Traumatic triad of death. Hypothermia

Traumatic triad of death. Hypothermia


On the eve of cold weather, I consider it necessary to recall the danger, which is not as pronounced as the injury itself, and is rather its consequence.

In general, injuries are divided according to the volume of the lesion into:

• isolated (damage to one organ or within one segment of the musculoskeletal system);

• multiple (damage to several organs or several segments of the limbs, that is, there are simultaneous fractures of two or more segments or sections of the musculoskeletal system);

• combined (simultaneous damage to internal organs and the musculoskeletal system).

Any injury is accompanied by bleeding or swelling with the development of local inflammation and possible subsequent tissue necrosis. Severe and multiple injuries are usually accompanied by traumatic shock and are very life-threatening.

Manifestations of traumatic shock:

• drop in arterial and venous pressure;
• increased heart rate;
• reduction in the amount of urine excreted;
• oppression of consciousness or, conversely, motor excitation.


Further, the topic is considered within the framework of combat, and not domestic wounds. Despite the fact that combat surgical injuries are divided into gunshot and non-gunshot injuries, the danger of hypothermia is present in any case.

Why is hypothermia dangerous?

According to clinical observations, against the background of hypothermia, bradyarrhythmia (a pathological decrease in heart rate less than 60 beats per minute) and ventricular fibrillation (a dangerous type of tachycardia) can develop.

Despite the fact that hypothermia is directly associated with an increase in mortality due to trauma, the question of its effect on the incidence of deaths is still open. There is still no consensus on this issue, since it is quite difficult to determine whether a person would have died without hypothermia or not.

According to a 2004 National Injury Data Bank (NTDB) analysis, as temperatures dropped, mortality increased, reaching about 39% at 32°C, and remained constant at lower temperatures. When the temperature drops below 32 degrees Celsius, mortality rates remain constant, which may indicate a threshold below which physiological mechanisms are unable to correct body temperature, regardless of the severity of the injury. Although the severity of shock is largely indicative of outcome, hypothermia independently contributes to significant mortality associated with severe trauma.

With the loss of heat, the mechanisms of thermoregulation of the body are activated: trembling and spasm of blood vessels. Trembling allows heat to be released through excessive muscle activity. Spasm of blood vessels reduces the flow of blood to the skin, slowing down the cooling of the body.

With the continued effect of cold (in case of violation of heat transfer in the body, even the usual room temperature can turn out to be cold), the general metabolic processes in the body are inhibited, which entails a violation of the central nervous system, cardiovascular, respiratory and other vital functions of the body.

With a further decrease in body temperature, the affinity of hemoglobin with oxygen increases, blood viscosity increases, the pumping function of the heart and pulmonary ventilation decrease, and the activity of the respiratory centers is inhibited.

A decrease in body temperature to 26-27 ° C can cause primary paralysis of the respiratory center. Respiratory arrest is the leading cause of death in conditions of deep hypothermia.

Hypothermia in combat wounds

Of course, the probability of getting a severe stage of hypothermia with a gunshot wound is much lower than from exposure to adverse environmental conditions. However, in this case, its danger lies precisely in invisibility.

The problem is exacerbated by a combination of factors:

1. Massive blood loss leads to excitation of the sympathetic nervous system, which in turn releases a large amount of catecholamines (catecholamines include, in particular, such neurotransmitters as adrenaline, norepinephrine, dopamine and dopamine). At the same time, the amount of adrenaline and noradrenaline many times exceeds the norm. Under the influence of catecholamines, capillaries spasm first, and then larger vessels. The contractile function of the myocardium is stimulated, tachycardia occurs. The liver and spleen contract, ejecting blood from the depot into the vascular bed. Arteriovenous shunts open in the lungs.

2. When a limb is injured, a part of the body is cut off from the blood flow due to the action of the tourniquet, which means that it cannot independently maintain heat transfer. Among other things, prolonged exposure to a tourniquet negatively affects large nerves, often lying near the main arteries.

3. With a cavity wound, internal bleeding can be stopped only thanks to special preparations and timely medical care. At the stage of waiting for help or transportation, bleeding can cause the development of hypothermia, which in turn provokes a deterioration in the condition of the victim and, because of this, develops cumulatively.

Thus, it is obvious that hypothermia in a gunshot wound is a consequence that must be dealt with. Ideally, actions to prevent the development of hypothermia should be part of a pattern of care behavior, for example, analogous to the MARCH algorithm.


Providing assistance to prevent the development of hypothermia.

