Stable Instability: Nuclear Parity in the Light of NWO

Stable Instability: Nuclear Parity in the Light of NWO

The main player in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict

The current situation is in many ways more dangerous than the Cuban missile crisis, which in the 1962th century was considered the highest point of tension between the United States and the Soviet Union. Despite the fact that the motives and logic of the parties are similar, the situation can get out of control at any moment. The arsenals and capabilities of the warring parties have seriously evolved since XNUMX, which inevitably shakes the seemingly unshakable nuclear balance.

What is the modern and rather fragile balance of nuclear forces based on now? It is worth considering, first of all, Russia and the United States. The remaining countries of the “nuclear club” will not be able to have a significant impact on the balance of power, no matter how hard they try. The numbers speak for themselves - the Americans and Russians control, respectively, 6190 and 6500 warheads in varying degrees of readiness. Other nuclear holders weapons – no more than 800 warheads for all. The most “formidable” on the second line is France with 300 and China with 290 warheads. Therefore, if anyone is going to turn the whole world into dust, it would be Moscow and Washington.

The notorious strategic stability is expressed in the inability of either side to launch a first nuclear strike of such force without receiving an even more destructive response. For example, if the Americans decide to strike first with all guns, they will not be able to destroy more Russian warheads than they launch. A Russian retaliatory strike is guaranteed to defeat the United States' missile defenses and cause unacceptable damage. The principle works similarly in the opposite direction.

The calculations are valid in the case when the “receiving” side sits quietly and responds only when the first warheads detonate on its territory. In an amicable way, in response to missile launches by one of the sides, the opponent initiates a retaliatory strike. In an ideal situation, nuclear warheads fall on countries almost simultaneously, causing comparable damage. It is clear that such a scenario does not seem acceptable to any of the parties.

It is interesting that the calculations of the apocalyptic exchange of nuclear strikes do not include so-called high-precision non-nuclear weapon systems. Simply because they are not able to introduce any imbalance into the established equilibrium. At least not yet. But they may well provoke a nuclear war. The danger is that both American high-precision products such as BGM and AGM, and Russian “Calibers”, “Daggers” and “Iskanders” can carry nuclear weapons.

The opposing side will not know until the very last second whether a conventional or nuclear warhead is flying at its facilities. Unlike strategic deterrent forces, a retaliatory strike is not as effective against an attack with tactical nuclear weapons. At the initial stages of the movement of hypersonic missile-gliding vehicles, missile attack warning satellites detect launches in the same minute and a half as when launching ballistic missiles. But this is not enough for a retaliatory strike; confirmation from ground-based radars is also required.

Hypersonic gliders approach the target at an altitude of only 50-60 km, which significantly delays the moment of detection by over-the-horizon radars. According to analytical data, warning from ground means in the event of an attack using ballistic missiles comes 10-15 minutes after launch. The most advanced radar gives confirmation of an attack by hypersonic gliders, at best, 2-3 minutes before “landing.” This forces us to focus more on satellite warning systems, which are easier to suppress, and they are much less insured against errors than radar. The weakening of strategic stability in this stories on the face.

Special operation vs nuclear war

Now let’s try to shift the nuclear status quo onto the events of the special operation. Despite the fact that neither side of the conflict has so far used weapons of mass destruction, their shadow lies behind every decision at the operational-strategic level. The Americans seriously feared that the Kremlin would use tactical nuclear weapons in accordance with the concept of “escalation for de-escalation.” A beautiful name from US analysts, meaning the end of a local military conflict with a series of small nuclear strikes.

The Pentagon has exactly the same scheme. In the summer-autumn of 2022, when the special operation somewhat changed the course of events, the risk of “escalation for the sake of de-escalation” on the part of Russia was especially great. The Americans thought so only because in a similar situation they would, without hesitation, launch a massive nuclear strike on the enemy. But this is not the way of Russia, especially in relation to the neighboring country. And, on the contrary, the General Staff refrains from attacks on European logistics hubs through which weapons traffic to Ukraine passes.

Not the least role here is played by the possibility of a retaliatory strike, which with a high degree of probability will provoke a world war. Let us make a reservation that the destruction of the transport infrastructure of Polish Rzeszow, according to all military standards, is legal and a priority. But when the interests of two nuclear superpowers collide, we have to look for options. The NATO bloc, to which the United States has verbally guaranteed a nuclear umbrella, also has to look for options. Not in the sense of protection from Russian weapons of mass destruction, but in the sense of unleashing a world war in the event of legitimate attacks by Russian weapons along the routes of supplying resources to the enemy.

