Dysentery: an enemy that everyone needs to remember

Dysentery: an enemy that everyone needs to remember

In anticipation of a significant increase in the number of groups in the NMD zone, it is necessary to remember what accompanies any conflicts - diseases.

Every army faced the problems of unsanitary conditions in one way or another throughout the entire stories humanity. This problem is effectively solved only with the joint efforts of both the system that forms this army, and the fighters themselves, who are part of this army.

For example, by the winter of 1941, the positions of front-line and army hygienists were introduced in the Red Army. The tasks of the medical and sanitary battalions, which are part of the rifle divisions, included, among other things, the hygiene of the fighters. The task was worked out so much that there were entire sanitary-military trains, mobile baths and epidemiological stations.

Epidemiologists monitored not only the quality of washing, but also the logistics of dirty and clean linen. In cases where washing was difficult, clothes were impregnated with antiparasitic compounds.

During the First World War, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna personally financed a laundry train specially designed for the army. The first train-bath appeared in Russia in 1904 and was intended for the needs of the Red Cross.

On June 24, 1941, on the third day of the war, the NKPS instructed the railways to form 288 military hospital trains (150 permanent and 138 temporary). For them, six thousand wagons were allocated and the staff of railway workers was determined.

Dysentery in war

Shigellosis, or dysentery, is a group of acute/chronic diseases caused by bacteria of the genus Shigella that affect the gastrointestinal tract (mainly the distal colon).

In the field, the main sources of infection are:

1) Unsanitary conditions directly related to field conditions;
2) Common water sources or standing water (eg water barrels);
3) Camping utensils;
4) Personal items or clothes.

In addition to individual danger, the disease is highly contagious, especially in the field.

All forms of dysentery are accompanied by fever, malaise and pain for up to 10 days, and a severe form requires immediate hospitalization, as it develops suddenly and rapidly.

In addition to the disease itself, there are consequences in the form of various complications, often not directly related to the gastrointestinal tract. Some of them can develop into chronic forms.

Treatment of dysentery takes place in a stationary infectious diseases department with a regimen depending on the severity of the form. In addition to hospitalization, a diet and medication are also required:

1) Antibiotic therapy. Any antibiotics should be drunk only in a course and without interruptions, exclusively as directed by a doctor, as well as under his control. Otherwise, you can destroy the “good” bacteria inside yourself, and teach the “bad” ones to resist the action of therapy. In the modern world, perhaps 90% of adults know about these rules and often consciously ignore them, putting their convenience first;

2) Abundant drinking of saline solutions (Philips, rehydron, gastrolith, etc.), with vomiting, solutions will have to be administered parenterally, that is, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract (Trisol, Acesol, etc.);

3) Antispasmodics are prescribed for the relief of spasms and soreness, with hemorrhagic syndrome - heparin, etc.;

4) In the first days, the intake of enterosorbents is indicated (then they lose their therapeutic function and can be harmful);

5) With significant fluid losses, drugs that delay its increased release into the intestinal lumen (but do not stop motility) have a certain meaning;

6) In order to normalize the intestinal microflora, the intake of pro- and prebiotic agents, pancreatic enzymes is indicated.

Often in the instructions for the preparation of an individual first-aid kit for mobilization, the use of Loperamide for indigestion is mentioned. You need to understand that this drug provides symptomatic treatment and helps to regulate the stool, and not to cope with the source of the disease - bacteria.

Drugs designed specifically for the treatment of diarrhea, such as Enterofuril, often also recommended for the “general” first aid kit, ideally require combination with rehydration therapy and diet.

Of course, on the front line of the clash, no one will be engaged in any rehydration and diets, and it is for this reason that one of the main rules has been and remains the disciplined observance of the rules of personal hygiene, as far as possible. But the main enemies of cleanliness can be safely attributed to both banal laziness and problems with the organization of life in general. Unfortunately, life in war is a very specific experience, which in a peaceful environment is simulated quite difficultly and is often acquired already on the spot or transmitted through the personal example of more experienced comrades.

Hack and predictor Aviator

As a conclusion, I want to cite as an example the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829. Despite the small number of major battles, the Russian troops and their enemy suffered colossal damage from disease.

The total losses of those who died from diseases in 1828 on the Danube amounted to 22 thousand 23 people, that is, almost a fifth of the 2nd Russian army died from diseases, and at least 40 thousand people by December 1828 were in hospitals.

