Popular Mechanics: 4 Obsolete Weapons

Popular Mechanics: 4 Obsolete Weapons

Ukrainian fighter in a trench is an easy target for modern strike systems

Abroad, they are closely following the Russian Special Operation in Ukraine, drawing conclusions and sharing interesting thoughts. So, on August 11, the American edition of Popular Mechanics published an article by Kyle Mizokami “4 Weapons the War in Ukraine Is Proving Obsolete” (“4 weapons that showed their obsolescence in Ukraine”). The topic of the publication was the specifics of the use of certain methods and types of weapons, as well as their prospects in modern conflict.

Technology evolution

K. Mizokami notes that the prolonged hostilities in Ukraine force their participants to pay more attention to high-tech systems and models. However, some types weapons or methods of warfare, incl. used for a long time, show their problems and can leave the stage.

Such processes are not something new and are observed in any armed conflicts. The prospect of defeat forces the participant to use all the achievements of science and technology to create new weapons and tactics. As new models are created, the army abandons old solutions and products. Due to this renewal of armies, a new status quo is being created in the world.

Popular Mechanics points out that during the events in Ukraine, four concepts at once demonstrated their problems, embodied in the form of equipment or methods of warfare. The publication lists them, and also gives the reasons for their obsolescence.

trench warfare

K. Mizokami recalls that trenches and trenches are a very old means of protecting infantry from small arms and artillery. The trenches can stretch for many kilometers and provide security even in the absence of natural shelters. They were actively used in a number of major wars and received a special role in the First World War.

The current conflict is no exception. Ukrainian and Russian forces have prepared advanced trench systems hundreds of miles long. However, now there are difficulties and threats. Thus, light UAVs capable of carrying a small payload appeared and became widespread. They are capable of throwing grenades or similar ammunition into an enemy trench.

Foreign howitzer FH-70 in the Ukrainian army. Towed guns are at particular risk

Another characteristic threat to soldiers in a trench is advanced artillery shells with a programmable detonation. Such ammunition can explode exactly above the trench and cause maximum damage.

Popular Mechanics notes that trenches are easy to set up and require no additional building materials. It is also not clear how they can be replaced to obtain similar capabilities. However, it is clear that the new means of warfare make life and work in the trenches more dangerous.

Towed artillery

Artillery guns of large caliber for shelling the enemy also have a long history. Heavy, but simple in design, howitzers were transported between positions using horses or special tractors. The battery is towed to a firing position, deployed and opened fire. Preparation for shooting takes at least a few minutes.

In wartime, towed artillery must "hit and run" - quickly roll up and change position to avoid a retaliatory strike. The advent of counter-battery radars, improved communications, and precision-guided munitions have increased the risks for gunners. They may not have time to leave the position.

K. Mizokami suggests that the current conflict may complete the history of towed artillery. Its place will finally be taken by self-propelled systems on wheeled and tracked chassis, with armor and all the necessary means, such as the French CAESAR, the German PzH 2000 or the Swedish Archer. For example, Ukraine already has a CAESAR self-propelled howitzer capable of leaving a position just a few seconds after being fired.

Air support

Popular Mechanics reminds us that there are different classes of aircraft, and one of the most important is close air support aircraft and helicopters. For example, in the US military, such tasks are solved by AC-130J Ghostrider and A-10 Thunderbolt aircraft, as well as AH-64 Apache helicopters. All of them can attack various ground targets, but only when the enemy does not have a decent anti-aircraft cover.

US Air Force A-10 attack aircraft. Such vehicles are forced to enter the air defense affected areas

Current events show that the presence of modern advanced air defense systems on one side deprives the other of the opportunity to effectively use tactical aviation. Russian air defense in this respect is the benchmark against which all other anti-aircraft systems are compared. It has already caused great damage to Ukrainian aviation, knocking out a lot of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles.

For all their shortcomings, the short-range complex "Thor", "Buk" medium-range and long-range "Triumph" are distinguished by high combat qualities. K. Mizokami believes that all Russian air defense systems are outdated, but are still a threat to the enemy.

Aviation is still capable of solving combat missions, but its composition and tactics need to be reconsidered. Thus, the tasks of reconnaissance and strikes should be entrusted to UAVs with the appropriate characteristics. In turn, modern weapons will allow manned aircraft to strike and remain outside the zones of destruction of air defense systems. In addition, stealth issues remain of great importance.

Tank perspectives

In the formed situation Tanks balancing on the verge of relevance and obsolescence. K. Mizokami points to significant losses of armored vehicles and explains them by several main reasons. The first is the widespread use of anti-tank weapons such as the Javelin or the NLAW. The second threat was UAVs with strike capabilities. In theory, one drone with a few ammo on board could knock out an entire tank unit.

A tank weighing 60 tons and costing $10 million can be hit by a simple UAV with a grenade, which raises doubts about its necessity. However, despite some vulnerability, it is the tanks that are distinguished by the best ratio of firepower, protection and mobility. There is simply no other technique with such capabilities on the battlefield.

To maintain survivability at the required level, Popular Mechanics proposes to develop tank protection systems. In particular, for them it is possible to create a combat module with machine gun or laser weapons, equipped with a radar sight. Such a tool could neutralize the UAV threat, at least until a new generation of strike weapons appears.

The Ukrainian tank "Oplot" is a potential target for tanks, artillery, aviation, anti-tank systems, etc.

Combat obsolescence

K. Mizokami and Popular Mechanics provided a curious look at current events. They reviewed existing tools and methods and assessed their relevance to the current situation and challenges. Four classes of equipment and fortifications did not cope with such a test and received an appropriate assessment.

