There needs to be reform...reform. The experience of the Northern Military District requires accelerating changes in the army

There needs to be reform...reform. The experience of the Northern Military District requires accelerating changes in the army

It's hard to live without making mistakes. It’s difficult because many decisions have to be made for the first and, often, only, last time. Of course, one can recall many clever proverbs and sayings, like “Only fools do not learn from other people’s mistakes,” but in fact in life it turns out that there are much more “fools” than “smart ones.”

Remember minibuses from the recent past? Those low cars with rattling doors that saved us 20-30 years ago from a transport collapse? And you probably remember the inscriptions that comedian drivers placed in the cabin. The “place for hitting your head” is above the door... I doubt that at that time there was at least one passenger who did not try this “place” with that very head...

We didn’t make any mistakes back then. Including in the army. Today many people talk and write about the “Serdyukov reform”. They write with little idea of ​​what it is all about. Today I decided to touch upon only some aspects of these changes. Just to make it clear why and why something needs to be changed.

We have been conducting SVO in Ukraine for two years now. The period is quite sufficient to understand what urgently needs to be changed. What we did to our army in the early 2000s.

Yes, something has already been done or is being done, but much has not yet been achieved. This is understandable, a person’s legs “walk”.

I recently spoke with a very intelligent officer, and this conversation prompted me to write this material. When you communicate with a person who is fanatically devoted to service, you involuntarily become infected with his ideas, accept or reject his point of view. In any case, you will not remain indifferent.

Amateurs in management and the magic of Western packaging

Alas, we all, no matter what they say now, bought into Western packages and boxes. Old people remember how at the flea market they bought the now usual packages for a bunch of “soviet rubles.” How they sealed them if they accidentally broke somewhere. This magic of worshiping everything Western took possession of the majority at that time.

And so those who worship everything with foreign words on their ass come to the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Defense. And questions immediately arise. For example, why do we need so many officers? Why do we spend money on training lieutenants who, in principle, as Western experience shows, we do not need? And there are many other “parasites” in the army...

Would you like to name official figures that perfectly show how our army was destroyed to please “Western models”? 22% of generals, 80% of colonels, more than 60% of lieutenant colonels, up to 70% of majors, about 60% of captains were dismissed... At the same time, lieutenants and senior officers grew up. In general, the officer corps was halved... From 300 thousand to 150 thousand people.

Do you remember what the fate of the warrant officers was? Those same “fathers” and soldiers and young officers? They were not in the Western armies and... they were no longer with us. They cut it out at the root. Instead of warrant officers, career sergeants of various types and titles were to appear. But they didn't show up. Commanders have been looking for a good warrant officer for years. And the sergeant... He served and went home... Conscript...

And what did we get then? And then we got a complete mess. So much so that even then-President Dmitry Medvedev howled. It turned out that there was simply no one to explain to the soldier and even the lieutenant why “if you press this little button, it will go crazy over there, and then the engine will crack.” There was no such ensign who climbed on equipment from morning to night and knew everything about each machine...

President Medvedev then acted very correctly. He ordered it to be returned, restored, etc. But not all the promising ones returned. And it’s not so easy to return looted schools. Capitalism... Everything has already been sold... There is still no talk of restoration. There are not enough junior officers. Especially in connection with the SVO. The lieutenant does not sit at headquarters. He compares his belly with privates and sergeants.

Now let me remind you about the most terrible reform for our army. Many people will really “like” this. So, optimizing army management... Simply put, reducing army costs and speeding up the passage of commands from top to bottom. To do this, it is enough to switch from a four-link control system to a three-link one. To put it even simpler, abolish divisions and form brigades instead of regiments. Instead of district-army-division-regiment, now district-army-brigade.

Naturally, in such a situation, dividing the country into many military districts became unnecessary. Instead of the existing six districts at that time, four were formed. Western, Southern, Central and Eastern. But what especially struck everyone then was the formation of OSK Sever. Even the disappearance of the Moscow and Leningrad districts and the transfer of the headquarters of the Western Military District to St. Petersburg made less of an impression than the United Strategic Command North...

And so it turned out that now one commander is in charge of everything. Both ground forces and fleetand aviation, and air defense. And they put it beautifully then: “To reduce reaction time in emergency situations”... By the way, there is another brainchild of the same time. Combining those parts and formations that are designed to destroy objects with those whose task is to protect objects.

Remember the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Air Force and Air Defense Commands? When the command of the Air Force and Air Defense armies was united. And all according to the same principle - “so that it is like civilized people.” Why all these squadrons, regiments, divisions, armies? It will be like the Americans. Command-air base-air group-squadron!

It was then, in 2009-2010, that we got air bases. And not just a base, but three categories at once. There was a separate squadron, which became a third category airbase. There was an air regiment, it became a second category base. There was an air division, it became a first category base... Our army was being killed. According to the reform plans, the reductions planned were simply unthinkable.

Ground forces must be reduced... by 90%! Air Force - half! The Navy is also half! Even the Strategic Missile Forces were reduced by a third! Even the space forces and airborne forces were reduced by 15-17%. This is what an effective manager at the head of a department means. From the point of view of reducing spending on the army, everything is fine. And from the point of view of defense capability? How quickly the lessons of the Chechen wars and the war of 08.08.08 were forgotten then.

It's time to act, not talk.

Much of what I wrote above has already been canceled or reformed once again. But much of it still exists today. We have been fighting in the Northern Military District zone for almost two years. I think this time is quite enough to determine all the positive and negative effects of the reform. It is clear that it will not be possible to quickly undo what has been done before.

But there is experience in transferring fleets back under the command of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. There is experience in transferring aviation and air defense armies to the commander-in-chief of the Aerospace Forces. Even the decision to create a Joint Strategic Command in St. Petersburg was canceled and the Moscow and Leningrad military districts were revived.

Why are we delaying the deployment on the basis of division brigades? After all, the experience of the Northern Military District has already proven that the brigade does not reach the capabilities of the division in its power and combat capabilities. And, therefore, this formation can be called the main tactical one only with great reserve. Missile division or anti-aircraft missile regiment. Artillery division or artillery regiment. Even such a unit as sappers. Company or battalion. There is a difference? Will this difference be noticeable in battle?

I fully understand that reorganization will cost money. And big ones. Which is a pretty serious problem at the moment. We have a large enough army that it would be difficult to do everything at once. But maybe it’s worth thinking about gradual reform? Not all at once, but part by part, connection by connection.

Well, one last thing. The partial mobilization revealed so many problems with military registration that even thoughts arose about whether it even existed. The same is true with the retraining of reserve personnel. For a year now, military registration and enlistment offices have been dragging out those liable for military service for re-registration by hook or by crook. I understand that the amount of work being done is enormous.

Maybe, along with registration, we should immediately conduct training to update the knowledge acquired in the army? Modern technology and weapons are no longer the Mosin rifle. And in two or three months it is simply impossible to train a good driver, sniper, UAV operator and many other specialists.

Whatever one may say, life dictates its own conditions, its own demands, and we cannot ignore them. Otherwise, the former “partners” will devour them and not choke. Or they will “exchange it for pennies,” as was done with Ukraine.
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  1. +47
    18 January 2024 05: 08
    But maybe it’s worth thinking about gradual reform?

    First, we need to give a public assessment of the previous Army reform. Summarize. Draw conclusions.
    Note obvious failures. Name those responsible for the failures.

    Only after this will it be possible to avoid new mistakes when creating a modern Army.
    1. +41
      18 January 2024 05: 42
      Agree to 100%.
      Who will carry out these reforms?
      Yesterday's builders, plywood specialists? Or Luntik, wounded in the decision-making center?
      Or maybe call Chubais again? He is a very great specialist in reforms.
    2. +44
      18 January 2024 05: 51
      Quote: AA17
      First, we need to give a public assessment of the previous Army reform.

      And also reforms in education, medicine, science, art, culture, industry, construction, housing and communal services, military-industrial complex, agriculture, the Constitution, privatization... And much more.
      1. +1
        18 January 2024 06: 17
        Separately, Wagner's experience. Expeditionary for the deserts of Asia, Africa and America. Brigades.
        1. -1
          18 January 2024 18: 43
          Quote: antivirus
          Expeditionary for deserts

          Any conflict of the late 20th century was always associated with storming cities and mountain fortifications, and not with voyages through deserts and jungles. The desert and jungle are not in demand here; mountain riflemen and mountain artillerymen, climbers, skiers and rangers and attack aircraft are much more useful.
          From the experience of desert wars, perhaps, it is worth borrowing only MRAPs, adapting them to the climate and mountain roads.
          In fact, we need to borrow from the Swedes, Swiss, Finns and Germans.
          1. +10
            18 January 2024 20: 34
            To carry out competent reforms, we need competent and devoted people at the head of the country. In the meantime, the country is led by an oligarchic system headed by Putin, it is naive to expect competent and conscious actions by the authorities in any sphere, including in the army.
            1. +9
              18 January 2024 21: 04
              It’s strange why in the article Staver doesn’t sing odes to the Greatest Grandmaster.. But just to a sleepy LADY.. Does he really know something and is preparing to change his shoes. However, who carried out this defeat? Serdyukov? So he had a boss..
              1. +2
                19 January 2024 02: 52
                Quote from: dmi.pris1
                , and who carried out this defeat? Serdyukov? So he had a boss ..

                And oddly enough, this boss was DAM - at that time the President of the Russian Federation.
                1. +3
                  19 January 2024 07: 06
                  Oddly enough, this reform was started earlier than DAM YesThe destruction of the same military universities began in 2006, if not earlier
                  1. 0
                    19 January 2024 16: 07
                    Quote from: dmi.pris1
                    this reform started earlier than DAM. The destruction of the same military universities began in 2006, if not earlier

                    So they tried - they proved that they were their own - BURZHUIN. And in NATO the bait was thrown out, the OSH and even the uniform were adjusted to a single standard.
                    But it was under DAM that the zeal for these reforms surpassed everything imaginable.
                2. +3
                  19 January 2024 17: 19
                  And oddly enough, this boss was DAM - at that time the President of the Russian Federation.

                  what the hell kind of LADY is the president. Only perhaps nominal. The decision was made by who stood behind him and who nominated him to this post. There is one person responsible for all these so-called reforms. It was he who appointed his people to the most responsible positions, set the most important tasks, and all decisions depended on him in one way or another. He had and still has absolute power. Therefore, everything that happened and is happening in the country is the result of his activities and we have him alone to thank for this. And there is no need to look for some extreme people. They themselves could not do anything without his knowledge.
                  1. +1
                    19 January 2024 23: 02
                    Quote: wladimirjankov
                    There is one person responsible for all these so-called reforms. It was he who appointed his people to the most responsible positions, set the most important tasks, and all decisions depended on him in one way or another.

                    Do not exaggerate the role of a dependent person in history, the king is always played by his retinue, and the master of the situation is the one who owns the property that he controls. If everything that is in the country was divided before you, then you just request "hired manager" Moreover, your management is really reduced to almost representative functions. Everything else is acting and family decisions.
                    You won’t say that in the USA everything is controlled by belay the president of this confederation? lol Although Trump really tried. Real power is always invisible. And this is not “Deripaska on trust” at all.
              2. +2
                19 January 2024 20: 14
                I have only one question: Why are officers who worship the West sent to the leadership of the Defense Ministry? Or everything follows the same pattern as in power - not an expert, but manageable.
            2. +1
              7 February 2024 10: 41
              Ruský vůdce ví, že „nová garda“ veteránů nebyla poskvrněna celoživotními sympatiemi směřujícími k Západu, na rozdíl od většiny politické a economic elite „staré gardy“ , jejíž naivita vůči Západu vedla k tomu, že ho v omyl o jeho záměry, a tak hrál roli v událostech, které vedly ke speciální operaci. Prezident Putin sdělil svou vizi nové ruské elity vedené veterány koncem ledna při setkání s ministry a nejvyššími představiteli Petrohradu podle zprávy RT o jejich rozhovoru: „Ruská hlava státu dříve prozradi la, že na Ukrajině bylo nasazeno asi 617 000 příslušníků služby. “Setkal jsem se dnes se studenty, kteří svá studia odložili, mnozí z nich odešli do válečné zóny,” poznamenal Putin. “Právě z těchto lidí bychom měli v budoucnu tvořit elitu země,” dodal. Ruská hlava státu označila vracející se vojáky za ty, kterým lze svěřit rozvoj země. “Proto by měli být podporováni [a] podporováni.” „Nová garda“ však právě začíná se svými životy a nemá co ztratit, ale hodně získat tím, že vyroste v tomto novém elitním systému. Ruský vůdce také ví, že nebyli poskvrněni celoživotními sympatiemi směřujícími k Západu, na rozdíl od většiny „staré gardy“, jejíž naivita vůči Západu vedla k tomu, že ho o jeho záměrech uvedli v omyl.
      2. +35
        18 January 2024 06: 32
        And also reforms in education, medicine, science, art, culture, industry, construction, housing and communal services, military-industrial complex, agriculture, the Constitution, privatization... And much more.

