2S25 "Octopus-SD1" - is it really necessary for the Airborne Forces today?


If you believe Vladimir Artyakov, First Deputy General Director of the Rostec State Corporation, and you simply cannot help but believe him, then from his recent statement it follows that the modernized 125-mm 2S25 self-propelled anti-tank gun has passed the final tests.

However, if you look at the sources, the Sprut or the 2S25 self-propelled anti-tank gun was put into service on January 9, 2006. And as many as 36 cars were produced. Modernization is, of course, great, but why? Such a meager number of manufactured machines speaks volumes.

In some media, “analysis to the screw” of this machine has already begun, because the “Octopus” is a very peculiar phenomenon and nothing like it.

I suggest that we also join the general trend and deal with the car, and only then draw our own conclusions about whose it is the Octopus.

2S25 "Octopus-SD1" - is it really necessary for the Airborne Forces today?

Actually, he is an airborne. Or airborne. From this all the oddities of the design. The machine must withstand landing on a platform under the domes and go into battle along with the guys in blue berets.

So, 2S25 "Octopus".

1. Not a tank

In some places, this product began to be called "light a tank"," a light landing support tank "and no less stupid terms. Yes, the Sprut looks like a tank, it has a turret, there is a cannon in the turret. Everything, on this further similarity with the tank ends. Caterpillars are also not an indicator, we have a lot of things moving on caterpillars.

Armor. Armor is what the tank has and what the Octopus does not have. The main difference between machines. The body of the "Octopus" is made of aluminum (hello, the fight against excess weight) and is reinforced with steel plates in the frontal projection. This provides the crew with protection against 12,7 mm caliber bullets in the ± 40 ° sector, as well as all-round protection against 7,62 mm caliber bullets and fragments of artillery shells.

The hull, however, was taken from almost a tank. "Product 934", a project of an amphibious light tank from the 70s of the last century. The 934 lost its relevance and development was stopped, but it was needed - and it was used again.

The Octopus also floats, but the armor of the Judge (named "Product 934") was thicker and could withstand a 23-mm projectile.

2. Not self-propelled guns

Indeed, it is impossible to classify the Sprut as a self-propelled gun, although its index is quite artillery. What's the problem? In the armament. How are "Gvozdika", "Akatsiya", "Msta" similar? Yes, in what way "Sprut" differs from them. Weapon.

Any of our self-propelled guns is armed with a gun. A gun with a rifled barrel. It doesn't matter if it's a howitzer or not, it's a matter of rifling.

"Octopus" is armed with a tank gun with a smooth barrel 2A46. More precisely, its modification 2A75. Modification 2A75 differs from its progenitor in weight (150 kg lighter) and in the amount of rollback. In order to prevent the tank gun from destroying the light structure of the "tank", a very interesting decision was made: the barrel recoil length of the 2A75 was doubled, from 350 mm to 740 mm. And the suspension of the car was added to dampen the energy of the shot.

Otherwise, 2A75 is still the same 2A46. The same automatic loader, the same ammunition load of 40 shells, the shells, of course, are the same as the tanks.

3. SPTP?

Self-propelled anti-tank gun, or SPTP - this is how many began to call this contraption. But let's think about how realistic it is for the Octopus to go against the tank? I think - one shot, nothing more. And it should be deadly, because if not, and the tank crew will respond ... In general, I would not want to be in the Sprut at this moment, because even the explosion of a tank HE shell will send the Octopus into a deep knockout along with crew.

In general, in order to burn down a tank, there is an ATGM. A very good weapon, and not very expensive, if you take something from the "Metis" - "Fagot" area. Than it is quite possible to make any tank hiccup with black smoke. The calculation of anti-tank systems is also not a very reusable business, but if we take the cost of even one "Cornet" and the cost of "Octopus", then both in people and in rubles, "Octopus" will clearly be the leader.

In general, to fight against a tank on a cardboard structure, for which the first shell will be the last - well, so-so occupation. For suicide bombers.

But what then, "Octopus" is generally a stupid result of cutting, which is useless in the troops?

But let's not rush, okay?

4. Goals and opportunities

Here, in order to understand and appreciate how such a machine can be useful, let's think together about what to do with it on the battlefield. Not forgetting that back in 1982, the Octopus began to be developed for the Airborne Forces. And in general, in this figure - 1982 - a deep sacred meaning is hidden.

Landing. A highly mobile group of troops that lands behind enemy lines to capture a vital object and hold it until friendly approach.

Yes, as it was in Gostomel.

Let us take, for example, indeed, an airfield with adjacent areas, as an object that must be captured and held. And we send our paratroopers there, giving them everything that is possible.

And you can not so much when it comes to landing. The tanks that the Airborne Forces now have, alas, remain at the base. And everything that can be thrown away on the platform goes into action: "Octopus", BMD, "Nona". Well, mortars, MANPADS, anti-tank missiles to a heap of everything and in stock.

So, the landing force must capture and hold a certain territory. For this, the paratroopers have at their disposal:
- 2A75 caliber 125 mm;
- 2A70 caliber 100 mm;
- 2A72 caliber 30 mm;
- 2A51 caliber 120 mm.

It is clear that the Nona 2A51 gun-mortar is more of a mortar, which is its amazing charm. The 100-mm BMD-4M gun is more of a launcher for missiles from "Konkurs" and HE shells. The 30-mm automatic cannon on the BMD is for work on machine gun and ATGM crews.

Why is a 125-mm smoothbore gun needed on the battlefield, if everything or almost everything is already there to defeat infantry and armored vehicles? At least, but is there?

The Nona mortar gun is an excellent weapon when you need to throw a high-explosive fragmentation charge behind a house or ... In general, everyone knows perfectly well what a 120-mm mortar is good for.

BMD guns will work perfectly for colleagues, armored personnel carriers / infantry fighting vehicles, they will set the heat for grenade launchers, machine gunners, ATGM crews.

What is a tank gun without a tank for? Approximately for the same purpose for which a normal tank gun is needed. For powerful infantry support both in attack and defense. Bold: on direct fire. Yes, Nona and BMD guns work great at decent elevation angles, but here it is a heavy tank shell at direct fire and maximum distances. That is - up to 5 km. It still doesn't make any sense.

Demolish a house, destroy any armored vehicles, including trying to puzzle a tank from an ambush (in defense, I think the Sprut will look great buried up to the tower), in general, a tank shell can destroy a lot. There are practically no authorities for him.

A tank on the battlefield is an unshakable authority and the main force in battle. Because, as our tank expert Alexei Kuznetsov said, everyone shoots at a tank. "Octopus" is a different matter. He must not openly appear on the battlefield, the lot of the machine is to work from shelters and ambushes.

But in fact, we have a fairly mobile powerful cannon capable of supporting the landing force with fire. Considering that the range of tank shells we have is more than decent, that is, what to offer the enemy, from cumulative to high-explosive fragmentation.

It is difficult to say how realistic and justified this is at all. In general, it seems that for the "Octopus" on the modern battlefield there are no special goals!

5. Price and quality

Some experts doubt the value of the Octopus on the battlefield. The practice of conducting SVO has shown that long-term firing points can be perfectly hit with the help of ATGMs. The cumulative jet of an anti-tank missile burns through concrete and other obstacles, destroying enemy manpower. The same missiles can destroy enemy tanks and infantry fighting vehicles. Projectile…

The shell is cheaper.

This, of course, is a fact, but such a fact ... Not critical. Yes, when they began to create the "Octopus", in 1982, that is, FORTY years ago (!!!), then, of course, ATGMs were very expensive compared to shells.

Everything is easier today. Yes, the projectile is still cheaper, yes, it can easily be thrown in a box from a helicopter hovering above the ground (ATGM, they say, is also possible, but I would not experiment. And not because it can "that", but because what can then refuse), but here is such a moment: how many ATGMs do you need to plug the tank before convulsions?

Our expert Aleksey Kuznetsov, based on his practice, gave the following figures: to disable a tank (at least disable it) you need at least 1-2 armor-piercing shells. Cumulative - from 2. Each projectile has its pros and cons, an armor-piercing one can ricochet, a cumulative one may not work at all or it will be removed by the tank's remote sensing. But when "processing" the tank with cumulative projectiles, a certain amount will definitely be spent on "clearing" the surface of the tank from elements of dynamic protection. And the better and more modern the DZ, the more difficult it is to deal with it. However, this should be read in Alexei in his articles.

It turns out that the ATGM is more accurate than the gun. This is a fact that no one will dispute. But the rocket still does not fly as fast as a projectile from a tank gun, respectively, an armor-piercing sub-caliber has certain advantages over ATGM precisely due to its speed.

Of the entire range of barrels available to the Airborne Forces, only the Sprut can offer an armor-piercing crowbar. Yes, the advantage is conditional, but we are talking about a tank ... About the most complex and powerful combat unit on the battlefield. It is clear that sooner or later the antitankers will open any tank with ATGMs, the only question is that on the same battlefield there are a lot of people who want to prevent them from doing this. Here the "crowbar" looks very useful.

6. Applicability on the battlefield

Difficult question: how to properly use the "Octopus" on the modern battlefield, given the features of the machine.

