Starfish Prime - how the Americans blew up space

Starfish Prime - how the Americans blew up space
The glow from the Starfish Prime explosion lasted for several minutes and was observed from several thousand kilometers away.

Hundred Hiroshima in orbit

In the summer of 1962, the Soviet Izvestia published the headline "The Crime of the American Atomic Workers: The United States Performs a Nuclear Explosion in Space." There really was something to blame for - the United States organized a whole thermonuclear test program weapons in orbit. It didn't start out very smoothly.

On June 20, 1962, the Thor rocket crashed at an altitude of 10 km above the Pacific Ocean. As it turned out, a frightened control officer initiated the self-destruction of a perfectly serviceable product.

As a result, radioactive materials spilled thickly on several atolls of the Hawaiian archipelago. And this was only one of the episodes of the American atomic attack on near space. One of the opinion leaders of those times, Soviet film director Sergei Yutkevich, commented to Izvestia on nuclear events in Earth orbit:

“We know who we are dealing with, but until the last moment we hoped that the conscience, if not wisdom, of American nuclear scientists would hear the angry voices of millions and millions of ordinary people of the earth, the voices of mothers and scientists of their country.”

To be fair, the Soviet Union also tried its thermonuclear powers in outer space, and even worked out scenarios for launching warheads to the moon. We stopped on time, primarily because of the fear of an emergency fall of the launch vehicle on the territory of neighboring countries.

The main purpose of testing weapons of mass destruction in low Earth orbits was the primitive satisfaction of curiosity - "what will happen if." Ground, underground, underwater and air nuclear tests by the beginning of the 60s were frankly bored by everyone. What happens if you shoot a rocket with a 1,45-megaton warhead into the sky and blow it up at an altitude of 400 km?

The world at that time was simply vibrating before a seemingly imminent nuclear catastrophe, and any means of deterrence were considered. 1962 was no exception, in the summer of which the Americans detonated the largest atomic bomb in space, and in the autumn they almost unleashed a third world war with the Soviet Union.

Starfish Prime over the South Atlantic

The experiment with the explosion of a thermonuclear weapon was planned as part of the Starfish Prime project, and, surprisingly, the Americans even managed to pull up a completely peaceful scientific basis for it.

Probably to temper the ardor of overly zealous fighters for the environment. For example, radioactive isotopes of cadmium-109 were added to the special ammunition - in the future, this made it possible to more accurately determine the rate of mixing of tropical and polar air masses. Due to cadmium, the Americans have learned to record the fact of nuclear weapons tests anywhere in the world.

To do this, it was enough to take air samples in the stratosphere and correlate them with the prevailing air currents. In general, the tests were approached very carefully. The Americans sent 27 rockets equipped with observation devices into space in parallel with the warhead. The US Navy vessels were on duty at sea, and several warning flashes were provided for the birds before the explosion. As planned, this was supposed to save the birds from blinding.

But there were also more global ideas. We are talking about the newly discovered Van Allen belt or the Earth's radiation belt.

American James Van Allen, working with data from the Explorer satellite, recorded a radiation anomaly at altitudes from 500 to 1 km. This almost put an end to manned astronautics - scientists considered the passage of spacecraft with people through the belt to be deadly. In fact, everything is not so critical.

A person, passing the Van Allen belt, receives no more than 12 microsieverts per hour, which, of course, is 6–10 times more than in a flying plane, but much lower than the permissible norms. But at the time the belt was discovered in 1958, no one really knew the intensity of radiation there, and the military decided to detonate a nuclear charge in the immediate vicinity of it. See what happens.

Van Allen in this dubious stories participated very actively, sincerely believing in the destruction of the belt and the salvation of manned astronautics. In 1960, Belka and Strelka flew into space, returned alive, but this did not bother the Americans - they did not believe in the honesty of Soviet experimenters and assumed that the dogs died from radiation sickness, and then they simply replaced a couple.

Starfish Prime over the South Atlantic

The story of the Van Allen belt and the Starfish Prime project somewhat masked the main purpose of the test - to evaluate the lethal effect of a nuclear charge on spacecraft. The possibility of destroying Soviet ballistic missiles flying up to the American continent was considered.