        Why do we need medicine and education in our mother Russia?
        As I understand the logic of the leadership, migrants should live in the country, and initially the Russian population should be uneducated and start having 16 children at the age of 6. Well, so that you don’t have time to think about something and the strength to demand respect for your rights.
        And now it turns out that someone dares to open their mouth about something else. "This should not happen in a free state."
        Military affairs is, first of all, a calling and a certain way of developing the structure of the brain.
        We need industry.
        Instead of 15 people in an assault group, in my opinion, it is better to send a mine clearance vehicle, 2 tanks, 1 terminator, fpv drones and several more more powerful drones.
        And to produce all this we need industry.
        To prepare the operators of all this, we need a program to search for people with psychological and mental abilities.
        The stormtrooper is a separate issue. Here we need extreme people who chase adrenaline. So they need to be dressed in additional protection, given an exoskeleton so that they can carry this armor and ammunition.
        But again, industry and scientists are needed to make it all possible to develop and produce.
        We need bombs with controlled suspension modules in commercial quantities. Which they managed to bring to fruition in two years, but before that 20 years there wasn’t enough time.
        We need aviation equipment, 100% Russian, so that every bolt can be produced here. And for this we need industry.
        Now we need to restore, first of all, schools, vocational schools and medicine. We won’t have enough people if they fight against us according to new principles, and we will count on having enough people. Sooner, the country will be taken over from within by migrants and Russia will turn into anything, but definitely not into a modern country where my child will live. And if there is no place for my child in this country, why should I live in this country and work for its development?
        1. +13
          18 January 2024 08: 33
          Quote: Sergey_Bely
          Now we need to restore first of all schools, vocational schools and medicine

          What does "restore" mean? All this is constantly being improved and modernized, improved and modernized... Sometimes it’s even interesting how it will all end.
          1. +1
            22 January 2024 05: 57
            Yeah, they're improving. There are fewer and fewer budget places, and more and more paying people.
        2. AUL
          18 January 2024 09: 27
          Quote: Sergey_Bely
          Why do we need medicine and education in our mother Russia?

          Why do we need medicine if there are only two diseases in the country - endets and garbage? Endets cannot be treated, but the bullshit will go away on its own! (C)
          An anecdote, of course, but it quite accurately reflects the attitude of leaders towards the country's problems!
        3. +5
          18 January 2024 11: 35
          Quote: Sergey_Bely
          Now we need to restore first

          First of all, I propose to conduct a virtual Unified State Exam of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief with grades given for his decisions. If there are more pluses than minuses, then give the hero and let him continue to run for this position; if there are fewer, then he will be sent to the chamber for the duration of his tenure. If the number is equal, let them go in peace.
        4. +6
          18 January 2024 11: 46
          Will they go to vocational school?
          What can they earn later?
          Prestigious? Or do they see that this is not true?
          We have many reformers.
          If we abolish abortion, the birth rate will increase)
          We will revive vocational schools - workers will appear)
          For divorces - a fine and sending to SVO)
          What kind of world of wonders is this?
          1. 0
            18 January 2024 12: 21
            What kind of world of wonders is this? And then there will be “Curiouser and curiouser!”
          2. +1
            18 January 2024 15: 25
            Quote: Goto
            Will they go to vocational school?
            What can they earn later?

            In general, a lot of people go to vocational schools now; a smart plumber earns much more than office planktonin. But this, of course, is apartment renovation; it will have little effect on the economy as a whole. Well, someone’s toilet will stand beautifully, and that’s all
            1. -1
              19 January 2024 23: 26
              In general, a lot of people are going to vocational schools now,

              Actually, we haven’t had a system of vocational schools for about 5 years now. The same thing has been reformed. Now what was not closed has been attached to technical schools or renamed colleges. And they are trying to teach secondary vocational education on the technical basis of primary education (or rather, on what is left of this base, since there is practically no funding)
              1. +2
                20 January 2024 03: 39
                Well, people have been flocking to those colleges where they teach something useful and what remains for the last few years. And in recent years there has been a shortage of students in universities, where instead of teaching useful things they teach learning. The people gradually began to wise up.
                Vocational schools were renamed and closed because people didn’t go there, because they teach good-for-nothing lumpen people to drink vodka from their throats, who would go there?
                1. -1
                  20 January 2024 11: 27
                  Well, people have been flocking to those colleges where they teach something useful and what remains for the last few years.

                  There is such a thing. Firstly, the negative experience of the generation of “lawyers” and “economists” has an impact. Secondly, higher education has become really “unaffordable” for many families. Especially if they live in a province where there are no universities and the child must be sent at least to the regional center. Well, young people are now informed and more literate in life. If necessary, you can get a higher education by correspondence.
                  1. 0
                    20 January 2024 15: 36
                    Quote: 1z1
                    Secondly, higher education has become really “unaffordable” for many families. Especially if they live in a province where there are no universities and the child must be sent at least to the regional center.

                    In Moscow, colleges and technical schools are not empty either. And higher education itself is not so much expensive as it is useless. When you come to work, they require that you have a diploma, and then - forget everything you were taught! Probably only doctors are taught useful things, the rest are taught to pass colloquiums, tests and standards, which is not very necessary later in life.
          3. -5
            18 January 2024 20: 01
            In vocational schools, training lasted 1 - 2 years. Why not turn the senior classes of secondary schools into vocational schools? Like 8th - 9th grade is a profession, 10th - 12th grade is a military specialty. And at the end of the day - a ready-made product of a military expert! Such a supply is not enough for the pocket!
            1. +8
              18 January 2024 20: 15
              I would like to remind you that secondary schools prepare for admission to universities, including, and for obtaining working professions there were CPCs in the two senior classes. The idea of ​​lowering a school to the level of a vocational school in general subjects is something!
          4. +2
            18 January 2024 21: 13
            Will they go to vocational school?
            What can they earn later?
            Prestigious? Or do they see that this is not true?
            We have many reformers.
            If we abolish abortion, the birth rate will increase)
            We will revive vocational schools - workers will appear)
            For divorces - a fine and sending to SVO)
            What kind of world of wonders is this?

            Let's start over.
            School graduates come with different abilities.
            A university is good for those who plan to engage in scientific activities.
            Vocational schools are those specialties that are required in basic sectors of industry and life.
            For example, an automated control system specialist is a secondary specialized profession in the world. And we have engineering.
            But designing a process control system is already the highest.
            It’s simple, if you need to work with your hands and head, that’s in a vocational school, if you only need to work with your head, that’s a university.
            It is clear that there are also different forms of educational institutions, for example, college.

            What about school - honestly, it's a terrible nightmare. If the child is not a genius and the parents do not have money, then in Russia there is a 99% chance of getting an education now. The school was practically destroyed. Teachers are subject to double negative selection. Applicants who do not have enough points for normal specialties go to pedagogical specialties. And if they are so stupid that they couldn’t find a normal job during their studies, then they go to school. But most often they run away after half a year. For even a salesman in Pyaterochka earns more than a teacher in a school in central Russia.
            1. 0
              18 January 2024 23: 14
              For example, an automated control system specialist is a secondary specialized profession in the world. And we have engineering.

              It is because of this approach that during the Soviet era, the Soviet Union had the most powerful engineering school in the world. After the launch of Sputnik and the first astronaut, even the US President was forced to admit this and launch educational reform in the United States. Well, then the Americans studied our system, added money to it, and by the beginning of the 80s their engineering school became no worse. . . .
              1. +1
                20 January 2024 17: 01
                What was called the “Soviet engineering school” was achievable thanks to the presence of technical schools in the USSR, i.e. secondary vocational education (colleges in the USA, by the way, appeared after studying the Soviet experience).
                Because an engineer’s horizons (namely, expanding them are taught in universities) are excessive for routine operations, while a vocational school graduate has practically none outside his profession. It was the techies who carried the progress of the USSR on their shoulders. And it was they who were not in the “new world” (by the way, there was no secondary vocational education in Tsarist Russia either - unlike France and Germany in the 18th-19th centuries. But this, of course, did not affect the level of industrial development, yeah) .
                But the replacement of technicians with engineers led to the degradation of the engineering school and, as a result, what happened.
          5. -1
            19 January 2024 03: 14
            Quote: Goto
            If we abolish abortion, the birth rate will increase)

            Classify under the article "Intentional murder by prior conspiracy." But in order for the birth rate to grow, the salaries of fathers of families need to be sufficient for the whole family, while women stay at home and raise their children.
            Quote: Goto
            We will revive vocational schools - workers will appear)

            These sectoral ministries should take care of (training qualified personnel), but we have only one ministry for the whole immensity - Trade (!) and whatever it is... Industry. And this minister is our highest paid. It’s just that he’s busy - he earns rupees in India.

            Quote: Goto
            For divorces - a fine and sending to SVO)

            And if the initiator of the divorce is a woman, will she be sent to the SVO? what Or should the man go to psychological rehabilitation?
            But as for the fine for divorce, I’m for it. And the fine was paid by the culprit/initiator of the divorce.

            Quote: Goto
            What kind of world of wonders is this?

            We will soon also be blessed with the Ministry of Happiness.
            Then we'll live.
            1. -1
              20 January 2024 07: 10
              Classify under the article "Intentional murder by prior conspiracy."

              Anyone who is not a woman of reproductive age should be prohibited from speaking out about abortion. I think that everyone who is not directly at risk has the moral right to speak out only in the direction of “Let the woman decide for herself.”
              And if the initiator of the divorce is a woman, will she be sent to the SVO?

              If a woman is equal to a man in strength, aggressiveness, obstinacy, egocentrism and reproductive irresponsibility, then let her go. But I have no doubt that a man will run away from such a woman himself, and she will shout after him: “It was still good!”
              1. +1
                20 January 2024 15: 54
                Quote: Stinging_Nettle
                Anyone who is not a woman of reproductive age should be prohibited from speaking out about abortion.

                And how much intelligence is there in your head at that age? After all, very young girls start having abortions, and then when they get married they are not able to give birth. Otherwise they will completely ruin their health. If only you knew how many of these young souls became happy mothers on my advice. After all, they had no idea what they were going to do; from childhood they were taught fornication, contraception and abortion. And if only in schools - from every iron.
                A happy future mother with many children must be raised from childhood, giving the right guidelines for her future life. And these girls don’t even have such thoughts (about abortion, contraception, and especially fornication). And their marriages, as a rule, are happy, with many children, and, oddly enough, they live in abundance.
                And it is the man who should talk about the happiness of motherhood, the crime of abortion and how to properly look for a real husband (the father of his future children). The psychology of a young woman is such that she tries to be what real men want their chosen one to be. And if her father or another man who is authoritative for her does not tell her about this, then TV, the Internet and the street will lie to her about it. And the mother (if she herself has no experience of a happy marriage) will also not be able to convey anything useful to her (her daughter). So the Law of the Universe dictates that “The husband is the head of the wife.” And today we have more and more women (not jargon or an insult) walking around without a head - divorced or completely unmarried. And others are married, but they are not happy in their marriage (wrong choice), they do not celebrate their husband. And what good will such unfortunate women teach their daughters? But a smart father, a loving uncle, a kind mentor or a wise boss... can even put an adult girl’s brains in place. And set them up in the right way.
                Quote: Stinging_Nettle
                If a woman is equal to a man in strength, aggressiveness, obstinacy, egocentrism and reproductive irresponsibility, then let her go.

                We don’t need such shame as in the neighboring territory. And in our country (albeit a long time ago) I dissuaded several activist-initiatives from the sniper craft. War is not a woman's business.
                For us, this is Donbass.
                1. -3
                  21 January 2024 03: 54
                  And how much intelligence is there in your head at that age?

                  Certainly more than that of a man who fancies himself an expert in women’s affairs and engages in irresponsible chatter. I don’t understand the motive, why expose yourself in a funny light, pompously talking about something that you don’t have the slightest idea about and can’t try on yourself.
              2. 0
                20 January 2024 16: 12
                Quote: Stinging_Nettle
                A man will run away from such a woman on his own, and she will shout after him: “It was all good!”

                These are the people that men are now running from, even to the front.
                And for such imagery - a plus.
        5. +2
          18 January 2024 23: 05
          Instead of 15 people in an assault group, in my opinion, it is better to send a mine clearance vehicle, 2 tanks, 1 terminator, fpv drones and several more more powerful drones.

          The question arises of the adequacy of such a statement, even without knowing the purpose and objectives
      3. +8
        18 January 2024 08: 27
        Quote from Uncle Lee
        Quote: AA17
        First, we need to give a public assessment of the previous Army reform.

        As well as reforms in education, medicine, science, art, culture,

        Well, they are not completed yet, even somewhere in their midst...
      4. +8
        18 January 2024 09: 19
        Quote from Uncle Lee
        Quote: AA17
        First, we need to give a public assessment of the previous Army reform.

        And also reforms in education, medicine, science, art, culture, industry, construction, housing and communal services, military-industrial complex, agriculture, the Constitution, privatization... And much more.

        People tried, “reformed” everything they could get their hands on tirelessly, as long as it wasn’t like in the “scoop”. wink
        Putin at a meeting with military officers: "...We believed that we were our own, bourgeois, and I gave up on NATO..."
        1. +3
          18 January 2024 10: 58
          1. There has been no talk of planning for a long time. Everything works in the here and now.
          2. Reforms are, again, planning, and the goal of reforms can only be money. How to reform a warring army in order to extract money?
      5. +1
        18 January 2024 23: 32
        Quote from Uncle Lee
        And also reforms in education, medicine, science, art, culture, industry, construction, housing and communal services, military-industrial complex, agriculture, the Constitution, privatization... And much more.

        These reforms are not finished yet. And not everything has been privatized yet. So it’s premature to talk about this. Let's talk in 2030. If we are alive.
    3. +11
      18 January 2024 06: 04
      And you argue appalitically.
      Naming those responsible is worse than assigning the guilty.
      In the summer of 22, they washed themselves with blood, and in the east they conducted exercises, running along a line. “don’t gather for more than 3” UAVs were already the main ones in the Donbass. The President was greeted as under Grechko and Ustinov. Tanks in a row.
      Reducing deaths is possible, reducing “cost effectiveness” is not. They won't give it. Everything for money.
      There is no goal to fight with NATO; there will be no return to the experience of world wars. Otherwise there is a thick hint “we are ready for the tramv”.
      The customer of the reform is our business, the aligarchs. Do they need power, leverage to conquer markets, clash with competitors, beyond the bounds of decency?
    4. +15
      18 January 2024 06: 26
      Naming those responsible for failures is something we simply have huge problems with. And at all levels and not only in the army.
      1. 0
        18 January 2024 18: 47
        “Name those responsible for failures?”, but how to find them? Russia is a country of paradoxes, for example, warrant officers are the first corrupt officials in the army, but no one has ever seen the warrant officer’s mansion on Rublyovka.
        1. +2
          20 January 2024 17: 53
          Judging by the minuses, someone still knows about the mansions of ensigns on Rublyovka.
    5. -1
      18 January 2024 09: 13
      Quote: AA17
      Summarize. Draw conclusions.
      Note obvious failures. Name those responsible for the failures.