To begin with, let's go through who are the targets for the "Octopus":

1. Tank. It is taken by an armor-piercing or cumulative projectile.
2. Infantry fighting vehicles / armored personnel carriers, other lightly armored vehicles.
3. Cannon artillery, self-propelled guns, wheeled and tracked anti-tank systems.
4. Fortified infantry positions, bunkers, bunkers, houses, barricades.

In general, all enemy equipment that is within direct fire on the battlefield is the object of attention of the Octopus.

Who is the enemy for the "Octopus"?

And the opponents are all of the above and even more.

1. The tank.
2. Armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles armed with rapid-fire 30-mm cannons. They are even more dangerous than tanks due to their rate of fire.
3. Anti-tank artillery and self-propelled guns.
4. Calculations of anti-tank systems.
5. Grenade launchers with RPK.
6. Heavy machine guns from 12,7 mm.
7. Helicopters and attack UAVs (Bayraktar bombs are more than enough to disable the Octopus).
8. MLRS.

In general, everyone is a dangerous enemy for the Octopus, except for an infantryman with a conventional 5,56 mm and 5,45 mm assault rifle. Even a 7,62-mm bullet with an armor-piercing core can pose a danger to the Sprut hull.

That is, using the "Octopus" on the battlefield in battle formations is similar to death.

This machine can only be used from camouflaged positions or from ambush. Only in this way, because otherwise the Octopus will become very easy prey, and not even a tank, but an infantry fighting vehicle with an automatic cannon or an armored personnel carrier with a heavy machine gun. And, most likely, in such a duel, the Octopus will lose precisely because it has a tank gun, which will lose to an automatic one in rate of fire.

What is "Octopus"?

This is an ordinary smoothbore gun, put on tracks, nothing more. And you need to use the car only as you would use the Rapier in its place. Well camouflaged and carefully choosing targets.

The Sprut has a number of undoubted advantages over the Rapier or D-30, which is still in service with the Russian Airborne Forces.

The gun moves by itself. This is a plus. The gun carries an ammunition load or even two. This is a plus. The gun can be ejected on a parachute system and float. This is also a plus. Unlike the towed one, the Sprut cannon can fire 360 ​​degrees. This is a big plus.

Minus - the complete absence of armor, which imposes certain restrictions on the use. Of course, it is possible to install a remote sensing kit, which can somewhat improve the situation, but again, this is the weight that plays a significant role in airborne landing.

It is difficult to say how relevant today the project of forty years ago is. All targets for which the Sprut can work effectively are today quite normally hit by modern ATGMs. And, if we equip our airborne units with so many modern ATGMs, then the presence of the Octopus will not be so valuable.

The only thing that the Octopus has is armor-piercing shells with which it can work on tanks. Otherwise, the advantages are somewhat less significant, especially since, due to its cannon, the Sprut cannot fire from closed positions.

So it becomes clear why only 2006 cars have been produced since 36. The Russian paratroopers have yet to determine whether this gun is even needed today in the Airborne Forces, or whether it can be replaced by missiles on landing platforms. And in no case "Octopus" does not fit into the category of "light tank". This is an airborne self-propelled gun. Weapons, perhaps necessary on the battlefield to support the landing.

But - time will tell.

I express my deep gratitude to Alexey Kuznetsov (AlexTV) for the expert opinion.
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  1. +4
    17 August 2022 04: 56
    What is "Octopus"?
    Yeah, but we tried. request You can agree with the author.
    1. 0
      26 August 2022 23: 26
      Octopus: a light machine with sloppy armor that any NATO-style automatic 30mm cannon will gouge in the first place.
      The designers tried to do something, they themselves did not know what they wanted. For an artillery installation, the caliber is small. For anti-tank work: the protection is ridiculous. Where is the dynamic armor?? From above the bush UAV just throw a head from an RPG-7 without an engine, or an 80mm mine, and that's the end of the Sprut. I just do not understand why such money and production capacity are wasted for such hopeless hardware, no one needs it.

      We need to build big landing planes like this one, and parachute real battle tanks, and real self-propelled guns, such as the Coalition, and not these toys.


      A real landing aircraft must hit at least the size of the Mriya

      Waiting for minuses from the 'experts'.
      1. 0
        27 August 2022 05: 58
        Quote: Bulgarian_5
        A real landing aircraft must hit at least the size of the Mriya

        belay And you have it, let me ride? feel
        Mriya Specifications and dimensions: Length: 84 m Wingspan: 88,4 m Crew: 6 persons Number of passengers: 88 persons, accompanying cargo Max. flight speed: 850 km/h Flight range: 15400 km Max. takeoff weight: 640 t
        Source: https://nlo-mir.ru/tech/28675-top-10-samyh-bolshih-samoletov-11-foto.html#-225
        Characteristics and dimensions (model C-5M Super Galaxy): Length: 75,53 m Wingspan: 67,91 m Crew: 7 people. Number of passengers: no data Max. flight speed: 922 km/h Flight range: 11711 km Max. takeoff weight: 381 t
        Source: https://nlo-mir.ru/tech/28675-top-10-samyh-bolshih-samoletov-11-foto.html#Lockheed_C-5_Galaxy
        And of course (-) for ignorance of the materiel. request To put Mriya next to Galaxy .... well, you see, stupidity.
        "Ruslan" Characteristics and dimensions: Length: 69,1 m Wingspan: 73,3 m Crew: 8 pers. Number of passengers: 28 people Max. flight speed: 865 km/h Flight range: 16500 km (without load) Max. takeoff weight: 392 t
        Source: https://nlo-mir.ru/tech/28675-top-10-samyh-bolshih-samoletov-11-foto.html#-124
        1. -1
          29 August 2022 12: 39
          @Mavrikiy: look what the chinese have done in the last 10 years, built tysechi landing planes! belay
          If you can't make it in size, then make it in size
          But in any case, you need to be able to land a real combat vehicle (MBT and howitzer (coalition, carnation, acacia tulip, etc.), and not these handicraft fakes like Octopus: they tied a 125 mm cannon to the 'booking' body of which and a heavy machine gun with BZ bullet will pierce through.

          Landing operations in the enemy's tail are the most dangerous and require real military equipment and real armor, dynamic + KAZ.
          Everything else is suicide.
          And by the way, reading the comments below, it is also clear that most people do not support "Octopus" as an idea.
      2. 0
        28 September 2022 12: 57
        Quote: Bulgarian_5
        parachute real battle tanks

        Your video is just a truck.
        And a tank can be "landed" from it only by landing the plane (that is, simply unloading it).

        But in order to successfully land an MBT - there is no such thing.
        Already in the USSR they would have done it if possible.
      3. 0
        3 October 2022 15: 26
        Let's try to land a normal tank from "Dream", or S-5M? Well, for fun, only you will be in this tank, okay?) wassat
        The problem is not the carrying capacity of the aircraft, believe me, the AN-124 can lift even the German "Maus" without straining, with a little straining - two. The problem is in the intermediate stage between the tank in the hold and here it is on the planet - parachute systems and platforms. The landing speed will be so high that the crew will die, and the tank will receive damage incompatible with operation.
  2. +16
    17 August 2022 05: 04
    Indeed, it will not work to attribute the Octopus to the self-propelled guns, although its index is quite artillery.

    And why is that? The author is trying to explain something, but somehow weakly not confident.
    We compare with the self-propelled guns of the Second World War and in the post-war period the self-propelled guns-100, ACS-75, SU-85. According to the author's classification, what are they classified as?
    Yes, the Octopus passes not like a tank, but like an anti-tank self-propelled gun.
    It is in this capacity, and not like a tank to throw it into frontal attacks
    1. +14
      17 August 2022 10: 49
      Quote: 28st region
      And why is that? The author is trying to explain something, but somehow weakly not confident.

