ISS from orbit, but what about into orbit?


Many media have already covered this point, but we will think very calmly now about the fact that it is officially announced that Russia is withdrawing from the International Space Station program in 2024.

The fact that the program of Russian participation in the ISS was coming to its natural end was obvious. When the improvement of the Russian sector of the ISS practically stopped, when they began to reduce the number of cosmonauts on board, because they trivially had nothing to do there, in general, the list of rather shameful successes and achievements of Roscosmos is as long as the solar system, but it makes no sense to enumerate it.

An epic became a clownery in near-Earth orbit with the filming of a film masterpiece from Channel One, which was very close in terms of script and very elegant in terms of costs. As I understand it, it was for the sake of filming that Nauka and Prichal were tortured into orbit, which, in fact, are absolutely not needed there today. But they made it possible to show that the Russian segment of the ISS is not a residential module with a couple of warehouses, but something more.

A very unpleasant aspect, because at one time, when there was a smell of divorce in space, I repeatedly said that it was on the basis of Nauka and Prichal that it would be possible to begin the formation of a new Russian orbital station, but in Roskosmos they outplayed everything in my own way. And the long-suffering "Nauka" was pushed into orbit in order, apparently, to be safely flooded in two years.

Thunderous applause, turning into a standing ovation. However, when compared with the treacherously flooded "Mir", which really could live and work, it's all so ... seeds.

It begs the understanding that all the billions swelled into the repair of Nauka, they have long been "mastered". And "Science" and "Prichal" are of no interest.

Of course, new modules will be developed for the new station, built from scratch and ... Yes, but the astronauts will sit on the ground for ten years. As with our deadlines, Borisov will probably need just that much for the profession of an astronaut to be in demand again in Russia.

By the way, about Borisov. The new General Director of Roskosmos, the former Deputy Prime Minister for the military-industrial complex and the rocket and space industry.

On July 26, at a meeting with the president, Borisov announced that after 2024 Russia would withdraw from the ISS project and start building the Russian orbital station ROSS. At this meeting, Borisov recalled that it was Russia that was the first in the world to send a man into space, and also "created" a huge potential for scientific and technical groundwork, which will need to be converted into specific services that are in demand by the Russian economy today.

Of course, it's great that Borisov knows so well history, and if, just as he eliminated Putin's gaps in this direction, he will eliminate the catastrophic situation in which the Russian cosmonautics finds itself, everything will be just fine.

Only two things are worrying. The first is that Russia sent the first man into space. Of course, many will now say that Russia is the legal successor of the USSR, but nevertheless, a somewhat different power brought man into space. The second is the receipt by the Russian economy of services from the space industry. This reads very ambiguously and doubtfully.

Возможно, Юрий Иванович высказался не очень понятно, но это military простительно. Не журналист, спрос невелик. И здесь не в словах и формулировках дело, а как бы ни смотрелось, но дело именно в конкретных делах.

And what matters should be in the first place in importance in Roscosmos? That's right, manned flights of Russian cosmonauts to the Russian station in orbit and scientific space. That is, automatic stations and probes flying to other celestial bodies. Experiments and tests.

Borisov's task is not an easy one. This is not a Khokhloma launch vehicle painted in the style of its predecessor, it is somewhat different. The space path from Mir to ROSS via the ISS is very difficult and thorny.

This is back in 1993, when the death warrant for Mir was being signed, Russia still possessed all the might of Soviet space science and industry. And the Mir station was the first multi-module in orbit.

And now, when Americans and Europeans are well aware of all the intricacies of modular space stations, when in addition to the ISS there is both the Chinese Tiangong and the American Gateway being developed, ROSS no longer seems to be something so epoch-making. Orbital station. One of. More precisely, so far only a project.

Meanwhile, much of what was inherited from the USSR has been lost. What was lost was eagerly picked up by others. For example, China and India. The Chinese now have their own orbital station, painfully reminiscent of Salyut (which means, most likely, military), the Indians have hydrogen rocket engines, which, apparently, we will no longer have.

Yes, not only ours are to blame for such a broad-minded supply of everyone and everything. More precisely, mainly Ukrainians traded in space recipes, on whose territory, after the collapse of the USSR, many enterprises and research institutes remained.

Well, after the magnificence of Mir, it is worth seeing what the Russian successes on the ISS eventually degenerated into.

The entire ISS began in 1998 with the Zarya module, which is Russian and not Russian at the same time. Yes, it was built in Russia, according to our standards, but the Americans paid for it and they have all the rights to the Zarya. So if the pulling away in the corners of the ISS begins, then the Americans will take the Zarya.

ISS in 2000

The rest is the Zvezda habitation module, the Poisk small research module, the Rassvet docking and cargo module, and the Pirs docking module were put into orbit during the 20 years of the ISS existence. 117,9 cubic meters the volume of which is residential - 62 cubic meters.

Considering that the total living volume of the ISS is 388 cubic meters, this does not look impressive. Yes, "Science" and "Prichal" slightly improved the statistics, but we can only say one thing - it's too late.

It is obvious that for more than 20 years of the existence of the ISS project, Russia has been exclusively engaged in "cutting the loot" on the delivery of cargo and crews. Apparently, there was no desire to create new equipment for research and new modules. What for? Everything is going according to plan!

But we should not forget that even the power supply of the Russian segment could not be organized, and since there was not enough money for its NEM power module (and where would they come from if half the world was rolled to the ISS and back), then the Russian segment was fed by American electricity.

Well, it’s good that they didn’t install meters and didn’t take money.
In general, if you look like that, then there is nothing to regret. Given the age and semantic load, that is, usefulness.

The detachment will not notice the loss of a fighter?

Quite. Since Roskosmos has lost its monopoly on the delivery of people and cargo into orbit (it would be interesting to know where the money for transportation went), the Americans and Europeans will definitely cope on their own if they decide to operate the station without us. They now have both trucks and passenger ships for this.

There is, however, an unpleasant moment: the correction of the ISS orbit. Now the engines of Zvezda and Progress cargo ships arriving to the ISS are engaged in this operation, but how it will look like in the future is a question. The Americans believe that they will be able to correct the station's orbit using the engines of the Cygnus cargo ship, but there will also be difficulties with this. The location of the docking nodes is such that in order to correct from the standard docking points, you will first have to deploy the entire station (and this is an energy-consuming maneuver), and then return it back. And the return procedure is also impossible without the Russian segment.

In general, the situation is stalemate. In order for 440 tons not to fall from orbit to some settlement, NASA and Roscosmos are forced to cooperate. But the political situation today is such that it is beneficial for everyone to leave the station (or divide it up) and start each with their own new projects.

Everything was going to that, but, perhaps, international cooperation in space lasted longer than others. But in fact, after February 24 of this year, the end came to him. And now Russia decides to go its own way ...

However, in the US, they came to this decision much earlier, deciding to gradually entrust low Earth orbit to private companies and starting to concentrate on the lunar program.

Through the barns and through the barrels

So, what do we have besides naked enthusiasm and promises to build ROSS? Actually, there is something. It has already been announced that the heart of the new ROSS station will be the NEM, a scientific and energy module that Roscosmos was supposed to dock to the ISS in 2025. This, for obvious reasons, will not happen.

NEM is not small. Its living volume is greater than that of "Science" or "Zvezda", 92 cubic meters. The energy potential of 50 kW is also quite. It will take several years to finalize the module for people living on it, that is, places for astronauts to rest, a sanitary zone and everything else. What was on the "Star".

It was announced that the deployment of ROSS is planned to be carried out in two stages. At the first stage, which will last from 2025 to 2030, it is planned to launch two ROSS modules: the modified NEM and the Prichal node, the base and the gateway. From 2030 to 2035, the plans are to add a few more modules, and here I would like to say: in the event that there is something to add.

Of course, it turns out very modestly and poorly, just like the Chinese.

But there is no time for fat, you can forget about the luxury of the premises and equipment of the ISS. On the other hand, what's the point of looking at how the Europeans and Japanese work on their equipment, to which the Russians have no access?

So the exit of Russia from the ISS is fully justified. If participation in the project does not promise anything, and in our time of continuous sanctions, even the most optimistic ones are unlikely to be able to see the prospects. So the “divorce” is quite justified, and the ISS will simply go down (to the bottom) in history, as, probably, the last project where Russia and the United States cooperated as friends.

Here it remains only to sympathize with Yuri Ivanovich Borisov, who found himself in a very difficult situation. Despite all the injections of money, according to articles in the media, only one term is applicable to Roscosmos - "collapse". And the main fault here lies with Rogozin and those who entrusted him with the management of such a corporation. Well, a journalist cannot turn out to be a decent manager in an instant, it just doesn't happen that way. Rogozin played with words very well and made loud gestures. Alas, this does not fly into orbit, even with a trampoline.

In general, leaving the ISS and international joint projects can play very interesting. On the one hand, to urge Roskosmos and research institutes to develop and create equipment, ships, systems that will be implemented in Russian space. Indeed, in fact, apart from the old Soyuz, designed by the great Korolev, and no less old Progress, we have nothing.

ISS from orbit, but what about into orbit?

The great space power, which makes films about the "Time of the First", lives exclusively on what was created at that time. Yes, the Soyuz are now running on integrated circuits, but they are exactly the same Soyuz as the one that first took off from Earth in 1967.

We forgot about space automatic interplanetary stations for a long time and for a long time. Everyone could do it in the USSR and absolutely failed in Russia. Alas.

Russia's departure to the "single flight" can somewhat improve the situation. Unless, of course, in the structures around and around Roskosmos they don’t steal the way they stole during the construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome. Then progress is quite possible, on the remnants of the Soviet backlog, on the remnants of personnel.

Or everything just dies. This is also an option. And they will tell us that these swarming in orbit are not so important, we will prepare for jumps into Deep Space, which will certainly bring Russia the status of a great space power, and so on. And this is quite a possible option, since it is no secret to anyone today how deep we have fallen into the maelstrom of "import substitution".

In general, time will tell. There is a choice, but the choice is very difficult: either gritting your teeth and rolling up your sleeves, restore the Russian space industry by training new personnel, giving them decent salaries, or, as under Rogozin, place very effective managers in key positions who will finally ruin the Russian space.

Well, yes, properly submit all this to the electorate. And then watch the films “The Time of the First” and the like, quietly sighing for the times when we really were the first in many ways.

Time will tell. And Mr. Borisov has a chance to justify the trust and prove that the Stars of Heroes are not given to anyone.
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  1. 31+
    1 August 2022 05: 09
    Yes, it was built in Russia, according to our standards, but the Americans paid for it and they have all the rights to the Zarya

    The ISS was conceived as a vacuum cleaner for pulling technology from Russia to build space stations.
    By and large, I do not see the benefits of cooperation with the United States in this matter ... except for financial injections into the ISS ... NASA does not share its technologies with Russia.
    For space sovereignty, Russia must have its own station, completely independent of the whims of American politicians.
    Ambitious tasks can be set for it ... the task should not just be to build a station in orbit ... but to make a full-fledged space settlement of people there ... as one person said ... and not whether we should aim at this very Shakespeare.
    The Chinese are already on their space path in full swing and I'm sure they will achieve their goals ... but why are we worse than them?
    1. +3
      1 August 2022 07: 11
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      why are we worse than them?

      ... the residential module "Zvezda", the small research module "Poisk", the docking and cargo module "Rassvet", the docking module "Pirs" were launched into orbit over the 20 years of the existence of the ISS. 117,9 cu.m.. the volume of which is residential - 62 cubic meters.
      Considering that the total habitable volume of the ISS is 388 cu.m. - it doesn't look impressive.

      If you don’t drag any strangers there, then maybe that’s enough. The maximum volume of the MIR station in the best years is 400 m3. But it's not really for our money. And yet - the WORLD was SEVEN!!! our long-running station. So the main thing here is to start, then you will not stop.
      1. 25+
        1 August 2022 07: 20
        And yet - the WORLD was SEVEN!!! our long-running station.

        Soviet station, one socialist superpower. And not capitalist countries of the 2nd and 3rd worlds.
        We are watching the end Soviet astronautics, since the ISS is all backlogs still Soviet, including personnel ... which are not eternal.
        What capitalist Russia can do remains to be seen.
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. +1
            6 August 2022 23: 26
            Quote: ultra
            People have to send parcels to the troops.

            We forget our history. During the Great Patriotic War, people also sent parcels to the front and bought tanks to the front with their labor pennies. Everything for the front, everything for the Victory! And not a single "expert" dared to open his mouth that the Motherland did not have enough funds for new machine guns and planes for our soldiers.
            So there is nothing to harass the General Staff. Whoever has the opportunity, we help our people in any way we can. Anyone can criticize.
            1. 0
              7 August 2022 09: 27
              You are trying to find an analogy in completely different situations.
              1. 0
                7 August 2022 22: 33
                Quote: ultra
                You are trying to find an analogy in completely different situations.

                Well, if everything is so bad, due to which we, as the attacking side, without having a numerical superiority, are constantly moving forward, suffering losses ten times lower than the defending forces, who have both intelligence from American satellites and AWACS, and drones in an endless stream?
                Is it really thanks to the "parcels" that we send to ours? Are all our weapons and equipment good for nothing?
            2. +1
              19 November 2022 17: 50
              [quote = Sarboz] [quote = ultra]...... During the Great Patriotic War, people also sent parcels to the front and bought tanks to the front with their labor pennies. Everything for the front, everything for the Victory! ...... [/ quote]
              It's right. And what did the Nemchura send to their Deutsch-Soldiers, whom our equipment smeared across the frozen Stalingrad land? diapers, panties, lipstick, etc. In the meantime, oil was freezing in the Nazis' tanks, and mice and rats gnawed through the wires!
              As a result, the economy of the 3rd Reich collapsed even before the predicted economic collapse (for this prediction, its author was rotted in a German concentration camp). While the USSR performed an economic miracle! Whatever the liars and slanderers say
        2. +1
          1 August 2022 13: 11
          Even if he can. For example, Borisov will be the boss, there will be no sense, they will replace him with Rogozin. Rogozin will chat for five years, he will be replaced with Borisov.
        3. +1
          1 August 2022 16: 30
          I think our station will be destroyed! This is a serious, promising flow of money from which you can take a sip and not one! lol so this case will definitely not be abandoned! wink what they will do at this station later is another question bully
      2. 36+
        1 August 2022 07: 27
        I remember the times when here at VO a whole choir was touched by Rogozin's words about the "trampoline" and minus those who tried to take a sober look both at things in astronautics and at the person of Rogozin himself. The result is now visible to everyone, I hope. Personally, I think that a minimum will be launched into orbit in order to maintain a presence there at minimum wages and to test and produce something there, and the main idea, as the same Rogozin said, lies in the plane of nuclear, interplanetary astronautics, if there is money for it of course. But something tells us that now it’s not up to manned cosmonautics - it is necessary to establish a satellite constellation, where, in general, there are complete seams, and oh, how it is needed right now, when the special operation seems to be dragging on for a long time and it is not known what will happen next.
        1. +4
          1 August 2022 07: 29
          Quote: Snail N9
          I remember the times when here at VO a whole choir was touched by Rogozin's words about the "trampoline" and minus those who tried to take a sober look at things in astronautics, as well as at the person of Rogozin himself. The result is visible. Personally, I think that a minimum will be launched into orbit in order to maintain a presence there at minimum wages and to test and produce something there, and the main idea, as the same Rogozin said, lies in the plane of nuclear interplanetary astronautics, if there is money for it.

