Desertcross 1000-3 all-terrain vehicles in the Russian army

Desertcross 1000-3 all-terrain vehicles in the Russian army
Chief of the General Staff V. Gerasimov, Defense Minister S. Shoigu and President V. Putin inspect new all-terrain vehicles. Photo by AP RF

The Russian group of troops involved in the Special Operation to protect Donbass uses a wide range of vehicles and all-terrain vehicles. It recently became known that such a fleet is now being replenished with Chinese-made Desertcross 1000-3 all-terrain vehicles. It is planned to purchase a large number of such vehicles, which will increase the mobility of units and thereby help them in solving combat missions.

New contract

On the night of November 10, Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in Rostov-on-Don and visited the headquarters of the Southern Federal District. The leadership of the Ministry of Defense and the district briefed the head of state on the progress of the current Special Operation. In addition, the headquarters hosted a small exhibition of modern models of equipment supplied to the troops.

The President was shown two Chinese-made AODES Desertcross 1000-3 all-terrain vehicles capable of transporting people and small loads. It became known that the Ministry of Defense was interested in this equipment, and it placed a large order for its supply. This contract is already being fulfilled, and several hundred vehicles have entered the troops.

According to the information plate accompanying the all-terrain vehicles at the exhibition, the defense department is purchasing 2127 vehicles in different versions. To date, 537 all-terrain vehicles in basic configuration have been received from the manufacturer. The remaining 1590 units. will receive a set of add-ons of various kinds. 500 vehicles are expected in December, and the rest will enter the army during the 1st quarter of 2024.

A pair of Desertcrosses at the headquarters of the Southern Military District. Photo t/k "Star"

The sign also revealed the cost of the equipment. The Desertcross 1000-3 product in its basic configuration cost the Ministry of Defense 1,58 million rubles per unit. Installing the required options increases the cost of the car to 2,1 million. It is not difficult to calculate the total cost of the order - almost 4,2 billion rubles. This is far from the largest and most expensive purchase to ensure the conduct of a Special Operation, but its importance and necessity should not be underestimated.

Cars at the front

According to data from the Ministry of Defense, more than five hundred Desertcross 1000-3 all-terrain vehicles have already entered the army. At a minimum, some of this equipment should by now have dispersed to units and formations operating in the Special Operation zone. However, until recently there was no information about the presence of such vehicles in our army. Only AM-1 ATVs and the like were reported. technology, about the buggies of the “Chaborz” series in the Russian Guard, etc.

However, just a few days after the exhibition, the first reports about the presence of all-terrain vehicles in the combat zone began to appear at the headquarters of the Southern Military District and the “premiere”, on specialized resources and in blogs. Photos of equipment and its new owners from combat units are also published. Methods for camouflaging vehicles, placing cargo, etc. are demonstrated.

The first reviews are already arriving. In general, fighters evaluate the new product positively. It is called a convenient means for solving transport problems in the near rear - transporting ammunition and other cargo, evacuating the wounded, etc. There are no reports of use as a light reconnaissance vehicle or patrol vehicle yet. Perhaps the scouts are already mastering the new all-terrain vehicle and are simply not sharing fresh experience.

A new type of all-terrain vehicle in a combat zone. Photo Telegram / Sashakots

Foreign design

The AODES Desertcross 1000-3 all-terrain vehicle was developed and mass-produced by the Chinese company Shandong Odes Industry. It is part of the line of utilitarian-tourist off-road vehicles and is offered to a wide range of customers. These are mainly civil organizations and individuals who want to have a light and convenient vehicle for off-road travel.

The Desertcross 1000-3 product is a lightweight vehicle on a two-axle all-wheel drive chassis, capable of carrying three passengers and some cargo. The original design, at the request of the customer, can be supplemented with various units and components. In particular, the Russian army is purchasing all-terrain vehicles with a soft closed cabin and a heating system.

The all-terrain vehicle has an open body with a frame and skin on which all other elements are installed. In its front part there is a hood cover, which in some trim levels can be used as a small cargo area. Behind it is a three-seater crew cabin, and a full-fledged cargo platform is mounted behind it. There is a full-fledged protective “cage” above the crew seats.

The machine is equipped with a two-cylinder petrol V-shaped liquid-cooled engine with a power of 87 hp. The transmission is built on the basis of a variator and wheel differentials. It is possible to use rear-wheel drive or all-wheel drive. The front and rear axle suspension is built on A-arms with vertical springs and hydropneumatic shock absorbers. There is also an anti-roll bar on the rear axle. Wheels with a diameter of 27 inches are used.

The total length of such an all-terrain vehicle does not exceed 3,4 m, width – 1,8 m, height – 1,9 m with a ground clearance of 305 mm. Curb weight for the Russian army is 1050 kg. Load capacity is 550 kg and can tow a 300 kg trailer. The car carries up to three people in the cabin, including the driver. As an option, the manufacturer offers two removable seats on the cargo platform.

General view of the Desertcross 1000-3. Photo by AODES

Desertcross 1000-3 on the highway reaches speeds of up to 80 km/h, and has a range of 250 km. Fords can be crossed no deeper than 400 mm. In case of difficult obstacles and off-road conditions, the machine is equipped with a winch with a traction force of more than 2 tons.

The bulk of all-terrain vehicles for the Russian army were ordered with additional elements. Thus, the Ministry of Defense wished to equip the equipment with a front bumper with an amplifier and rubber bumpers. It is also equipped with a soft-type cabin with glazing and a heater. This technique can be used comfortably in the coming winter.