      It's just that for some reason the author believes that self-propelled guns are only self-propelled artillery guns, working mainly from closed firing positions. Although self-propelled anti-tank guns are also self-propelled guns, just a different subclass.
    2. +5
      17 August 2022 11: 23
      When all the above-mentioned SPGs were created and used, they had at least some hope of surviving the enemy's counter-effects because there were few ATGMs, RPGs were inaccurate, there were much fewer reconnaissance and destruction means than now, and their armor could somehow meet the challenges of that time. The current Sprut cannot do any of this because it will perish in the first battle... Therefore, it will not work to use it as an SPG of those times! Because only as a tank, direct fire and two or three shots, then that's it. It may hold out longer if it uses not crowbars, but the same ATGMs (the BMD-4 can do this too) that tanks have at maximum range and after each shot, disappearing into the sunset, but again, with the current saturation of UAVs, it will not last long in these games. The Khrizantema ATGM is much better in this regard, and why the hell do we need this tin can? And especially knowing our fathers, the commanders will use the Sprut precisely as a tank! And there is no way to avoid this, alas. It would be better to spend the money they want to spend on this misunderstanding and buy normal boots for the paratroopers, the benefits will be an order of magnitude greater.
      1. +1
        18 August 2022 11: 57
        max703 Instead of an excellent 125 mm gun, buy boots? And let's distribute chewing gum instead of mortars?
        1. +1
          18 August 2022 12: 27
          Boots will help to fight, how will chewing gum help to fight?
        2. +2
          18 August 2022 14: 30
          Well, you can buy a lot of first-aid kits, armor. But tank destroyers are also very necessary. We landed, took the enemy's transport hub, built a defense, dug in overnight. It's good to have a platoon of Octopuses for a battalion, oh, how good. You can’t take a dug-in tank, even if it’s light, believe me, there is no target worse for the enemy. The barrel is barely visible and threw two spans over it, try to hit it. You can’t see, you can’t target, the distance of a direct shot drops to 300 m, go shoot. Even the laser does not take it, measure the distance ...
    3. +4
      17 August 2022 15: 29
      The octopus, rather, resembles the German "Vafentragers" at the end of the war. There, on light chassis with minimal armor protection, they installed anti-tank guns up to 128 mm, on paper, though. But 88 mm in 3 variants were in iron and one even fought. It was supposed to act from ambushes and from behind shelters as a palliative solution in view of the lack of tanks.
      1. +4
        18 August 2022 12: 29
        In those years, there were many things that were not there now, and this much casts doubt on the very idea of ​​\uXNUMXb\uXNUMXbthese pepelats .. But alas, the generals are preparing for the last war ..
  3. +24
    17 August 2022 05: 20
    In a typical SME there is no place for an octopus in principle.
    Transport them by planes together with paratroops? Well, there hasn't been a mass parachute landing of equipment from planes for forty or fifty years. And there won't be one. So where the paratroopers need to be dropped, planes won't fly. Wherever possible, the paratroopers will cope without equipment. By the way, the Marines would do well with such a machine.
    It might be suitable for export.

    And the Airborne Forces need equipment transported by the Mi-8. Everything else is lobbying for someone's desires.
    1. +21
      17 August 2022 05: 31
      Quote: demiurg
      By the way, such a machine would suit the Marines.

      Mountain shooters, light infantry (jaegers) and the Russian Guard, well, here I would also suggest its wheeled version.
      Where can it be applied? Accordingly, in the mountains, forests, while escorting columns and protecting checkpoints.
      Yes, and the author somehow completely forgot that the 125-mm OFS is also a very weighty argument in any "dispute", when it hits any armored object., Yes, our tank gun also has a guided projectile available ...
      2S25 "Octopus-SD1" - is it really necessary for the Airborne Forces today?

      The question is, does Russia really need the Airborne Forces, in the form in which they now exist, and not how many such vehicles do our Armed Forces need? And without getting an answer to the first, it makes no sense to ask the second.
      1. +16
        17 August 2022 05: 40
        Mountain riflemen, rangers and the Russian National Guard do not need buoyancy at all. I don't even remember about airborne landing. But protection will not be superfluous.
        Speaking of mountains, will the UVN allow fighting on hillsides?
        1. +7
          17 August 2022 05: 56
          Quote: demiurg
          Mountain shooters, rangers and the National Guard do not need buoyancy at all.

          I disagree about light infantry, it may well come in handy for them.
          Quote: demiurg
          Speaking of mountains. UVN will allow you to fight on the slopes?

          Well, if she has a BMD suspension, then yes
          Quote: demiurg
          But the security will not be superfluous.
          It never happens to be superfluous, but for the "jaegers" it is necessary to leave air mobility, which means the weight will be limited
          1. 0
            17 August 2022 06: 14
            It never happens to be superfluous, but for the "jaegers" it is necessary to leave air mobility, which means the weight will be limited

            No one has cancelled the mounted units. DZ and gratings are needed to protect against the most common RPGs and relatively weak ATGMs.
            1. +6
              17 August 2022 06: 17
              Quote: demiurg
              Nobody canceled hinged blocks.

              By and large, such blocks, strengthening the protection of our army, are now needed even for automotive equipment, but for the time being we have not observed them, alas ...
          2. +9
            17 August 2022 07: 26
            the author himself answered all his doubts,
            if schematically, then this is a 125-mm cannon on its own with a BC, swims, lands, the body is based on the BMD-3, the side armor is aluminum 40-mm like the BMP-3
            dump for self-digging - no, survivability for more than 1 hour of battle is very doubtful
            1. +5
              17 August 2022 12: 22
              And yet, a very necessary vehicle for the Airborne Forces and the Marine Corps. When delivering airborne assault troops by landing method, as was the case in Afghanistan and recently in Kazakhstan, there are very few such anti-tank guns on their own. Therefore, they began to develop the car based on the experience of landing in Afghanistan in 1979.
              1. +9
                17 August 2022 12: 36
                Carry twenty tons, which, unlike normal tanks, cannot be supported by direct fire?
                Instead of this miracle machine, you can bring two Tigers with 120mm guns (comparable armor), a battery of XNUMXmm mortars with ammo, and about five cornets with a set of missiles.
                Or just three tigers.
                1. +3
                  17 August 2022 12: 47
                  You can’t transport a tank like the T-90M by plane at all. And if you transport it, then only in disassembled form, only make the Taliban laugh at the airport of arrival. What are you talking about?
                  1. -1
                    29 August 2022 12: 44
                    You can’t transport a tank like the T-90M by plane at all.

                    Build an adequate landing plane and transport it!
                    Enough of just painting and repairing and 'modernizing' what you have left of the Union. Need to work.
                2. 0
                  17 August 2022 13: 05
                  something about the construction of the DKVP Bison series has calmed down
                  for 5 marine brigades of 8 Bison - ideally needed
                  2 battalions for 8 DKVP,
                  2 battalions for 2 BDK 11711 Cayman,
                  reconnaissance battalion on Ka-29 and Raptor armored boats
                  + support for Ka-52
                  tank battalion for 3 BDK pr.775,
                  SAM Tor-M2 for 2 BDK project 1171 Tapir
                  so they landed the MP Brigade in 6 battalions - at a time right on the coast
                  1. 0
                    17 August 2022 14: 20
                    With the support of helicopters delay. Two large helicopter carriers "Moskva" and "Leningrad" have long retired from the Black Sea Fleet, and there are no new ones yet.
                    1. +3
                      17 August 2022 14: 27
                      example: The Japanese landed on the Kul Islands (not yet captured)
                      on pontoons we will deploy a take-off for turntables right next to the landing zone
                      and the Ka-52 will take off from ferries and neighboring islands
                      by the way, the Japanese will not succeed, since we have a lot of decoys in the Kuriles.
                      then I stumbled upon inflatable roofing felts frame barges, still submerged canvas-fabric imitating algae on anchors to mask the position of diesel-electric submarines on a couch - you won’t definitely find diesel-electric submarines from a satellite
                      1. +2
                        17 August 2022 14: 37
                        We do not have enough landing boats of the Chamois and Dugong types capable of transporting equipment. This is where you have to start.
                      2. 0
                        17 August 2022 14: 40
                        BDK pr.775 and pr.1171 are still enough, we are waiting for 2 BDK pr.11711 Caiman at the Pacific Fleet
                      3. +4
                        17 August 2022 14: 47
                        But the events around Zmeiny Island showed that boats of the Chamois type cannot cope with the transportation of bulky equipment, and the number of boats of the Dugong type can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Problem, however.
                      4. +1
                        17 August 2022 14: 55
                        The KFOR did not take root in our Navy, but the boats are under the UDC with an over-the-horizon landing
                        we have a different tactic, BDK approach the shore
                        especially now, when a lot of weapons have appeared such as SLCM, ALCM, KAB
                        it is necessary to recreate naval missile aviation based on the Su-34M
                        create your own helicopter regiments for marine brigades
                        - transport on Mi-8AMTSh, Ka-60
                        - drums on the Ka-52K
              2. +1
                17 August 2022 12: 49
                rather for the DShB and the marines,
                for disembarkation from BDK
                since BDKs have restrictions on the mass of equipment,
                SPTP Octopus fits into the dimensions of the infantry fighting vehicle, only a dump for self-digging is needed
                just 36 infantry fighting vehicles per 1 BDK: 3 companies of 27 BMP-3F and 9 SPTP Sprut
                it turns out x 3 SPTP per company or 1 SPTP per platoon - generally excellent
                since the BDK can take no more than 13 T-80BVM tanks
                or so: 27 BMP-3F and 3 T-80BVM tanks - 1 tank per company of 9 BMPs
                9 125mm guns are better than 3
        2. +4
          17 August 2022 21: 27
          Quote: demiurg
          mountain shooters

          Mountain riflemen will need this Octopus if it can be carried in disassembled form by three soldiers, its caliber will be 60 mm and it will be called a "company mortar".
      2. +9
        17 August 2022 08: 26
        Protection in the nose only from 12,7, board 7,62. Forgive me, but the same "Barrett" 12,7, if you scoff with a bullet, it will pierce your forehead. I am generally silent about the sides.
        Fabulous!!! An advanced sniper is already deadly for this "armored vehicle" in all projections.
        1. +1
          17 August 2022 13: 22
          An advanced sniper is already deadly for this "armored vehicle" in all projections.