          Not exactly, just a "journalist" kept a special staff of bots for his support. Now we will find out by the minuses whether it continues or not.
          1. +7
            1 August 2022 08: 44
            Quote: Civil
            Not exactly, just a "journalist" kept a special staff of bots for his support. Now we will find out by the minuses whether it continues or not.

            He gave them to Borisov with one of the three envelopes
            1. 0
              1 August 2022 11: 02
              What and me or what?
          2. +2
            1 August 2022 14: 59
            I don’t know about the bots, but minuses always flew for criticizing Rogozin. But there were also comments about a misunderstanding of his great activity "for the good ..."
            They say it was even worse before. I won’t kick after you, but Khokhloma and kinoshka did everything for themselves
          3. R
            1 August 2022 18: 06
            Now we will find out by the minuses whether it continues or not.

            Bliiiiin, what a primitive childish-girlish manipulation)) From the category: "The cat is dead, the tail is bare. Whoever speaks will eat the cat" laughing lol
          4. kin
            2 August 2022 05: 23
            These are the lost, who are dizzy from the successes of the current government, in the literal sense.
        2. -9
          1 August 2022 10: 22
          Sober, how is it? Whine and whine....from Canada?
      3. 23+
        1 August 2022 09: 27
        And yet - the WORLD was SEVEN!!! our long-running station. So the main thing here is to start, then you will not stop.

        The world was the station of the USSR, the superpower and the second economy of the world.
        Russia is now a country with an economy like that of South Korea, which can only dream of space stations, simply because, as Medvedev used to say, "there is simply no money."
        Pulling the ISS, which was financed by the Americans and Europeans with the backlog of the USSR, is one thing, but financially pulling your station like the Chinese, whose economy is ten times larger than ours, is empty talk. Yes, and with such figures as Borisov, who oversaw the military-industrial complex, it is unlikely that anything normal will turn out, according to the NWO, his "successes" can be seen very well.
        1. -9
          1 August 2022 11: 03
          Talk nonsense comrade.
        2. -1
          2 August 2022 21: 08
          About Borisov is very correct. Unsinkable "aircraft carrier".
    2. 12+
      1 August 2022 07: 41
      Why are we worse? We don’t shoot thieves, but we castle from place to place ...
      1. The comment was deleted.
    3. 21+
      1 August 2022 08: 45
      The Chinese are already on their space path in full swing and I'm sure they will achieve their goals ... but why are we worse than them?
      We are worse than them in that they crushed their rebuilders with tanks on Tiananmen Square, and we did our best during the State Emergency Committee.
      1. +6
        1 August 2022 11: 05
        There is some grain of truth.
      2. -5
        1 August 2022 17: 05
        Nothing like that, their perestroikas are in power today. Socialism was buried in China just like in the USSR. One communist sign remained.
        1. +4
          1 August 2022 18: 52
          Nothing like that, their perestroikas are in power today.
          And who did they crush then?
          1. 0
            2 August 2022 08: 27
            And where do you see socialism in China? A very peculiar socialism, where the bourgeois rides like cheese in butter, and the hard worker oppresses the ridge from dawn to dawn. No, this is not socialism and degenerates rule.
            1. 0
              2 August 2022 08: 38
              Are you writing from China? I have some doubts about this. Especially about this
              the bourgeois rides like cheese in butter, and the hard worker bends the ridge from dawn to dawn
              1. -1
                3 August 2022 09: 15
                The Party is very strict in ensuring that a Chinese citizen gives his best every day, working at least 13-15 hours.
                And if this is not so, they look askance at him, and they may attract him. This was told to me by a Chinese "comrade", who has been living and working with us for several years, precisely from these party, "communists". He spoke very convincingly, explaining the reason for the achievements and victories.
                Well, what about bourgeois? Here, in fact, everything is clear, that's why he is a bourgeois, in order to exploit the hard workers, to burn through the margin. They are the same all over the world. Although they have some fear, they can get under the distribution if the party does not like it. Up to.
                In a country where personal enrichment and private ownership of the means of production is allowed, there can be no socialist. By definition.
                1. 0
                  3 August 2022 16: 20
                  In a country where personal enrichment and private ownership of the means of production is allowed, there can be no socialist. By definition.
                  The Marxist Plekhanov also believed that it was impossible to build socialism in Russia.
                  1. 0
                    4 August 2022 05: 58
                    And where does Plekhanov, with his life's entanglements? I mean that in China there is terry capitalism, in fact from the 20th, or even the 19th century. In terms of exploitation of the hard worker.
                    1. 0
                      4 August 2022 08: 09
                      And where does Plekhanov, with his life's entanglements? I mean that in China there is terry capitalism, in fact from the 20th, or even the 19th century.
                      It's clear. You have been in the XNUMXth century. Plekhanov, despite the fact that he saw socialism only as written by Marx. You have approximately the same idea about the Chinese path of development - not according to the book of the Politprosvet publishing house, which means capitalism.
                      1. 0
                        4 August 2022 08: 25
                        Dear, socialism does not allow the presence of the bourgeoisie and private ownership of the joint venture. At all. You can argue for a long time how and what, but deviation from the basics is not permissible. Politics is useless here. But Comrade Stalin is very to the point.
                        And don't try to troll. It's for a percussion instrument for me. Essentially please, reasoned.
                      2. +1
                        4 August 2022 08: 42
                        Dear, socialism does not allow the presence of the bourgeoisie and private ownership of the joint venture. At all.
                        NEP in the USSR - is it socialism or capitalism?
                      3. 0
                        4 August 2022 11: 48
                        NEP is a rebound, panicked, Ilyich. They corrected the situation and returned everything to normal, inflexible comrades.
                        Are you still trying to argue that bourgeois and socialism are compatible? In real socialism, in the department of Lavrenty Palych, you would instantly fall into the category of enemies of the People, if you were at least three times a Marxist. And on legal, at least legal, at least domestic grounds. The working class did not eradicate the bourgeoisie in order to pile it back on its neck. The well-known dream of socialists is to combine the incompatible. It won't work, the antagonism is irresistible.
    4. +4
      1 August 2022 14: 58
      The Chinese are already on their space path in full swing and I'm sure they will achieve their goals ... but why are we worse than them?

      Financing. And responsible for the stolen money.
  2. KCA
    1 August 2022 05: 12
    I am not an expert in orbital astronautics, but even before the launch of Nauka, they talked about the possible undocking of the module and attaching it to a new orbital station, like they simply lied? Or maybe not?
    1. +4
      1 August 2022 05: 34
      Formally, there is such a possibility. But the transition to another orbit will require a wild fuel consumption, even here it was written, about 19 tons.
      1. 16+
        1 August 2022 07: 28
        With the advent of the "effective" Borisov, you can put an end to our astronautics. He has already taxied the defense industry so that people are raising money for copters, walkie-talkies and thermal imagers with rangefinders.
        1. -11
          1 August 2022 10: 24
          Did you send anything in particular?
          And then the stuffing of the same cometary is alarming. You wrote above about this, can you calm down? Quadcopter supplier number one with
          1. +6
            1 August 2022 10: 35
            I do ship regularly. hi
            1. +2
              1 August 2022 12: 14
              You are great, without "everything" that helps the army. We have no theft in any way. It would be interesting to look at people who accuse others of stealing, appointing them to a high position, with the ability to steal. In general, if the people and the army are united, then we are invincible.
            2. 0
              1 August 2022 14: 11
              Quote: ultra
              I do ship regularly.

              1. +4
                1 August 2022 15: 37
                Do not believe it, but the "feds" also need copters and thermal imagers and walkie-talkies.
                1. -2
                  1 August 2022 15: 56
                  Quote: ultra
                  Do not believe it, but the "feds" also need copters and thermal imagers and walkie-talkies.

                  Thanks for the answer! I ran into the Marines, they somehow didn’t complain about the lack of anything. They also had new modern machine guns, walkie-talkies, though bulky and with a long antenna. As I understand it, because of the channel encryption. They had thermal imagers on the equipment.
                  1. +7
                    1 August 2022 16: 57
                    Apparently, the "famous" Warriors with all their means of reconnaissance communications and target designation remained only on paper. Therefore, the military personnel are forced to use, in fact, household Chinese radios that do not have signal coding. In the same Mariupol, Ukrainians easily listened to our air.
                    1. 0
                      1 August 2022 17: 06
                      Quote: ultra
                      In the same Mariupol, Ukrainians easily listened to our broadcast.

                      The 810th marine brigade in Mariupol was in Ratniki and their communication was coded. I didn’t see any of them walking with Chinese walkie-talkies. Volunteers and LNR members had Chinese ones. Which units of the federals did you help?
                      1. 0
                        1 August 2022 18: 42
                        Mariupol, according to the captive Ukrainians, they listened to the negotiations, including the marines.
                      2. 0
                        1 August 2022 18: 45
                        In your opinion, did he help, did he personally deliver it? My help is limited only to finances. Although I visited Kherson and Melitopol some time ago, this is not related to helping our troops ..
                      3. 0
                        1 August 2022 19: 47
                        Quote: ultra
                        I do ship regularly.

                        So I thought that you should have known who exactly you are helping. In any case, my respect to you hi
          2. -1
            1 August 2022 11: 04
            Consult a psychiatrist, he will help with your problem. laughing
    2. -26
      1 August 2022 05: 37
      And I'm not special.
      I am for stopping such "breakthroughs"
      1500 clubs in regional villages with red-nosed button accordion players in the state are more important than ISS and Russian.
      Yapi live without space, but they can bite.
      Sarmat is. And there are others.
      Peaceful space did not give sense to a peaceful tractor
      1. AUL
        1 August 2022 08: 05
        Quote: antivirus
        Yapi live without space, but they can bite.

        Are you sure about that? wink
        A Japanese probe brought soil from an asteroid to Earth. And on electricity. The total share of Japanese investments in the ISS is 12.8%. More examples are needed, how do they "live without space"? They are full!
    3. +1
      1 August 2022 07: 07
      Quote: KCA
      I am not an expert in orbital astronautics, but even before the launch of Nauka, they talked about the possible undocking of the module and attaching it to a new orbital station, like they simply lied? Or maybe not?

      If you believe the statements on the inclination of the new station. Moving the Science module to it will not work
    4. -2
      1 August 2022 11: 08
      Apparently the block is outdated, we are building for too long, we are afraid of personal responsibility.
  3. +2
    1 August 2022 05: 32
    Everything is lost?
    Or not?
    The author's opinion is missing.
    One thing is clear - there will be a Russian station!
    And the ISS is waiting for the fate of the Mir station.
    By the way, why was it called "international"? This is our cabal with the amers.
    Astronauts of other "nations" were simply passengers whom we brought to the station from Baikonur.
    Almost always.
    1. 10+
      1 August 2022 06: 58
      One thing is clear - there will be a Russian station!

      how is the moon 25?
      1. AUL
        1 August 2022 08: 15
        Unless, of course, they don’t steal in the structures around and near Roskosmos
        This is where you need to start!
        1. +1
          1 August 2022 08: 20
          It is impossible to begin with this, as, indeed, to end. Why then is it needed? wink
      2. -1
        1 August 2022 11: 15
        I support our compatriots our desire to go independently.
    2. +4
      1 August 2022 09: 33
      One thing is clear - there will be a Russian station!
      So she already has ....... in the picture. It will remain there. If for 30 years only that which brings loot has remained from astronautics, then it is ridiculous to talk about development. And how will we leave the ISS, and the Unions with Progresses will stop bringing loot. Hence, space will not be needed. In my opinion, Borisov was accepted for this position as a gravedigger who will finally "bury" everything that remains of the cosmic from the USSR.
    3. 0
      1 August 2022 15: 17
      This is our cabal with the amers.

      You apparently forgot about the Japanese and European modules, as well as about their trucks that supplied the station. Well, do not forget about the Canadian Kanadarm.
      1. 0
        1 August 2022 17: 27
        No, no, I remember everything.
        And how many people were delivered into orbit by Japanese and European launch vehicles? wink
        1. +2
          2 August 2022 09: 41
          Do you think that the delivery of people into orbit is something from the category of "wow"? I do not argue, this is a very important point, but this is never the alpha and omega of astronautics. Delivery of soil from an asteroid, in my opinion, is an order of magnitude more complicated operation, and so far only the Japanese have been able to carry it out
  4. +6
    1 August 2022 05: 32
    "It was announced that the deployment of ROSS is planned to be carried out in two stages. At the first stage, which will last from 2025 to 2030, it is planned to launch two ROSS modules: the modified NEM and the Prichal node, the base and the gateway. From 2030 to 2035, the plans are to add a few more modules, and here I would like to say: in the event that there is something to add."

    I'll just remind you that there are one and a half billion Chinese. USA 350 million population. RF 150 million. And it's just physically hard for us to pull the station in one helmet. Both in terms of money and the number of employed workers. Therefore, I will only welcome the financial and / or technological participation, together with the Russian Federation, of Iran, Brazil or Indonesia.
    1. +6
      1 August 2022 08: 48
      Quote: demiurg
      I'll just remind you that there are one and a half billion Chinese. USA 350 million population. RF 150 million. And it's just physically hard for us to pull the station in one helmet. Both in terms of money and the number of employed workers.

