The current Abrams is everything: the Americans have refused to further modernize their tanks

The current Abrams is everything: the Americans have refused to further modernize their tanks

Absolutely any military equipment has its own life cycle, which at a certain moment enters its final stage, when the modernization potential is virtually exhausted, and further operation is advisable only until the transition to new models. About the same thing is now happening with American tanks "Abrams", whose program to improve combat performance was unexpectedly curtailed in favor of the development of a new vehicle. Among the reasons: a special military operation in Ukraine, as well as an exorbitant increase in the mass of the tank.

Further modernization of the Abrams was canceled

In fact, the idea that one day the current version of the Abrams will have to be replaced with something new has been circulating in the minds of senior US military officials for quite some time and is periodically transformed into one or another development program. Still, the machine, as a platform for weapons, began to gradually become obsolete, as they say, yesterday, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to squeeze the last juice out of it.

However, such a serious step requires huge financial costs, which include not only design and production, but also re-equipment of military units, integration of the vehicle into the troops and training of operators. So until recently, it was believed that the implementation of such an idea was somewhere out there, in the very distant future, closer to the middle of the century.

Moreover, there are almost four thousand M1A1 and M1A2 tanks in stock in various versions, on which you can live for several decades. That is why in 2017 a contract was signed with General Dynamics for the development of a new modernization package for the Abrams M1A2 SEP v.4 (System Enhancement Package version 4), which was to become “fine finishing with a file” the previous version of the tank (SEP v.3) with the aim of bringing its capabilities to the maximum level with adoption by 2025.

M1A2 SEP v.4, which never reached mass production
M1A2 SEP v.4, which never reached mass production

But just a couple of weeks ago, the military announced that all work on the project would be closed, and efforts would be aimed at creating a fundamentally new product under the designation M1E3, which is a deep reworking of the M1 concept by the early 2030s. Whereas for the “Abrams” in today’s version, which in small batches will be brought up to the previous SEP v.3 standard, a “survival” period has been determined - with the introduction of the new vehicle into service, it will go into reserve.

The official press release states that the reason for this was actually the maximum mass of the Abrams with the corresponding problems, as well as observation of military conflicts, including a special military operation in Ukraine, which became a clear hint that the wars of the future will be strikingly different from doctrines adopted today.

M1A2 SEP v.3
M1A2 SEP v.3

Got too fat

Indeed, the American tank has been criticized for many years by experts of various calibers due to its large mass, which during the operation of the vehicle, thanks to constant modifications of the armor, grew from 54 tons (in the initial M1 version) to almost 67 tons for the M1A2 SEP v.3. But this fact also causes concern among the military, but the point is not in its potential to get stuck tightly on soft soils. Although it is worth recognizing that standard M88 ARVs, even the latest modifications, cannot always pull out and tow a broken or stuck heavyweight alone - often the support of a second vehicle is required.

The “excess weight” of the tank is primarily a problem with its delivery somewhere outside the United States. So, if the early modifications of the M1 were easily transported by the giant C-5 Galaxy aircraft two units at a time, then the new ones were transported only one at a time. And such newcomers to the US Air Force as the C-17 Globemaster III, although capable of transporting one M1A2 SEP v.3 without much difficulty, but with a relatively small payload reserve, limiting the ability to take something else with it.

Reinforced turret armor M1A2 SEP v.3 (bottom) compared to the older version M1A2 SEP v.2 (top)
Reinforced turret armor M1A2 SEP v.3 (bottom) compared to the older version M1A2 SEP v.2 (top)

Also, the mass of the new versions of the Abrams significantly reduces the choice of railway platforms in terms of carrying capacity for transportation by land, which in case of emergency situations and wartime can create logistical difficulties. For example, transportation of older versions of the tank could be carried out using common four-axle platforms with a lifting capacity of 70 short tons (63,5 metric tons), but for the new M1A2 tickets for such “reserved seats” are no longer sold.

However, even the replacement of the Marine Corps landing boat fleet with the new generation MSV(L) was largely due to the fact that old ships cannot carry heavy tanks.

In addition, the military’s fears are complemented by purely practical factors within the framework of a hypothetical war in Europe, the likelihood of which has increased with the start of the special operation. This is also the low load capacity of many bridges, which may not be able to withstand the passage of a heavy vehicle, which Americans began to think about very strongly since 2014, when the war in Donbass began. And the long “logistics tail” of supplying tank units with fuel, the consumption of which is affected by both the Abrams gas turbine power plant and the extra tons that it has accumulated over the years of modernization.

All of the above is summed up by the words of Major General Glenn Dean, who is the executive director of ground combat systems programs:

“The Abrams tank can no longer increase its capabilities without adding weight, and we need to reduce its logistical impact.”

And it’s hard to disagree with this, since further improvement of the tank’s armor and its weapons to adequately respond to threats on the battlefield will in any case lead to an increase in mass even when using the most modern technologies. And given that there are plenty of real and potential problems with the vehicle’s tonnage already now, this trend will only intensify in the future, leading to unpredictable results.

Not only a single mass

Another major drawback of the Abrams, like many other production tanks in the world, is that at their core they are creations of the Cold War with conceptual shortcomings inherent in that time, which are manifested in current wars.

First of all, this concerns protection, which, according to the current laws of differentiated armoring, is distributed unevenly: in the forehead it is thick, and along the sides, roof and stern it is empty. Once upon a time, back in the last century, such a concept was relevant and fully fulfilled the tasks assigned to it in long-standing conflicts. But the wide distribution and development of anti-tank weapons, mostly wearable and transportable, makes us think about the need to protect the entire vehicle.

A special operation in Ukraine also added fuel to the fire, where all threats to tanks appeared in all their glory, from anti-tank systems to rampant drones of various kinds.