          Just like for many others. For example, Abrams "in the stern is also amazing at 12,7 mm.
        2. -2
          17 August 2022 14: 42
          SPTP hull based on BMD-3
          40 mm aluminum side armor can withstand 23 mm and 30 mm projectiles
      3. +2
        24 August 2022 12: 54
        The lobby of the Airborne Forces is extraordinary at the top.
        All smart people understand, even the same lobbyists of the Airborne Forces, that they will never drop a BMD or Sprut from Ruslan in Silesia. Plus the obvious redundancy of units.
        Who is stopping an ordinary infantryman from becoming a highly qualified specialist?
    2. +13
      17 August 2022 10: 30
      Quote: demiurg
      Everything else is lobbying for someone's Wishlist.

      Since the time of General Margelov, we have been dreaming of landing several divisions of the Airborne Forces ... The USSR is long gone, the wars have changed a lot, and the armored vehicles for the Airborne Forces and the division are all preparing for a swift throw into the deep rear of NATO .... A new multi-purpose helicopter for the MTR / Airborne Forces would be better designed and delivered, UAVs, etc...
    3. IVZ
      17 August 2022 19: 53
      Carry planes together with parachute troops? Well, there have not been forty or fifty years of mass landing of equipment from aircraft. And it won't.

      So there was no nuclear war. Down with the Strategic Missile Forces!!!
    4. +4
      17 August 2022 19: 55
      Quote: demiurg
      Well, there have not been forty or fifty years of mass landing of equipment from aircraft. And it won't.

      The USSR / Russia never used nuclear weapons (and probably never will), so what of it?

      Maybe it's already enough to "reform" the Airborne Forces to the level of our far behind "partners", and to suit their geopolitical factors? If you want to have heavy equipment, let ordinary infantry have it. Let there be tank and motorized rifle units with a quality of training comparable to that of the Airborne Forces. With our open spaces, geopolitical features, we need not ordinary paratrooper battalions for small aircraft, but strong airborne forces.

      Talk about self-propelled guns, and, again, demand - "But security will not be superfluous," and off we go, remote sensing, gratings ... self-propelled guns should not go into a frontal attack, in our case "Octopus", its task is to act from ambushes, support for their landing, where maneuverability, stealth, a low silhouette are also an element of protection.

      How many people want to bury our Airborne Forces, under the best pretext, and all only because our Airborne Forces often plugged all possible and impossible holes, entrusting them with other people's tasks. It is not the Airborne Forces that need to be redesigned for the Mi-8, but our ground forces should be increased to 1-1,5 million soldiers.
      1. 0
        17 August 2022 21: 52
        Quote: Per se.
        Quote: demiurg
        Well, there have not been forty or fifty years of mass landing of equipment from aircraft. And it won't.

        The USSR / Russia never used nuclear weapons (and probably never will), so what of it?

        Maybe it's already enough to "reform" the Airborne Forces to the level of our far behind "partners", and to suit their geopolitical factors? If you want to have heavy equipment, let ordinary infantry have it. Let there be tank and motorized rifle units with a quality of training comparable to that of the Airborne Forces. With our open spaces, geopolitical features, we need not ordinary paratrooper battalions for small aircraft, but strong airborne forces.

        Talk about self-propelled guns, and, again, demand - "But security will not be superfluous," and off we go, remote sensing, gratings ... self-propelled guns should not go into a frontal attack, in our case "Octopus", its task is to act from ambushes, support for their landing, where maneuverability, stealth, a low silhouette are also an element of protection.

        How many people want to bury our Airborne Forces, under the best pretext, and all only because our Airborne Forces often plugged all possible and impossible holes, entrusting them with other people's tasks. It is not the Airborne Forces that need to be redesigned for the Mi-8, but our ground forces should be increased to 1-1,5 million soldiers.

        Everything is clear and understandable for the “partners” - a parachute assault with equipment is impossible, because even an illiterate infantryman with a MANPADS (and in general with a 12.7 machine gun) will turn a transporter into a pile of debris and bodies when landing, because the same Il-76 when dropping an assault goes at a very vulnerable speed and height, he does not have the ability to change them ...
        Yes, airmobile units are needed, but this is either landing by landing method (and then the IL-76 can bring T-90m in mass) or by helicopter (as it was in the NWO), this is exactly what the “partners” came to ... but even if we imagine that the landing was a success and the fighters were thrown out with equipment, what next? It will be like in Normandy - the paratroopers will be able to tie down the enemy forces at the expense of the surprise of partisan actions and their dispersal. Motorized riflemen will always and everywhere have superiority in both numbers and firepower - more armor, tanks, Arta, etc. ... those paratroopers will need maximum mobility and the amount of heavy weapons (if we still do not abandon the idea of ​​\u3b\uXNUMXbparachute assault) - and this is ATGM XNUMX -but fired and forgot generations, light vehicles like buggies (let's be honest, the BMD does not protect against anything at all), light mortars and other more partisan equipment. A tank gun is great, but the carrier takes up too much space (precisely space, not mass) in the plane, and there is trouble with their number - even with the desire and ability to land by parachute, we can incapacitate the amount of forces ...
        1. +3
          18 August 2022 07: 56
          Quote: parma
          Everything is clear and understandable for the "partners" - parachute landing with equipment is impossible

          The "partners" simply do not have decent equipment for such a landing, as well as technologies similar to ours.
          In general, the "partners" quite successfully used paratroopers during the war in Iraq.

          It is actually "impossible" to argue that both you and the amphibious assault will sink coastal missile systems.
          You are mistaken, even the very possibility of a large-scale sea or air landing is an argument and a factor that will be forced to be reckoned with, as with the possibility of using nuclear weapons. To do this, there must be such weapons, be it nuclear weapons or strong airborne forces.

          You can also parachute into your territory, where you need operational transfer and there are no roads or airfields.

          As for the poor booking of the same BMD ... Well, for some, the best "BMD (or BMP)", this is an underground bunker, as a rule, such soldiers did not serve in the army, or, in any case, they have very little idea of ​​​​those tasks , for which specific equipment is being created, including generally armorless pickup trucks with machine guns.

          I don’t see the point in arguing, you have your own opinion, I have mine, war and realities are both deeply “violet”, only time will tell what may be required in a new war. One thing is undoubtedly very stupid to ruin what we have, our airborne forces, while much stronger than any other airborne units in the world. Otherwise, I won't repeat myself.
          1. 0
            4 November 2022 21: 49
            What are you arguing with when the real war, the SVO, showed the importance of both the seaborne assault (which failed) and the airborne assault (on helicopters)... Where is your seaborne assault? Ukrainians they scattered mines, acquired anti-ship missiles, sunk the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet and that's it, the desire to land was completely knocked out! Gostomel was taken by helicopters, there was no parachute drop of the beloved BMD, Sprut, etc. We need to adapt to reality, and not live "marches across the English Channel"...
    5. +2
      18 August 2022 10: 06
      What mass landing? Firstly, we do not have so many aircraft for landing, secondly, and probably the main one, the entire armada carrying troops will be destroyed long before the landing point. Modern air defense will contribute to this.
      Probably the last mass landing from aircraft was during the Czechoslovak events. Other.....
      There is a transition from the Airborne Forces to the air assault brigades. So Gostomel took just such a brigade. It should include helicopters, both transport and combat. It seems that according to some fragments, we have two such brigades, one without helicopters, the second with helicopters, but again, helicopters are only on the staff list, i.e. on the paper.
      1. +2
        18 August 2022 10: 58
        Quote: 28st region
        What mass landing? Firstly, we do not have so many aircraft for landing, secondly, and probably the main one, the entire armada carrying troops will be destroyed long before the landing point.

        Firstly, Vladimir, the fact that "we don't have so many planes" is not an argument against mass landings and the Airborne Forces in general. We don’t have that many ships, and in general, the ground forces turned out to be less than the number of the Russian Guard.

        The fact that "secondly" is so foolishly a lot of things you can put how much in vain. Everywhere preliminary preparations are being made to suppress the enemy. In Afghanistan, they first dropped stuffed animals by parachute, spotted all the firing points of the Mujahideen, which were suppressed by artillery and aircraft. The next day, our paratroopers occupied the Sate-Kandav pass and everything that was left of the rebel positions, thereby completing the first part of Operation Magistral.

        About mass landing, what is meant by mass landing, company, regiment, division? In all these cases, already massive, no longer the size of the sabotage and reconnaissance group. I said that the opportunity itself is important, but, as if, people stubbornly do not want to understand this.

        Say, "There is a transition from the Airborne Forces to the air assault brigades" ... Where is it happening and how? You pull on separate facts, as with Gostomel, but there will be another war, another geographical environment, another operational task, and what?

        I don’t understand where people are rushing to “reform” the Airborne Forces ... Reform the heavy infantry so that other people’s tasks are not assigned to the landing force. Probably, after the "land" of Russia, and the "no need" for us of the ocean fleet, the pulling away and pogrom of the Airborne Forces under good impulses is a new mass phenomenon. It must be thought that someone really needs it.
        1. +2
          18 August 2022 12: 26
          For itself Do not look for the mean in what can be explained by ordinary stupidity wink
        2. +3
          19 August 2022 06: 07
          Quote: Per se.
          In Afghanistan, they first dropped effigies on parachutes, spotted all the firing points of the Mujahideen, which were suppressed by artillery and aircraft. The next day, our paratroopers occupied the Sate-Kandav pass and everything that was left of the rebel positions, thereby completing the first part of Operation Highway.

