New record and scientific research. Completed the sixth flight of the X-37B spaceplane

New record and scientific research. Completed the sixth flight of the X-37B spaceplane
X-37B in preparation for the OTV-6 mission, May 2020

The US Space and Air Force continue a series of experiments with the Boeing X-37B multi-purpose reusable spacecraft. A few days ago, the next, already sixth, flight of such a spaceplane, which lasted two and a half years, ended. As before, the device updated the flight duration record, and also conducted several different experiments in the interests of various structures of the Pentagon and NASA.

New record

According to the X-37B project, two spaceplanes were built. The first of them went into space for the first time in April 2012 and stayed in orbit for 224 days. Its second flight, which became the third mission under the program, took place in 2012-14. and took 674 days. Subsequently, two long flights were performed by the second prototype, while the first one was undergoing the necessary training.

The sixth launch under the program and the third for the first X-737B took place on May 17, 2020. The organization of this mission for the first time in its stories engaged in the newly formed Space Force. At the same time, they received the necessary support from the Air Force, by order of which the spaceplane was created and previous launches were carried out. In addition, NASA played a role in the sixth mission.

The third launch of the first prototype took place at one of the sites of the Kennedy Space Center. To launch the X-37B, as in several previous launches, the Atlas V 501 launch vehicle was used. Shortly after launch, at the specified time, the spacecraft entered the calculated orbit and began to perform its tasks. The mission received the internal project designation OTV-6 and the Space Force Index USSF-7. The spacecraft in orbit was designated USA-299.

Launch of the Atlas V rocket with a spaceplane on board, May 17, 2020

A few days after launch, no later than the end of May 2020, the X-37B dropped a payload in the form of a small FalconSat-8 / USA-300 satellite. In parallel, apparently, certain studies and experiments were carried out. However, as before, the bulk of information about scientific and practical work remained secret.

The sixth flight of the X-37B continued until November 12, 2022. At the estimated time, the device deorbited, entered the dense layers of the atmosphere along a ballistic trajectory, and then performed a level flight to the Space Center airfield and made a soft landing. The total flight duration was 908 days. 21 h and 8 min. At the moment, this is the longest mission under the X-37B project.

Since 2012, two experimental spaceplanes have made six flights. The total duration of the missions exceeded 3774 days. – more than 10 years and 4 months. The first prototype completed three flights and spent more than 1808 days in orbit. Despite the new record, in terms of flight time, it is still inferior to the second aircraft, which flew for more than 1966 days.

Scientific tasks

It is known that both X-37Bs are used to conduct various experiments in the interests of Pentagon research organizations. The research and experiments of the first five missions remained secret and have not yet been disclosed. The OTV-6 flight was an exception - the program participants revealed part of their plans for the first time.

Experienced X-37B launched for the first time in a modified configuration. In the tail section of the spaceplane, the so-called. service module - an additional flat-shaped case to accommodate one or another payload. Various instruments and devices were placed in this module and in the cargo compartment of the fuselage. In particular, the spaceplane took on board a small FalconSat-8 satellite.

X-37B after landing, November 12, 2022

It should be noted that the FalconSat-8 product was also launched in the interests of the Pentagon. It was developed by the Air Force Academy to conduct several experiments in space. On board a compact satellite weighing approx. 135 kg placed experimental systems of various types. How they were tested is not specified, but it can be expected that in the future these events will affect the emergence and development of some new technologies for the Air Force and space forces.

The Naval Research Laboratory placed its instruments on the X-37B. Her experimental complex included solar panels, a microwave generator and auxiliary devices. It was planned to study the possibility of generating electricity in orbit from the Sun with its subsequent transmission to Earth.

NASA conducted two experiments at once. Samples of promising materials and containers with seeds of various plants were installed on the spaceplane. It was planned to test how these samples will endure the flight of a long duration and the impact of various factors. After planting the X-37B, the materials and seeds were sent for analysis.

It is very likely that the Space and Air Force also conducted some secret experiments of one kind or another. In particular, various maneuvers of the spaceplane and a change of orbits were once again recorded. In addition, other studies of a military nature that could not be observed from Earth cannot be ruled out.

Unconfirmed features

Product X-37B is a reusable spacecraft with the ability to fly in the atmosphere. Outwardly, it looks like an aircraft with a large fuselage, swept low wing and V-tail. The total length of such a spaceplane is less than 9 m, the wingspan is 4,55 m. The maximum takeoff weight does not exceed 5 tons. There is a sustainer rocket engine and a set of low-power maneuvering ones. In orbit, power is supplied by solar panels and batteries.