In general, the reasons for this disastrous situation include:

- incorrect calculation of the timing and nature of the upcoming campaign, and as a result - heavy protracted sieges and heavy losses from diseases;

- shortage of medical personnel, the number of which, although increased in comparison with peacetime, turned out to be completely insufficient in conditions of mass epidemics;

- poor suitability of hospitals of the 2nd Russian army for deployment in the field and specially unprepared buildings;

- an unsuccessful choice of a place for the camp and the placement of garrisons of fortresses without taking into account the sanitary condition of the area;

- the inability to strictly comply with quarantine measures in relation to large masses of troops on the Danube, given that they needed constant supply and replenishment.

It remains only to finish with a quote from Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov:

"Subordination, exercise, discipline, cleanliness, neatness, health, vigor, courage, bravery, victory, glory, glory, glory!"
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  1. The comment was deleted.
  2. 0
    11 October 2022 06: 04
    yes, diarrhea is a problem. The ancient Greeks added wine to water. so the water did not turn sour and some microbes did not develop in it
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +4
      11 October 2022 07: 03
      Quote: aybolyt678
      . The ancient Greeks added wine to water.
      I don’t know about the ancient Greeks, but in Afghanistan they brewed camel bark.
      1. +3
        11 October 2022 08: 36
        I don’t know how a thorn, but there are other options laughing :
      2. +2
        11 October 2022 10: 14
        When pripret and decoction of needles is good. One hundred in one good
        And you shouldn't forget about old folk herbs: Ivan tea, Lingonberry, Chamomile, etc.
      3. +3
        11 October 2022 11: 05
        Quote: bionik
        I don’t know about the ancient Greeks, but in Afghanistan they brewed camel bark.

        Just boiling would have the same effect laughing hi
        1. +3
          11 October 2022 11: 22
          The matter was even worse. It was entrusted to brew the thorn and pour it to ordinary fighters, certainly from Central Asia, who, unlike cooks, did not pass a medical examination. So the harm from a barrel with a decoction of a thorn is more than good. This is an additional source of unsanitary conditions due to dubious servants.
          1. +3
            11 October 2022 11: 31
            I completely agree! What is the point of boiling water, if later, when it cools down, you stick your dirty hands into it.
    3. -1
      11 October 2022 11: 16
      The ancient Greeks added wine to water.

      On the contrary, water into wine (spoiled the drink, in short:). Undiluted wine, in their opinion, could only be drunk by barbarians. So they said about the lover of drinking pure wine - "drinks in Scythian" :))
      1. +2
        11 October 2022 11: 39
        Quote from solar
        On the contrary, water into wine (spoiled the drink, in short:).

        we're talking about sanitation, not alcoholism. Some organic acids contained in wine inhibit the development of pathogens. Vinegar, by the way, was also a popular commodity in Ancient Greece, it was warm there, there were no refrigerators, and vinegar extended the shelf life of meat and others ... including water.
  3. +1
    11 October 2022 06: 13
    The topic is very important, but many people do not pay attention to it. This is especially true for the front end.
  4. +1
    11 October 2022 06: 21
    Dangerous thing! I don’t remember in what year, at the communication center in Kazakhstan, they fell ill so that there was no one to put on guard! Well and on a DB of problems were. After that, in the spring camel thorn was brewed and made to drink. Well, I took my fighters out into the field and collected wild onions so that they would eat and not get sick.
    1. fiv
      11 October 2022 06: 41
      83-85 Derzhavinsk. Throughout the division, there were tanks with a decoction of thorns near the canteens. There were only a few sick people at the communication center, because they washed their hands and did not drag any rubbish into their mouths. Most of the regiments crap heavily.
    2. Des
      11 October 2022 07: 02
      KSAVO, Leninsk. A huge capacity of boiling water brewed with a thorn, 24 \ 7. In a flask (when checking) only hot). For communication with representatives of others (potentially dangerous for dysentery, hepatitis, etc.) in the \ h - they threatened with a guardhouse.
  5. +1
    11 October 2022 06: 22
    It seems that the guys said that they add aspirin to the water and drink it just like that regularly, for prevention from any infections / colds, for example. There are many contagions in the war. Any gathering of people at times increases the risk of infection.
    And in general there should be all sorts of "lifehacks".
    1. 0
      11 October 2022 11: 19
      Quote from Drotro
      It seems that the guys said that they add aspirin to the water and drink it just like that regularly, for prevention from any infections / colds, for example.

      Won't work request
      Quote from Drotro
      And in general there should be all sorts of "lifehacks".