      We are pulling NVO against almost all of Europe and the USA. Or no longer?
      1. +6
        1 August 2022 17: 11
        Is the whole of Europe at war with us? A dozen mercenaries and a couple of guns and MLRS? We are at war with the Russians, with the Russians. The usual GV, as a result of the coup 91-93gg.
        1. +2
          1 August 2022 17: 18
          Quote: Essex62
          Is the whole of Europe at war with us? A dozen mercenaries and a couple of guns and MLRS? We are at war with the Russians, with the Russians. The usual GV, as a result of the coup 91-93gg.

          Can't read between the lines? Can't see the sarcasm?
          1. +4
            1 August 2022 17: 47
            Define sarcasm somehow. Serious question. hi
  5. +7
    1 August 2022 05: 50
    At the moment, an orbital station similar to Salyut-7 would be enough for Russia. Nevertheless, money must be invested in industry, so that there are tractors, cars, construction equipment, engines, communications. The USSR has been gone for 32 years, unfortunately, the Soviet backlog is morally obsolete. But before the elections: outdated or absent, Soviet technology is better. Although many have been screaming for a long time, why your own, it's better to buy
    1. KCA
      1 August 2022 05: 58
      ROSS is planned as an automatic station with astronauts visiting, in contrast to the inhabited Salyut, Mir and ISS
      1. 15+
        1 August 2022 06: 04
        There are many things you can plan.
        When was the railway to Tuva laid down? Will they finish it? Although the region has significant reserves of high-grade coal. Until now, KAMAZ trucks are being exported.
        Cosmodrome Vostochny how much money did he eat? But this is a strategic facility, and student construction teams were sent to its construction site, and many were not paid. Until they put things in order, do not reduce corruption, they don’t take out shit and build
        1. -5
          1 August 2022 08: 50
          Quote: PukanPein
          When was the railway to Tuva laid down? Will they finish it? Although the region has significant reserves of high-grade coal. Until now, KAMAZ trucks are being exported.

          It's good that Kamazami. From the places where the railway is laid, they are taken out in such a way that in a few decades we can be left without coal.
          1. 0
            5 August 2022 04: 21
            Well, here it is, I would argue. In the same Kuzbass, coal is still 250 years old. But it is not sold to the population, and not the best.
            It would have been a long time since they started selling brown coal in the Kemerovo region. It's cheaper
        2. +1
          1 August 2022 09: 36
          Until they put things in order, do not reduce corruption, they don’t take out shit and build
          This is no longer a dream.
    2. 16+
      1 August 2022 07: 32
      Mr. Putin does not agree with you. In his opinion, it is better to keep gold reserves in foreign assets than to develop industry in Russia.
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. 0
        5 August 2022 04: 19
        It is dangerous to develop, we can become developed
  6. -2
    1 August 2022 05: 58
    Apparently nothing
  7. +1
    1 August 2022 06: 08
    Russia's departure to the "single flight" can somewhat improve the situation. Unless, of course, in the structures around and near Roskosmos they don’t steal the way they stole during the construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome.
    But will they? "This is our tradition and we keep it." (c)
  8. -4
    1 August 2022 06: 18
    Yes, the Soyuz are now running on integrated circuits, but they are exactly the same Soyuz as the one that first took off from Earth in 1967.

    If the author had bothered to compare, if not the characteristics, then the appearance of the ships, he would have noticed the difference.
    Well, everything else ... On the style ... everything is gone, everything is bad.
    1. +3
      1 August 2022 09: 38
      Quote: Wedmak
      If the author had bothered to compare, if not the characteristics, then the appearance of the ships, he would have noticed the difference.

      Let's compare not the appearance.
      1. -1
        2 August 2022 07: 00
        And why didn’t you boldly mention new electronics and other means of flight support? Gorgeous so pulled out of the entire list of changes the smallest.
  9. +7
    1 August 2022 06: 47
    we will think very calmly

    It seemed to me that the author did not succeed
    1. -3
      1 August 2022 17: 06
      He rarely succeeds.
  10. +2
    1 August 2022 07: 06
    Regarding the maintenance of the orbit, it is quite possible to assume that the West will conclude contracts with Roskosmos for the purchase of the Progress-accelerator under the control of our own MCC. Quite a commercial enterprise, though in the spirit of the same cart. But with profit
  11. +3
    1 August 2022 07: 07
    Greetings. From my point of view, it is necessary to tie up with manned astronautics. It’s too irrational, automatic stations can carry out missions for years and they don’t need air, provisions and tricky radiation protection (no, of course, orbital stations fly below the radiation belt, but there is also a hypothetical “flight to the Moon and Mars”), nevertheless I think you know that the rovers have been fulfilling their mission for many years. Robots can do everything the same as people and even more, and most importantly, longer in time. What is the point of hanging people in orbit? Everything that could be found out about the reaction of the human body to weightlessness was found out a long time ago, the first astronauts were really heroes going into the unknown. And the seias? I don’t think that the majority can list modern astronauts from memory (without the help of the Internet). All the main work in space is now much more efficient to carry out by automation. So, I repeat, the construction of an orbital station is a waste of money, it is better to direct funds to automatic probes, and at least to study the distant planets of the solar system.
    1. +9
      1 August 2022 07: 35
      Yes, everything needs to be tied up with both fundamental science and education. We will all move to the village, get chickens, piglets and plant potatoes and cucumbers.
      1. +7
        1 August 2022 08: 14
        Yes, everything needs to be tied up with both fundamental science and education.

        You are joking in vain, if you think that automatic astronautics does not require intellectual effort and high technology, then you do not understand the topic at all. In addition, the bulk of discoveries in space exploration was made precisely with the help of automatic stations.
        1. -1
          1 August 2022 11: 06
          I wrote somewhere that it is not required? request
    2. nnm
      1 August 2022 07: 47
      Quote: Gaersul
      What is the point of hanging people in orbit?

      The first thing that comes to mind: today is an experiment on growing crops, tomorrow we are breeding frogs, the day after tomorrow we need to go out to repair the solar panel, then look for a crack in the case, and so on. I mean, a person, among other things, is a universal platform for many actions. And in automatic mode, so far it will not be possible to achieve such unification. Not to mention the fact that since, contrary to the current situation, we are still thinking about "deep space", then no automatic mechanisms will allow us to study the influence of space on the human body and create technologies to protect people.
      1. +3
        1 August 2022 08: 31
        Greetings. You are absolutely right in saying that
        man, among other things, is a universal platform for many actions
        . But everything that you listed in your comment, you are considering in the conditions of a manned station. Germination of crops, breeding clings or frogs can be done in automatic boxes, as well as follow all this. Well, as for breakdowns, I hope you will not deny that this is by no means an ordinary phenomenon? Do not forget also that automatic stations are a significant impetus in the development of high technologies (the same artificial intelligence, for example).
        no automatic mechanisms will allow to study the influence of space on the human body and create technologies to protect people
        I repeat once again, all the main things that could be found out - they found out back in the 80s how weightlessness affects a person - it is known, a long flight is known, living in a confined space is known, radiation is also known. Perhaps the only thing left is the course of pregnancy in weightlessness, but this is not done for ethical reasons. Well, probably the course and treatment of various diseases, but is that the point?
        As for long-distance flights, everything is sad for a person there.
        1. nnm
          1 August 2022 08: 50
          The simplest and amateurish answer: there is a box of frogs. How to replace it with a crystal growing box? How to pull out of the cargo ship, move, mount, and drag the frogs into the cargo block? Well, it's real, now there are no such robots as in science fiction films that would take one block and drag it across the entire station, and drag and mount a new one in its place. So far, C3PO or R2D2 are only in Roscosmos projects))
          But I think that the spectrum of experiences and experiments itself is much wider than we can imagine. And there are more problems with the use of automation than we think.
          1. +1
            1 August 2022 09: 23
            Oh ... Well, what does fantasy have to do with it? BUT? Why drag something somewhere? You make one box and do an experiment inside it, you understand? Though with frogs, even with grain, even with a crystal. For a change, you ask how experiments are carried out at automatic stations. Believe me - it's very interesting, really. No anthropomorphic robots are needed there. Maximum manipulator when you need to drag something from one cell to another. And besides, science is moving forward - now experiments are already being carried out on individual cells and conclusions are drawn from the results. You do not need to fence the whole conveyor, although they did it.
            1. nnm
              1 August 2022 09: 33
              And if the duration of the experiments is different, and if it lasts for years, then the cargo module will occupy the docking complex for years?
              Come on, experiments, it can be simpler - the fan (or whatever is on the equipment) is out of order, and there the docking complex is occupied by a block of equipment for experiments - and that's it, we've arrived. I think that we can argue for so long, but this is all so unprofessional and amateurish.
          2. +1
            1 August 2022 09: 25
            Quote: nnm
            The simplest and amateurish answer: there is a box of frogs. How to replace it with a crystal growing box? How to pull out of the cargo ship, move, mount, and drag the frogs into the cargo block?

            If you do not have an orbital station, then you do not need to drag anything anywhere. All experiments are performed directly on the same satellite that put your blocks into orbit. And on it they return back.

            Quote: nnm
            Well, it's real, now there are no such robots as in science fiction films that would take one block and drag it across the entire station, and drag and mount a new one in its place.

            And what is impossible in this?
            1. +4
              1 August 2022 09: 29
              Excellent video. By the way, a garbage sorting robot is a very complicated thing, and it has been created!
            2. +1
              1 August 2022 11: 49
              This video about cool robots proves just that without a person they are zero. Near the sorter a person is constantly spinning, most likely for control. In the warehouse, along with robots, the most ordinary people ride, I suspect to work with non-standard cargo.
              1. -2
                1 August 2022 12: 01
                Quote: U. Cheny
                This video about cool robots proves just that without a person they are zero.

                Robots have many advantages over humans. Robots are much more reliable mechanically. Robots do not require food, water or oxygen. Robots are not afraid of radiation (within reason). Robots do not need to be regularly transported to and from orbit. In the event of a robot breakdown, another robot under control from the Earth can repair it. If repair is not possible, the robot is simply sent to the sump and replaced by a backup.
                1. +1
                  1 August 2022 12: 29
                  Indeed, there are many advantages, but there is one fundamental drawback - they can only perform the actions that are laid down by the developer, they are not able to cope with an unforeseen situation. And flights into space abound with them.
                  1. -3
                    1 August 2022 13: 00
                    Quote: U. Cheny
                    Indeed, there are many advantages, but there is one fundamental drawback - they can only perform the actions that are laid down by the developer, they are not able to cope with an unforeseen situation.

                    How about uploading new software?
                    1. +2
                      1 August 2022 13: 25

                      How about uploading new software?

                      Before you upload new software, you need to write it, test it for bugs on the same models. Then it must be transferred to the robot, and if something happens to the power supply or antenna, then that's it...
                      And what a controversy, how many interplanetary stations have already been lost from a minor failure. Or at least the same Hubble telescope, one microcircuit could not stand it, everything needs a shuttle to make the device work ...
                      But the main thing is not even this, the state of our microelectronics does not even allow satellites to be implemented in sufficient quantities, what can we talk about robotic stations?
                      1. -2
                        1 August 2022 14: 32
                        Quote from: User_neydobniu
                        Before you upload new software, you need to write it, test it for bugs on the same models.

                        And I thought it was written by itself.

                        Quote from: User_neydobniu
                        Then it must be transferred to the robot, and if something happens to the power supply or the antenna, then that's it...

                        Tell that to the Americans about their rovers.

                        Quote from: User_neydobniu
                        Or at least the same Hubble telescope, one microcircuit could not stand it, everything needs a shuttle to make the device work ...

                        There are no shuttles for a long time, Hubble is still working.

                        Quote from: User_neydobniu
                        But the main thing is not even this, the state of our microelectronics does not even allow satellites to be implemented in sufficient quantities, what can we talk about robotic stations?

                        So, we will act according to Pelevin. "Omon Ra". For each reconnaissance satellite - according to Petrovich with a soldering iron.
                      2. +1
                        1 August 2022 15: 23
                        So, we will act according to Pelevin. "Omon Ra". For each reconnaissance satellite - according to Petrovich with a soldering iron.

                        Yeah, instead of telling complexes about complexes of robotic legends and thinking about Pelevin, ask at your leisure how many lines of lithography we have and what ...
                        And yes, China and the United States, leaders in the semiconductor industry, are in no hurry to switch to robotic stations, but yes, they are stupid, they have no Petrovichs with soldering irons
                      3. +2
                        1 August 2022 15: 29
                        Quote: spektr9
                        And yes, China and the United States, leaders in the semiconductor industry, are in no hurry to switch to robotic stations, but yes, they are stupid, they have no Petrovichs with soldering irons

                        In the United States, most of the space program is robots. Like the mentioned Hubble. And in terms of scientific exhaust, there is no comparison at all. Hubble has given science more than the ISS and the lunar program combined.
                      4. 0
                        1 August 2022 15: 45
                        In the United States, most of the space program is robots. Like the mentioned Hubble. And in terms of scientific exhaust, there is no comparison at all. Hubble has given science more than the ISS and the lunar program combined.

                        And why do they not leave such stupid ISS and develop a lunar station? And the hubl, as you have already been told, was serviced more than once, so it’s still alive ...
                        Unlike the same Voyagers and Pioneers who are on their last legs without replacing the same RTG
                      5. +2
                        1 August 2022 16: 12
                        Quote: spektr9
                        And why do they not leave such stupid ISS and develop a lunar station?

                        And their system has a huge inertia. Including PR inertia. How to refuse such status object? And how to refuse PR of the new lunar program? Admit defeat to China?

                        Quote: spektr9
                        And the hubl, as you have already been told, was serviced more than once, so it’s still alive ...

                        And note that the orbital station was not needed for this. Arrived, served - flew away.

                        By the way, when was the last service? In 2009? More than ten years of trouble-free operation. Hubble has already worked out a hundredfold everything that was invested in it. Even if tomorrow falls apart.
  12. 11+
    1 August 2022 07: 07
    Everything is fine, except for the main one.

    A society in which there are unusually talented people does not nominate them for leadership. A journalist at the head of the state corporation Roskosmos is a spit in the face of society. And we wiped ourselves: "Let's hope for the best" ... we will ... boom ... boom ... This is still better than EBN at the head of state ...