In the central part of the airframe there is a cargo compartment with a length of more than 2 m and a diameter of approx. 1,2 x 1,2 m. In addition, a drop module can be attached to the tail of the device. In the inner compartment and the outer module, the spaceplane can carry various payload options, although with restrictions on dimensions and weight. The exact mass of the load is unknown; according to various estimates, it can reach 500-900 kg.

The X-37B is able to stay and operate in low Earth orbit for a long time. With the help of a standard propulsion system, it can perform maneuvers and change orbit. The ability to maneuver allows the spaceplane to work as a so-called. inspector satellite. It can rendezvous with selected spacecraft, observe them, or influence them in one way or another. During one flight, he can study several satellites in different orbits, return to previously examined ones, etc.

In addition, the X-37B can solve transport problems. In its cargo bay, it can launch various satellites into low orbits - which has already been demonstrated in practice. At the same time, he can take on board several devices and, maneuvering, deliver them sequentially to different orbits. It cannot be ruled out that the spaceplane can also solve the inverse problem, capturing and returning various objects to the ground.

The payload of the device can be various reconnaissance equipment. In this case, he is able to survey areas in different ranges, conduct electronic intelligence, etc. High flight duration and ability to maneuver will give obvious advantages in reconnaissance.

With ample opportunities to solve various tasks, the X-37B has obvious operational advantages. So, it is reusable, which reduces the cost of each mission. It is relatively simple in terms of flight preparation. It also simplifies the development and preparation of payloads to some extent. The spaceplane is compatible with various launch vehicles, and this has already been demonstrated in practice.

However, the X-37B still retains its experimental status and remains at the stage of trial operation. How long such work will continue, and how many flights will be completed before full adoption into service, is unknown. However, the current status does not prevent the two spaceplanes from going into orbit and performing various tasks, mostly secret ones.

Between flights

On November 12, one of the experimental X-37Bs completed its next flight, during which it conducted a new series of experiments and set another record for the duration of being in orbit. It is obvious that the program of experimental launches of spaceplanes will not end there. Over the next few months, the OTV-7 mission may start.

Apparently, the Pentagon and related structures will again not disclose all the details of the launch and subsequent flight. However, such information is of particular interest. It will determine what the US space force is working on now, and what opportunities they can get in the future.
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  1. -23
    27 November 2022 05: 17
    Someone leaked the USSR project "Buran" to am?
    1. -1
      27 November 2022 05: 24
      New record and scientific research. Completed the sixth flight of the X-37B spaceplane
      just think ... we will catch up and overtake!
      Moscow. Nov. 1. INTERFAX.RU - Representatives of space agencies of Russia and Zimbabwe signed a memorandum on cooperation in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes, Roscosmos reported.

      They specified that the memorandum was signed by a representative of the Russian state corporation and ZINGSA - the National Geospatial and Space Agency
      1. 10+
        27 November 2022 06: 31
        Good location for a spaceport.
      2. -5
        28 November 2022 04: 06
        Quote: Aerodrome
        just think ... we will catch up and overtake!

        It is enough just to revive the Bor program. Orbital winged planning ammunition with a capacity of 1-2 Mt. There should have been 15 of these in the Buran's cargo compartment. "Burans" with such an ammunition load were supposed to be on combat duty in orbit in the amount of at least 3 ships at the same time, changing each other on duty. In total, Buranov was built 10 pieces. - only working flight samples. And there was no other payload for Buranov, because disposable missiles for the purpose of launching the payload were cheaper and easier to implement.
        And the American "Shuttle" was also considered an exclusively military spaceplane, because its economic efficiency for other purposes was assessed as "insignificant".
        It was precisely for this reason that the Buran-Energiya program was closed, because there were no other tasks besides military ones.
        So the Americans got access after 1992 to our secrets and decided to implement it - exclusively for military purposes. Only combat duty in orbit of an unmanned rocket plane in nuclear combat equipment. This is the tool for the "First Decapitation Strike". From orbit. There is no other use for this device and cannot be.
    2. 19+
      27 November 2022 06: 38
      The space shuttle appeared earlier, but what does the snowstorm have to do with it?
      1. -15
        27 November 2022 07: 14
        "In 2002, the only Buran flying into space (product 1.01) was destroyed when the roof of the assembly and test building at Baikonur collapsed, in which it was stored along with ready-made copies of the Energia launch vehicle.

        After the disaster of the Columbia spacecraft, and in particular with the closure of the Space Shuttle program, the Western media have repeatedly expressed the opinion that the US space agency NASA is interested in the revival of the Energia-Buran complex and intends to place an appropriate order for Russia in the near future. time."

        And whether Buran was really destroyed or stupidly stolen, we are unlikely to find out in the near future.
        1. The comment was deleted.
      2. -7
        27 November 2022 16: 58
        The Space Shuttle was a manned spacecraft.
        And the storm gave America a ride. An unmanned shuttle goes into space the first time and then automatically lands on the runway, and all thanks to the on-board computer. Then the planes could not land even without pilots.