Intermediate position

Our army is now supplied with various light and medium class vehicles. In particular, pickup trucks and all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) became widespread in the Special Operation zone. They are used as transport for people and cargo, and are also carriers of various weapons. At the same time, in different situations and contexts, such equipment may encounter difficulties and limitations - some samples do not always have enough carrying capacity, while others show insufficient maneuverability.

The Desertcross 1000-3 all-terrain vehicle occupies an intermediate position between ATVs and full-fledged cars and can successfully solve a fairly wide range of tasks. According to information from a recent exhibition, the Chinese all-terrain vehicle is being considered as a vehicle for reconnaissance and patrol operations, raids and search and rescue operations, as well as for general logistics needs in difficult road and soil conditions.

All-terrain vehicles will likely be used primarily as light trucks. In addition, they will try to make them carriers of weapons. The Desertcross design, in theory, allows the installation of machine guns or other systems. In addition, the vehicle can transport mortars, ATGMs, MANPADS and other weapons. Nowadays, quad bikes with lower load capacity and passenger capacity are often used as carriers of such systems.

Three-seater all-terrain vehicle with a cabin. Photo by AODES

Upgrading to larger, heavier-duty ATVs can provide benefits. The entire crew will be able to travel in one vehicle, the ammunition load will increase, etc. With all this, it will be possible to maintain or improve the overall mobility and mobility of the complex and its crew.

It should be noted that the operation of all-terrain vehicles like the Desertcross 1000-3 must face certain restrictions. Thus, another model is being supplied to the army, not unified with other automobile or other equipment. This means that the relevant structures of the armed forces will have to establish a supply system for consumables and spare parts for the new model. In addition, the all-terrain vehicle does not have any protection, which is why it cannot be used on the front line or in other dangerous areas.

Objective needs

As part of the current Special Operation to protect Donbass, the Russian army is not only solving assigned military and political tasks, but also gaining valuable experience. In particular, various ideas and concepts for the formation and development of a fleet of vehicles of all classes are constantly being formed and refined. Another result of this process can be observed right now.

Taking into account previously gained experience, our own and related structures, the Ministry of Defense decided to equip units at the front and in the near rear with all-terrain vehicles of a new model. To start deliveries as soon as possible, it was decided to contact a foreign manufacturer. As a result, the first 500-plus Desertcross 1000-3 products have already entered the army and are beginning to be used in the combat zone, and in the coming months the number of such equipment will quadruple.
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  1. +3
    21 November 2023 04: 00
    Mobility is a good thing, even if it’s Chinese, But! How will it pass on such wheels along the ruts on which an infantry fighting vehicle, a tank, and even a 6x6 Ural-Kamaz have walked?

    The AG-34 probably costs more, but leaving on time or completing the task is the lives of our soldiers
    1. +4
      21 November 2023 07: 26
      1. The first official deliveries of the PRC to the Russian army. Should this be considered “Chinese Lend-Lease”?
      2. The need to saturate the Republic of Armenia with small mechanized means of transportation was clear back in the First World War. You also need to buy thousands of them - ATVs, snowmobiles, motorcycles, all types of motorized towing vehicles, mini-excavators, mini-tractors with various attachments, skidders, harvesters with attachments. Armored bulldozers.
      1. +28
        21 November 2023 09: 01
        It may not be a bad machine, but! We have the fully enclosed and heated UAZ-Pickup and UAZ-Profi in approximately the same price category, and even the “Profi” takes 1,5 tons on board. There is a UAZ-Hunter that is 2 times cheaper. So the choice for the army is strange
        1. +7
          21 November 2023 09: 24
          It may not be a bad machine, but! We have the fully enclosed and heated UAZ-Pickup and UAZ-Profi in approximately the same price category, and even the “Profi” takes 1,5 tons on board. There is a UAZ-Hunter that is 2 times cheaper. So the choice for the army is strange

          The problem is UAZ’s ability to produce sufficient quantities on time
          1. +9
            24 November 2023 05: 06
            Quote: T-100
            The problem is UAZ’s ability to produce sufficient quantities on time

            Some strange problems... The Ministry of Defense purchased 500 of these vehicles from China and is going to receive “several thousand” more... is this a problem for UAZ? For the production of REGULAR, classic UAZs?
            It seems to me that these machines are not for active troops, but for servicing the golf courses and hunting grounds of those involved.
            In our “Palestines” there is winter + muddy roads for half a year. For our conditions, a classic UAZ with a canvas top is much better suited (if you need a convertible in the summer) - light, nimble, passable, simple as an AK and easy to maintain. but most importantly - CHEAP, familiar to the troops, DOMESTIC to the last bolt.
            And if you are already concerned about a new army SUV, then it would not be a sin to look at the Strela, for the creation of which the components of the Gazelle were used to the maximum.
            Quote: T-100
            The problem is in the condition of the UAZ

            Yes, UAZ should jump to the sky from the prospects of ordering classic army UAZs for SO MANY newly formed formations. Yes, under such an order (if there really are problems with the condition) and financing, UAZ could deploy new workshops and new production/assembly capacities within a year.
            Why doesn't the market decide?
            request Perhaps someone from the Moscow Region, on a plausible pretext, is withdrawing budget money... now to China.