      But if at the level of placebo (faith), then for God's sake hi
  6. +4
    11 October 2022 06: 31
    Well what can I say

    Our army during the Second World War suffered much less from all sorts of concomitant unsanitary diseases. For example, there was less lice than in the Wehrmacht, where special combs were issued, and officers wore silk underwear. Well, for example, boots with footcloths served to reduce, for example, diseases of the legs, and in our army there was no such disease as the "trench foot" that the British and American armies suffered from. I'm afraid that now the legs in tight berets can catch the "trench foot". This type of frostbite, but at temperatures around zero and high humidity. The advice is - do not tighten the laces and wear footcloths.
    1. +6
      11 October 2022 09: 02
      But I had to feed lice for almost 1,5 years in the 80s. And there is absolutely no need to boast of some better condition during the Great Patriotic War. Lice were given out directly in the bath with linen. And if in the summer it was somehow still possible to get out, then in the winter, literally at any free minute, I had to look for lice and nits.
      Was it really so difficult, given the complete impotence of the sanitary services, to give out at least a dust soap?
  7. +1
    11 October 2022 06: 38
    Quote from Drotro
    And in general, there should be all sorts of "lifehacks"

    In my opinion, alcohol is a universal life hack.
    Having moistened a rag or a napkin, they can wipe their hands before eating food, wipe the body, and use it inside by diluting it with water by half.
    1. +1
      11 October 2022 07: 22
      Just not the fact that alcohol will be available everywhere, given how many of our compatriots are "friends" with alcohol. But in any case, there must be a systematic approach to maintaining a healthy lifestyle in the army. So that everyone is provided with funds centrally, and everyone observes the rules of hygiene, as far as possible in the field.
      1. +3
        11 October 2022 07: 53
        Just not the fact that alcohol will be available everywhere, given how many of our compatriots are "friends" with alcohol

        Now there is a wide variety of alcohol wipes. These napkins must be included in the mandatory clothing for military personnel. And they will protect not only from dysentery, but also from fungus and other skin diseases.
        1. -1
          11 October 2022 09: 02
          Quote: Konnick
          Just not the fact that alcohol will be available everywhere, given how many of our compatriots are "friends" with alcohol

          Now there is a wide variety of alcohol wipes. These napkins must be included in the mandatory clothing for military personnel. And they will protect not only from dysentery, but also from fungus and other skin diseases.

          An irrepressible desire to drink (poisoning with antifreeze did not stop everyone) and soldier's ingenuity will turn them into just napkins, without alcohol, at all.
          1. +1
            11 October 2022 09: 14
            Ethyl alcohol should be immediately returned to circulation, especially in napkins. Why should I breathe poisonous isopropyl in my windshield washer just because someone is afraid of antifreeze?
            Try extracting alcohol from modern antifreeze, see how you get it.
            1. +1
              11 October 2022 09: 42
              Try extracting alcohol from modern antifreeze, see how it goes

              He didn’t write about the modern one, he cited it more as an example from the past (frost, scrap, antifreeze and a couple of bootlegger boys), and alcoholics a hundred years ago, 20, or now the same, the call of alcohol is mostly stronger than will. Have you heard anything about the mash in the BMP tanks either?
            2. +2
              11 October 2022 10: 16
              On the other hand, they say that when he was the chief sanitary doctor, Mr. Onishchenko did not badly weld on the introduction of isopropyl alcohol into the washer. Although everyone knows omyvayku for glass, and not for drinking.
  8. +1
    11 October 2022 08: 52
    The article focuses on prevention and hygiene. This is an outdated and one-sided approach.
    We need clear instructions on what drugs and against what to use.
    The fungus, in fact, is defeated by modern medicine, or rather pharmaceuticals. We had cars driving around the city on which it was written that the antifungal drug was recognized in 1993 as the drug of the year. However, for the military, this is still a secret with seven seals.
    Same thing with lice. The drug against lice was tested in 1943. However, by the beginning of hostilities in Afghanistan, it was not only forgotten, but moreover, banned. And banned on the basis of fears that it may cause some thinning of the shell of bird eggs!
    Therefore, clear guidelines are needed for dysentery and typhoid fever. List of antibiotics and free access to them.
    Every soldier should know how to treat him for specific army diseases.
    1. 0
      11 October 2022 09: 04
      Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
      Every soldier should know how to treat him for specific army diseases.