        And then the shuttle from space landed.
        That's what it meant we caught up and surpassed.
        + The blizzard was not manned, which means it could carry more payload.
        There were interesting times.
        1. +6
          27 November 2022 17: 18
          The Shuttle could land in autonomous mode in the same way, and the astronauts themselves insisted on the manned mode, and at the same time, the landing at the Shuttle went in automatic mode most of the time. And you talk like that about Buran's on-board computer, modestly silent about the simply colossal gigantic ground infrastructure throughout the USSR in order to ensure landing.

          And then the shuttle from space landed.
          That's what it meant we caught up and surpassed.
          + The blizzard was not manned, which means it could carry more payload.
          There were interesting times.

          The trouble is that they didn’t catch up, simply because the Space Shuttle was conceived to reduce the cost of launching cargo into space, for this it was designed with maximum reuse, in the case of Buran-Energy, the launch of cargo would be orders of magnitude more expensive, the second moment of the Shuttle had its own engines and could maneuver in orbit and carry out rescue, repair work, in particular the repair of the Hubble, this is simply a unique operation in space.
        2. 12+
          27 November 2022 19: 53
          Quote: Sergey Romanchenko
          Then the planes could not land even without pilots.

          If you only knew how tired this bike is.

          The first fully automatic landing of a passenger airliner using ILS (Instrument Landing System - instrument landing system) occurred in March 1964 at Bedford Airport, in the UK.
          By the early 70s, most international airports in the world already had an automatic landing system, and long-haul and medium-haul passenger airliners were equipped with automatic landing systems.
          By the time of Buran's first and last flight, automatic landings, even for passenger airliners, had been in use for more than 20 years.
          Of course, Buran is not such a controlled aircraft as some Boeing-747, but for automatic landing systems, these differences are not significant.
          However, since landing is the most complex and responsible procedure, it is recommended to do it manually, relying on the skill of the pilot, and use automatic landing only in extreme cases.
          Actually, this is all you need to know about the "grand achievement" in the form of an automatic landing of Buran.
        3. +3
          29 November 2022 10: 32
          The autopilot of an aircraft that can take off and land has been around since the 70s of the last century.
    3. +3
      27 November 2022 09: 23
      Quote from Vrotkompot
      Someone leaked the USSR project "Buran" to am?

      This is Spiral. Not a spaceship, but a space drone. For people, the SJO will not fit there. But the thing, whatever you say, is very good. Well done Soviet engineers, no words.
      1. +9
        27 November 2022 12: 02
        However, before Spiral, Space Shuttle and Buran were American rocket planes North American X-15 and Boeing X-20 Dyna-Solar. In fact, the "Spiral" was created as a response to the X-20 Dyna-Solar, some design solutions were similar to those of the Northrop HL-10 and Martin Marietta X-24.