            I see the use of this machine in the army as purely niche. No transport will be superfluous in a war, but... for the same money you can buy much more UAZs.
        2. 0
          3 December 2023 11: 08
          Quote: umah
          So the choice for the army is strange

          I would say that it is not strange, but sabotage! Is this import substitution? Are we stepping on the same rake again, only now it’s Chinese?
        3. +1
          2 February 2024 11: 36
          Quote: umah
          The fully enclosed and heated UAZ-Pickup and UAZ-Profi are approximately in the same price category,

          Yes. But you won’t have time to jump out of a completely closed car during shelling in order to take cover in a fold of the terrain. Heated, it's wonderful. For the deep rear. In order to be closer to the front line, it is preferable to still increase the chance of staying alive. Both jumping on and off an open platform are immeasurably better. And load the wounded. And it’s harder to throw weapons quickly. For all this, a completely open platform is much better suited than a UAZ without an awning. And I’m generally silent about closed ones.
          But it’s much more convenient to parade away from the enemy, closer to the “combat” medal, in a heated and closed UAZ, yes...
      2. -1
        21 November 2023 20: 30
        ATVs, snowmobiles, motorcycles, all types of motorized towing vehicles, mini-excavators, mini-tractors with various attachments, skidders, harvesters with attachments. Armored bulldozers

    2. +12
      21 November 2023 12: 02
      Quote: Warrior StillTot
      But! How will it pass on such wheels along the ruts on which an infantry fighting vehicle, a tank, and even a 6x6 Ural-Kamaz have walked?

      Just like the front edge conveyor passed before him.

      The Chinese Desertcross is a replacement for LuAZ.
      1. AMG
        21 November 2023 13: 33
        TPK also floats! And if only he had a 60 horsepower engine...
      2. +2
        22 November 2023 22: 04
        It won’t work there either. Because LuAZ has an original independent suspension of longitudinally swinging arms on torsion bars with final drives. Due to this, it has greater ground clearance and greater stability when turning at speed and at large lateral slope angles. Compared to wishbones and axles.
    3. +5
      23 November 2023 13: 01
      Disappointed with such a purchase....Why??? Firstly: such military products are not high-tech and not science-intensive, so that their analogues could not be ordered from YOUR OWN RUSSIAN MANUFACTURER...At least - this considerable money would remain in Russia and serve the Russian economy....Secondly: In the Russian Federation, they produce compact super all-terrain vehicles SHERP and TYPHOON, which America and Canada are already buying...In terms of cross-country ability, BUOYANCY, maneuverability and speed - SHERP and TYPHOON can give a head start to such a Chinese..
      1. +2
        23 November 2023 14: 16
        Transport engineering in Russia is suppressed by Euro standards, which is why there is no variety of equipment. Only large manufacturers, and those with the last of their strength, are able to ensure compliance with them.
      2. 0
        3 December 2023 11: 18
        Quote from Romanovski
        ITS RUSSIAN MANUFACTURER...At least - this considerable money would remain in Russia and serve the Russian economy....Secondly: The Russian Federation produces compact super-all-terrain vehicles SHERP and TYPHOON, which America and Canada are already purchasing...

        In February 2022, after the start of the SVO, the Ukrainian company, headed by Vladimir Shkolnik, revoked the patent and the right to use the Sherp trademark for the production of all-terrain vehicles in the Russian Federation. “In answer to numerous questions, I inform you that as of February 25, we have revoked all patents and licenses for the assembly of Sherpa all-terrain vehicles in Russia. Now Sherp is 100% Ukrainian,” the head of the company wrote on his Facebook page(C)
    4. +1
      24 November 2023 14: 17
      Quote: Warrior StillTot
      Mobility is a good thing, even if it’s Chinese,

      There is another huge BUT! These are spare parts, that is, you can’t take a wheel from a Ural and put it there, the rear workers have more problems.
      Many people write about the UAZ, but military correspondent Andrei Filatov, who runs on the front line with a video camera, wrote that it is more fragile and the soldiers repair it more often than they use it.
      Alexey Garagashyan proposed the AG-34 using ready-made components and assemblies from Sadko Next.
      And this is the best offer, wheels from the Army Ural, take and remove from the damaged one, units and assemblies from a more reliable truck, you can ram abandoned cars that block the road, the track width of the wheels is the same as that of the army Urals and Kamaz. The price was announced at approximately 2 million rubles.
      And most importantly, the conveyors of three St. Petersburg automobile plants have been idle since the spring of 2022.
      Many will argue that the AG-34 should be produced even this time, as an example in 1941, 200 of the newest T-34 tanks were assembled without modern machines, robots, ready-made components and assemblies.
      So it is quite possible, if desired, to set up production of the AG-34 as soon as possible.
      1. 0
        3 December 2023 11: 31
        Quote: Order
        as an example, in 1941 they assembled 200 of the latest T-34 tanks without modern machines, robots, ready-made components and assemblies.
        So it is quite possible, if desired, to set up production of the AG-34 as soon as possible.