          Those. there was no landing. There was a distraction operation as a result of which the enemy defenses were opened and destroyed by artillery fire. According to the description of Operation Magistral, motorized riflemen climbed the pass.
    6. 0
      24 August 2022 10: 19
      There is basically no place for an octopus in an ordinary SME.

      And she wasn't made for that. The Airborne Forces has nothing to do with MSV. And that's it.
  4. +1
    17 August 2022 05: 26
    Recently, there was an article on VO about the direct role of the Airborne Forces precisely as winged infantry in modern military conflicts. And how can I disagree with the author of the topic.
    1. +8
      17 August 2022 06: 46
      Quote: xeotyrj81
      Recently, there was an article on VO about the direct role of the Airborne Forces precisely as winged infantry in modern military conflicts.

      This topic was raised on VO a long time ago. For example, 7 years ago. Read it briefly there.. 7 years ago.. and as if about the current situation.
  5. IVZ
    17 August 2022 06: 16
    The only reason why the Sprut was officially called a self-propelled gun and not a light tank is its development along the lines of the GRAU, and not the GABTU, in fact it is a tank, and the tank has a wider range of tasks than the self-propelled guns. The armor, although bulletproof, is there. The difference from towed anti-tank vehicles, which for some reason is always forgotten, is the presence of a tank fire control system and this is important. And further. Having a highly mobile, very well-armed and at least somehow protected combat vehicle in your arsenal will not harm any army in the world. You just need to understand its features and use them wisely.
    1. +8
      17 August 2022 07: 38
      You just need to understand its features and use them wisely.

      Its main feature turned out to be useless to anyone. And it imposes a bunch of restrictions. Why do we need an octopus if you can create an analogue that is just as maneuverable but more secure and functional, plus cheaper? common sense and discard corruption)?
      1. IVZ
        17 August 2022 19: 36
        So far no one needs it. Any participant in the conflict, choosing the tactics of warfare, tries not to create conditions for realizing the advantage of his counterpart, if any. On the other hand, the presence of such an advantage imposes certain restrictions, reducing the possibilities for the enemy to use the available forces and methods of warfare.
      2. -2
        24 August 2022 10: 22
        What kind of nonsense are you talking dear? :)) if you abandon airborne landings, then there are already plenty of analogues - these are modern MBTs.
    2. +3
      17 August 2022 16: 05
      The only reason why the Octopus was called a self-propelled gun is that he is a self-propelled gun. Self-propelled Art Installation. The tank is something completely different.
      1. IVZ
        17 August 2022 19: 39
        The tank is something completely different.

        That you what.
  6. +6
    17 August 2022 06: 21
    There is also Vienna. For some reason they don’t release it, although it seems to me better than ,, Octopus ,,.
    1. +6
      17 August 2022 19: 19
      The ground forces have the 152-mm Akatsiya for the same tasks, and the Lotos is being prepared for the Airborne Forces. The caterpillar chassis was considered unnecessary for a battalion mortar, another thing is that the 2S40 Phlox self-propelled guns have not yet appeared to replace it.
      The vehicle under discussion, it is for direct fire and under ATGM launched from the barrel.
  7. +1
    17 August 2022 06: 54
    I think it's time to generally exclude this term "landing" of both airborne and equipment !?
  8. KCA
    17 August 2022 07: 10
    They can go for export, Vietnam still uses the PT-76, and India buys light tanks for mountainous areas
  9. +2
    17 August 2022 07: 46
    Can anyone explain why everyone wants armor, but to hang thicker on everything? After all, in the video of the destruction of tanks, one hit was enough for them.
    1. -1
      18 August 2022 12: 40
      Armor is good if the enemy has no means of penetrating it. If they do, it is already a burden. For example, you have a cuirass. If against archers - comfort. Suddenly the enemy has firearms. You need to lie down, dig in, run. It gets in the way, but there is no point. But the Octopus has a great sting. On par with tanks in all respects. How will armor help a tank, since it is penetrated upon impact? It reduces speed, does not float, does not fly, is hard to dig in, the charms of weight and dimensions. And the Octopus BOPS-mi works against it. And a tank needs to switch to HE against the Octopus. But the direct shot of the HE is much lower. So the Octopus has a great future, one of its kind.
  10. -1
    17 August 2022 08: 47
    These light arts, in the modern world, for a vast theater of operations with a potential enemy of NATO, China, are useless in Russia. Heavy art rules.
  11. -14
    17 August 2022 09: 22
    "Does the Airborne Forces need it so much today?"
    And what does the current government need in general? What will Putin's government leave behind? They can only trade "Motherland"! Even SVO didn't change anything.
    1. +4
      17 August 2022 10: 05
      Quote: steel maker
      Even SVO didn't change anything.

      And I think that the CBO will just change, because you have to win.
  12. +7
    17 August 2022 09: 28
    The argument about weak armor protection is not very true. If you take the same RAPIER, there is no protection at all. Look, there was a video of Khokhlomeths, they added a rapier with faith in matalyga, mobility, a quick change of position and, most importantly, 40 shells with them. With VET Rapier, URAL in a tarpaulin with shells, any fragment and cabins. Here is anti-fragmentation armor, maneuverability, BC, firing sector. It is clear that if the wise men stick it in to storm the city, instead of the tank, ahead of the tank, it will burn. Another thing is the tactics of its use, I would stuff it into the SME, into the PTB (anti-tank battery) a fire platoon, three pieces.
    1. -1
      17 August 2022 09: 48
      The tank is in the infantry, why the heck is this cardboard still there.
      1. +6
        17 August 2022 12: 27
        "Octopus" is not for the infantry, "Octopus" for the Airborne Forces and the Marine Corps. It is more often impossible to deliver a tank by plane or launch it from a ship than it is possible.
  13. +5
    17 August 2022 09: 40
    Generally understandable. Neither this octopus nor the airborne forces as a whole are needed. Make them assault infantry with normal tanks, throw away parachutes.
  14. 0
    17 August 2022 09: 44
    Another dream of the "landing lobby" mind. Expensive and unsuitable for a real war equipment. It has zero meaning. As a light anti-tank weapon, the "Tiger" with "Cornets" is more useful.
  15. Eug
    17 August 2022 09: 49
    Wow... I read earlier that Sprut is based on BMD-4. In terms of armament and purpose, in my opinion, BMD-4 combines a 30 mm cannon for "disassembling" active protection, and a 100 mm (here, however, not 125) cannon-launcher for guided, cumulative, armor-piercing and high-explosive fragmentation shells. And airborne, and with a squad of fighters...
  16. +2
    17 August 2022 09: 52
    The respected author of the article mentioned that the "Octopus" can overcome water obstacles, without commenting in any way on whether it is good or unnecessary on a modern theater of operations. I would like to clarify how long the engineering troops will build a pontoon crossing in the Dnepropetrovsk region? And how many minutes will this crossing operate under enemy artillery fire? I understand that combat vehicles based on the BMD-4 and BMP-3 have restrictions on landfall and the Dnieper River has a steep right bank, but there is engineering intelligence for this to find places convenient for forcing the river. But still, the same "Octopus" is more likely to be transported to the other side and gain a foothold in the bridgehead, providing guidance for a pontoon crossing. Many commentators say that landing is the last century, apparently BMDs are also not needed if there are MANPADS and ATGMs? The paratroopers will carry all this? If someone does not like the lack of armor on the Octopus, then no one canceled the mounted DZ and KAZ. And any tank can be knocked into the engine compartment from above, after all, no one is suggesting abandoning tanks.
    1. +9
      17 August 2022 09: 55
      Before the SVO, in general, many believed that the tank was no longer needed. They would find a place for it in battle, it would work, they would burn it on the front end, they would say weak armor)))
  17. 0
    17 August 2022 10: 02
    Of course, many thanks to the author for such a detailed article, but one main question remains - in the modern theater of military operations of the same Europe, how to deliver this ash-heap to the battlefield by airborne means? The experience of the Air Defense Forces in Ukraine has shown that the "practically destroyed air defense and air force" of the enemy continues to live very well and shoot down not only fighter-bombers, but also UAVs and even cruise missiles. After 6 months of war in Ukraine, the Ukrainian Armed Forces' aviation is still flying and based at its airfields,
    and air defense systems do not allow our aviation to carry out raids inland with impunity. How, in this case, will the IL-76 be able to reach the landing point with equipment? It's a guaranteed suicide. Land in the rear from helicopters and wait for the approach of such armor as this Octopus on the ground? What's the point of his light armor then?
    1. +1
      17 August 2022 10: 40
      There is also Central Asia, the Caucasus, the North and the Far East...
      1. -1
        17 August 2022 17: 05
        There is no air defense?
        1. +3
          17 August 2022 17: 10
          Compared to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, where the saturation of MANPADS is higher than in the US Army, no ....
    2. The comment was deleted.
      1. +3
        17 August 2022 12: 33
        A serious drawback of the site, the flag of the country where the comment comes from is not displayed. Much would become clear from what is considered inexplicable and inaccessible to understanding.
        Maybe the attacks on the Octopus would have become clearer.
        1. +2
          18 August 2022 00: 02
          I’ll turn on the proxy and I’ll not be from wild Tatarstan, but from the cultural Netherlands. In general sense with these flags.
          1. -4
            18 August 2022 00: 14
            It is unlikely that Russia will be happy with the Dutch flag. This will be enough to be attributed to enemies.
      2. +1
        17 August 2022 17: 03
        Have you been seeing a psychotherapist for a long time?
    3. IVZ
      18 August 2022 05: 36
      The experience of the NMD in Ukraine has shown that the "virtually destroyed air defense and air force" of the enemy continues to live very well and shoot down not only fighter-bombers, but also UAVs and even cruise missiles.