      Every soldier must know the measures of sanitation and prevention. Commanders must ensure, control and enforce by all means the observance of these norms. Only physicians should treat. Agitation of self-treatment is unacceptable.
      1. +2
        11 October 2022 09: 11
        Then a counter question. Why didn’t I have to deal with the attention and adequate approach of the commanders to the problem? Maybe because they were also told that someone literate would come and help. They also did not know the drugs and their use. The commanders did not even attempt to deal with lice or fungus. And they advised to be patient with typhoid fever, it’s like a small enterocolitis and it will resolve itself!
        Maybe it will be enough to not consider people as people, and still give elementary knowledge on the simplest cases and safe medicines.
        1. +2
          11 October 2022 09: 27
          Why didn’t I have to deal with the attention and adequate approach of the commanders to the problem?

          As soon as I came to serve in the troops, I learned from the fighters that the uniform and linen should be ironed with an iron from lice, and from the fungus, wash your feet every day, if you start, you need to sprinkle your feet with crushed TNT.
          How many served, there were no lice or fungus in the unit.
          1. 0
            11 October 2022 09: 35
            The iron was one per company. And who told you that with its help you can reliably get rid of lice in the seams of warm underwear?
            If your part did not have lice and fungus, then this does not mean that other parts did not have them. I would like to see how crushed TNT will help against the fungus. No hygiene can remove the fungus, only special preparations.
            Considering hygiene as omnipotent, as I understand it, is not only wrong, but also extremely harmful.
            1. -2
              11 October 2022 12: 56
              If your part did not have lice and fungus, then this does not mean that other parts did not have them.

              So where did you serve? They say lice love the hungry, probably underfed?
              Construction battalion at Baikonur?
              1. 0
                11 October 2022 13: 02
                Panama on the profile picture does not say anything? Alas, in your case, medicine is powerless.
                1. 0
                  11 October 2022 13: 16
                  Panama on the profile picture does not say anything? Alas, in your case, medicine is powerless.

                  She tells me about Baikonur. Stroybat or BB.
                  1. 0
                    11 October 2022 13: 27
                    He himself served in the construction battalion, since you hang labels on others?
                    Nice trick, maybe it will work. Write me something else. I appreciate how your imagination is developed.

                  2. 0
                    11 October 2022 14: 08
                    O! Already and BB attributed to me. Come on, gush ideas further. It's funny when they go crazy like that.
                    1. -1
                      11 October 2022 14: 12
                      O! Already and BB attributed to me. Come on, gush ideas further. It's funny when they go crazy like that.

                      Well, where else do they serve with pediculosis and fungus? Not at the outpost, where there was always a bathhouse.
                      1. -1
                        11 October 2022 14: 22
                        The fantasy and the complete absence of at least any knowledge in medicine are simply amazing. Are you all like this in the Ukrainian CIPSO? I will allow myself to hang a label, I am so amazed at illiteracy and flight of fancy.
                        Pediculosis is when lice are on the head and skin. We had linen lice in the bath just gave out. He took off the contaminated underwear and there is no disease.
        2. +2
          11 October 2022 09: 36
          Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
          The commanders did not even attempt to deal with lice or fungus.

          You're out of luck with the commanders. I sent the battalion paramedic (ensign) to the bathhouse with the company, so that he would examine the soldier, as well as their linen (I had 70 percent of the soldiers from Central Asia, they brought plenty of sores from their homeland). There were no obstacles to this. The regiment was full strength, 2000 people. PMP coped well and did not allow painful outbreaks. The fungus, for example, was quite easily determined visually and was treated in the early stages by a doctor at the regimental first-aid post in the direction of a paramedic. And in order for a person with sometimes primary education to be given "elementary" knowledge of diagnosing what can happen to him in a crowded team, he must give up combat training and engage in medicine alone all year.
          1. -1
            11 October 2022 09: 47
            What does inspection give? The soldiers will tell you anyway that their lice have bitten. You do not know how to deal with them, it was hidden from you. You have nothing, and you do not know what to demand for treatment and prevention.
            The fungus was not treated in the 80s, I never encountered it anywhere, in all the units where I had a chance to serve, the fungus was ignored. At best, they recommended, but did not give out Teymurov's paste, which only relieves, but does not cure.
            1. 0
              11 October 2022 12: 46
              However, you are strange... What is not a curse, a statement, nothing more. It is clear even to those who have not served at all from your communication that if the commander, conditionally, pays attention to some things - one thing, but scores on them - another. If the commander doesn’t give a damn about l / s - everything you suggested is nothing. If not - and so everything works. And the problem is not in the instructions, wheels or ointments. The problem is with the commander. Moreover, it was almost always, and after the Second World War, after a while, it simply became an unsolvable problem. Now it's almost like a death sentence. Back in tsarist times there was such a saying ... "Good regimental, so-so divisional, and even from corps and above - at least don't dawn." And nothing has changed...
              1. -1
                11 October 2022 12: 57
                No need to shy away and consider the rank and file not for people who have only a primary education. don't be intimidated by years of medical training. It is enough to hang a poster, an information board, where to list medicines for fungus, lice and for gastrointestinal disorders.
                Army infections can be counted on the fingers. These are lice, fungus, dysentery, viral hepatitis A, typhoid fever and the rest are less common. Wounds and injuries are a separate issue.
                Why do you deny military personnel the right to know that dust soap containing DDT helps with lice? DDT is banned, so give me another drug.
                Why do you deny the right to know that Nizoral and Nitrofungin help with fungus on the legs, like a lot of other drugs?
                Why stand people for cattle unable to choose and buy pills for fungus and indigestion?
                1. -1
                  11 October 2022 13: 35
                  No need to shy away and consider the rank and file not for people who have only a primary education. don't be intimidated by years of medical training.