        Impossible! Because we do not live under the Soviet system. This is not possible under capitalism! You’d better compare it with the First World War, it’s closer in structure, in spirit, and in corruption... when they didn’t even master the production of infantry helmets until the end of the war! An order for the production of 1 million mosquitoes was placed in the USA, and Cossack checkers and even peasant braids... in Japan (!)
        Sound familiar?
        1. +1
          7 December 2023 13: 23
          Quote from: AllX_VahhaB

          Everything is possible, as an example when Boeing and Airbus left the Russian market, they immediately got going and started developing their civil aviation. The Bosch company stopped supplying ABS units for cars and opened a plant for their production in the Russian Federation in the shortest possible time.
          It’s the same here, if China had cut off supplies, they would have started their production, especially since car factories are idle after the departure of imported manufacturers.
    5. 0
      30 January 2024 20: 00
      How come our all-terrain vehicles didn't end up here?
  2. +8
    21 November 2023 04: 01
    The Desertcross 1000-3 looks like a golf cart.
    1. +6
      21 November 2023 04: 21
      At the tire fitting, it looks like the wheels were switched places, judging by the tread on the right front.
      1. +2
        21 November 2023 17: 18
        Or maybe his main gear is reverse? wassat
    2. +9
      21 November 2023 09: 22
      “During Vladimir Putin’s visit to the headquarters of the Southern Military District in Rostov-on-Don, the President was shown the Desertcross 1000-3 all-terrain vehicle, which is produced by the American-Chinese brand “AODES.”
      According to the stand with the description, 537 units were delivered to the troops, with plans to purchase another 1590 units. One such machine in the basic configuration costs 1,58 million rubles, with additions 2,1 million rubles."

      Attention, question number one for experts: how much does the UAZ “Bukhanka” cost?
      Answer: 1 625 000 ₽
      from 1 rub.

      Question number two for experts: what will sit on your belly faster and what will carry you further, especially in difficult weather conditions?
      1. -4
        21 November 2023 14: 02
        Why bother engaging in rotten demagoguery? If such vehicles are relevant for the military, even due to their maneuverability and versatility in terms of carrying weapons, then why not buy them? The military probably knows better on the spot than our cold-blooded experts-accountants. And your price tags are Torgmashevsky good only for cretins like some. The military will have similar UAZ vehicles or something else, the requirements, to put it mildly, are slightly different than for civilian ones, so the same UAZs for the army will be much more expensive, you can write it on your forehead.
        1. +1
          21 November 2023 19: 27
          Oh, fresh food has appeared!

          People of your rank are real bots sometimes
          The stranger the power of action
          All the more dear to you, gentlemen.

          Well, let’s put the poems aside and support your initiative to “write this on your forehead.”


          There is a long tradition of naming magnificent examples of military equipment in honor of political, military and cultural figures.
          Airplane and cruiser "Maxim Gorky".
          Tanks "Klim Voroshilov" and "Joseph Stalin".
          Well, it’s not for nothing that V.V. Putin and S.K. Shoigu chose this unparalleled device called Desertcross (and some numbers) to photograph.
          Well, it’s not for nothing that Andrei Lionov crucifies so much (this is most likely for nothing (find yourself a job!) or for such a pittance - 130/260 cu. per month that it’s just tears, not money).

          It means so.
          I propose, following a long-standing tradition, to assign the name AL1 to this unparalleled weapon model - in honor of Andrei Lionov (the hero comes first); VP1 - in honor of you know who; and SSH1 - in honor of the one who in the photo shows the VP himself this very Desertcross.

          Who is for option VP1 - put +
          Who is in favor of the SSH1 option - put -
          Who is for the AL1 option - just heal

          PS. Who is in favor of the AK1 version in honor of Alina Kabaeva - post her photos under this message.
      2. +3
        21 November 2023 14: 21
        Quote: Wildcat
        According to the stand with the description, 537 units were delivered to the troops, with plans to purchase another 1590 units. One such machine in the basic configuration costs 1,58 million rubles, with additions 2,1 million rubles."

        Rather, it is not the cost of one machine, but the total cost of the contract divided by the number of machines. However, it is unknown what is included in the contract other than the machines themselves.
        They really like to calculate the cost of aircraft or tanks under a contract in the same way - and they are very surprised that the same machine can cost differently for different countries. smile
        1. +2
          21 November 2023 19: 30
          I, like you, would like to believe in the best.
          But for now I see “that’s all” for 2,1 million rubles.
          What's up"total contract value divided by"(well, of course) and what else in the form"additions"Can I put 0,5 million rubles there? A windshield?
          1. +2
            22 November 2023 11: 29
            Quote: Wildcat
            What is there, “the total cost of the contract divided by” (of course) and what else in the form of “additions” can amount to 0,5 million rubles. put? Windshield?

            Armed and military equipment contracts traditionally include spare parts, equipment for maintenance and repair, and training for users and technicians.
            You can also sell an additional guarantee based on the Eldorado model. smile
      3. 0
        3 December 2023 11: 43
        Quote: Wildcat
        what will carry you more and further, especially in difficult weather conditions?

        Between holes?
    3. +4
      21 November 2023 16: 15
      Externally, the Desertcross 1000-3 looks like a golf cart

      So it's about the same size.
      I saw these devices being transported past today, they weren’t even repainted, just in the same sand coloring. Two pieces fit into the flatbed Kamaz.
      I don’t know what quality they are, but at first glance you can see the country of origin.
  3. +12
    21 November 2023 04: 37
    In Russia there is no opportunity to build anything better than this teardrop?
    1. +6
      21 November 2023 05: 37
      Quote: Bolt Cutter
      In Russia there is no opportunity to build anything better than this teardrop?

      and who will help the Chinese auto industry?
    2. +5
      21 November 2023 05: 48
      There is definitely an opportunity. There is no extra time.
      1. +5
        21 November 2023 06: 06
        Quote from Voronezh
        There is definitely an opportunity. There is no extra time.

        of factories need to be built, and Niva and UAZ are just...not cars, and only amateurs in a garage can make something out of them. sarcasm...
        1. +6
          21 November 2023 08: 54
          we need new factories

          ,,,and so on in everything.