    And a society with such strange traditions and relationships to the limit - will be able to compete with those whose boots are made by a shoemaker, and pies are baked by a pastry man?
  13. -12
    1 August 2022 07: 14
    Another liberalist article Banshee.
    When the improvement of the Russian sector of the ISS practically stopped, when they began to reduce the number of cosmonauts on board, because they trivially had nothing to do there, in general, the list is quite shameful successes and achievements of Roskosmos is as big as the solar system, but it makes no sense to list it.

    And why doesn't Skomorokhov write romance fantasy or other very popular genres? For a writer of his caliber, this is a disgrace. Only articles with hatred for everything Russian are obtained.
    The "shameful" author does not even have the thought that practically everything, under the given conditions, has already been explored - and these are human capabilities, in conditions of weightlessness and home radiation. The next step is more approximate conditions for open space and the practical orientation of the orbit to the best overview of the Russian territory with the possibility of performing the functions of a space dock for servicing complex satellites and preparing long-range expeditions with or without a person.
    1. +9
      1 August 2022 07: 38
      Hello, let me disagree with you.
      ... the practical orientation of the orbit for a better view of the Russian territory
      A survey from orbit of the Russian territory, as well as the territories of other countries, can be carried out by automatic stations, but this is actually done, or do you think that an astronaut with binoculars would be better? Although, it is quite possible that you meant something else? Then please, explain.
      ... the ability to perform the functions of a space dock for servicing complex satellites

      Excuse me, but why "serve complex satellites"? Maybe it's just worth making the equipment more reliable so that it does not fail? But seriously, for blocks of space equipment there is generally no such parameter as maintainability. The device must work for the entire period without failures (and this is at least 15 years, by the way, during this period any equipment will become obsolete), if anything, there are duplicate systems, but there can be no talk of any repair.
      As my mentor said, when I hinted that the onboard unit was not technologically advanced in terms of repair: "... are you going to put a ladder into orbit?"
      preparation of long-distance expeditions with a person

      Not everything is so rosy here, a person is not provided for by nature for long-distance space expeditions. For a more detailed acquaintance, I recommend that you read the lectures of Surdin, Stern, or simply watch the corresponding series of Scientists Against Myths.
    2. kig
      2 August 2022 01: 30
      Quote: Genry
      Another liberalist article by Banshee

      Well, in what, but Skomorokhov cannot be blamed for this. And if you do not agree with him, then you can write your own version of the article, with an emphasis on the achievements of Russian space science and practice. Who interferes? And we respect and compare.
  14. +5
    1 August 2022 07: 21
    And I'm not sure that ROSS is the most important thing. You need satellites - tysyachi. You need trains, considering your terra - at least 300 km / h speed. You need a technology industry besides the raw material industry. Then your state will be successful. And what is going on - the last ruble will go to the ISS. And Putin also said that aircraft carriers must also be produced. I think that someone is pumping water under Putin's feet. (Sorry for the bad Russian)
    1. 0
      1 August 2022 17: 15
      This "non-technological" knocks out the Nazis in Ukraine only in this way ... and with high-tech missiles.
  15. +5
    1 August 2022 07: 23
    Mr. Borisov fucked up everything that is possible in the defense industry and moved to steer in Roskosmos.
  16. +6
    1 August 2022 07: 24
    "Russia exits the International Space Station program in 2024" - not at 24, but after 24. Why is that? Yes, just at 24, another agreement is signed on the use of the ISS until the 28th year. At 28, probably, Russia will leave, because. in ideal conditions, by that time there will be at least some prospects for the Russian orb station. And no one lied - he was the 28th after the 24th.
  17. +5
    1 August 2022 07: 41
    Rogozin at least began to control what billions of budget money were spent on before him.
    There used to be a swamp there.
    And the fact that you can’t see achievements so you need to wear glasses.
    And Liana, and Peony?
    Yes, at the same time, only this should be given to Rogozin Hero of Russia.
    And yes, usually nasty things about Rogozin are said by those who have lost a profitable feeder when they stole and felt great.
    1. nnm
      1 August 2022 07: 54
      Quote: Architect
      Rogozin even began to control what billions of budget money were spent on before him

      - colleague, I'm sorry, are you serious now?)))) Or is this some kind of top-level sarcasm?
      It’s just that, apparently, I haven’t woken up yet and I’m reading one thing, but I’m thinking - “well, a person can’t really think like that ?!”

      Yes, at the same time, only this should be given to Rogozin Hero of Russia.

      Now I've seen everything! Life has not been lived in vain!
      1. +7
        1 August 2022 09: 01
        Quote: nnm
        - colleague, I'm sorry, are you serious now?)))) Or is this some kind of top-level sarcasm?

        I kind of agree with that speaker. Rogozin, of course, is not Korolev, but there is an impression that he began to restore some elementary order in the industry. After all, the rocket fall under him really began to wane.
  18. 0
    1 August 2022 07: 49
    It is more profitable to try to build a series of nuclear tugs. Many people already know how to build stations, but tugboats will be a new affordable technology.
    Automatic orbital scientific stations can be sent to other bodies of a superheavy class - 150 tons each, and with a very large number of instruments.
    1. -2
      1 August 2022 10: 06
      Zeus' problem is this:
      - Very expensive. That is, he will gobble up all the available money and still be small.
      - For a very long time, again, Borisov will not be able to report on success, only to stand at the layout or twist the space travel render. For even ideally it is not earlier than 30 years.

      Well, then you can already start about the real download. It is more attractive to fly to the Moon on chemistry, because according to the economical scheme for AMC / truck, 3 weeks and arrival, and wait for Zeus for six months. Flying to a conditional Neptune or Saturn is already more interesting, but this is a purely scientific function and everything will rest on the load. The Americans, JAXA, ESA will not participate 100%, but only they have experience in deep space missions, successful landings on the same Titan and long-term electronics in aggressive conditions. As a result, such a mission will be effective, except perhaps in close cooperation with China. But they have their own program and their own flight to the distant Giants at the end of the decade.
      1. 0
        1 August 2022 10: 44
        Who told you that this is more expensive than maintaining the Russian segment of the ISS? All critical R&D on Zeus (with the exception of drip cooling) has been successfully completed, patents have been obtained. Half a year to the Moon is on ionics, powerful plasma generators are in operation, potentially up to 100 km / s. provide.
        1. +2
          1 August 2022 12: 47
          Well, if it were all so simple, then Rogozin would not cry in every second interview, there is no money on the topic, the project is delayed due to lack of funding.

          How much does support for the Russian segment of the ISS cost? 1,1-1,5 billion. However, there is a very narrow nuance here. A significant part of this money goes to the Unions, Progresses and RN for them. If you close these articles, then some 5 specialists will go out into the street. Well, Russia will leave manned cosmonautics for an indefinite period. Or fly just to fly, without a station, like in the 70s. Then the expenses will still be significant and will not scale (well, roughly speaking, 1 Union per year will cost not significantly cheaper than the current 2-3, because the costs of maintaining the production cycle and personnel. Now the system is set up for 3 Unions per year.).
          1. 0
            1 August 2022 13: 08
            The first ROSS block is already under construction, the station is planned to be visited, this is just 2,3 launches of a manned spacecraft, two, three years after leaving the ISS will not be critical, especially at this time the launch of a promising spacecraft.
      2. -1
        1 August 2022 22: 25
        The most difficult thing is to get not to the outskirts, but to the near-solar space - there you need increased energy for flight, much less spacecraft have been there.
        And the large-tonnage capacity will make it possible to make spacecraft stations, first of all, modular and assembled in orbit. If you think carefully, it’s clear that docking unmanned isolated compartments is much easier to perform than manned / inhabited ones - there the technical requirements for communications are lower and most likely it will be enough to put the module on a common power bus and automatically weld it to the supporting structure and to the electric bus by spot welding. Larger payload capacity will make it possible to take larger stocks of consumables and reagents for instruments, more stocks of descent vehicles and rovers, more and more diverse instruments and operate them longer.
        Well, in such projects there will be more third countries with their own developments.
        And manned stations can be put on stream and built in series for those who do not own this technology - so the technology can be preserved and developed, and money can be attracted for this and work together on them.
  19. +3
    1 August 2022 07: 50
    ISS from orbit, but what about into orbit?
    Once upon a time, everyone was proud of the achievements of our great country, the USSR, in space ...
    Now ... and a lot of things in the country now are NOT SO. Space affairs, this is another line in no small such list ... losses or no achievements !!!
    The question is ... what will happen next ???
    1. -5
      1 August 2022 17: 19
      Surely you and in the USSR found a reason to moan.
      1. +2
        1 August 2022 18: 24
        Do you suppose that then everything was so blissful, without flaws?
        There was everything, but there are many, many more reasons for pride!
        1. -6
          1 August 2022 20: 12
          So you do not deny that even then you moaned like a mustache badly?
          1. +1
            1 August 2022 20: 50
            And then you broadcast that everything is awesome?
            1. -2
              1 August 2022 21: 07
              Well, in childhood, everything is awesome ... although I knew about the problems. Unlike many here, I understand one thing that the leadership is exactly the same as the people with exactly the same advantages and disadvantages. "Get even a nail from work, you are the boss here and not a guest" was invented back in the USSR and not at all in the leadership ...
            2. +1
              1 August 2022 21: 53
              Life is a complicated thing and there is one of the main rules, very useful, necessary, IT IS NECESSARY TO JUDGE EVERYTHING OBJECTIVELY!!! Then regret, if you have to, then much, much less.
              1. +2
                2 August 2022 08: 30
                Let's just say that education and profession require this. Trying))
                Therefore, he never sang hosanna to the deceased, although there were achievements and a lot of positive moments. From only the available approach, he was doomed. And the labeled one just speeded up the process .....
                But you know, there are a lot of characters who are terribly annoyed if they say "nasty things" aloud, but God forbid, about the "master" ..... Whatever he is, this "master" wink
                1. 0
                  2 August 2022 09: 19
                  They don’t say bad things about the “deceased”, but, in this case, a lot of good things can be said, not fictional, but in truth !!!
                  To criticize ... there is something for it, but in each case it is necessary to carefully understand, objectively!
                  In my opinion, socialism is the most humane, the most reliable system, for the life of almost the entire mass of the population of the state! I won't say anything about communism, I haven't lived, I haven't seen it.
                  1. +1
                    2 August 2022 10: 33
                    They don't say bad things about the "deceased"

                    Well, the original phrase was somewhat different, but yes, a vegetable with him))
                    To criticize ... there is something for it, but in each case it is necessary to carefully understand, objectively!

                    Uh ...... It is impossible to argue with what was said. But there is such a curious piece of speech "living and mighty" .... But ....
                    She always ruins life))). Based on Internet battles, I have seen (and not only for socialism)) most often the character has a certain point of view, and that's it. All those who disagree can go to the forest. The objectivity of this point of the recipient worries little, if not to say, does not sway at all. I still happen to be a sinner, but at least I understand this and try to avoid it. And how it turns out - God knows feel
                    So you can talk for socialism, only there were problems and they accumulated. Accumulated, accumulated and accumulated.... But it's much easier to hang everything on Mishan and the world behind the scenes. It’s so nice, when you’re absolutely not to blame for anything, but the reptilians, agents of the State Department (everyone continues the list to his own hohryak, sorry))) .....
                    But it’s better to discuss it either in a personal or not here, otherwise the result is known))) Nabigut, you know, various wink
                    Look, in a parallel branch, Monsieur expressed his thoughts for the very housing construction in the USSR ..... And yet he compared it in the context of various achievements with ..... judiciary and other rocket science .....
                    So, since I had a chance to live a little while being discussed, I won’t argue about humanity and other things. If only he would have died anyway, even five years later. For the tops did not want to change anything, although they saw problems .... The result is known, but the classics wrote about it)))
                    1. 0
                      2 August 2022 10: 57
                      Quote: frog
                      So you can talk for socialism, only there were problems and they accumulated. They accumulated and accumulated and accumulated ..

                      Many theorists and practitioners agree that nothing can self-preserve if it stops in its development and is not modernized, improved, as both society and global trends develop!
                      And we matched everything at once! Internal inhibition in development, for various reasons, but most likely due to the conservatism of the ruling elite (at least call it a party, the ruling ones and that's it), plus internal contradictions, in the same ruling and, undoubtedly, external influence !!!
                      That's all and crackled, fell apart.
                      Everything as usual!!! Any business, event, CRIME, these are specific faces that have a full name !!!
                      There are no faceless events, such as, by itself, by itself ... look for who benefits!
                      1. 0
                        2 August 2022 11: 13
                        Everything as usual!!! Any business, event, CRIME, these are specific faces that have a full name !!!
                        There are no faceless events, such as, by itself, by itself ... look for who benefits!

                        Who would argue ... But from the fact that we (regarding the Union) will list here almost all the composition of the Politburo, will something change?
                      2. 0
                        2 August 2022 11: 35
                        So I’m saying/writing right away, sitting on the priest evenly and digging into the past, it’s a hopeless business ... events don’t stand still and you don’t have to trail behind, but move forward, develop, look for your own path.
                        The main goal is to set the right one, and then only forward!
                        Yes, there are ditches ahead, there will be ambushes, we’ll fill the bumps indiscriminately, but it’s much better than dying out in the swamp of the past!
                        Break through, not the first time.
                      3. 0
                        2 August 2022 11: 48
                        Well. Nadezha - she is such a young lady, without her it’s completely dreary)) Tokmo is a complete analogy with the late Union, we are now experiencing. In terms of efficiency and adequacy. When viewed from below, of course. For some reason, those who have a view from above are silent. As then...
                      4. 0
                        2 August 2022 11: 59
                        And who can now look and direct from above ???
                        There is no unity of command anywhere in the world.
                        It doesn't matter how, clan, family, conglomerate, club and .... whatever you call it, it will be a community of different people, with their own interEsami, Wishlist!!! That is why the whole world is in a fever because they cannot agree among themselves and divide, divide ... they will not divide everything and everything!
                      5. 0
                        2 August 2022 12: 10
                        That is, are you for the monarchy?)) If sho, then I don’t know Nikolka the last one in view of wink
                      6. 0
                        2 August 2022 14: 44
                        I am for world peace!!!
                        And so, I am a Soviet person, as I was, and so I will remain ...
                        As a public political system, socialism is the best option! BUT, I am for the power of the SOVIETS, in its real form, and not when the political elite becomes eternal, not controlled by anyone and in any way.
                        At the same time, as a sane person, I clearly understand that this will not happen in the foreseeable future, for many, many reasons ....
          2. +1
            1 August 2022 21: 50
            How are you with logic? You know how to read, but you can understand what is written in a DIRECT TEXT, no way?
            1. +1
              2 August 2022 08: 31
              What for? The working class, coupled with the collective farm peasantry (the stratum here is so-so)) stole the USSR. And the leadership is neither a dream nor a spirit .... Razi is not it?))
              1. 0
                2 August 2022 09: 28
                The question was to someone who believes that objective criticism and whining about and without is one and the same.
                I would also understand if they asked, what did he do, so that this or that would not happen, and so .... empty.
                1. 0
                  2 August 2022 10: 35
                  This is just understandable. There are headdress throwers, who, as Ivan Lukyanich wrote, "stand on guard with their stumps." Which contributed a lot to the collapse of that very Union)) .....
                  1. 0
                    2 August 2022 11: 00
                    Each stump has a full name!!!

