Project Anxiety: Disrupt Starlink Satellites Without Destroying Them

Project Anxiety: Disrupt Starlink Satellites Without Destroying Them
Eye candy - Starlink satellites burn up in the atmosphere. There they all and the road ...

The creation by our opponents of huge networks of low-orbit satellites is one of the most serious threats to the national security of the Russian Federation (RF). At the moment, not everyone realizes the scale of the problem, although SpaceX satellites are working right now for our enemies - Ukrainian neo-Nazis. Thanks to Starlink communications satellites, the enemy can quickly and effectively coordinate their actions without fear that information will fall into the hands of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (RF Armed Forces).

Elon Musk is actively developing his system - satellites are already being launched into orbit that can work directly with cell phones (of course, not all in a row, but only with those that will support this technology). The first models of cell phones with support for satellite communications of other operators have already appeared, but so far the regions of their operation are limited. Already in the next 2023, this technology may become one of the most iconic and to some extent “destroy the borders”.

Do not forget that communications satellites are just the tip of the iceberg. Next, reconnaissance satellites are actively developing, providing surface control in the visible, thermal and radar wavelength ranges. There will be more and more of them, until there are no unseen places on the planet left. The apotheosis of their development will be the control of not only the surface, but also the depths of the sea, as well as the detection of objects in the air directly from the Earth's orbit.

Military and commercial satellites of Western countries are one of the most serious threats to the national security of our country.

The effective actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) are primarily based not even on Starlink communications satellites, but on space intelligence data provided by Western countries. With a high probability, not only military spacecraft (SC), but also civil Earth remote sensing satellites are used.

It is extremely difficult to destroy huge networks of low-orbit satellites - neither "buckets of nuts" nor even nuclear weapons will help. weapon. And to destroy low-orbit satellites with anti-satellite missiles is simply unrealistic, more precisely, it can be done, but the cost of the destroyed satellite will most often be less than the cost of the missile that will destroy it. The enemy will simply bring out new satellites in "packs" to replace the destroyed ones.

Earlier in the article "Reaper" will clean up the orbit: you can shoot down Starlink satellites faster than Elon Musk can launch them we looked at the concept of an orbital interceptor designed to ensure the consistent and cost-effective destruction of low-orbit satellites. However, even if such an interceptor were created right now, would the leadership of the RF Armed Forces decide to use it? Far from a fact.

Conceptual image of the orbital interceptor "Reaper"

But they are already working against us now, so is it possible to do something about it?

The Problem of Uncertainty

The uncertainty problem is that every time we put something into orbit, the enemy cannot know exactly what it is and what it is intended for. Of course, over time, he can guess the type and purpose of the spacecraft launched into orbit by its trajectory, radar signature, emitted signals, and so on, but this will not be immediately, and with a certain, far from XNUMX% probability.

In the above material about the Reaper orbital interceptor, we talked about the fact that even the very fact of the passage of an orbital interceptor or its prototype will already cause a negative reaction from the enemy - statements from SpaceX executives will follow, the US leadership will “express concern”, investors will think, write in specialized forums, users who, by coincidence, "slowed down" their favorite computer game.

The stock market does not tolerate bad News – investors can easily take multi-billion dollar losses just from the suspicion that the system can easily be destroyed. And investors do not like to risk investments and invest in an unstable business.

So, maybe it's worth a little "add fuel to the fire"? This will be done by the "Worry" project, which includes two types of spacecraft under the code names "Observer" and "Pest".

Spacecraft "Observer"

You can try to wean private companies from carrying out hostile actions against Russia and sponsoring terrorist states with free satellite communications and images of the earth's surface. For this, a specialized spacecraft can be developed, which will include (in the first approximation) a propulsion system, fuel supply, solar panels, photographic recording facilities, communications equipment and a control system for all this equipment.

The “Observer” spacecraft, launched into orbit by the launch vehicle, synchronizes its flight trajectory with the orbits of enemy satellites, for example, Starlink communication satellites, and starts “photohunting”. Of course, detailed images of satellites should be published in the media.

Of course, the same Elon Musk will try to put a good face on a bad game - they say "thank you for the free inspection of the technical condition of our satellites", but after all, everyone will understand what kind of “inspection” is and that the prefix “photo” from the word “photo hunting” can easily be discarded.

It is possible that Starlink satellites can try to avoid the “photoshoot” by adjusting their orbit, but the Observer spacecraft will potentially be able to do this for much longer, since it will not carry complex communication systems, and it should surpass Starlink satellites in terms of mass and size. And, left without fuel, Starlink satellites will gradually begin to de-orbit, as a result of which their estimated service life may be reduced several times.

If the “photo hunting” does not make the proper impression on the enemy, then it is necessary to move on to more intelligible forms of influence.

SC "Pest"

If the “Observer” spacecraft is more likely to inflict psychological damage on the enemy - no one forces them to jump in orbits, then the task of the “Vest” spacecraft is to inflict real damage on the enemy’s satellites, but this damage should be unsteady, vague, indirect.

In other words, we do not shoot down enemy satellites, but we disrupt their functionality, while we do not exclude the possibility of their complete failure.

How can this be done?

First of all, ammunition that creates a powerful electromagnetic pulse comes to mind - the so-called EMP ammunition. However, the author has no information about the presence of such ammunition in the RF Armed Forces and the experience of their use. However, this does not unequivocally mean that the RF Armed Forces do not have EMP munitions and that they cannot be deployed on the "Observer" spacecraft.

Another factor works against the use of EMP ammunition - an electromagnetic pulse during the detonation of an EMP ammunition will most likely be detected by enemy electronic intelligence satellites, and possibly by ground stations. The failure of the satellites in combination with tracking the trajectory of the Vreditel spacecraft will allow the enemy to draw an unambiguous conclusion and present evidence, albeit indirect, of the involvement of the Russian Federation in this, and in this case the whole meaning of “wrecking” is lost - it’s easier to shoot them down right away.

Presumably, the option of ejecting a special munition containing carbon dust and carbon filaments, metal powders, metallized fiberglass filaments or other fibers towards an enemy satellite can be considered - the final composition should be determined at the development stage.

Just as the Reaper will attack enemy satellites with guided / unguided munitions or shrapnel beams, the Pest will envelop them in a cloud of carbon dust and fibers, or other conductive material that can disrupt the normal operation of the enemy satellite equipment and, over time, possibly disable it completely

How will this ammunition affect the enemy satellite?

The greatest threat to the RF Armed Forces is posed by communications satellites that allow the enemy to control the armed forces in real time, radar reconnaissance satellites that can “see” through fog, smoke and clouds, as well as electronic reconnaissance satellites that detect operating radar stations (RLS) and means of radio communication.

When meeting with an enemy satellite, the ejected particles and fibers will presumably be attracted and form unevenly distributed conductive layers on its surface. As a result, the signals emitted and received by the enemy satellite may be distorted, pickups on the body, secondary electromagnetic fields, local heating of the body surfaces and other negative phenomena that disrupt the normal functioning of the satellite equipment may occur.

For example, Starlink communication satellites have powerful active phased antenna arrays (AFAR), what will happen to them when conductive elements hit the antenna sheet, the big question is ...

It is far from a fact that the enemy satellite will fail, in some cases the effect will be hardly noticeable at all - it depends on how accurately it gets into a cloud of conductive dust and fibers, how they are distributed over its surface. But it is precisely the instability of the impact that is the goal of the "Pest".

On the other hand, one cannot exclude the complete failure of enemy satellites - modern Western satellites are leaky, who knows where, in what part of the equipment, the conductive components of the shot will fall?


So what are these promising spacecraft "Observer" and spacecraft "Pest"?

In fact, these are prototypes of the promising Reaper orbital interceptor, which in parallel can themselves serve to harm the enemy.

The spacecraft "Observer" can be created, presumably, in a relatively short time, it can be used to work out the synchronization of the orbits of the spacecraft and enemy satellites, targeting them and conditional defeat from the "photo gun". In addition to receiving telemetry data and testing equipment, the enemy will be dealt a severe psychological blow.

The Vreditel spacecraft is the next iteration, it is designed both to confirm the results achieved by the Observer spacecraft and to gain experience in practical firing at the enemy. If the “photo hunt” does not frighten the enemy, then the unsystematic failure and deterioration in the characteristics of satellites will definitely make him think, while directly accusing Russia of using anti-satellite weapons will not work.

It can be assumed that from a certain point on, providing the UAF with satellite intelligence and communications data will become too expensive and nerve-wracking even for the United States. And if not, then sooner or later the Reapers will appear on the arena.
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  1. +7
    27 October 2022 05: 04
    Does it seem that there is an agreement not to put "lethal" weapons into orbit?
    1. +6
      27 October 2022 05: 19
      Is it possible to burn optics with "Peresvet" from the ground?
      1. 10+
        27 October 2022 06: 12
        Does Peresvet really exist or is it misinformation for Nata?
        1. +5
          27 October 2022 06: 21
          Quote: stels_07
          really exists?
          I even saw his picture!
          1. +2
            27 October 2022 07: 58
            At the moment, not everyone realizes the scale of the problem, although SpaceX satellites are working for our enemies right now.

            1. We are fully aware.
            2. We are at a lower stage of technological development and we do not yet have the technical ability to do anything significant against.
            1. -1
              27 October 2022 08: 29
              Quote: Civil
              We are at a lower stage of technological development

              And that's why no one in the world can repeat: "Sarmat", "Dagger", "Zircon" and "Vanguard"? laughing

              Quote: Civil
              We don't have the technical ability to do anything yet.