Installation diagram of KAZ Trophy on the Abrams turret. Shades of blue show batteries, radar and other equipment, as well as counterweights on the front of the tower
Installation diagram of KAZ Trophy on the Abrams turret. Shades of blue show batteries, radar and other equipment, as well as counterweights on the front of the tower

As the same Glenn Dean said about tanks:

“The war in Ukraine has highlighted the urgent need for comprehensive soldier protection, built from the inside out rather than the superstructure.”

However, the design of the American tank does not imply such large-scale changes. Just as, for example, it did not initially provide for the installation of a “superstructure” in the form of active protection “Trophy”, which required the presence of massive batteries on the sides of the turret and heavy counterweights in its frontal part, making the tank wider and heavier by almost a ton and taking away from its on-board network a considerable amount of energy for its work. And, it must be said, according to reports in the Western media, the military is wary of such an exchange, although there seems to be an advantage in the form of increased protection from cumulative ammunition.

Abrams with Trophy active protection
Abrams with Trophy active protection

The American military also prioritizes the modularity of tank components. And the meaning of this term is not in the usual complaints in the style of modular armor, which can be changed depending on the tasks or a quick change of the vehicle’s armament. The essence is the concept of modular electronics components: sights, communications and navigation equipment, on-board computer systems, etc., which can be replaced with more advanced ones or new ones introduced without reworking all the associated parts.

For example, when changing the sight, do not change the ballistic computer, stabilizers, and so on - the “plug and use” principle, which in the Abrams, which was not initially adapted to this, could not be fully implemented even in the latest modifications. Although this not only greatly simplifies and reduces the cost of upgrading the vehicle, but also in the future opens the way to the introduction of elements of artificial intelligence into the combat system.


Apparently, the future M1E3, which will replace the Abrams, will be significantly redesigned in layout - perhaps through the introduction of automated loading of the gun and an uninhabited or low-profile turret, which will redistribute the vehicle's passive armor and reduce its weight. Also, components such as active protection, anti-drone means, etc. will be initially built into the design, being its addition, and not a burden. And the electronics are based on a completely open modular architecture, facilitating ease of modernization and the introduction of various innovations in the future.

By the way, the Americans carried out an analysis of existing tanks, including our T-14 Armata, in order to determine the appearance of the future combat vehicle back in 2020, planning for 2021 to study the characteristics of the future tank with a reduced crew. The photo attached below just captures, but “blurred out” its models in different versions in the amount of four units.

Photo with blurred models of a promising US tank in 2020
Photo with blurred models of a promising US tank in 2020

It is not yet clear in what form all this will be implemented. In any case, according to some sources from General Dynamics, they are going to make the tank from scratch, using virtually nothing from the old Abrams. In this regard, there is a small probability that, if not a concept car, then at least the source of some developments will be AbramsX (we wrote about it here), presented last year.


As a technology demonstrator, this product combines a number of interesting innovations that may appeal to the US military. This is a relatively small weight of less than sixty tons, and high fuel efficiency due to a hybrid diesel-electric power plant, as well as good crew protection, an uninhabited turret with an automatic loader, built-in active protection and electronics, entirely mounted on a data exchange bus with an open architecture and modular replacement of components.


And the manufacturer’s advertisements for it are impressive:

With lethality, survivability, mobility, interoperability with unmanned systems and autonomous capabilities supported by artificial intelligence, AbramsX can become a key node in lethal combat networks.

Of course, we don’t know what they will ultimately adopt, but it’s important historical The Americans have already taken a step - the age of Uncle Abrams in its current form is gradually coming to an end.

Information sources:
The military is betting on the next generation M1E3.
US Army Public Affairs: Army Announces Plans for M1E3 Abrams Tank modernization.
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  1. -7
    23 September 2023 04: 06
    Well, we just got ready to take it to Ukraine and that’s it! What if he turns out to be an imbecile, invulnerable to everything, and then ultanetly reaches the Caspian Sea right away, like that Chinese tank in the video...
    1. +2
      23 September 2023 05: 07
      The age of Uncle Abrams is gradually coming to an end.
      After all, everything in the world has a deadline....
  2. +14
    23 September 2023 05: 07
    And the manufacturer’s complaints about it are impressive

    Probably, all the same - proclamations or advertising. Complaints are claims about the quality of the product hi
  3. +9
    23 September 2023 05: 10
    Something tells me that it will be just as “everything” as our T-72 and T-80. If there is already some more or less intelligible Armata, modernized “oldies” are participating in the database. It will soon be 10 years since Armata was rolled out to the Victory Parade, and the archive is being sent to the Northern Military District, although it has been updated to an up-to-date state.
    1. +9
      23 September 2023 05: 45
      yes, because it doesn’t matter what price a tank is destroyed by a missile/mine, so cheaper and more profitable
      1. +8
        23 September 2023 14: 11
        Quote from Constantin N.
        therefore cheaper and more profitable

        Well, maybe then we can start producing the IS-4? Impressive round-trip booking, and relatively cheap! ))) But seriously, then, apparently, the age of “inhabited” tanks is already coming to an end. No crew - minimum amount of reserved space. And pictures of sights can be easily broadcast online. But here we come up against the worthlessness of our communications technologies. Well, not broadcast through Baofengi! But we don’t have anything sanely modern now, and don’t expect to. Without the presence of an elemental base, these are empty dreams and projections.
        1. +3
          24 September 2023 18: 25
          But here we come up against the worthlessness of our communications technologies.
          Yes, actually it’s like that for everyone. A 100% secure channel that cannot be killed by rebuke has not yet been invented. This cheap drone is gone and to hell with it, but a tank for 10-100 green lyams cannot be written off so easily. Until the appearance of the “single player” modules from a science fiction book, I’m afraid it won’t be possible to make a completely unmanned tank.
      2. -1
        24 September 2023 16: 34
        Quote from Constantin N.
        yes, because it doesn’t matter what price a tank is destroyed by a missile/mine, so cheaper and more profitable

        Well, yes.
        The superpiper hyper 100 Mach wunderwaffle ends up being ten times cheaper, sooner or later, right at the front.
        The classic conventional race has arrived. Even in the last century, moreover.
    2. +1
      23 September 2023 06: 25
      Quote: Chifka
      It will soon be 10 years since Armata was rolled out to the Victory Parade, and the archive is being sent to the Northern Military District, although it has been updated to an up-to-date state.