                    And so, around the leaves, look for someone profitable!
                    In another way.
                    1. 0
                      2 August 2022 11: 11
                      Each stump has a full name!!!

                      Undoubtedly. And a host of other identifying features. So what? According to the Hamburg account, these .... entities in the network are just forest noise, nothing more.
                      And if it comes to significant people, then the domestic Themis immediately wakes up wink
                      Moreover, even if a hair from the beard of Gasan Abdurakhman ibn Khattab, EMNIP, put them somewhere .... Where to get an abyss of sensible ones? They still need to be found, persuaded and prepared. And this is a little time, not to mention the desire .... And we will not even stutter about the fact that as a result of their actions the standard of living of the population will drop. What do the masses disapprove of? feel
                      1. +1
                        2 August 2022 11: 43
                        Peoples, most often, are inert, conservative in their ... yes, in everything, in general.
                        That's when the inert mass is stirred up and attacked ... and here are the OPTIONS, it depends on who stirred it up and where it sent it!
                        There are only two ways, creation or destruction.
                        But you can also look at it from different angles.
                        Sometimes, without destroying the old, the new, the best you can't build...
                        But it also happens that trying to create something, the very best, results in a chimera or even worse, hell!!!
                        Everything happens in the world ... it was and probably will be!
  20. The comment was deleted.
  21. -5
    1 August 2022 07: 59
    Send Rogozin into orbit and let him report on his achievements from there.
    1. -5
      1 August 2022 08: 14
      Quote: Arkady007
      Send Rogozin into orbit and let him report on his achievements from there.

      No need to pollute space with waste. laughing
  22. -9
    1 August 2022 08: 07
    Quote: R. Skomorokhov
    Of course, it turns out very modestly and poorly, just like the Chinese.

    Moscow was not built right away.

    You will isolate our module from the entire ICAC and compare it with what will be at the initial stage - quite decently. I have no doubt that our station will be in orbit, but the ICAS without us will be flooded (by us - there is no one else) due to the inability of the United States (Europe) to maintain it.

    Quote: rocket757
    The question is ... what will happen next ???

    Further it will only get better.
    Russia has not collapsed, the people are fed, the army is on top, the turn has come to space.
  23. 14+
    1 August 2022 08: 12
    However, when compared with the treacherously flooded "Mir", which really could live and work, it's all so ... seeds.
    I haven't heard more bullshit. Have you ever seen the last photo from the inside of her? A bunch of ducts and cables. Everything. Worked out his "Mir". And don't tell stories.
    1. -6
      1 August 2022 09: 04
      Quote: Monar
      Have you ever seen the last photo from the inside of her? A bunch of ducts and cables.

      Purely out of curiosity - what should be inside the orbital station? Marble and gilding?
      1. 10+
        1 August 2022 09: 52
        Those. you didn’t understand that these are all temporary cables and air ducts that were thrown just in the aisles, because Are the main ones out of order? From some blocks, still working to the right places. Everything was on snot there by the time of the flooding, both energy and air supply - people say correctly.
        1. -4
          1 August 2022 10: 13
          Quote: arkadiyssk
          Those. you didn’t understand that these are all temporary cables and air ducts that were thrown just in the aisles, because Are the main ones out of order?

          How could the air ducts fail? Clogged with dust? Rather, it's just extra. And cables too. New devices are installed, they need power, communications, cooling. Any scientific laboratory looks something like this, and this does not scare anyone.
          1. +3
            1 August 2022 12: 33
            Yes, you just read reports from Mir then and from the ISS now. From the beginning we docked - went into space - conducted an experiment. Then everything calms down and away we go "break-repair, break-repair, break-repair."
            1. -3
              1 August 2022 13: 01
              Quote: Monar
              From the beginning we docked - went into space - conducted an experiment. Then everything calms down and away we go "break-repair, break-repair, break-repair."

              Yes, it was the same then.
              1. +6
                1 August 2022 13: 57
                Well, why keep a non-functioning station in orbit? I can understand "Moskvich-412" for the soul in the garage. But not the most expensive building in orbit in history.
                1. -4
                  1 August 2022 14: 18
                  Quote: Monar
                  Well, why keep a non-functioning station in orbit?

                  Any complex object requires maintenance and current repair. This is fine.
                  1. +3
                    1 August 2022 14: 36
                    Of course it requires. And if the whole point of the existence of a complex object is reduced only to its repair and maintenance? Moreover, the barely functioning ISS hinders the development of astronautics. Resources instead of the moon rover are used for the next repair of the toilet.
                    1. -4
                      1 August 2022 14: 45
                      Quote: Monar
                      And if the whole point of the existence of a complex object is reduced only to its repair and maintenance?

                      No, it doesn't.

                      Quote: Monar
                      Moreover, the barely functioning ISS hinders the development of astronautics.

                      Actually, we talked about the justification for flooding the World.
                      1. +2
                        1 August 2022 15: 04
                        And what's the difference? "Mir" adequately worked out its own. Yes, and a reserve. Honor and praise to the designers, workers, cosmonauts and everyone connected with this. But the station actually became just a repair unit. Its scientific value aspired to zero.
                      2. -4
                        1 August 2022 15: 24
                        Quote: Monar
                        But the station actually became just a repair unit. Its scientific value aspired to zero.

                        So we were told.
                2. +1
                  1 August 2022 16: 47
                  412, this is a classic, although I have traveled many kilometers for fitness to push it. Our first car in Bulgaria. I will remember her for the rest of my life.
          2. 0
            2 August 2022 11: 28
            It wasn't the air ducts that failed. And regenerators. They were brought in new. They put them next to the out-of-service ones that were in the walls, connected an electrician and control automation circuits to them. And the station continued to operate. And new air ducts are thrown in the aisles, because the old ones are inside behind the casing, you can’t connect them to the brought block.
      2. +8
        1 August 2022 13: 43
        Quote: DenVB
        Purely out of curiosity - what should be inside the orbital station? Marble and gilding?

        Free space framed by cable routes and air ducts laid and fixed on the ground. And not a web of time.

        According to the plan, Mir was supposed to be deorbited in 1993. Gritting their teeth, the term was extended twice. Then three times. And then everything, the stewardess had to be buried. Because the crews in orbit were engaged not in scientific research, but in the repair of the station: by 1997, the time required for repair and restoration work had already exceeded the time spent on scientific experiments by two and a half times. By this time, the station had survived two collisions and one fire, and the station equipment could no longer provide the required thermal regime and power generation.
        1. -7
          1 August 2022 14: 27
          Quote: Alexey RA
          Free space framed by cable routes and air ducts laid and fixed on the ground. And not a web of time.

          Free space in space is worth a thousand pounds per cubic decimeter. On the contrary, I see that the station was not empty, it was filled with equipment. This is fine. It's not for parades.

          Quote: Alexey RA
          Because the crews in orbit were engaged not in scientific research, but in the repair of the station: by 1997, the time required for repair and restoration work had already exceeded the time spent on scientific experiments by two and a half times.

          First, it's not scary. Scientific experiments do not require a person to sit with a test tube in their hand 24 hours a day. I installed the device, the antenna, turned on the recording, and he went to collect data. That's it, there's nothing more to do with it, you can go to fix something for now.

          And secondly, in the absence of a maid, they love the janitor.
          1. +6
            1 August 2022 14: 56
            Quote: DenVB
            Free space in space is worth a thousand pounds per cubic decimeter. On the contrary, I see that the station was not empty, it was filled with equipment. This is fine. It's not for parades.

            She is for work. And not for tightrope walking, when any awkward movement - and minus the air duct or tourniquet.
            Quote: DenVB
            First, it's not scary. Scientific experiments do not require a person to sit with a test tube in their hand 24 hours a day. I installed the device, the antenna, turned on the recording, and he went to collect data.

            And then the power supply suddenly turns off - because 2/3 of the batteries are dead, the solar battery on the Kvant does not work, and what is happening in the Spectra is not at all clear, because the module is cut off from the station due to the impossibility of sealing the hole. Or the air conditioning is out of order. Or there is a loss of orientation - because the gyrodines have long exhausted their resources, and the on-board computer has become dilapidated in 10 years in orbit and either crashes or hangs.
            Well, this is not the Earth, where a dead car can be scammed in the garage between trips. This is an orbit where, after some malfunctions, it is not at all a fact that the crew will be able to leave the station.
            Quote: DenVB
            And secondly, in the absence of a maid, they love the janitor.

            And there is no janitor. There is a well-worn woman of reduced social responsibility, who has picked up everything that is possible during her work. sad
            1. -5
              1 August 2022 15: 33
              Quote: Alexey RA
              And then the power supply suddenly turns off - because 2/3 of the batteries are dead, the solar battery on the Kvant does not work, and what is happening in the Spectra is not at all clear, because the module is cut off from the station due to the impossibility of sealing the hole. Or the air conditioning is out of order. Or there is a loss of orientation - because the gyrodines have long exhausted their resources, and the on-board computer has become dilapidated in 10 years in orbit and either crashes or hangs.

              Have you experienced this yourself? Or were you told by people who justified the destruction of an object that we will never be able to recreate?

              Quote: Alexey RA
              This is an orbit where, after some malfunctions, it is not at all a fact that the crew will be able to leave the station.

              Will the hatch rust?

              Quote: Alexey RA
              And there is no janitor. There is a well-worn woman of reduced social responsibility, who has picked up everything that is possible during her work.

              And the maid never showed up. We worked as cab drivers for the Americans, we will soon strangle the python.
              1. +5
                1 August 2022 15: 54
                Quote: DenVB
                Have you experienced this yourself? Or were you told by people who justified the destruction of an object that we will never be able to recreate?

                The ramming of the Spektr module by the Progress-M34 spacecraft in June 1997 is a well-known story. And its results too - they could not close the hole, the module was no longer used.
                By the way, the culprit of the emergency - "Progress-M34" - delivered to the station materials for the repair of the air conditioning system that failed in March of the same year.
                Well, about the failures of the on-board computer on Mir was regularly reported in the media.

                Mir was originally designed for operation until 1993-1994. In 1993, according to the plan, the launch of modules for the next station, Mir-2, was to begin into orbit.
                Quote: DenVB
                Will the hatch rust?

                Lepestry will disappear. As I understand it, the power supply from the Spektr was restored according to a temporary scheme, but the damaged solar battery was not changed.
                1. -6
                  1 August 2022 16: 05
                  Quote: Alexey RA
                  The ramming of the Spektr module by the Progress-M34 spacecraft in June 1997 is a well-known story. And its results too - they could not close the hole, the module was no longer used.

                  This module made up one seventh of the station. You could replace it with another one.
                  Quote: Alexey RA
                  Lepestry will disappear. As I understand it, the power supply from the Spektr was restored according to a temporary scheme, but the damaged solar battery was not changed.

                  It was necessary to send a new module. We could pull one module even then.
  24. +4
    1 August 2022 08: 20
    Unless, of course, in the structures around and around Roskosmos they don’t steal the way they stole during the construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome. Then progress is quite possible, on the remnants of the Soviet backlog, on the remnants of personnel.

    I will believe that something will work out in our space when I see on the TV screen how Borisov cheerfully reports to Putin that, they say, Putin’s order to deal with the Vostochny cosmodrome has been completed:
    - everything was returned to the budget to the penny, all those hundreds of millions of rubles that were stolen, which Putin spoke about on cameras
    - every one of the thieves who stole this money was found and imprisoned for 15+ years with confiscation of property
    - with the money returned, the Vostochny cosmodrome is being cheerfully completed, the surrender will be then this and that - "I give a tooth" (crossed out) I guarantee with my position, there will be no commissioning - I myself will leave my position

    It was once...
    And two...
    At the enterprises of the space industry, hundreds of vacancies will open for specialists with salaries of 150 thousand rubles. and a full social package.

    Until all this is gone - "the patient is more dead than alive" recourse
    1. +5
      1 August 2022 09: 02
      At the enterprises of the space industry, hundreds of vacancies will open for specialists with salaries of 150 thousand rubles. and a full social package.
      You know, I have been dreaming of a salary of this level for twenty years, and not only me, but also a lot of my colleagues. Now the ceiling is 70 tr (Moscow, if anything) and this despite the fact that, in addition to your duties, you also work for a couple of other comrades who are simply gone, retired or gone to a better world. For the main mass, the salary fluctuates around fifty dollars (someone has less). Well, of course, this does not apply to the financial and legal department, the procurement department and other managers, there are 150 not 150, but 120 sput is quite there. And there is even a year-end bonus of a quarter of a lama for individual, especially close associates.
      And, I forgot to add - this salary was also raised.
    2. +1
      1 August 2022 12: 20
      If you remember the scandalous first launch from Vostochny, when Rogozin, not understanding and not understanding the issue, began to wave his saber, then a lot of inspectors ran into the NPAA. Look for corruption, wrecking, etc. As a result, the most serious thing they found was low wages. And then they really lifted her up. Up to 40-50 thousand, taking into account the Urals, all sorts of coefficients and premiums. And since then (2016) they haven't raised it.
      1. +1
        1 August 2022 18: 02
        I wonder who downvoted. Are the Rogozins still working?
      2. -2
        1 August 2022 21: 22
        At the expense of theft during the construction of the cosmodrome, both the authorities and the opposition unanimously "blew the same tune", discrepancies in numbers: Putin voiced many hundreds of millions of rubles, the opposition - several billion hi
  25. 0
    1 August 2022 08: 45
    The space station is just for availability - not needed. Now, if as an intermediate platform for other programs, yes, but just to be ...
    1. 0
      1 August 2022 09: 03
      If there is any economic return from it, at least for self-sufficiency, then it is necessary, and even better, that it would give a profit.
      And since it is an exorbitant burden on the budget, it is unnecessary at all.
      Again, we strive to robotize everything, all sorts of UAVs, etc., and so the station needs the same without human intervention.
      1. +2
        1 August 2022 10: 00
        And what economic return can it be to our station? We don't have a cargo ship capable of returning. Progress is burned and drowned. Soyuz cosmonauts can only bring the results of experiments in their pockets. And the Americans, not even the results of experiments, they carry the equipment of the station back and forth. They also have ships and, most importantly, a gateway. Even broken equipment. They disconnect a standard rack with broken equipment, throw it into the ship through a rectangular airlock, take it to Earth, repair it and bring it back. Here they are, most likely, everything works. And how much broken equipment in the Russian segment is apparently a state secret; they are no longer produced. It remains to take pictures with flags and icons.
      2. -1
        1 August 2022 18: 11
        In general, in the foreseeable future, space, by definition, will be unprofitable. Because space is terra incognito for us and requires a long (and expensive) exploration. Of course, we can only commercialize what we know and can do, but this is a dead end.
  26. 0
    1 August 2022 09: 57
    Well, Borisov has already played everything back.
    The fundamental decision to leave the station due to wear and tear and the growing wave of breakdowns is and was under Rogozin.
    They will fulfill their obligations to NASA and other agencies by formally giving 1 year notice after 24 years of retirement.
    There are no specific years of leaving, perhaps it is 26 and beyond, and Borisov believes that the departure will last more than 1 year.

