems to be supplied with conventional land weapons. 152 mm looks more logical there. And with Krasnopol it’s even more effective.
    1. +2
      27 March 2024 23: 41
      The shore is a unique system. In all senses.
      Designed to hit high-speed targets.
      The transition to 152 mm from the Coalition is long overdue.
      And for this you need experience in practical application. hi
      1. +1
        28 March 2024 09: 06
        The shore exists because it was made. At the present stage, this concept is erroneous. For the purposes for which the Coast exists, the Coalition is perfect. Slightly modify the sights and add an automated target illumination system for guided ammunition. All.
        1. 0
          28 March 2024 12: 19
          Sailors consider the Shore to be a good complex.
          I'm not an artilleryman, but experts say that
          Serious know-how was built in Bereg.
          There was no coalition then. Weight matters. hi
          1. +1
            28 March 2024 14: 52
            The beach is a magnificent complex. For its time. But a very narrow specialist. Now the concept of its use is already outdated.
            1. 0
              28 March 2024 15: 43
              Quote: garri-lin
              The beach is a magnificent complex. For its time. But a very narrow specialist. Now the concept of its use is already outdated.

              I agree.
          2. 0
            27 May 2024 10: 14
            And I'm an artilleryman. And I affirm - all artillerymen should serve at such a complex! All regiment commanders had such a complex in addition!
  7. +3
    27 March 2024 09: 18
    It seems to me that radar (i.e. the main advantage) is of little use in current conditions. But spending the stock of naval ammunition instead of standard ones is a plus
    1. 0
      27 May 2024 10: 17
      Sooo we can even use radar. In the lower reaches of the Dnieper and the level Dnieper steppes.
  8. +2
    27 March 2024 10: 08
    Another mutilation. This time naval 130mm shells.
  9. +2
    27 March 2024 10: 35
    It is obvious that the involvement of “Bereg” will improve the situation in the Dnieper direction and will make a certain contribution to achieving the general goals of the Special Operation.
    In order for this to happen, in order to increase combat stability, it is necessary to include self-propelled air defense systems in the Bereg divisions so that the self-propelled guns do not die heroically before they have time to engage in battle. sad
  10. 0
    27 March 2024 10: 46
    Interesting. I agree with the opinions above. A very pressing question arises. Why not modernize the complex first? And there is another proposal, to create crewless boats for work on the Dnieper. The advantages and price are well worth pursuing this topic.
    1. +4
      27 March 2024 11: 42
      Quote: Mikhail Maslov
      Interesting. I agree with the opinions above. A very pressing question arises. Why not modernize the complex first?

      Because it’s cheaper to make a new one - for an army caliber and army ammunition range. For example, the coastal "Msta".
      Because cramming the control system of a guided projectile or the filling of a cluster projectile into a 130-mm caliber, and then putting it all into a small series for the sake of a dozen self-propelled guns, is to follow the path of the Yankees with their Zamvolta guns, the shells for which ultimately cost a megabucks apiece. Even worse - because in terms of power, a 130 mm projectile will always be inferior to a 152 mm one.
      And all the arguments of the Navy about the unification of ammunition in the name of avoiding confusion with calibers are no longer relevant - the fleet now has its own army corps with army calibers.
      1. -1
        27 March 2024 13: 51
        I did not mean to separately develop my own high-precision projectiles for 130 mm. It is better to supply a gun from the same “Msta” or, if possible, to the “Coalition” and conduct tests.
        1. +4
          27 March 2024 16: 48
          Quote: Mikhail Maslov
          It’s better to supply a weapon from the same “Msta” or, if possible, to the “Coalition” and conduct tests.

          Tests will show that the turret and chassis of the Bereg did not withstand the tests. smile
          The 152/47's projectile weighs almost one and a half times more than that of the A-222. So problems with recoil and rollback will arise in full force. Plus, a heavier tower will require other drives.
          In general, a new turret, new filling and a new chassis will be required.
      2. 0
        27 May 2024 10: 21
        .in terms of power, a 130 mm projectile will always be inferior to a 152 mm one.

        The resistance to explosion of a sea and especially river target will always be inferior to a land target.
  11. +2
    27 March 2024 11: 27
    Dnepr, in general, where will the Ukrainians have their flotilla based? winked
  12. +3
    27 March 2024 11: 34
    At the same time, you can pay attention to the type of artillery system chosen. Of the variety of guns and self-propelled guns in service with the coastal troops, the BAK A-222 was chosen for the Dnieper flotilla. The reason for this choice could be a special combination of tactical and technical characteristics and combat qualities of the complex.