        Boeing X-20 Dyna-Solar.
        1. 0
          27 November 2022 15: 56
          All right. but THIS is the Spiral. Nothing came out of those, and they are in a landfill. I think that toys like Spirals are the pinnacle of chemical astronautics. Nothing better can be done. She lays belly on the ballistic trajectory, because she cannot slow down otherwise - the fuel is all spent on the rise. And so it will always be with chemical rockets. It's all a complete dead end.
          1. +5
            27 November 2022 17: 08
            Quote: Mikhail3
            nothing happened, and they are in a landfill.
            "Spiral" actually too. Moreover, I already wrote to the person below, in fact, the "Spiral" was not launched into space, its small mock-ups were launched. The same BOR-4 (aka Cosmos-1374) was a 1:2 scale model, not a full-fledged working prototype, and, interestingly, it was launched not as part of the Spiral program, but as part of the creation of Buran ". And it was launched in June 1982, i.e. for example, more than a year after the first launch of the Space Shuttle (April 12, 1981).
            This is all to the fact that there is a myth about Soviet technologies allegedly stolen by the Americans, although in fact in both countries the direction developed in parallel. Moreover, in the USSR, it developed for the most part only with the aim of "catching up and overtaking" America.
            Quote: Mikhail3
            Spiral type toys are the pinnacle of chemical astronautics. Nothing better can be done.
            Debatable. First, it is not always necessary to return a payload from space. Secondly, even if needed, orbital planes have a large "parasitic mass", and therefore, from the ISS, for example, cargo is returned using more traditional spacecraft, in which the capsule is returned. Sometimes with people + cargo (Soyuz, Crew Dragon, CST-100 Starliner in the near future), sometimes pure cargo (Dragon and cargo version of Dragon 2). This requires almost no extra mass to be launched, since many of the elements are part of the emergency escape system or are needed for maneuvers in orbit.
            That is why the Space Shuttle and Buran launches were so expensive. It is because of the huge mass of the orbiter. Yes, the concept allows you to do a lot, a lot, but the price is appropriate. Although, for example, the Space Shuttle had everything reusable, except for the central cryogenic tank. "Buran", if you recalculate the launch price, taking into account the purchasing power of currencies, turned out to be much more expensive than the "Shuttle". The "Buran" itself is heavier than the "Shuttle", to launch it, an expensive and disposable super-heavy launch vehicle "Energia" was used with 4 side boosters, and not reusable solid-propellant ones, like in shuttles (and only 2 boosters were used there), but with expensive rocket engines on board.
            I'm not saying that the concept is dead (the concept of "Shuttle" and "Buran" is dead). But now it is in extremely limited "demand" compared to traditional spacecraft. The same X-37B is an experimental ship and a technology demonstrator, Dream Chaser seems to exist, but there is not much demand for it, so its developer company Sierra Nevada is in no hurry with its launches. There is also SpaceShipTwo, but this is a tourist suborbital ship.
            1. +5
              27 November 2022 19: 27
              Are you in the industry? I do not blame, especially since low-Earth orbits are very useful for people. But all this is NOT astronautics. That is, these pathetic jumpers are not flights into space. It's like calling a flight in the atmosphere throwing stones into this atmosphere) And you understand that, right?
              Yes, we can really fly to Mars. I don’t know if it’s possible to fly, but it’s really possible to fly. That's just it will not be the development of astronautics. It will be a mediocre destruction of irreplaceable resources for nonsense and stupidity. The existing mover is absolutely not cost-effective and has no resource for development. Everything that it can give is squeezed out of chemical fuel. Yes, you can squeeze out, calculate, lick a few more percent. But this is the limit. The monstrously, indescribably expensive jumps don't make sense.
              We need physics. real physics, not dances of thieves and swindlers around state budgets. It is necessary to resume the development of mankind, which at the moment has been completely interrupted.
              For me personally, these space UAVs cause only pity. It's all a road to nowhere...
    4. +6
      27 November 2022 12: 32
      Someone leaked the USSR project "Buran" to am?

      You have a short memory. In fact, someone leaked the "USSR" project. And, maybe, the project "Russia". At the same time.
  2. +3
    27 November 2022 05: 21
    It poses a danger to us, we must learn to neutralize it ...
    1. -8
      27 November 2022 07: 15
      It poses a danger to us, we must learn to neutralize it ...

      We need to restore the storm. And I guess now is the time.
      Some may just object that there is a war going on right now, just there is no time. But it is now that the storm needs to be restored. I believe that the Anglo-Saxons did not plunder all our secrets in the snowstorm in the dashing 90s, the groundwork remained .. So you need to use it.
      For your information:
      Work on the atomic bomb was also started during the war: GKO Decree No.
      1. AUL
        27 November 2022 08: 27
        Quote: The Truth
        Some may just object that there is a war going on right now, just there is no time. But it is now that the storm needs to be restored.

        There is time ... There is no money, and there is no industry to restore, alas, too.
        1. -3
          27 November 2022 17: 02
          There is no money, and no industry to restore, alas, too.

          -Libera .... hundred in the 90s destroyed everything that was possible. And this, unfortunately, is true.
          But when it comes to money, it's not that simple. There is money, and enough. For example, the Central Bank can lend to industry in a targeted manner against the security of our stolen assets.
          For your information:
          The USSR in the 20s-30s of the last century was under even tougher sanctions, but managed to build an industry that made it possible to win the Second World War. By the way, in the period from 30 to 40 years in the USSR, almost 1000 industrial enterprises were put into operation every year. And even then there was no money. Moreover, then there was no money in even greater quantities than there is now. And now, compared to the 30s, there is generally an abundance of money ...
          1. +4
            27 November 2022 19: 56
            For your information:
            The USSR in the 20s-30s of the last century was under even tougher sanctions, but managed to build an industry that made it possible to win the Second World War. By the way, in the period from 30 to 40 years in the USSR, almost 1000 industrial enterprises were put into operation every year.

