Weapons of the Wehrmacht in the service of Israel

Weapons of the Wehrmacht in the service of Israel
An Israeli Defense Forces soldier with a Mauser rifle.

We are talking about the Mauser system rifle and, above all, the Karabiner 98k - the main and most popular rifle of the German Wehrmacht. True, these rifles ended up in Mandatory Palestine, and then in independent Israel, not from Germany itself, but from Czechoslovakia and Belgium. In these countries there were enterprises that, in one way or another, during the period of German occupation, were associated with the production of rifles for the Germans.

The Belgian Fabrique Nationale Herstal, or simply FN, did not produce rifles for the Germans inside and out. Until 1942, the Belgians did not produce anything related to Mauser rifles for the armed forces of the Third Reich. The Belgians also tried to actively put a spoke in the Germans' wheels, either by referring to the laws of the country, or to the decisions of the board of directors of the enterprise.

Only with the arrival of Albert Speer as Reich Minister of Arms and Ammunition in 1942 did the situation change. The Belgians began producing components for standard German Mauser carbines. At the same time, all flirtations with the occupation authorities stopped, qualified Belgian workers began to be sent to Germany, and Ostarbeiters were sent to Belgium.

All the variety of Israeli Mausers with Belgian roots. From left to right - a pre-war Belgian Mauser, an Ethiopian Mauser, a Lithuanian Mauser, a rifle issued under an official contract for independent Israel and a training rifle made in Belgium chambered for .22 LR.

The Czech Republic became a real forge for the Germans. Unlike the Belgians, the Brno plant produced entire rifles. True, at first it was the Czechoslovak pre-war model. Here changes also occurred with the advent of Speer. In 1942, the plant in Brno (or Brünn in German) began producing the standard German 98k carbine.

Israeli Mauser, judging by the letter code, the rifle was originally released in Brno in 1945 under the Germans.

By the end of World War II, the Czech Republic and Belgium came in different forms.

The Czech Republic was among the victorious countries, suffered minimal damage from the war and retained all production and industrial capacity. The same bombings of Prague aviation Allies during the entire war can be counted on the fingers of one hand. The Brno plant, despite its importance and significant production volumes, weapons, was bombed only in 1944, and by the end of the war all the consequences of the bombing on production had been eliminated.

Belgium, which had long been a donor of resources for the Germans, also became the scene of fierce fighting in the winter of 1944–1945. The country was devastated and destroyed, recovery was slow. Although the Liege plant produced its first weapons products just 12 days after the Germans left it, they were simply pistols assembled from spare parts. Full production of weapons at the plant was restored only in 1946. For several years, the plant was only engaged in the production of canisters for the US Army and servicing weapons of the same American Army.

A large group of fighters who are still Haganah as seen by a LIFE journalist, 1948. British heritage is visible in uniforms, equipment, submachine guns, but the rifles and machine guns already have German roots and came from Czechoslovakia.

Actually, the countries came to cooperation with the agents of first the Haganah, and then of independent Israel, in different ways. The revived Czechoslovakia, in fact, became an instrument in a great geopolitical game and was supposed to support the force opposed to the British.

And the Belgians... The Belgians just really needed money. And then they literally threw cash at them in exchange for unnecessary weapon parts of the deceased Third Reich. There was only one small thing left to do – don’t give a damn about the arms embargo. But this was not the first time for the Belgians to do something contrary to the opinions of other countries. At one time, they successfully ignored Italy’s demand not to supply weapons to Ethiopia and a similar demand from Japan regarding supplies to China.

The Belgians did not officially cooperate with the Israelis until the formation of independent Israel. In fact, the collaboration most likely began earlier. An indirect confirmation of this may be the appearance of rather rare Ethiopian and Lithuanian rifles among the Israelis. These were rifles just produced in Belgium and, perhaps, the Belgians assembled a batch of weapons for the Haganah, using the old stock of receivers from pre-war orders. If Lithuanian rifles could have come from German stocks, then Ethiopia, itself at that time looking for an opportunity to purchase weapons, was unlikely to sell anything from its stocks.

Israeli paratroopers on the Sinai Peninsula after landing, 1956. The soldier in the foreground cleans his Mauser.