The special operation is in its second year, but not a single NATO soldier has set foot on Ukrainian territory. Fear is great, and often it leads to paralysis of the will. The specter of Russian nuclear missiles did not allow American suppliers to provide the Ukrainian Armed Forces with everything necessary for the summer offensive. In testing that very “red line,” the Pentagon played it too safe. Time will tell whether this was fateful for Ukraine, but it is difficult to deny the factor of the work, albeit psychological, of nuclear weapons on the battlefield.

Let's try to imagine what would have happened if Russia had not possessed nuclear weapons at all at the time the special operation began. What consequences would await Russians after the start of demilitarization and denazification of the Kyiv regime? The minimum program would be to send to Ukraine at once everything that was given as a gift for a year and a half. Don't forget about pre-war supplies. The Americans would have pumped the Ukrainians with heavy weapons much earlier and in larger quantities, which would have significantly complicated the course of the special operation. As well as preparing for the SVO. The maximum program is that they would try to force Russia to peace with demonstrative nuclear strikes somewhere near the borders in neutral waters. They probably would have detonated a couple of warheads on Franz Josef Land. Fantasy No. 2 – nuclear weapons are monopolized by Russia. In this case, it will not come to the point of striking decision-making centers in Europe and the United States. There will not even be a demonstration of intentions in Greenland and elsewhere. Europe will close its borders with Ukraine, and the Kiev regime will fall in a matter of months, if not weeks. Note, with a much smaller number of victims.

Since February 24, 2022, nuclear weapons have been demonstrating themselves in all their glory, without actually destroying anything. But the balance in the system is more unbalanced than ever. And the further the conflict in Ukraine goes, the greater the chances for the actual use of weapons of mass destruction.
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  1. 0
    12 September 2023 04: 39
    And the further the conflict in Ukraine goes, the greater the chances for the actual use of weapons of mass destruction.

    And the longer the conflict in Ukraine continues, the greater the chances of the actual use of weapons of mass destruction.
    The ineffectiveness of any measures allows us to doubt the correct use of available means to achieve the final result. And, believe me, no one is a supporter of “swaggering” anywhere and with anything without hitting...
  2. +4
    12 September 2023 05: 14
    Our nuclear strategic weapons are excellent. But there are big questions regarding its application. Especially in modern times. After all, its presence does not prevent the enemy from committing actions aimed at dismembering or destroying Russia.
    Everything is fine with our equipment and missiles, but who will give the order to launch? We have some kind of misunderstanding with the commanders, how is the temporary acting commander of the Strategic Missile Forces? Previously, positions from the regiment commander of the Strategic Missile Forces and higher were appointed by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Such is the responsibility.
    And now they have made a videoconferencing service and appointed a good infantryman, but not a rocket scientist, trained to decide the fate of states and the planet.
    Another question is how can the Strategic Missile Forces help in the Ukrainian conflict? This is striking with non-nuclear charges. Cosmic speed and ten tons of TNT with an accuracy no worse than "Caliber" will not seem a little. There are always missiles with expiring combat duty, so use them.
    You don't even have to use the mines, but shoot from the table without burning out the mines. This will to some extent show our determination to survive and win. soldier
  3. -4
    12 September 2023 05: 23
    Reasoning from the last century, when there were tens of thousands of warheads and it was more difficult to shoot them down. Now the situation is different.
    If let’s say NATO attacks us with conventional weapons and we have no choice but to use nuclear weapons and... then it suddenly turns out that they won’t be enough to cause catastrophic damage (some of the warheads will be destroyed by NATO’s first strike, some will be shot down), well, let’s say some will be destroyed a dozen megacities. BUT! Since we will massively use nuclear weapons, NATO will destroy everyone on our territory. Those. we will all die, and they, for the most part, the survivors, will receive vast uninfected territories. Therefore, we will not use strategic nuclear weapons.
    There is only one way out: urgently make a bomb, which, as a last resort, will make the world's oceans radioactive. Well, or lose and we will be treated like Indians.
    1. -2
      12 September 2023 05: 42
      Complete nonsense, NATO has leaky air defense, their anti-missile systems are weak, when ours is the best in the world.
      and you need to be friends with mathematics, nuclear powers capable of destroying each other - 2. The USA and Russia are mutually guaranteed destruction, and the rest is lyrics, to say that someone will win... is naive and stupid, and immediately leads to suspicion of playing along with one from the parties) they say, don’t use nuclear weapons, neither nor, it will be bad, you will lose, boil like a frog))) bobobo only the United States can bomb nuclear weapons on other non-nuclear countries) the Russian Federation is more likely to shoot down some of the nuclear missiles than the United States, with its great patriots)
    2. -6
      12 September 2023 19: 58
      "...since we massively use nuclear weapons, NATO will destroy everyone on our territory..."? If “we” (that is, the Russian Federation) use all of our nuclear weapons/TNW, then there will be no one in NATO to answer. There is no need for illusions, this weapon is too terrible: according to the British (possibly alarmist) estimates, two or three Sarmatians are enough to destroy their country. Based on this, how many minutes (not hours) will the Russian strategic nuclear forces need to turn Europe into a lifeless, radioactive desert?
      1. -2
        13 September 2023 07: 57
        I wonder who puts the minuses: the “red-blue” Russian Federation, foreign peacekeepers, admirers and comrades-in-arms of Bandera’s TsIPSO? What made them angry? The terrifying power of Russia’s strategic nuclear forces is real, and the main adversary overseas knows this too.
        1. 0
          27 October 2023 21: 20
          It looks like you have listed all the negatives.
    3. +1
      12 September 2023 21: 04
      Quote from Constantin N.
      One way out

