Drone with a pistol: an experimental project from SIG Sauer

Drone with a pistol: an experimental project from SIG Sauer
One of the UAVs with a pistol from SIG Sauer. Photo: Thedrive.com

The idea of ​​equipping helicopter-type unmanned aerial vehicles with small arms weapons is not new. Projects of this kind are regularly offered with their own interesting features. So, the other day the SIG Sauer company showed two experimental quadcopters with pistols. During the development of these products, several specific engineering problems had to be solved, which provided useful experience suitable for use in new projects.

Experiments for the exhibition

9-11 октября в Вашингтоне проходила ежегодная конференция Ассоциации armies США AUSA-2023. В рамках этого мероприятия проводится выставка, на которой американские и иностранные организации демонстрируют свои последние разработки и инновации в области обороны. Одним из постоянных участников конференции и выставки является немецкая компания SIG Sauer в лице ее американского отделения.

This year, SIG Sauer traditionally presented the entire range of manufactured small arms and related products. In addition, new developments in the field of unmanned aerial vehicles were shown for the first time. aviation. As an experiment, the company developed and manufactured two versions of a lightweight quadcopter armed with a pistol.

View from a different angle. Photo: Thedrive.com

These UAVs are reported to be the result of theoretical, creative and technical research. At the request of an unnamed organization, SIG Sauer studied the current state of affairs in the field of unmanned aircraft and its weapons. Taking into account its profile of activity, the company paid close attention to the concept of equipment drone small arms. She tried to find the optimal design of such an unmanned complex and its components.

When developing such a project, the designers had to solve several specific problems. It was necessary to find a UAV with suitable characteristics and a weapon corresponding to it, and also to combine them in an optimal way. In addition, new control algorithms were needed that would allow firing with the required accuracy and accuracy, and also be able to compensate for the recoil impulse and take into account other factors.

The result of this work was two versions of a combat UAV with the same weapons, but with different dimensions and a different layout. The devices have similar capabilities and characteristics, and also have their own pros and cons. At the same time, both are expected to find their field of application.

Pistol machine close-up. Photo: Thedrive.com

Two samples

SIG Sauer showed two experimental drones. The first of them is larger in size. It is based on a commercial quadcopter of an unnamed model. This is a platform of a traditional layout with four electric motors and rotors in an annular protection. A day camera is located in the bow of the device, and in the central part there is a battery that provides several tens of minutes of flight.

The target equipment in the form of a pistol was placed on a special “machine” on the UAV frame on top. Judging by its appearance, this device was made using modern materials and additive technologies. The pistol “mount” has a fixed base, rigidly mounted on the drone’s frame, as well as a swinging part. The latter can be installed at the required angle to the plane of the platform and give the desired elevation when shooting.

On the swinging part there is a seat for the gun with fastenings. The UAV was demonstrated with a P365 pistol, one of the currently most popular models from SIG Sauer. The weapon is equipped with a muzzle compensator and is placed on the left side, thereby reducing the vertical dimensions of the entire system and improving balancing. Shooting is carried out strictly forward, in the direction of the camera’s “look”. Fire control is carried out remotely using a servo drive acting on the trigger.

Lightweight UAV with pistol. Photo: Thedrive.com

The exact tactical and technical characteristics of such a “strike system” are not reported. It is claimed that it can fly in a small radius around the operator. The standard camera provides piloting, target search and gun aiming. Flight and control are carried out according to the FPV principle.

The second version of the combat UAV is made on the QAV-2 platform from the American company Lumenier. This is a lightweight device of reduced size with the minimum necessary equipment. In this case, the drone lifts a pistol weighing approx. 500 g and is capable of flight and maneuvering with such a load.

On the lightweight QAV-2, the payload is located at the bottom. A suspension of a different design was made for it with a rigid fastening of the pistol. Unlike a “heavy” UAV, there is no possibility of additional guidance before departure.

View of the suspension system. Photo: Thedrive.com

Due to the lower carrying capacity of the unmanned platform, the P365 pistol is used in a lightweight version - smaller and with windows in the casing. Like the other UAV, the pistol retains the standard trigger, and therefore there are control mechanisms on the suspension system.