The Haganah was in such dire need of weapons, ammunition and equipment that absolutely no one cared about where they came from, in what ways they were obtained and to whom they belonged before. And given that there were a lot of German weapons, they were inexpensive, and they could be obtained semi-legally, they quickly became a priority.

Plus, under an agreement with Czechoslovakia, the Israelis received huge reserves of German ammunition. The fact that the rifles coming from Czechoslovakia and Belgium were full of marks of German acceptance - “chickens” with swastikas, was indifferent. Later, Israeli stamps were often placed on the same part as German ones. Literally, a swastika could be adjacent to the Star of David.

Swastika and Star of David on a rifle received from Czechoslovakia.

Although Belgium and Czechoslovakia at different times were the main suppliers of rifles to Israel, one way or another and in different ways, Romanian, Turkish and other Mausers ended up there.

At first, English weapons predominated in the ranks of the Haganah. But soon the flow of weapons from Europe, including Mauser rifles, became such that it was the German weapon system that they decided to make the main one in the army of the already independent Israel. The IDF approached the 1956 war with the Mauser rifle as its main weapon.

June 5, 1967, Israeli armored vehicles in the Sinai Peninsula, Six Day War. Belgian Mauser in the frame.

True, by that time the political situation had changed greatly, and Czechoslovakia as a supplier became unavailable to Israel, so the Belgians remained as the only supplier of German rifles to the Promised Land. Yes, and the rifles have undergone changes, they were re-barreled with different ammunition.

Although Israel entered into a contract with the Belgians in 1956 for the supply of Fusil Automatique Léger, the Mausers remained in service and were in frontline units even during the war in 1967. Some of the rifles remained in the army after 1967, albeit as sniper weapons.

Israeli sniper Mauser.

The Israelis remained true to themselves and used the weapons system they had to the fullest and to the last, squeezing everything out of it and not paying much attention to its roots.

An advertisement in one of the American weapons magazines. Mausers, withdrawn from service in Israel, are quite likely to find buyers in the American arms market.
31 comment
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  1. +2
    18 October 2023 03: 48
    Weapons of the Wehrmacht in the service of Israel

    The article is not complete, in addition to rifles in the Israeli armed forces
    German-made pistols, submachine guns and machine guns were used, as well as artillery and Messerschmitts made in Czechoslovakia.
    1. -2
      18 October 2023 03: 59
      The Israeli army inherited from the fascist Wehrmacht not only weapons, but also the methodology of genocide of peoples. Israel can be seen as a follower of Nazi Germany.
      Heil, Bibi.
      Sieg, Heil. am
      1. +8
        18 October 2023 04: 37
        find buyers on the American arms market.
        SKS is present...Nice machine!
        1. 0
          18 October 2023 04: 56
          It’s good, but even the Chinese M-14 is several times more expensive.
      2. +1
        18 October 2023 07: 26
        Quote: Bearded
        The Israeli army inherited from the fascist Wehrmacht not only weapons, but also the methodology of genocide of peoples. Israel can be seen as a follower of Nazi Germany.
        Heil, Bibi.
        Sieg, Heil. am

        Heh, and Czechoslovakia, with the permission of the USSR, supplied weapons to Israel. Right down to airplanes. About a hundred.
    2. The comment was deleted.
      1. 0
        18 October 2023 07: 27
        Quote: Alexander Vasilievich_4
        about rifles supplied by Czechoslovakia and Belgium.

        The rifles were captured.
    3. +10
      18 October 2023 07: 33
      The article is not about “weapons of the Wehrmacht”, the editor just decided that such a headline was better. Initially he was completely different. Naturally, it is not about “Wehrmacht weapons,” but only about rifles supplied from Czechoslovakia and Belgium.
      1. +12
        18 October 2023 12: 32
        The article is not about “weapons of the Wehrmacht”, the editor just decided that such a headline was better. Initially he was completely different.