The above list of obsolete tools and samples is not the ultimate truth. Some of his points are debatable. In addition, additional positions should be included in it in the form of certain weapons or tactics that have shown themselves poorly in recent months. A good addition to such a list could be the Ukrainian army, with all its problems and shortcomings, which only intensified after the start of demilitarization.

However, not only the list is interesting, but also the reasons why certain samples were included in it. It is easy to see that in all cases we are talking about the same factors. These are various new threats that were absent at the time of the appearance of specific weapons / equipment / means. So, at the time of the active development of towed artillery, there were no counter-battery radars, and tanks did not collide with UAVs for several decades. However, now the situation has changed, and new factors pose a serious threat.

From this follows the obvious, but important conclusion that Popular Mechanics makes. Weapons or assets that have encountered new problems and are included in the list from a recent article may become a thing of the past - or continue to develop. So, K. Mizokami proposes to save pilots by increasing the role of unmanned aircraft, and new means of protection against air attack should help tanks.

This principle of dealing with threats - and obsolescence - is not a discovery. It is in this way that weapons, equipment and tactics have been developing for decades, and in the future this concept will continue to be put into practice. The only question is exactly what paths the development of specific classes of weapons or tactics will take, and how these processes will be influenced by current and future armed conflicts.
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  1. -17
    17 August 2022 16: 10
    UAVs are bullshit, we’ll knock everything down, toys for children are 80 year old generals. And we laughed at Biden, but our generals are the same
    1. +14
      18 August 2022 09: 12
      And have you seen a lot of "80 year old generals" in NWO? Can you name one?
      And in the article, the opinion of the "analyst" about the fact that all our air defense systems are outdated was amused ... fool Are we outdated S-400 and S-500? What then to say about their Patriot, who did not seem to show himself in anything good. Well, yes, in the USA there can be nothing bad or old, it's different ... Idiets in general, and analytics at the level of Mr. obvious. Where is the world heading?
      1. +2
        18 August 2022 18: 16
        If the air defense systems were outdated, all kinds of different things would fly without measure ... otherwise, they lie in weeds and burn out, for the most part.
        Of course, new tasks have appeared and it is necessary to create something specialized, to shoot sparrows from cannons, not economically ... well, the process is going on, it’s normal, and the result will undoubtedly be!
        By the way, all foreign help goes to the trash and very quickly! And this is a whole group of NATO countries, a whole European Reich, plus minke whales ... not weak, not small, such a company / gang.
        And anyway, we will defeat them all and break off their horns!
        1. -6
          18 August 2022 19: 22
          Unfortunately, our air defense misses a lot. No matter how much we laughed at the American Petriots among the Arabs, it turned out that our Esquitors and everything else are also not very good at protecting the sky. Bells have already appeared in Syria, but no one paid much attention to it. Now, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, having a limited number of more or less modern systems, quite easily break the air defense of the Russian Federation with them. And if there was a massive use of Western modern missiles and anti-aircraft defense systems, it’s not at all clear how our very air defenses would behave ..
          Again, the same air defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, possessing even more ancient and well-worn equipment, completely covered the sky over Ukraine for Russian aviation. The reason is that they are helped by Western early warning systems, which are not in Russia, and therefore Ukrainian planes continue to fly at least on the front line, but it was easy and unconstrained, and they flew over the line. The stories with turntables in the Kursk region or the evacuation from Mariupol are very indicative in terms of the low air defense capabilities of the Russian Federation ...
          1. 0
            18 August 2022 19: 31
            Yes, yes, read your reasoning and ... there’s nothing to even argue about. You can guess why...
            1. -4
              18 August 2022 19: 39
              because it is an objective reality ... This is me in a nutshell, without deep analytics.
              Of course, you can close your eyes or put on rose-colored glasses, but even Dots U do not stop arriving in Russian cities. I'm not talking about the Highmarses, which are missed a lot ..
              1. 0
                19 August 2022 09: 41
                Indeed, it would be appropriate to hear your "deep analytics"!
              2. RGB
                20 August 2022 18: 17
                The point is not that they are passing through, but that the air defense equipment itself is most likely not available in the required quantity on such a large front line.
                1. -4
                  20 August 2022 19: 33
                  Well, do you remember what our authorities and TV said before the war, especially in the subject of air defense? The fact that our air defense is heaped up and all air defense is better and unparalleled. But now we are unable to cover a thousand kilometers of front. And we are not at war with NATO yet. And now, if NATO with all its might had attacked the air defense of the Russian Federation, I think that everything would have ended badly, if we draw conclusions from what we see here. Our infantry is now fighting normally and artillery has learned how to work efficiently, plus long-range high-precision systems. Everything else is in deep opera. Air defense, of course, they are trying, but it is obvious that they do not work much better than American systems, which our "experts" have always despised ..
                  a vivid example of the bright work of air defense is two arrivals at the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet. I'm not even talking about how the Ukrainian Air Force flew over Russia and fired missiles at the refinery, as well as about how they flew into the surrounded Mariupol.
                  1. +3
                    20 August 2022 23: 15
                    Quote: AwaZ
                    a vivid example of the bright work of air defense is two arrivals at the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet.