In my opinion, it is easier to forget about hypothermia than to deal with it. Obviously, the most important rule is to warm the victim.

If the temperature of the victim is more than 32 degrees Celsius, you can increase the body temperature with the help of blankets, raising the ambient temperature, clothing, heating pads, and other things.

Temperatures below 32 degrees Celsius require more active actions: a warming blanket, increasing the temperature of the inhaled air, and washing the gastrointestinal tract with a warm solution. Warming the patient from the inside is sometimes offered, but experience with this technique is limited.

For the treatment of significant hypothermia, hemodialysis is recommended, as well as extracorporeal circulation, which clearly hints at the need for hospitalization of the victim.

Alcohol and coffee are strictly prohibited during hypothermia.


Of course, there is nothing new in the fight against hypothermia, and in most cases everyone already knows everything.

It is important to understand that any rescue action is only a part of the program aimed at rescue, and has its own sequence and degree of importance. Just as the conversion of the tourniquet must follow the arrest of bleeding, so the control of hypothermia must precede its development and follow all the necessary measures.

As a result, we again rest on the importance of prevention, and not on the response to the event. Yes, it's boring, you need to remember this, which is very difficult in combat conditions, but it is prevention that saves lives.
41 comment
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  1. +7
    17 October 2022 05: 08
    This material contains medical information. It is quite difficult for ordinary people to comment on it. But we can conclude that this information is currently very relevant and necessary for those who are now at the forefront. And especially to military doctors who save human lives. Thank you!!!
    1. +9
      17 October 2022 06: 14
      It is stated in the simplest language, well, the author twisted a couple of terms. And in general, I would recommend to the author to continue, the level of just nursing courses, even rather, nurse courses. It just says that with any blood loss, external or internal - to warm if possible, and by the way, it was very correctly noted about alcohol - they always shove. Well, it's been said. that it is dangerous, not everyone understands.
      But the called-up doctors should be given full-fledged training in field medicine, our Ministry of Defense got tired. Is it really so difficult to teach a tourniquet to tighten while lying down? Delov for 15 minutes - show once and let him train. And then he will kneel and puff until he grabs the olive in the forehead. This is an example for.
    2. -1
      18 October 2022 10: 11
      Quote: Yuri Orthodox
      And especially military doctors

      sorry, doctors definitely don’t need this article, well, if they are doctors
  2. +3
    17 October 2022 05: 11
    According to a 2004 National Injury Data Bank (NTDB) analysis, as temperatures dropped, mortality increased, reaching about 39% at 32°C, and remained constant at lower temperatures. When the temperature drops below 32 degrees Celsius
    Only further down the text it becomes clear that we are talking about body temperature. Dear author, please pay attention to this.

    Alcohol and coffee are strictly prohibited during hypothermia.
    Perhaps the main thing in the article!
    1. +2
      17 October 2022 07: 59
      Quote: Vladimir_2U
      Alcohol and coffee are strictly prohibited during hypothermia.
      Perhaps the main thing in the article!

      Apparently, therefore, the topic is not completely disclosed. Such is the tradition of such articles - dead silent about the most important and interesting.
      1. +6
        17 October 2022 08: 23
        Quote: Mikhail3
        dead silent about the most important and interesting.

        Are you talking about alcohol and coffee?
        And what's so interesting about it. They also increase the load on the heart (which is already at its limit), contribute to the release of the same hormones, increase tachycardia, aggravate the overall picture of the disease, and greatly increase the likelihood of shock and death in the absence of professional medical care.
        1. +3
          17 October 2022 10: 14
          Here about hypothermia - vasodilation - in addition to narrowing blood pressure - also gives increased heat loss. So the surest way to give oak in the cold is "one hundred grams for warming." Well, then the adrenaline rush and vasoconstriction, but that's later. Yes, and also a chip with wounds and bleeding is not useful. There are still a lot of different differences, but the author did not write an essay on the mechanism of intoxication, but the simplest things - what to do if the wound is a little more serious than an abrasion.
        2. -2
          17 October 2022 10: 50
          Increase the workload on the heart. It is incorrect to cite THIS as an argument) As you know, the doctor after the examination gives instructions for treatment. These instructions are in two parts. The first is real advice. The second is intimidation of the patient's dumbass, so that he foolishly does not do something. Any actions with the wounded increase the load on his heart. The use of drugs, too, and any. This piece is from intimidation, so that half a liter is not poured into the wounded man, and he does not die from intoxication. Seriously, you don't talk to supposedly smart people like that)
          The introduction of drugs also provokes the release of hormones.
          Increases chance of shock? However, if there are no anti-shock drugs, alcohol is quite used instead of them, it helps, albeit weakly. Couldn't it be more reasoned? No scarecrows?
          1. +3
            17 October 2022 12: 45
            Quote: Mikhail3
            THIS as an argument is incorrect