        The original title was FN Mausers And The Fight For Israel (Belgian Mausers in the fight for Israel, author - Anthony Vanderlinden, judging by his last name - a German or Dutch Jew).
        A. Sychev translated it and creatively supplemented it, and some incompetent site moderator, traditionally being far from understanding the issue being moderated, for some reason renamed it, since if we take “small arms” in general, then only from Czechoslovakia, according to available information, were delivered to Israel 34 Mauser rifles, 500 rounds of ammunition for them, 100 MG-000 machine guns with 000 rounds of ammunition each.
        If suddenly someone decides to “broaden and deepen” their knowledge on this topic, there is a very informative article by Frank Klim and Yossi Goldstein “The First Israeli Weapons Procurement behind the Iron Curtain”. It's online. Maybe the author will translate it too, it will be interesting.
        1. +1
          18 October 2023 21: 38
          Are there any documents describing the search for weapons before purchasing them in Czechoslovakia and Belgium?
          About how they were collected at the battlefields in North Avrika and Syria.
          They stole from the British.
          They bought guns from the French.
          They collected money in the USA.
          They write:
          “After the UN decision to partition Palestine, the Haganah had the following weapons (approximate figures): rifles - 10, machine guns - 600, pistols - 3600, machine guns - 3800, mortars of various calibers - 930, grenades - 750.

          The Etzel Organization also stocked up on weapons in preparation for future battles. In the first months of 1948, hundreds of Sten-type machine guns, dozens of mortars, a large number of hand grenades and several tons of explosives were produced in underground workshops. In April of that year, Etzel's fighters attacked a British military camp, taking rifles, machine guns and ammunition from there; They then blew up the tracks near Hadera, stopped the train and unloaded 6000 mortar shells from it."
          1. +3
            19 October 2023 00: 11
            Are there any documents describing the search for weapons before purchasing them in Czechoslovakia and Belgium?

            You can find everything. You just need time and desire. True, there is one problem - Hebrew.
  2. +8
    18 October 2023 05: 13
    The Czech Republic was among the winning countries

    Some strange winner...
    1. +3
      18 October 2023 06: 51
      Quote: Luminman
      Some strange winner...

      To betray in time means to foresee laughing And this is how the article was written in the “settings” of the early 90s. What is the Czech Republic like? Which one is semi-legal?
      And given that there were a lot of German weapons, they were inexpensive, and they could be obtained semi-legally, they quickly became a priority.
      Plus under an agreement with Czechoslovakia the Israelis received huge supplies of German ammunition.

      Did the author forget anything?

      So, as far as semi-legal and themselves are concerned, it’s all from the evil one
  3. +8
    18 October 2023 05: 50
    Captured German weapons went to Israel because... Stalin wanted to make it his outpost against England in the Middle East. But it didn’t work out. The Jews were resold to the Americans.
    1. +3
      18 October 2023 06: 12
      Quote: Amateur
      Stalin wanted to make it his outpost against England in the Middle East

      Yes, he had a good idea, but the Zionists from Wall Street pulled Israel over to them
      1. +5
        18 October 2023 07: 32
        Quote: Dutchman Michel
        Quote: Amateur
        Stalin wanted to make it his outpost against England in the Middle East

        Yes, he had a good idea, but the Zionists from Wall Street pulled Israel over to them

        We have ourselves to blame. The case of the Jewish doctors... This is the first straw. Then Stalin banned the departure of Jews to Israel. So they were offended. Although the USSR recognized Israel almost a year earlier than the United States.
        1. +3
          18 October 2023 08: 07
          Quote: Mordvin 3
          The case of Jewish doctors...
          ...Then Stalin banned the departure of Jews to Israel

          Well, this has already begun after Israel completely reoriented itself towards the United States...
        2. +2
          18 October 2023 16: 02
          We have ourselves to blame. The case of the Jewish doctors... This is the first straw.
          Well, yes, the white and fluffy doctors were offended by the bloody tyrant. I would like to see those cases that for some reason have not yet been made publicly available.
  4. +3
    18 October 2023 11: 22
    In war as in war, if weapons are needed to win, then their source is indifferent. Moreover, the weapon is very good. high quality, very good large quantities, very reasonable price and very fast delivery.
  5. -1
    18 October 2023 11: 51
    So the Jews also had the Nazi Otto Skorzeny as a “partner”! What if there was a fascist...
  6. 0
    18 October 2023 14: 39
    I'm still interested in why the Soviet SKS is so cheap?
  7. +4
    18 October 2023 14: 50
    Israeli soldiers with MG-34 machine guns.

    But if Czechoslovakia had managed to send the “Chechit Brigade”, specially formed from Czech Jews, to Israel, then there would have been much more German weapons there.