                    Do you know what exactly arrived?
                    Or just, to the heap, throw?
                    1. -3
                      21 August 2022 07: 33
                      I know what has arrived. Ukraine long and persistently warned that they would strike at the Crimea. Once they banged at the headquarters, but as you can see, they didn’t do the lessons in the Black Sea Fleet. From TV, you only know what they let you know, but in reality, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, with sufficient frequency, quite successfully strike themselves at the accumulation of equipment and personnel and at local "decision-making centers." If they cannot secure the headquarters of the fleet from some kind of artisanal drones, what kind of protection of the residential sector from such actions can we talk about. Autumn begins and schools will work, and it is not a problem for the Armed Forces of Ukraine to throw an explosive device at some school. Do you dream about it?
                      1. +2
                        21 August 2022 08: 05
                        Why are you writing such nonsense here? I understand there is a right to an opinion, even an erroneous one. But it seems that you are now deliberately lying.
                      2. -1
                        21 August 2022 08: 41
                        where did I lie? Just because the TV says it doesn't mean it's not happening...
                      3. +2
                        21 August 2022 08: 42
                        Quote: AwaZ
                        Just because the TV doesn't say it doesn't mean it's not happening...

                        Just because trolls (you, for example) are yelling about it doesn't mean that's exactly what's going on.

                        Refute Yes laughing
                      4. +3
                        21 August 2022 09: 41
                        You talk about TV so often as if you want to convince us that you yourself are broadcasting from the trenches. But after all, judging by the stupidity that you write here, this is not so.
                        Firstly, you are confusing the sabotage carried out with the help of a quadrocopter with the capabilities of front-line air defense. Apparently, you do not even know what the specifics of both. Why they gave the example of the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet is not clear. Apparently for the hype.
                        Secondly, you state that the Armed Forces of Ukraine "easily breaks" Russian air defense. Let's leave the fact that only those who are rooting for Ukrainian "achievements" can write like this. Let's talk about the degree of interception. Any air defense gives the probability of intercepting an air target. That is, how much of the released ammunition will be guaranteed to be hit. For example, a defeat with k = 0,8 means that at the moment, out of 100 ammunition fired and the aircraft, 80 will be destroyed. By the way, even the vaunted Iron Dome of Israel shows a similar picture. And the NATO air defense, for which you are so rooting, is not close to the capabilities of Russian air defense.
                        Thirdly, about "NATO will destroy Russian air defense" you should know that there is no perfect shield that cannot be overcome. The question is only in the order of forces. It is clear that by applying the forces of all their Air Forces at one point, the Americans will break through any of our echeloned air defenses. The only question is the price of their efforts. Any war, and even more so defense, is built on the principle of inflicting critical damage on the enemy, which the enemy considers unacceptable. And not on the principle of "break through / not break through"
                      5. -5
                        21 August 2022 11: 04
                        quite recently, all the TV experts unanimously talked about what a super duper air defense we have, which does not even stand next to the NATO and even the Israeli Dome and does not let anything through. They also scoffed about how the Houthis fired old Soviet missiles on the Arab infrastructure and the Arabs on the American air defense let everything through. From Syria they told us that our air defense sees everything and even drones and knocks everything down, but in reality it was already clear there that Israel easily and naturally suppresses Russian systems. As you can see, no one made any conclusions. Now faced with an enemy who has (albeit few) more or less modern systems, all the shortcomings have clearly manifested themselves. If even Dots U reach the targets, this is a failure. Quite recently there was a series of visits to the weapons depots. Such a series that even the Ministry of Defense and the TV were forced to show it, justifying with "high-precision" Western weapons that the Armed Forces of Ukraine suddenly suddenly appeared. I understand that there is nothing to protect the cities of the Kursk and Belgorod regions, but a repeated raid on the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet is already a crime and not even negligence, although for me negligence is a greater crime.
                        And I draw knowledge about what is happening, including from those who are there on the front line and not only. I can tell you about how my friend's husband was taken to the front in the Luhansk region and in what form he was returned. Only you won't believe it. So there is no point in writing.
                        Well, where did the very popular wording go: is everything going according to plan?
                      6. +5
                        21 August 2022 14: 17
                        You write fierce nonsense. Gathered in a heap of media baltalogia, their own inventions and distorted interpretations of events. About the "husband of a Luhansk acquaintance" in general, why is there a story in the context of discussing air defense issues? He died in the war. And in the war, soldiers on both sides die. Why are you now shaking him with death?
                      7. -3
                        21 August 2022 14: 39
                        you don’t understand it, it just doesn’t fly to your yard yet ...
                      8. 0
                        21 August 2022 14: 52
                        Quote: AwaZ
                        you don’t understand it, it just doesn’t fly to your yard yet ...

                        Che, you write on the boot of a murdered comrade? Officer's daughter laughing
                      9. -3
                        21 August 2022 15: 15
                        oooh figasse. what characters. surfaced.
                      10. 0
                        21 August 2022 15: 19
                        Quote: AwaZ
                        oooh figasse. what characters

                        I am your personal horror, "avas".

                        Quote: AwaZ

                        And it's more about you...
                      11. -3
                        21 August 2022 15: 08
                        and, although I do not like Mr. Strelkov for his hysteria, but on some points my views coincide with him. What he just said about the leadership of the Black Sea Fleet, well, everything is on point. Nothing to complain about.
                      12. +1
                        22 August 2022 01: 32
                        The grandmother is writing. 100%. Drop it. This is "one grandmother said." Just waste your time on such nonsense.
                      13. 0
                        25 August 2022 15: 54
                        The Iron Dome is not a military air defense system
                      14. 0
                        21 October 2022 13: 59
                        where did I lie? Just because the TV says it doesn't mean it's not happening...