The SIG Sauer P365 pistol used on both UAVs is a typical self-loading system of its class, developed for the American market. This is a compact pistol less than 170 mm long and weighing, depending on the version and configuration, no more than 600 g. It uses 9x19 mm Para or .380 ACP cartridges and magazines for 10-12 rounds.

Technology demonstration

Two combat UAVs from SIG Sauer naturally attract attention, but at the same time they look like some kind of technical curiosity. At first glance, the idea of ​​installing a self-loading pistol on a quadcopter is strange and has no obvious prospects. However, the development company believes that a system of this kind may be of interest to customers and find its place in the fleet of unmanned vehicles. Moreover, the project was initially developed at the request of a certain organization, which indicates the presence of interest.

FPV drone QAV-2. Lumenier Photos

The presented drones or their direct analogues with a different composition of components are considered as a light auxiliary fire weapon for solving certain tasks. Such a UAV can move some distance away from the operator, conduct reconnaissance, attack the found “soft” target and return back. Situations in which such a UAV could be useful are quite real and often occur in the practice of special forces.

It is necessary to pay attention to the technical and technological part of the project. Two experimental UAVs were built using ready-made platforms and serial pistols. Only the suspension means had to be designed and manufactured anew. It was also necessary to improve the software of the control system so that the recoil of the pistol would not interfere with flight and saving/restoring aiming.

It is these developments of the new project that are of the greatest interest. In fact, SIG Sauer has developed new hardware, software and control algorithms that can be used in other projects. Based on this experience, they will now be able to create a larger multicopter with more powerful weapons, up to a machine gun or light machine gun.

One of the versions of the P365 pistol. Photo by SIG Sauer

Judging by statements from SIG Sauer representatives, lightweight quadcopters with pistols have already found their customers, even before development began. It is quite possible that more complex and heavier aircraft with small arms will also not be left without attention. It is unknown whether the development of such projects has begun, or whether they are still being considered in theory.

Unmanned perspectives

The potential of light-class UAVs in various fields has long been beyond doubt, and this is stimulating the development of the industry. In addition, this promising direction is attracting the attention of new development companies. A good example of this trend is now the activities of SIG Sauer. It does not limit itself to the development of small arms and, not without success, tries its hand at creating combat drones.

So far we are talking only about experimental equipment and technology demonstrations. At the same time, various types of necessary tools have been developed that may find application in the future. It should be expected that in the near future SIG Sauer and an unnamed customer will conduct full-scale tests of new UAVs and draw conclusions. If the current prototypes show themselves well, then at the next AUSA-2024 exhibition they may present larger and more complex systems of a similar class with different weapons.
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  1. +3
    13 October 2023 04: 38
    These things scare me more and more.
    You can install anything on unmanned platforms.
    ...starting with removable modules with various weapons, equipment, grenades, IEDs and other deadly stuff...and even if all this is used as a swarm or flock.
    When this direction in UAVs begins to develop by leaps and bounds, then we will not have fun times... humanity has got its hands on very dangerous weapons and technologies for itself.
    So far, all this is at the initial stage of development... but it’s scary to even think about further development.
    1. +4
      13 October 2023 04: 52
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      These things scare me more and more.

      This particular thing is, at best, for shooting criminals who did not manage to take hostages, but is more suitable for shooting unarmed and unprotected people, i.e. for murder.
      1. +3
        13 October 2023 11: 41
        for shooting unarmed and unprotected people
        - or removing the sentries, or maybe and for shooting into an embrasure, through a window. As opposed to long-range sniper shooting, there is shooting from a minimum distance.
        1. 0
          13 October 2023 22: 23
          Quote from cpls22
          for shooting unarmed and unprotected people
          - or removing the sentries, or maybe and for shooting into an embrasure, through a window. As opposed to long-range sniper shooting, there is shooting from a minimum distance.