                  Did I mention it somewhere?
                  Why do you deny military personnel the right to know that dust soap containing DDT helps with lice?

                  I repeat - I stuttered about this somewhere?
                  Why stand people for cattle unable to choose and buy pills for fungus and indigestion?

                  Well, I can ask a third time, although it will be of little use ....
                  It's about something completely different. From the word at all. if the military unit is in the city - one scenario. And if in some ... nooks and crannies of the beloved fatherland - it is completely different.
                  If there are zholnezhi, quite coping in officer positions - this does not mean at all that the whole l / s is just like that ....
                  But this, too, will siphon past the cash register, as I already understood lol
                  we are talking about the fact that if the command +/- performs its duties, all this is not really necessary. On the one hand, if there is an intelligent l / s, it will not hurt. But this l / s usually does not have problems. But there is another l / s. Trying to saw through a 30 mm projectile for the sake of an album. Trying to build "schnapps" out of any resolutely liquid ...
                  In addition, if the commander is a dunce, which is not at all uncommon, then all your measures are like pellets to an elephant.
                  so give another drug.

                  Oh, run away....
                  And if he is "Why hold people for cattle" - what is this speech about. By the way, CHSH, often an officer who "scores" on l / s is .... mmm ..... so-so officer lol . Because for a l / s officer, in fact, there is the same materiel. For dohtur, by the way - directly))). And the hardware must be correct.
                  1. 0
                    11 October 2022 13: 50
                    What does command have to do with it, when it's about instructions? When there is no knowledge of what and from what to be treated, what to beware of. Why are you trying to pin something on the command that it also cannot handle, due to the lack of the same instructions.
                    Hang a poster in part, with what and from what to be treated, how dysentery, hepatitis and typhoid spread, and a good half of the problems will disappear immediately. The same command will receive information and will know what to do.
                    The previous commentator holds the l / s for cattle, declaring the general primary education and the need for a year of training in taking pills. As if buying and eating a pack of anti-fungal pills requires a year of training.
                    1. 0
                      11 October 2022 16: 40
                      What does command have to do with it, when it's about instructions?

                      Excuse me generously, sir, but the instructions can be rolled up and ..... put in the appropriate place. if the commander doesn't care. And if you don’t give a damn, then he doesn’t need instructions. That's what doctors are for. And the duty of the commander is to make them work. Well, and, accordingly, follow the instructions thereof.
                      If we are talking about "now" in general, then the fungus is by no means the most terrible problem. And the fact that he is still there speaks of the gouging of the head / command staff. No more. Otherwise, you will begin to approach the art of cooking and weapons matters .... upgrade the technique in an amateur way ....
                      1. -1
                        11 October 2022 16: 46
                        Well, congratulations. In refusal to hang out a poster in a military unit with the names of widely used drugs. We continue to tell stories about the need to make doctors work, about caring commanders, and so on, we know, they passed. And we won’t look into the kitchen and interfere, let them serve sticky barley with rags of lard again, it’s more reliable in the old fashioned way.
                      2. 0
                        11 October 2022 16: 54
                        Let me congratulate you too. With the presence of beautiful posters and the absence of a physician, as well as medicines, that is, normal medical care. But with posters. And, as a result, with the absence of everything else that we have. In full growth, only posters will be added to the reports, on the neck of the commanders, they don’t have enough writings, and the commander will by no means be responsible for the posters. It is much easier to hang rubber gloves next to the switch (with a poster, of course) than to repair or replace it. Now it’s clear where we got so many pieces of paper from)) But we wanted something better ....
                      3. -2
                        11 October 2022 16: 57
                        "Chi replace."?
                        Well, now I see who I'm dealing with.
                        hagen also from yours?
                        And then I think, where such frantic perseverance comes from, now it’s clear.
                      4. 0
                        11 October 2022 17: 23
                        Heh, that is, you are even more gifted than it seemed))) And there is also OK (and here’s an agent for the State Department), I won’t talk about Chinese words - the censor won’t let it through (but it’s like a solid obscenity, although in fact they are ordinary words)) ), and if I remember the clairvoyant pan, is there a direct road to the defense?
                        Thank you for the clarity, I promise not to disturb you in the future, especially in the fall .....
            2. -1
              11 October 2022 13: 00
              The fungus was not treated in the 80s, I never encountered it anywhere, in all the units where I had a chance to serve, the fungus was ignored.