                        While it is not clear where they lied or not. Simply because so far from you there is only baloney with links to the box.
                        If you claim that our air defense is no better than the American one, you MUST PRESENT A COMPARATIVE TABLE WITH THE PERCENTAGE OF GOALS SHOT DOWN AND BY TYPE OF TARGETS. It is desirable to give absolute figures as well. EVERYTHING ELSE IS JOB.
          2. 0
            8 November 2022 18: 17
            Well, and many Ukrainian planes fly in the zone of Russian troops? Haven't heard of any of those. Above the front line, yes, they do, but they quickly fly away, otherwise the coffin is from our air defense. The enemy in the rear of enemy troops who had air defense never calmly flew. In all wars.
        2. 0
          14 October 2022 13: 20
          Well, where are the S 400 and S 500 used. Yes, they can be bypassed, and the Ukrainians showed this when they strike with several types of weapons at once.
    2. -1
      19 August 2022 17: 52
      Are you in Ukraine?
  2. +19
    17 August 2022 16: 22
    K. Mizokami believes that all Russian air defense systems are outdated

    Only now the opponents have nothing even comparable to "Russian obsolete weapons."
    fellow Yes lol
    1. +2
      18 August 2022 08: 07
      Quote: K-50
      K. Mizokami believes that all Russian air defense systems are outdated

      Only now the opponents have nothing even comparable to "Russian obsolete weapons."
      fellow Yes lol

      Only three countries in the world have three levels of air defense. USA, China, Russia. Space, aircraft, low-flying targets. Well, the future is unmanned vehicles, high-precision projectiles, missiles, torpedoes. hi
    2. 0
      18 August 2022 15: 16
      Quote: K-50
      Only now the opponents have nothing even comparable to "Russian obsolete weapons."

      again, the question in the article is put differently: our air defense is the best, but due to the appearance of UAVs in various forms (single, groups, etc.), the cost of launching a rocket does not correspond to the cost of an UAV ... that's the problem today! - and therefore - outdated.
      (compare the cost of launching the S-400 and launching HIMERS, and the HIMERS missile is apparently more expensive than our average UAV)
      we need new means of defeating UAVs, new methods of struggle - the old ones do not economically correspond
      1. -1
        18 August 2022 18: 23
        Quote: Dedok
        the old ones do not fit economically

        "old" perform the task for which they were created.
        New tasks appear, new countermeasures corresponding to those tasks will appear.
        By the way, strike systems have always been ahead of countermeasures ... until a certain period. And yes, countermeasures, as a rule, are more expensive than shock ones ... no one has been able to overcome this rule.
        To clarify, this is not about tanks, planes, and so on, this is primarily about rocket technology.
    3. -1
      20 August 2022 01: 47
      K. Mizokami believes that all Russian air defense systems are outdated

      Only now the opponents have nothing even comparable to "Russian obsolete weapons
      That's it! Yes, this is Mizokami in general, along the way, a great "expert" and a special chat. Writes more:
      Ukraine already has a CAESAR self-propelled howitzer capable of leaving a position just a few seconds after being fired
      And before that, there was nothing like this self-propelled, from the Soviet heritage? Or is he such a connoisseur that he doesn’t know about the presence in Ukraine of systems and more powerful than the vaunted Caesar, for example, about a hundred 203-mm 2S7 Pion, not to mention self-propelled systems equal in class (in caliber) to Caesar and a class smaller .. .
  3. +19
    17 August 2022 16: 30
    Tanks are outdated. Write everything to hell. And we ourselves, however, leave a little. No one will, but we will.
  4. +17
    17 August 2022 16: 33
    Weird analytics. And self-propelled guns mean they are not afraid of UAVs? The trench does not save, but there is no alternative to it? Do outdated air defense systems shoot down modern UAVs and prevent air strikes? belay
    1. +13
      17 August 2022 16: 45
      It is clear that the number of ultra-small aircraft: drones, kamikaze drones, loitering ammunition in the armies will increase thousands of times.
      They will be used in flocks, swarms, layers, etc.
      The big ones control the little ones. Scouts, shock, kamikaze.
      At all heights. Both managed and completely autonomous.
      And how to deal with this scourge is unknown.
      1. +6
        17 August 2022 17: 39
        Quote: voyaka uh
        And how to deal with this scourge is unknown.

        Or a laser, as the Yankees suggest, or fighter drones, or something like a Kaz.
      2. -1
        17 August 2022 17: 43
        Combat lasers.
      3. +5
        17 August 2022 17: 47
        probably a massive detonation of EMP ammunition ... followed by a sweep of the entire near front line
        1. 0
          17 August 2022 19: 51
          Again "Invincible" S. Lem re-read ...
          1. 0
            18 August 2022 09: 21
            Quote: Torvlobnor IV
            Again "Invincible" S. Lem re-read ...

            Better than his "Weapon Systems of the Twenty-First Century, or Upside Down Evolution".
      4. +5
        17 August 2022 20: 13
        And how to deal with this scourge is unknown.
        "Swarms, layers, flocks..."
        wink Well, you have a fantasy. Where can you get so many batteries? A trifle is terrible only for short-range reconnaissance "look around a corner or a copse" Cancels reconnaissance in battle. What is larger, but smaller than the "bayraktar" will also take root. "Eagles" there and a similar trifle with ICE. Again, as scouts and spotters. And the slow-moving miraculous overgrowths will die out, the targets are too good. Remain attack jets the size of the MiG-15, open air defense.
        What about fighting? They will simply take into account the new rule in tactics that "everything you do is already known to the enemy. If only he could not do anything, or did not have time"
        1. -2
          18 August 2022 15: 05
          Quote: dauria
          Well, you have a fantasy. Where can you get so many batteries?

          a very long time ago, "smart people" began to say: "the end justifies the means ..."
        2. 0
          18 August 2022 22: 00
          dauria From flying a drone to knowing the enemy is a long way. Transmission, filtering, processing, recognition, deletion of false positives and false targets, comparison with other data, transmission to the CP .... And all this cannot be automated ...
        3. 0
          24 September 2022 21: 23
          Quote: dauria
          Where do you get so many batteries?