      Stalin called those responsible for the failure to start the war - NGSH RKKA Zhukov GK and People's Commissar of Defense Timoshenko S K ?? Just weird.....
      1. 0
        18 January 2024 20: 21
        It’s strange, but Merkulov’s note dated June 17, 1941 was not addressed to them. Not to those whom you declared guilty here.
        1. 0
          18 January 2024 23: 14
          Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
          It’s strange, but Merkulov’s note dated June 17, 1941 was not addressed to them.

          On June 17, the beginning of the war and the border battle was already lost - they are guilty of the fact that it was necessary to start preparing more closely for war at least from the beginning of 1941, and better from September 1939.
          1. 0
            20 January 2024 18: 31
            That is, Zhukov, Chief of the General Staff from January 1941, and Timoshenko, People's Commissar of Defense from May 1940, should have proactively prepared the country for war from September 1939? And what does it have to do with doing this without Stalin, Beria and Molotov?
            Yours will not please. Either Rezun (pseudonym Suvorov) accuses Zhukov and Timoshenko of preparing plans for an attack on Germany, or, in your opinion, they were poorly prepared for war.
          2. 0
            20 January 2024 18: 31
            That is, Zhukov, Chief of the General Staff from January 1941, and Timoshenko, People's Commissar of Defense from May 1940, should have proactively prepared the country for war from September 1939? And what does it have to do with doing this without Stalin, Beria and Molotov?
            Yours will not please. Either Rezun (pseudonym Suvorov) accuses Zhukov and Timoshenko of preparing plans for an attack on Germany, or, in your opinion, they were poorly prepared for war.
            1. 0
              20 January 2024 19: 12
              Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
              That is, Zhukov, Chief of the General Staff from January 1941, and Timoshenko, People's Commissar of Defense from May 1940, should have proactively prepared the country for war from September 1939? And what does it have to do with doing this without Stalin, Beria and Molotov?

              That is, in your opinion, he didn’t get around to dealing with the country’s defense issues for six months?
              Or was Rokosovsky right when he wrote “Not suitable for staff work”?
    6. +13
      18 January 2024 09: 24
      The most important thing here in the process of giving assessments, results and declaring those responsible for failures is not to expose yourself. Did Putin not know what was going on in the Russian Defense Ministry and where everything was going? Didn’t know how and in what ways the reform was being carried out? He knew very well and was more in charge of this. So your message is good and I support it with both hands, but everything you said will not be carried out by this leadership. That's for sure. Admitting such mistakes and punishing friends is not in Putin's customs. He can only complain about how his dear partners constantly deceived him over and over again. So working on mistakes is very good, but there is no one to do it. At least for now..... But I believe that this day will come
      1. +12
        18 January 2024 10: 15
        Quote from: FoBoss_VM
        Admitting such mistakes and punishing friends is not in Putin's customs.

        What’s scary is that the system doesn’t admit mistakes. Everyone who brought the army and the country’s defense capability to its current state is “our own” and has no plans to punish them or generally remove them from their positions. And the question arises, what next? And what are the plans of the RF Armed Forces in general in fulfilling the stated goals of the SVO?

        This is how I imagined (for myself) the picture for 2024... opposition impasse, the front line is mined + each side lacks manpower for a full-fledged offensive, but there are a huge number of UAVs that will play the main role in destroying enemy manpower... Ukraine, apparently, will go on the defensive in 2024, but we will carry out local offensive attempts, but the time frame for capturing settlements in the Donbass will be measured in months (which actually happened in 2022-2023) and will not change the global picture). But a new Western strategy awaits us with an emphasis on drones and active defense... Ukraine is already trying to find out the capabilities of our air defense and assessing the damage that can be caused... If not a couple of dozen UAVs, but hundreds (in one raid) fly to Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities and strikes are made on industrial facilities/residential buildings/hospitals/schools, etc. what can our armed forces oppose? There will not be enough air defense for the entire central part of Russia... and then the population will have even more questions for the authorities. And in essence, everything is going towards this picture... Ukraine will be pumped up by the West for another 5-10 years (financially), there is still a lot of manpower there, and if they do not utilize a huge number of fighters in their offensives, then all this will drag on for an unknown amount of time.

        But the risks to Russia's security are growing... 2024 will be a war of drones, and where will the population run from the center? The question is), to us in Siberia? Far East ? But the question of work and infrastructure arises... Abroad: Belarus/Kazakhstan/Armenia? Quite possibly. But dissatisfaction with the state’s inability to protect citizens will grow and could lead to even greater consequences.
        1. +5
          18 January 2024 10: 37
          So Nikolai 2 did not hand over his own and did not give them away. His own people sold him and betrayed him later... And we all know very well how it all ended for Romanov, such corporate games. It’s a pity Putin didn’t study history well at school, there’s a lot of useful stuff there so he doesn’t make mistakes in the future
          1. 0
            20 January 2024 14: 05
            There is at least one known discrepancy with the generals under Nicholas II. There is no exact information about the suicide (death) of General Samsonov.
    7. -8
      18 January 2024 09: 54
      Now there is a war going on, or rather a war. At this time, it is impossible to name the perpetrators and conduct investigations. This time. Secondly, what are you going to do, do you have an understanding and a plan? Or is it necessary to reform the reform, like the author of this article?
      Now to the point. All brigades, divisions and regiments are for training in peacetime and for preparing troops for modern war. Combat operations are carried out in a modern war (as in the Northern Military District, Syria, Karabakh...) by other organizational structures, which are staffed from separate units of the same regiments, brigades, divisions... It is necessary to create a separate command subordinate personally to the Minister of Defense, if he is a military man or his deputy. This can be done now. And although I share this thought, it has already been heard before.
      Who fights in a modern war? Written in Military Doctrine:
      Paragraph 15
      f) strengthening the centralization and automation of troops and weapons control as a result of the transition from a strictly vertical control system to global network automated systems for controlling troops (forces) and weapons;
      I call such systems of warfare and their organizational systems BIS.
      I can’t tell you yet how these Combat Information Systems fight... But they do it clearly and simply, you will be surprised!
      1. +7
        18 January 2024 10: 39
        Who told you that you can’t conduct debriefings during a war? What nonsense. Stalin had a great time shooting Pavlov in 1941, and not just him. It is possible, should and necessary to identify and punish those responsible at all times. This will only make things better
        1. -7
          18 January 2024 11: 00
          Our volunteer contract soldiers are fighting. And you will pour all this slop on their heads? And Stalin had general military mobilization...
          1. +9
            18 January 2024 11: 57
            You are confusing small with soft. If an official is a traitor, a thief and a corrupt official, then he should be punished according to the law, don’t you think? And in my own conditions, I would still reactivate the highest measure for such one-celled people. Or are you offering them food coupons until the end of the war? And if she goes on for ten years? And what does this have to do with the volunteer guys and some kind of slop? Wake up... You yourself look like a traitor to the motherland by covering up the incumbents
            1. The comment was deleted.
        2. +5
          18 January 2024 11: 48
          Quote from: FoBoss_VM
          Stalin had a great time shooting Pavlov in 1941

          In the current realities, are you suggesting that someone should shoot in the mirror? wink
          1. -1
            20 January 2024 22: 05
            Quote: Sovetskiy
            Quote from: FoBoss_VM
            Stalin had a great time shooting Pavlov in 1941

            In the current realities, are you suggesting that someone should shoot in the mirror? wink

            In Stalin's realities, half of the "500" would already be lying in ravines, and the second half of the "500" would be taking Kyiv
      2. +8
        18 January 2024 11: 52
        Now there is a war going on, or rather a war. At this time, it is impossible to name the perpetrators and conduct investigations.

        When should we get rid of fools?
        I wonder what you would say if someone like that bossed you around?
        1. +1
          18 January 2024 16: 08
          Quote: Goto
          Now there is a war going on, or rather a war. At this time, it is impossible to name the perpetrators and conduct investigations.

          When should we get rid of fools?
          I wonder what you would say if someone like that bossed you around?

          What would I say? - Trouble! The probability of dying is high. And an intelligent, competent commander who respects his subordinates is good luck for a soldier. It's not scary to go into battle with this. And even cover him from a bullet. And they can shoot the fool too.
        2. 0
          19 January 2024 16: 49
          I wonder what you would say if someone like that bossed you around?

          So we are all sitting here under a single command.
      3. +2
        18 January 2024 12: 07
        Adherents of the “now is not the time” philosophy have one fatal logical error. All this works when: 1) the system of leaders at everyone from the LBS to the Moscow offices is united by one goal, and the overwhelming majority of its participants work for this goal by rolling up their sleeves and regardless of personal interests and 2) a rigid mechanism of natural selection is constantly operating in the system, based on everyone's personal effectiveness. As it was, for example, during the Second World War. And in this case, public squabbles can really only get in the way. In a situation where, as the last two years have clearly demonstrated, the upper levels of the Armed Forces and the military-industrial complex are seriously diluted by people who have in fact proven their inadequacy in the current situation, but who put their personal career, or even just image losses, above everything else, silence and non-protrusion harms much more than any kind of social upheaval. Because they allow the above-mentioned citizens to maintain themselves in their high chairs and continue to influence the course and results of the SVO.
        1. +1
          20 January 2024 22: 14
          Quote: Mikhail Toropov
          a rigid mechanism of natural selection, based on the personal effectiveness of each person, is constantly operating in the system. As it was, for example, during the Second World War.

          Zhigarev for the failure to deliver 702 aircraft to the front through his personal fault in the fall of 1941 - apparently he was immediately spanked following the meeting? Oh, no, they sent me as a general to command aviation in the Far East....
          Some comrades "beat the scoundrel Guderian" ...
          And so on, the list is long - those for whom the strict selection cried.....
          During the war, out of 4 (500 before the war, 1.5 were appropriated during the war), 3 generals were shot, of which 56 were for theft.
          The rest apparently ideally fought...
    8. -2
      18 January 2024 10: 04
      In addition
      The war of the future will be won not by the one who has the most advanced tank, the fastest fighter or the most powerful missile, but by the one who can most effectively, comprehensively and coordinated control the entire complex of his (even not the most advanced!) ground, air, sea, space and information weapons. This approach, it seems, is not fully understood in the Russian military department and military-industrial complex. There are several reasons for this.

      Firstly, there is no clear understanding of the essence of “network-centric warfare,” which military and political leaders confuse with computer technology and electronic document management.
      Secondly, network-centric approaches cannot be implemented within one unit, formation, or even branch of the armed forces. A nationwide program is needed, covering the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, other law enforcement agencies and government bodies throughout the state.
      But secondly, dear Popov Igor Mikhailovich, he is very mistaken.
      Read the article, everything is written there on this topic. It says what you need to strive for and what you need to take into account. But it is not written what needs to be done specifically and how to do it. But some people already know and can do this...
    9. +2
      18 January 2024 11: 00
      Each task must be handled by a professional, only then can one count on success.
      The army is not only weapons, it is first and foremost people. When approaching army reform, we need to simply use the experience we have, but also not ignore the experience of our enemies. Let's think for ourselves - whose army is one of the most combat-ready today? I foresee indignation, but this is the Israeli army, remember how long it took Israel to mobilize and bring 300 thousand reservists into battle, while they did not lack anything? How long did it take us to mobilize and supply approximately the same amount? We have to teach those mobilized before battle, they don’t. It's all about the principle of troop training. Expensive - yes, but there is no alternative for those who want to have a truly combat-ready army.
      1. 0
        19 January 2024 07: 16
        Quote: bug120560
        did Israel need 300 thousand reservists to mobilize and bring into battle, and they did not lack anything?

        Pffff.....with a war of more than 70 years, annual "partisan warfare" and the size of the territory (when I go to the regional center, I pass through one and a half Israelis a day) - the Israeli army can be said to bang failed mobilization. They even rusty There were machine guns too.

        Quote: bug120560
        how long did it take to mobilize and supply approximately the same amount to us?

        Our last mobilization was 80 years ago; they have been fighting non-stop for the same 80 years.
        In such situations, they had to mobilize all 300 hours in 000...
        1. 0
          19 March 2024 09: 31
          Stop talking nonsense. It’s just that the Israeli army has a methodology for training its army that allows it to be ready for war at any moment. As for "rusty machines" - the Internet can help you. Look at the frequency with which reservists undergo training in Israel, and during these very trainings they service exactly the weapons and equipment with which they will have to fight. As for the “size of territory” - you probably don’t know that in the Russian Federation there is a system of district military registration and enlistment offices, which are also responsible for mobilization.
          1. 0
            19 March 2024 12: 20
            Quote: bug120560
            Stop talking nonsense. It’s just that the Israeli army has a methodology for training its army that allows it to be ready for war at any moment. As for "rusty machines" - the Internet can help you. Look at the frequency with which reservists undergo training in Israel, and during these very trainings they service exactly the weapons and equipment with which they will have to fight. And as for the “size of the territory” - you probably don’t know that in the Russian Federation there is a system district military registration and enlistment offices, including those responsible for mobilization.