    As a result, most likely, if we discard loud statements, until the year 28 there will probably be a presence, and then the ocean, as the Americans are planning now.

    In general, Borisov's main message is to end communism in the industry and switch to the market. This stimulates both manufacturers, who have the norm to produce equipment of the 80s at the high-tech price tag of the 21st century, and they are not interested in changing anything, and consumers, to be more careful and efficient.
    1. +1
      1 August 2022 10: 20
      Quote: donavi49
      In general, Borisov's main message is to end communism in the industry and switch to the market.

      Given the lack of investment and general technological backwardness, this guarantees the industry's uncompetitiveness and its death.
    2. 0
      1 August 2022 18: 18
      And tell me how to produce equipment not of the 80s with our technology and element base. Somehow a question was asked about the improto-substitution of one device. There was an answer: we will do it (without specifying the terms), but it will weigh not 500 g, but 5 kg.
  27. 0
    1 August 2022 10: 03
    With Borisov, it will be even worse, there will be endless noodles on the ears and nothing to do, except for cutting money. The wrong person, the leader 0
  28. -5
    1 August 2022 10: 11
    Borisov will be in orbit. "To provide services".
  29. -3
    1 August 2022 10: 11
    Rogozin with a propeller ... let him fly
  30. -2
    1 August 2022 10: 15
    You can criticize anything and anyone, but you ask the question [the author] of you to make pasta [you mix this].
  31. -3
    1 August 2022 10: 21
    Space is good, but we do not get profit from it. Staying afloat is the best option. We only need a military commissar [Borisov]. And so the seas need to be dealt with, the seas are food.
  32. +1
    1 August 2022 10: 47
    Scientists and astronauts are special people. There has been real cooperation in orbit since the Soyuz-Apollo days and I was proud of it. As well as to the Soviet "rocket" scientists, there has always been respect in NASA and the United States, in general. A familiar "secret physicist" flew to work in Houston in the 90s. Officially, on a business trip. They were not allowed to pass there in the literal sense - each (!) Car stopped and the driver offered to give a lift when he saw a pedestrian in the heat.

    Can we consider it a loss that the Soviet BOR was reincarnated in the form of the American Dream Chaser? I am personally glad that it happened, as well as the daughter of the BOR designer. There is a chance that his car will fly. Would BOR fly not to the USSR, but to Russia? No, it didn’t fly, without the “would”, which we observe in practice. Soviet "Unions" are flying.

    I'm sorry that we abandoned Artemis (Moon), where even outsiders of the space race participate. Politics to the detriment of science and progress.
    1. -2
      2 August 2022 21: 45
      Somehow you allegorically issued. Cloudy.
      It is easier to speak out and people will be drawn to you.
  33. +4
    1 August 2022 10: 50
    To be honest... xs. Or maybe it will be like with the army ... "whipping boy" Serdyukov. They change it to Shoigu and baaa a year and a half later Crimea, a year later new Calibers, then Daggers and Poseidons with Peresvets. But you can’t do such things in a year or even 5, it’s a long and painstaking work from the designer to production, and even with such a “surprise” for the “partners”. Can we bury our space early?
    1. +3
      1 August 2022 11: 17
      Don't disturb the boys! They have already put on mourning clothes, sprinkled ashes on their heads, sat down at the memorial table, poured a memorial cup, and here you are with your "early bury"!
    2. -2
      1 August 2022 15: 02
      God, how can a grown man be so naive...


      The project has been going on since 1984, the first pieces of paper on it in the USSR Academy of Sciences cap-1 R. Gusev, deputy head of the UPV in the Main Command of the Navy, began to sign it then.
      The money was spent just to win the first Chechnya and Ukraine with brilliance.
      Missile submarine "Belgorod" damaged.
      The project has no other results, there are still no torpedoes in service.
      Everything was a bit different than you think.
  34. +1
    1 August 2022 11: 14
    Lord, Skomorokhov is now also an expert in space! Truly a great man!
  35. -1
    1 August 2022 11: 35
    Space activity is one of the most difficult. The same striped ones flew for 10 years on the Unions, paying Russia a ton of money. They also buy RD-180 engines from us, without which their Atlas cannot fly. Etc. The French created Ariane, but could not do without our more economical rockets. Today, only 3 countries in the world have full competence - their rockets, satellites, aerobatics and stations - we, the striped ones and China. International cooperation, through no fault of ours, is dying in space, so relying on national forces is inevitable. But whether ROSS will be a priority is another question. Striped space is militarizing, we may have to build reconnaissance satellites and launch our weapons into space as a priority. Is quite real. And ROSS, Luna, Mars will wait until better times, if any. And I wish the striped ones to choke on their own shit.
    1. +2
      1 August 2022 13: 51
      Quote: Glagol1
      RD-180 engines, without which their Atlas cannot fly

      Without them, the Americans fly Delta-IV launch vehicles, and, more importantly, Falcon-9 and Falcon Heavy from comrade. Elon Musk.
      1. 0
        2 August 2022 15: 58
        "I spend a lot of time studying the design of Russian rocket engines. In the Russian Federation, scientists have been working on liquid rocket engines for a long time. I also made literally hundreds of different designs," he said.

        He also added that the new engine has relatively few improvements over "what the Russians have already done."

        He acknowledged that it is worth "paying tribute" to the Soviet developments in the field of engines, made in the 1980s. Thanks to them, according to him, SpaceX decided to use methane instead of hydrogen.

        Meme text:
        Her: He must be thinking about Grimes
        Him: The oxygen injector manifold pressure on the Raptor vacuum engine needs to be optimized.
        Musk: It's true - I think a lot about the pressure in the rocket engine chamber, hahaha
        1. 0
          3 August 2022 10: 05
          Can you provide a source for the quotes?
          And then, at least, the Merlin engine, which is used in the Falcon-9 and Falcon Heavy launch vehicles, it does not run on methane fuel, but on kerosene.
          And its design is based on .. the take-off engine of the Apollo lunar module.
          PS: And oh yes, I anticipate a possible attack of delusional hysteria. American astronauts flew to the moon. This was recognized by the Council of Ministers and the Academy of Sciences of the USSR then, in the late 1960s - 1970s. Right away. I consider this question closed for me forever. Belief in "conspiracy theories" is NOT the presence of some "special secret" knowledge, but the absence of elementary ones.
  36. 0
    1 August 2022 11: 47
    Author offended
  37. -1
    1 August 2022 13: 19
    And Mr. Borisov has a chance to justify the trust and prove that the Stars of Heroes are not given to anyone.

    On July 2, 2008, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. In this position, he supervised the targeted program for the development of radio electronics and supported the development and implementation of the GLONASS satellite system.
    2018: In April, 2018 the CEO of the Information Satellite Systems enterprise Nikolay Testoedov said that almost 40% of GLONASS space vehicles consist of foreign components. At the same time, Igor Chursin, holding the position of deputy head of Rossvyaz, said that the share of foreign electronics in Russian civilian communications satellites reaches 70%. 2020: In terms of the number of Earth remote sensing satellites operating in near-Earth orbit, Russia has yielded to China, India, the EU and the USA.

    On May 7, 2018, he was nominated for the position of Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, in charge of the development of the military-industrial complex; appointed to the post by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin dated May 18, 2018.
    Well, here the SVO showed everything: from UAVs to camouflage kits for equipment.
    1. -2
      2 August 2022 21: 51
      It is a pity that your topic is not recorded in the cart. So I would leave it in my "favorites".
  38. +7
    1 August 2022 13: 20
    I disagree with the author on many points. And the main one is to blame Rogozin for everything. Rogozin made many mistakes in his work, corruption alone in Vostochny is worth a lot. That's just in general to expose him as a villain, complete nonsense. Rogozin played a cruel joke that he is the first head of Roskosmos, which everyone knows and talks about, both in our country and in the world. He became the one who, in general, brought the company (and Roscosmos is a state-owned company) into the media field and himself as its leader in particular. And because of this, an erroneous connection arises between Rogozin, the head (the vast majority did not know other leaders) and there are problems in Roskosmos, which means Rogozin is to blame. But there is a problem, a HUGE number of problems of Roskosmos began BEFORE Rogozin. And a greater percentage of these problems, under Rogozin, were either DECIDED or brought to the stage of an early solution (the question is whether Borisov will finish the job). Remember how beautifully our rockets fell? Well, it started after 2005. Since the second head of Roscosmos - Anatoly Perminov. Under him, the number of successful launches began to fall to a level close to the accident rate of the birth period of astronautics. And after Perminov, there were THREE more heads of Roskosmos, under whom the number of emergency launches continued to grow. It was after the arrival of Rogozin that he first of all began to restore the reliability of launches. It was under Rogozin that the reliability of launches returned to high values. Secondly, no matter how strange it sounds from the first reaction, it was Rogozin who moved many domestic projects off the ground. It was Rogozin who brought the work at the enterprises to the point that they could, in a couple of years, bring the Nauka and Prichal modules to readiness and dock to the ISS. Let me remind you that the "Science" module could not be launched due to technical and financial (for the developer) problems since the 2000s. Rogozin could not (and perhaps no one could) restore and modernize all enterprises in the space industry. But he was able to modernize those enterprises that make up the backbone of the industry. Therefore, they were able to complete Science after all. The eastern cosmodrome, although under Rogozin, was not built quickly. But it was under him that it was finally completed. Compare the Cosmodrome in 2017 (a year before the arrival of Rogozin) and what they managed to build for his leadership. most of the spaceport, built and put into operation. After all, the spaceport was founded, attention in 2000. And from the moment of laying until 2018, not a single cosmodrome complex was made on it to the finished state. It was under Rogozin that construction, which had not really gone on for all 18 years, finally began and the first stage was completed and missiles were launched. Oh yes, missiles. Remember another long-term construction, the Angara family of launch vehicles!? So, before the arrival of Rogozin, this rocket (which has been developed since the 90s) barely made it to two test launches in 2014, after which there was a lull. Rogozin, due to the modernization of production, accelerated the development and the launch vehicle was already conducting flight tests with a new type of upper stage. And the rocket itself is now being produced faster, and according to the planned flight plans, there will no longer be any breaks lasting several years between rocket launches.

    As a result, Rogozin has something to blame. There is something to criticize. But what he definitely didn't deserve was hatred because of the "extinction" of the industry. Those who say so simply do not know or have forgotten the state of affairs BEFORE he came. Under Rogozin, against the backdrop of previous leaders (Igor Komarov 2015-2018, Oleg Ostapenko 2013-2015, Vladimir Popovkin 2011-2013, Anatoly Perminov 2004-2011 and Yuri Koptev 1992-2004). Of all the predecessors, only under Yuri Koptev, Roscosmos did not suffer from problems (despite the fact that these were in the most difficult 90s). Yuri Koptev, at the cost of flooding the Mir station and the practice of using foreign microelectronics in space vehicles, was able to save the most valuable projects of the program in the industry so that Roscosmos itself would survive in the conditions of complete devastation of the 90s. I am more than sure that it was not easy for him to make the decision to flood the MIR. But he saved the industry itself.

    In short! Just in case, let me remind you that the crisis in Roscosmos began in 2004, after Anatoly Perminov came to the leadership. And the vast majority of the problems that we know about Roskosmos began under him. And from that same 2004, until 2018, all the problems under Perminov, Popovkin, Ostapenko and Komarov only got worse. Only after the arrival of Rogozin, the problems began to be solved and the projects began to really develop. Borisov is a specialist from the industry, and therefore it seems that there should be progress with him. That's just out of the 4 leaders of Roskosmos before Rogozin, THREE were also from the space ministries of the Russian Federation (so there were 5 leaders before Rogozin, but I put Koptev on the list due to the fact that in the conditions of the 90s he did the maximum that would save our industry, the problems started after him). Anatoly Perminov - a rocket engineer from the Strategic Missile Forces, led the Plesetsk cosmodrome. Vladimir Popovki - a military man, commanded the space forces. Oleg Ostapenko - Strategic Missile Forces, head of the Plesetsk cosmodrome and space troops. So as you can see, the origin of the industry does not guarantee the absence of problems.
    1. -1
      1 August 2022 13: 39
      I think the main reason for criticizing Rogozin is that he acted as a buffoon himself and discredited our space industry with his own actions and words (about the trampoline, for example).

      In addition to the notorious "trampoline", I see Rogozin's personal involvement in the story with a hole in the ISS, which was drilled by enemies in space and in sending a film crew instead astronauts - however, I have not seen the film. Is he really worth it?...