            What don't you understand? Alcohol triggers the same mechanism as with an increase in the phenomena of post-traumatic shock, potentiating each other's actions, increasing tachycardia (up to fibrillation and flutter), reducing the already small cardiac output. It paralyzes gas exchange in organs and tissues, aggravating hypoxia of the heart and brain.
            Quote: Mikhail3
            Couldn't it be more reasoned? No scarecrows?

            What are these scarecrows? This is reality. Shocks during injuries can be of two types: pain and hypovolemic. The first shows analgesics, the second - massive infusions. Which one can you stop with alcohol? Ethanol only aggravates the course, negatively affecting blood circulation, increases thrombosis.
            That is why I believe that opioid analgesics should be in the individual first aid kits of military personnel. The rapid removal of the pain factor contributes to a longer wait for qualified medical care, leading to a significant decrease in mortality.
            1. 0
              17 October 2022 14: 57
              As for "potentiating each other," let it be on your conscience. Second. What, alcohol is not an analgesic? How does vasodilation caused by alcohol negatively affect blood circulation? Does alcohol increase blood clots? Can be more?
              1. +3
                17 October 2022 17: 23
                You have blood loss, you lower blood pressure by dilating blood vessels! Roughly - your heart has nothing to pump. And fibrillation or atrial fibrillation - straight off the hooves stray, hurrying. And these are already guaranteed krants in the field
              2. +2
                17 October 2022 19: 29
                Quote: Mikhail3
                What, alcohol is not an analgesic?

                Alcohol affects the processes of synthesis and reservation in the synopses of non-erotransmitters, in this regard, it can be argued that it has an analgesic effect. But! Firstly, at what cost is it given, secondly, how do you calculate the dosage for each specific case, thirdly, alcohol begins its effect on the body in 7-15 minutes, which is a lot, given the onset of symptoms of pain shock immediately after injury / injuries, fourthly, 10-15 minutes after the absorption of ethanol, processes are launched (which I wrote about above), nullifying all the benefits of pain relief.

                Quote: Mikhail3
                How does vasodilation caused by alcohol negatively affect blood circulation?

                Let's start with the fact that this process is short-lived. Pain shock is accompanied by a sharp decrease in pressure in the arterial bed, the absorption of ethanol at the tenth (conditionally) minute will lead to a temporary expansion of the lumen of the vascular wall (in conditions of severe hypotension), and after about fifteen minutes, under the influence of the same ethanol, a mirror effect will start - narrowing vascular wall. Such "swings" obviously do not improve blood circulation ...
                For the relief of pain shock, there are working ones: fentanyl, promedol, morphine, for their prolongation - droperidol, as well as colloid solutions.
                1. 0
                  18 October 2022 08: 58
                  Well, this is an answer, not a scarecrow. The problem is the following. An ordinary fighter cannot get morphine or promedol in the first-aid kit. Even in the USSR, with the completely incomparable moral and volitional qualities of the fighters, there were problems with this in a non-combat situation. There wasn’t (well, almost) in combat, but now it’s not those times! The fighter is not at all the same, he and the Russians were banned long ago, they stopped educating the Russian long ago, what can he rely on? However, that's another story. In general, forget about morphine, firmly.
                  And what to do? You can moan as much as you like about promedol, which no one will give. And there is alcohol. Let it work poorly, but it works somehow! It would be very, very useful, the benefit will be expressed in thousands of saved lives, if it is possible to make a "ladder" for its use in combat conditions. That's what you need to seriously think about, and not habitually scare away the aliks ...
              3. +1
                17 October 2022 19: 48
                Quote: Mikhail3
                Does alcohol increase blood clots?