      The answer is:
      Quote from Constantin N.
      yes, because it doesn’t matter what price a tank destroys for a missile/mine, so cheaper and more profitable ones

      Cheapness does not always justify the investment, only for different situations (combat) you need to have different types of tanks, and when using tanks, aviation support is necessary...
      1. 0
        23 September 2023 10: 24
        only for different situations (combat clashes) you need to have different types of tanks

        Change the composition of tank groups depending on the task? Am I the only one who thinks that they are fighting with what is available, combat-ready and available at the moment?
    3. -1
      24 September 2023 10: 02
      If there is already some more or less intelligible Armata,

      In her absence, did you want to say?
    4. 0
      4 December 2023 20: 02
      That is, first it was necessary to destroy Almaty, and then roll out the T-55?
  4. +8
    23 September 2023 05: 37
    “Abrams” is all: the Americans refused to further modernize their tanks
    recourse This means that Abrams’ road to Ukraine is open. request
    1. -9
      23 September 2023 06: 15
      Quote: Mavrikiy
      This means that Abrams’ road to Ukraine is open.

      It won't get there! Get stuck! ))) I overate fast food just like its owners.)))
      1. -7
        23 September 2023 07: 04
        Quote: Egoza
        It won't get there! Get stuck!

        That's it, yesterday's video with a couple of Leopards who didn't even manage to get to the mines - they stupidly sat down on the ground with their bellies in the middle of the field - this is already a clear indicator)))
        In general, it was Ukraine that showed the complete stupidity of the Western concept of tank building. In particular, why is it “thick in the forehead”, since a modern ATGM can hit one dog in the forehead?! So either increase mobility, reducing weight first of all, or switch to an uninhabited tower and crew in a capsule, everything else doesn’t work at all
        1. +15
          23 September 2023 09: 36
          Tanks in defense want thick foreheads first of all. On the offensive, yes, it can come from the side, but they planned precisely to defend against Soviet tanks. A normal concept.
          1. +12
            23 September 2023 10: 08
            Now it remains to explain a mere trifle - why then is approximately the same armor placement scheme used on Soviet, Japanese, Chinese and Iranian tanks? 8)))
            1. +1
              24 September 2023 10: 59
    ’s just that those you ask put the cart before the horse, first there was a scheme for placing armor, then a means of breaking through it, and not vice versa.
            2. 0
              24 September 2023 16: 43
              Quote: Alexander Kazakov_2
              Now it remains to explain a mere trifle - why then is approximately the same armor placement scheme used on Soviet, Japanese, Chinese and Iranian tanks? 8)))

              Because in the 80s there was nothing except the Z-80
              Unlike today's humanless, pilotless drones.
              Which tons of armor didn’t give up
          2. +1
            24 September 2023 03: 00
            Is it possible to implement the concept of a movable armor kit? Installation of armor blocks according to current conditions and transportation of blocks separately from the vehicle itself.
            1. 0
              24 September 2023 11: 28
              In the infantry, a bulletproof vest can be worn, or it can be worn lightly. Depending on how long you need to run (stand, drive, unload the power supply). Can be transported separately, protection class can be changed...
            2. 0
              26 September 2023 00: 05
              Difficult. The distribution of weight and, accordingly, the load on the suspension will be disrupted.
        2. +3
          23 September 2023 13: 42
          Quote from Bingo
          In general, it was Ukraine that showed the complete stupidity of the Western concept of tank building. In particular, why is it “thick in the forehead”, since a modern ATGM can hit one dog in the forehead?!
          When they were designing it, they didn’t screw it up. Plus, in addition to the ATGM, there is also a “crowbar”; during a nuclear war it is more relevant (the probability of a tank-tank collision will be much higher, since everything else will basically burn out. And for a normal ATGM, the caliber of tanks is too small).
    2. +1
      23 September 2023 10: 06
      The finished replacement model MUST be rolled out by 2030. It still needs to be thoroughly tested and only after that, if everything is right, put into production.

      That is, new tanks, even in theory, will appear in the US troops no earlier than 2031/32. And in such quantities that all the old "Abrashi" can be given away - in another 10 years))
      1. -3
        24 September 2023 11: 30
        In the meantime, there will be thousands of T-14M1s.
  5. +3
    23 September 2023 06: 10
    Abrams is dead! Yes, long live Abrams!
  6. +1
    23 September 2023 06: 18
    Thanks to Eduard Perov for a detailed analysis of the reasons...
    Honestly, to hell with these Abrams and their owners...
    There is another concern here: will the production (production) of modern tanks in Russia be lost along with the mania for modernization? And not only tanks...
    1. +3
      23 September 2023 06: 28
      Quote: ROSS 42
      There is another concern here: will the production (production) of modern tanks in Russia be lost along with the mania for modernization?