            Territory 3 my districts is equal 2 Izrailam - we have 1 military registration and enlistment office and 2 military registration desks. As many as 9 people for everything about everything..... In remote villages there is still no cellular communication

            I would see how Israel would carry out mobilization on a territory the size of 2 Israel without telephones with such forces.
            Quote: bug120560
            As for "rusty machines" - the Internet can help you.
            - that's how it is SAMI The Israelis posted the video. Apparently they cleaned it this way...
    10. +4
      18 January 2024 11: 44
      Quote: AA17
      But maybe it’s worth thinking about gradual reform?

      First, we need to give a public assessment of the previous Army reform. Summarize. Draw conclusions.
      Note obvious failures. Name those responsible for the failures.

      Only after this will it be possible to avoid new mistakes when creating a modern Army.

      It’s always easy to criticize... and no, I’m not going to defend the past leadership of the Ministry of Defense and its reforms... what needs to be taken into account is that any specialist who has worked for a long time in one industry (especially in one place of work) will ALWAYS perceive changes negatively, the military is an ideal example of this. The question is not what they wanted to achieve with the reform, but how they did it... let's start with the topic raised by the author - replacing warrant officers with sergeants, like in the West... before we begin, we need to understand with whom in the West we are comparing?.. let's take the simplest example, the USA. In the USA, there are only 5 ranks in the rank and file, 9 sergeant ranks and 5 ranks for technical specialists... in other words, there are 19 (!) ranks down to the most junior officer, but what about us? We have almost more ranks of generals than privates and sergeants... but for each such general there must be a position... it turns out that “on the ground” we have a shortage of positions and ranks (how to divide the positions of those equipment maintenance specialists within the sergeant ranks level squad/platoon/company, etc?), but at the headquarters there is a deputy assistant secretary, deputy junior assistant chief... in total they decided to do it like in the west, but they took only a piece of the system...
      With the tactics of brigades, the situation is approximately the same - even within the framework of the Northern Military District, at least one brigade with a composition and equipment comparable to brigades of NATO countries is participating/participating on our part, so to judge honestly?...
      therefore the topic has not been covered... for a new reform, you need to understand and admit what exactly is not working now, what to change and for what (and most importantly for what purpose and within the framework of what tactics/strategy), and with this we have very big problems...
      1. mz
        18 January 2024 13: 38
        Let's take the simplest example, the USA. In the USA, there are only 5 ranks in the rank and file, 9 sergeant ranks and 5 ranks for technical specialists... in other words, there are 19(!) ranks down to the most junior officer, but what about us?
        Sergeants in the US Army are not equal to sergeants in the Russian Army; they are a parallel officer command structure. For example, the highest sergeant rank in the United States, “Senior Military Advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,” is appointed by decision of the President of the United States and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Those. in fact, no less than a colonel, but rather a general.
        1. +1
          18 January 2024 14: 15
          Quote: mz
          Let's take the simplest example, the USA. In the USA, there are only 5 ranks in the rank and file, 9 sergeant ranks and 5 ranks for technical specialists... in other words, there are 19(!) ranks down to the most junior officer, but what about us?
          Sergeants in the US Army are not equal to sergeants in the Russian Army; they are a parallel officer command structure. For example, the highest sergeant rank in the United States, “Senior Military Advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,” is appointed by decision of the President of the United States and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Those. in fact, no less than a colonel, but rather a general.

          Only by position, but not by rank, it was not by chance that I indicated the existence of titles for technical personnel and called them that way... one must generally ask the question why they do everything this way and see the logic in it. And the logic is very simple... In the USA, positions and titles are more rigidly assigned and connected than in our country; this is achieved precisely by the branched structure of titles. Any sergeant is still lower in rank than a lieutenant and, say, in battle will have to obey him (even if he is a greenhorn just from training), on the other hand, even officers undergoing certain training courses (let’s say, selection for special units) despite rank will be subordinate to a drill sergeant... this allows the army to be divided into professional “soldiers” and professional “officers”, an open opportunity for career advancement without officer education...
      2. +1
        18 January 2024 20: 43
        Moreover, in our civilian life there has been a slide into primitivism and simplification. If previously there was at least the position of engineer and qualifications (that is, ranks) from the third category to the first and the qualification of a leading engineer. That is, the official salary varied depending on qualifications. Now primitivism (aka idiocy) has reached the introduction of the position of engineer and engineer of the 1st category. And this staffing schedule comes down from Moscow!
        Even the strange system of 15 years ago with a 16-bit grid was better than what we have now.
    11. 0
      18 January 2024 13: 27
      “Naming those responsible for the failures” - you forgot) this is not traditional in our country, both in general and, especially, in the Moscow Region.
      I am in favor and fully and completely support your idea, but the reality... The authorities have always decided for themselves who should be flogged, and ordinary people don’t need it.
      The main thing is that something generally changes for the better, preferably on a regular basis.
    12. 0
      18 January 2024 13: 38
      Quote: AA17
      First, we need to give a public assessment of the previous Army reform. Summarize. Draw conclusions.
      Note obvious failures. Name those responsible for the failures.

      Only after this will it be possible to avoid new mistakes when creating a modern Army.

      The problem is that the army reform was carried out according to ideas about threats to Russia at that time in 2005-2010, no one expected that there would be such a full-scale conflict, the beginning of that time. General Staff Makarov considered a war with fronts like the Second World War unlikely, hence the reduction of the army, drones were generally considered toys, our air defense manufacturers convinced everyone that simple light piston drones are easily shot down.
    13. 0
      18 January 2024 16: 49
      Quote: AA17
      Note obvious failures. Name those responsible for the failures.

      Quote: AA17
      Note obvious failures. Name those responsible for the failures.

      You can’t call it “Serdyukov’s reforms.” We have such vertical power that ALL DECISIONS are made by ONE person. All projects, programs, laws and regulations by no means pass him by. Everything is endorsed and approved and discarded.
      SHOULD I CALL THE PERSON'S LAST NAME? tongue tongue hi
      1. +1
        19 January 2024 07: 23
        Quote: fa2998
        We have such vertical power that ALL DECISIONS are made by ONE person. All projects, programs, laws and regulations by no means pass him by. Everything is endorsed and approved and discarded.

        By the way ALSO There were tensions with the People's Commissar of Defense and reforms...
    14. -1
      18 January 2024 21: 10
      I fully understand that reorganization will cost money.

      That's the problem.
      During the dispersal of the army, money saved went (into industry, in retirement laughing ) for yachts and real estate.
      Now we need to TAKE money - from industry, pensioners???
      And this is already dangerous for real estate.
      And so everything works more or less, somehow the front line holds, it will dissolve on its own.
    15. 0
      20 January 2024 17: 55
      Quote: AA17
      Only after this will it be possible to avoid new mistakes when creating a modern Army

      Whose army is more modern than the Russian army?
      And how is this determined?
    16. 0
      6 March 2024 23: 10
      AA17. (Alexander Anatolyevich). January 18, 2024. yours - "..First, we need to give a public assessment of the previous Army reform. Summarize. Draw conclusions. Note obvious failures. Name those responsible for the failures.
      ...Only after this will it be possible to avoid new mistakes..."

      Maybe. somehow shorter!? belay feel And the rest is on the way and after the FINAL result. The “partners” on the ground will not wait for our “meeting” to end. am bully

      Conclusions (analytics) suggested the following field:
      - Afghan.
      - Chechnya.
      - 08.08.08.
      - Syria
      - conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia
      - when the “process” began after 2014 (Donbass-Lugansk)
      and finally SVO...
      There is hope. that the stubbornness of the EU-NATO with the statement “about the goal of the strategic defeat of Russia” will launch a process in the Russian Federation not only of the emergence of analytics. but also reading THIS and starting the process of “what was needed yesterday”!? love belay
      In Russia in case of full launch of the USA
      -process of self-destruction for Europe
      - and their plans B
      (starting processes in the Caucasus and Central Asia to help “valuable multi-blade foreign specialists in the Russian Federation with Russian passports and their illegal brothers) according to data from 10 to 30 ml am . in addition to the 5th column and the 6th (in power). .
      Russia has only 2 options left(as usual in Russian history) - 1- incredible(We are aware of everything. We solve everything just like during the Second World War....under the tough leadership of the new Uncle JOE with a pipe.). soldier
      2 is easier. but sadder. Hybrid - Russia under Kerensky and Mishka Mechen. with elements of Kosovo and Chechnya under Yeltsin. with the subsequent “polishing” of NATO. but only in the end the USA.
      "Real heroes" appear only when the victory march starts playing!
    17. 0
      April 6 2024 12: 04
      First, we need to give a public assessment of the previous Army reform. Summarize. Draw conclusions.

      This is definitely not something you need to do. No need to tear off your shirt and sprinkle ashes on your head. We just need to work methodically and competently, returning everything good that we lost in the army to please the Western bourgeoisie. Then it will become clear by itself what was done correctly and what was done incorrectly.
      War and time put everything in its place. Another thing is that, based on what the liberals did earlier with the army, liberals or figures with liberal brains cannot be allowed even one step, not even a millimeter, to lead the army. It costs Russia too much.
      Because liberals can hide or disguise their views in every possible way under various verbal husks, then at the slightest suspicion of liberalism such a figure should be tested on a polygraph and, if his liberal inclinations are confirmed, mercilessly expelled from the army, deprived of his pension, and not allowed into government administration, otherwise it could turn out like under Serdyukov, Chubais and Gaidar..
  2. +2
    18 January 2024 05: 09
    many talk and write about the “Serdyukov reform”
    There is nothing more dangerous than a fool with initiative,
    especially a “furniture maker”!
    1. +19
      18 January 2024 06: 29
      Do you seriously think Serdyukov is a fool?
      He's not at all.
      We are fools if we believe that he destroyed the army on his personal initiative.
      1. +1
        18 January 2024 07: 51
        Quote: Proton
        He, on his own initiative, destroyed the army.

        We will never know whose initiative it was. But he did it in good faith.
        1. +3
          18 January 2024 11: 54
          Again the king is good - the boyars are bad or vice versa, as you like. laughing
      2. +9
        18 January 2024 07: 59
        Proton, let me clarify: it is not Serdyukov who is to blame for the collapse of the army, but those two supreme military commanders. He is just a pawn, a Moor who has done his job.
      3. +2
        18 January 2024 10: 49
        Quote: Proton
        We are fools if we believe

  3. +14
    18 January 2024 05: 12
    Well, what can we say, “efficiency” also reached the army, and the Northern Military District perfectly showed that the army was not ready, and in principle everyone was not ready, both the defense industry and the military-industrial complex. And the main problems have not changed, and the main problem is not a lack of people, it is a lack of literate people on their positions and places. When we pass off Chinese developments as our own and sell them to our own army in three roads, this is wrong, when we fly across half of Ukraine and squeeze out the airport and retreat, this is wrong, when infantry is landed in an open field and is immediately covered by enemy artillery, this is wrong, when a convoy of equipment travels along a narrow road through mines to storm Ugledar, this is wrong, and a lot of such things can be said, but I could be wrong, I am not an expert in military affairs at all, but it seems to me that this should not be the case. And here, at least, there are heaps of various reorganizations, signs change, money disappears, but “efficiency” remains.
    1. -10
      18 January 2024 05: 48
      Quote from turembo
      I could be wrong, I’m not an expert in military affairs at all

      Everyone fancies himself a strategist, seeing the battle from the outside. (With)
      1. +5
        18 January 2024 11: 57
        This is, of course, a good proverb, but can you please comment in more detail on what the person to whom you responded with the proverb made a mistake?
        1. 0
          18 January 2024 20: 51
          Would you be able to successfully fight an army to which all Western states immediately transferred almost all their stocks of ATGMs and MANPADS and fully provided them with the most modern communications, satellite and other types of reconnaissance? A little later, almost all the reserves of artillery ammunition and mines were handed over to the enemy.
          I don’t condone mistakes, but in the current circumstances there are some things to consider.
          1. +1
            20 January 2024 18: 02
            If you can’t fight successfully, then why start?
            And the transfer of assistance began several months after the start of the SVO, when it became clear that one could turn a blind eye on the line.
            1. 0
              20 January 2024 18: 04
              Yours have already been told that the St. Petersburg (Leningrad) street taught some people that if a fight cannot be avoided, then they must strike first.
              1. 0
                20 January 2024 22: 01
                Mine? You’re probably confusing me with someone, I’m not one of you and not one of those.
                But still, if it doesn’t work out successfully, then it’s not necessary. This conflict would have remained the same if certain events had not begun. And the assertion to the contrary began after the start of the campaign.
          2. +1
            21 January 2024 16: 56
            and fully provided with the most modern communications, satellite

            What if our modern “excitement” connection were developed, manufactured and delivered to the troops? Then the NWO would have gone differently, right?
            The problem is that the comprador raw materials regime cannot create.
    2. +8
      18 January 2024 09: 08
      But what beautiful parades and tank biathlons there were with other air darts and the best cooks. hi
    3. -2
      18 January 2024 09: 21
      Quote from turembo
      when infantry is landed in an open field and it is immediately covered by enemy artillery, this is wrong, when a column of equipment travels along a narrow road through mines to storm Ugledar, this is wrong, and a lot of such things can be said, but I could be wrong, I’m not an expert at all military affairs, but it seems to me that this should not be the case.