          For all smartphones, tablets, laptops, bluetooth speakers and electric scooters, it is produced in millions of copies. If the native industry, apart from defective acid batteries, cannot give birth to anything worthwhile, then you will have to buy on Ali Express. As it was and is with quadrocopters.
      5. 0
        17 August 2022 20: 46
        German version of the fight against UAVs
      6. +3
        18 August 2022 00: 39
        Any good deed can be turned into a farce! Then a dilemma arises - on the battlefield, some drones fly to a place where there are several infantrymen, trying to destroy them, they begin to collide, after which the infantrymen wait until the drones destroy the drones, after which they take out their swords and begin to fight with the enemy ...
      7. +2
        18 August 2022 08: 32
        Quote: voyaka uh
        And how to deal with this scourge is unknown.

        Actually, the theory of the use of swarms has already been described even in science fiction. S. Lem "Invincible", N. Perumov "Skull on the sleeve", "Skull in the sky". If the writers have already developed this topic, then those who are supposed to have developed a theory of application and counteraction for a long time. Another question is that before a reasonable cloud and a predatory swarm, it’s still like cancer before the moon. Today's drones have practically no intelligence. All of them are remote controlled. And the opposition is now established, the krupnyak brings down air defense well, various reb guns work on the little things. There are problems with the detection of small things, but this is temporary.
        1. +3
          18 August 2022 12: 55
          "All of them with remote control" ///
          No. Even simple quadcopters from Ali-Express for $400 have the function to independently return to the place of their launch in case of loss of connection.
          Or make a candle in case of loss of communication.
          And the video cameras of these "toys" are better than those of some combat drones (we will not name them).
          And the transmission is in real time for 10-20 km
          1. 0
            22 August 2022 15: 45
            The automatic return of the drone to the base is in no way related to their ability to act independently.
            1. 0
              22 August 2022 16: 48
              Directly connected. This means that the drone is capable of
              act according to the GPS.
              That is, he can enter in advance (or enter in flight) any route with geolocation coordinates.
              For example: fly a route between points A,B,C,D
              hit point E with a bomb, and return on your own through points F, G, I to point A.
              Without radio communication and operator participation.
              1. 0
                22 August 2022 19: 00
                It only says that the drone can follow a clearly defined route. He is completely incapable of any independence.
                1. 0
                  22 August 2022 19: 19
                  Can be easily added to software
                  bells and whistles, like: if you see a tank and an infantry fighting vehicle nearby
                  (pictures of the tank and infantry fighting vehicles from above are stored in memory),
                  throw a bomb into the hatch of the tank.
                  This is implemented in more expensive drones.
                  But for the simplest quadrocopters, simple autonomy is sufficient. They don't need AI.
                  1. 0
                    23 August 2022 12: 29
                    It's still not AI. It is essentially a pre-programmed program. And drones will not be able to somehow react in a non-standard environment for many more years.
                    You can teach a supercomputer to play chess, but if some completely alien green figure suddenly appears on the board from one side (for example), then the so-called. AI can't do anything. That's all.
                    Drones cannot yet operate independently. And they won't be able to for a long time.
                    1. 0
                      23 August 2022 13: 12
                      I didn't talk about AI.
                      The conversation was about software that allows drones
                      act autonomously, perform combat missions without radio communication
                      with an operator.
                      1. 0
                        26 August 2022 00: 06
                        This is a very limited autonomy, essentially pre-programmed. And any situation on the battlefield, which differs in the slightest degree from the given program, will introduce any drone into a stupor.
                        So even with a very, very big stretch, it cannot be said that drones have their own, even the simplest AI. And in view of this, they cannot act effectively on their own. And they won't be able to for a long time.
  5. +1
    17 August 2022 16: 38
    The author got to the American Murzilka, now I have seen everything.
  6. +7
    17 August 2022 16: 43
    But sho, a trench is a weapon? According to the title.
  7. +7
    17 August 2022 16: 45
    What is this Mizokami what was this Majumbar just clowns wassat sometimes they carry such nonsense that their adequacy is in doubt. For example, this Mizokami called our air defense systems obsolete. There are no words. ?
    1. -5
      17 August 2022 18: 08
      You are not reading carefully. He writes about the war between Russia and Ukraine. Did the Americans send Patriots to Ukraine? If sent, he would write about them. So far, he only wrote that American attached guns are a damn thing. And the Russian weapons of the Soviet era are outdated. There is no more boasting about what weapons were praised on this site in Russia. None of it was used. It's a pity, both one and the other. This is not war, this is torture, one mocks the other and vice versa.
      1. 0
        22 August 2022 15: 53
        The SVO uses Buk air defense systems (including M3), Tor-M2, S-300VM and much more. And all this Mr. Mizokami calls obsolete. He looks more like a clown.
  8. +6
    17 August 2022 16: 47
    It should not be forgotten that "Popular Mechanics" is a children's edition.
    The article is infantile, just for a Western teenager.
    And a trench, or a trench, is not a type of weapon at all, but a fortification ... wink
    1. +6
      17 August 2022 18: 12
      Popular mechanics is not for children, but for those who, in academic mechanics, neither in horseradish, nor in radish, nor in mustard do not understand.
    2. +2
      17 August 2022 21: 51
      It should not be forgotten that "Popular Mechanics" is a children's edition.
      Well, not exactly childish, but you can never get serious analytics from her. So, reading for "pique vests" (Brian is the head! Chamberlain is the head! I wouldn't put a finger in his mouth!)
  9. +1
    17 August 2022 16: 47
    Zelo Borzo..
    Another 1 type of obsolete-analytics.
    Prediction is not foresight or analysis.
    And of course, the headquarters demand reforms.
    Network-centricity: from a sergeant, an infantry platoon lock, etc. - to another sergeant, artillery (and others) or UAVs and aviation.
    "coordinator" is not a commander, but accepts and controls.
    Pirates in law, on earth and underground
  10. 0
    17 August 2022 17: 21
    Some bullshit, couch experts.
    it is clear that all this has been used for a long time, but if it works, then what else is needed?
    Instead of trenches, what can you think of?
  11. -5
    17 August 2022 17: 29
    Wheel artillery, apparently, is also a so-so option .. only tires as many sets are needed in operations when countered by artillery, mines, drones. The wheels turned around during close explosions and you can’t go anywhere, with a counter-battery fight. You can safely crawl on the harp.
    1. +2
      17 August 2022 17: 40
      Not a fact: there are inserts - you can drive up to 50 km on them - and we make them too (but only for new armored cars).
    2. -2
      17 August 2022 18: 33
      Quote: RusGr
      Wheel art, apparently, is also a so-so option ..