              There are technical possibilities. There are no orders.
              1. 12+
                27 October 2022 09: 54
                Quote: Boris55
                There are technical possibilities

                If by technical capabilities we understand the author’s verbal flow exclusively in the future for some reason: “can be developed, will include, potentially be able to do, a variant can be considered, will envelop, presumably will be attracted, can be created, presumably will be applied blow, one might assume," etc.
                Everything is in the best traditions of the best science fiction writers in the world.
                But you can still put a plus for the author. Here for this: "However, the author has no information about the presence of such ammunition in the RF Armed Forces and the experience of their use." And thanks for that.
                1. +1
                  31 October 2022 16: 41
                  skeptikk2 (Anatoly) If by technical capabilities we understand the author's verbal flow exclusively in the future for some reason: ... Everything is in the best traditions of the best science fiction writers in the world.
                  You can also deploy in front of enemy optical reconnaissance satellites an image of the area drawn on a crumpled kitchen transparent film, in front of radar satellites - a crumpled perforated foil with an "irregular" terrain, and in front of radio reconnaissance satellites - a detector radio receiver on "noisy" (defective) semiconductors ... All the components are not heavy and there are a lot of them in landfills. wink
              2. +3
                28 October 2022 22: 29
                And that's why no one in the world can repeat: "Sarmat", "Dagger", "Zircon" and "Vanguard"?

                Surely no one can? The question is, is it now more necessary to have the Dagger or its own thermal imagers, satellite communications, secure communications, various UAVs, satellite reconnaissance, etc.? What's the point that we have a Dagger, if in Ukraine we are forced to defend ourselves, despite the fact that Ukraine has especially modern weapons “the cat cried”.
                This is a gigantic technological lag, we use Western theologies from hardware to software to communicate in VO. It's just time to stop humming and recognize the colossal problems of technological backwardness.
              3. The comment was deleted.
            2. +8
              27 October 2022 08: 36
              Quote: Civil
              We are at a lower stage of technological development and we do not yet have the technical ability to do anything significant against it.

              And in general, we slurp with bast shoes .... galoshes of cabbage soup
              1. 11+
                27 October 2022 18: 02
                Quote: svp67
                slurp cabbage soup

                What else does it have to do with Soviet production ...
                1. +3
                  27 October 2022 23: 55
                  And the project of galoshes was stolen from amers laughing
                  1. +1
                    28 October 2022 18: 32
                    Quote: stankow
                    And the project of galoshes was stolen from amers

                    They stole the project of Nike sneakers, but when adapting the production, they got galoshes)))
            3. -1
              28 October 2022 11: 52
              We are at a lower stage of technological development and we do not yet have the technical ability to do anything significant against it.

              With horseradish?
              1. WE cannot deploy such a network? - Can.
              2. Can THEY destroy such a network? - Can not
              1. 0
                28 October 2022 12: 11
                Quote: bk316
                We are at a lower stage of technological development and we do not yet have the technical ability to do anything significant against it.

                With horseradish?
                1. WE cannot deploy such a network? - Can.
                2. Can THEY destroy such a network? - Can not

                The USSR could on all counts. Your optimizers are not. Weakness because. Here, not so long ago, one of your Journalists did not promise anything ... now he is sitting without work laughing
                1. -4
                  28 October 2022 14: 59
                  Weakness because.

                  Blah blah blah. Maybe you know at least one general designer from the space industry? Maybe even seen from afar laughing
                  1. 0
                    30 October 2022 20: 35
                    bk316 (Vladimir). October 28, 2022 14:59. NEW - "...

                    Weakness because.

                    Blah blah blah. Maybe you know at least one general designer from the space industry? Maybe even seen from afar

                    The person who wrote this probably doesn't know. that there is a "search engine" on the Internet and there is the simplest reference for ignoramuses "Wikipedia" ... belay

                    You. impressed with their knowledge. For you. but only to ANYONE - lol
                    "...IS (Sputnik Destroyer) is a series of Soviet interceptor satellites. The idea of ​​the complex was proposed by V. N. Chelomey. The complex was put into service in 1978 and was on alert until 1993. The IS was launched into orbit by the Cyclone-2 launch vehicle, ensured interception of the target already on the second or subsequent orbits, and hit the enemy spacecraft (SC) with a directed explosion with a stream of damaging elements [1]...."-
                    I hope your eyesight will allow you to check this - about the distance - it's up to you feel . And then count as pressure on your knowledge hi .
                    1. -1
                      31 October 2022 16: 54
                      The idea of ​​the complex was proposed by V. N. Chelomey.

                      Want a photo of me, my father and Chelomey in a non-working environment.
                      You don't know anything about the Barrel. And I sincerely feel sorry for generation X, which draws knowledge about the world from VIC.
          2. +1
            27 October 2022 11: 42
            Quote: Uncle Lee
            Quote: stels_07
            really exists?
            I even saw his picture!

            For 100% confirmation, you need to write- I even saw his picture, I swear by my mother! And then the question immediately arises - what kind of photo, where, from what sources, and in what quality, what size, from what distance and angle was it taken, that in addition to the KamAZ inscription on the cab, you can also see, and against the background of trees you can see what is standing under the masknet? Yes, to be honest, I saw the first flight of the Su-57 from the hospital window. The truth is that it was his first flight, we learned only on TV, and so ... Well, the plane flies at a distance of 1500-2000 meters, albeit with the landing gear extended, since the farthest one has just gone in to land at the Dzemgi airfield .., and so without optics you can’t make out what kind of device it was.
          3. The comment was deleted.
            1. 0
              27 October 2022 23: 58
              What do you have to do with it, you need to install "friend or foe" equipment in the bucket! laughing
            2. -1
              28 October 2022 15: 01
              50 dislikes per comment. Go for the premium in tsipso. laughing
          4. +1
            28 October 2022 09: 28
            And I, and not only me, watched Star Wars on TV.
        2. +1
          27 October 2022 08: 24
          Quote: stels_07
          Does Peresvet really exist or is it misinformation for Nata?

          Yes, no ... "optical illusion"
          Like Terra, which launched a part of the Challenger shuttle equipment in orbit a long time ago

          As a combat mobile laser complex "Omega-2" 74T6.
        3. 0
          13 January 2023 00: 36
          And Peresvet exists, and there are satellites for specific reconnaissance, only recently two new ones were put into orbit. And there are satellites like in the Starlin group. Quantitative build-up and deployment has now begun.
          It just takes time.
          In addition, Starlink direction-finding terminals were created for subsequent destruction. The sample has already been adopted for service and is located in the combat zone, the accuracy is + - 30 meters, but for artillery it is sufficient. Electronic warfare equipment is also effective. Whoever says anything, but the communication lines in the areas of application jam reliably, including the frequencies from Musk's satellites, almost all the prisoners complain about the lack of any connection with their own. They just aren't enough yet. Once again, it's a matter of time.
      2. -3
        27 October 2022 06: 35
        the vast majority of satellites will be enough to damage the solar panels, and not from the ground, but better from an airplane at high altitude
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        2. -1
          28 October 2022 18: 12
          A meteorological balloon is out of reach for stingers, but you can still lift a mixture of a microwave and a converging lens on it. It's worth it - not to say that it's expensive, but you need to shoot down with an expensive missile or raise the plane to intercept. And it does not emit heat until it is turned on.
      3. The comment was deleted.
      4. +5
        27 October 2022 09: 47
        Quote from Uncle Lee
        Is it possible to burn optics with Peresvet from the ground?

        No, not that! It's not that. Guys! Let's develop "beam" weapons (proton, neutron ...)! I put it halfway from "I don't want to" ... disabled the AFARs ... and let the satellites themselves fly! And ... "I am not me, and the horse is not mine!"... stop
        1. +3
          28 October 2022 17: 42
          Then it is urgent to finalize all the accelerators with a system for firing at targets in orbit. Heavy nuclei will be accelerated to energies up to 4,5 GeV / nucleon, protons - up to an energy of 12,6 GeV (in the new NICA accelerator), so no satellite will find it small ...
      5. +1
        27 October 2022 14: 31
        tens of kilometers of atmosphere act like a magnifying glass and spray a laser beam.
        Quote: Uncle Lee
        Is it possible to burn optics with "Peresvet" from the ground?
        1. 0
          13 January 2023 00: 51
          It is possible, the system works there according to the two-channel principle. For better passage of the laser beam through the atmosphere, a channel is simultaneously created using other radiation, which this passage sharply improves in the atmosphere somewhere up to 60 km in height to save the power of the laser beam. This is still a Soviet development.
          But Peresvet is used only for protection and concealment, if necessary, installations with nuclear weapons when advancing or covering very necessary nuclear facilities. This is for now.
      6. +2
        27 October 2022 21: 38
        How do you imagine this through the atmospheric layers. And do not forget how fast these objects move in space.
    2. +4
      27 October 2022 07: 06
      Quote: Guran33 Sergey
      Does it seem that there is an agreement not to put "lethal" weapons into orbit?

      Does not exist, only WMD is prohibited; everything else can be displayed. Do you want lasers, at least relguns, at least rockets, whatever you want except for weapons of mass destruction
    3. 0
      27 October 2022 08: 18
      Quote: Guran33 Sergey
      Does it seem that there is an agreement not to put "lethal" weapons into orbit?

      There is another option for disrupting the operation of such satellite systems.
      , the USA in 1958, the USSR in 1973 and the USSR, together with France in 1985, conducted experiments to create artificial auroras.

      Source: ©
      1. +1
        30 October 2022 10: 25
        It appears that the aurora was due to a disturbance in the Earth's magnetic field. In fact, few people think that the Earth may turn out to be an artificially terraformed body, a machine. And what can break it.
        1. 0
          31 October 2022 09: 30
          Insanity was strong ...
          An anecdote immediately comes to mind - when a prisoner in a solitary cell was given two steel balls. He immediately lost one, and broke the other ... 8-)))
          1. 0
            7 November 2022 13: 50
            Dodo, These words should have been spoken. We have no idea about many things. And to arrange a big boom - do not feed bread. And then it will be like on Mars, without a magnetic field and atmosphere.
    4. +6
      27 October 2022 08: 45
      Quote: Guran33 Sergey
      Does it seem that there is an agreement not to put "lethal" weapons into orbit?