              Vodka lotions were excellently treated. And it’s better not to bring it to this, it was necessary to wash footcloths more often.
              1. 0
                11 October 2022 13: 09
                Such statements are undisguised wrecking, comparable to medieval quackery. This should be punished.
                No need to lie, very advanced drugs are needed to treat the fungus. The fungus penetrates the tissues with no lotions and washing cannot cure it.
                Medicines against the fungus began to appear relatively recently, approximately from the mid-70s of the last century. It began with Nitrofungin, with which dog breeders immediately began to smear the paws of dogs, but for some reason the drug did not reach the military. Then Nizoral appeared, recognized as a medicine in 1993. It was expensive, in the army again turned out to be unknown. Until now, very few people know how to treat a fungus, although there are already a lot of drugs.
                1. +1
                  11 October 2022 22: 03
                  Footcloths are very convenient for real service, especially on marches, or when it is impossible to get into a boot during the day. Bertsy, socks, pea jackets (mattresses) is a service around "your corner". Personally, by nail fungus (for me), I noticed all the boatmen, .. I don’t know about lice, you must not wear someone else’s from the “cloak-tent ..” wash your underwear as you like and whenever you like. Lice are easy to take out, but what's the point if the rest have lice.
            3. +1
              11 October 2022 16: 27
              Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
              What does inspection give? The soldiers will tell you anyway that their lice have bitten.

              The last years before my dismissal from the SA, I served in a training regiment. Every six months, he received not always healthy conscripts from a citizen, mostly from Central Asia, and released them as mechanics as BMP drivers. So "bath inspection" gives a lot, if you are not afraid to see. The fungus came to light not often, but was. They treated him with nitrofungin or mycoseptin (I think that's what it was called...). Bed linen, underwear and footcloths that the foreman received were obligatory roasted in special equipment. Therefore, getting lice with them was very difficult. But lice periodically appeared with all sorts of warm things that fell into the hands of soldiers from the "civilian" and were not processed systematically. In those days, there were no washing machines in the divisions. But they dealt with it quite well. If information about lice reached the command post, then at the entrance to the barracks they put a special machine with a frying cabinet and "fried" everything, right down to the curtains from the office.
              Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
              The fungus was not treated in the 80s, I did not encounter it anywhere, in all parts where I had a chance to serve

              I don’t know where you served and how many parts you went through, in the five parts that I went through, serious attention was paid to health and sanitation. And I, as a platoon / company commander, did not need the rules for the use of medicines. All high-risk field exercises were conducted with the accompaniment of a medical team. Shooting did not start if there was no "pill" with the doctor. It was enough for me to somehow find out that "something was wrong" with the soldier. No more. And if you mention the treatment of a fungus with Teymur ointment, then you are still a doctor. God forbid such an adviser. wink
              1. -5
                11 October 2022 16: 40
                About Nitrofungin, you spied on me, and you still had the audacity to accuse me of advising you to use Teymurov's paste. For this communication in a similar tone stop. God forbid from such caring commanders, in words everything is on point, but in fact there is no medical care in terms of it. Persistent refusal to issue even recommended drugs for treatment.
                1. 0
                  11 October 2022 18: 37
                  Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
                  About Nitrofungin you spied on me