      So they said Armata is redundant and expensive. And they don't really remember it. I wouldn't be surprised if they revive T-80 production, and Armata will have to wait.
      1. +4
        23 September 2023 08: 22
        Quote: Stas157
        I wouldn’t be surprised if they revive the production of the T-80, and Armata will wait

        We also need to revive the production of the T-64. Walk like that.
        1. -1
          23 September 2023 10: 16
          Well, once we take the Kharkov tank plant, we can think about your proposal! 8)))
        2. 0
          23 September 2023 16: 09
          Quote: Negro
          Quote: Stas157
          I wouldn’t be surprised if they revive the production of the T-80, and Armata will wait

          The decision to resume production of the T-80 has already been made, the command has been given. We are talking about production from scratch.
          Quote: Negro
          We also need to revive the production of the T-64. Walk like that.

          To do this, we would have to take Kharkov. But the T-64 has the worst chassis of the three Soviet types, the platform is overweight. The estimated weight of the T-64 was 34 tons + a margin of 5 tons of weight increase during modernization.
          But there are at least 2500 such tanks at storage bases. And if necessary, then they too will go into action. But I would use them as a base for TBTR according to the TBTR-64 ​​HTZ scheme.
          Quote: Negro
          Walk like that.

          If Omsktransmash reaches its design capacity, and ChTZ and Kirovsky in St. Petersburg join it and Uralvagonzavod (the T-80 was made there, among other things), then it will be “just like that.” In the meantime, only two factories are engaged in production, and a couple of them are engaged in repairs and modernization.
      2. +6
        23 September 2023 10: 15
        It is redundant and expensive against the current enemy; the next one will have thousands of the latest Korean K2s and Abrams, half a thousand Hymers and a thousand Korean self-propelled guns, thousands of new infantry fighting vehicles and heavy infantry fighting vehicles, Apaches, F-16s, F-35s and FA-50s.

        + Comprehensive logistical assistance from NATO.
      3. +4
        23 September 2023 15: 55
        At one time, the ZIS-2 gun was discontinued due to excessive armor penetration. And then in 43 they frantically restored production (in connection with the appearance of the Tigers). In just 3 years. Excess today will save lives not even next week, but tomorrow.... it is clear that everyone wants to save money. But how much are the lives of active, sexually mature men (the main fighting contingent) worth? After all, losses in war are not only those killed. But also children not born from them (nowadays officials are complaining about “demographic holes”, they say there is no one to collect taxes from))))
        1. 0
          26 September 2023 08: 12
          The analogy is good, but the problem is that Armata is not redundant as it might seem (the usual fairy tale in favor of the poor, who in fact could not get into a new tank), it is insufficient and at the same time too expensive to justify its existence.
      4. +1
        24 September 2023 10: 06
        Armata didn’t give up at all, it’s a completely dead-end and useless product. Really new T-80s and T-90s are better than this hat.
  7. +4
    23 September 2023 06: 34
    While they think about, design, test and put into production a new tank, the Abrams will serve the American army faithfully for at least 15 years. And then, apparently, the latest models will be in service for a long time.
  8. -12
    23 September 2023 06: 51
    Many types of weapons will still have to be abandoned due to the fact that they have been improved for a long time without participating in real combat operations.
    Almost all missile weapons made according to the “fire and forget” principle (Javelin, Harpoon, Kharm, etc.) will end up in the trash heap. And with it the carriers of these missiles.
    1. +5
      23 September 2023 14: 36
      Quote: ism_ek
      Almost all missile weapons made according to the “fire and forget” principle (Javelin, Harpoon, Kharm, etc.) will end up in the trash heap.

      Thank you, I had a good laugh. When for all types of modern and promising weapons this is the main requirement, for the VO commentator it is a dump.
      1. -2
        26 September 2023 07: 20
        Quote from cold wind
        When this is the basic requirement for all types of modern and promising weapons,

        You are mistaken, the main requirement is efficiency. Unfortunately, when working on moving targets, weapons made according to the "fire and forget" principle cannot boast high efficiency in combat conditions. The only exception is MANPADS, but they have a very simple operating principle and have been used for a long time.
        When working on moving targets, it is still impossible to do without an operator.
  9. +12
    23 September 2023 07: 30
    Dear author Edik, have you ever been confused by the fact that Abrams’ “replacement” has the same name as Abrams himself - M1? It never alarmed me, right?

    M1 Abrams is the name of the tank. Everything beyond the M1 index - A1, A2, etc - is an indication of the type of modification.

    M1E3 is another modernization of the Abrams tank. Yes, it’s very deep, as hinted at by the new letters and numbers in the second part of the index, but still. So Abrams is by no means “everything”. But still nothing at all.

    It’s very, very strange that a local tank author is not aware of such basic things.

    P.S. Your sources even indicate: US Army Public Affairs: Army Announces Plans for M1E3 Abrams Tank modernization. Are you intentionally misleading your audience?
    1. +8
      23 September 2023 08: 24
      Quote from Witsapiens
      US Army Public Affairs: Army Announces Plans for M1E3 Abrams Tank modernization

      Yes, it turned out badly.

      As far as can be understood, we are talking about the development of a new turret and fighting compartment.
      1. 0
        23 September 2023 09: 18
        It will not be possible to reduce the weight without reducing the reserved volume; here the chassis body will have to be redone.
        By the way, the Abrams has smaller dimensions and a longer gun.
    2. +3
      23 September 2023 12: 16
      You are absolutely right. This is modernization
      And with the letter E they emphasize that this will be a deep modernization
    3. +1
      23 September 2023 21: 10
      Dear author Edik, have you ever been confused by the fact that Abrams’ “replacement” has the same name as Abrams himself - M1? It never alarmed me, right?

      Dear commentator, this is a profound reworking of the M1 concept, since you need to be guided not only by official statements and articles in the press, but also by other sources. As you may have noticed, the text of the article talks about the plans of General Dynamics. Long before the announcement of the M1E3, GDLS representatives said that if the program started, it would be a completely new tank, and not a deep modernization of an existing one. In fact, it is a fattening and completely separate branch of the M1 tree.