      And now it’s still okay, but autumn and rains will come? Where will Caesar go? In the Zapadenschina, where are the roads left?
    3. +5
      18 August 2022 09: 26
      Quote: RusGr
      Wheel art, apparently, is also a so-so option ..

      Compared to towed - a normal option.
      Quote: RusGr
      The wheels turned around during close explosions and you can’t go anywhere, with a counter-battery fight. You can safely crawl on the harp.

      Gusli will not go everywhere. How much does a 155/52 tracked self-propelled gun weigh and how much does a wheeled one? The French squeezed their "salad" into just 18 tons.
  12. KCA
    17 August 2022 17: 51
    Is there an article from "Funny Pictures" to insert here? As I already wrote, popmechanics is a magazine for children and Americans, you can only make fun of their deep analytics
  13. +12
    17 August 2022 17: 58
    A very controversial opinion!
    A trench is a field fortification, in principle it cannot be replaced by anything, it can either be protected and used, or it makes no sense to build it! fool this is not a matter of obsolescence, but a matter of opportunity! The experience of the SVO on the part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine shows an alternative: urban residential or industrial development, only the problems are the same: either there is a possibility of protection, or you still won’t stay long!
    Air defense, this is generally EPIC lol what to replace? belay the experience of the SVO shows the expansion of the scope of air defense, acres of aircraft, OTR and UAVs, air defense is already shooting down MLRS missiles, i.e. protects even from artillery !!! good this is a new direction in the development of air defense systems, and not obsolescence, how is he going to defend himself from air attacks? UAV? lol
    Towed artillery at its price has no alternative, at the price of one self-propelled guns, you can buy a battery or a division of towed artillery, with modern control systems and guided projectiles, the probability of hitting a target with one projectile is high, and the gun cannot be tracked by one projectile. With massive fire, a matter of tactics, 6 guns fire a volley or two and change position.
    As for tanks, they have been written off for the last 70 years, only there is no alternative to them, the development of cover systems and competent tactics make the tank more alive than all the living! By the way, only a tank can do without a trench in the field laughing
  14. +1
    17 August 2022 18: 06
    The real king of pop is this Mizokami from Pop Mechanics.
    It is necessary to exchange him for Kirkorov, this one knows something about the trenches, but Ainash the priest does not know.
    By the way, if you need a trench for Kirkovov with a peacock's tail - how many man-hours do you need?
    1. 0
      17 August 2022 18: 45
  15. +5
    17 August 2022 18: 31
    Again nonsense. The tank, for example, remained the king of the battlefield, but just Jabelin was definitely outdated, not yet born - unsuitable, according to dill, neither in the city nor in the field - in the first due to fires that clog targeting, and in the second - because of the minute that you have to sit in anticipation of the cooling of the homing head and at least 15 seconds of target capture - all this is at a distance of defeat from the tank in return ...
    This is for an example. Well, the number of Bayraks shot down says that it is not air defense that is outdated, but the concept of such an UAV as Jabelin. The mention of a flying battery, which was removed from the front back in Vietnam, because it was knocked down at times by an ancient air defense system, is completely amusing. Inapplicable in Ukraine, in principle, by none of the parties
  16. 0
    17 August 2022 18: 35
    Another characteristic threat to soldiers in a trench is advanced artillery shells with a programmable detonation.
    Here are the motherfuckers! The shells may be old, there are remote fuses. For example, radio fuses that use the Doppler effect. There are also tubes that fire at a set detonation time, depending on the target range and projectile speed.
    1. 0
      18 August 2022 22: 08
      Tubes even appeared to contact fuses. Building 250 years ago. wink
  17. +1
    17 August 2022 19: 16
    Forgot about satellites?
  18. +7
    17 August 2022 20: 24
    1) His trenches are outdated because of an UAV with a grenade ... Well, well ... Did the author forget about the shrapnel fallout of the First World War? Dugouts were invented a long time ago. And most importantly, the trenches protect well against much more terrible weapons than a 30-mm projectile with controlled detonation: 120-mm mines, for example.
    2) His towed guns are outdated... Towed artillery has the best strategic mobility. Need to get out of position quickly? So it is necessary to automate the folding procedure. And loading. This can be done without a critical increase in weight and size characteristics. Some towed guns now even drive around the position themselves. And you can not collapse the guns, but book the recoilers and make an armored box for optics, you can’t just take the rest of the gun with fragments. They fired back, the people dumped 300 meters, and the chance that, according to the radar of the counter-battery fight, the chance that the projectile would hit so close as to damage these pieces of iron is extremely small.
    3) Attack aircraft in World War II themselves successfully crushed anti-aircraft guns. Another thing is that the price of precision-guided munitions has fallen enough that it could not be done. But where to shoot them? the attack pilot himself sees the battlefield, and who will issue the control center to the strike aircraft? And is an attack aircraft really needed to launch missiles, because they can be launched along the front line and from the ground ...
    4) There are no words about tanks. Then a man is obsolete: one small bullet can kill him, compare the price of a bullet and the price of growing a whole soldier! And the ships are outdated: they can be sunk by a rocket, which is a thousand times cheaper than a ship. And the plane, etc. The advent of guided weapons everywhere has caused a crisis in the combat platform, everything can be destroyed. But this is not a reason to abandon technology, it is necessary to adapt it to new conditions. Prevent a missile from hitting you or prevent a missile from launching at you.
    1. +1
      18 August 2022 09: 47
      Quote: bk0010
      Need to get out of position quickly? So it is necessary to automate the folding procedure. And loading.