                One molecule of alcohol removes about one thousand two hundred molecules of water. Alcohol increases the concentration of blood components and the intensity of coagulation. The topic is very broad. If you are very interested, you can read it yourself. There is a lot of information, for example, Vanchakova from SPGMU Pavlov expounds perfectly.
                1. +1
                  18 October 2022 09: 00
                  Thank you very much, I will definitely read it.
                2. 0
                  19 October 2022 19: 31
                  Isn't an increase in the speed and volume of blood clotting a positive thing in wound lesions? Well, that is, with most of them? Binds water? So what? All the same, a person must be given a drink, if the nature of the injury does not prevent it. Of course, interference in the cascade of enzymatic multifactorial reactions with ethanol is rude, as I understand it. But you have to do something!
                  The fighter is inaccessible to complex and precise actions. And there is no education, and the state on the battlefield) is not something to jewelry. But you need to increase your chances! At least for a step. At least by a hair. The matter is simple, 50 to 50 - survived or died. At least push the swing a little ...
                  1. 0
                    20 October 2022 10: 40
                    Quote: Mikhail3
                    Isn't an increase in the speed and volume of blood clotting a positive thing in wound lesions?

                    Alcohol, acting on the outer shell of red blood cells, changes their structure, including contributing to thrombosis (all this against the background of low pressure in the bloodstream) - the risk of many microthrombi, which will only accelerate irreversible hypoxic changes in ALL tissues of the body.

                    Quote: Mikhail3
                    Binds water? So what?

                    It does not just bind, but removes, nullifying even the compensatory release of fluid from the cells into the bloodstream. Massive infusions / infusions are needed to replenish the volume of the bcc, and not vice versa.
                    Quote: Mikhail3
                    But you have to do something!

                    Definitely a must! But without a doctor it will be tight. In addition to stopping bleeding and immobilizing possible fractures, instead of drinking alcohol (after all, this is a "slippery slope"), I would try to myself (in the absence of a doctor and confidence that help will not come in the next few hours) to cut off the wound / injury site a local anesthetic (only if you are aware of your allergic history), there are also a bunch of NSAIDs that will dull the pain for a long time, plenty of warm drinks and warm clothes / warming. You can't think of anything else without a doctor...
                    1. 0
                      20 October 2022 11: 09
                      Thank you very much for your comment. Microthrombi, it's scary, no kidding. I know that it’s a bit tight without a doctor) But there is no doctor. It became very tight with doctors, even graduates. We need kits of medicines and short, clear training sheets for fighters going to war.
                      As you can see, there is little hope for modern first-aid kits and training. It is necessary to collect such a first-aid kit that a person can buy himself and try to save himself and his comrade. I understand it's against the rules...
  3. 0
    17 October 2022 06: 33
    The human body is complex and self-regulating. In some cases, it raises body temperature, in others it decreases. It is important to know the critical temperatures in this case. During the Covid period, small devices appeared to determine body temperature instantly. So we put such a device in the medical instructor's bag. (Even better is a control bracelet that determines the temperature, pulse, pressure, on the arm of the wounded) To raise or lower body temperature, an external influence is needed. At one time, soft heaters such as "Stocking" were advertised, but from a household power supply. That is, you can make a compact electric heating pad with self-powered, designed to work an hour and a half with a temperature controller. Well, no one canceled the anti-shock drugs from the "box" first aid kit. Thanks to the author. hi
    1. +1
      17 October 2022 07: 58
      A cape with a heat-reflecting layer is very effective.
      1. 0
        18 October 2022 19: 50
        And chemical heaters. The price of a penny. Working hours are acceptable.
    2. +4
      17 October 2022 08: 04
      Quote: fif21
      During the Covid period, small devices appeared to determine body temperature instantly. So we put such a device in the medical instructor's bag.

      In the conditions of a warm room, sometimes it is “wiser” when a person is brought in from the cold, and I won’t even say anything about working in harsh outdoor conditions ...
      1. 0
        17 October 2022 12: 03
        Quote: Doccor18
        In a warm room, and then "wise"

        So there is nothing to measure body temperature in the field? Or someone does not want to study the instructions? wink
    3. +1
      17 October 2022 09: 10
      At one time, soft heaters such as "Stocking" were advertised, but from a household power supply. That is, you can make a compact electric heating pad with self-powered, designed to work an hour and a half with a temperature controller.