          The Russian company Transport of the Future signed a memorandum of intent with the Indian manufacturer Sasaa Electronics to create a joint venture in India. The start of assembly of Russian drones is scheduled for March 2024.
          The companies plan to make unmanned aerial vehicles for agricultural monitoring and cargo delivery in mountainous areas in India.

          Why build a plant for assembling heavy drones in Russia. Indeed
          1. 0
            21 November 2023 20: 24
            If you have difficulty finding information about this company, here is a link to their website:
            The company is building factories for the production of UAVs in the Belgorod and Samara regions. Why expanding this project into a co-production with India bothers you, I don’t understand.
        2. +5
          21 November 2023 09: 08
          At first I was also fussy, but when I looked at the characteristics in the article, I stopped. These are technically complex machines. We don’t have similar engines, nor a variator... What are we going to make it from then?
          Something like this is worth developing over time. But for now there is nowhere to get it except to buy...
          And the Niva and UAZ have gasoline engines, greater weight, lower ground clearance, longer wheelbase... The cross-country ability will be noticeably lower!
    3. The comment was deleted.
  4. +22
    21 November 2023 06: 22
    Who in the days of the CPSU could have imagined that it would not be China that would buy weapons from us, but “we” from them, and in addition from the DPRK and Iran, which 30 years ago were not taken seriously.
    Well, it would be nice if something uniquely cosmic was purchased, but no.

    What has this regime brought the state to? That it is no longer able to organize the provision of some disabled women, even with all these obligatory cuts, kickbacks and foreign components.
    1. +5
      21 November 2023 11: 47
      Quote: R_S_F_S_R_
      Who in the days of the CPSU could have imagined that it would not be China that would buy weapons from us, but “we” from them, and in addition from the DPRK and Iran, which 30 years ago were not taken seriously.

      IZH 49, ZIL 157 and GAZ 51 factories were transferred to China and North Korea... I'll say more, sewing equipment too, and after decades, I had to buy my wife an overlocker made in China, ours in essence, the one they transferred, but with Chinese "nameplates". That's how it is.
    2. +1
      21 November 2023 13: 03
      Quote: R_S_F_S_R_
      What has this regime brought the state to?

      Here we need to clarify what kind of regime, by personalities!
    3. -13
      21 November 2023 14: 31
      You’re a donkey Eeyore, you’d better tell us how in the days of the CPSU there was a flood of weapons from Polend-Lease and other things, how the soldiers at the front didn’t even have enough foot wraps, they went into battle with one rifle between three, and counted the shells on their fingers, how they were stolen fortified areas, so the Germans were already at Kiev a month later, as for weeks the soldiers on the front line saw nothing except birch porridge, crackers with pea concentrate were a delicacy. How the country for ten years until June 41 plowed exclusively for the Army, denying itself everything, and the German suddenly, instead of throwing hats, he ended up near Moscow. Well, or like Comrade Stalin at a festive dinner in honor of the Victory, he asked the entire people for forgiveness for the first two years of the war? Let’s start the ragul, and we’ll listen.
      1. 0
        21 November 2023 17: 30
        Quote: Lionov
        You're a donkey Eeyore, you'd better tell us how in the days of the CPSU there was a flood of Polend-Lease weapons and more, how the soldiers at the front didn't even have enough foot wraps, they went into battle with one rifle between three

        They forgot about the terrible commissars and the bloody NKVD, who drove the soldiers into battle with machine-gun fire.
        Quote: Lionov
        how the fortified areas were plundered, so the Germans were already at Kyiv a month later

        How was it stolen? They were all blown up - Rezun won’t let you lie. smile
        Quote: Lionov
        How the country worked exclusively for the Army for ten years until June 41, denying itself everything

        And the army looked with horror at what was plowed, fighting it off with all their hands.
        ... take this tractor and try to work with a cannon: it does not carry the required weight of the cannon, the power as a military vehicle is low... the unsmooth ride, the barbaric conditions for the driver in the cabin completely depreciate this tractor. And if this vehicle is left as a transport vehicle and as a means for transporting goods, then it is also not suitable in terms of carrying capacity... The army needs three-ton vehicles, and if it is one and a half tons, then the army will not be satisfied either... All your transport vehicles have a unique number of shortcomings... Maximum speed this car is 8 km/h, but usually it does 6 km/h... the car doesn’t pull itself at 4th speed... if I got into a combat position, and then I need to change the position immediately, but I need 40 minutes just to start the tractor...

        And I still don’t remember about the massive loss of engines on the I-16 of all series due to design reasons. And about the T-34 with its main clutch, which is structurally designed for only a couple of hundred kilometers.
  5. +1
    21 November 2023 07: 25
    Two cylinder engine and CVT!!!! Come on, garage experts, tell us that we should have taken a cast-iron diesel engine with a manual one! So that later you can pass it on to your grandchildren as an inheritance :)))
    1. +2
      21 November 2023 08: 55
      A couple of months ago, there were reports that UAZ was going to install a 2-liter Chinese JAC diesel engine, which is made in Yelabuga.
    2. +3
      21 November 2023 12: 20
      Quote: Vadim S
      Two cylinder engine and CVT!!!! Come on, garage experts, tell us that we should have taken a cast-iron diesel engine with a manual one! So that later you can pass it on to your grandchildren as an inheritance :)))

      cars in war are consumables, they don’t need 100 thousand without capital, they can burn out in a day without a run.
  6. +11
    21 November 2023 07: 30
    By and large, this is a large ATV and the price is 1,5 million or more per unit, which is still a bit much when buying a batch. But we are not the ones running the show here, although if desired, we could purchase them from our companies, especially since we have similar analogues...
    The same “AG34 Tactical Pickup” or the STELS UTV 800 DOMINATOR produced by us

    Yes, and in NAMI, once in the USSR, a little car was developed, which was then produced in Lutsk and became known to many as the TPK. That the documentation has not been preserved and we do not have the opportunity to organize the production of such cars?
    1. +3
      21 November 2023 12: 14
      Quote: svp67
      Yes, and in NAMI, once in the USSR, a little car was developed, which was then produced in Lutsk and became known to many as the TPK. That the documentation has not been preserved and we do not have the opportunity to organize the production of such cars?