    Translating into Russian - in existing fleets this miracle with its a special combination of tactical and technical characteristics and combat qualities there was simply no use for it, so they dumped it at the first opportunity into the Dnieper flotilla. On you, God, what is not good for us... ©
    1. +1
      27 March 2024 13: 04
      Quote: Alexey RA
      On you, God, what is not good for us...

      There are no bad weapons, only bad uses... request
      I believe there are a lot of 130mm shells left in the warehouses from the EM 956 ammo gun, each ammo gun has 2000 pieces, at least 1 spare, 15 ships have been decommissioned, which is at least 60 shells, 000 shells per division barrel, and there is no point in storing them... hi And if we also take into account the BC for icebreakers, KR 1164 and 1144 hi
      1. +1
        27 March 2024 16: 39
        To dispose of these ammunition, there are now frigates pr.22350 with the same caliber. So I’m thinking: either stupidity or forethought???... request
        1. 0
          28 March 2024 10: 48
          Quote: Scharnhorst
          To dispose of these ammunition, there are now frigates pr.22350 with the same caliber.

          the shells are at least 30-40 years old... and where will these frigates fire their OFS? request
          Quote: Scharnhorst
          and I think: is it either stupidity or foresight??

          in my opinion, rationality is a resource that must be used...
      2. +5
        27 March 2024 16: 52
        Quote: DrEng02
        I believe there are a lot of 130mm shells left in the warehouses from the EM 956 ammo gun, each ammo gun has 2000 pieces, at least 1 spare, 15 ships have been decommissioned, which is at least 60 shells, 000 shells per division barrel, and there is no point in storing them...

        I'm afraid that the self-propelled guns themselves will be disposed of before they shoot at least one ammunition.
        The firing range of "Berega" is 23 km. Twenty three kilometers. That is, we have a huge four-wheeled vehicle crawling 10-15 km from the front line (I don’t even remember about the command post and MOBD). Yes, all UAVs within a radius of half a hundred kilometers will fly towards such a target.
        1. -2
          28 March 2024 10: 52
          Quote: Alexey RA
          I'm afraid that the self-propelled guns themselves will be disposed of

          a question of tactics... I repeat - the question is at least the disposal of tens of thousands of shells!
          Quote: Alexey RA
          I still don’t remember about KP and MOBD)

          are they needed? just shooting the enemy's OP in fire attack mode...
          Quote: Alexey RA
          Yes, all UAVs within a radius of half a hundred kilometers will fly towards such a target.

          but don’t they fly to a tank or self-propelled gun? This is now a standard threat, so why not use heavy equipment? Or use electronic warfare and self-defense systems for self-defense?
          1. +2
            28 March 2024 12: 12
            Quote: DrEng02
            a question of tactics...

            -Mice! Fuck off! I'm not a tactician, I'm a strategist! © smile
            We have a wheeled vehicle weighing 43 tons, with a length greater than that of the Smerch, operating 15 km from the front line.
            The very first detection of it from a UAV - and then either the Chimera will shoot at the OP, or a kamikaze will fly in.
            Quote: DrEng02
            are they needed? just shooting the enemy's OP in fire attack mode...

            Where to get shooting data from? The army will immediately send him away - they haven’t had such a caliber for half a century. With the same success, you can ask the navy to give out data for firing on the "Genocide". smile
            Quote: DrEng02
            but don’t they fly to a tank or self-propelled gun? This is now a standard threat, so why not use heavy equipment? Or use electronic warfare and self-defense systems for self-defense?

            And where is all this in the fleet?
            Because the army has its own artillery - more powerful and longer-range. And they will not allow you to undress yourself for the sake of incomprehensible naval games with a unique low-power and short-range self-propelled gun, the ammunition of which has the only type of shells - cast iron OFS - 152 mm and 203 mm calibers are more important.
            1. 0
              28 March 2024 13: 39
              Quote: Alexey RA
              And where is all this in the fleet?

              Don't MP brigades fight? They will give them something businesslike...
              A lot of shells is worth a lot... request
            2. +1
              28 March 2024 22: 22
              We have a wheeled vehicle weighing 43 tons, with a length greater than that of the Smerch, operating 15 km from the front line.

              In general, everything is like that. Maybe it would be okay to level some Krynki, but shooting already on the opposite bank looks risky.

              On the other hand, I listened to a stream with the number of the Tulip crew... And it’s okay, they fought, despite the fact that their range is even shorter than that of Bereg.. True, the power of the ammunition is greater. True, they didn’t fight for very long. But overall the impressions from using this weapon were positive.
            3. 0
              27 May 2024 10: 28
              . Where to get shooting data from?