"Rainbow Bomb" over the South Atlantic

"A bright white flash pierced through the clouds, quickly turning into an expanding green ball of radiation, receding into a clear sky above a cloudy sky,"

- this is how an eyewitness described the events of the night of July 9, 1962.

The Starfish Prime project exploded with a power of one hundred Hiroshima at an altitude of 400 kilometers above Johnston Island in the south Atlantic. These were not only the most powerful in-orbit tests of thermonuclear weapons in history, but also the highest ones.

The International Space Station is now at about the same altitude. The Thor launch vehicle, which had failed to launch a few days earlier, successfully launched the W9 nuclear device into close orbit on July 49.

The Hawaiian Islands suffered the most - within a radius of 1 kilometers from the epicenter of the explosion, street lighting went out, all possible alarms went off, radio and telephone communications were turned off. Only by a happy coincidence, not a single aircraft that ended up over the South Atlantic crashed into the water from a power surge on board. The Americans did not expect such a powerful electromagnetic pulse.

According to calculations, all effects from an atomic orbital explosion should not have been reflected on the earth's surface. Fireworks and a light show in the sky - the maximum that the testers counted on. Actually, Starfish Prime was launched at night for this purpose. In this part, everything turned out one hundred percent. Eyewitnesses of the event described the consequences of the explosion colorfully:

“For three minutes after the explosion, the moon was in the center of the sky, part blood red, part pink. Clouds appeared as dark silhouettes against the illuminated sky.

The nuclear glow was observed 4 thousand kilometers from the epicenter in New Zealand.
Local saw

"a celestial glow that does not pulsate or flicker, taking the form of a giant V and changing hue from yellow to dull red, then to icy blue, and finally to white."

But that's not all.

The most powerful thermonuclear explosion in history in near-Earth orbit not only did not reduce the radioactivity of the Earth's belt, but created several new ones. One of these, much more dangerous than the Van Allen belt, lasted almost a decade in orbit.

There were also more prosaic consequences.

Despite the fact that the authors of Starfish Prime tried not to hit the satellites, several spacecraft still fell under the distribution. Prudently launched only the next day after the tests, the Telstar communications satellite fell into the most powerful electromagnetic fields and gradually degraded. The Americans make excuses that they finally finished off the Soviet tests of orbital thermonuclear weapons in October 1962.

The British Ariel-1, on the contrary, was sent into space before the Starfish Prime test, but it also suffered damage from radiation. The device did not die, but partially performed its functions until 1976.

A couple of Starfish Prime victims - above Telstar, below - British Ariel-1

Subsequently, the Americans at least ten times reduced the power of special products that were launched and exploded in space until November 1962. And in 1963, the US and the USSR signed the Treaty on the Limitation of Nuclear Tests, including in Space.

The first nuclear explosions above the atmosphere were staged by the Americans in 1958, and only five years were enough to make sure of the enormous destructive power. But the limitations of the test do not mean that there are no special munitions in the arsenals of world powers that can repeat the success of the Starfish Prime project.

At present, the effectiveness of such strikes will be several times higher than the results of 1962. First of all, because of the extreme saturation of the orbit with spacecraft of various classes and purposes.

A thermonuclear explosion of 1,5–2 megatons can disable up to 90 percent of the world's satellite constellation. This is not to mention the chaos that will reign over a single territory of the planet.

The modern world is vulnerable to a massive disconnection of communications, electronic devices and lack of electricity. Microchips now rule the world. This is especially the case for armies that overly rely on satellite communications and navigation.

The US looks with dismay at North Korea, which has nuclear weapons and launch vehicles but no satellites. That is, in the extreme case, Kim Jong-un can thoroughly slow down world progress with one or two nuclear warheads in space, without losing anything. And practically without victims and radioactive contamination of the planet. And the probability of this is not zero at all.

But there is also the other side of the coin.

Now the explosion of a nuclear bomb in space is a declaration of war. On the surface of the Earth, after the explosion, early warning radar stations become helpless. Dozens of satellites busy tracking missile launches will be instantly blinded, forcing the opponent to launch a preemptive strike. There is no other way - the risk of getting atomic Armageddon first in line does not please anyone.
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  1. +7
    29 July 2023 05: 14
    There is no other way - the risk of getting atomic Armageddon first in line does not please anyone.