      Do you propose to request "Car Assembly Plant No. 1" PJSC "Automobile Company "Bogdan Motors"? wink
      1. WFP
        21 November 2023 19: 47
        A copy of all technical documentation is stored in the Russian Federation in the appropriate funds. So there is no need to use poison.
        1. +2
          22 November 2023 11: 30
          Quote: PMA
          A copy of all technical documentation is stored in the Russian Federation in the appropriate funds.

          Yeah, yeah... I immediately remember the misadventures with the repair of Ukrainian turbines by a Russian company, when it turned out that in the holy 90s the copy of TD that remained in Russia mystically became private property.
          1. 0
            23 November 2023 14: 29
            Manufacturers of Ukrainian turbines most likely made a fuss.
        2. 0
          23 November 2023 14: 35
          Perhaps now the Ministry of Defense has seen the problem and its own front-line transporter will appear in the future. But there are doubts regarding the design of LUAZ. Most likely, the Soviet version requires serious modifications. For example, I can’t believe that there were CV joints, rather crosspieces or some kind of rubber couplings. The Melitopol air-cooled engine is too weak, it is also advisable to replace it. The design as a whole needs to be redesigned.
        3. 0
          20 February 2024 09: 11
          The documentation may have been preserved, but not digitally. And how will a modern engineer go through pieces of paper?
    2. 0
      21 November 2023 13: 07
      Quote: svp67
      That the documentation has not been preserved and we do not have the opportunity to organize the production of such cars?

      It's not possible, it's expensive and time-consuming.
  7. +7
    21 November 2023 07: 39
    But the 469th UAZ will not be able to help the needs of the Northern Military District?
    1. +6
      21 November 2023 09: 09
      UAZ is a good car for military use. In many cases it will be better than this all-terrain vehicle. But there is always something wrong with our cars and designers. Either they cannot understand that the lever suspension is softer and more suitable for a light SUV, or for fifty years they cannot ask UAZ for additional shock absorbers or at least welded corners for their installation, if the “toad” itself does not order additional shock absorbers to be installed at the factory. They will make a good “Ant” scooter, but it will be made on three wheels instead of four. If they make an ATV, it will be without protective bars over it. I understand that such quibbles are similar to grumbling, but why have there been no changes for the better for decades? So Chinese products appear, where almost everything is taken into account, although one can find fault with their design.
    2. -3
      21 November 2023 15: 06
      But the 469th UAZ will not be able to help the needs of the Northern Military District?

      You can’t cut much on the UAZ. But here they gave the Chinese money and sawed it themselves, but what this “bucket” is like is parquet and Caesar doesn’t care. Volunteers will buy UAZs and loaves if they buy anything.
  8. +12
    21 November 2023 08: 24
    The perekvadrik is an under-transporter... Where is the possibility of transporting at least one bedridden wounded?! I'm not talking about the prone position for the driver. And it would be nice if it were at least cheap, but it doesn’t matter!
    1. +1
      21 November 2023 12: 17
      Quote: Vladimir_2U
      Where is the possibility of transporting at least one bedridden wounded?! I'm not talking about the prone position for the driver.

      You also ask about the driver's seat in the center and the ability to swim. wink
      1. +1
        21 November 2023 12: 25
        Quote: Alexey RA
        You also ask about the driver's seat in the center and the ability to swim.

        Do you think the impossibility of transporting a wounded person is the norm?
        1. 0
          21 November 2023 14: 15
          Quote: Vladimir_2U
          Do you think the impossibility of transporting a wounded person is the norm?

          When transporting the wounded, there is only one option - to attach the stretcher to the platform across the course.
          1. -1
            22 November 2023 04: 46
            Quote: Alexey RA

            When transporting the wounded, there is only one option - to attach the stretcher to the platform across the course.

            With such a width and body configuration, it's a lousy option.
  9. +2
    21 November 2023 09: 20
    Do not confuse “desert” (“desert”, desert) and “dessert” (“disEt”, dessert). Literally translated, the machine is called “Desert Crosser,” but I would translate it as “Desert Man” or “Camel,” if with humor. So the name itself implies the purpose of this vehicle: transporting goods and people across no-man’s land or in the rear over short and medium distances.
  10. +5
    21 November 2023 09: 22
    And where are these Chechen “barsums” or whatever they are called, who not so long ago were licked here on VO in the comments??
  11. +5
    21 November 2023 09: 32
    The Desertcross 1000-3 product in its basic configuration cost the Ministry of Defense 1,58 million rubles per unit. Installing the required options increases the cost of the car to 2,1 million. It is not difficult to calculate the total cost of the order - almost 4,2 billion rubles.

    Well, what does our Defense Ministry boast/proud of?? - financial flows again, there’s no other way to put it...