              Haven't you read the article? His control center, own control system.
  13. +5
    27 March 2024 11: 41
    The Bereg is of course a good car for the 80-90s, but not for this time, the range is not great, I don’t know about the accuracy in comparison with at least the Msta-S, but if we take into account the fact that we want to cross the Dnieper, then We need a Coalition on wheels.
    1. +1
      27 March 2024 13: 52
      I completely agree with you.
    2. 0
      27 May 2024 10: 32
      . the range is not great,

      The range is enough for the eyes. In fact, the landing force is shot at almost point-blank range. Sometimes direct fire.
  14. -5
    27 March 2024 12: 36
    they just want to dispose of them, they are of no use
    1. -1
      28 March 2024 22: 24
      they just want to dispose of them, they are of no use

      Together with the crews? Are they of no use either?
  15. -3
    27 March 2024 15: 21
    I think this is the right decision. What's the use of these guns standing on the shore and waiting for some kind of landing party to swim to the shore? Let them work.
    1. 0
      27 March 2024 16: 43
      So send existing units on a business trip, why cast a shadow over the fence with the formation of new ones.
    2. 0
      27 March 2024 19: 46
      Quote: Gritsa
      I think this is the right decision. What's the use of these guns standing on the shore and waiting for some kind of landing party to swim to the shore? Let them work.

      Who will give order to open fire?? - The self-propelled gun "Bereg" will be "inside" the "Dnieper Flotilla", the "Bereg" will work and help others land units or wait for orders from the immediate river command?
      1. 0
        27 May 2024 10: 38
        The order to open fire is given by the battery commander when the target approaches the designated opening fire line. Don't you understand?
  16. +3
    27 March 2024 15: 57
    The central post "Berega" has a radar and an optical-electronic station for illuminating the situation, detecting and tracking surface targets at ranges of 35 km.

    and what is the point of using such a specialized complex on a river a maximum of a couple of kilometers wide?
    1. 0
      27 May 2024 10: 41
      The fact is that there is only one position, and upstream is 35 km and downstream is 35 km, in total a section of 70 km, where the enemy changes his mind three times about landing, or looking for another place...
      1. 0
        27 May 2024 10: 46
        Do you think that the river there is straight as an arrow for 70 km, and the complex is located right at the water’s edge?
        1. 0
          27 May 2024 10: 53
          Yes, the position is selected taking into account the visibility of the landing area. And when the place where the landing began is detected, the OP changes nearby. That's why he's on wheels, so he can arrive in time. However, the landing does not take one hour and does not come in one wave. Read the charter, everything is described there. Simple, clear and much more interesting wink
          1. 0
            27 May 2024 10: 55
            Read more. What charter and what specific articles? Specifically, about the use of this complex on a river two dozen meters wide.
            1. 0
              27 May 2024 10: 59
              Artillery combat regulations. Section - "Action of the division when repelling the landing." The Dnieper River in its lower reaches is quite wide. There is also an estuary and reservoirs. Many kilometers of water surface.
              1. 0
                27 May 2024 11: 13
                There is no reservoir there, the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station is destroyed.
                The Dnieper River in its lower reaches is a bunch of relatively narrow channels and overgrown islands, access to which from the left bank is difficult. There are no “kilometers of water surface” there.
                And how to apply it there
                The central post "Berega" has a radar and an optical-electronic station for illuminating the situation, detecting and tracking surface targets at ranges of 35 km.

                big mystery.
  17. 0
    27 March 2024 19: 12
    Based on the A-222 “Bereg” complex, you can probably create an analogue of Caesar. Stick in a 152 mm cannon and electronics. I think it will be cheaper than creating from 0. (Mallow does not count, the firing range is small)
    1. 0
      27 May 2024 10: 43
      Yes, let the French try to create an analogue of the Shore based on Caesar. Somehow we don’t see it... Not every military-industrial complex can handle this laughing
  18. AMG
    27 March 2024 19: 19
    The article is water, this time river water. Written for show.
  19. -1
    28 March 2024 11: 36
    If the whole of Ukraine is going to demilitarize the flotilla for a while, until the issue is finally resolved smile and why fence the garden. But if the demarcation line runs along the Dnieper then yes...
  20. +1
    28 March 2024 14: 22
    First you need to get to the Dnieper. If you advance 100m a week, you still have to live to see it.
  21. 0
    10 July 2024 15: 31
    Quote: Georgy Sviridov
    an expensive self-propelled gun with a radar and a powerful fire control system and cheap projectiles, or a relatively cheap self-propelled gun, but with an expensive adjustable projectile...

    A cheap printer means expensive consumables, an expensive printer means inexpensive consumables. Same here :)