The Kremlin again deceives the military

The Kremlin again deceives the militaryThe prestige of military service in our country is not great anyway, but it is being reduced more and more. One gets the feeling that they want to make sure that no one went to serve in Amia, I mean the military personnel. What are the president’s statements on increasing the monetary allowance of servicemen and providing them with housing against this background. A year ago, when the budget for 2010 was discussed, President Medvedev was sure that his instructions on the speedy solution of housing problems in the army and navy will be completed. But it turns out that the government made adjustments to these promises. This information was not announced anywhere and appeared in the State Duma only on November 1.

“As the first deputy chairman of the United Russia Defense Committee, Yuri Savenko, admits, in his conclusion on the draft budget 2011 – 2013, he noted that“ the draft law does not provide budget funds for the reform of the military personnel’s salaries ” period. The representative of the ruling party in this document makes a disappointing conclusion: “Given the outpacing price increases for essential goods, we can expect a further deterioration in the social situation of most military personnel and military retirees.” According to the deputy, “there is also a tendency to reduce the difference between the old-age retirement pension and the military pension, which negatively affects the material security of military retirees and encourages military service in the Armed Forces.” It is also noted that solving housing problems for officers who quit of aircraft with 2010g. moves back to 2013. You understand, the elections in 2012g. they will prod and everything “self” will be decided either by new promises or they will simply say - this was promised by the old president, and claims against him.

This is how our State Duma deputies solve the problems of the army. Well, not provided for budgetary funds, and that's it. It seems that both the President and the State Duma and the Minister of Defense systematically and consistently destroy and destroy the Russian army, creating impossible conditions for regular military personnel. Who generally sits in our State Duma if they are not able to allocate budget money for the military needs already promised by the president? The president will keep silent about this, because it is not the first time our leaders promise and not fulfill.

Hasn't the time come for our president, defense minister and the State Duma to openly declare - We do not need an army at all, let our state interests be protected by the NATO army, enough to hide our true intentions, they are visible to everyone. Why be afraid then, well, they will make some noise on the Internet at news sites and forums and nothing else will happen. But there will be no army and no need to spend money on it, we will get more ourselves.
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  1. Weight
    12 February 2011 00: 07
    To the point !!! everything is written correctly!
  2. Vladimir
    7 May 2011 07: 55
    as it is soft, everything is much worse
  3. kesa1111
    7 October 2011 16: 37
    In all countries, at all times, the partisan movement against acupants was considered legal and fair. If the authorities cannot be changed in a legal way (fair elections), any is acceptable.