      Now international laws and treaties are no longer valid, the law is working - "the one who has more rights is right." So we can soon expect lethal weapons in space, and everyone knows who will be the first to bring them out. Although no one canceled the act of "good will".
    5. +3
      27 October 2022 09: 36
      Only nuclear, if my memory serves me right
      Quote: Guran33 Sergey
      Does it seem that there is an agreement not to put "lethal" weapons into orbit?
    6. +1
      27 October 2022 14: 03
      I believe that the only agreement that has been ratified concerns the prohibition of weapons of mass destruction. Other weapons may be allowed.
    7. 0
      31 October 2022 09: 28
      And what is "lethal" - is it that which flies?
  2. 10+
    27 October 2022 05: 16
    Over your territory, Starlinks can be jammed, and, if necessary, disabled, the point is in the power supplied, and even more in determination.
  3. -1
    27 October 2022 05: 42
    Why is a bucket of nuts and bolts inefficient? If a collision with a cloud of nuts begins in a counter or cross orbit, then this will be a chain reaction of the decay of satellites. There will not be enough fuel to dodge, they will turn into a pile of debris one by one.
    1. -9
      27 October 2022 05: 44
      But it is better not to pour out the nuts, but to shoot at one electromagnetic gun in different directions, then it will be impossible to detect who is doing it.
    2. +1
      27 October 2022 07: 07
      Quote: Arslan17
      Why is a bucket of nuts and bolts inefficient? If a collision with a cloud of nuts begins in a counter or cross orbit, then this will be a chain reaction of the decay of satellites. There will not be enough fuel to dodge, they will turn into a pile of debris one by one.

      Starlinks have ion engines from which they have enough fuel to fry them for five years, while an automated evasion system solves control issues
      1. 0
        13 January 2023 01: 10
        No, they lack ion engines. Some of the satellites, and they were recently launched, have already been lost and have left orbit. Yes, and these are simple satellites. There are just a lot of them deployed. And if ours over in areas above the zone of warfare can neutralize them (jamming them for a short time), then in an operational depth of 100-150 km this becomes problematic. Or you need to build a strip of electronic warfare installations along the entire front line. This is still quite expensive and takes time. All the same, the simplest thing is to identify working terminals and destroy them with rockets and artillery. The detection installation is already being tested at the front and seems to be quite successful .. In addition, the craftsmen have learned to determine the operation of the terminals using smartphones. To do this, you need several smartphones with a separation between them of up to 2-3 km. The software is already there for synchronization, and data transfer to the central station or a military computer has also been worked out. .The accuracy is not very high, but it determines exactly what the terminal works there. So there is a threaded screw for every nut.
    3. +4
      27 October 2022 08: 47
      Quote: Arslan17
      Why is a bucket of nuts and bolts inefficient?

      Because this bucket should be the size of Lake Baikal.
  4. 0
    27 October 2022 06: 07
    Question of the "teapot" - Are there ground-based devices on our planet or on the planet that can clog the work of low-orbit vehicles with "white noise"? Is blinding such a satellite with a ground-based laser Possible or is it too expensive?
    1. +1
      27 October 2022 09: 05
      Quote: Guran33 Sergey
      Is it possible or is it too expensive?

      As far as is known, this is not possible. It is possible to block ground terminals with interference in a relatively small area.
    2. +2
      27 October 2022 09: 12
      Guran33 Sergey, large powers are needed to crowd the frequencies, and not with white noise, where just gigantic powers are needed, but in a narrow range. Therefore, there is only sort of like Peresvet, but its capabilities are classified. Most likely they are limited.
      1. The comment was deleted.
  5. +3
    27 October 2022 06: 31
    Project Anxiety: Disrupt Starlink Satellites Without Destroying Them
    what someone has done, another can always break! The saying is always relevant, but ... after all, you can use the enemy's developments to your advantage no less effectively than he himself, use the same one of your own for your own goals and needs !!! Takk, so that the enemy would not have any advantages.
    In short, a lot of other things are possible, if ... if they themselves have it !!! And this question / problem was not sent yesterday / appeared !!!
  6. +7
    27 October 2022 06: 45
    I doubt it, as one movie character used to say.
    In this case, the saying "it's better to run away than catch up" is fully justified.
    The enemy satellite(s) fly in their own orbit and do dirty deeds.
    Our interceptor easily reached the first of them and disabled it.
    All the way.
    Next, the interceptor needs to change orbit on the way to the next target.
    Then to the next one.
    And so on.
    That is, enemy satellites simply fly, while our interceptors must "jump" all the time.
    How much fuel is needed to perform maneuvers?
    What are the possibilities for maneuvering - to catch up, slow down, up-down-right-left?
    So you won’t save up any volosts.
    So the problem is far from simple.
    After all, we have not yet grown to the level of capabilities of Star Wars interceptors.
    1. +4
      27 October 2022 08: 48
      Quote: U-58
      How much fuel is needed to perform maneuvers?

      We can say right away - a meaningless undertaking.
  7. +2
    27 October 2022 07: 00
    Elon Max is actively developing his system - satellites are already being launched into orbit that can work directly with cell phones (of course, not all in a row, but only with those that will support this technology).

    1. Starlink 2.0 is not yet in orbit
    2. With everyone in a row, you confused Apple with a different system
  8. +4
    27 October 2022 07: 05
    Regarding the KA observer. The mask will simply be put on with the addition of memes. After all, there is no threat from them.
    Regarding the spacecraft, the pest, the failure of some of the satellites is a normal practice for the ideology of the Starlink network. Just a tiny increase in expenses and an increase in the rejection rate. Well, if you increase the practice, then it will be very expensive and the enemy will easily statistically connect the overflights of the spacecraft Pest with an increase in marriage with subsequent evidence.
  9. -3
    27 October 2022 07: 15
    Project Judas. Among the enemy spacecraft, their own. The task is to distort the information transmitted through the channels. The idea is from a non-specialist.
    1. +5
      27 October 2022 07: 18
      Quote: O. Bender
      Project Judas. Among the enemy spacecraft, their own. The task is to distort the information transmitted through the channels. The idea is from a non-specialist.

      Absolutely useless in the era of public key encryption.
      1. +4
        27 October 2022 07: 39
        The article is crazy, but in fact, only two measures remain for the starlink - this is to clog the receiving channels of the satellites and physical impact on them. The third way - to bankrupt starlink is not feasible at this stage.
      2. fiv
        27 October 2022 20: 37
        Project "snitch". Radio reconnaissance satellites hang (pass) over Ukraine and determine the places of communication outputs of Starlink terminals. These terminals are under fire. Inexpensive. There are satellites - but there are no subscribers
  10. +2
    27 October 2022 07: 47
    The conclusion is that there is a problem, it exists, no one understands what to do with it, and so far there is no way to hide from it.
    We need "sky minesweepers" to catch satellites with nets. My proposal is no worse than the proposal of the author and others similar. Our satellites are large and bulky, just the job for such devices.
  11. -10
    27 October 2022 07: 50
    That is, they are not able to master their own starlink, so we will dream of how to destroy the American one. We will not remember about ordinary people who use it for their quite peaceful needs. About the development of civilization - too. Let everyone run around with clubs, since we have nothing but clubs.
    1. 12+
      27 October 2022 08: 42
      You probably listen to the echo of Moscow through Starlink or the rain, since you are worried about progressive humanity?
    2. 10+
      27 October 2022 09: 59
      Howling Starlink is not able to overpower, so we will dream of how to destroy the American one.

      No, we will cry with emotion, watching how enemies harm us using progress.
    3. +5
      27 October 2022 10: 33
      Pooh, pooh. laughing But it's better to send a petition to Elona so that he would ban the military use of his starlinks. Then you will have peaceful needs and kava with kakava. laughing
  12. +4
    27 October 2022 07: 53
    If communication satellites have a good response, then their entire air defense system, with minor modifications, can become almost autonomous. They brought it, turned it around and dumped it, and all control is carried out by the operator, who sits hundreds of kilometers away.
    1. 0
      27 October 2022 08: 17
      A satellite with a reactor may not explode too noticeably in orbit with the release of radioisotopes and ionized particles that adversely affect the spacecraft
    2. +1
      27 October 2022 08: 24
      Quote: spectr
      If communication satellites have a good response, then their entire air defense system, with minor modifications, can become almost autonomous. They brought it, turned it around and dumped it, and all control is carried out by the operator, who sits hundreds of kilometers away.

      only due to communication it will not be possible to control air defense - you still need to detect and direct, reload, etc., but the enemy will quickly take out stationary air defense objects ..
      those. cheaper and more reliable air defense with people ..
    3. 0
      27 October 2022 08: 40
      The transfer of information is more important here. The target coordinates are given on the tablet, the calculation of MANPADS, ZU / ZSU, SAM, etc. performs the task. Here are examples of work:
  13. +3
    27 October 2022 08: 11
    Dreams, dreams... The masturbation session is reminiscent of the article. Does the CDF of Russia have such things to do?
  14. +6
    27 October 2022 08: 14
    Did Andryukha decide to join the pacifists? Improved suddenly somehow! Previously, he was more "severe and resolute" (!) ... so he said bluntly: "We will kill the adversary in ... space!" ! type: maybe it will work, and maybe not! Then the "photohunter" starts to scare the "starlinks" with a photo gun according to the principle: maybe I will scare, or maybe not ... although if the money is mastered, the result is also ... for someone! Or even engage in "quiet" wrecking, but also ... somehow without the necessary consequences! Whether they will create "conductive layers" from graphite powder, problems for the "starlinks", or not ... and no promises like "I swear by my mother!" ...
  15. +5
    27 October 2022 08: 21
    Putin's problem is that he believes in fairy tales that are circulated to boost the morale of the population. For example, in a fairy tale about the presence of mob reserves. Then he makes a decision and the conscripts buy their uniforms and ammunition themselves.
    It is terrible to imagine what happens when he believes in the ability to repel the threats of the West at any moment.
  16. -2
    27 October 2022 08: 25
    Better a laser sword and an army of Javdets from Central Asia, the effect is the same, all this is fantastic, as long as our elite has something to lose
  17. 0
    27 October 2022 08: 29
    The apotheosis of their development will be the control of not only the surface, but also the depths of the sea, as well as the detection of objects in the air directly from the Earth's orbit.

    well, it's too early to dramatize about the discovery of plpl from space! But, it’s worth thinking about methods of countering reconnaissance satellites behind the underwater situation ...
  18. +1
    27 October 2022 08: 31
    And to destroy low-orbit satellites with anti-satellite missiles is simply unrealistic, more precisely, it can be done, but the cost of the destroyed satellite will most often be less than the cost of the missile that will destroy it. The enemy will simply bring out new satellites in "packs" to replace the destroyed ones.