            For reference, this is not at all true, the USSR was in the closest economic relations with the West, there has never been such an injection of Western technologies into the USSR. And somehow they do not rightly forget the gigantic role in the industrialization of Rykov, he did a lot to negotiate loans, supplies, etc.
            To understand the scale of Western participation in industrialization:

            Albert Kahn

            Work in the USSR
            In 1928 he was invited to the USSR to participate in industrialization. He came to Moscow with 25 engineers and within two years trained more than 4000 specialists, between 1929 and 1932 he designed and organized the construction of 521 objects[6][7][8][9] (according to other sources - 571 objects). These are, first of all, the Stalingrad, Chelyabinsk and Kharkov tractor plants; Moscow and Gorky Automobile Plants; blacksmith shops in Chelyabinsk, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, Kolomna, Lyubertsy, Magnitogorsk, Nizhny Tagil, Stalingrad; machine tool factories in Kaluga, Novosibirsk, Verkhnyaya Salda; rolling mill in Moscow; foundries in Chelyabinsk, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, Kolomna, Lyubertsy, Magnitogorsk, Sormovo, Stalingrad; mechanical shops in Chelyabinsk, Lyubertsy, Podolsk, Stalingrad, Sverdlovsk; steel shops and rolling mills in Kamenskoye[10], Kolomna, Kuznetsk, Magnitogorsk, Nizhny Tagil, Verkhny Tagil, Sormovo; bearing plant in Moscow, Volkhov aluminum plant; Ural asbestos factory and many others[11].

            1. -2
              28 November 2022 08: 29
              ... The USSR was in the closest economic relations with the West, there has never been such an injection of Western technologies into the USSR ....

              For your information:
              1. 1917 Entente = west - complete economic blockade of Russia;
              2. 1922 - complete economic blockade of the USSR
              3. 1925 golden blockade of the USSR
              4. July 1930 - US protectionism against raw material exports (export ban);
              5. 1931 - United States ban on the export of lumber (export ban
              6. 30.10.1930/XNUMX/XNUMX - France - licensing of goods from the USSR (export ban), Yugoslavia, Hungary, Belgium and Romania joined
              7. 1933 Britain - a ban on the export of grain, cotton, timber and petroleum products.
              8. 02.12.1939/XNUMX/XNUMX USA - "moral embargo" on raw materials and components.
              If the complete economic blockade of the USSR, taking into account the economic state of the USSR itself - easier??? the current blockade of Russia, then - I take my hat off to this approach to analysis ...
              I agreethat in the 30s the USSR bought entire factories in the west, which, in fact, made it possible to create an economic foundation, but this is not due to the friendly economic relations of the bourgeoisie to the USSR, but a consequence of the economic crisis of the late 20s and early 30s when the USSR managed to buy enterprises for next to nothing. I have no doubt that if there had been no crisis, the USSR would not have bought anything ..
              1. +4
                28 November 2022 10: 31
                you can see for yourself that your original statement was not true:

                The USSR in the 20s-30s of the last century was under even tougher sanctions, but managed to build an industry that

                The USSR has never been under sanctions like the current ones, by the middle of the 20s there were more than a hundred foreign concessions (according to other sources, more than 300), at the end of the 20s there were already contracts directly with Western firms.
                1. -3
                  28 November 2022 14: 09
                  If the complete economic blockade of the USSR, taking into account the economic state of the USSR itself - easier??? current sanctions of Russia, then - I take my hat off to this approach to analysis ...

                  Then you are always right and there is nothing more I can add ... Stay with your opinion.
          2. +1
            28 November 2022 22: 18
            Quote: The Truth
            The USSR in the 20s-30s of the last century was under even tougher sanctions, but managed to build an industry that made it possible to win the Second World War. By the way, in the period from 30 to 40 years in the USSR, almost 1000 industrial enterprises were put into operation every year. And even then there was no money.

            yeah, the Americans assembled the plant for no reason at home, then they dismantled it and transported it to the USSR. And they taught workers how to work at the factory for beautiful eyes. And of course, the Germans, because of solidarity, established technological lines in the USSR. Oh, and the Europeans simply gave away patents for engines because of tough sanctions.
          3. +1
            29 November 2022 10: 53
            And what kind of sanctions against the USSR were there at the beginning of the 20th century? And how did it happen that technologies and specialists from the USA came to the USSR?
      2. +6
        27 November 2022 10: 03
        We don't need Buran. And my opinion is that even then it was not needed, this is a nail in the coffin of the USSR. It was created out of fear, so that "no worse than theirs."
        "Buran" is a TRANSPORT SYSTEM !!! What and where will he carry? That's when we have built an orbital plant, at least in the form of a "technology demonstrator", then we will think about what we will build.
        The spaceplane carries extra weight into orbit in the form of thermal protection and aerodynamic surfaces, which also need to be protected, plus risks are added when leaving orbit (“Columbia”, I hope everyone remembers). When will the spaceplane be effective? Firstly, when we will need to transport large cargoes along the space-to-earth route. And secondly, when we need to return quite expensive equipment to the ground, that is, so that the equipment is much more expensive than the cost of launching "extra" wings and thermal protection into space.
        1. +5
          27 November 2022 17: 06
          We don't need "Buran"

          Yes, judging by the last 30 years, we don’t need space or the army ...
          1. 0
            29 November 2022 10: 57
            And steal then on what? Agree to steal on hundreds of tanks is more convenient than on one spaceplane.
        2. +1
          27 November 2022 22: 20
          "Buran" is a TRANSPORT SYSTEM !!!