      The editor of the Polish military magazine, Damian Ratka, a great expert on the American tank, by the way (Google translation):
      In addition to the above, it is my understanding of the official statements that the M1E3/M1A3 will essentially be a clean slate project. And a new building, and a new tower. And the vehicles will be 100% new, not refurbished, restored and modernized old tanks.

      GDLS representatives hinted to me a few months ago about something similar, but in the context of the Polish Army's Wolf program. I asked them about participating in GDLS and they said that if it happens, it won't be the current generation M1, but a new car.

      In fact: a new tank, created and produced in the future from scratch without the use of old elements, completely redesigned in layout and design. In what form all this will be implemented in metal is not yet clear, since the number of projects up to this time was through the roof. But I will make a few adjustments to the text indicating a reworking of the concept.
      1. +1
        24 September 2023 13: 28
        ...the representatives GDLS talked about that

        In addition to what has been said, As far as I understand

        I asked them about participating in GDLS and they said that if this happens, then it will not be the current generation M1, but a new car.

        Tell me, do you base all your articles on rumors, giving them priority over information from official sources? Seriously? Then your opuses are nothing more than virtual waste paper.

        The United States plans to carry out a deep modernization of its MBT. It is a fact. What exactly this modernization will consist of is not known for certain. But we know for sure that this is not a new car. This is a modernization of the M1 Abrams. And it will be called M1A3 Abrams if put into service.

        At the same time, in one of your paragraphs it is still in bold: “Further modernization of the Abrams has been cancelled.” The message of the article as a whole is still quite consistent with this phrase.

        Alas, I can only regard this post as disinformation, and nothing else. It's not even clickbait, it's just a lie.

        I understand that my comments sound harsh - it flared up in me notably. It's just disrespectful to the people who read this site. Now we are already constantly surrounded by information noise, and such articles turn the resource into some kind of yellow newspaper.

        But what is most striking is the banal misunderstanding. Not understanding why you did it. They could simply write about a deep modernization, give quotes that, according to some sources, this could be almost a new car. I would just thank you for this. And everyone else, too, I suppose.
  10. +1
    23 September 2023 07: 30
    A modern tank should be compact, robotic or crewed by 2 people.
    1. +2
      23 September 2023 07: 38
      Quote: air wolf
      A modern tank should be compact, robotic or crewed by 2 people.

      1. 0
        23 September 2023 20: 53
        You hit the nail on the head with your photo. Tanks will be of this size and close to them in ten years.
        1. 0
          24 September 2023 03: 10
          So there is Uran-9
          Size is good, weight is good, unmanned.
          Instead of a tank gun - rockets.
          1. -1
            24 September 2023 15: 57
            Quote: Archon
            So there is Uran-9
            Size is good, weight is good, unmanned.
            Instead of a tank gun - rockets.

            This is the worst thing ever invented.
            He couldn't even control himself.
    2. Alf
      23 September 2023 16: 12
      Quote: air wolf
      A modern tank should be compact, robotic or crewed by 2 people.

      One steers, the other shoots? This practice was already carried out in the T-34, when they still had to separate the positions of the king and the priest, in the sense of commander and gunner.
  11. +4
    23 September 2023 09: 09
    But just a couple of weeks ago, the military announced that all work on the project would be closed, and efforts were aimed at creating a fundamentally new product under the symbol M1E3 by the early 2030s.

    Haste leads to mistakes.

    Author, you were hasty and mistaken! The M1E3 is not a new tank, it is also an "Abrams". From the M1A2 SEPv4 variant in favor of the M1E3 variant. The idea is to increase combat capabilities and reduce weight.
  12. -4
    23 September 2023 09: 15
    The story with the RPG-7 and T-34 is repeating itself, it’s not for nothing that they stole our T-90s
    1. +1
      23 September 2023 10: 19
      Quote: 75Sergey
      History with RPG-7 and T-34 repeats itself

      What kind of story is this?
  13. +1
    23 September 2023 09: 26
    The SVO showed that the modern tank is conceptually outdated:
    1. Need all-round protection
    2.need KAZ
    3. need protection from drones
    4. there should be a lot of tanks

    The fourth point contradicts the rest. The only solution is the development of new robotic platforms with maximum use of civilian units. The Americans believe that an RCV-Heavy equipped with a KAZ will weigh 27 tons and cost $2-3 million due to maximum unification and the use of a conventional civilian 650-horsepower diesel engine with an electric transmission.
    The use of robotic tanks will greatly reduce the number of “tankers” - two are needed to control the robot, but the tanks are not used all at the same time, the crew can be responsible for several vehicles at once, so that one operator is enough to complete the march.
    In this concept, human-controlled tanks are not needed at all; classic infantry fighting vehicles are sufficient.
    Robot tanks will once again make massive tank battles in the spirit of World War II possible.