                  You are some kind of primitive interlocutor. This remedy for "yellow heels" is known to anyone who has encountered the harsh fungal reality in SA. And if fate threw a hole into the hands of Pithecanthropes, this does not mean at all that the whole SA was like that. And to the efforts of caring commanders, one must add a well-built system, i.e. OShS MSD, for example. Where in each hole the infantry was accompanied by a regimental first-aid post and a divisional SME. No need to slander the SA. She had a lot of shortcomings without it.
                  1. -5
                    11 October 2022 19: 38
                    It seems that you, comrade officer, did not lift a finger to save the USSR from disintegration, and now you have the audacity to accuse someone of slandering the SA. Not funny yourself, comrade officer? Someone else was supposed to defend your homeland for you?
                    Tell us how the special officers prevented you from doing this.
                    It is you who are now trying to drag all the most disgusting things from the past, and repeat in the present, the denial of any medical care, including. Since then you have not changed. What convinces me even more of the non-randomness of what happened then with the country.
                    1. +1
                      11 October 2022 20: 32
                      Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
                      Not funny yourself, comrade officer?

                      Reading your stomach already burst with laughter .... You, before writing nonsense, study the history of the subject you affected, the structure, the purpose of the elements, the areas of responsibility, and so on. And then, judging by what was written, it seems that you do not have an elementary secondary education.
                      Someone else was supposed to defend your homeland for you?

                      And someone attacked the Motherland?
                    2. 0
                      11 October 2022 20: 39
                      Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
                      It seems that you, comrade officer, did not lift a finger to save the USSR from disintegration, and now you have the audacity to accuse someone of slandering the SA. Not funny yourself, comrade officer? Someone else was supposed to defend your homeland for you?

                      How interesting you have moved from hygiene issues to those responsible for the collapse of the USSR.
                      And on topic. Urgent, 1986-1988. Kustanai. No lice, no fungus, no dysentery. Maybe because the commanders were watching, or maybe because there were no servicemen from the Asian republics in the unit?
                      And yes, as soon as tenants from "brotherly" countries appear in the house, bedbugs and cockroaches appear behind them. Weird....
                      1. -2
                        11 October 2022 21: 04
                        It's not me who crossed over, if you're careful. It was a comrade officer who decided to slander me about the SA. When you communicate with them, it is as if you are smeared in an unpleasant substance.
                        And where I served, it was impossible not to catch the whole bunch, including typhoid fever, and the officers were sick. Moreover, some kind of medical care began only with hospitalization.
    2. 0
      11 October 2022 11: 16
      Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
      The article focuses on prevention and hygiene. This is an outdated and one-sided approach.

      In this you are completely wrong. It is much easier and more important to prevent diseases and, first of all, infectious diseases (there is even a definition of a group of these diseases, which sounds like "diseases of dirty hands" (and this is not my gag hi )), which are precisely characterized by their mass character.
      Of course, no one canceled the importance of treatment. But when your company begins to dry up 20 times a day, each fighter will no longer be up to hostilities. And the treatment will involve the hospitalization of 25-30 / personnel for complex therapy, and the combat effectiveness of the rest will be within the same 25-30 /.
      Therefore, in these cases it is better to prevent hi
      1. -2
        11 October 2022 11: 29
        Has the effectiveness of some speculative preventive measures been proven anywhere and ever? What exactly and how helped you give examples? There will be no such examples. Yes, hygiene is needed, but it does not guarantee anything, nothing at all.
        The main problem is concealment, concealment of the achievements of medicine and medical knowledge. Has it ever been said somewhere that viral hepatitis A is only spread through human feces? No and no again. They made a secret out of it. The consequences of the ostrich policy in medicine are extremely severe.
  9. +3
    11 October 2022 09: 08
    One should not forget about linen armored personnel carriers either, in the Caucasus, in the mountains, during the onset of mudslides and in the absence of a source of water in the base camp, an unwashed regiment littered up by 150% (some more than once), a very specific condition ...
    1. -1
      11 October 2022 09: 31
      unwashed regiment lousy by 150%

      Previously, it was believed that lice appeared from the dirt. I myself encountered this, and I readily believe the illiterate people of the early 20th century. Indeed, one has only to relax attention to hygiene, all personnel can get lice. But we didn’t have this problem in our unit. All linen, even those obtained from the laundress, is ironed and there are no lice. In Chechnya, there were situations when there was no electricity, but this is still force majeure, diesel engines were threshed without stopping.
      1. +2
        11 October 2022 09: 47
        In each platoon an iron, then they bought with steam. All linen, even those obtained from the laundress, is ironed and there are no lice. In Chechnya, there were situations when there was no electricity, but this is still force majeure, diesel engines were threshed without stopping.