    Well!! When such a "haymaking" starts, then, first of all, it will be necessary to destroy space launch complexes and launch pads - which can be counted on the fingers of our paws!
  19. +2
    27 October 2022 08: 34
    the author, do you offer "ways to solve the problem" or list everything - what others wrote about?
    the only thing I agree with you is that we will not apply all of the above, for political reasons
    then what is the article about?
  20. +2
    27 October 2022 08: 40
    neither "buckets of nuts" nor even nuclear weapons will help.

    Yah? That's just the same nuclear weapons - the only effective method in our realities. And assigning a “pest” to each “starlink” is not even funny in our realities. God forbid that we increase our constellation of communications and surveillance satellites to the minimum required size, what kind of anti-satellites are there ...
    1. -4
      27 October 2022 09: 01
      Nuclear weapons are the only effective method in our realities.
      Nuclear weapons to destroy satellites, especially low-orbit ones, are practically useless. Read about the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion, taking into account the fact that there is no atmosphere and, accordingly, there is no shock wave and radioactive contamination of the area, which satellites are indifferent to. If only a large number of explosions create such an ionization of the atmosphere that radio waves from the earth would not penetrate there laughing
      1. +3
        27 October 2022 10: 26
        UA3QHP, about such a factor as EMP forgotten?
        Type Starfish Prime in the search engine - Wikipedia says how EMP affects satellites and ground electronics.
        1. 0
          27 October 2022 12: 04
          Wikipedia says how EMP affects satellites and ground electronics.
          I read it, thanks. There, it’s true that the guys rushed almost 1,5 Megatons, but it’s not bad. Will we blow up over our territory?
          1. +1
            27 October 2022 14: 11
            At hour X of a global missile strike, you can also over your own, because. all strategic control points are protected. But better over the opposite side of the globe. "Sarmatians", by the way, are well suited for this, both in terms of range and power.
            1. +1
              27 October 2022 17: 27
              Then there is no point in shooting down satellites. Air nuclear explosions will quite cope with the task.
              1. +2
                27 October 2022 20: 17
                Well, yes. Bringing down satellites one at a time - you can’t get enough missiles. Moreover, the United States already has 2,5 thousand of them, satellites, + roughly 500 other military ones, and we only have less than 200.
      2. +3
        27 October 2022 10: 43
        Quote: Ua3qhp
        Nuclear weapons to destroy satellites, especially low-orbit ones, are practically useless.

        And the Chinese counted and said that one bomb was enough.
  21. 0
    27 October 2022 08: 57
    Great plan.

    After such events, Musk will be happy to deorbit all Russian space debris, and the Pentagon will begin to shoot down all Russian launches even in the upper stage.
    1. +1
      27 October 2022 09: 29
      And what, we can’t shoot down what the Pentagon displays? I think that we can
      1. -5
        27 October 2022 09: 43
        Quote: ZAV69
        And what, we can’t shoot down what the Pentagon displays?

        No. The only known Russian anti-satellite system is Nudol. It can reach devices passing over the territory of the Russian Federation, that is, above 41 degrees north latitude. American vehicles do not have to pass at this latitude at all. At the same time, absolutely any satellite passes over the ocean, and as a rule, even at the stage of acceleration - where it can meet the American maritime system. Any Burke 2 and 3 series can shoot down a spacecraft.
        1. +2
          27 October 2022 10: 47
          Quote: Negro
          American vehicles do not have to pass at this latitude at all.

          The orbit grid is not stationary and is constantly shifting - so almost everything will be available, except geostationary satellites.
          1. 0
            27 October 2022 10: 58
            Quote: Genry
            The orbit grid is not stationary and is constantly shifting - so almost everyone will be available

            Only satellites that go to high latitudes will be available. America itself is on average south, New York is south of Sochi. At high latitudes, it is fashionable to throw satellites in a higher orbit or small cheap devices that are significantly cheaper than launching a nudol. Kind of like an oldie.

            But this is empty chatter. No one will tolerate space terrorism, including Asian neutrals.
            1. +3
              27 October 2022 11: 17
              The destruction by the armed forces of one country, communications satellites of another, in order to ensure security, will be called differently, but not terrorism. laughing Have you forgotten the definition of the word terrorism?
              1. -2
                27 October 2022 11: 29
                Quote: CB Master
                Destruction by the armed forces of one country, communications satellites of another, in order to ensure security

                An attack on a commercial satellite is identical to an attack on a commercial aircraft or ship.
                1. +4
                  27 October 2022 11: 38
                  Refresh the definitions of "terrorism" and "warfare".
                  1. -6
                    27 October 2022 11: 41
                    The Russian Federation does not conduct hostilities, as far as I know. And even more so, it does not conduct hostilities with the United States.
                    1. +4
                      27 October 2022 11: 47
                      I think with this funny statement of yours we will end our discussion lol
            2. +1
              27 October 2022 12: 29
              Quote: Negro
              Only satellites that go to high latitudes will be available.

              Where did you get this information. To launch their satellites - yes, there is a restriction on orbits. But there should be no such restrictions for the interception, since there will always be intersection points.
              Quote: Negro
              small cheap devices that are significantly cheaper than launching nudol. Kind of like an oldie.

              You forgot that they were also taken out by rocket carriers and there is no fundamental difference.
              and Nudol not for small objects with a known location and an unlimited time for a possible interception.
              1. -2
                27 October 2022 13: 07
                Quote: Genry
                Where did you get this information

                Read the definition of the term "orbital inclination". Every orbit goes through the equator, but not every orbit goes through the 41st parallel. Only orbits with an inclination of 41 degrees and above. Inclination from Baikonur without correction - 46 or higher (usually 51,6), Cape Canaveral - 28,3 or higher.
                Quote: Genry
                You forgot that they were also taken out by rocket carriers and there is no fundamental difference

                Of course there is. They were taken out in packs of 60.
                Quote: Genry

                And Nudol is not for small objects with a known location and an unlimited time for a possible exit to intercept.

                In addition to Nudoli, nothing will reach the orbit. Well, RN of course.
                1. +1
                  27 October 2022 21: 55
                  Quote: Negro
                  Every orbit goes through the equator, but not every orbit goes through the 41st parallel. Only orbits with an inclination of 41 degrees and above. Inclination from Baikonur without correction - 46 or higher (usually 51,6)

                  Did you study geometry?
                  Only parallel lines do not intersect.
                  1. -3
                    27 October 2022 22: 18
                    And why was this thoughtful statement then direct?

                    Let's try to explain for the stupid. Does any satellite pass over the pole? Does the ISS ever pass over the North Pole?
                    1. 0
                      29 October 2022 11: 45
                      Quote: Negro
                      And why was this thoughtful statement then direct?

                      This is a proven theorem that is learned by heart in elementary school.
                      Who are you, did not study, the victim of the exam???
                      Quote: Negro
                      Let's try to explain for the stupid. Does any satellite pass over the pole?

                      If you have someone flying 41 and someone 51,6, then they will not intersect only above the 41st latitude. Until the 41st, they will intersect periodically.

                      And for those stupid to blackness, what satellites do not cross the equator!?
                      1. -2
                        29 October 2022 18: 13
                        All satellites cross the equator, but Nudol can only reach the 41st parallel. She will not be allowed to go to the equator, such a nuisance.
                  2. -1
                    28 October 2022 09: 57
                    Add a third coordinate and you will be happy.
                    1. 0
                      29 October 2022 11: 49
                      Quote: lego2
                      Add a third coordinate and you will be happy.

                      You recently discovered it for yourself, and now, with a reason, and more often without a reason, you open your "achievement" to everyone.?
    2. +1
      27 October 2022 10: 36
      Do you think their bells are that strong? laughing
      1. -3
        27 October 2022 10: 41
        Not reacting to such antics is much more dangerous. Moreover, for space hooliganism, they will fly from both the Chinese and the Indians.
        1. +3
          27 October 2022 11: 13
          Well, it's a matter of faith whether millions of lives of their citizens will be risked protecting, for example, the good of Starlink investors or not. For example, I do not believe.
          1. -5
            27 October 2022 11: 19
            They risk their lives to let the madmen do whatever they want. Even Soviet psychopaths did not allow themselves such actions as an attack on a spacecraft.