    Saturday! Second interesting article.
    Everything is clear with the American "partners" - for five cents a mosquito will be raped in a sting. The rotten essence, when only America is important, and everything else is darkness, has become boring ...
    That is why it is possible and necessary to restore contacts with the DPRK. These are the neighbors of Russia, and we are connected by a joint struggle against world evil.
  2. +12
    29 July 2023 05: 45
    November 1 was a clear cold day, a strong north wind was blowing. At the start, preparations were underway for the evening launch. I ran into the house after dinner, turned on the receiver, made sure that it was working on all ranges. At 14:10 p.m., he went out into the air from the house and began to wait for the agreed time. At 14:15 pm, with a bright sun in the northeast, a second sun flared up. It was a nuclear explosion in the stratosphere - a test of nuclear weapons under the code K-5. The flash lasted a fraction of a second. The explosion of the nuclear charge of the R-12 rocket at an altitude of 60 kilometers was carried out to test the possibility of stopping all types of radio communications. According to the map, it was 500 kilometers to the explosion site. Returning quickly to the receiver, I was convinced of the effectiveness of the nuclear experiment. There was complete silence on all bands. Communication was restored only after an hour or so.
    B.E. Chertok "Rockets and people")
    1. +5
      29 July 2023 07: 13
      Communication was restored only after an hour or so.

      the explosion of K-3 with a capacity of 300 kt was carried out as part of the same "Operation K" a little earlier, on October 22, 1962. The explosion was carried out at an altitude of 290 km at a point located 180 km west of the city of Dzhezkazgan.
      The consequences, due to the fact that the explosion was made over a populated area, were much more interesting and clearer than those of the American Starfish Prime. The EMP range is about 1900 km. 570 km of overhead telephone lines and 1000 km of underground power lines between the cities of Tselinograd and Alma-Ata, as well as the Karaganda thermal power plant, which started a fire, were completely disabled. On many overhead power lines there was a breakdown of insulators and they had to be changed, and on some wires even fell, as the insulators were completely destroyed. Within a radius of 500 km, the air defense systems went out.
      1. +1
        29 July 2023 21: 53
        570 km of overhead telephone lines and 1000 km of underground Power transmission line between the cities of Tselinograd and Alma-Ata
        - if this is true, then it is not the nuclear explosion itself that has the effect, but the consequences of its impact on the ionosphere.
        This indirectly confirms the "Quebec event" of 1989.
        The closer to it, the more effective, and it is not a fact that underwater vehicles will survive.
  3. +10
    29 July 2023 06: 12
    Johnston Island is located in the South Pacific Ocean!!! And then there's the South Atlantic. From it to the Hawaiian Islands by no means 1400 km. Was it difficult to check the map?
    1. +14
      29 July 2023 06: 45
      Quote: Amur_Tiger
      Johnston Island is located in the South Pacific Ocean!!! And then there's the South Atlantic. From it to the Hawaiian Islands by no means 1400 km. Was it difficult to check the map?
      So GPS failed after an explosion in space laughing laughing , and many of us do not know how to use paper maps. laughing laughing good
    2. +2
      29 July 2023 12: 12
      That's it. Where is the South Atlantic and where is Hawaii? Almost in opposite parts of the Earth.
  4. 0
    29 July 2023 07: 23
    This is how it would not be necessary to resume tests in the atmosphere to bring Western partners to their senses. I hope the satellites do not burn out if 100 kilotons are burned at an altitude of 20 kilometers. (Of course, over Novaya Zemlya, and not over London.)
  5. BAI
    29 July 2023 09: 32
    A space nuclear weapon over Ukraine is now the only chance to prevent a full-scale nuclear war. Better an explosion in space than nuclear strikes on cities.
    And so that no one crap out of fear - you can warn in advance. Satellites will not be able to move out of orbit anyway
  6. 0
    29 July 2023 10: 40
    after the explosion, early warning radar stations become helpless. Dozens of satellites busy tracking missile launches will be instantly blinded