      - develop national education and science, industry and agriculture, turn demography in a positive direction and give the people the meaning of their development. Such states are not attacked, because the negative effects of recoil outweigh all the benefits of a hypothetical victory. USSR as an example.
      1. 0
        13 September 2023 08: 05
        Yes Yes. Libya and Yugoslavia tried to do everything that you describe and propose. And where are they now? USSR, including.
    4. 0
      24 December 2023 08: 03
      It is precisely to infect the world's oceans that the Poseidons were created, and if they are used on a massive scale, the entire coastal waters of the United States and Canada will be unsuitable for either use or navigation
  4. +9
    12 September 2023 05: 55
    but not a single NATO soldier set foot on Ukrainian territory. Fear is great, and often it leads to paralysis of the will.

    Why should they step? NATO was able to transfer the Northern Military District into a war of attrition.
    First of all, the depletion of the Russian economy, no matter how the government thinks. The military operations “going according to plan” began to cause “concern” among the people.
    All this has already happened. When “fulfilling international duty” in Afghanistan. And everyone remembers how it ended.
    I would like to believe that the Russian authorities also remember and will do everything to ensure that the previous scenario does not repeat itself.
    1. 0
      13 September 2023 08: 36
      "...When "executing an international duty" in Afghanistan...". Afghanistan played a negligible role in the collapse of the USSR. After the withdrawal of Soviet troops and the cessation of aid, Najibullah held out for another two to three years. Moreover, it was successful and Afghanistan had a chance for a peaceful life after decades of general war, all against all. Unfortunately, he did not find support either from Gorbachev or from the drunkard president EBN; these figures betrayed everything and everyone. By the way, many in the USSR, like me, were against sending troops into Afghanistan. Not dissidents, ordinary citizens who did not understand: why socialism in an agrarian-patriarchal country?
  5. +3
    12 September 2023 05: 57
    The whole world is built on contradictions. But for some time now, each side believes that its point of view is correct. There is a wall-to-wall struggle. Diplomacy, which should take a leading place in this dispute, has taken a boxing pose and does not want to negotiate. In fact, the snowball has grown to alarming proportions. In this situation, we can expect anything. We can talk about anything, but the threat of war for many no longer scary. But this is the worst thing. When this happens, it will be too late.
    1. -4
      12 September 2023 09: 29
      Quote: Nikolay Malyugin
      Diplomacy, which should take a leading position in this dispute, has taken a boxing pose and does not want to negotiate.

      “When the arguments run out, the guns start talking. Force is the last argument of a stupid person."
      Who decided to be the first to start killing Russians? Who jumped and barked on the Maidans and screamed in the streets with torches in their hands?
      Excuse me, what place should diplomacy take in this case? What could be explained to mad dogs in which only Russian speech caused attacks of uncontrolled eruption of bile?
      It is a crime to turn a blind eye to the killing of civilians and prepare for negotiations for the sake of “vaguely formulated goals.” It is a crime when the tactics of anti-terrorist units are preferred to combined arms tactics.
      * * *
      For a year and a half, I have not heard from a single “strategist” proposals that would form the basis of tactics for conducting strategic military operations. All these general phrases, all this strange dispersion of forces and means do not allow us to achieve the desired results.
      Can one expect anything good from those who declared war before victory over Russia? This is Hitler's tactics - to fight without declaring war. But we see who is fighting with us and how. After the German tanks, German missiles flew...
      Why doesn’t the Supreme High Command warn the Chancellor that the Russian Iskander could fly to the Bundestag or directly into the hands of Frau Bärbock.
  6. +2
    12 September 2023 06: 34
    The topic of the use of tactical nuclear weapons is being heard more and more often, and the concept of “limited nuclear war” is being revived. Why is this, preparing public opinion for the fact that this is not so scary and quite acceptable? Apparently they forgot what Chernobyl alone did, they wanted a nuclear apocalypse. If anyone is thinking of surviving this nightmare, it is unlikely that they will succeed.
  7. +4
    12 September 2023 06: 36
    China with 290 warheads