    Female fighters of the "Chekhit Brigade" with MP 38-40.
    It didn’t work out to send him to Israel; our special services intervened. But this is a separate story, not for a short comment.
    1. +6
      18 October 2023 17: 18
      Female fighters of the "Chekhit Brigade" with MP 38-40.
      It didn’t work out to send him to Israel; our special services intervened.

      All Czech and Israeli sources, describing in detail the training of the brigade, never mention this name.
      Moreover, they all end with the fact that
      In the first months of 1949, members of the brigade, together with their families, numbering more than 3000 people, were transported to Romanian Constanta, Italian and Yugoslav ports. . From there they headed to the Israeli port of Haifa.

      1. +3
        18 October 2023 17: 31
        Quite possible. But there was no separate brigade consisting of Czechoslovak Jews in Israel.
        1. +5
          18 October 2023 17: 36
          And it initially consisted not only of Czechoslovak Jews. There were Jews from different countries there. And after arriving in Israel they were distributed to different parts.
          1. +3
            18 October 2023 18: 44
            Alexander Shulman
            The Chehit brigade went to fight for Israel (Part 2)

            Jewish fighters from many countries who survived the Holocaust and fought against Nazi Germany in the ranks of the Allied armies and partisans were ready to join the Israeli army, which was repelling the aggression of a much superior enemy. Jewish volunteers from different countries, overcoming all sorts of obstacles, rushed to the fighting Israel to defend their Jewish Homeland.

            But only in Czechoslovakia did the plans of Jewish officers and soldiers of the Czechoslovak army to join the fighting Israeli army receive government support and assistance.

            Brigade Chehit (Czech Brigade) - this is the name in Israel given to a volunteer military unit formed in 1948 in Czechoslovakia from Jewish soldiers and officers of the Czechoslovak army who sought to join the Israel Defense Forces.
            1. +6
              18 October 2023 19: 51
              as of November 4, 1948, there were 57 officers and 3 female officers, 22 sergeants, 196 non-commissioned officers, 755 male soldiers and 302 female soldiers. Total, 1335 people

              Their percentage representation was as follows
              - Czechoslovak Army......51,11%
              - Red Army.........34,95%
              - British Army......8,08%
              - Hungarian army.......1,62%
              - Slovak Army.. ...............1,01%
              - partisans........................1,01%
              - other armies........................1,01%

              Československo a jeho vojenská pomoc státu Izrael v prvním období jeho samostatné existence
              The translation may be a little clumsy, but Czech is not my forte.
              In the Czech Republic this topic is still very popular today.
              1. +3
                18 October 2023 21: 20
                I’m talking about the brigade that was created in Czechoslovakia, and not about the people who actually fought in Africa for the independence of Israel. If I’m not mistaken, one of the first tank companies, consisting of antediluvian Hotchkisses, was entirely staffed by immigrants from the USSR, and there were not only Jews there (I read about this from A. Bolnykh)
                1. +3
                  18 October 2023 21: 45
                  I’m talking about the brigade that was created in Czechoslovakia, and not about the people who actually fought in Africa for the independence of Israel

                  What brigade am I talking about, in your opinion? That's what I'm talking about.
    2. 0
      18 October 2023 21: 39
      So this is who modern Israeli TikTok warriors take their example from!!!
  8. +1
    20 October 2023 13: 04
    It was the Czechoslovak Republic that first began to train Israeli regiments, which were trained by former Czech pilots from England and the USSR (Russia). The tank crews trained in Žatec under the command of Hero of the USSR Colonel Tesarzhik. The machine gunners were trained by the hero of the battle from Sokolov, Hero of the USSR, Major Sokhora. We brought German planes to Israel, in addition to rifles, a large number of machine guns, mortars and ammunition. This is a part of history that is unknown to many. am
  9. 0
    19 March 2024 13: 26
    Czechoslovakia provided not only weapons, but also training. Colonel Tesarzhik chirped the tankers along with his group of Hero of the Soviet Union. Submachine guns of another Hero of the Soviet Union, Major Sochbor. We mainly trained pilots; pilots from England shared their combat experience with them. This is how soldiers were trained, as well as soldiers who had experience of fighting in the USSR under the command of General Svoboda. Trained soldiers and weapons from Czechoslovakia helped win the war. am