        Irons in the Caucasus mountains in 2000 would have been a little more valuable than a small cutting board, and there was only one to a dozen diesel engines for 600 people, and that one was at the communication center, the head of which drove away everyone who wanted to stick to the switchboard with a stick, the rest were a pair of diesel and gasoline the thirtieth is monuments on wheels .. Therefore, the struggle was only a boil, chemistry (which was delivered from Khankala) and most importantly, when the water carrier (on the ZIL-131) was able, after drying the Chechen plasticine, to rise to the guru from the source ...
  10. +2
    11 October 2022 09: 37
    As a conclusion, I want to cite as an example the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829. Despite the small number of major battles, the Russian troops and their enemy suffered colossal damage from disease.

    More examples can be given. Here, at VO, there were articles on the state of medical support in the Second World War, in Afghanistan, in Chechnya.
    The conclusion is unequivocal: despite the fact that the medical support system was worked out and successfully proved itself during the Second World War, in all subsequent conflicts it was necessary to start from scratch. What speaks of the extremely inefficient system of the functioning of the army, when it needs time and considerable effort to restructure to exist in wartime conditions.
  11. +1
    11 October 2022 10: 07
    Such equipment is produced as "Auto-dressing station AP "SZMO" and disinfection and shower unit DDA-01-"SZMO"

    I hope that there are enough such complexes in the army. The Saransk Medical Equipment Plant produces such things.
  12. -1
    11 October 2022 11: 06
    Quote: lithium17
    Well, I took my fighters out into the field and collected wild onions so that they would eat and not get sick.

    It won't help with dysentery. request hi
    1. The comment was deleted.
  13. SNA
    11 October 2022 12: 13
    Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
    poisonous isopropyl

    The toxicity of IPA is 3,5 times higher than that of ethanol, and the drug effect is 10 times higher. Poison if you eat about half a kilo.
  14. 0
    11 October 2022 12: 41
    My grandfather came down with dysentery near Stalingrad. They drank bad water, since there was no other ....
  15. 0
    11 October 2022 12: 58
    Yeah, this is an important problem in peacetime (according to SAVO and TurkVO I know the problem of dysentery and hepatitis well too) but in war it’s just paramount ... good luck to doctors in their multifaceted hard work
  16. 0
    11 October 2022 13: 18
    Unsanitary conditions were a big problem for both the Nazi army in the USSR and the Napoleonic army in Russia. You can say as much as you like that "the trenches don't give a damn", but even from the banal rotavirus, the soldier is no longer a fighter, not to mention more serious infections. So it is critical for combat capability
  17. +1
    11 October 2022 16: 31
    The rotavirus vaccine costs a penny.
    If my family and I knew about this before
    trip to Arkhyz, would not be lost
    a few days of travel, money and nerves.
  18. 0
    11 October 2022 17: 04
    Quote: aybolyt678
    yes, diarrhea is a problem. The ancient Greeks added wine to water. so the water did not turn sour and some microbes did not develop in it

    Added vinegar. Even a weak aqueous solution of vinegar essence is suitable for both conservation and disinfection of water. I read that it was used in the 20s and 30s in the Red Army. Water from the swamp was poured into a pot through a clean handkerchief or gauze and a few drops of essence were added.
  19. +1
    12 October 2022 18: 02
    P.3 in the treatment regimen - fierce nonsense! God forbid you follow this point! Heparin is a drug to prevent thrombosis. Taking it with intestinal bleeding, you will only increase bleeding and get generalized bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract and, possibly, in other internal organs and cerebral vessels. Up to a stroke. Rats are poisoned with drugs of the heparin group in folk agriculture. - they cause such severe internal bleeding and have a cumulative effect. The person who wrote the article carries a rare medical nonsense, for a journalist without a minimum medical or biological education. Bleeding is stopped with vitamin K, under daily laboratory control in the hospital.
  20. 0
    18 October 2022 17: 01
    Disinfection is certainly necessary and important, as well as rehydration, you are right. With diarrhea, Enterofuril, by the way, quickly helps, removing microbes and bacteria in the intestines.
  21. 0
    22 October 2022 18: 33
    Quote: bionik
    here in Afghanistan they brewed camel thorn.

    In North Africa, a doctor (local) gave some kind of pills, on the package there was only Arabic script.
    On the third day it got better.
    Interestingly, only one person from the "group of tourists" fell ill.
    They ate from one "boiler", the water itself is only bottled.