      "....everything concerns me, my little falcon.
      Until I was old, I was hoarse at work and paid all my taxes.
      And she didn’t help the authorities so that you would now run around like catechumens and leave everything to ruin and destruction.
      Do you understand this?
      I know this without you.
      It’s wrong to argue like that.
      I reason as best I can.
      For years you didn’t come out to teach me.
      You don’t have anyone in the army, otherwise you’d think differently.
      I do not have anyone?
      Go ask your neighbors, they will tell you.
      I have three sons and a son-in-law at the front.
      And the fourth, youngest son was killed in Sevastopol.
      Do you understand?
      You are an outsider, a stranger, that’s why I’m talking to you peacefully.
      But if my sons showed up, I wouldn’t let them into the bases.
      She would bless her with a stick across her forehead and say with her motherly word: if you undertake to fight, then fight, you damned ones, as you should, do not drag your opponent along with you across the entire country, do not disgrace your old mother in front of people."(c) Sholokhov They fought for their Motherland.
      Those responsible for this - the National General Staff and the People's Commissar of Defense - were apparently punished for their failure at the beginning of the war??? No??? Strange
      1. 0
        18 January 2024 20: 56
        In the former USSR, a certain contingent was given the task of scolding Sholokhov and idolizing Einstein. You bring Sholokhov here. The command to scold Sholokhov and accuse you of plagiarism was canceled?
        A little later, an order was received to slander G.K. Zhukova.
        Are you one of these? From that same contingent, since they took on Georgy Konstantinovich so zealously?
        1. 0
          20 January 2024 20: 11
          Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
          In the former USSR, a certain contingent was given the task of scolding Sholokhov and idolizing Einstein. You bring Sholokhov here.

          And where did you see Sholokhov’s abuse in the above passage?
          Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
          A little later, an order was received to slander G.K. Zhukova.
          if a person deserves it through his incompetent actions, this is not slander, but a statement of fact
          To lose 247 tanks and 133 armored vehicles - you have to be a great commander.....
    4. -1
      20 January 2024 09: 01
      When we pass off Chinese developments as our own and sell them to our own army in three roads, this is wrong, when we fly across half of Ukraine and squeeze out the airport and retreat, this is wrong, when infantry is landed in an open field and is immediately covered by enemy artillery, this is wrong, when a convoy of vehicles travels along a narrow road through mines to storm Ugledar, this is wrong, and a lot of such things can be said

      I am glad to inform you that the problem has been solved: previously a lot of such things could be said, but now they have introduced confiscation of property for discrediting the army.
      1. +1
        22 January 2024 19: 29
        Yep, problems can be solved in different ways!)
  4. +3
    18 January 2024 05: 42
    Remember the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Air Force and Air Defense Commands? When the command of the Air Force and Air Defense armies was united. And all according to the same principle - “so that it is like civilized people.” Why all these squadrons, regiments, divisions, armies? It will be like the Americans. Command-air base-air group-squadron!
    Yeah, I looked at what was left of the former part. Instead of many divisions, there were only a couple left. With this we are going to repel attacks on important airfields. All aviation will be grounded. There aren't even shelters for planes there.
    Air defense should be air defense. Air defense is on duty around the clock, and unlike the Air Force, which does not have radars, they only wait for orders. Air defense should be controlled by the Air Force or something else, because the Air Force is not used to sitting at radars around the clock.
    After the advent of drones, we need other air defense vehicles that are aimed at destroying drones. Now, after the border troops return to duty, military air defense forces must take over
    Landing troops need small helicopters, such as litel berd, to quickly transfer.
    Motorized rifles need well-armored vehicles.
  5. -3
    18 January 2024 05: 48
    I think that the air defense and missile forces should have been united, but the air force should have been made separate.
    It was possible and necessary to use air defense missiles for retaliatory strikes, including against ground targets with shrapnel.
    Air defense missiles must be adapted to strike enemy infantry.
  6. 0
    18 January 2024 05: 54
    It is necessary to create command centers so that representatives of other troops sit in each command center. For example, Air Force personnel were on duty at the air defense center. So that information reaches management faster. The wait for reports is always long.
    All troops must see the situation in real time, that there is a missile attack. Or an enemy attack that requires raising troops to full combat readiness and changing their location. It is necessary to repair all former military units so that the troops can be transferred to another location
    1. DO
      18 January 2024 23: 07
      Quote from Alexwar
      It is necessary to create command centers so that representatives of other troops sit in each command center. For example, Air Force personnel were on duty at the air defense center. So that information reaches management faster. The wait for reports is always long.
      All troops must see the situation in real time, that there is a missile attack. Or an enemy attack that requires raising troops to full combat readiness and changing their location. It is necessary to repair all former military units so that the troops can be transferred to another location

      Why do representatives of all branches of the military crowd into the command center? The command center is not a polling station, where there are representatives of political parties, observers, journalists, etc., who are vigilant so as not to fuck them. The command center should be staffed in 24-hour shifts only by carefully selected and trained professionals who make decisions (subject to unquestioning execution by all branches of the military) within the limits of their authority.
      It is clear that command centers must be organized hierarchically and united by digitally secure network-centric communications. All operational conversations and orders must be recorded on protected disk arrays in the rear, to ensure the possibility of subsequent “debriefing” and conflict resolution. The network-centric communication system must include supply issues, and an automated supply accounting system must operate (for example, based on the modified 1C "Production" software). The system should also support requests to the military-industrial complex for planning the production of weapons and ammunition, and import purchases.
      The number of levels of hierarchical command centers of the SVO (it is clear that there must be more than one) and the distribution of powers between them, the algorithms for their work, are determined primarily on the basis of almost 2 years of experience of the SVO.
  7. -1
    18 January 2024 05: 58
    Command centers should be divided into districts in order to respond faster and more efficiently. If a friend knocks out some center so that he can control from other centers
    Troops must be transferred to operational (quick control)
  8. +15
    18 January 2024 06: 09
    Yes, all 32 years have been nothing but “reforms”. At first in the 90s it was - let's destroy everything Soviet, we ourselves will do everything better - we couldn't, we planted everything foreign/imported, since 2014 - let's remove everything foreign/imported, we know how to do everything ourselves - and again we couldn't.
    And they won't be able to.
    1. +7
      18 January 2024 06: 55
      Quote: tatra
      Yes, all 32 years have been nothing but “reforms”.

      These are not reforms, but a purposeful return to capitalism.. We have been at war for two years, and we celebrate Victory Day not like our grandfathers and fathers during the USSR, but like in the West, without red flags and portraits of Lenin and Stalin.
      1. 0
        18 January 2024 16: 18
        Quote: carpenter
        These are not reforms, but a purposeful return to capitalism... Two years of war, and we celebrate Victory Day not like our grandfathers and fathers during the USSR, but like in the West, without red flags and portraits

        Do you think that if we take the flags, everything will be fixed right away? Maybe we just have the wrong system of capitalism, not the one they have, but the one in Dunno on the Moon?
        1. +1
          18 January 2024 17: 49
          Quote from alexoff
          Maybe our capitalism is simply not the same system as theirs

          Capitalism is always one system. Read V.I. Lenin.
          1. -2
            18 January 2024 18: 02
            And we are fighting so depressingly because there are communists on the other side?
      2. 0
        20 January 2024 09: 07
        These are not reforms, but a purposeful return to capitalism.. We have been at war for two years, and we celebrate Victory Day not like our grandfathers and fathers during the USSR, but like in the West, without red flags and portraits of Lenin and Stalin.

        Russia is not waging war (Peskov).
    2. +5
      18 January 2024 10: 13
      Quote: tatra
      And they won't be able to.

      Those you are talking about have never been able to do anything. They never worked with their hands. Stealing, dividing and taking away is their sphere of activity.
  9. +7
    18 January 2024 06: 10
    I’ve never read anything in the cart of complaints that brigades are not being taken out, but divisions are needed, probably because a brigade there is a division, even a reinforced corps, does not affect the essence of the matter, give the brigade the necessary means of reinforcement and it will take it out perfectly, tear apart the division in the chain and she will lie down.
    And the complaints in the cart are due to the long response time between detecting a target and opening fire on it due to the long command chain, but the author proposes, as I understand it, to lengthen it further.
  10. +5
    18 January 2024 06: 18
    It would be nice to take advantage of the experience of the Wagners... they instantly use all the best for combat operations.
    The army accepts everything new with difficulty and with difficulty...we are losing precious time and people at the same time because of this.
    1. +6
      18 January 2024 06: 50
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      It would be nice to take advantage of the experience of the Wagners... they instantly use all the best for combat operations.

      What do you want the entire General Staff and the Defense Ministry to do to themselves?
      Yes, they will hang themselves just by hearing “Wagner’s experiment.” Ordered to forget.
    2. +1
      18 January 2024 16: 20
      Who are Wagner? Aren't these the very clumsy officers and soldiers who survived from our regular army, who are nevertheless very agile when nimble subordinates need to be kicked out?
  11. +3
    18 January 2024 06: 23
    There is no need and no need. region. It’s not the army that is not ready, but the people in this army are everywhere. You can recreate divisions, training centers, etc. But a person who came to the army from civilian life will still think by the criteria of society and in no other way. That’s where the problem is. Education and training are the basis of both society and the army.
    1. ada
      21 January 2024 15: 23
      Quote: Mikhail Maslov
      ... It’s not the army that is not ready, but the people in this army, and so it is everywhere.
      Quote: Mikhail Maslov
      ... This is where the problem lies. Education and training are the basis of both society and the army.

      Absolutely correct and absolute assessment of the presentation.
      Well, the first few “letters” were guessed correctly Yes , the rest are still content with “home numbers” in the studio. The trouble is that during the “concert” you may not hear the warning signals.
    2. ada
      21 January 2024 15: 23
      Quote: Mikhail Maslov
      ... It’s not the army that is not ready, but the people in this army, and so it is everywhere.
      Quote: Mikhail Maslov
      ... This is where the problem lies. Education and training are the basis of both society and the army.

      Absolutely correct and absolute assessment of the presentation.
      Well, the first few “letters” were guessed correctly Yes , the rest are still content with “home numbers” in the studio. The trouble is that during the “concert” you may not hear the warning signals.
  12. +8
    18 January 2024 06: 28
    Everything is correct, but it’s not clear who and when will answer for the chaos and devastation that was created in the army.
    p.s. Of course, you can blame Stoolkin for everything. But, as you know, the most combat-ready units were disbanded and liquidated. Taburetkin himself could not do this, because he simply did not know which parts represented what. Someone advised him and prepared papers. Who? I do not rule out that if you dig deeper, it may turn out that General Kalugin turns out to be a “petty swindler.”
  13. +25
    18 January 2024 06: 38
    It’s funny that Serdyukov worked as Minister of Defense for 5 years and other people have been in charge for more than 10 years. It was possible to cancel Serdyukov’s reforms (and they were canceled, as far as I remember) and make any of our own. But Serdyukov continues to be brandished as Chubais, as the scapegoat responsible for everything. How many more years and decades will they “pull out” Serdyukov? "Bury the flight attendant" already!
    1. +5
      18 January 2024 06: 52
      Have you ever thought that when the current minister came, the military-industrial complex suddenly started working, they began supplying new ships, systems and weapons to the troops; But it takes months to build a plane... I think that the current one came prepared, as befits a party activist... I don’t agree with Serdyukov on everything, but he somehow revived the military-industrial complex.
      1. +7
        18 January 2024 11: 26
        Quote from: vvn_vl
        Have you ever thought that when the current minister came, the military-industrial complex suddenly started working, they began supplying new ships, systems and weapons to the troops; But it takes months to build a plane... I think that the current one came prepared, as befits a party activist...

        Absolutely. The current minister came to his senses when the contracts concluded by the furniture maker began to produce real products. The same Su-34s ordered by Serdyukov were delivered until 2020.
        In addition, the furniture maker actually set a new direction in purchasing - “bird in hand”. That is, instead of many years of waiting for products that have no analogues in the world, the Ministry of Defense began to order serial “foreign cars” - albeit inferior in performance characteristics to “paper tigers”, but already well-functioning both in production and in operation. As a result, for the first time since the times of the USSR, new or modernized equipment - Mi-35, Su-30, T-72B3 - entered the Russian Armed Forces en masse. And just in time - because over the past 20 years, Soviet-made equipment has worn out pretty much, and capital and modernization in the Russian Federation before that came at the rate of a teaspoon per hour.
        1. +1
          18 January 2024 21: 06
          I won’t undertake to refute what has been said, but where are the modern and varied ammunition?
          Where are the remote detonation shells, air blast fuses and cluster munitions?
          Where is the variety of cumulative fragmentation ammunition and submunitions?
          We didn’t even have a 120-mm cluster mine at our disposal, which our troops are now being fired at heavily by the enemy.
          1. 0
            19 January 2024 10: 28
            What, Serdyukov should have ordered this too? wink

            The furniture maker did the most important thing - he concluded contracts for the renewal of the “fixed assets” of our aircraft. For in those days, our army was for the most part skeletons of formations using equipment that had not been modernized or capitalized since the days of the USSR. In the Far East they even ran T-55AM.
            In those days there was no time for cluster submunitions - entire branches of our troops were dying. Here, for example, is BTV:
   1998-2010. about 150 T-72B and T-80U tanks were updated to the level of T-72BA and T-80UE-1

            Over 12 years, 150 tanks were modernized. Out of more than 2500. The rest have been skating this way since the times of the USSR.
            For comparison:
   2011-2020 deliveries to the troops amounted to more than 600 T-72B3 tanks, more than 300 T-72B3M tanks and more than 60 T-80BVM tanks.
            © altyn73
    2. +6
      18 January 2024 07: 52
      Quote: moscowp
      How many more years and decades will they “pull out” Serdyukov? "Bury the flight attendant" already!