      And corruption and eyewash existed before him.
      1. +1
        1 August 2022 15: 25
        The film has not yet been released. It's still in pre-production (special effects and editing). And actually, as I said, he can really be blamed for a lot. His "Twitter" work is one of those. Although this image of course appeared among ordinary users. Their specialists from the industry still perceived Roskosmos through the prism of our activities, achievements and specialists. NASA has even translated books and scientific works of our designers from the "Council of Chief Designers" and is distributing them among US employees and citizens. NASA employees not only know our instructors past and present well, but they truly respect and admire them.
    2. +4
      1 August 2022 14: 57
      You do not understand. This is the beginning of Borisov's PR campaign and nothing more.
      Bad Rogozin ruined everything, ah-ah-ah.
      But the good Borisov will now restore everything, dada.
      Like Shoigu after Serdyukov.
      1. 0
        1 August 2022 15: 30
        It may well be! Only there is a problem. PR without real results can only aggravate the situation. The Shoigu example is interesting in that he began to carry out reforms in the army and the defense industry, which brought results. Because PR worked.
        But there is an opposite example. Many ministers of economy and heads of central banks received PR support when they took office. But something we do not like them, because they still do the job poorly.
        1. 0
          1 August 2022 21: 20
          The Shoigu example is interesting in that he began to carry out reforms in the army and the defense industry, which brought results.

          Quite strange I must say. Russia is fighting worse than Pakistan in a number of aspects. I would like to know if this is stupidity or intent.

          Because PR worked.

          When so much is thrown into PR that the deputy in charge can buy a house for 3,5 billion rubles, it will work anyway.

          But something we do not like them, because they still do the job poorly.

          Well, as you say, PR does not work. Do we have many ministers worse than Shoigu? Not really. And what do you believe in.
          1. 0
            1 August 2022 21: 52
            Quite strange I must say. Russia is fighting worse than Pakistan in a number of aspects. I would like to know if this is stupidity or intent.

            Well, that's an exaggeration. But on the fact that the army has problems ... I denied it somewhere ??? Our connection is still archaic. Conclusions about the need for short-range aerial reconnaissance using drones reached the leadership, but they themselves did not collide in Ukraine.

            When so much is thrown into PR that the deputy in charge can buy a house for 3,5 billion rubles, it will work anyway.

            That's not necessary at all. The Americans publicized their "Arleigh Burke" for tens of millions of dollars. Only makes this ship and the current opinion of it good?

            Well, as you say, PR does not work. Do we have many ministers worse than Shoigu? Not really. And what do you believe in.

            I wonder why you decided that I believe in something if I think that Shoigu modernized the army well for parades. Don't think for others.
  39. +1
    1 August 2022 14: 49
    The question also lies in the purpose of this station: if it costs to work in orbit as a scientific station, this is one thing. Another thing (and this partially took place under the USSR) is automatic factories for the production of products that are impossible to be released on the surface. And the very third way is an orbital shipyard-mooring station for assembly, maintenance, loading / unloading, ships for deep space.
    1. 0
      1 August 2022 15: 33
      A clearly defined goal and task of the ROSS has not yet been publicly published. But judging by the fragmentary information that can be collected through interviews or articles, it turns out that the goal is associated with several tasks. This is the basis for further assembly and operation of TEMs and the production of unique materials is possible.
  40. +5
    1 August 2022 14: 54
    However, when compared with the treacherously flooded "Mir", which really could live and work, it's all so ... seeds.

    Could not. Extreme wear of all modules, air leaks, plus a mutant fungus that could not be removed, and it was not clear what would happen if it hit the ground.
    MIR was doomed just as the ISS was doomed. Any thin-walled module receives micro-holes from charged particles - this is the very moment when you are sitting there in zero gravity and suddenly oops - a flash in your eyes.
    These micro-holes are too small for a noticeable amount of air to leak through them - but there are a lot of them. At a certain moment, only this factor makes the functioning of the object impossible.
    "MIR" was on the verge of it.
    The ISS is also not long away.
    And that's just one problem.

    A very unpleasant aspect, because at one time, when there was a smell of divorce in space, I repeatedly said that it was on the basis of Nauka and Prichal that it would be possible to begin the formation of a new Russian orbital station, but in Roskosmos they outplayed everything in my own way.

    Well, let's check Borisov - will he master the project on undocking and changing the inclination of the orbit or not. It is technically more difficult, it requires imagination, but it is cheaper than new modules. Hundreds of times for sure.
    So let's check how the state grandfathers have a mind.
    In the end, Shoigu built an army for monstrous money that cannot cope with Ukraine, but it’s impossible to write about it on VO, against this background, claims against Rogozin look somehow strange, he at least went to accident-free launches. Was Borisov able to provide troops with drones?
    Now, by the way, let's check what emergency statistics will be under Borisov.
    1. 0
      1 August 2022 15: 11
      It's easy to criticize from the couch. lol
    2. -1
      1 August 2022 15: 37
      Mir would have had a chance to last a little longer if the station had not been damaged by fires and collision. And yes, that's right, a lot of small breakdowns and cracks.

      At the expense of the army, the question here is not the army itself, everything is so in the course of battles, on average, we win. But rather in a poorly organized supply (apparently a consequence of the calculation that the NWO will not last more than a couple of months) and underestimation of the role of aerial reconnaissance with drones. And if Shoigu is to be blamed for the first, then the second is the mistake of the research (analytical) groups of the Ministry of Defense.
      1. +2
        1 August 2022 21: 17
        A failure in logistics, we have it at the level of 1945, adjusted for modern cars.
        Communication failure - there is no ESU TZ, there are no automated control systems at all, the troops are controlled by radio, by messengers, and by personal example, again as in 1945.
        The number of dead generals suggests that they are trying to control by cell phones.
        Counter-battery fire - the RF Armed Forces cope with the suppression of enemy artillery, much like the Wehrmacht in 1941-1945.
        The list is simply endless.
        Army for parades in its purest form.
    3. -2
      1 August 2022 15: 55
      Quote: timokhin-aa
      but you can’t write about it on "VO"

      What is really impossible?
      1. +5
        1 August 2022 21: 18
        Articles are demolished one by one, they do not even come out.
        In the latter, the importance of artillery and air strikes on communications for the speed of the offensive of troops was hacked to death, it’s impossible, the plebs can guess that the General Staff is not working out.
        1. +2
          1 August 2022 22: 17
          Quote: timokhin-aa
          Articles are demolished one by one, they do not even come out.

          And this despite the fact that the average level of materials on the VO is below the plinth. "The amazing is near, but it is forbidden."

          Can you read them somewhere else?
          1. +1
            3 August 2022 12: 49
            I think so far. You need a platform that is well readable from phones. I tried LJ, there is no photo from a mobile phone.
            We'll see.
        2. +2
          2 August 2022 05: 21
          Alexander You probably post your articles on other sites, please give links. If VO does not want to print, we read it on other sites.
          Read more than one Ryabov, with his unparalleled weapons and victorious marches.
        3. -1
          2 August 2022 13: 10
          Why don't you publish them on Sea Power then?
          1. 0
            3 August 2022 12: 49
            It's not about the fleet
  41. -3
    1 August 2022 15: 10
    I saw an advertisement, they are recruiting astronauts.
  42. 0
    1 August 2022 15: 13
    The space industry cannot set tasks for itself. It is necessary to revive the federal space agency and the supervisory board of business representatives and State Duma deputies. Of course, to work with the Americans as contractors, not to break ties, to agitate for a peaceful and reliable space. To attract private money into the industry, which is structurally impossible now. Then there will be a sense. Otherwise, Borisov will make presentations to please the political moment, sit on military orders from the budget, and slowly bury the remnants of his former greatness.
    1. 0
      1 August 2022 15: 57
      Quote: Jonny_Su
      Attract private money to the industry

      No private money will go into the industry. As in any other Russian high-tech industry. This makes no economic sense in the current "open economy" model.
      1. -2
        1 August 2022 16: 13
        I don't understand how an open economy is connected with a reluctance to invest money. Rather, the opposite is true: Roskosmos has arranged an ideal closed economy, when it is also the customer and buyer and regulator of private projects. You will always be able to turn on the tap and set the prosecutor's office if they see that your case is worthwhile and you can do things better than your huge clumsy, but your own enterprises.
        1. +2
          1 August 2022 16: 26
          Quote: Jonny_Su
          I don't understand how an open economy is connected with a reluctance to invest money.

          Here you are writing:
          Quote: Jonny_Su
          You will always be able to turn on the tap and set the prosecutor's office if they see that your case is worthwhile and you can do things better than your huge clumsy, but your own enterprises.

          If your business is worthwhile, will you really implement it in Russia? You have to be an idiot. Indeed, in the United States, it is easier to find money, and personnel, and regulation is much softer. Even if the idea, the personnel, and the money are ours, it will still be easier for them to go there and implement the idea there.
          1. 0
            1 August 2022 17: 08
            There are a lot of cockroaches in the States. Domestic entrepreneurs, when they land there, must give up control over projects (for example, the founder of Dauria Aerospace, who left the Russian prosecutor's office, but did not become his own in the States). If our Government and the President decide to change the rules of the game for business, people will reach out. It is a pity that there are no agents for such changes now.
  43. -1
    1 August 2022 15: 16
    And there is no need to undock anything there, there is such junk, let it work on the ISS as it is. The same Science, which was tortured for 20 years, was docked with idle engines and, thank God, it is more expensive to take it as the basis of a new station. If the Americans want to continue the work of the ISS, great, provide the necessary services for delivery, orbit correction and engineering. This is cooperation, real money, capacity utilization.
  44. -4
    1 August 2022 15: 24
    For, against - it doesn't matter, because. Nothing depends on the writers.
    The main thing is different - the time of free money, a monopoly on transportation, cooperation, engines, is ending.
    And money, apparently, everything is optimized. The media write that many publicized projects are closed without achieving at least some results.

    "there is a chance to justify the trust and prove that the Stars of Heroes are not given to anyone anyhow."
    If you remember the most famous awardees in governments, then it’s somehow sad ...
  45. +3
    1 August 2022 16: 02
    What is the meaning of the article? Lots of text, of course. Well done author. Patient and able to type. But washed away in what? In listing everything that was bad and how good it was. What are all the bastards and scoundrels? Boring... girls.
  46. 0
    1 August 2022 16: 40
    When you look closely at the scope and direction of NASA's activities - their research resources, their technological base and equipment, their programs for deep and near space exploration, the very range of research - it becomes clear in comparison with the tasks of our industry - where we are and where they are. Yes, even China, with their lunar program, has more ambitions than ours. Alas and ah!
  47. +1
    1 August 2022 16: 56
    After the words about the "shamefully flooded" Mir "," I did not read further because the author is either incompetent in the matter or deliberately hides the fact that the Mir worked THREE TERMS from the initially allotted to him and the further operation of the station was simply unsafe for the astronauts due to the accumulated technical problems not counting the biological - proliferating mold and bacteria eating the station. It is a pity that the authors can not put a minus, it's a pity.
  48. -1
    1 August 2022 17: 24
    Novel! Did you write this? What kind of pessimism? Like you, in this case, of course, I quote the plot from the movie "Aviator". Remember how he was trampled "on the committee" for the budget money spent on development and HOW he quickly "lowered" this committee by counting the money allocated to all airline corporations and how many aircraft they "issued" to the series.
    And what to replace? In an amateurish way, if you add up what is available about promising developments. For example, "nuclear tug" then, of course, replace "shipyard". Let it be primitive for now, but a shipyard
  49. 0
    1 August 2022 17: 30
    ABOUT NASA. Tik tokers, yes, they don’t understand, they like it. And this is called show-off and expensive. Expensive and not at all pragmatic. Helicopter on Mars and .... forced sitting at the old station, with a break in landing on the moon in 50 years
  50. +2
    1 August 2022 18: 09
    And what matters should be in the first place in importance in Roscosmos? That's right, manned flights of Russian cosmonauts to the Russian station in orbit and scientific space. That is, automatic stations and probes flying to other celestial bodies. Experiments and trials.

    And here is wrong.
    The first task should be the creation of a powerful satellite constellation.
    Communications, dzz, monitoring and other.
    There is not enough money for everything at once.
    As for commercial launches, they are necessary. This is the same money. This is a huge market niche. From which the Russian Federation leaves. And it's very sad, and it's not just about money.

    As for the world. He was badly worn. Emnip reworked the resource three times. It had 2 fires. The only thing he was good for was the base for creating a completely new station. And it was dangerous stuff.

    The author is not credited for owning the issue.
  51. +3
    1 August 2022 18: 38
    However, when compared with the treacherously flooded "Mir", which really could live and work, it's all so ... seeds.
    The world was flooded not treacherously, but on time. He could no longer live and work: he served 3 warranty periods and was hit twice by a ship. I remember the news constantly reporting about the successful repairs at the station. Yes, this is also a useful experience, but everything could end badly. It’s good that the World was flooded before the astronauts died.
    Yes, the Soyuz are now running on integrated circuits, but they are exactly the same Soyuz as the one that first took off from Earth in 1967.
    The engines are different, the electronics and other equipment are different, but the ships are exactly the same. It’s logical, huh... What do they have in common, besides the weight and size characteristics? It's like comparing a passenger car (imported, not a Lada classic) from the 70s and 2000s. 4 wheels, sedan, drives - everything is the same...
  52. +1
    1 August 2022 21: 04
    Quote: demiurg
    Formally, there is such a possibility. But the transition to another orbit will require a wild fuel consumption, even here it was written, about 19 tons.

    What does it mean to “use blocks at another station?” This is not a sleeping car, where everything is provided in abundance. Taking into account the comfort and any whims of the passenger. Extreme weight savings. And the blocks were not made from scratch, but with the expectation of being functionally complementary to their neighbors. A horseshoe only works normally on a horse's hoof. It cannot be placed on anyone's forehead. No energy. She is American. Hence, a lot of what is there will gather dust without use. Or use a bicycle generator to power it? Further. What is REALLY NEEDED has not been done on the ISS. The reasons are clear. It would be nice to do this alone, but where is it all done? It’s all on earth, it’s good if it at least exists in hardware. Should we really start filming what we don’t need and putting on what...? And how to do it? There will be so many holes in the hull that you will only have to live in spacesuits. My idea is to undock our blocks, which are COMPLETELY ours, without American money and disputes about ownership, and drown them where they should be. And let them tumble there, trying to destroy the remains and drown them safely. They don't have such an opportunity. Weak because... They somehow raised the ISS, raised it 90 meters, out of the required half a kilometer. This would be our sanctions in response to theirs.
  53. 0
    1 August 2022 21: 10
    Quote: bk0010
    However, when compared with the treacherously flooded "Mir", which really could live and work, it's all so ... seeds.
    The world was flooded not treacherously, but on time. He could no longer live and work: he served 3 warranty periods and was hit twice by a ship. I remember the news constantly reporting about the successful repairs at the station. Yes, this is also a useful experience, but everything could end badly. It’s good that the World was flooded before the astronauts died.
    Yes, the Soyuz are now running on integrated circuits, but they are exactly the same Soyuz as the one that first took off from Earth in 1967.
    The engines are different, the electronics and other equipment are different, but the ships are exactly the same. It’s logical, huh... What do they have in common, besides the weight and size characteristics? It's like comparing a passenger car (imported, not a Lada classic) from the 70s and 2000s. 4 wheels, sedan, drives - everything is the same...