          To be honest, this is a launch vehicle Energia is a transport system, and Buran is a load that Energia put into orbit. With all the outward resemblance of Buran to the Shuttle, the difference in design is fundamental - the Shuttle is the transport system with engines, relatively cheap fuel tanks are suspended from it, they are dropped, and expensive engines and the spacecraft itself are returned back.
          But Buran did not have engines (only for control), so it was a burden for a very expensive transport system.
      3. +3
        27 November 2022 17: 08
        Buran is like a solution to a programming olympiad problem, it is difficult and interesting, but there is no practical application. Buran was created as a response to the Space Shuttle, but with "Soviet denseness", not realizing that such a complex and expensive program had no military component and the goal of the Space Shuttle was to reduce the cost of putting cargo into orbit, due to "reusability" and if in the Space Shuttle only the “cheap” fuel tank was lost, then in Buran-Energy, only Buran itself remained “alive” after launch.
        1. -3
          27 November 2022 21: 01
          Yes, the "cheap" Space Shuttle, the Americans abandoned it precisely because of the high cost. Well, let's not forget the military use of the shuttle, too, there was a "dive" over Moscow. There is an apocryphal version of the creation of the Space Shuttle, and I believe it more :)
          1. +2
            28 November 2022 00: 35
            Ne_fighter (Roman) Yesterday, 21:01 New

            Yes, the "cheap" Space Shuttle, the Americans abandoned it precisely because of the high cost.

            Everything is so, there was no full-fledged market for him, NASA counted on a different density of launches, but he completed his 130-odd missions.
            Well, let's not forget the military use of the shuttle, too, there was a "dive" over Moscow.

            Let's not forget that this is a myth about diving. But the funny thing is that in the USSR, serious scientists, world-famous mathematicians took part in the analysis of the Space Shuttle program, and even they considered that this was a purely military program.
            1. 0
              28 November 2022 10: 02
              Everything is so, there was no full-fledged market for it, NASA was counting on a different launch density

              This is putting it mildly, "a different density of launches." If we take the ideal, then the traffic is 1500 tons per year per orbit. If we take real numbers, then 2000+. In fact, at that time the traffic was 150-200 tons per year, that is, a TEN-FOLD increase was needed for the shuttle!!! Well, we understandably got scared, because they took the Space Shuttle program for a visible piece of secret military astronautics, which is 10 times more than what was known at that time.
              Like "they will soon collect the death star, but we missed it !!!!"
              And if you also remember the Bondiade, where in one of the series he had to fight in space ....
            2. The comment was deleted.
        2. 0
          10 January 2023 10: 19
          the purpose of the Space Shuttle was to reduce the cost of putting cargo into orbit,

          In this case, it is cheaper to launch a payload (satellite) on a rocket than to put the load in a shuttle and then put the shuttle into orbit along with the load. Considering that a kilogram put into orbit is very expensive, and why spend money on launching a shuttle blank? Therefore, the states refused to remove blanks
    2. 0
      29 November 2022 10: 52
      Well, then just call Rogozin and ask the icon to be launched into orbit to neutralize it. I don't see any other options.
  3. -10
    27 November 2022 05: 31
    In fact, this is a variant of our Spiral! They stole the idea and remade it for themselves belay
    1. 14+
      27 November 2022 06: 39
      The spiral was the answer to the dyna soar program. Have you worked on projects like this before?
      1. -8
        27 November 2022 07: 09
        This dyna soar program did not advance further than the production of mass-dimensional layouts and was just an unrealized idea. At the same time, having launched almost simultaneously, Spiral reached the stage of practical test launches.
        1. +3
          27 November 2022 13: 08
          Quote from: navycat777
          The spiral has reached the stage of practical test launches.
          Only now, actually layouts were also launched. The same BOR-4 (aka Cosmos-1374) was a 1:2 scale model, and not a full-fledged working prototype, and, interestingly, it was launched not as part of the Spiral program, but as part of the creation of Buran ". And it was launched in June 1982, i.e. for example, more than a year after the first launch of the Space Shuttle (April 12, 1981).
  4. +2
    27 November 2022 05: 44
    The direction of unmanned shuttles is very interesting and promising in many directions, including defense ones.
    And it's a pity we don't have anything like that.
    NPO "Lightning" is generally unclear in what situation. It seems to have been saved from the final defeat by the Kalashnikov concern. Now it has been transferred to KTRV - so, at least, it was stated.
    And what is being done there now, and whether anything is being done, is unknown.
    1. KCA
      27 November 2022 06: 19
      Most likely, KTRV is developing a new / old payload for the MIG-31 to combat the Kh-37V and the like
    2. 0
      10 January 2023 10: 34
      The direction of unmanned shuttles is very interesting

