20-I brigade. Some equipment and weapons

Several photos of fighters with the radio station P-168-0.1 in 6B23-1 bullet-proof vests with the automatic machine "Val"

If I wanted to embellish reality, it would be possible after these photos to write that all fighters of the Kevlar brigade have a helmet-type brigade who will either check this or refute. But so far, unfortunately, this is not so, only intelligence is provided with similar helmets, the rest of the divisions are in good old metal ones. But all the new Broniki and radios of the 168 family are good.
By the way, going to the headquarters for a conversation with the brigade's commander-in-chief, the fighter from the anti-terror unit, who had a training session, took off (he wondered if he was often trained, the soldier said yes). He has a SIDS, an old helmet, and a lightweight bronik unknown to me, whose name I did not have time to ask - can you tell me?

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  1. dmitri077
    26 January 2012 13: 49
    classic boots ..
  2. Comrade
    5 March 2012 10: 37
    and so few photos ??? 20-motorized rifle ???