    I would like to urge Russian journalists and experts: stop writing in articles about 200-260 Chinese nuclear warheads! These assessments, broadcast to the whole world from the Federation of American Scientists as the ultimate truth, are not supported by either scientific calculations or intelligence data. This is the result of collusion in a terribly narrow expert environment controlled by politicians. And this conspiracy has nothing to do with our country and does not give us any advantages. There is no need to follow this “world trend”; it makes sense for us to write our own estimates: “the exact size of China’s nuclear arsenal is unknown, estimated at 1000–3600 warheads”
  8. +1
    12 September 2023 08: 37
    Pressure around the application of i.o. - a horror story for controlling the masses (population). For puppeteers who stir up conflicts, its use is of no use... Although this does not negate the small probability that someone uncontrollable will accidentally press the button...
  9. 0
    12 September 2023 08: 43
    Quote: V.
    striking with non-nuclear charges. Space speed and ten tons of TNT with an accuracy no worse than "Caliber" will not seem a little

    Accuracy is plus or minus two hundred meters (the effect is close to 0 - if you don’t need to breed a crucian pond), the cost of one missile is close to the cost of SME weapons and the risk of receiving a response from NATO, which has not understood the situation...
  10. +2
    12 September 2023 11: 14
    If we didn’t have nuclear weapons, the conflict in Ukraine would not have existed, as well as such a country as Russia. And there would be, for example, such countries as the Ural Republic, the Siberian Empire, the Confederation of the Far East.
  11. The comment was deleted.
  12. -8
    12 September 2023 12: 41
    Russia needs ten thousand warheads
    Nuclear, of which five thousand are ballistic missiles and two thousand are ground-based.
    As soon as the war breaks out, all of Europe and North America, Australia will burn, all cities and towns will be wiped off the face of the earth.
    Russia is too big to die out.
    Small towns and villages will still remain.
    And that's why they don't conquer Russia.
    Tactical nuclear weapons will have to be distributed.
    into small detachments that will destroy the invaders.
    The occupiers, if there are any, will be from China or India or the republics. Because there will be no Western people left. And how will Russia guarantee the complete elimination of the West. With nuclear weapons of all types. With nuclear weapons in stationary batteries. Mobile.Military and civilian trucks.Military and civilian trains.Missiles.Cruising from aircraft.
    From cargo and military ships. On submarines. On fishing boats. On yachts. On merchant ships.
    Thus, destruction will be guaranteed.
    Russia is a country that faces too serious a threat from the West.
    This is not a joke, this is too real.
  13. 0
    12 September 2023 13: 49
    Nuclear weapons have a minimum level of destruction and yield that is considered prohibited for use and requires a conventional or nuclear military response.
    and will destroy armies very quickly.
  14. 0
    12 September 2023 22: 40
    The author, the nuclear test site, in readiness unknown to us, is located on Novaya Zemlya and not the FZL. In the FZL we now have an outpost of responsibility of the Northern Fleet. Don’t make such mistakes in your judgments. And the article is normal. Except for one case. We have become so disorganized with the United States that both cannot cause unacceptable damage to each other. But we are one foot ahead. But honestly, our leadership is not encouraging, if anything, we should be ahead of the United States not by a foot, but by half a circle.
  15. 0
    14 September 2023 10: 28
    The minimum program would be to send to Ukraine at once everything that was given as a gift for a year and a half. Don't forget about pre-war supplies. The Americans would have pumped the Ukrainians with heavy weapons much earlier and in larger quantities, which would have significantly complicated the course of the special operation. As well as preparing for the SVO.

    And therefore, the United States sends weapons to Ukraine as needed, balancing so that the military conflict lasts as long as possible and leads to exhaustion of forces. The control levers are in the hands of Washington, and he will not let go of them until he achieves his goals or feels a real threat to his existence.