    PS Man has no place on the battlefield of the future. A tanker/artilleryman who is being shot at makes many more mistakes than one who sits on the sidelines in a comfortable chair. During World War II, the field results of anti-tank artillery and combat use were compared. Under comparable conditions, twice as much was applied in battle.
    1. 0
      23 September 2023 10: 23
      Yeah, and then with one EMP warhead the opponent will burn tens of thousands of these ersatz tanks at once!))
      1. +3
        23 September 2023 11: 54
        It’s a pity that no one has ever seen these emy missiles
        1. 0
          24 September 2023 12: 25
          Well, it won’t burn PHI, but it’s easy to jam the video channel. And further? The tank is blind and has no life.
          1. 0
            29 September 2023 17: 51
            and it’s easy to mute the video channel
            what and how? especially when we are talking about autonomous systems.
        2. 0
          26 September 2023 00: 24
          There is a possibility. If the Germans hand them over to Ukraine.
          Another unpleasant detail is the presence in the range of tactical missiles with modular equipment Taurus KEPD 350 modification Taurus HPM (High Power Microwave). This product is equipped with a powerful ultra-high-frequency electromagnetic generator of pulse action and is designed to disable the entire radio-electronic element base of multifunctional radars of anti-aircraft missile systems, radio relay stations of tactical communications and relay, electronic warfare and electronic reconnaissance systems within a radius of several hundred meters or even several kilometers.
      2. 0
        29 September 2023 22: 52
        There is simply nowhere to go from the victims of the Unified State Examination and the many reforms that have devastated domestic education. No matter how much an article or comment about a drone, robot or electronic product can’t be stopped, they come up with a comment about EMP.
        If these EMPs actually worked as you dream about, then Leopards, Abrams, Hymers and other equipment stuffed with electronics would shoot down this same EMP. But this doesn’t happen and here’s why (a little educational opportunity for those who spent their physics lessons in a smoking room):
        Firstly, the EMR source has a spherical wave front. What does this mean for those who skipped fundamental sciences or, even worse, the humanities? This means that as the distance increases, the energy intensity decreases in proportion to the square of the distance. That is, at a distance of 10 meters from the epicenter of the explosion, the energy decreases by 100 times, at a distance of 100 meters, the pulse energy decreases by 10000 times. Therefore, it is very desirable to carry out the explosion directly near the target itself. But here physics comes into play again;
        secondly, according to the corollary of the Ostrogradsky-Gauss theorem, the flow of the electric field strength vector through a closed surface, in the case in which the charges are located outside this surface, is equal to zero. This explains some videos where lightning strikes a car and people are left unharmed. Therefore, a car is considered a safe place during a thunderstorm. Based on this theorem, lightning protection in aircraft is built. It is worth remembering that the energy of some lightning bolts may be greater than that of EMP warheads;
        thirdly, many electronic devices in tanks and other armored objects are located in their sealed metal cases. This results in double shielding. In addition, the inputs and outputs of the electronics are protected by special gas dischargers and latch diodes.
        fourthly, any modern military aircraft, even our domestic one, is stuffed to the brim with electronics. And these are not line scanning units from a tube TV, but rather sensitive and capricious electronics. At the same time, it sometimes flies calmly for hours in the upper echelons, where there is a fairly high level of cosmic radiation relative to the surface of the earth and does not pupate when it is illuminated by radar. Many modern radars easily pump megawatts of power per pulse, even very easily and on their antennas based on adaptive phased arrays they form a narrowly directed pulse beam with low divergence - an almost flat wave front.
        Therefore, an infantry fighting vehicle, and even more so a tank, these are your EMPs up to one place below the stern. Unless it explodes inside the tank. With the tank's current level of armor, it will be difficult to damage its hard armor.
    2. +3
      23 September 2023 14: 54
      Quote: Ivan Seversky
      The fourth point contradicts the rest.

      Therefore, I would talk about 2 types of tanks.
      1. Tank of maximum parameters. There cannot be many of them, but it is impossible without them.
      2. Mass medium platform. Optional unmanned armored fighting vehicle for various purposes, including a tank.

      Quote: Ivan Seversky
      2.need KAZ
      3. need protection from drones

      By combining KAZ radars with a 30 mm autocannon (natural with controlled detonation shells), you can get a near-zone air defense system for a tank. Here's an example:
    3. +1
      24 September 2023 16: 59
      Quote: Ivan Seversky
      The SVO showed that the modern tank is conceptually outdated:
      1. Need all-round protection
      2.need KAZ
      3. need protection from drones
      4. there should be a lot of tanks

      The fourth point contradicts the rest. The only solution is the development of new robotic platforms with maximum use of civilian units. The Americans believe that an RCV-Heavy equipped with a KAZ will weigh 27 tons and cost $2-3 million due to maximum unification and the use of a conventional civilian 650-horsepower diesel engine with an electric transmission.
      The use of robotic tanks will greatly reduce the number of “tankers” - two are needed to control the robot, but the tanks are not used all at the same time, the crew can be responsible for several vehicles at once, so that one operator is enough to complete the march.
      In this concept, human-controlled tanks are not needed at all; classic infantry fighting vehicles are sufficient.
      Robot tanks will once again make massive tank battles in the spirit of World War II possible.

      PS Man has no place on the battlefield of the future. A tanker/artilleryman who is being shot at makes many more mistakes than one who sits on the sidelines in a comfortable chair. During World War II, the field results of anti-tank artillery and combat use were compared. Under comparable conditions, twice as much was applied in battle.

      Right now you are being kicked around like some people.
      But “a company of system administrators beyond the Urals in front of monicas over a beer, unwinding through satellites with “calibers” a front of a thousand kilometers, ten kilometers in depth per day ... this ... what are you talking about ... laughing
      Come on, young people!
    4. 0
      4 October 2023 19: 21
      Just hang up more KAZs so that everything that can fly will fly into the radiation of their radar. )
  14. 0
    23 September 2023 11: 00
    It turns out that now all the Abrams will be taken to Ukraine when the rearmament takes place
  15. 0
    23 September 2023 11: 14
    For the Americans, this is not a problem, if necessary, they will print some bucks and buy them from someone, or develop and produce a new one, unfortunately, they have industrial potential, and as for the Abrashi, the tank is certainly complex, especially the power plant, and it is too heavy, not every bridge can withstand such a monster, and if there are several of them, then it will be a disaster, besides, it is quite expensive to maintain, in general, it is probably not in vain that they are working in the direction of a lighter tank, they even recently adopted one for service, the M-10 Bowker
  16. +2
    23 September 2023 12: 03
    Quote: Alexander Kazakov_2
    Yeah, and then with one EMP warhead the opponent will burn tens of thousands of these ersatz tanks at once!))