      "Practically destroyed" and simply destroyed are two different things. And in the strategic plan, the Airborne Forces can, for example, quickly pave some Maidan or provide military assistance in case of aggression to a friendly state.
  18. +5
    17 August 2022 10: 12
    Any of our self-propelled guns is armed with a gun. A weapon with a rifled barrel.

    Nonsense. Any tank with a gun is a self-propelled artillery mount. The reverse is not true, as the definition of a tank is narrower.

    Indeed, it will not work to attribute the Octopus to the self-propelled guns, although its index is quite artillery. What is the problem?

    The problem is the powers of the development of tanks. The GRAU does not have them, well, let's call the self-propelled guns that way. Although objectively this is an ordinary light tank.

    But let's think about how realistic it is for the Octopus to go against the tank?

    And let's remember such a terrible thing as the German "nashorn". There, too, a forehead was pierced with a finger, only in defense and from ambushes you get into it. And the calculation of the anti-tank systems will generally be torn to pieces by a land mine.

    This is not the problem, the same PT-76s carried out successful operations with crossing rivers without any landing. The problem is that if the landing is attacked by a mechanized brigade with a tank battalion and an artillery division, then the landing is bad. And they always land a landing where significant enemy forces will not immediately arrive at it. This is always a tactical operation, assuming that either the landing force leaves quickly, or after a very short time it begins to receive serious reinforcements. That is, an anti-tank gun is not particularly needed, but small amounts of armored vehicles can be destroyed from RPGs, anti-tank systems, automatic guns, and a BMD-4M 100 mm high-explosive may well destroy what is falling apart with high-explosives.

    The situation is the same for motorized riflemen, a battalion on an BMP-3 can easily cross a water barrier, go behind enemy lines and attack anyone, including small groups of tanks. The ground forces already have a lot of conventional tanks.

    In general, in the world after the PT-76, M41 and all sorts of British "scimitars" not a single light tank has been a commercial success. M8 Buford remained a prototype, Stingray built only 100+ EMNIP units. There can be many reasons, and the appearance of powerful infantry fighting vehicles, the same BMP-3 can be used as a light tank, while the same infantry fighting vehicles with 20-30 mm guns will pierce armor of the same thickness without problems. And some interest in "wheeled tanks" like the AMX-10RC, Centauro and, to put it mildly, strange self-propelled guns like the Stryker MGS. But the "wheeled tanks" themselves also did not achieve great success, perhaps because they have to break roads even better than tracked vehicles (20+ tons of weight with a wheel bearing area much less than trucks), and, perhaps, because that light cannon armored vehicles are not much cheaper than a tank, because the price can go not so much from an armored hull as from weapons and their control systems (stabilizers, laser-guided missiles, computers, ...) and "Octopus-SD" weighing less 20 tons will not necessarily be more than 2 times cheaper than the T-90, which is much more tenacious and versatile.
  19. +4
    17 August 2022 10: 15
    And the meaning of this technique, if, having considered modern military operations, it is clear that a revision of the very concept of the Airborne Forces is needed, and only then think about what to arm.
    1. 0
      17 August 2022 12: 35
      No, I would like to offer a little more ride by inertia, the car is already ready and it's time for it to appear in the landing troops.
  20. -1
    17 August 2022 10: 52
    Let's face it, if it had been born as a light parachute-launched tank, I would have forgotten about it. As an airborne light tank, it has its own reason, but since it no longer needs to be launched, I would increase the armor. But it should not be used outside of its role. A paratrooper unit used as mechanized infantry must be equipped like another mechanized infantry unit. Then there is the question of exports, and in fact there is a demand for a light tank in many circles. Although the requirements for this light tank vary from country to country.
  21. +3
    17 August 2022 11: 21
    And where is Damantsev, for a long time there was nothing about armadillos.
    Already tired of the monotony in the posts and reviews. what
  22. 0
    17 August 2022 11: 22
    this is all the weapon of "yesterday's war"
    why bother with this issue? - personal ambitions/interests?
    otherwise understand the situation
  23. +1
    17 August 2022 11: 33
    The author suggests using the Octopus from ambush, relying on disguise. But look at this bright flash of a tank gun shot - it (and the loud sound) critically unmasks it.
  24. +2
    17 August 2022 13: 44
    Minus - the complete absence of armor, which imposes certain restrictions on the use. Of course, it is possible to install a remote sensing kit, which can somewhat improve the situation, but again, this is the weight that plays a significant role in airborne landing.

    It is difficult to say how relevant today the project of forty years ago is. All targets for which the Sprut can work effectively are today quite normally hit by modern ATGMs. And, if we equip our airborne units with so many modern ATGMs, then the presence of the Octopus will not be so valuable.

    The only thing that the Octopus has is armor-piercing shells with which it can work on tanks. Otherwise, the advantages are somewhat less significant, especially since, due to its cannon, the Sprut cannot fire from closed positions.

    If there is KAZ and DZ, then it’s quite a good "niche light tank" like Griffin2. With excellent not only sub-calibers, but also land mines (still remote detonation ...).
    But IMHO now this is the "tenth turn" after the "rise" of BT, including T72, T80 from storage; repairs and modernization of BT ....
  25. +1
    17 August 2022 13: 50
    Quote: TatarinSSSR
    how to deliver this pepelats to the battlefield

    It is not necessary to land it from the IL-76, it can be delivered by an MI-26 helicopter, just as the landing force was delivered to the Gostomel airfield. Flying at an altitude of 20-30 meters, you can easily go unnoticed by the radar.
  26. +1
    17 August 2022 14: 16
    And where is the news about the release of a combat robot based on the BMP-3?
    1. 0
      26 August 2022 23: 38
      this is a real novelty!
  27. +1
    17 August 2022 16: 16
    you need to remove "buoyancy" and "airborne" from it, leave "air transportability", increase armor (security) due to this and there will be a "light" tank / self-propelled gun ...
  28. +3
    17 August 2022 16: 35
    how realistic is it for the Octopus to go against the tank? I think - one shot, nothing more. And it must be deadly, because if not, and the tank crew will respond ...

    But what, has there been a lot of tank duels or tank battles lately?
    why would the "octopus" go "on the forehead" ...
    that's why he was on caterpillars - in order to maneuver, he fired - dumped ...
    Well, if the tank is there ...
    and the rest he can crumble from afar and without hiding, until the moment of the "counter-battery" ...
    and "the tank will respond" you saw perfectly at the biathlon ...
    in hothouse conditions, from a standing start or crawling, into a "standing" target and not the first time... so don't flatter the tankers... they have enough of their own hemorrhoids...
    the essence of the "octopus" is mobility, gun, weight ...
    for such things there should be a concept and doctrine of application, and not stick anywhere ...
    as an example, the China-India conflict in the mountains ...
    the Chinese have a light tank, the Indians do not
    the Chinese came to the mountains on this tank, but the Indians on the T-90 cannot - the weight and other mountain restrictions do not allow ...
    so they thought about ordering an "octopus" ...
    1. -1
      17 August 2022 19: 27
      But if you mention the "M1128 Mobile Gun System" from the USA on wheels and with a 105-mm cannon, then for some it will immediately be a supercar fellow . And here on caterpillars with a much more powerful gun, and even swims, but after all, domestic, they can be criticized on the move! am
      1. +3
        17 August 2022 19: 59
        M1128 should be removed from service before the end of the year, now mechanized battalions of two tank companies and two on the Stryker armored personnel carrier are in the combat brigade groups.
        1. -1
          17 August 2022 20: 01
          Yes, as much as you like, only the "Octopus" is completely superior to the mentioned car, and only for this it can be considered quite appropriate.
          1. +1
            17 August 2022 20: 23
            Surpasses SPTRK (PTS) and Lotos (general support)?
            1. +1
              17 August 2022 20: 33
              It has already been proposed here on two-axle "Tigers" to go on the attack with ATGMs at the ready. "Lotos", of course, resembles the silhouette, but the range of a direct shot is not the same, and it does not control the launch of an ATGM.
              1. +2
                18 August 2022 05: 56
                An anti-tank battery is usually assigned to the PT reserve, they do not go on the attack.