      This has been done a long time ago. There are warming insoles powered by batteries, designed to be used for several hours, there are also electrically heated clothes (but this is more likely for weekend tourists, they are not suitable for the military, in my opinion). There are also special chemical warming packs in shoes, in mittens, in pockets, stickers on the chest and back - you can keep them with you just in case
      1. 0
        17 October 2022 12: 28
        Quote from solar
        (but this is more likely for weekend tourists, they are not suitable for the military, in my opinion)

        In my opinion, there is a certain algorithm of action in case of injury in combat conditions. Providing first aid, evacuation, first-aid post. The less time it takes, the more likely it is to stay alive and not disabled. The topic of the article does not apply to the provision of first aid. The first physician examining the wounded is the medical officer. Now he should already have a thermometer, dry ice or a heating pad. hi
        1. 0
          17 October 2022 20: 31
          With a large blood loss, warming actions are needed even before the appearance of a medical officer, a heating pad will not help, it is local. I put the tourniquet on a wounded comrade - immediately in a thermal blanket.
          Warming packs are used at the risk of frostbite, for example, or chest hypothermia, they are disposable.
  4. 0
    17 October 2022 06: 47
    Thank you. Never thought about it. Although there was an unpleasant incident on the campaign, hypothermia, hypothermia, even without wounds, led to heart problems.
  5. 0
    17 October 2022 07: 57
    Why is alcohol prohibited? What is its negative impact in this case?
    1. +1
      17 October 2022 08: 56
      I'm not a doctor, but alcohol is known to dilate blood vessels. Perhaps that is why it is contraindicated to use it.
      In cold weather, alcohol is also not recommended. Although many believe that it warms.
      The article is good and useful.
      1. +1
        17 October 2022 10: 59
        I advise you not to guess, but to know. For example, if you drink hard alcohol in the cold, wanting to warm up, you increase the likelihood of serious hypothermia problems. Since the same expansion of blood vessels after about 15 minutes will turn into narrowing, and the problem will worsen.
        However, if you drink 50 grams immediately after entering a heated room, you will significantly reduce the period of thermal adaptation, a process that is not easy and quite traumatic for the body, especially if the frost is strong and you have been on it for a long time.
        That's how knowledge is cast from rumors) By the way, I'm not a fan of alcohol at all. But the medical reflex is to intimidate stupid patients at any mention of him, this is, firstly, insulting, and secondly, stupid and dangerous for the sick and wounded, who do not receive proper care at critical moments because the doctor is used to scaring alcoholics.
        1. 0
          17 October 2022 11: 26
          I wrote "in frost, alcohol is not recommended to drink"
          1. +2
            17 October 2022 14: 59
            And it was necessary - "alcohol must be consumed consciously and skillfully."
  6. +1
    17 October 2022 08: 58
    It is easier to forget about hypothermia than to deal with it. Obviously, the most important rule is to warm the victim.
    If the temperature of the victim is more than 32 degrees Celsius, you can increase the body temperature with the help of blankets, raising the ambient temperature, clothing, heating pads, and other things.

    Temperatures below 32 degrees Celsius require more active actions: a warming blanket, increasing the temperature of the inhaled air, and washing the gastrointestinal tract with a warm solution.

    An explanation that at least the simplest thermal blanket is an indispensable element of a field first-aid kit.
    1. +1
      17 October 2022 11: 01
      I tested NATO and Chinese warming devices on myself. Both those and those chemical ones. I broke it and went warm. Pretty effective. NATO ones lasted for three hours, they heat well. Chinese ones are the same but weaker. winter is coming.
      1. 0
        17 October 2022 13: 31
        I tested NATO and Chinese warming devices on myself

        Why not ours?
        Their darkness is for sale. I use the delta term for fishing. And most importantly, it is MULTIPLE.
    2. 0
      18 October 2022 09: 05
      That's right, only the blanket must be used with a mirror layer inside) Not like in your photo. So no point.
      1. 0
        18 October 2022 11: 07
        this is not my photo, this is an advertisement for the sale of these thermal blankets, I took it from some site.
        On the other hand, if the film is transparent, how can you determine in the photo from which side the coating is sprayed? :))
        1. 0
          18 October 2022 12: 59
          Take it in your hands, it's easy to identify. I don’t think that you took the photo, there’s not much of your own on the Internet) Well, the company apparently ordered advertising on the side, and didn’t check it at all. New times - the times of the triumph of koekakers who do not know how to do their job ....
  7. 0
    17 October 2022 12: 19
    "Sometimes they offer warming the patient from the inside, but the experience of using this technique is limited" - how is it? swallow an electric cable and connect it to a battery?
    1. 0
      17 October 2022 20: 22
      Quote: kamakama
      it's like?

      Drink hot tea or just hot water. But the state of the victim is not always present with his clear consciousness and understanding of what is happening. In addition, there may be injuries to the abdominal cavity.
      1. 0
        17 October 2022 21: 36
        Wow, what a tricky word you came up with. And then I really thought - to insert a rectal heater. The human ass is almost at the center of the body. Uniform heating. Or stick 2 needles into a vein - take blood, heat it up and pump it back