      And after all iterations, we will get a wheeled self-propelled gun. smile
      Quote: bk0010
      Some towed guns now even drive around the position themselves.

      Uh-huh... on flat, dry ground. Preferably - in demonstration exercises.
      The epic with self-propelled guns has been going on since the first half of the last century. But every time I run into two problems. First, to start moving, the gun needs to curl up. And why then self-propulsion, if in the same time it is possible to adjust the tractor? Secondly, for the normal movement of the gun, a normal auxiliary power plant and a wheel drive are needed. Which will have to pull the AU at least a hundred meters in a few minutes - in order to get out of the return fire. But how much will this APU weigh? Especially if you remember that all of the above will need to be done not only on the solid, even ground of the polygons, but also "in the field", in the spring and autumn.

      Quote: bk0010
      3) Attack aircraft in World War II themselves successfully crushed anti-aircraft guns.

      Barrel artillery - yes. And then, it was necessary to allocate from 50% to 100% of strikers to the air defense suppression group (100% is when the first call is made only on air defense targets).
      But this is precisely the cannon artillery, which unmasks itself in the process of firing even before the aircraft is hit. And what to do with MANPADS? Their calculations are discovered only after launch, when it is too late to crush them.
      1. +1
        18 August 2022 19: 53
        Quote: Alexey RA
        And after all iterations, we will get a wheeled self-propelled gun. smile
        I think not everything is so bad: it is unlikely that the mass will grow by more than a quarter (from 8 to 10 tons), and the dimensions will not fundamentally change.
        Quote: Alexey RA
        And what to do with MANPADS?
        They have an efficiency of 10% in a jump, but the main thing is that containers have already appeared that burn the GOS MANPADS.
    2. 0
      18 August 2022 22: 15
      According to the charter, at the beginning of the shelling (the notorious "answer"), the crews occupy shelters - cracks, dugouts. Which are not 300, but 25 m from the guns. Including calculations of self-propelled guns! If shelling has begun, it is impossible to do anything else, even on wheels, even on a goose, even on foot. And where to go, is it safer in an open field? And the answering one will be answered by colleagues in the division from the neighboring battery.
  19. +8
    17 August 2022 21: 16
    Russian air defense systems are outdated - but no one has less outdated air defense systems.
    By the way - Ukraine fights back with Soviet air defense systems. Which, as it were, hints at the fact that the USSR created the most advanced air defense
  20. 0
    17 August 2022 22: 01
    You need to use your brains, not popular mechanics. Or are there problems?
  21. -1
    17 August 2022 23: 49
    All this is pure fornication. Garbage with which the Americans littered the brains of banderlogs - lovers of Hollywood nonsense.

    Tank? How to take territory?
    Arta? If it is long-range, then for contact combat it is indispensable. Projectiles don't hit
    Even weapons before our era - and that is used. The helmet with horns is still relevant today. It's amazing why shields were abandoned. A shield with one wheel on the leg is better than body armor in every way. It will save both hands and feet, and it will protect more reliably.

    A missile defense system will be hung on the tank. And on the plane. And so on.