    The machine is equipped with a two-cylinder petrol V-shaped liquid-cooled engine with a power of 87 hp.

    for such purposes, air cooling is more reliable, but a bit noisy
    and then, how can such equipment be supplied for service by the Moscow Region? - for this it is necessary to carry out a lot of things (tests) to determine the mileage, the costs of these miles, and the “hole” from where the spare parts will be issued. (look how they resist registering cars transferred as gum aid)
    otherwise - “disposable” - equipment for 4,2 lard
    1. -1
      21 November 2023 09: 53
      Is an air-cooled engine more reliable? Is it your bad memory or mine? I remember it very well. how along the country highway to the dachas, on the sides, there were Cossacks with overheated engines and raised hoods (trunks). But VAZs and Muscovites with liquid-cooled engines weren’t standing broken and overheated on the side of the road, they were driving.
      1. mz
        21 November 2023 12: 10
        But the VAZs and Muscovites stood there after every good rain, the “distributors” were dried (especially the Muscovites). And the Cossacks overheated only for those whose hands grow in the wrong place and do not read the instructions. And yes, an air cooling system is more reliable than a liquid cooling system: fewer parts and assemblies mean less likelihood of failure...
        1. -1
          21 November 2023 13: 06
          The fact remains a fact, regardless of your reasoning. It was the overheated and faulty Cossacks that stood there.
          Where will we be from? From Ukraine, it’s probably only possible to slander Moskvich and AvtoVAZ so vehemently at the same time. I probably dreamed about “wet” distributors.
          In addition, engineering illiteracy is pouring out of all the cracks. An engine without water cooling operates in a tense temperature regime, and there is no point in talking about any increased reliability in such conditions. Saving on the cooling system does not always lead to the desired results.
          The air cooling system is more reliable, only separately from the engine, this is correctly written.
          1. mz
            21 November 2023 15: 46
            Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
            I probably dreamed about “wet” distributors.
            In addition, engineering illiteracy creeps in from all the cracks. An engine without water cooling operates under intense temperature conditions, and there is no need to talk about any increased reliability in such conditions.

            I'm from Russia. You have already demonstrated your engineering “literacy” below by writing that the Niva only has wishbone suspension at the front, so in terms of engineering literacy, it’s definitely not for you to teach me. And in Moskvich, the ignition distributor flooded in the first deep puddle; on VAZ cars it did not splash right away, but also often when passing through several deep puddles. The intense temperature regime of an air-cooled internal combustion engine is calculated specifically and does not directly affect the service life and reliability: for example, Tatra-815.
            1. -2
              21 November 2023 17: 38
              Well, of course, everyone around is illiterate, only the engineering genius from the past continues to claim that air cooling is better. The whole world has gone crazy using liquid cooling, only the genius from the past remains the most literate and insists on air cooling.
              If you have a continuous bridge, then it doesn’t matter how it is suspended. With or without a lever, it is a continuous bridge with all its shortcomings. And it’s not for you to teach me. Pushing through technically and morally outdated solutions, which is what you are doing here, is stupid and futile. Since then, they have learned to make CV joints, and have advanced somewhat, unlike those who use and continue to insist on the use of continuous bridges.
              And of course, Zaporozhets is better because Moskvich’s and, it turns out, sometimes VAZ’s distributors were flooded! You can’t appreciate what a competent technical discovery!
              Allegedly, an engineer from Russia admires the Zaporozhets and, in good faith, claims that it is more reliable than Moskvich and AvtoVAZ in wet weather! This is completely beyond reality!
          2. WFP
            21 November 2023 19: 55
            Do cars in Ukraine function differently?
            I remember very well how the TPK officers of our unit drove both the tail and the mane - either fishing or hunting. And nothing got hot or broke. 30 years later, a neighbor in the garage, when the division was disbanded, took such a TPK as a second car for hunting/fishing. And nothing broke or got hot either. Then he replaced it with a Grand Cherokee key-for-key.
            1. -2
              21 November 2023 20: 55
              Of course, in Ukrainian fairy tales, neither Zaporozhets nor the TPK broke down. For 30 years, cars with a Melitopol air-cooled engine did not break down, in Ukrainian folk tales, of course.
      2. 0
        22 November 2023 09: 46
        Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
        Is an air-cooled engine more reliable? Is it your bad memory or mine? I remember it very well. how along the country highway to the dachas, on the sides, there were Cossacks with overheated engines and raised hoods (trunks). But VAZs and Muscovites with liquid-cooled engines weren’t standing broken and overheated on the side of the road, they were driving.

        M.B. We have different understandings about this: there was a Tatra-148, there was a Magirus-Deutz, nothing broke (this is about reliability), nothing leaked (this is about the cooling system), it started in winter in any frost
        and who are you according to VUS?
        1. -2
          22 November 2023 13: 42
          Nothing has leaked for 30-40 years, there is no such problem. Problems with leaky pumps and other things are such a trifle compared to the rest of the car that they can be neglected. But the high temperature stress of air-cooled engines was and remains a problem. And with the growth of the size of such engines, the missing water radiator has to be replaced with an oil one. You can cite dozens of outdated designs as examples, it will not change anything. There is no Zaporozhets, no Tatra, no Magirus, precisely because their design did not justify itself.
          According to VUS, I will be a motorized rifleman, but a driver with extensive experience. And I have enough observation and knowledge to understand the futility of relying on air cooling. If used, it would be on self-propelled guns and very small transporters like TPK.
  12. +2
    21 November 2023 09: 34
    All that remains is to buy tricycles with motors and beat everyone.
  13. +3
    21 November 2023 10: 18
    those. We can’t release such a batven ourselves? Where is Manturov with his roulades about preserved competencies?
    1. -3
      21 November 2023 12: 15
      I can easily answer such questions. Please note that this car has a wishbone suspension both front and rear, providing high cross-country ability. The Niva has a lever only in the front, the UAZ has a full axle. That is, we have a similar suspension only on conventionally domestic ATVs and handmade buggies. The transmission is also, accordingly, original. Our industry does not mass-produce anything like this. And it will be very difficult to open such a production from scratch.
      The civilian market for such a vehicle is also limited. Most likely it does not comply with EURO-4,5 standards; the question of the need for such standards is not for me. Buying such an all-terrain vehicle will be much worse than a Niva or UAZ, which is why they don’t make it here.
      And yes, the wheels are hardly 27 inches, as the article says, more like 17".
      1. mz
        21 November 2023 12: 48
        Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich

        I can easily answer such questions. Please note that this car has a wishbone suspension both front and rear, providing high cross-country ability. The Niva has a lever only in the front,

        Better not. The Niva has wishbone suspension both front and rear. In addition, when using continuous axles, it is easier to obtain larger suspension strokes and a larger crossing angle of the axles, and this increases cross-country ability.
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. -3
          21 November 2023 13: 21
          Since it’s easier to get it on continuous bridges, get it. But the Moscow Region is not happy with this. And I’m ready to support them in this.
  14. +2
    21 November 2023 10: 31
    I saw that they carry a lot of them on the M4 Don. Are the attempts with a buggy based on the Niva unsuccessful? The power is the same,
    The design is domestic. Strange. There is a whole AvtoVAZ, there are no technically difficult problems to make a “disassembled” NIVA.....
    1. 0
      21 November 2023 11: 11
      Probably costs more laughing
    2. 0
      21 November 2023 13: 54
      There are successful attempts with Niva. Only in this case you need to buy a Niva, and then do something similar to this with the rear suspension.

      Then the Niva will look like a buggy. But the problem is that you need a ready-made serial buggy.
      1. +1
        21 November 2023 20: 54
        Are Chechen buggies not suitable at all?
      2. 0
        23 November 2023 13: 45
        What is the problem with a standard bridge?
        1. -1
          23 November 2023 13: 51
          Find out the differences between a military UAZ and a civilian one, especially in terms of the axle. This is in case it is not enough to just look under the "Niva", the classic AvtoVAZ or the ancient "Volga" from behind. I naively thought that this was clearly visible to everyone. In addition, the solid axle itself is heavy, even without additional transmission to the wheels.
          The pearls in this topic leave me completely bewildered. For some, it is a revelation that modern coolants do not freeze and almost all air-cooled engines have long since retired. And some people claim in good faith that equipment in ancient times did not break down, especially those without antifreeze belay
  15. +3
    21 November 2023 11: 10
    One main question is why Chinese, don’t we have our own, and even if not, this will be a temporary option until ours is created, and it will be purchased or produced under license
    1. Alf
      21 November 2023 19: 35
      Quote: Rumit
      and he will shop

      Of course, shopping.
      Quote: Rumit
      produced under license

      Which factory? There are almost no factories left, all are “optimized”...
    2. -2
      23 November 2023 14: 06
      And you read what these “insiders” write here. Here the continuous axle and air-cooled engine are considered the pinnacle of technical thought. How can such “insiders” produce such a car?
      There are, of course, their own people who make buggies for SVO out of sheer enthusiasm, but this is the exception rather than the norm.
      I don’t argue that the UAZ is good, but not at the forefront, where its cross-country ability compared to a buggy is no longer enough.
  16. +9
    21 November 2023 12: 12
    I can’t be silent.

    In stores and private owners, UAZ SRG is sold for about 1,35 million rubles. It will be much cheaper from the factory.
    And the UAZ is much better - it is a real military SUV. And it was created for the army.
    1. +1
      21 November 2023 12: 17
      Those “two majors” write about him:
      Chinese all-terrain vehicle for the Russian army. Modified for use in Russian winter. In the first quarter of 2024, 1590 all-terrain vehicles with a heater will be received at a cost of 2,1 ml each. In total, the shipment will cost more than 3,3 billion rubles.

      ⭐️Front-line soldiers who have experience in operating this product write to us:

    2. +2
      21 November 2023 15: 49
      But the capacity of UAZ is already loaded. And he continues to deliver cars.
  17. 0
    21 November 2023 19: 00
    The President was shown two Chinese-made AODES Desertcross 1000-3 all-terrain vehicles capable of transporting people and small loads. It became known that the Ministry of Defense was interested in this equipment, and it placed a large order for its supply. This contract is already being fulfilled, and several hundred vehicles have entered the troops.

    1. +1
      22 November 2023 11: 33
      Apparently, in the USSR, generals also played golf - since they purchased TPK for the army.
  18. 0
    22 November 2023 16: 24
    Where are the vaunted Chaborz buggies? There were many stories and videos about how good they are.
  19. 0
    22 November 2023 16: 32
    The Chinese cooked up such a crap, and our smart guys from the Moscow Region bought it.
  20. 0
    24 November 2023 01: 39
    Someone in the SBO area decided to play golf and can’t get their clubs to the next hole?! It would be better to help increase sales to UAZ car manufacturers. recourse
  21. 0
    26 November 2023 18: 33
    Serious guys are making serious money on this junk
  22. 0
    9 December 2023 19: 21
    GAZ - 69 or LuAZik at minimum wages.
  23. WFP
    15 March 2024 11: 36
    Russia has its own proposals, no worse. But for some reason they are looking behind the cordons...