    The generals thought the same with regard to UAVs.
  17. -4
    23 September 2023 12: 21
    Once again, they will just cut down the budget and make a nanotank, like the F-35..., which they will administer to everyone even before it is put into service
  18. +3
    23 September 2023 12: 55
    The word "complaint" does not mean what the author of the article thinks.
  19. 0
    23 September 2023 13: 26
    The US is rich and can afford the cost of a new tank. But this could also be misinformation, since at the cost of minor investments in electronics and communications, even the T-34, not to mention modern tanks, can be made suitable for war.
    I can just see how our idiots in the Ministry of Defense are curtailing all modernization programs and happily saving money on creating a new tank.
  20. +3
    23 September 2023 13: 30
    And the manufacturer’s complaints about it are impressive
    The word "complaint" has nothing to do with advertising, rather the opposite.
  21. +1
    23 September 2023 14: 06
    Automatic charging becomes mandatory. And this is the potential for mass reduction.
    1. Alf
      23 September 2023 16: 20
      Quote: Pavel57
      Automatic charging becomes mandatory. And this is the potential for mass reduction.

      They just don’t know from our sofa generals that the automatic loader is bad and does not allow the use of more powerful projectiles. And that the tower takes off from it... And that the rate of fire is inferior to the rate of fire of the black jock...
      P.S. Where should we put the blacks then?
      1. +3
        23 September 2023 16: 27
        Quote: Alf
        They just don’t know from our sofa generals that the automatic loader is bad and does not allow the use of more powerful shells. And that the tower takes off from him...

        Well, no one talks about the carousel. This means leklkerkoid, of course.
        Quote: Alf
        Where should we put the blacks then?

        We'll be filming in XXX. Read rap, play basketball, have a lot to do in civilian life.
        1. Alf
          23 September 2023 16: 31
          Quote: Negro
          We'll be filming in XXX.

          Well, to hell with such happiness, watching a black man stare at a black woman is still a pleasure. Although...the world of mental disorders is dimensionless...
          Read rap, play basketball, have a lot to do in civilian life.

          Selling drugs, stealing cars. Just not to work...
          1. -3
            23 September 2023 16: 46
            Quote: Alf
            Well, to hell with such happiness, watching a black man stare at a black woman is still a pleasure

            Why does it have to be a black woman? When the liberals in Russia win back, it will be compulsory for everyone to act in this movie at the age of 18, instead of serving in the army. This is where NATO soldiers will be needed for friendship visits, so to speak.
            Quote: Alf
            Selling drugs, stealing cars. Just not to work...

            Anything is better than throwing shots that weigh 70 pounds.
            1. Alf
              23 September 2023 16: 48
              Quote: Negro
              Why does it have to be a black woman? When the liberals in Russia win back, it will be compulsory for everyone to act in this movie at the age of 18, instead of serving in the army.

              Quote: Negro
              Anything is better than throwing shots that weigh 70 pounds.

              You can't fight facts...
              1. +3
                23 September 2023 18: 18
                Quote: Alf

                Under Stalin, people were not shot for “this,” but imprisoned. And the article was introduced not because of a good life, but because homosexuals created a counter-revolutionary organization, and the NKVD could not introduce its agents there (
                -Are you a communist or not?!!!
                -Communist! But I won’t give it to you in the ass!!!).
                So they resolved the issue in a different way (there was no need for agents in the prison).
                1. 0
                  26 September 2023 00: 48
                  homosexuals created a counter-revolutionary organization, and the NKVD could not introduce its agents there

                  You won't believe it, it was the other way around. It was homosexuals who infiltrated their agents into the NKVD. To the topmost link. They found him out and had to shoot him. The indictment literally
                  "Acting for anti-Soviet and selfish purposes, Yezhov organized the murders of people he disliked, and also had sexual intercourse with men (sodomy)"

                  So you still don’t know about the NKID. That's where they were!
            2. -2
              24 September 2023 17: 26
              Quote: Negro
              Anything is better than throwing shots that weigh 70 pounds.

              Only a dead black man does not go to play basketball!
          2. +1
            23 September 2023 16: 55
            Also comment on topware)
            Black comments are important Yes
            1. -1
              24 September 2023 06: 36
              Well, you know. The ax is not what it used to be. You want to discuss how much better KD5 is than Essex, young people are completely out of the question...
              1. 0
                24 September 2023 10: 23
                Is there really nothing but advanced British shipbuilding that warms the tortured militaristic soul?
                In the legendary times, black kids from Alabama, they say, caught mice in the commie threads. Even graffiti in the ghetto has survived
    2. -1
      24 September 2023 17: 17
      Quote: Pavel57
      Automatic charging becomes mandatory. And this is the potential for mass reduction.