          [/ Center]
          [/ Center] hi
          1. 0
            13 November 2023 11: 01
            Who joked about the flying Kalashnikov?
      2. 0
        13 October 2023 16: 21
        -Vladimir:...i.e. for murder.
        It seems that the profession of “killer” will soon be out of demand.
        Cheaper, and quieter - it leaves no traces.
        1. 0
          13 October 2023 22: 27
          Quote: knn54
          -Vladimir:...i.e. for murder.
          It seems that the profession of “killer” will soon be out of demand.
          Cheaper, and quieter - it leaves no traces.
          Profession hitman won't go anywhere - just "wet makers" will receive a new one tool for work.
      3. 0
        13 December 2023 14: 00
        Robert Sheckley had a story called "The Guardian Bird" back in 1953. Fantasy comes to life!
    2. 0
      13 January 2024 22: 23
      I immediately remember a problem from childhood, like, could you kill someone if you knew that nothing would happen to you for it. And here such an opportunity opens up. No criminologist will be able to identify the killer if the crime is committed with the help of such a drone.
  2. +3
    13 October 2023 04: 42
    these are just flowers. The AI ​​will be completed with the standard sensors for search/pattern recognition and there will already be a full-fledged flying firearm. look for people and shoot them yourself
    1. +1
      13 October 2023 05: 01
      Quote from Constantin N.
      these are just flowers. The AI ​​will be completed with the standard sensors for search/pattern recognition and there will already be a full-fledged flying firearm. look for people and shoot them yourself

      If you attach wings to the MONKs and PMs and install these same sensors with images... and launch them into a swarm at the object... there will be little chance of survival.
  3. -1
    13 October 2023 04: 58
    Quote: Vladimir_2U
    but is more suitable for shooting unarmed and unprotected people, i.e. for murder.

    In Russia, such unfortunate nuggets may appear. request
    1. -1
      13 October 2023 09: 00
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      In Russia, such unfortunate nuggets may appear.

      Those. mass shootings mainly in the USA, and nuggets in Russia?
      1. -2
        13 October 2023 12: 16
        Quote: Vladimir_2U
        Those. mass shootings mainly in the USA, and nuggets in Russia?

        According to the Russian National Guard, in 2020 - this is the latest information - almost 6,5 million guns were legally in the hands of the population, owned by 3,7 million people. This is approximately 2,5% of the country's population.
        Chronology of shooting incidents in Russian educational institutions
        In total, from the beginning of 2016 to the present, at least 15 cases have been reported (excluding the state of emergency in the Perm Territory on October 18, 2021) when people were killed or injured in secondary and higher educational institutions as a result of shooting from various types of weapons.
        (excluding others, I drank, took out a hunting drink, or was injured on the road)
        in CALIFORNIA alone (electorate 37) with 253 guns (as in China weapons)
        1 execution in 64 days = 6 per year (though they are so “fruitful”)
        -if we take into account the “quality” of weapons (rifled, pistols) and the ease of obtaining them
        if all the “mass executions” / number of guns, and taking into account the inhabitants, then Russia will probably be ahead.
        here we need to worry more about creative Ukrainians:
        -They have a lot of weapons.
        -access to drones is unlimited
        1. -1
          13 October 2023 16: 44
          Quote from Digger
          if all the “mass executions” / number of guns, and taking into account the inhabitants, then Russia will probably be ahead.

          The statistics are somewhat rotten, because in 23 alone there were 487 cases with 571 killed and 1947 wounded. Without taking into account just murders with gunshots. Not in Russia... Someone here is a babble.
    2. 0
      13 October 2023 16: 55
      In Russia, such unfortunate nuggets may appear.

      In Russia, at the beginning of summer, students attached Kalash to a copter. Someone from the Defense Ministry had already looked at it and wanted to test it on the battlefield in the summer. It was only supposed to be used to suppress firing points and shoot enemy drones. But even if they like the concept, they won’t be able to accept it, because there is no mass production. It must first be organized. But in principle, the concept should have already been tested
  4. 0
    13 October 2023 05: 04
    Drone with a gun? Why make it so complicated?
    1. 0
      13 October 2023 06: 07
      Quote: Tlauicol
      Drone with a gun? Why make it so complicated?

      The same story as with the pistol itself - everyone is looking for ways to increase lethality, range, reduce the load on a person, etc.
      And there are a lot of applications in general - from use as a DRG on a short shoulder when attacking an enemy, etc.
      1. +4
        13 October 2023 06: 26
        Quote: your1970
        Quote: Tlauicol
        Drone with a gun? Why make it so complicated?

        The same story as with the pistol itself - everyone is looking for ways to increase lethality, range, reduce the load on a person, etc.
        And there are a lot of applications in general - from use as a DRG on a short shoulder when attacking an enemy, etc.