    Perhaps this is one of the reasons why the United States gives priority to the submarine component of the strategic nuclear forces (because the ground and air forces will remain without communications, or even completely lose their combat effectiveness).
    1. 0
      29 July 2023 16: 11
      In addition to land strategic nuclear forces, in theory, there should also be wired communications. Protected and preferably underground.
      The underwater component has the advantage that it is much more difficult to destroy it with a sudden "preemptive" strike.
      1. 0
        29 July 2023 17: 13
        Wired communication, including underground, also fails, as described in the article. in our time they say they created protection against EMP, but I don’t even know on what principles it can be based.
        1. +1
          29 July 2023 22: 09
          EMP protection was created back in the 50s. Since then, its principles have not changed. Firstly, in those years, electronics was tube, and lamps sneezed on any EMP. Vacuum is somehow not afraid of him)) And now powerful output stages of transmitters / radars are made with lamp ones. Second: shielding of cases so that EMP does not induce currents on the boards. Insulation and sealing of all connectors and joints, so that stray currents do not break through anywhere. Special arresters and cutoffs in open emitting and receiving paths. On the R-36 missiles (the same Satan), there is an irradiation sensor, on the signal of which the equipment is simply turned off for the duration of the flight through the nuclear cloud. Finally, all equipment is tested in special laboratories, which we and the Americans have.
      2. 0
        29 July 2023 17: 18
        The Americans also conducted underwater nuclear tests. The fleet on the surface, to their surprise, practically did not suffer, or rather suffered much less than they expected. But I don’t remember if submarines participated in these tests there and what happened with the connection ... Does sea water shield EMP?
        1. +2
          29 July 2023 22: 12
          Sea water shields any radio waves, except for VLF (wavelength - kilometers or more). Such waves are not emitted by a nuclear explosion. In general, strong EMP is typical only for high-altitude and space explosions.
    2. 0
      29 July 2023 22: 02
      Military equipment has been protected from EMP since that time. Early Warning Radars - Primarily
  7. +2
    29 July 2023 13: 45
    Hydrogen is the most common element in the Universe and in near-Earth outer space. In the first photo in the article, it looks like the spectral line of the Balmer series of the Half hydrogen atom excited by the Starfish Prime cosmic NE is glowing dark red, the wavelength is 656,28 nm. The emission of this line in the hydrogen atom occurs when an electron passes from the third to the second energy level. I happened to observe the glow of this spectral line when studying the recycling of hydrogen adsorbed on the inner walls of the tokamak, as well as in a deuterium lamp, in which hydrogen is present together with deuterium and together they give two closely spaced spectral lines Ha and Da, used in the calibration of interferometers..
  8. -1
    29 July 2023 19: 17
    A nuclear explosion in orbit ... but why so complicated and obvious?
    "Random" collision of two satellites, with the appearance of a mass of ready-made fragments in the desired orbit. In general, as in the movie "Gravity" Cuaron.
    1. 0
      29 July 2023 22: 19
      "Random" collisions are also tracked
  9. 0
    29 July 2023 21: 10
    One of the opinion leaders of those times, Soviet film director Sergei Yutkevich, commented to Izvestia on nuclear events in Earth orbit:
    To quote a film director in a serious article is not to respect yourself and your readers. And the topic is intriguing. Interestingly, specialized charges with an energy output channel were created mainly in EMP?
    1. +2
      29 July 2023 22: 17
      Now it is possible to choose to enhance various factors of a vigorous loaf. Although the rest do not go anywhere)) But, by virtue of physics, a strong EMP occurs only when gamma quanta interact with the upper layers of the atmosphere - that is, only during explosions in the ionosphere or near space. I assume that an explosion in geostationary orbit will only create a new radiation belt at an altitude of 36 km and spoil geostationary satellites. On Earth, only a bright flash will be seen (without a giant plasma cloud, like the Starfish). And that's it. No EMP
  10. +2
    29 July 2023 22: 23
    The author, apparently, does not know that in addition to EMP, there is another important factor. The radiation of the cores of a loaf during high-altitude and space explosions pretty much spoils the ionosphere in a rather large zone. Because of this, radio communication is lost for a long time, even with good equipment. Kuzka's mother deprived the entire Arctic of communication for almost an hour (the fungus rose almost to the ionosphere)
  11. 0
    30 July 2023 11: 14
    In 1960, Belka and Strelka flew into space, returned alive, but this did not bother the Americans - they did not believe in the honesty of Soviet experimenters and assumed that the dogs died from radiation sickness, and then they simply replaced a couple.

    The author writes complete nonsense in the article.
    He is completely unaware that the Americans launched animals into space back in the 50s, and not dogs, but monkey primates.