            From a certain point on, a full-scale preventive strike becomes the least risky decision. Fortunately, there is no reason yet to believe that Mr. Putin and his entourage have forgotten this. Therefore, their clowning keeps even below the acceptable level of insanity set by Comrade Kim.
            1. +3
              27 October 2022 11: 24
              About hospade, uzbagoytes. laughing You can express your personal opinion not so emotionally. laughing
        2. +1
          27 October 2022 12: 41
          Quote: Negro
          Moreover, for space hooliganism, they will fly from both the Chinese and the Indians.

          Don't try to hypnotize us here. From them there will be only "approval".
          1. -1
            27 October 2022 12: 58
            Quote: Genry
            From them there will be only "approval".

            Of course not. The entire development of the cosmos was built on the fact that everything would be calm there in any case. Attempts to arrange kipesh there threaten any space power.

            On the other hand, we are discussing the statement of the senior assistant to the junior janitor from the Foreign Ministry. Too much foam.
            1. +1
              27 October 2022 22: 00
              Quote: Negro
              The entire development of the cosmos was built on the fact that everything would be calm there in any case. Attempts to arrange kipesh there threaten any space power.

              You are confusing warm and soft. Nobody cares about abstract space.
              Other factors related to survival are much more significant.
              And you didn't think about politics at all.
              1. -3
                27 October 2022 22: 47
                Quote: Genry
                Other factors related to survival are much more significant.

                It's funny to say, but before the start of one small victorious special operation there, the question of the survival of India and China was not on the agenda at all.
                1. 0
                  29 October 2022 13: 03
                  You didn't study history, you didn't read books...

                  Even Jules Verne has a character: Captain Nemo, who helped the rebellious sepoys...

                  China - Opium Wars.
                  1. 0
                    29 October 2022 18: 11
                    Quote: Genry
                    who helped the rebel sepoys ...

                    China - Opium Wars.

                    Ah, well, that is, you justify the idea of ​​shooting down satellites by the uprising of the sepoys. Wonderful.
                    It remains to convince the Indians of this.
    3. 0
      30 October 2022 10: 35
      Why is it so easy? Yes, the Pentagon is in the house!
  22. +3
    27 October 2022 09: 25
    Initially, optical clogs with laser radiation that do not cause damage, but block observation and photography. Radar and electronic clogging with electronic warfare radiation is also original. If they don’t understand, it won’t be possible to agree, the war will move on to open confrontation, burning with a laser and powerful radiation from large locators. I think not a single satellite can withstand a 10 MW pulse at frequencies close to the operating frequency. Within a week, everything can be burned by distributing satellites between powerful SPRN (Missile Attack Warning System) radars, by frequency or by location in the sky. Only the radars need to be prepared, the program needs to be completed, perhaps there is no such mode of operation.
    1. 0
      27 October 2022 12: 44
      Quote: Carib
      I think not a single satellite can withstand a 10 MW pulse at frequencies close to the operating frequency.

      Alas, but the minimum aperture depends on the wavelength and it will not allow you to concentrate all the energy on a small object.
    2. -2
      27 October 2022 12: 51
      Quote: Carib
      If they don’t understand, it won’t be possible to agree, the war will move on to open confrontation, burning with a laser and powerful radiation from large radars. I think not a single satellite can withstand a 10 MW pulse at frequencies close to the operating frequency. Within a week, everything can be burned by distributing satellites between powerful early warning radars

      By focusing the microwave radiation of several ground-based AFARs to one point in space near the Starlink satellite, create artificial plasma formations (IPS) at the moment when the Earth's magnetic field at the site of the IPS creation is directed to the mentioned nearest Starlink satellite. Due to the appearance of runaway electrons in the IPO zone, the flow of runaway electrons will fly along the Earth's magnetic field from the IPO zone to the location of the Starlink satellite.
      When a stream of runaway electrons encounters a Starlink satellite, the stream of runaway electrons will create hard X-rays, which can damage the chips of the Starlink satellite. Point diameter (focus spot) = (lambda/D)*R where lambda is the wavelength of the microwave beam, D is the APAA diameter, R is the distance from the APAA to the satellite.
      1. -1
        28 October 2022 08: 02
        i.e. at the time of the formation of the IPO, the Starlink satellite and the IPO center (this is the common focus of several microwave beams from several ground-based AFARs) should be on the same line of force of the Earth's magnetic field. The runaway electrons are relativistic, have an energy of several MeV and move at a speed close to the speed of light along the magnetic field line, screwing onto it along a spiral trajectory with a Larmor radius of curvature. Therefore, the runaway electrons from the IPS zone enter the satellite almost immediately after the formation of the IPS, somewhere at a distance of 100..1000 kilometers from the satellite. And taking into account the fact that the place of focus of the microwave beams of ground-based multi-megawatt AFARs can be dynamically changed, the exposure time of hard X-rays to the satellite increases significantly up to several seconds.
        1. 0
          30 October 2022 10: 07
          A substance is not needed for plasma formations? Not?
          1. +1
            30 October 2022 21: 37
            Quote: surok1
            A substance is not needed for plasma formations?

            Plasma formations require a substance. This is the substance of the upper layers of the Earth's atmosphere. The fact is that all the lines of force of the Earth's magnetic field pass through the surface of the Earth, then through the atmosphere they go out into near-Earth outer space, just where the Stralink satellites fly. IPO is created in the upper layers of the atmosphere at the boundary with near-Earth outer space, and then runaway fast electrons fly out of the IPO along the magnetic field lines. The leading magnetic field of the Earth directs the electrons escaping from the IPO to the Starlink satellite. Dead satellites flying by at the right time or other satellites launched in advance along special trajectories can also be used as a substance for IPO.
            1. 0
              7 November 2022 13: 43
              If you can vaporize the remnants of a satellite, then why not a whole satellite? And if not, what's the point?
    3. +2
      27 October 2022 20: 14
      Yeah, they decided on a quick decision with Ukraine, because the weapon has no analogues. And then such a hop and the whole Natu was left without satellites. And Nata will sit and do nothing, yeah
    4. 0
      27 October 2022 21: 13
      Carib, the Voronezh radar does not have enough physical power for such tricks. Here the Daryal radar could, however, only according to rumors.
      To kill Starlink, with its narrowly directed antenna, you need to hit the narrowly directed electronic warfare antenna right at the zenith, extinguishing all starlinks flying overhead. And with the appropriate frequencies. Those. you need to poke EW antennas throughout the database, "square-nested method".
      It is even more difficult to score AFAR radar satellites. If everything were simple, anti-satellite missiles would not be invented.
  23. -1
    27 October 2022 09: 28
    Lots of words about nothing. Although everything was invented before us. Still kind of like Harline wrote about the fight in space debris.
  24. +1
    27 October 2022 09: 38
    evidence, albeit indirect, of the involvement of the Russian Federation in this

    This is from a series of explosions at SP-1-2 ...... Do we have evidence of Starlink's work on the military in 404?! What else do you need?
    The next step, wangyu, will be access to the Internet and encrypted communications past Rostelecom (Russia, China, Iran and the EU, etc.)
    What is our fault if we hit pseudo-private satellites that work for the enemy?
  25. 0
    27 October 2022 09: 41
    Isn't it possible to irradiate them from laser rangefinders in Kyrgyzstan and the KChR? Put the laser more powerful .....
    1. +3
      27 October 2022 09: 51
      Quote: Ua3qhp
      Nuclear weapons for the destruction of satellites, especially low-orbiting ones, are practically useless.

      In the sixties, tests were carried out and proved just the opposite.
      In general, it would be very useful wherever possible to standardize the appearance of military equipment to a high degree of similarity, this will greatly complicate its identification from space and determine the purpose.
      1. +2
        27 October 2022 10: 15
        In the sixties, tests were carried out and proved just the opposite.
        In the sixties, they tried to shoot down ICBM warheads due to the low accuracy of kinetic interception. Now you can get into a low-orbit satellite anyway.
        With a nuclear explosion, let's say we hit one Starlink satellite with a direct hit. And there, from beyond the horizon, the next from a chain of several dozen flying over Ukraine will appear. Do we need to constantly hit them with nuclear explosions?
        1. +1
          27 October 2022 22: 04
          With a nuclear explosion, let's say we hit one Starlink satellite with a direct hit.

          Which one is there. Everything falls from low orbits, including the ISS and KKS feel . Those. they will break either immediately, or in a day, and they will collapse within a month, because will not be able to maintain orbital altitude good
  26. +2
    27 October 2022 09: 57
    All opponents admit that Russia has powerful electronic warfare systems. Another question is how they are used. The same 'Peresvet' was created for something. from space either is, or will be. Modern air defense is stronger than aviation. It will also be with space.
    1. 0
      28 October 2022 17: 46
      Well, Peresvet is understandable for what it was created. For illumination of optical observation satellites. The principle is very simple, like the LED frame for a car number, which does not allow the number to be read with bright IR LEDs.
  27. +3
    27 October 2022 09: 57
    Our leadership has ruined all the principles of interaction with states. One of the main ones is the principle of reciprocity. If you did something to us, then we will do the same to you. We sent 20 of our diplomats - we send the same number. The leadership decided to go from the other end. . And when six months later they still had to be expelled, the congress declared that this was a separate story, and in its own way it was right.
    And so in everything. They began to help our enemies, they did not immediately respond, they increased their assistance. The Americans themselves are surprised why we do not counteract them?
    Same here. At the very beginning, the SVO poured a bucket of nuts into orbit, broke a couple of Starlinks, the enemy would have thought. And now all the lines have already been passed, you can not be afraid of hundreds of downed satellites, but you need to understand that they will not chew snot and they will answer us in a mirror way.
    1. 0
      30 October 2022 09: 59
      Our game is our parable. Revenge is served cold. And we decide who is in business. Now it is open and justified. Basically, you don't have to report to anyone.
  28. +2
    27 October 2022 10: 06
    With Starlink and the like, it is easier to counteract.
    A series (chain) flies at almost the same height (distributed by zones) only with a distance between the devices and if at least one is damaged, the rest will suffer.
    It's like on a motorway when one brakes sharply at high speed and the train begins to collect those who are catching up.
    1. 0
      27 October 2022 12: 49
      Quote: Deadush
      It's like on a motorway when one brakes sharply at high speed and the train begins to collect those who are catching up.