      These are toys for the superpowers. First, you need to replace the old AN 2, then 300 pieces of SU-57 pieces of 1K armat, and then you can launch the shuttles.
  5. The comment was deleted.
    1. -9
      27 November 2022 09: 37
      The Americans did not work on other similar projects before, and even more so, there was not a single successful project that came down to hardware. The only project that went on a long series of flight tests was the Soviet spaceplane - Spiral.
      1. +5
        27 November 2022 11: 30
        Quote from: navycat777
        The only project that went on a long series of flight tests was the Soviet spaceplane - Spiral.

        And I won’t upset you very much if I say that the “Soviet spaceplane Spiral” not only never went into space or even just in the air, but even never built? In the way you intended?
        You can, of course, call the mock-up the proud name of "unmanned rocket-propelled rocket plane" or "EPOS", but this does not stop it from being a mock-up. All BORs were only in three times reduced copies designed product, and the MiG-105.11 was just subsonic analogue of the designed OS. Nothing more to brag about.
        And what "Spiral" to have in mind? The one they wanted to launch with the GSR? Which was not even in the project? Or "Spiral", which is already being designed for "Buran"? So neither one nor the other was brought to mind. For the Minister of Defense Grechko, instead of signing the Spiral project on July 30, 1970 at the General Staff, had the common sense to impose his own resolution on this wonderful project - "we will not engage in fantasies." After the loss of the only customer in the face of MO "Spiral" was covered with a copper basin. What was there"long series flight tests Soviet spaceplane "Spiral""Probably only you know.
        But just among the Americans, the evolution of space planes can be traced absolutely clearly. Starting with the contract on October 24, 1957, received by Boeing for the development of the X-20 Dyna-Soar combat spaceplane (the answer to which was the notorious "Spiral", work on which Lozino-Lozinsky began in fact only in the summer of 1966 at the Design Bureau of OKB- 155 AI Mikoyan So who stole the idea from whom is a rhetorical question) and ending with today's X-37B and Dream Chaser.
  6. -2
    27 November 2022 08: 14
    This shuttle can carry a charge in potential and deliver it to the target much faster than the Minutemen. A very dangerous thing for us. Our missile divisions (mine) near Krasnoyarsk, Barnaul, Irkutsk, etc. are in a zone of special risk.
    1. +2
      27 November 2022 09: 36
      If he is on duty in orbit, then certainly. The combination of X-37B and Falcon 9 is extremely dangerous. They can militarize space very cheaply and very quickly.
      1. +2
        27 November 2022 12: 14
        I think they are working out the technologies to the fullest at 37. But somewhere at that time in the Nevada desert, Boeing is probably riveting something more interesting with the stamp "absolutely secret" hi
      2. 0
        29 November 2022 11: 02
        They don't need it, dear. And there is no enemy who deserves such a weapon.
    2. +1
      28 November 2022 00: 50
      This is possible only if it flies in orbit with a charge, but there is no point in this, the reputational costs (putting a nuclear bomb into orbit) are huge, and the srach will begin in the United States itself, plus the question is how efficient it is in terms of orbit and fuel and how much such “orbital bombers” are needed, and the balance generally changes little, a retaliatory strike will occur in any case.
  7. +6
    27 November 2022 12: 00
    We already have no one to develop this - the level of mass intelligence has fallen.
  8. The comment was deleted.
  9. -4
    27 November 2022 13: 06
    Why is the Pentagon paying so much money to hang around in orbit for years? What is he really doing there?
    1. +3
      27 November 2022 13: 47
      Why is the Pentagon paying so much money to hang out in orbit for years?