                A man-portable ATGM with remote control or self-propelled, but capable of working from behind shelters, is better than a self-propelled gun. There is nothing to say about "Lotus", there are much more trajectories available.
                1. -1
                  18 August 2022 13: 00
                  And how is ATGM better than self-propelled guns? Two unfortunate infantrymen carry tens of kilograms. Compete in BC, speed, security, buoyancy with the Octopus?
                  1. +3
                    18 August 2022 13: 29
                    Why such heroism? We arrived on the "Tiger" (for example), put the car in the yard, put a launcher on the roof of a high-rise building, control it remotely (100 meters via a wired line or 300 meters - without.).
                    1. -1
                      18 August 2022 14: 18
                      Yes, but if in the city. And if in the field in winter? Even a Tiger won't get there. But an Octopus will.
                      1. +2
                        18 August 2022 15: 49
                        Well, on the "Tiger" the light did not converge, we take the TGM 3T "Mosquito", the EMNIP 5-roller version is even suitable for loading into the Mi-8.
  29. +1
    17 August 2022 16: 50
    Landing. A highly mobile group of troops that lands behind enemy lines to capture a vital object and hold it until friendly approach. Yes, as it was in Gostomel.

    it was this example that showed that cine operations in life do not always work ...
    while Ukrainians we were sleeping - we arrived, landed... and that's it...
    Ukrainians woke up and it began...
    they didn’t really capture anything, they had to “burrow” and fight ...
    there was no time for "capture" - they were already being rescued ...
    and all the heavy ones that were supposed to fly in remained on the ground ..
    after the Afghan, it was clear that the concept of the Airborne Forces needed to be revised ...
  30. +2
    17 August 2022 17: 01
    For this, the paratroopers have at their disposal:
    - 2A75 caliber 125 mm;
    - 2A70 caliber 100 mm;
    - 2A72 caliber 30 mm;
    - 2A51 caliber 120 mm.

    they don’t have any of this - they only have what they themselves brought ...
    there can be no question of any "reset" of technology - except perhaps against the Zusuls ...
    wherever there is at least some kind of air defense, everything will be destroyed, not to mention NATO ...
    the whole battle will be "shooting" - they flew in on turntables, which they brought, that's all ...
    and if you manage to capture the "clearing" and suddenly the heavy ones even fly in, then a couple of volleys of the RSZO are enough to clear the "clearing" ...
    enough to build "manuals" against "terrorists" - we can't fight with them - we have an adversary of NATO - was, is and will be ...
    1. +3
      17 August 2022 17: 50
      Well, we need the Airborne Forces themselves, only they really, like the entire army, need to be reformed along the way - the same Gostomel and the 45th brigade (these should generally be role models) fully demonstrated HOW the Airborne Forces should fight.
      But in addition to the Airborne Forces, it is necessary to develop the SV. Yes, and for the Airborne Forces and the SV it would be nice to make platoons-companies-battalions "fatter". Yes, and give the SVs themselves 3-4 brigades of light infantry on light armor (because only it can carry many shooters at once) with numerous platoons and with the powerful support of their artillery.
      1. +1
        18 August 2022 21: 42
        eat but need...
        speech about a new concept and doctrine
  31. +3
    17 August 2022 17: 45
    Add to the list also the expensive SLA and the new KOEP, and it turns out that this is exactly what an expensive light tank, which is no longer particularly needed. As a self-propelled gun, the old T-62 is better suited, as an MBT - T-72B3 (fortunately, the Airborne Forces have it), as an ala-light tank, the base BMD-4M is better here.
    1. 0
      17 August 2022 19: 32
      T-62 and T-72B3 do not float and are too heavy for air transportation. And in the BMD-4, the direct range of a 100-mm gun does not allow it to compete with tank guns.
      1. +1
        18 August 2022 00: 04
        IL-76 will transport any T-72 or T-90. And this is also not in favor of "Octopus-SD".
        1. +1
          18 August 2022 00: 12
          No, not any, some will even have to be disassembled. They will not pass not only in terms of weight, but also in terms of dimensions.
  32. 0
    17 August 2022 21: 18
    Yes, the topic is relevant, BMD-4, in principle, solves the same tasks, even more widely, and not only with ATGMs, but also carries troops:
  33. +4
    17 August 2022 21: 44
    On a modern octopus, the reservation was strengthened, but the main thing, as far as I understood, was given a normal panoramic sight, a teplok. That is, in terms of the level of visibility, it greatly exceeds the towed guns, and the calculations of the ATGMs ... By the way, the gun can also work as an ATGM ...
    The fight against tanks is not his main task, or rather not even so. In any case, the tank on the battlefield is the priority of the target and all available means should immediately work on it. But in general, the octopus, first of all, yes, it should work as direct fire on enemy firing points. Hit fortified firing points, hit armored vehicles ...
    I would even say that the octopus would be useful not only in the airborne forces and the marines. But it would also be possible to replace the outdated rapiers in the tank divisions of the motorized rifle brigades...
    Not only are rapiers obsolete as antitank weapons and won't even take a T-62 head-on. But the main thing is that our motorized rifle units, on floating equipment, swim across the river and capture a bridgehead, but neither the rapiers nor the tank battalion can swim, they must wait for the arrival of engineering units, which will set up pontoons... And at this point, the motorized riflemen are greatly reduced in antitank weapons and if the enemy attacks them, it will be much more difficult to fight.
    If rapiers are replaced with octopuses (for motorized rifles they can be simplified, armored, but buoyant left), then motorized riflemen will be able to advance better to expand the bridgehead and then defend more confidently, waiting for the crossing to be established and tanks and artillery to approach them.
    That is why, for example, they do not remove the Strela-10 air defense systems from service and do not replace them with tori or Tungusks, precisely because they are floating, and can support units that force water barriers to swim.
    There are already questions about "floating" technology. She's all like us. Although it would be logical to make 1 out of 3-4 motorized rifle brigades "floating", and the rest to do on heavy infantry fighting vehicles, with powerful protection, and leave floating equipment only in reconnaissance units of heavy brigades. But that's a completely different story.
  34. -4
    17 August 2022 22: 08
    Since the paratroopers have such specific tasks: to run in, cause maximum problems, dump / wait for reinforcements, then they need equipment that allows them to inflict maximum damage per unit of time, and in strictly defined places, not even directly observed from the car. As for me, a rapid-fire installation for launching ATGMs and single-caliber loitering ammunition with them is suitable for this, and not a tank gun at all. In addition to weapons, kamikaze drones are also scouts, the eyes of the landing force, which allow reconnaissance of secondary targets at the time of the attack, and the launcher, without looking, launches the required amount of ammunition into the air, because. information about the success of the defeat comes in real time. Firstly, such an installation does not have to be at the forefront of the attack in order to hit with direct fire (and at the same time be masked? How ??), and secondly, the launch of an ATGM or loitering ammunition unmasks the position much less than a shot from a tank gun.
  35. -1
    17 August 2022 22: 42
    Is he really needed today by the Airborne Forces

    Are the Airborne Forces needed today as such?
  36. 0
    17 August 2022 22: 47
    The Airborne Forces are necessary and effective only for conducting individual special operations. (Gostomel example). For this, the landing force needs light armored vehicles such as the Sprut-SDM1, BMD-4, Nona S suitable for air transportation and parachute landing. For offensive and defensive combat operations against regular armed forces, the Airborne Forces are useless (doomed to great irretrievable losses). For this, assault infantry is needed, reinforced by tanks + heavy infantry fighting vehicles (with projectile-proof armor), combat vehicles to support tanks, self-propelled barrel (152 mm) and rocket artillery + various mortars (and at least 4 ammo for it), powerful air defense, reconnaissance and attack UAVs. The Sprut-SDM1 is an interesting product, but it is simply a self-propelled amphibious anti-tank gun with conditional armor.
  37. +1
    18 August 2022 00: 48
    Do you need an SPRUT or is it not necessary for the Airborne Forces ... - a strange statement of the question.
    In general, our Defense Ministry needs to be changed, it is necessary to reform the Airborne Forces !!!!!
    It is necessary to determine how many units we will have the possibility of landing. And for such units, the SPRUT is needed.
    Here everyone constantly cites an argument - they say there has been no mass landing for half a century.
    I would like to say to such comrades - have you seen the size of our country on the map ???
    We, with our sizes, need the Airborne Forces in any way. But again, you need to determine their number.
    And these units need the SPRUT - for, as in the parable of the dagger, it is good when it is and it is bad when it is not.
    But, let's look at the SPRUT... and, purely my couch opinion - give protection all around from 14,5mm!!!!!! Otherwise, you pick up the KORD and you can, like Rambo, rip holes right through the SPRUT??? Well, honestly, the armor is nonsense.

    Although I repeat again - we need a reform of the Airborne Forces, which will lead to a change in weapons.
    I don’t beg the guys from the Airborne Forces at all - they are great, no words.
    But how do we use the Airborne Forces ??? Yes, like motorized rifles !!
    Therefore, we need to leave part of the Airborne Forces as having the possibility of parachute landing, taking into account the capabilities of the VTA.
    And the other part must be done with high mobility - delivery by helicopters and the BTA landing method.

