720 million rubles stolen in military units of the North Caucasus

720 million rubles stolen in military units of the North CaucasusMilitary prosecutors of the North Caucasian Military District (SKVO) in 2010 revealed serious violations in the military-economic activities of the North Caucasian Military District, Lieutenant-General of Justice Vladimir Milovanov said.

“Only this year, at the request of the military prosecutors of the North Caucasian Military District, over 7,6 thousand violations of the law in the economic sphere were eliminated, over 1700 officials were brought to disciplinary and financial responsibility. The damage caused by them amounted to 720 million rubles, ”said Milovanov at a meeting of the board of the military prosecutor’s office of the North Caucasian Military District, Interfax reports.

According to the military prosecutor's office of the North Caucasus Military District, about 160 million rubles were returned to the state by measures of the prosecutor's response. According to the materials of prosecutor's inspections, 262 initiated criminal cases.

At the collegium, attention was drawn to the fact that the procedures for conducting tenders are still often violated in the military, products that are inadequate, with expired or limited storage periods, are delivered to military warehouses. In addition, there are many facts of illegal use of federal budget funds allocated for capital construction, repair of weapons and military equipment, the report said.

The majority of offenses in the economic sphere are committed by officials who, by virtue of their functional duties, are related to the disposal of material and monetary funds and are responsible for ensuring their safety, prosecutors say.

Milovanov pointed out the omissions in the work of individual military prosecutors of garrisons to provide federal property with supervisory means. The most characteristic features include inadequate prosecutorial support of audits, the lack of proper interaction with security agencies in the troops, the report says.
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  1. zczczc
    22 September 2011 15: 22
    It is probably easier to say who did not steal.
    And now, in the light of all this, it is not clear why not return the execution to a particularly large size?
    1. 0
      22 September 2011 15: 50
      Given that, in the composition of deputies from the EP in the State Duma there are many billionaires and millionaires who never recognize where they got their first million, they can’t pass such a law, who will cut the branch on which he himself is sitting if this leads to execution.

      And it turns out as in that joke, when the drunkards themselves were entrusted with the fight against drunkenness, then they adopted the law, “every day, each drinker will be given one bottle of vodka for life and free of charge, for its destruction.

      And in addition, I repeat once again. Official information on some of the results of the work of financiers of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
      "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" - www.rg.ru Svetlana Emelyanova 22.09.2011/XNUMX/XNUMX

      According to the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation, for a long time, financiers, with the connivance of a higher command and control bodies on falsified court decisions, wrote off multimillion-dollar sums to remunerate military personnel participating in counter-terrorism operations in the North Caucasus carried out on fake court decisions.
      For two years, payments totaling over 113 million rubles were illegally made. With the stolen money, the attackers bought expensive cars, real estate, opened large deposits in banks. To cover up crimes, financiers destroyed accounting and financial documents.
      1. zczczc
        22 September 2011 21: 24
        stas, in power there should not be people with any concrete material interests. It’s too late to rush around, the government will never give up the right to business, just like business from the right to power - this is such a profit!
  2. kesa1111
    17 October 2011 16: 49
    The fight against corruption in Russian: one passes laws mitigating punishments for economic crimes and stomps his foot, the second asks where the landing for theft and he steals. Therefore, they climb to the polls, otherwise for life. Or maybe Ceausescu.