      Because half of the armor is stupid, to protect those without whom there is no need for it at all.
      Incl. and “protection from ourselves” - from fuel to blanks behind your back.
      The same ISSs have long been a complete dead end, with the pumping of resources to maintain those leather bags, without which the other machines brought 90% of the cosmic fundamentals to humanity.
      Like in that joke. I bought a car, yesterday I went to the tire shop, today I picked up the oil, tomorrow I’ll get the battery and wash it... and how could I have done all this without her!
  22. +1
    23 September 2023 20: 40
    Forgive the amateur for asking!
    If a bullet from a small arms hits the barrel of a tank, it will stay there. Is this a grain for an elephant? Or will this deprive the tank of the ability to use the gun?
    And to completely exaggerate, if “a glass of sand or plain earth” gets into the barrel, will it somehow interfere with the tank?
    1. 0
      24 September 2023 12: 38
      Foreign objects in the barrel, even small ones, say, the remains of an incompletely burned cartridge case, and especially the steel core of a bullet, are lifted by the next projectile. It does not stop and does not explode (the fuse is not yet cocked), but its movement slows down a little, the pressure behind it increases, and can exceed the flow rate of the barrel steel. The barrel "swells", a ring widening is formed. In the worst case, the gun will have to be rejected.
      In the artillery according to the regulations, after each shot The castle officer looks and reports to the gun commander - “the rollback is such and such (in mm), the channel is clear.” If he sees a foreign object, KO commands to “stop shooting” and the crew quickly cleans the barrel with a banner. Which is always nearby when shooting. True, in a tank there is no such opportunity to look down the barrel. They're shooting, there's no time to mess around. Now, if the trunk rests on the ground, or on the slope, then I think a reasonable commander will leave the battle for shelter and remove the earth. At the biathlon there was a case where a tank ATGM hit the target's gun. If this happens in battle, then there will definitely be a stabilizer and other pieces left in the barrel.
  23. Owl
    23 September 2023 20: 50
    They (“”) are very intelligent penguins. We realized that the main enemies are: excess weight; low rate of fire (after the 3rd, 4th shot) and enemy UAVs. This means we need to prepare mobile laser installations to burn out observation devices - aiming devices and the eyes of the crew of new enemy tanks.
  24. 0
    24 September 2023 12: 19
    It looks like another drink of the American budget because... The best option for old Abrashkas is to send them to the EU countries, remove everything from some of them, including reinforced towers to turn them into drones, throw them into a breakthrough without the prospect of repair. But if they are just going to write them all off and make a tank from scratch on an industrial scale, then you can release Alyoshka so that he can go to the USA to film about the palaces and personal islands of generals and senators))
  25. 0
    24 September 2023 14: 21
    The Americans are not the first, nor are they the last. The tank crisis, alas, has been observed for the last thirty to forty years. And there are plenty of reasons. Here you have the all-aspect capabilities of the means of destruction and the limited range of weapons (it is no secret that modern tank guns are designed to fight their own kind - hence the huge number of problems. Here you have the limited ammunition. And the impossibility of maneuvering in densely populated areas - you can't really move a 6-meter pipe on a four-meter base on a street six meters wide, and the low survivability of the barrel and much more.) and the cost. The command does not want to lose a vehicle worth 6 million (for the Abrams), preferring to spend several GIs at a million each (for the GI). Well, and all that other stuff.. (And weight is not the worst trump card here.. After all, any modern freeliner (since we are talking about the Americans) weighs 60 tons and carries 40 tons of cargo.. Not a problem.) So the first one to make a relatively simple, compact (and cheap) fire support vehicle that combines manufacturing technology, maneuverability in construction, high crew survivability and sufficient firepower - will be a queen... By the way.. You can take a closer look at the Bradley) Ukrainians They climb into places where it would be scary to drive tanks.
  26. +1
    24 September 2023 18: 53
    Will they make new wunderwaffles for themselves, but will they float the old ones to Poland and Ukraine?
    1. 0
      26 September 2023 08: 19
      Will they make new wunderwaffles for themselves, but will they float the old ones to Poland and Ukraine?

  27. 0
    25 September 2023 15: 10
    Recently the media wrote that the current US administration is creating conditions, or forcing, successful European businesses to migrate to the US. Perhaps this will also affect tank building.

    As for the indices, the Americans can follow the analogy with the Tu-22, Tu-22M, give the tank the same designation or modernization index, and make a new tank themselves. For example, Abrams M-1m4. It is quite possible that it will simplify obtaining financing.
  28. 0
    26 September 2023 12: 24
    Tank designers were too carried away with protection against kinetics. The war again showed that tanks are destroyed by mines, ATGMs, grenade launchers, cluster munitions and now FPV drones with the same RPG shot. And why the hell are these gigantic booking dimensions when the “carrot” arrives from above? KAZ needs to be developed, DZ needs to be new
  29. +1
    26 September 2023 13: 22
    I think the new Abrams will appear before the Armata lol
  30. 0
    26 September 2023 20: 26
    Tanks are dying. Their field of work is constantly narrowing.
  31. 0
    28 September 2023 14: 19
    Has anyone thought about replacing high-ballistic tank guns with low-ballistic guns? Simply put, leave the projectile the same and cut off the gunpowder to accelerate to 350 m/s.
    And solve the problem of penetration by installing an ATGM
  32. 0
    29 September 2023 13: 41
    I read the article with interest, coming to the conclusion that the next version of the American MBT will implement the concepts listed above by various commentators on the VO, such as an unmanned turret with an automatic loader, a reduction in the number of crew members as a result, a reduction in the weight of the tank to an acceptable 60 tons, a revision of the distribution of tank protection in the side and rear projections, and probably also from above, replacing the engine with a diesel electric ... All these decisions largely copy the Armata and it is a shame for the State that since 2014, the production of the Armata has not yet become massive ... and the decisions taken by Russian tank builders seem promising and correct, not only the Americans announce such know-how in their new models ... well, to amuse the readers a little, I will allow myself a joke that was born in me after reading this article)) ...,, In connection with the ineffectiveness of using the Leopard tank in Ukraine, German engineers are urgently developing a new model! The work is underway under the motto is, "Guys, let's live in peace!" And the name of the new tank is Leopold!
  33. +1
    29 September 2023 18: 32
    They may not be produced, but I think they will be modernized. While Biden is not on friendly terms with him at all
  34. 0
    30 December 2023 18: 18
    Maybe they'll say something. But not very fast......