      It's easy to kick a lightning rod. I know two people who spoke badly about the plywood in public. One is in prison. Another in the cemetery after the plane was blown up.
  14. +4
    18 January 2024 06: 45
    The lieutenant does not sit at headquarters. He compares his belly with privates and sergeants.
    Again, just like during the Second World War, “Vanka Company Officer” is dragging out the war on his back, and just like in the Second World War. and WWII, courses for junior lieutenants and warrant officers, the destiny of Russia. Again the same rake, and Serdyukov is not even in prison.
    1. +5
      18 January 2024 07: 45
      Quote: carpenter
      Serdyukov is not even in prison

      His mistress served time for him. True, not for long. And then the thief married him. Well, isn't he in trouble?
  15. +13
    18 January 2024 06: 49
    Probably only the laziest didn’t kick Serdyukov. And I remember that during the first Chechen war they could not scrape together enough money for the crews of the vehicles. But there were 2-3 states of colonels and generals. And they all wanted to eat deliciously and a lot. They pretended to be full of activity, issued bad orders, and went on inspections. Even then there were not enough lieutenants and their quality was below average. It is not surprising that for businessman Serdyukov this was nonsense. But someone appointed him and then rewarded him?!
    1. 0
      18 January 2024 16: 24
      Quote: vladimirvn
      It is not surprising that for businessman Serdyukov this was nonsense

      There were also plenty of miracles with him. I remember exactly at 08.08.08 the Main Operations Directorate of the RF Ministry of Defense was moving, and the building was undergoing renovations in full swing by outsourcing contractors, who turned it into a kind of mosque. What led to disruption of military command and control during the conflict in South Ossetia.
      1. 0
        18 January 2024 19: 20
        Quote: Askold65
        I remember exactly at 08.08.08/XNUMX/XNUMX the move of the Main Operations Directorate of the RF Ministry of Defense was underway, and the building was undergoing renovations in full swing by outsourcing contractors, who turned it into a kind of mosque. What led to disruption of military command and control during the conflict in South Ossetia.

        And what, in order to control two divisions, in the presence of plans drawn up in advance and tested in exercises, it is necessary to use a minimum of the General Staff OU?
        And the headquarters of the North Caucasus Military District and the 58th. Then why are they needed? To convey wise instructions from above?
        All these nods to the move of the OU General Staff are a common attempt by subordinates to shift all their mistakes to their superiors. Previously, everything was blamed on Stalin or the “stupid corporal”, now it’s on Serdyukov.
        1. 0
          18 January 2024 21: 11
          The Russian army performed the company on 08.08.08, if not “five”, then certainly “four +”.
          To pass almost without losses along the only mountain road and complete all the assigned tasks, here Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov rests; the crossing of the Alps was much more difficult for him.
          Everyone predicted defeat for the Russian Armed Forces in that war, but how it turned out!
          Why blame it on anyone at all?
          1. 0
            19 January 2024 10: 53
            Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
            The Russian army performed the company on 08.08.08, if not “five”, then certainly “four +”.

            Sure sure. Reconnaissance from the 19th Motorized Rifle Division guards the tunnel. Commander-58, did not care about the organization of the march, white horse BTG flies to Tskhinvali - and runs into an ambush. Motorized rifles fight in platoons of 17-20 people. Bald T-72s go into battle against the modernized Georgian T-62s. Not only is there no communication, but the combat officers do not know how to use it, because during training they always spoke on their mobile phones. There is no interaction between the branches of the Armed Forces as a class - the military air defense enthusiastically shoots its own attack aircraft. The landing force is separated from the infantry - and as a result, the landing squad has to fight with the suddenly appeared Georgian army. It’s good that these were Georgians, 90% of whom simply fled at the first sign of resistance.
            The Air Force is generally burning with napalm. Intelligence does not even bother to look at the open UN report on sales of military equipment - and misses the division and battery of Buk missiles sold to Georgia. The Georgian air defense system generally remains terra incognita for the Air Force - and at briefings they talk about the mythical Georgian S-200. Long-range aviation operates in the rear without suppressing air defenses - although for half a century this has been the mandatory first stage of any air operation. Only on the third day did the Air Force bother to destroy the radar station in Gori, which illuminated the entire operation zone in South Ossetia - evil tongues say that all this time the Air Force was looking in every direction for at least one living “Phantasmagoria”. Tu-22M3s dump tons of bombs on Georgian airfields, achieving a couple of hits or none at all. Army aviation generally sits in the rear.
            The Navy... well, that's a separate article. How to conduct a battle with the enemy without knowing anything about him, and report on the victory and sinking of ships later found intact in Poti. Or how to land troops on board already cleared by the 45th OGVPSPN.
            We were very lucky that the enemy turned out to be “timid Georgians”, who were blown away after the first blow (“The brigade, due to the lack of engineering equipment, did not dig trenches and lay in the gardens, watching the movement of the Russians")
            1. +1
              20 January 2024 18: 11
              Let's stay with ourselves. Were there any shortcomings, how could we live without them? The task was completed in general and in particular. The Georgian army was defeated. Foreign experts, in particular Israeli ones, argued that the Russian Army could not win, but it could.
        2. 0
          18 January 2024 22: 00
          Quote: Alexey RA
          And the headquarters of the North Caucasus Military District and the 58th. Then why are they needed? To convey wise instructions from above?

          “The Georgian attack took the General Staff by surprise, and the generals, of course, had no time for information technology. The Minister of Defense could not be found by phone for more than 10 hours. Without him, no important decisions could be made. Apparently, this is why the Chief of the General Staff first said that since the commander of the district troops was on the spot, then let him make decisions independently, based on the situation. But then, seeing that things were bad - the Georgians reached Tskhinval too quickly, he began to call one of his deputies who had been dismissed by him - the former head of the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff (GOU GS) Alexander Rukshin and ask: come back for at least a couple of days, you need to help help, because a new head of the State Educational Institution has not yet been appointed. Rukshin refused. And not only out of resentment over the dismissal. It turned out that he had no one to work with - almost all the officers of the Main Educational Institution of the General Staff were sent on leave (another parallel with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War), since the new head of the construction department started moving the General Educational Institution to another building on Leningradsky Prospekt. That building once housed the General Staff of the long-dissolved Warsaw Pact, and now you won’t find any documents or maps there. “Am I going to fight across the globe?!” — one of the GOU generals said indignantly. Then the Minister of Defense began to call Rukshin, but he answered him: no, I no longer obey you. The only person Rukshin obeyed was Putin. After his call, the general arrived at the General Staff and took control of the operation. By that time, a day had already passed. Only then did any coordinated action begin. The Georgian radar stations that aimed air defense at our planes were suppressed and then destroyed. This, of course, should have been done first, but aviation is not subordinate to the district commander. To use it, he must receive an order from the General Staff. He was absent. So it turned out that nearby, in Rostov, there were helicopters with electronic warfare equipment and were not used. As a result, in the very first hours, the Georgians immediately destroyed four, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense, and according to other sources, six of our aircraft.
          1. +1
            19 January 2024 11: 06
            Quote: Askold65
            The Georgian attack took the General Staff by surprise, and the generals, of course, had no time for information technology.

            Get hurt. Since July there has been shelling of South Ossetia, Ossetians are evacuating civilians, the North Caucasian Military District is reporting on clashes between South Ossetia militias and Georgian forces, ours are strengthening the group in Abkhazia, restoring the railway, conducting the Caucasus-2008 exercise for moral support of South Ossetia and practical testing of actions to help peacekeepers - and suddenly Georgia's attack took the General Staff by surprise.
            Quote: Askold65
            The Minister of Defense could not be found by phone for more than 10 hours. Without him, no important decisions could be made.

            What solutions? Order the district commander to open the package and put into effect a pre-drawn plan of action in the event of a Georgian attack on the peacekeepers? Because the Defense Ministry can’t do anything else - decisions about the start of an operation are beyond the competence of the army and are made by politicians.
            What's the plan? And the same one that was practiced by the district and the Air Force during the Caucasus-2008 exercises, which ended less than a week before the start of “peace enforcement.” The Pskov Airborne Division did not even have time to completely unload before it had to fly back.
            It was only necessary to repeat what had been done.
            1. -1
              19 January 2024 12: 23
              Quote: Alexey RA
              Order the district commander to open the package and put into effect a pre-drawn plan of action in the event of a Georgian attack on the peacekeepers? Because the Defense Ministry can’t do anything else - decisions about the start of an operation are beyond the competence of the army and are made by politicians.

              That's it - give the order to carry out the SVO. Which should be controlled from the General Staff of the Armed Forces for the COORDINATION of ALL types of aircraft - aviation, air defense, orbital space reconnaissance station and the fleet, which also took part in the Black Sea direction. Let's read again:
              The only person Rukshin obeyed was Putin. After his call, the general arrived at the General Staff and took control of the operation. By that time, a day had already passed. Only then did any coordinated action begin.

              Quote: Alexey RA
              and suddenly the Georgian attack took the General Staff by surprise.

              That's right - by surprise. Not in the sense of unexpectedly, but in a situation of chaos of moving, vacations and misunderstanding of who is where and who reports to whom. This has never happened before and here it is again... Everything is as always in Russia - mother.
              1. +1
                19 January 2024 13: 23
                Quote: Askold65
                That's it - give the order to carry out the SVO. Which should be controlled from the General Staff of the Armed Forces for the COORDINATION of ALL types of aircraft - aviation, air defense, orbital space reconnaissance station and the fleet, which also took part in the Black Sea direction.

                Yeah, yeah... and the only possible place for issuing such an order is the General Staff building. If something happened there, that’s it, the aircraft are not combat-ready.
                That is, in the event of the outbreak of war, if the enemy has disabled this building - that’s it, you can raise your paws, there is no one and nowhere to control the army.
                Quote: Askold65
                That's right - by surprise. Not in the sense of unexpectedly, but in a situation of chaos of moving, vacations and misunderstanding of who is where and who reports to whom.

                Once again: the General Staff directorates do not have reserve control posts in case of war? Or did the General Staff plan to direct the fighting from the comfort of buildings in the center of Moscow?
                And why did the General Staff OU withdraw itself from the move, without bothering with the continuity of management?
                You know, this reminds me of the story of the move of the Navy headquarters to St. Petersburg - when, after it had begun, it suddenly became clear that the communication channels of the new headquarters with Moscow did not have sufficient bandwidth. The Navy immediately turned the tables on those who made the decision to move and on the builders. Despite the fact that the TTT for the new building had to be written by the navy, and they also had to check and approve the project.
                1. -1
                  19 January 2024 13: 50
                  Quote: Alexey RA
                  Yeah, yeah... and the only possible place for issuing such an order is the General Staff building. If something happened there, that’s it, the aircraft are not combat-ready.
                  That is, in the event of the outbreak of war, if the enemy has disabled this building - that’s it, you can raise your paws, there is no one and nowhere to control the army.

                  The point is not where the building or other “bunkers” were located, but in fact - there was no control, for various reasons. Some were busy moving, others were discussing the design of future interiors and monitoring the work of foreign labor, between their collective prayers, another was fishing somewhere in Astrakhan at the dacha, others were on vacation, the fourth, part-time Supreme Commander-in-Chief, was watching the Olympics, or whatever he was doing there . And at this time, the headquarters of the North Caucasus Military District and the 58th Army were supposed to resolve the problem on an international scale. So what?
                  1. 0
                    19 January 2024 15: 01
                    Quote: Askold65
                    The point is not where the building or other “bunkers” were located, but in fact - there was no control, for various reasons.

                    And who did this? ©
                    Who should ensure the continuity of the work of the State Educational Institution General Staff except the State Educational Institution General Staff itself?
                    Why didn’t the General Staff Directorate use emergency control centers and deploy a working group there during the move?
                    Why, knowing about the impossibility of working in the PPD in Moscow and knowing full well about the aggravation of the situation in South Ossetia and the slide into war, did the General Staff Directorate not take measures to ensure control of the grouping of the Russian Armed Forces in the future theater of operations?

                    And most importantly, why during the Caucasus-2008 exercise, 6 days before 08.08.08/08.08.08/XNUMX, no one complained about the impossibility of normal work? After all, if the move even began on XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX, then preparations for it should have begun a couple of weeks in advance - right during the exercises.
                    1. 0
                      19 January 2024 16: 06
                      You are asking rhetorical questions.
                      This is what I wrote to you above:
                      Under him (Serdyukov) there were also plenty of miracles.
                    2. ada
                      21 January 2024 17: 01
                      Quote: Alexey RA
                      ... Why, knowing about the impossibility of working in the PPD in Moscow and knowing full well about the aggravation of the situation in South Ossetia and the slide into war, did the General Staff Directorate not take measures to ensure control of the grouping of the RF Armed Forces in the future theater of operations?...

                      The answer is simple and obvious - it was planned and quite successfully implemented, but not to the end. And, if we take into account the physical disconnection of the communication lines between the OS and the US and the removal of the security team from the General Staff facilities, then the person answers:
                      Quote: Askold65
                      You are asking rhetorical questions. ...

                      Have you ever encountered a military conspiracy during your service? Here, recently, they showed it live, with the involvement of foreign “artists,” so to speak, “world-famous stars,” and, well, the finale bully
                      1. +1
                        22 January 2024 10: 56
                        Quote: ada
                        The answer is simple and obvious - it was planned and quite successfully implemented, but not to the end.

                        In this case, these were very mysterious military men who believed that without the building of the General Staff, any control of the Armed Forces above the district was impossible.
                        Especially taking into account the fact that very close to South Ossetia, shortly before 08.08.08/XNUMX/XNUMX, there was a theater of operations in which “on-the-spot” control of a group of not only several types of armed forces, but even several power ministries was organized.
                      2. ada
                        23 January 2024 03: 44
                        Quote: Alexey RA
                        ... In this case, these were very mysterious military men, ...