      But here, changing the speed, changes the height.
      1. 0
        27 October 2022 23: 00
        the wreckage, and not the downed satellite itself, and they (the satellites) go quite tightly, everyone will not have time to rebuild.
  29. 0
    27 October 2022 10: 14
    All this is painfully abstrusely invented. After all, the "adversary" does not hesitate to declare the participation of its satellite constellation in the conflict. Why should we be ashamed, we must act even more brazenly. We have a small nuclear reactor. This is a huge source of energy for weapons and propulsion of a killer satellite armed with a directional electromagnetic gun. Without further ado, enemy satellites must be quickly and massively disabled. A "terrible howl" will rise, but one should not be particularly afraid of it - without a satellite constellation, NATO will not be able to fight effectively, and if it decides to go to war, it will most likely lose it. Well, if a war starts in space, then its consequences are much worse for the West than for the Russian Federation. On the other hand, this is the only way that will make it possible to relatively bloodlessly put the West "in its place" and reorganize the rules of a safe existence without a global nuclear war.
    1. 0
      30 October 2022 09: 56
      There was a Hollywood movie about climate control. I watched it from the middle and was a little dumbfounded. How can the atmosphere be controlled? It turned out that the entire near-Earth space is filled with some kind of orbital stations with fucking magical equipment. Guess how the movie ends? The earth was almost smashed, for the umpteenth time, and a purebred American saved everyone. Now think about who filled the cosmos with this rubbish? Yes they are. They just "naively" did not think that an apocalypse could happen. In fact, they wanted to keep everyone hostage.
      Progress in space is noticeable, but is it necessary?
  30. +4
    27 October 2022 11: 09
    And Mitrokhin has always had a low level of fantasy.

    If there are devices that take satellites into space, then why can't we make devices for taking satellites out of orbit.
    Those. make micro-accelerating blocks with one powerful engine (heptyl) and several orientation ones, plus an electronic block (communication, control, optical location). These accelerators can fly up to the satellites and make them slow down, incommensurable with life in orbit.

    These anti-satellites can be launched into space in the same way as victim satellites - in groups into a specific orbit, with one rocket.

    Question cost...
    The cost of output is proportional to the mass, and if the killers are lighter than the victims, then the launch will be cheaper.
    The cost of the satellites of the killers and the victims themselves is not comparable due to the difference in the installed equipment.

    And it is not obligatory to destroy all satellites, it is enough to break their interconnection.
    1. +1
      27 October 2022 19: 18
      These accelerators can fly up to the satellites and make them slow down, incommensurable with life in orbit.

      And take a satellite and start resisting :)
      Yes, the idea is excellent against the low-orbit Maskov crafts. Plus.
  31. +2
    27 October 2022 11: 29
    The problem is not with the mask. If it wasn't for Musk, someone else would have been later.
    The problem is that there was a satellite revolution, and Russia, because of "effective managers", was again late and quarreled.
    The untouchable Rogozin m K, with his trampolines and sanctions, screwed up specifically.

    Outside capitalism. If you have money - pay for civil communications. Starlink, oneweb or something else.
    No money, quarreled with everyone, there is no analogue - well, sit with the old connection, improve it.

    The reality is that there are a bunch, thousands of small civilian satellites, and there will be even more .... pay, use, even a writer, even a military one ... and spend expensive air defense missiles, "reapers", "Pest" - like a cannon on sparrows. ..and even on civilian private satellites !!! - just asking for new troubles... and then everyone will play such games....

    Will bring Musk under a hundred counter-Pests at a time, 30 kg each, and ???
    1. +1
      27 October 2022 11: 36
      Will bring Musk under a hundred counter-Pests at a time, 30 kg each, and ???
      Or maybe not enter. Even his means are finite. Would his investors be willing to splurge on counter-Vests instead of banning their satellite constellation from military use? The answer is not obvious, right?
      1. +1
        27 October 2022 13: 44
        Alas, it's obvious. Everyone will play according to the new precedent.
        They will not understand their own if Musk refuses his own government organizations and the military. And he will refuse his ??? - then other people will think ....

        And the "investors" will be wasted - there is no choice if someone else is chasing their civilian companions. The communication market is billions and trillions. Lose it? Funny.

        And Musk will then officially start taking orders from the Pentagon, for example.
      2. +1
        27 October 2022 19: 16
        Will investors want it...

        The answer is not obvious, right?

        And you ask who his investors are. And what kind of investors are they who are pushing engineers and developments from NASA to him.
    2. 0
      30 October 2022 09: 46
      Max, we have economic disparity, make a discount and don't rage too much. We are based on creativity and love for the fatherland.
  32. +5
    27 October 2022 12: 21
    You know, these are empty body movements within the current scenario. Inside it, we DO NOT want a conflict with the US and NATO, and they really want to create a formal reason that would force us to somehow act "directly" to take advantage of this reason one way or another. Thus, our inaction contributes to the deterioration of our security, and our direct activity will also contribute to this. International institutions are completely rotten or are under a powerful American-Western lobby, or have been turned into empty powerless talking shops - in this case they are not our helpers.
    Here, there is such a problem. An array of spacecraft hangs, they fly over our territory (although I am aware of how this is determined from the point of view of international law), they give out the coordinates of targets, they shoot in high resolution, they distribute the Internet - then all this ends up with our opponents and contributes to their activities . All this is indirect damage.

    However, at the moment we are not at war with Ukraine - and from a legal point of view, America is not doing ANYTHING bad, because it is simply "helping" a certain country or an array of individuals - and from a legal point of view, it is not a party to the conflict. .to the conflict itself kakbe and no Oo. In this regard, we cannot appeal to "indirect damage" or it is extremely difficult legally.

    What can we do about it? There are three levels of perspective - short-term, medium-term, long-term.
    In the short term, we can try to form a certain zone within the geography of the conflict, where the work of Starlink satellites will be most difficult. To do this, we need a whole range of tools - and if we don’t have them, then we need to create them. Because Starlink will not end with the end of CBO, there will only be more of it. With the terminals that fall into our hands, we must work "unofficially" in the direction of hacking them and exploiting the vulnerabilities of communication systems - vulnerabilities, as you know, are everywhere. Then this data can be transferred, for example, to some "Iranian hackers" so that they have fun from the heart - and we will have a direct right to say that "it's not us. where is the evidence?" . These are activities in the gray zone - we should master this type of activity.

    In the medium term, it is DESIRABLE for us to launch our own analogue project and involve the maximum number of participating countries in it. Through the diplomatic line, we can work to expand the geography of countries prohibiting the use of Starlink on their territory, for this purpose we can (and should) conduct well-prepared "special events" designed to demonstrate the use of official by opponents. the authorities of large neutral or friendly states-in the apparatus "Starlink" to coordinate their actions. For example, we have some "bearded men" in BV, we supply them with these terminals through thoroughly hidden channels, and after a while we give them a tip - the bearded men are taken out, the terminals are found. One time, two, three, ten - and by doing something like this we will be able to undermine the geography of income, cause image damage (which leads to quite material damage to the company). Our enemies must understand that we have a long memory and for the damage they will receive damage, and will receive it stably.
    Also, as a group of states with a similar view on these things is formed, we should inspire a discussion about updating the space treaties, regulating the collection of docking base and introducing severe restrictions on the transmission of satellite data to third parties that are in conflict of any kind.

    In the long run - revenge is magical, but it should not be an end in itself. Otherwise, someone will drag chestnuts from the fire with your hands. Also for us, all these impacts should compensate for the loss of resources and serve our far-reaching plans. I think that our interest should be the revival of us as a major space and technological power, and we HAVE to start our own analogue of "Starlink" and pinch it on the international market - if we do not want our cosmos to degenerate further. Along the way, with well-organized undermining, we can (and should) occupy consistently unstable niches in those countries and regions in which the United States does not like. But unlike the USSR, our goal will not be some kind of ideological triumph, but quite mercantile interests (+ building our own world architecture).

    Without these things, we will continue to "enjoy" the way Western hegemony creeps in - and our real influence in international institutions will fall. Our white curls have already become familiar, no one appreciates for past merits - strength is valued fresh and growing. We should remember this.
    1. 0
      30 October 2022 09: 43
      Most of the cost of Starlink is probably borne by the Pentagon. This is a non-market mechanism. And the internet is just a by-product.
  33. -1
    27 October 2022 12: 29
    yes, what are you! here, before some authors successfully hid aircraft carriers from satellites, and you scare with such tales)
  34. 0
    27 October 2022 12: 32
    How realistic is it to hack control of Starlink satellites? They are controlled from the Earth by a signal. encrypted.
    1. +1
      27 October 2022 19: 10
      How realistic is it to hack control of Starlink satellites? They are controlled from the Earth by a signal. encrypted.

      Unreal. At all.
  35. +2
    27 October 2022 12: 50
    ... presumably will be attracted ...
    ... what will happen to them when conductive elements hit the antenna sheet, the big question is ...
    ... who knows where, in what part of the equipment, the conductive components of the shot will fall?