      1) It can change orbit and take secret satellites out of its cargo hold, which will be extremely difficult to track
      2) Experiments are being worked out on it, which require long stays in orbit. Since this cannot be done on the ISS and there is no station of its own, this spaceplane fits perfectly, father-in-law what you want and no one will know.
      3) On it you can test advanced surveillance equipment, which can then be easily returned to the ground and tested, it won’t work with a satellite
      Best regards hi
      1. 0
        21 December 2022 11: 20
        I willingly believe, but I’m already interested in the specifics, for what kind of experiments did the Pentagon pay for the creation of such a wunderwaffe and kept it in orbit for two years? The "experiment" went on for 2,5 years. Item 1 is clearly missing. For tests according to claim 3, so much time is also not needed. And now, at points 1 and 3, a bolt was successfully hammered in, because for 2,5 years the toy is busy with something else that they don’t want to shine on the ISS. How?
  10. 197
    27 November 2022 18: 03
    Normal such a "trampoline", hmm. Next checkmate, not from a game of chess.
  11. -6
    27 November 2022 20: 10
    X-37, as a piece product, has no practical significance. Yes, technologies are being worked out, so are we. As soon as dozens of such products begin to be launched, then - an alarm. A single launch of nuclear weapons from this pepelats is a declaration of nuclear war to us, with all the consequences. The Space Forces monitor these two kerosene stoves every second, so even a terrorist strike from orbit - this is not 5 seconds, but several tens of minutes, will not go unpunished.
    1. -1
      29 November 2022 08: 47
      They exist for a long time and not alone, but expensive, but they hang for a long time and produce and deliver something, and this justifies the cost of the program, otherwise the program would have been closed. Viruses as the simplest variant of activity.
  12. +3
    27 November 2022 22: 18
    In any case, no matter how you discuss it, Omerika has these mini-shuttles.
    But Russia, thanks to Rogozin and the Company from above, does not and will not have it in the near future.

    And what will happen? Yes, as before. Tales of nuclear tugs, reusable ships, the lunar program and satellites for pocket communications are somewhere out there, in a bright bureaucratic future.
  13. -3
    28 November 2022 23: 48
    Newspaper Komsomolskaya. True, in the year 1991, at the end, they yelled the following .. in Moscow, 40% of the area of ​​​​the graphite platform was sold to the Americans and a working spaceplane with a wingspan of 5 meters was found on it ... and a photo of a newspaper correspondent cited, a secret model, a robotic the campaign was allowed into the abandoned and unnecessary rf of the new government ... it looks like ... since the merikosses cannot build a second one, because there is no technology, most likely it is a purchased (stubborn) spaceplane from a graphite platform ... to steal the current merikosses .... a lot Merikos were stolen in the ruins at that time .. the main security officer then said that we couldn’t master this even in twenty years ... judging by a single copy of the aerospace, for 44 too
    1. 0
      29 November 2022 11: 08
      If you read your comment, it becomes clear why there is such a program in the USA, but there is no such program in the Russian Federation. All the scientists have gone there! The US does not steal technology, it gathers scientists from all over the world and gives them the opportunity to work. You can consider that they "steal" brains, if it's easier for you to sleep.
  14. 0
    29 November 2022 08: 43
    Surely viruses also work out in apparatuses.
  15. The comment was deleted.
  16. 0
    10 January 2023 15: 17
    For an accurate assessment of the vibration load during a certain time interval, it is also necessary to take into account the time when the engine is turned off or, although it is turned on, but not at maximum power. This will reduce the vibration stress on structural members per full useful working time. Safety precautions to protect pilots from vibration exposure should be carefully considered. Then it will be possible to talk about the quality of the above product. The work of pilots with this product will be more fruitful if the control handles are individual.
  17. -1
    18 January 2023 22: 46
    Service staff, seriously dressed
  18. 0
    28 January 2023 16: 42
    At a late stage, Lozino-Lozinsky had "Lightning". Less Buran, more Spiral. The best option. But, the damned 90s, and in 2001 the Genius died. A little stuck together in time and space. Lightning would be very handy, both military and civilian.
  19. 0
    15 February 2023 15: 07
    Well, ban me here too!!! What wonderful people are arguing without knowing what. Calm down .. green tea will help you. The shuttles did not pay for themselves (that's why they covered them.)
    as much as they could and covered quietly .... in the USSR there was nothing to carry on Burany. Well, the USSR was also covered. My surname is Nagavkin. Just in case.
  20. 0
    10 October 2023 12: 32
    Quote: Aerodrome
    just think ... we will catch up and overtake!

    Despite the theme of supposedly final failure and futility brought into the minds of the average person by the media due to the economic inefficiency of the further use of reusable spacecraft (the Buran + Energia projects in the USSR and the Space Shuttle in the USA), work is proceeding quietly (and quite successfully) both in the USA and in China.
    On the US side there is success with the Boeing X-37 (also known as the X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle (OTV)), which from 2010 to 2022 carried out at least 6 successful flights (the last one was 2.5 years), and on the Chinese side CSSHQI - " “dark horse”, on which, most likely, like the American one, the issue of deploying space-based nuclear weapons is being worked out, rather than reconnaissance equipment or civilian research scientific programs, for which conventional satellites and the ISS are quite sufficient.
    And only space Russia, alas, degraded and rolled back in space to the level of the 60s of the last century, again becoming a rogue country behind the Iron Curtain, only now this curtain has been raised from the outside.