                        To be honest, I can’t explain anything more intelligibly, and everyone who could avoided talking about an interesting topic, well, I didn’t ask them - after all, there were times.
                        You know, after the second war, when from the southern places a wave of people “taking their own” and very knowing “how it should be” rolled out from the southern places along the official ladders, I am no longer surprised by anything, nor by the confident widespread introduction of the specialized terminology of the “young and zealous” in the example of such a term as “lampas” (“elders”, “sideliners”, “oaks”, “plywood” and others), the fight against atheism and the baptism of everything, starting from the “left heel” and the consecration of the great “checkers”, “snails” and ad infinitum, completely idiotic throwing around to reorganize everything and everyone, well, etc..
                        They finished me off not with the Mistrals, but with the deal for the Leopard 2 order. So, and you say “mysterious”. There's a different definition. Now, when the “mysterious” people point out the need to build an army on a scientific basis, there is always a pro-drone answer: “Yes, there is someone to fight. Shchadrons ..., PMCs ..., initiative ..., promising ...” and Only the stripes interfere with them. These “mysterious” ones, surprisingly, give each other grenades everywhere, as a last resort (not of the same system, really, but workers), such is the fashion. So recently it was: “Now, we’ll pick two old men and trample them…”. They trampled on until the police stopped us. They forgot about the Mistrals, they were “faster to stand in a traffic jam”, although they went dry - through the headquarters of the Southern Military District, but the situation did not emerge, the expected media picture with the “mysterious” against the backdrop of TV reality, the “hide-and-seek” did not emerge. That’s all the same mystery for my taste + a quick jump to the side and covering with a rag, you can also walk around with everyone else and look for: “Have you seen the hare?”; or: “It’s not me. That’s right - the secretary destroyed the drafts by mistake. Here, under two signatures... It’s my fault, we’ll fix it.” Option: “Retirement? Oh, here my issue with ROSOBORONEXPORT is not closed... Yes? Well, okay. Who should I hand over the business to... I think that the Moscow Region can become a Civil Code and I already have experience... Ay! That's it - that’s it, I’m leaving, I’m leaving. No - no need, they’ve already given it to me, but yours are some kind of wrong system. Ay! Well, if it’s from you personally as a keepsake, how long should you keep it?”
                        Something like that.
                        Oh, are you talking about planning a coup? Yes, ugh, trouble, this is not CIA tea.
                      3. +2
                        23 January 2024 12: 17
                        Quote: ada
                        They finished me off not with the Mistrals, but with the deal for the Leopard 2 order.

                        This is when UVZ raised the price of the new T-90 by 70% (seventy percent!) in a year, in line with the increase in the military budget? wink

                        It’s no wonder that after this, Postnikov said in his heart that it was cheaper to buy “Leo” than “seventeenth modernization of the T-72"for 118 million rubles/piece.
                        By the way, the Ministry of Defense refused to purchase the T-90 and ordered instead the massive T-72B3 for 52 million rubles/piece. was largely due to this demarche of UVZ.
                      4. ada
                        23 January 2024 13: 19
                        Quote: Alexey RA
                        This is when UVZ raised the price of the new T-90 by 70% in a year...

                        No, I don’t know, I didn’t go into it, our people from the district returned from a council or meeting (I don’t remember) - they said that they were all drooling on “cat a2”, we’re waiting, s.
                        It’s just that usually, after such “they said”, a little later a little piece of paper with a sign arrived and grandiose things began: a part became a connection or vice versa, and sometimes finally disappeared or lived on a ramp or in a field, handing over one thing and receiving another. And, if they asked “from the top” to draw a general education system for them or sketch out the educational process, then everything is a khan, a sure sign, even if they don’t change it, they drive it away. The year was 2010, and no one seemed to be thinking about making a joke.
                    3. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      18 January 2024 21: 13
      Quote: vladimirvn
      And I remember that during the first Chechen war they could not scrape together enough money for the crews of the vehicles. But there were 2-3 states of colonels and generals.

      But the author of the article seems confident that it is generals and colonels that we lack. He complains about the shortage. Probably for the purpose of increasing the number of headquarters...
    3. ada
      21 January 2024 15: 43
      Quote: vladimirvn
      ... But there were 2-3 states of colonels and generals. ...

      Well, this is not true, but the truth is that this would not be enough for the high-quality mobilization of the armed forces and others, even according to the queues of the first half of the war according to the plans of the same time.
      Vashcheta, these people who lived before us used to tell the kids about “feeding” and “theirs”, “theirs”. The bill is already being issued, it’s good if it comes by mail and not by courier...
  16. +6
    18 January 2024 06: 56
    “It is necessary to reform... reform” -

    — First we need to reform the reformers...
  17. +1
    18 January 2024 07: 06
    The war is different, and the structure is different. Now is the time to introduce a new branch of troops - camouflage troops.
  18. +17
    18 January 2024 07: 17
    Who carried out these reforms? Under which president were they? Who was in power? Name.sister,name...
    Oh, I forgot, it’s all a damned furniture maker who came out of nowhere and whom no one appointed. He did it all, the insidious snake, and, of course, Vasilyeva the prankster. Together we destroyed the army!
  19. +11
    18 January 2024 07: 19
    Serdyukov this, Serdyukov that, but who appointed him and at whose suggestion? And did he alone come up with the reform and implement it? Again, who approved this? Everyone knows everything and everyone is still in power and places, and Serdyukov was not removed for the failure of reforms. The current Chief of the General Staff, then for a moment was the Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, you might think he stood on the sidelines and shook his head disapprovingly, yeah! And now he will carry out reforms and admit his mistakes? The experience of his butting heads with “Wagner” is an example of admitting his mistakes; a man has more ambition than zeal for the cause. Well, our ineradicable love for show instead of action. Here's where to at least start..., eh...
  20. +5
    18 January 2024 07: 39
    Reading the article, I thought it was Roman Skomorokhov. But it turned out - Alexander Staver.
    1. +2
      18 January 2024 09: 05
      After this phrase Stavera defined lol
      I recently spoke with a very intelligent officer, and this conversation prompted me to write this material.
      True, he was still modest, he could have indicated that it was the officer who asked to write the article, as was the case in the article about forecasts for the Northern Military District (certain people asked there)
    2. +5
      18 January 2024 09: 12
      No, you can recognize the style of the “comrade political instructor” from the first lines. hi
    3. 0
      20 January 2024 09: 22
      Reading the article, I thought it was Roman Skomorokhov. But it turned out - Alexander Staver.

      Where is Roman Skomorokhov? Already alarming!
  21. +4
    18 January 2024 07: 41
    The reformers themselves need to be reformed.
    What we did to our army in the early 2000s.

    Did we do it or did they?
    And so it turned out that now one commander is in charge of everything

    Wasn’t it under him that the army fell apart?
  22. +10
    18 January 2024 07: 43
    There needs to be reform...reform.

    I immediately remember the joke, “no matter how much you rearrange the beds in a brothel, the damn thing is still the same”...
  23. +4
    18 January 2024 07: 50
    The institute where I studied was closed, it was not needed, the part where I was later was dissolved, it was not needed. It’s good that he left earlier, many were still waiting for something, hoping for something, but they dispersed everyone anyway.
  24. +9
    18 January 2024 08: 05
    Whatever one may say, life dictates its own conditions, its own demands, and we cannot ignore them. Otherwise, the former “partners” will devour them and not choke. Or they will “exchange it for pennies,” as was done with Ukraine.

    I have only one question:
    The current Minister of Defense knows the difference between “how it was before Serdyukov”, how “it is now” and what are the advantages of this in comparison with the Soviet system of building the Armed Forces?
    To do better, you need to know what was bad or wrong?
    I fully understand that reorganization will cost money. And big ones. Which is a pretty serious problem at the moment.

    Which big ones? Will 300 billion dollars be enough or should we add the total wealth of Russian millionaires-billionaires with deductions from the “swollen” ministerial salaries?
    Let's introduce an air tax:
    1. +6
      18 January 2024 09: 13
      For God's sake, don't tell them, they're bad, they'll do it.
    2. +1
      18 January 2024 09: 38
      Quote: ROSS 42
      I have only one question:
      The current Minister of Defense knows the difference between “how it was before Serdyukov”, how “it is now” and what are the advantages of this in comparison with the Soviet system of building the Armed Forces?
      To do better, you need to know what was bad or wrong?

      The problem is that with the scale of the USSR times, no one has been fighting for a long time.
      Most большие battles - with forces up to the Soviet division.
      Everything that is happening now, by the standards of the Second World War, is not even “local battles”, at most “reconnaissance in force”.
      Therefore, if the author wants information to flow quickly, then even regiments are not needed, but a direct connection between the division commander and the battalions is necessary (no more, approximately like in Wagner), and if he wants reinforcement (and colonel positions in the headquarters), then divisions are needed.
      Skip information over your head in the line platoon-company-battalion-regiment-division. - impossible.
      That is why there is a fork in the road - either to amplification or to the speed of information transfer
      1. +5
        18 January 2024 10: 10
        Quote: your1970
        That is why there is a fork in the road - either to amplification or to the speed of information transfer

        The speed of information transfer depends on the available secure communication means and the central control system.
        There is a period of time between the moment of transmission (receipt) of information and the moment of decision making. The shorter it is, the higher the competence and rights of the boss receiving the information and issuing the order.
        In some ways, your truth about brigades is stronger, only in this case it is necessary to have a commander in place of the brigade commander with the brains of a division commander and with the same resources. Otherwise, what we get is like in that fairy tale:
        And there are shells, but the arrows are beaten. And there are rifles, but there are few fighters. And help is close, but there is no strength.

        And the result is, as always:
        Victory has a thousand fathers, and defeat is always an orphan.
        Moreover, some victories play the role of a sickle in the causal places of those who should organize and ensure it. And blacksmiths and hammerers are worth their weight in gold in forging this victory.
        1. -1
          18 January 2024 10: 30
          Quote: ROSS 42
          The speed of information transfer depends on the available secure communication means and the central control system.

          It doesn’t particularly depend on the level of the battalion. Below, yes, everything is sad
          Quote: ROSS 42
          The shorter it is, the higher the competence and rights of the boss receiving the information and issuing the order.

          Each the commander in the chain must make a decision at least at the level of “Are our forces enough or not?” At the same time, he often must discuss this with at least the NS. 4 levels of command discussing a problem for 10 minutes - loss of 1 hour of time. Moreover, each level may have its own interests - which lower levels may not know at all (conditional “Battalions ask for fire”)
          The platoon-battalion-division level chain would be the minimum possible, but that’s a lot of colonels to retire
          1. +3
            18 January 2024 10: 32
            Quote: your1970
            The platoon-battalion-division level chain would be the minimum possible, but that’s a lot of colonels to retire

            Sometimes two smart captains are much more valuable than one “hey, colonel.”
            1. 0
              18 January 2024 11: 30
              Quote: ROSS 42
              Quote: your1970
              The platoon-battalion-division level chain would be the minimum possible, but that’s a lot of colonels to retire

              Sometimes two smart captains are much more valuable than one “hey, colonel.”

              It often happened (while I served until 1998) that 1 captain can be more valuable than a bunch of colonels....
  25. 0
    18 January 2024 08: 36
    The fighting of the First World War, and later, the Second World War, gave the concept of the rules of battle, which was reflected in the writing of combat manuals, and in nature, the war now has the features of WWI and WWII. Tactics and strategy will be supplemented with new types of weapons such as UAVs, robotic systems in units, they will be added to companies, platoons, UAV operators, robotic vehicles and other specialists, and the staffing levels of units will be added.
  26. 0
    18 January 2024 08: 36
    The fighting of the First World War, and later, the Second World War, gave the concept of the rules of battle, which was reflected in the writing of combat manuals, and in nature, the war now has the features of WWI and WWII. Tactics and strategy will be supplemented with new types of weapons such as UAVs, robotic systems in units, they will be added to companies, platoons, UAV operators, robotic vehicles and other specialists, and the staffing levels of units will be added.
  27. +6
    18 January 2024 08: 54
    Serdyukov... I just want to repeat the famous phrase: “Excuse me, but how did he work in the cleaning?” And in my Russian Railways, by the way, it’s the same song. It is no longer the staffing level that is the scourge, but we are developing all programs to optimize the number....
  28. +2
    18 January 2024 09: 02
    Ay-yay-yay and who did all this, comrade political instructor. Author, can you at least give one last name? And Medvedev, of course, is the “savior” of the Russian armed forces, and without him, what would we do now, what would we do then? laughing
  29. +2
    18 January 2024 09: 10
    I almost completely agree...! The only question is about practical implementation. I think (suggest) we should start with our PARQUET generals and... young generals!
  30. +4
    18 January 2024 09: 20
    Serdyukov completed the task assigned to him. He dispersed everyone, cut down what was possible, left only the skeleton on which it was necessary to build a new army. For this he received a Hero of Russia and recognition from the country's leadership.
    Serdyukov began to introduce drones, armored vehicles for transporting personnel, too. He canceled household work and ordered only combat training, including physical training every day. So many years have passed, it’s pointless to remember him. 12 years have already passed since he was not on post.
    After that, it took more than 10 years to build a new army. Some things worked out, some didn’t.
    The question is how the new army was built. The fact that the brigades are untenable was already shown by the exercises of 2009-10.
    They are overloaded with equipment, and there is not enough personnel. There are not enough reconnaissance and target designation means. Why have these shortcomings not been eliminated in 10 years? Why have gliding bombs with UMPC been put into service only now, although their need was obvious, as the NGSh himself spoke about. And thousands more different whys.
    1. -1
      18 January 2024 17: 20
      So someone told the military-industrial complex to tighten its belts in 2015, almost halving the state defense order. And since no one removed the parasites, even fewer reached the producers themselves.
  31. +4
    18 January 2024 09: 49
    Of course, the experience of conducting a military-industrial military training has revealed a lot of problems in our army, in military accounting, and in the military-industrial complex. I think the problem is that there is no mechanism of responsibility; they will not be punished for failures. All that we saw in two years of the North Military District - the resignation, the dismissal of some generals from the army, all this was quiet, without publicity, known only through telegram channels. Until the State and the army, as one of its main institutions, are accountable to the people, the situation will not change.
    Well, take, for example, problems with platoon or company transport, now volunteers are at least somehow helping to solve this issue. Apparently our Ministry of Defense, despite its resources, cannot solve this problem; moreover, the military inspectorate is actively harassing soldiers by confiscating vehicles without registering them with the Ministry of Defense. I also saw somewhere that soldiers are being hammered for not completing maintenance on their equipment in a timely manner.
    1. -1
      20 January 2024 12: 16
      All we have seen in two years of the Northern Military District is the resignation, dismissal of some generals from the army