    The author is just a talker.
  36. 0
    27 October 2022 13: 06
    A lot of bukaf about nothing. Even now, there are many ways to disable an orbiting satellite. BUT! The country that applied them can be identified. THAT'S WHY. The question is, are we ready to start a war in space FIRST?
    1. 0
      30 October 2022 09: 37
      Haven't they already started a war using space?
  37. 0
    27 October 2022 15: 18
    No one, no satellites will shoot down, hundreds of them fly there ..
    They also promised about strikes on the decision-making center ......
  38. -1
    27 October 2022 15: 21
    Lord. Well, what's archaic here?! A narrowly directed powerful electromagnetic pulse towards the satellite is enough to disable it and its equipment, or a laser beam, the effect is the same plus the depressurization of the satellite itself .... In space, there is practically no loss of laser beam energy. No one can check the presence of any impact on the satellite. Externally, the satellite will look absolutely intact and serviceable. And these satellites are not structurally adapted for descent to earth. There is absolutely no need to launch a spacecraft specifically for these purposes. Everything can be done from the stratosphere from an airplane. American low orbit satellites. Good luck smarties!
    1. 0
      27 October 2022 17: 45
      The smart guy has a catch, in order to focus a fairly powerful beam, a laser installation will require a lot of electricity, which is why the Americans tested their lasers at sea on ships where there is space and the ability to place a fairly large power plant. Yes, and our Peresvet installation on a wheeled chassis is not at all small. Try to cram all this into an airplane and lift it into the air.
      1. 0
        30 October 2022 09: 34
        In fact, such aircraft exist. And even cram two. Will he be intercepted? In our airspace? Can it clearly track a small target? Don't know.
        Global Hawks also fly for the time being. As long as it is possible to ignore it.
  39. +1
    27 October 2022 16: 12
    In the sixties, there was an experiment with a thermonuclear explosion in space at an altitude of more than 200 km, EMP, while it was such a force. The United States and the Soviet Union immediately signed an agreement on the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons in space ....
    In practice, you can blow up a warhead over your territory, of course, we will burn both our own and Chinese European machinery in space, and in this same Amy will work all over the hemisphere ..... After some time, the same thing is done in the same place because it will arrive from the other hemisphere ..... Space becomes clean from active electronics ..... For us, there is no big trouble, you wouldn’t have anything so supernatural in space, but for more technological countries, it will be a tragedy.
    The second launch of the Unions, or as they are now called there, from Baikonur, not with a bucket of nuts, but with a truckload of nails, will be cheaper than a nuclear explosion. Special especially if these starts are repeated several times.
  40. -1
    27 October 2022 17: 49
    sponsor terrorist states with free satellite communications and images of the earth's surface. For this, a specialized spacecraft can be developed, which will include (in the first approximation) a propulsion system, fuel supply, solar panels, photographic recording facilities, communications equipment and a control system for all this equipment.

    those. they are not really capable of providing their army with intelligence, but terrorists are always welcome ... :)
  41. +1
    27 October 2022 17: 54
    It is necessary to come to parity on satellites. Everything superfluous to knock down.
    The position of the satellites in space is well known, everything is tracked in orbit, right down to the propellers. It is not necessary to accelerate the rocket to the first space one, it is enough to place an object in the path of the satellite. The object is a cube with engines to adjust the position. If you approach the matter without excessive military pathos and with imagination, then the complexity may be even less than that of the C300 rocket.
    I'm talking, of course, about low-orbital ones.
    1. 0
      30 October 2022 09: 28
      Starlink, in general, is an extra entity, you can live without it. This is not a SPRN. The shit needs to be cleaned up. Moreover, not all of them are for communication. I think the drum part.
  42. 0
    27 October 2022 18: 01
    so-called EMP munitions. However, the author has no information about the presence of such ammunition in the RF Armed Forces and the experience of their use.

    this kind of "bombs" used pin - to sy in Belgrade ...
    cut something...
    they have a big drawback - a small radius of action ...
    those. the impulse quickly "loses" power with distance from the center of the "explosion" ...
    outside a radius of several tens of meters, it is already useless ...
    that is why it is practically not used, except perhaps where there is a concentration of equipment and a high-precision "projectile" ...
    1. 0
      30 October 2022 09: 26
      And what about a thermonuclear explosion outside the atmosphere?
  43. +1
    27 October 2022 18: 46
    I would like to ask if this is a site where fantastic works are published? or do they really write about something related to military affairs?
  44. 0
    27 October 2022 19: 08
    It is possible that Starlink satellites can try to avoid the “photoshoot” by adjusting their orbit, but the Observer spacecraft will potentially be able to do this for much longer, since it will not carry complex communication systems, and it should surpass Starlink satellites in terms of mass and size.

    This is where this conclusion comes from, that the observer will surpass his victims in terms of weight and size and maneuverability.
    Where does the opinion that it can be easier or cheaper than its victim come from? Synchronization of orbits in my opinion is not such a simple operation.

    And from what do you see that the hypothetical "Reaper" will be able to reap a large number of satellites of the enemy grouping? What says that it will be cheaper than the satellites it destroyed? In my opinion, it is the economics of these "Star Wars" in the described version that is just very, very doubtful.
  45. 0
    27 October 2022 19: 35
    Why wasn't spacecraft like these created two years ago? Planning horizon week? Day? Yesterday?
  46. fiv
    27 October 2022 20: 49
    We can disrupt a large constellation of satellites, not entirely selectively, of course. But this event is from the series "once such a booze has gone, cut the last cucumber." At the same time, measures will be taken and not only against satellites. And the world will change a little. This can only be done once. This moment has not yet arrived.
  47. +2
    27 October 2022 22: 05
    Launch the jammer into the same orbits?
  48. +1
    27 October 2022 22: 21
    There is an alternative to a bucket of nuts - a jet of paint on solar panels. Let's name the project - "Dye").
    Selectively, without debris, and the owner of the attacked satellite has time to decide on an independent deorbit of the spacecraft, which has sudden power problems. Nothing catastrophic, everything is under control. And during the arch from orbit, everything will burn. It is clear that everyone will understand everything. But they will be able to prove it only when they send one of the shuttles to their de-energized spacecraft.
    It is expensive, and the losses will start immediately - for commercial networks, this is suicidal.
    But the best option for Starlink is to disrupt their positioning system by distorting the GPS signal. This grid will come together in a heap, and it will cease to be working. This is our shoulder.
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. +1
        28 October 2022 11: 07
        As far as I understand, a network of satellites works due to their precise positioning relative to each other, and the transfer of information from one to another. Each individual satellite, leaving the field of view from the ground, transmits its user on the ground to another, the next satellite from the network. By breaking the connection between them, all this work can be, if not stopped, then severely limited. Communication is difficult to kill, but positioning can be. violated by a "fake" GPS signal, and geodata (coordinates of ground objects) will be transmitted to the user with an error.
        Here is a little about it -
    2. 0
      28 November 2022 09: 25
      But they will be able to prove it only when they send one of the shuttles to their de-energized spacecraft.
      Why would anyone need to prove something? Declaring starlink an international terrorist organization in the manner of ISIS. And do whatever you want with them. For one thing, and the Mask can be sent along the path of BinLaden. For nefig help the Nazis.
  49. +2
    27 October 2022 23: 01
    Once we hit science fiction, let's bring Heinlein's book to life. Let's build a base on the moon, el. magnetic accelerators and "from here we will threaten the Swede", or rather the whole world.
  50. 0
    27 October 2022 23: 50
    In the USSR there was a Spiral project. Why invent something new
    1. 0
      30 October 2022 09: 12
      where is that spiral now? Especially the hypersonic accelerator. And given the economic disparity, something cheaper is needed.
  51. +2
    28 October 2022 07: 36
    They began to talk about what should have been working at full capacity for 5 years already.
  52. +1
    28 October 2022 11: 53
    Is the launch of a jamming satellite with electronic warfare functions into orbit for Starlink satellites a violation of space treaties?
    1. 0
      7 December 2022 18: 36
      Anything that opposes the SVO is a legitimate target of the Russian Aerospace Forces, so it needs to be jammed
  53. 0
    28 October 2022 15: 29
    Quote: alexmach
    How realistic is it to hack control of Starlink satellites? They are controlled from the Earth by a signal. encrypted.

    Unreal. At all.

    Why so categorical? I wonder how this can be achieved? I can assume that at the hardware level, the trajectory is adjusted only when flying over certain areas of the earth's surface.
  54. 0
    28 October 2022 15: 31
    Essentially the article.
    First and most important! According to international treaties, the outer space of our planet is not a sovereign part of any state. With exactly the same success, the author could have proposed to kill some political figure in the West or to carry out sabotage at factories, for example, Lockheed Martin. The consequences will be approximately the same. With the same zero result.
    This concerns the semantic load of this opus. Now to the technical side of the issue. Starlink satellites are located in an orbit of about 500 kilometers, so far there are hundreds of pieces, and their number is planned to increase to several thousand (ideally up to 12) at a cost of 000 to 200 thousand dollars per piece. At the same time, they have software capable of automatically distributing among themselves all reception/transmission of signals from personal devices to repeaters. Destroying tens and hundreds of units will have virtually no effect on their operation. And here we can state the effect observed when dolphins hunt a school of herring - the dolphin eats up, but the school of herring continues to exist. That is, everything that the author proposes (I will omit the nonsense from the point of view of the energy supply of such hunting satellites) is action for the sake of action without any significant result. Given that the costs of such a project will be nine figures, and the development time will take at least ten years, and with a high degree of probability the product will be hopelessly outdated by the time a working prototype is created.

    And yes. In conditions where the planning horizon in our “stability” is at best a month, the promotion of such a project looks more like someone’s desire to cut the budget. Well, or the fairy tale about Khoja Nasreddin, in which he promised the padishah to teach a donkey to talk in 25 years.