    It is necessary to develop armored vehicles - this is meat, this is to occupy the territory. They will develop electronic warfare and small missile defense. UAVs - yes, but not a panacea - we need to focus on small reconnaissance, but at the same time with a large radius, of mass and total use. In relation to guided missiles. Percussion - to a lesser extent, it is large, it is easier to see and shoot down. Artillery - yes, especially long-range ones. The attitude towards small missile defense systems will be changed. There will be more of them. There will be an emphasis on short-range guided missiles. The requirements that are now being imposed on special forces in terms of training and armament will also apply to infantry. Just infantry - just a soldier - that's no good. The soldier must be toothy, he must survive himself and destroy the enemy. Satellites are easy to disable, but difficult to protect, so you can’t rely on them alone - in terms of intelligence.
    1. 0
      18 August 2022 22: 23
      Bulletproof shields and guards are widely used by the police and VIP security.
  22. 0
    18 August 2022 03: 38
    Does anyone else take this Mizokami seriously?
  23. +2
    18 August 2022 04: 10
    Everything is outdated, we are switching to peaks, swords, axes and arrows with stone tips. But, just in case, in Siberia we will hide the Strategic Missile Forces division, a couple of thousand tanks and five million AKs with cartridges.
    Otherwise, yes, everything is outdated, the javelins & Co defeated everyone, we undermine the tanks with one RGD, maybe even a training one. We jam the sights with laser pointers, the nuclear submarines themselves sink, they are not modern.
    In general, the article is not about anything.
  24. 0
    18 August 2022 06: 51
    It seems that the author of the article in Popular Mechanics is a seasoned PR man, a sort of American Ostap Bender. Modern weapons are rubbish, dregs. Better invest in my start-up for the production of blasters, androids, starships, etc.
  25. 0
    18 August 2022 07: 10
    Listen to this "ikperd", so it's time to return to the clubs.
  26. +1
    18 August 2022 21: 10
    Yes, he is some kind of nubas and not an expert, he wanted to comment on the first pearl, about the trenches, then he read it to the end, and it turned out that everything was "pearl".
    Let him sit on a pickup truck, take the UAV with a "grenade" and go against the tanks, along the way falling under the blows of barrel artillery. Well, or he will fly on his f35, in the affected area of ​​\uXNUMXb\uXNUMXbthe "obsolete" Russian air defense. And then, as they say, writing is not tossing bags.
  27. +1
    18 August 2022 21: 48
    This is no longer self-delusion, this is a diagnosis. Bayraktars failed miserably - no, they "in theory" ruin entire tank companies. Self-propelled artillery almost alone wins the war - no, not like that. Let them believe...
  28. 0
    18 August 2022 21: 52
    Captain obvious. Nothing to even comment on.
  29. +1
    19 August 2022 10: 29
    All the most effective means are obsolete?!?! Expert wielding a Death Ray?
  30. 0
    25 August 2022 17: 21
    Neighing from the heart. Well, firstly, "Popular Mechanics" left Russia, only the Russian edition remained, which were forbidden to use this name. Now they are Tech Insider. The author would be in this trench, and under the blow of towed artillery, let's see how he would speak. You can dig in so that only heavy artillery can destroy. And another big plus of towed artillery, in front of self-propelled guns, is that these guns are quite easy to disguise. Much lighter than ACS. And they can just wait in the wings. And roll them up and take them away not so long, if the calculation is trained. And also small and light artillery can be put on heavy trucks and tracked armored personnel carriers, such as MTLB. There is no replacement for tanks on the battlefield at all. Even if you fight only with the militants, and not with the regular army. And promising tanks in general will be, like ships, hung with all sorts of weapons, and reconnaissance and defense systems. I'm not talking about the fact that protection against all sorts of mines and anti-tank systems is also being improved. Tactical aviation is also not going anywhere. An attack aircraft, unlike drones, can operate in a difficult jamming environment when drones go blind. Not a single UAV can lift as much combat load as an attack aircraft or a bomber. And more. the pilot is becoming more and more not just a pilot, but an operator of the combat system, which includes other aircraft, helicopters, drones, missiles, and other aircraft. In short, we see weapons becoming more sophisticated rather than disappearing. Improved ways to use it. Even bows and crossbows did not go away, but remained in service with the special forces. And some drones are actually launched from a crossbow. Shields turned into body armor. Combat knives have not gone anywhere. Swords and spears ... A spear is actually a sub-caliber projectile. Or scrap anti-missile. Maybe a descendant of the sword, which is ...
    1. 0
      24 September 2022 21: 42
      Quote: futurohunter
      Much lighter than ACS. And they can just wait in the wings.

      Any self-propelled guns can wait in the wings in position. Nothing will come of her expectation.

      Quote: futurohunter
      There is no replacement for tanks on the battlefield at all.

      BMPT shows that there is a replacement.

      Quote: futurohunter
      An attack aircraft, unlike drones, can operate in a difficult jamming environment when drones go blind.

      Do aircraft pilots have a visual center that is not exposed to laser illumination? Are fairy tales about laser pointers and dazzle the tales of grandmothers at the entrance?

      Quote: futurohunter
      Not a single UAV can lift as much combat load as an attack aircraft or a bomber.

      How many thousand aircraft can you lift at a time? The loss of one drone from air defense with 100 kg of bomb load is not as terrible as the loss of one aircraft with 4 tons of bomb load. Moreover, in an airplane, a pilot costs a thousand times more than the bomb load itself.

      Quote: futurohunter
      And more. the pilot is becoming more and more not just a pilot, but an operator of the combat system, which includes other aircraft, helicopters, drones, missiles, and other aircraft.

      So UAVs (they are drones and other aircraft) were not needed above in the text.
  31. +1
    25 August 2022 17: 29
    About the trenches. So the trench can be high-tech. It was dug with the help of diggers, the walls were strengthened, shelters were made in case of shelling, dugouts, places for sleeping, resting, eating. sorry, toilets, medical care, caponiers for equipment. Surveillance systems and sensors have been installed to detect the enemy. The approaches are mined. Ways of escape and evacuation of the wounded were prepared. Stocks of food, water, ammunition, medicines have been made. There is guard duty. There may even be false trenches. The possibilities of earthen fortifications are inexhaustible. And these are ordinary field trenches, not even such complex structures as the Maginot Line
  32. 0
    24 September 2022 15: 11
    Searched, searched for at least one correct sentence. It didn't. And then came the end of the article. laughing
  33. 0
    24 September 2022 21: 30
    You can add ships without air defense / missile defense systems here. Without normal modern systems. A pair of shooters on board with MANPADS are not considered a normal modern system.
  34. 0
    13 October 2022 09: 49
    PPC, everything that is declared old works quite well in Ukraine.
    Article full G.....
  35. 0
    13 October 2022 12: 24
    When I saw the obsolete term in the title, I immediately thought of Mr.
    Ryabov Kirill. However, I acknowledge that the article raises some interesting questions. In the West, given the experience of the war in Ukraine, I begin to read articles about the uselessness of attack helicopters. And what should we think about a further increase in the range of weapons. As for towed artillery, I think their use will be more and more limited in the future.