        Try to hit it. Body armor helmet trench vegetation constant movement. Simpler explosives, and boom. Longer-range, more lethal, easier
        1. 0
          13 October 2023 13: 12
          Quote: Tlauicol
          Body armor helmet trench vegetation...

          What if this is an urban development? What if this is not a war, but a special operation, and there are peaceful people around...?
          1. 0
            13 October 2023 13: 57
            Quote: Kotofeich
            Quote: Tlauicol
            Body armor helmet trench vegetation...

            What if this is an urban development? What if this is not a war, but a special operation, and there are peaceful people around...?

            So what, will it be easier to get in? Building body armor hostage..
        2. 0
          10 December 2023 09: 43
          You can make a useful flying voice recorder to combat electronic warfare. It flies from point to point using the accelerometer and control points and delivers audio mail under a password. Or a flying walkie-talkie that broadcasts an audio file at a safe distance from the owner. Such “pechkins” will be much more useful.
  5. 0
    13 October 2023 05: 10
    Well, how does a Kalashnikov drone with a 12-caliber gun, which was shown not so long ago, feel?
  6. -1
    13 October 2023 05: 56
    it's all nonsense
    in Russia there is a UAV with a Saiga gun :))
  7. +2
    13 October 2023 06: 04
    Quote from Constantin N.
    these are just flowers. The AI ​​will be completed with the standard sensors for search/pattern recognition and there will already be a full-fledged flying firearm. look for people and shoot them yourself

    Read R. Sheckley's story "The Guardian Bird".
    Everything had already been invented before you, back in 1956.
  8. 0
    13 October 2023 09: 43
    Very good for killers (and will not attract attention as a terrorist attack, unlike a grenade).
    But for war it’s crap.
  9. +1
    13 October 2023 10: 50
    Something is slowing down SIG, apparently they don’t use the Internet wink
    11-year-old video on YouTube, 36 million views
    1. 0
      19 October 2023 11: 38
      Quote: hhurik
      Something is slowing down the SIG

      Some people are already doing it this way. :)
  10. 0
    13 October 2023 11: 51
    It was also necessary to improve the software of the control system so that the recoil of the pistol would not interfere with flight and saving/restoring aiming.
    It is these developments of the new project that are of the greatest interest.

    In view of the standard impact of recoil on the copter, it all comes down to the correct alignment of the pistol relative to the carrier, and the development of a standard set of control signals, switched on synchronously with the command to open fire. It’s like a hand automatically returning a weapon to the line of sight, only in the machine version this action will be more perfect. The disadvantage of the shown samples is the inability to change the vertical line of sight during the flight.
  11. 0
    13 October 2023 13: 23
    Drone with pistol:
    pilot project
    SIG Sauer

    TIKAD drone from Duke Robotics.

    Turkish drone Songar.

    Belarusian drones Kvadro-1400 and Loitering Pipe.

    And this is not counting civilian quadcopters equipped with a FOG release mechanism. And FPV kamikaze drones. Against this background, a drone with a pistol looks somehow modest.
  12. 0
    13 October 2023 15: 30
    The perfect weapon for killing. Or for the executioner - to preserve the psyche longer. There will soon be a lot of this and the like - craftsmen will be found and buy it on the darknet without any problems.
  13. 0
    13 October 2023 15: 57
    Still, it’s very interesting how the ideas of game developers are then picked up by developers of real weapons. Here are concepts from the game Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint, which has been in development since at least 2017 and was released in 2019, that is, 5 years ago such drones were in the game. I understand that game makers are just following global trends, but the similarity in design is impressive.
  14. 0
    13 October 2023 17: 45
    I don’t understand what will happen to the copter after the first shot. The copter is small, but no one has canceled the recoil.
  15. 0
    14 October 2023 21: 16
    The first guns were toys compared to crossbows. The first steam engines were inferior to horses. The first cars were expensive and useless. Some crazy people built rockets when there was cannon artillery. No nuclear profanation will replace normal thermal power plants and hydroelectric power plants. An airplane cannot be made of metal. The radiotelephone is fantastic. Etc.
  16. DO
    26 January 2024 21: 06
    Perhaps this product of selective destruction is suitable for special forces to fight terrorists and other criminals in peace.
    But the armies, both Russian and Ukrainian, have already decided on this issue, massively using a quadric with a grenade in the North Military District.