      What are you talking about? We saw for seven years, we saw for eight years, eight and a half years, ten years, eleven years. True, not to the generals, of course, and generally not to anyone responsible for the army.
  32. +6
    18 January 2024 10: 35
    The army is part of the state, as far as the economy allows, the army can be developed to that extent. Since we are surrounded by enemies, the army, of course, is more important than abstract science (fundamental science does not bring money, and our scientists receive awards under foreign flags), unnecessary education (crowds of university graduates work as salesmen, but there are no mechanics and turners) or completely useless (except for military satellites) space.
    Everything is going well with our economy; recently at the highest level it was stated that our economy is in fifth place in some indicators, which means there is nothing to worry about.
    Our army, the second or first in the world, conducts successful operations in the Northern Military District, achieving all its goals with little loss of life and on foreign territory. New military districts are being formed, divisions instead of brigades - combat effectiveness is being increased. The numbers are also good, there are more than enough contract soldiers, no one is going to let the mobilized ones go until the end, and no one is telling when the end will be, it’s probably a secret.
    Everything is so good and stable in political life that no one discusses our own elections; everyone is more interested in the elections in the United States.
    In general, live and be happy, why escalate?
    1. +2
      18 January 2024 10: 47
      I hope this is sarcasm? Or is it still a life position?
      1. +5
        18 January 2024 12: 47

        I would be happy if I had such a position in life. But alas...
  33. The comment was deleted.
  34. +5
    18 January 2024 11: 37
    Would you like to remember in what year Serdyukov was removed and how long later the Great Leader, the reincarnation of Subudei, the Uriankhai hero, and so on and so forth, were at the helm?
  35. +4
    18 January 2024 11: 50
    Would you like to name official figures that perfectly show how our army was destroyed to please “Western models”? 22% of generals, 80% of colonels, more than 60% of lieutenant colonels, up to 70% of majors, about 60% of captains were dismissed... At the same time, lieutenants and senior officers grew up. In general, the officer corps was halved... From 300 thousand to 150 thousand people.

    Three hundred thousand officers with the Armed Forces numbering just over a million - is this normal? One officer for three privates. belay

    And first of all, Serdyukov’s reduction hit the headquarters. The same headquarters, the majority of which have not been reformed since Soviet times. And which were filled to 100% of the staff, while in the field officer positions were filled with jackets and sergeants. The same headquarters that commanded not only paper, but often absent formations. Army headquarters, corps headquarters... and subordinated to it is a cadre division. Or the headquarters of the air army, in which the air regiments have shrunk to squadrons or less. Or the headquarters of the Navy with brigades of ships from a pair of pennants.

    In general, everything is like the times of Slashchev-Krymsky:
    Arriving in the troops, I found 256 bayonets, 28 guns and with them the 2 division headquarters and the 1 corps headquarters, fully equipped!
  36. +2
    18 January 2024 11: 51
    Reform quickly, and then reform what was reformed a dozen more times. So what is on offer?
  37. 0
    18 January 2024 12: 06
    It is necessary to reform the State Administration, which has been bad from time immemorial, but now, in general, the West is controlled by financial strings!
  38. +2
    18 January 2024 12: 07
    To start reforming something, you first need to clearly define the final goal, and not these vague formulations “let’s do it like in the West” or “let’s go back to how it was before.” Here, judging by the overall picture, the experience of musicians is very useful, just don’t stupidly copy it to the entire army. They have experience in recruitment, training and effective combat deployment. Based on this principle, assault brigades can be created. These same units can resolve local conflicts. The main parts of the Armed Forces should be in the image of the SA (Soviet Army), with adaptation to changing threats to national security.
  39. +1
    18 January 2024 12: 27
    must be changed! We need a lot of satellites from reconnaissance to network distribution, etc., etc. we need from Kamik unmanned aerial vehicles to attack and reconnaissance satellites! Artillery needs to increase the range and accuracy of counter-battery combat, etc., etc., communications on the battlefield to make who is ours and who is ours, etc., etc., and a lot of things need to be changed! you need to see hundreds of kilometers deep into the enemy! it is necessary that the sergeant could call for airstrikes, etc., etc., in short, a lot of things need to be changed! The main thing is that the military see the overall picture of what the army of the 21st century will look like and what needs to be changed right now! and so that it would work too! I need to make an analogue of Jivilin, I shot it and forgot it! Well, this is the opinion of the average person!
    1. 0
      18 January 2024 21: 17
      interesting proposal, when attacking a town or city, I have always believed that it is important to know what is within a radius of 300-400 km, what will be the maximum range of the enemy’s MLRS to destroy his artillery, MLRS, infantry, anti-tank weapons - aircraft systems, mobile phones and armored vehicles, since fire from these weapons can pose a greater danger than occupying a trench or fortified position
  40. +1
    18 January 2024 14: 08
    Something tells me that armies, divisions, regiments with warrant officers wouldn’t fight very well either... And the number of officers would hardly translate into quality. It was just necessary to bring the reforms to mind, and not shy away from side to side. We decided to train the sergeant corps, so prepare. The Northern Military District, on the contrary, showed that divisional war in the old way with a large amount of equipment and personnel only leads to large losses, not to say defeats... and barrages of fire to lunar landscapes. In the end, it all comes down to small, but technically and tactically prepared groups and targeted defeat. This is what you need to do. And again, let me reorganize something. We've had enough of the reshuffles already.
  41. Owl
    18 January 2024 15: 21
    Do not let amateurs and businessmen go to war (in the army) ...
  42. 0
    18 January 2024 15: 30
    It is economically impossible to have an army for a full-fledged war. Apparently it was cleverly implemented in Israel, 2-3 days and +400.
  43. 0
    18 January 2024 15: 53
    The author took on an important topic, but was unable to analyze systematically and clearly enough what was, what is and what is needed...
  44. BAI
    18 January 2024 19: 22
    The most important result of all military reforms is another new uniform.
    If a new form is introduced, wait for military reform.
    I have experienced 3 types of forms
  45. 0
    18 January 2024 20: 53
    Ground forces should be reduced... by 90%

    Source please. According to your context, the ENTIRE army should be reduced by 90%.
    And what army? About the storming of Grozny, remind us how parts were assembled according to the principle “from forest to pine tree”?
  46. 0
    18 January 2024 20: 55
    In short, to put it bluntly, the reform was launched with the aim of undermining the country's defense capability. And as the SVO showed, it achieved its goal.
    1. +1
      18 January 2024 21: 55
      Viktor Sukonkin’s book “Colonel Nobody” is a direct illustration that the reform took place at least “with the knowledge” and at most “on instructions”
  47. +2
    18 January 2024 21: 01
    There, about the fleet.
    And from my own experience, what I saw and felt about the Navy. Autumn 1992. When you look at the berths of Severomorsk, your soul rejoices - a forest of masts!! Of these ships “to go on a cruise tomorrow” there is a parquet cruiser, 2-3 destroyers and the same number of BODs. A month of intensive repairs - "Kalinin", aka "Nakhimov", + 1-2 destroyers and a BOD. "Kirov" was turned into a "floating ship", that is, "there is no progress and there will not be" after 10 years of operation. The same "Drozd" was not welded with rails at the pier. Out of 800 dug there, the crew is 50 at most, the galley does not work, they go to the neighbors with tanks.
    Why are uncombatable ships included in the fleet?
    For the sake of headquarters!!! Three such “floating ships” constitute a brigade, and it requires a headquarters and a bunch of flagship specialists. The brigade commander of the 1st rank (colonel), specialists and other caps of the 2nd rank (lieutenant colonels) have a good chance of getting a demobilization cap once.
  48. +1
    18 January 2024 21: 26
    I will express a very unpopular thought. Didn’t the comrades serving officers prepare their personnel for the current military training in such a way? Was there no equipment, ammunition?...Can everything be reduced only to the highest political leadership, regardless of its qualities and motives?
  49. +2
    18 January 2024 22: 41
    You know, this Baron Munchausen pulled himself out of the swamp by his hair. But he is the only one. No one else succeeded. So all military reforms carried out by the military will come down to a banal rearrangement of beds. Despite the fact that you look at the girls, and - God forbid, you dream about this. No offense: can any general fire himself due to inadequacy? No, not one. Therefore, reforms have no prospects. It's a shame, but true. Reform can only be carried out by an outsider. Who has no friends in the army. No colleagues. No colleagues. Who doesn't care about them at all. Which only needs a tool for defense and attack. I'm not saying that he can. This condition is not sufficient. But absolutely necessary. By the way, this is why surgeons do not undertake to operate on relatives.
    1. 0
      19 January 2024 21: 13
      Reform can only be carried out by an outsider. Who has no friends in the army. No colleagues. No colleagues. Who doesn't care about them at all.
      "Outsiders" will carry out military reform? Well, well... Ivanov was there, Serdyukov was noted (so that he and his “women’s battalion” would hiccup to diarrhea for the rest of their lives...), Shoigu today - all of them, by and large, are third-party subjects for the Army. And Serdyukov, for sure, not only spat on the entire military department. And what?
      For me, they are stuffed to the gills with “effective managers of all trades and wherever they send you.”
  50. +1
    18 January 2024 23: 56
    Something chaotic is written.
    Once again they criticized the reforms. And what?
    Is anyone punished? Fired? arrested?
    But there is no trial.

    Well, in articles you have to talk forever, you have to, you have to, you have to... without diligently giving your full name... this has happened and will happen for a long time, and it’s all to no avail
  51. 0
    19 January 2024 11: 54
    Lol, is someone seriously swearing at the reduction of officers under Serdyukov? At that time in our army there were more senior officers than junior ones) even now there are too many senior officers, we need to reduce them by 3 times, and there are terribly not enough junior officers.
  52. +1
    19 January 2024 12: 46
    Quote: AA17
    But maybe it’s worth thinking about gradual reform?

    First, we need to give a public assessment of the previous Army reform. Summarize. Draw conclusions.
    Note obvious failures. Name those responsible for the failures.

    Only after this will it be possible to avoid new mistakes when creating a modern Army.

    First, we need to equate corruption with treason, and then start shooting criminals.
  53. 0
    19 January 2024 15: 18
    That's right..But how to remove the children and grandchildren who sat in the general's chairs, those scum who bowed to the West? After all, the system built by Putin will be defended...We introduce commissars with the power of a tribunal? What a way out...After all, the situation is 1914 year is obvious....Only the most thinking and courageous are dashingly removed....and from life too. They learned something..It was in vain that the Bolsheviks sent their children to orphanages..You can’t envy the President....although he is fully responsible for what is happening...And there is a way out...Only is Putin ready to take this step...After all, he is already old and worn out.....and there are “comrades-in-arms” around. And what is needed is not “comrades-in-arms” but patriots who are ready to give their own lives for Motherland...That's what the first Bolsheviks were...But they left...
  54. 0
    19 January 2024 20: 59
    If only the reform did not follow the long-known “formula”... Finding the guilty - punishing the innocent - rewarding the innocent.
    And no closing of criminal cases “due to the expiration of the statute of limitations.” Theft of budget funds, military property, weapons and equipment, fraud... in the sphere of ensuring the defense capability of the state should be considered as treason to the Motherland with all the ensuing consequences.
  55. 0
    19 January 2024 20: 59
    If only the reform did not follow the long-known “formula”... Finding the guilty - punishing the innocent - rewarding the innocent.
    And no closing of criminal cases “due to the expiration of the statute of limitations.” Theft of budget funds, military property, weapons and equipment, fraud... in the sphere of ensuring the defense capability of the state should be considered as treason to the Motherland with all the ensuing consequences.
  56. 0
    19 January 2024 23: 32
    After all, the experience of the Northern Military District has already proven that the brigade does not reach the capabilities of the division in its power and combat capabilities

    The brigade should not match the capabilities of the division, this is nonsense.

    Changing the structure of motorized rifle brigades based on the experience of the Northern Military District is the most logical solution.
    Additionally, add to the MSBR staff:
    - engineering assault battalion,
    - reconnaissance and sabotage battalion,
    - electronic warfare and UAV company

    Now individual regiments and brigades are fighting in the Northern Military District zone and have been doing without divisions for two years now; the Armed Forces of Ukraine are also doing well without divisions...
    Isn’t it better to form several corps commands in each combined arms army, which will be formed from those same reinforced brigades based on the assigned tasks?
  57. 0
    19 January 2024 23: 57
    I completely agree. At this time they were ashamed to wear uniform
  58. +2
    20 January 2024 00: 31
    When the “elite” of the country not only “looks” to the west, but also lives there and stores the stolen goods, it is premature to talk about the victory of our country until this “elite” and the system under which it is possible are replaced.
    He who has money is the one who “dances the girl.”
    Well, for the rest - orders and medals, if they survive, and if not....
  59. 0
    21 January 2024 13: 29
    While some “father-commanders” will kill battalions against the enemy without any responsibility and continue to talk upward about how good everything is, while crowds of 500x will teach conscripts in the rear, and those who signed a contract without normal training will move to the front in 2 weeks, there will be no business . What is needed here is not reform, but who knows what. And under Serdyukov, the troops were at least engaged in combat training, and not photographic reports. And the workhorse of the war, the T-72B3, went into service with him.