    AND SPRUT ... he is some kind of ambiguous in the end. It seems that it’s not bad that it exists, but to waste money on the creation of 36 pieces ... and now upgrade them .....
    VIETNAM is out, still driving the PT-76 .... and we patched up the SPRUT ..
  38. +1
    18 August 2022 09: 59
    I think SPRUT is not much late. The Airborne Forces already have full-fledged tank units. To combat armored vehicles in the Airborne Forces, it is necessary to expand and strengthen the anti-tank units of the unit, increase the number of Khrizantema-S ATGMs on the BMD-4M / BTRDM chassis, as well as saturate the Lancet-3 and Lastochka-M kamikaze UAVs. To enhance firepower, I would suggest installing 120mm 2B-16 "Nona-K" and 82mm 2B9M "Vasilyok" on mobile platforms "Typhoon-VDV" or others, but always in remote sensing (we have developments) and the possibility of removal, if necessary this weapon. And the SPRUT needs to increase the armor, remove the possibility of landing, but leave buoyancy. Add DZ and gratings and offer to the countries of Southeast Asia, Africa (a wheeled version is possible here), Latin America. To see how they will be applied, by that time (life does not stand still) it may also be in demand in our Armed Forces.
  39. The comment was deleted.
  40. 0
    26 August 2022 19: 52
    The Nona mortar gun is an excellent weapon when you need to throw a high-explosive fragmentation charge behind a house or ... In general, everyone knows perfectly well what a 120-mm mortar is good for.

    There is no need for Octopuses for the Airborne Forces from the word AT ALL.
    Even the need for separate airborne self-propelled guns for the Airborne Forces would be greatly questioned if there was a NONA gun on the BMD combat module.

    On the BMD, instead of the 100 mm 2A70 gun, you need to put a 120 mm 2A51 mortar gun, ammunition with Kitolov-2 guided projectiles and Gran mines.
    The main 2A51 ammunition are: 3OF49 high-explosive fragmentation shells with a firing range of up to 8,855 km; active-rocket projectiles 3OF51 (with a jet engine) with a firing range of up to 12,8 km. Projectiles can be fitted with various types of fuses (conventional contact fuse or radio fuse); 3BK19 HEAT projectiles capable of penetrating 600mm of homogeneous armor;
    The 2A51 has more than enough capabilities against light armored vehicles, but against modern tanks a modern ATGM is required.

    It is quite possible to complete the arsenal of paratrooper units from only two types of armored landing vehicles:
    1. BMD-4M with a modernized combat module 2A51 (120mm) + twin 2A72 (30mm)
    2. BMD-4 / BTR "Rakushka" with ATGM "KORNET D"

    The range of artillery ammunition for the Airborne Forces will also be reduced to 120 mm shells and mines and 30 mm ammunition for automatic guns.
    1. 0
      26 August 2022 23: 42
      here is true!
  41. 0
    17 September 2022 12: 06
    The Poles made the right decision. They put 155mm on the BMP and ordered 1000 vehicles, not a single Pole croaked.
  42. 0
    21 September 2022 07: 00
    The "Octopus" itself should be left as it is and the caliber, but the ammunition is separate with reduced gunpowder and a large projectile in length, under a weight of about 50 kg.
    reduce the barrel length as much as possible, get used to the range of 100mm infantry fighting vehicles and don’t get used to it. The new projectile will make it possible to easily knock any NATO tank to the side into the funnel with the bast shoes up.
  43. 0
    28 September 2022 12: 53
    If you pour them with parachutes where they don’t expect, you can quickly knock out the enemy and dig in / snuggle in anticipation of your own.
    I think this is better than none for landing.
    The T-72 with a parachute is somehow tightly dropped (at least so that there would be a whole one later).
  44. 0
    30 September 2022 09: 36
    If you look at the Americans, and you can and should look at them, then such a machine has a right to exist, especially its modernized version with a commander's panorama. As for the lack of armor, for modern anti-tank weapons there is practically no difference whether there is armor or not, all targets are guaranteed to be hit. Of course, the main tank has great survivability, at least most of the frontal projection holds hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers. But there is a price to pay for air mobility. Our Airborne Forces will need such a machine if we talk about their current appearance. How much he, this appearance corresponds to modern realities, is another question. And yes, in my opinion, any armored vehicles that go or should come to the troops should be equipped with KAZ, no matter how expensive it is. Without KAZ, any armor is just a coffin for military personnel. I am glad that the Ukrainian army does not have such an amount of loitering ammunition as Azerbaijan had in the conflict with Armenia. It was very unpleasant to watch a practically live reality show on the endless destruction of Russian military equipment, with the complete helplessness of the Armenians.
  45. 0
    23 October 2022 06: 35
    So, the landing force must capture and hold a certain territory. For this, the paratroopers have at their disposal:
    - 2A75 caliber 125 mm;
    - 2A70 caliber 100 mm;
    - 2A72 caliber 30 mm;
    - 2A51 caliber 120 mm.

    It is clear that the Nona 2A51 cannon-mortar is still more of a mortar, which is its amazing charm. The 100-mm BMD-4M cannon is more likely a launcher for missiles from the Konkurs and HE shells. The 30-mm automatic gun on the BMD is for working on the calculations of machine guns and anti-tank systems.

    The main problem of the parachute units (we will immediately separate them from the DShB - in fact, elite infantry)
    This is a limitation of the military transport aviation’s capabilities, which is capable of transporting one parachute regiment with weapons using 70 Il-76s.
    There are only two ways to solve this problem with limited BTA resources:
    - expanding the capabilities of each landing unit,
    - reduction of the range of landed equipment and weapons used.

    1. Leave only three types of armored vehicles in service with parachute regiments:
    - BMD-4M with a new combat module 120mm 2A51 NONA paired with 12,7 Kord. (universal SAU-BMD).
    - BTR-D "Rakushka" with a removable ATGM launcher "KORNET" + AGS + Kord
    - SAM "PTITSELOV" on the BMD-4 chassis with 10 132mm launchers for the Sosna-R SAM and a pair of 152mm launchers for the KORNET/KORNET-D ATGM (a universal SAM-ATGM).

    Reducing the range of armored vehicles and weapons used should significantly increase the combat effectiveness of airborne units and greatly simplify logistics, maintenance, and training of specialists.
  46. +1
    23 October 2022 17: 43
    Quote: Bulgarian_5
    Octopus: a light machine with sloppy armor that any NATO-style automatic 30mm cannon will gouge in the first place.
    The designers tried to do something, they themselves did not know what they wanted. For an artillery installation, the caliber is small. For anti-tank work: the protection is ridiculous. Where is the dynamic armor?? From above the bush UAV just throw a head from an RPG-7 without an engine, or an 80mm mine, and that's the end of the Sprut. I just do not understand why such money and production capacity are wasted for such hopeless hardware, no one needs it.

    We need to build big landing planes like this one, and parachute real battle tanks, and real self-propelled guns, such as the Coalition, and not these toys.


    A real landing aircraft must hit at least the size of the Mriya

    Waiting for minuses from the 'experts'.

    The MRII requires a 3-kilometer runway, of which there are about 30 worldwide. A landing force destroyed by a stinger. A landing force is practically a one-time event. Abandoning a disposable half-tank without bothering with its evacuation from a combat event after completing the task is one thing. Abandoning the Coalition... Or losing a lot of people, breaking through the enemy just to save iron? For what purpose, tell me, expert, a long-range gun in the landing force? The landing force works directly on the object, and shooting at 30 kilometers is of no use to them.
  47. -1
    29 October 2022 13: 45
    "Unlike the towed one, the Sprut cannon can fire 360 ​​degrees. This is a big plus." What kind of towed gun are we talking about, if about the D-30, then the author is not quite right!
    Horizontal firing at a barrel elevation angle from −5° to 18°: 360°
    Horizontal shelling at an elevation angle of +18° to 70° and with the position of the barrel between the movable beds: 66°
    Horizontal firing at an elevation angle of +18° to 70° and with the barrel position between fixed and movable beds: ±29°
  48. 0
    29 October 2022 14: 59
    Yes, as it was in Gostomel.

    And what happened in Gostomel - yes, a helicopter landing, which did not have and could not have either BMD or Non. The octopus would not have been there either, had it been in service. A helicopter cannot carry such a mass in a landing party. And for the landing of heavy equipment by parachute or landing, you need the complete destruction of air defense, which has not happened to this day for the ninth month. The conclusion here is simple - this death box is not needed for the landing. just as the current "armored" Nona, BMD, and even more so this Octopus, are not needed. (although Nona, as a support weapon, is quite useful, but not in the first line!) We need universal, for the army and the Airborne Forces / Airborne Forces, well-protected and armed combat vehicles. (No matter how they slander the shtatovsky m-113, but the protection of the crew and the landing force is good, from 12,7 in a circle).
  49. 0
    9 January 2023 00: 31
    Strange author answered himself why the octopus is needed - and he himself did not understand.) The octopus is precisely a replacement for the Rapier - it drives itself + has ammunition with it, bulletproof and anti-fragmentation protection for the crew, 360-degree operation, buoyancy. The author himself wrote it - and apparently he himself was afraid of his own rightness, because how can this be, there must be a double bottom, a cut, "they win in spite of" and similar bullshit)
  50. 0
    12 August 2023 18: 13
    You can't believe not to believe. But where to put a comma?!