    Peace and peace of mind to everyone!
    1. 0
      30 October 2022 09: 07
      Come on, convince yourself. All threats only seem to us. The United States has never offended anyone in their life. The space above our territory is ours.
  55. 0
    28 October 2022 15: 47
    If there is no enemy, but you need to draw it, with photographic realism.
  56. The comment was deleted.
  57. +2
    28 October 2022 16: 42
    At the moment the problem is that:
    The enemy uses American satellites for military communications. Americans are discussing this all over the world (Musk’s statements), and we...
    And we are even discussing among ourselves how to disrupt communications without damaging the satellites and the enemy could not accuse Russia of using anti-satellite weapons...
    We are very shy.
  58. 0
    28 October 2022 17: 54
    The author mentions the problem of identifying satellites launched into orbit. Let me remind you that even from the surface of the Earth, modern telescopes (about 30 years old now) will form an image of the extracted satellite down to the smallest cog. And since most satellites rotate to stabilize, they will also take photographs from all sides. In addition, as far as they wrote on the Internet, well-known space telescopes, at least part of the time, are devoted to the tasks of the military and the US government.
    1. 0
      30 October 2022 09: 02
      The US government does not need civilian telescopes. He has regular ones in stock.
  59. 0
    29 October 2022 00: 12
    mmlibedd!tevoz yaam 9 anaksam vedevdem libed
    1. 0
      30 October 2022 09: 00
      Did they pour coffee for your squirrel? Libed mass.
  60. 0
    29 October 2022 07: 25
    Article at the "Young Technician" level
  61. 0
    29 October 2022 07: 48
    A satellite jamming the reception and transmission frequencies will be many times more effective, and you don’t need to shoot them down, but intercept control. And then, with their own commands, disrupt either coordination or data transmission. How nice it is when there are satellites, but there is no network.
  62. The comment was deleted.
  63. -1
    29 October 2022 13: 23
    He said correctly that the problem is in our leadership. And about the elimination of satellites with a nuclear explosion, you are wrong... Either due to ignorance or simply stupidity, because knowledge in this matter is available. It’s time for us to come out of something. After all, we know very well that the United States deployed nuclear weapons in space. And our regime, on the contrary, removed such systems...
  64. The comment was deleted.
    1. 0
      29 October 2022 15: 40
      Experts, tell me, why not just use some kind of tachyon cannon or black hole generator against these satellites? Surely this will help solve the problem with this Starlink
    2. 0
      30 October 2022 08: 45
      The atmosphere has "windows of transparency" in the millimeter range. On earth, a generator is much cheaper to create and operate, and even losses are easier to compensate for. To create a powerful scanning system, you need a superconducting phased mirror. It’s not even the temperature effect that is important here, but the breakdown of insulators in microelectronics.

      The recent strange crash of our plane, with equipment and crew immediately failing, is alarming. I think someone is starting energetic pranks. I hope they are also thinking in this direction.
    3. 0
      30 October 2022 09: 15
      By the way, not only laser radiation does not dissipate in space, but also a cumulative jet. And it moves very quickly. Although slower than light.
  65. The comment was deleted.
  66. 0
    30 October 2022 06: 21
    I found the term "Radio-electronic fire strike"
    Elon needs to think about it.
  67. 0
    30 October 2022 08: 38
    Why won't a bucket of nuts work? The same thing worked with SDI. Another thing is that space will be polluted. But do we need space if Russia doesn’t exist?

    Spacecraft have a dust screen as standard. If the screen on the Soyuz is thickened, smaller devices will lose out.
  68. 0
    30 October 2022 10: 45
    What a fucking mess. I look on TV at the modern production of copters; the body is printed on a 3D printer. How modern! Just slow and expensive. The printer needs to print stamping forms.
  69. -1
    30 October 2022 11: 00
    Question to those in the know: judging by the nature of the articles (how to disable it, how to damage it), we won’t be able to do something similar (Skif, as I understand it, it’s still a little wrong) in the foreseeable future?
  70. 0
    30 October 2022 19: 29
    It is necessary to destroy aircraft, including artificial Earth satellites, legally. To do this, we need the Law of the Russian Federation, which states that all devices causing intentional damage to Russia are subject to destruction, regardless of their location in space. R&D aimed at eliminating satellites must begin with a Law. Right now, if the Law exists, we could start shooting down all of Elon Musk’s satellites.
  71. 0
    31 October 2022 14: 46
    Explain to a noob. Do I understand correctly that the Starlink satellites are equipped with afar (from the article), then they can now see all cruise missiles and aircraft, no matter what altitude they are flying at?
  72. 0
    2 November 2022 13: 20
    author-->author-->is the author a science fiction writer? Project HINTING and project CLUNTER... maybe just 1-2 satellites with firearms and bang bang on enemy satellites? EMU charges, EMU guns, EMU batteries - fantastic. How much does your EMU weigh...?
  73. 0
    3 November 2022 23: 27
    Why wasn’t the author appointed instead of Rogozin? Already blinded and destroyed all the satellites!
  74. 0
    5 November 2022 05: 29
    This device is very expensive, and it will not be easy to control it from the ground
  75. -1
    15 November 2022 17: 57
    In general, any spacecraft, and especially an orbital constellation, must be controlled from the Earth.
    This control center must be destroyable.
    In addition, in addition to the hardware, these satellites also have software.
    And it is implemented in such a way that any satellite is accessible via the Internet. This is also a vulnerability that must be exploited.

    Although, putting a Starlink module into a rocket and controlling it via video link throughout the flight is a very tempting idea. Then you can fucking throw out the entire inertial guidance system from there and replace it with a warhead.
  76. 0
    26 November 2022 23: 15
    The appearance of special waste in space will harm everyone. Blocking the signal transmitted/received from Starlink is difficult due to its narrow directionality.
    Is it possible to block the satellite control signal?
    If all Starlinks act according to an algorithm, then interference to them is not interference.
    But, if periodic correction is required, or a change in the algorithm, or a software update, then they can be broken without physical impact.
  77. 0
    29 November 2022 23: 19
    The “observer” should be discarded right away - this is some kind of multi-gender in space. And the proposed “Pest” dust cloud is too tricky. An inspector satellite with a directional EMP cannon and a small-sized nuclear reactor is an effective weapon against the Adversary’s satellites. And the more brazenly and boorishly Russia begins to incapacitate them en masse, the less desire they will have to fight. Yes, our satellites may shoot down in response, but we can live without them and our weapons will be able to hit them without satellites, but they are unlikely. Such a war in space is still inevitable, but it involves minimal human casualties and at the same time a real existential threat to the West, which will force them to negotiate a new world order.
  78. The comment was deleted.
  79. 0
    21 December 2022 10: 09
    Ugh, it’s disgusting to read... I wish I could model the “Drawer” satellite, which will approach the enemy satellite and cover the optics with a manipulator with a brush...
  80. DO
    21 December 2022 10: 51
    Low-orbit enemy satellites flying over Russian territory are most reliably shot down with anti-satellite missiles launched from a MiG-31 (or from another supersonic aircraft) at the moment of a “hill” maneuver individually calculated for each satellite.
    Yes, each such attack may turn out to be more expensive than the cost and launch of the downed enemy satellite into orbit. It is important to take into account the damage to the Russian Armed Forces caused by the satellite.
    Since the number of satellites shot down is large (on the order of thousands), the necessary serial reproduction of this anti-satellite technology will reduce the cost of destroying one enemy satellite.
  81. The comment was deleted.
  82. 0
    11 January 2023 12: 30
    Reading articles like this and comments on them, I am amazed at the spirit of militant impotence in our society. How did a similar story end with reconnaissance flights of fascist aviation on the territory of the USSR in 1941? Don't remember? But it was also forbidden to shoot down enemy reconnaissance aircraft, so as not to provoke a war? What did you get as a result? The defeat of the Red Army in a border battle and a bloody war. The enemy’s satellite constellation, which monitors the entire territory of the country around the clock, is the first and main threat to our security. What other arrangements might work here? They simply do not exist and cannot exist. And if they exist, then they must be broken immediately. I think that the technical capabilities to eliminate enemy satellites in outer space, which pose a threat to us, are more than enough. The simplest thing is a space fighter with a compact nuclear reactor, plasma engines for maneuvers in orbit and an electromagnetic gun with a ballistic computer that shoots metal balls with a diameter of 3 mm. An ammunition supply of 3000 balls will weigh three tons. Everything else will weigh another 2 tones. A maneuvering satellite weighing 5 tons in orbit will be able to shoot down at least 1500 enemy satellites. Is it a lot or a little? What if there are 30 such fighters? Yes, they won’t let anyone “cry” in orbit. Now for the environmental hysterics who are haunted by space debris. A fighter in orbit must always be above the target and shoot towards the surface of the earth. If it misses, the ball will burn up in the atmosphere. And if it hits, the enemy object will not only be disabled by the “micrometeorite,” but will also receive the “correct impulse” to leave orbit with subsequent combustion in the atmosphere. Of course there will be a howl. But we need to pay less attention to this howling and do what we need to do without making excuses to anyone. A war in space is much better than a war on earth if you have an active constellation of fighter satellites at the time of the war. Well, if the “broken heads” want to fight in a thermonuclear war, then they will have to do it without “eyes and ears.” As a result, everyone will have to make satellites that can evade attacks in space, and this is no longer cheap Elon Musk and there are many of them You can’t rivet it overnight. Only an effective war in space can force NATO to abandon its claims to dominance and move to a new world order.
    I want to ask all the “drooling humanitarians”: “Do you seriously think that the absence of war will prevent your death or the death of humanity?” The death of humanity, which lives on a thin crust of a fireball, can be caused by any celestial pebble from space with a kilometer in diameter.
    Anyone who fears death will never win a war. Do you know the providence of God or (say for atheists) do you know the plan of nature that gave birth to us? If we are destined for war, then we cannot avoid it, we just have to win it.
  83. AB
    16 January 2023 17: 44
    Everything that is written in the article sounds too expensive/rich, that is, impossible for our elites.
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  85. The comment was deleted.