    Communist patriots (the usual thing - they have no brains) moan about PEACE. That's the only reason they flew there, repaired it, so that they could, when necessary, turn on the brakes and descend into the hell of burning in the atmosphere. A frozen station, insane and uncontrollable. HOW to lower her if she does not hear commands from the Earth? Drive these idiots into orbit and force them to do what our guys did. This is worse than the first exit into the open Leonov. This station could have caused a lot of trouble on Earth in the end. Falling down uncontrollably and unpredictably. I could sweep away half the city. And even the possibility of starting a war if it fell on the enemy...
    1. +2
      2 August 2022 10: 52
      This station could have caused a lot of trouble on Earth in the end.

      Less than rotten liberal bastards like you. That's who definitely needed to be drowned so that there would be no trouble, and now it's not too late
  54. +2
    1 August 2022 21: 13
    I have repeatedly said that it was on the basis of Nauka and Prichal that the formation of a new Russian orbital station could begin, but Roscosmos outplayed everyone in their own way. And the long-suffering “Nauka” was pushed into orbit in order, apparently, to be safely sunk in two years.

    Skomorokhov's is as usual pretentious, noisy and stupid.
    The Russian side seriously thought about the future of manned space exploration and the creation of its own orbital station two years ago.
    This was announced by the head of the Roscosmos state corporation Yuri Borisov on Friday.
    The Russian Federation will complete work on the ISS no earlier than the new Russian orbital station becomes operational -
    “This transition - the completion of work on the ISS and the beginning of work on the Russian station, of course, must be synchronized,”
    - Borisov said in an interview with the Rossiya-24 TV channel (VGTRK).
  55. 0
    1 August 2022 23: 38
    another personally dedicated “effective” manager.....boot.... the results of his previous work are clearly visible in Ukraine..
    Supreme - change the deck of cards at the throne. The time of the “devoted” - thieving, talkative ones - is gone. It's time for independent thinking professionals. taking full responsibility for the assigned task....with one cartridge in the barrel of a pistol in their case of failure.
    Otherwise, with your indecision you will sink the ship - Russia, along with the entire crew.
  56. +2
    2 August 2022 00: 11
    Military leaders of Roscosmos

    The Ministry of Defense, represented by Spetsstroy, has already worked on Vostochny. All 140 criminal cases are connected with this period.
    Well, let's look at the results of the "military" leadership of Roscosmos

    - Anatoly Perminov (2004 - 2011). A military rocketman, a native of the Strategic Missile Forces, he directed the Plesetsk cosmodrome, commanded the Space Forces. The specificity of the rocket and space industry is that it takes several years from the production of rockets and payloads to their launch. 6 years after Perminov came to Roscosmos, a massive loss of rockets began. Between 2010 and 2018, 20 unsuccessful launches happened - this was only in the first years of space exploration. Under him, the discipline of production was destroyed, many projects were wrapped up and slowed down. It is Anatoly Perminov who can be called responsible for the decline of the space industry.

    - Vladimir Popovkin (2011-2013). Military, served in the General Staff, commanded the Space Forces, was the Deputy Minister of Defense. For two years of work as the head of Roskosmos, he could not achieve a significant change in the situation. Rockets continued to fall live.

    Oleg Ostapenko (2013 - 2015). A military rocket engineer, a native of the Strategic Missile Forces, he was in charge of the Plesetsk cosmodrome, the space forces and the Aerospace Defense Forces, he was the Deputy Minister of Defense. As the head of Roscosmos, he has not achieved much success in two years.

    And not only the military

    - Igor Komarov (2015 - 2018). "Effective manager". He worked at Sberbank, Norilsk Nickel and AvtoVAZ. Like his predecessors, he also did not shine with special successes at Roskosmos. Rockets fell, all the dates of significant projects shifted to the right, the Vostochny cosmodrome was barely completed.
  57. +3
    2 August 2022 00: 16
    Former NASA director Bill Nelson is a political scientist and lawyer by training.
    The president of Boeing, Greg Smith, is a business manager by training.
    Lockheed Martin director until 2020 - Marilyn Hewson - art critic and economist
    And since 2020, Lockheed Martin has been headed by James Tucklet, a public relations (PR) specialist by training. And previously he headed Honeywell Aerospace Systems.
  58. The comment was deleted.
  59. 0
    2 August 2022 12: 36
    Quote: Brancodd
    Military leaders of Roscosmos

    The Ministry of Defense, represented by Spetsstroy, has already worked on Vostochny. All 140 criminal cases are connected with this period.
    Well, let's look at the results of the "military" leadership of Roscosmos

    - Anatoly Perminov (2004 - 2011). A military rocketman, a native of the Strategic Missile Forces, he directed the Plesetsk cosmodrome, commanded the Space Forces. The specificity of the rocket and space industry is that it takes several years from the production of rockets and payloads to their launch. 6 years after Perminov came to Roscosmos, a massive loss of rockets began. Between 2010 and 2018, 20 unsuccessful launches happened - this was only in the first years of space exploration. Under him, the discipline of production was destroyed, many projects were wrapped up and slowed down. It is Anatoly Perminov who can be called responsible for the decline of the space industry.

    - Vladimir Popovkin (2011-2013). Military, served in the General Staff, commanded the Space Forces, was the Deputy Minister of Defense. For two years of work as the head of Roskosmos, he could not achieve a significant change in the situation. Rockets continued to fall live.

    Oleg Ostapenko (2013 - 2015). A military rocket engineer, a native of the Strategic Missile Forces, he was in charge of the Plesetsk cosmodrome, the space forces and the Aerospace Defense Forces, he was the Deputy Minister of Defense. As the head of Roscosmos, he has not achieved much success in two years.

    And not only the military

    - Igor Komarov (2015 - 2018). "Effective manager". He worked at Sberbank, Norilsk Nickel and AvtoVAZ. Like his predecessors, he also did not shine with special successes at Roskosmos. Rockets fell, all the dates of significant projects shifted to the right, the Vostochny cosmodrome was barely completed.

    There is a tribe of aborigines in Africa who build airplanes out of straw. You're doing pretty much the same thing. You sort through the frames and look at their shoulder straps. Diplomas. Build a system of pieces of paper and insignia. You need to look at the financial superstructure, how IT works. If it is correct, then the magician will launch rockets no worse than the IT specialist. Look at the system of financial relations in the field of microprocessors in the past, the recent past and now. How was Mr. Chubais's work organized? Don't you notice why these failures were programmed, not by the appointment of the swindler, but by the system itself? Who received finance in the production of microprocessors? Miracles - MANUFACTURERS THEMSELVES. For the design, ideology and other bells and whistles around this hardware. Who received funding for nanotechnology? The manufacturers themselves. Who received funding in the Academy of Sciences system? The scientists themselves. They themselves justified the volumes, topics, performers, work, reports and awards. Hence the lice. The results are known. And so it will be, nominate anyone. The last solution (Microprocessors) is to finance the CUSTOMER. The money for the products is given to him, not to the manufacturer. And HE decides which ones he needs, he chooses the performer, he is not interested in MASTERING the dough, but in the living pieces of hardware themselves. He communicates with the manufacturer on an EQUAL level, and understands the matter no less. Do not deceive him, do not give a bribe. You can't get away with a bribe. YOU NEED A PROCESSOR and that's it. This is how all relationships should be built. Space should be financed by customers of innovations. Land users, and then space images will be in the hands of all farmers, agronomists, specific specialists, and not in classified archives. Super materials will be in the hands of those who need them, and not in classified production. Only then will it all become orders of magnitude cheaper, since the mass of goods is the path to a low price. Why do computers abroad cost pennies? Because. that they are made in the millions. Why did our Chubais tablet cost hundreds of thousands? That's why. that three of them did. For show. The Chubais' task is to launder the money and report. The customer’s task is to get a cheap real product.
  60. 0
    2 August 2022 13: 58
    Quote: frog
    Everything as usual!!! Any business, event, CRIME, these are specific faces that have a full name !!!
    There are no faceless events, such as, by itself, by itself ... look for who benefits!

    Who would argue ... But from the fact that we (regarding the Union) will list here almost all the composition of the Politburo, will something change?

    Listing facts and faces will not change. But it will change if an understanding of the reasons for the facts comes. Meaning. And the point is that in the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks/CPSU the positions were indeed all elected and accountable. And the people took full advantage of exactly what and for whom they voted. No cheating. Everything is somehow strange with our understanding of the meaning. We say one thing and think another. The “Politburs” would be to blame if they were hereditary nobles. and society is class-based. It turns out that in the language there are “political bureaus of the CPSU” - and in the minds, as well as 200 years ago, “their Lordships”. The authors on VO call this thing, as far as I remember, the term “agro-feudal psychology”, in short, servile to the level of the subconscious, to the marrow of the bones, to the intestines and even further, through and through.
  61. 0
    2 August 2022 14: 46
    ISS from orbit, but what about into orbit? Probably a steam locomotive.
    1. ada
      2 August 2022 23: 27
      Quote: VOENOBOZ
      ISS from orbit, but what about into orbit? Probably a steam locomotive.

      Undoubtedly - a steam locomotive, only a nuclear one and certainly with an armored train, preferably very maneuverable. wassat
  62. 0
    2 August 2022 16: 29
    Cosmos-2558, launched on August 1 on a Soyuz rocket from Plesetsk, was taken over by ground-based assets of the Russian Aerospace Forces, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported on August 2.

    Kosmos-2506 (Persona No. 3) was launched from the Plesetsk cosmodrome on June 23, 2015. The next optical reconnaissance satellite will be from the updated Persona series or from a completely different series.

    “Persona” is an optical reconnaissance satellite; the optical system is manufactured at the St. Petersburg optical-mechanical association LOMO.
    As of 17, LOMO 321V2001 surpasses in its characteristics all systems created in Russia and Europe, approaching the characteristics of large-sized US surveillance systems; its resolution should reach 30 cm.

    There is an opinion, confirmed by amateur observations (, that the Kosmos-2558 launched into orbit is an inspector satellite, and it will “inspect” a very specific object - USA 326, supposedly a new generation reconnaissance satellite launched in February of this year (

    См. также
    Secret Agent Hubble
    NASA, describing the history of the Hubble telescope, in describing the reasons for the transition from a 3-meter primary mirror to a 2,4-meter one, states: “In addition, the transition to a 2,4-meter mirror allowed for lower manufacturing costs using manufacturing technologies designed for military spy satellites."
    They were sent into space in identical containers.
    16 KH-11 satellites were launched between 1976 and 2013.
    A satellite that costs as much as an aircraft carrier.
    Cheap civilian version.
    Kosmos-2542 races KH-11 in orbit.
  63. 0
    4 August 2022 11: 41
    They poured buckets of mud on Rogozin, they wildly rejoiced at his replacement with Borisov...
    Well, Borisov is in action. It was worth it ? Is he really our man?

    At a meeting at the Khimki NPO named after Lavochkin on Friday, July 29, the head of Roscosmos, Yuri Borisov, announced that he had revised the “anti-Western position” of his predecessor Dmitry Rogozin. In particular, he demanded that the general director of the enterprise, Vladimir Kolmykov, stop work to restore the functioning of the Russian-German observatory "Spectrum RG".

    Borisov is also trying to convey to the British government a signal of his readiness to return the OneWeb broadband Internet access spacecraft seized by Rogozin at Baikonur, which, according to intelligence services, MI6 planned to use (as well as the Starlink system) to provide the Ukrainian Armed Forces with full communications on the battlefield against the Russian army.

    Borisov, as part of his campaign to revise Rogozin’s legacy, is looking for an opportunity to pay a visit to the United States and hold negotiations, restoring supplies to the Americans of Russian RD-181 rocket engines (, which can also be used to launch US military satellites.
  64. 0
    4 August 2022 19: 11
    “to compare with the treacherously flooded “Mir”, which could really live and work, it’s all so... seeds”

    Just don't say "la-la". Mir had a warranty period of 5 years, worked for 15. Two fires on board mean nothing? In any case, it would have been flooded, if not in 2001, then next year.
  65. 0
    6 August 2022 23: 32
    Quote: ramzay21
    And with such figures as Borisov, who oversaw the military-industrial complex, it is unlikely that anything normal will turn out; his “successes” can be seen very well in the Northern Military District.

    But this, comrade, is enemy propaganda. During the Great Patriotic War they were shot for this, and they did the right thing.
  66. The comment was deleted.
  67. 0
    7 August 2022 02: 59
    In this context, it will be interesting to observe the vicissitudes of leaving the ISS. NASA's tears are mostly related to maintenance and disposal. - Money for a series of Soyuz launches to deorbit and ensure operation without Russian segments. Moreover, this is money in the best case, in the worst case you will need your own equipment and a set of measures, and this is already a lot of money.
  68. 0
    8 August 2022 01: 09
    Quote: ultra
    Capitalist Russia has already shown that the people have to send parcels to the troops.

    Remove the star from your avatar. Don't disgrace the Badge of Valor, scoundrel. For parcels were always sent to the army at all times. And it’s not a matter of poverty, but of the solidarity of the people with their army. Or haven’t you heard about tank columns and air squadrons built with funds raised by workers and collective farmers in THAT country? Provocateur.
  69. 0
    8 August 2022 01: 18
    Quote: Sarboz
    So there is nothing to harass the General Staff. Whoever has the opportunity, we help our people in any way we can. Anyone can criticize.

    This is not a criticism. This is slander. For which we have criminal liability.
  70. 0
    9 August 2022 11: 56
    So far I have a strong feeling that this is all a project. When analyzing our actions in space over the past 20+ years, a strong feeling is created that the current government “does not like space”, it is not sick of it, and beyond the boundaries of the most utilitarian, mundane tasks, it is not interested in it. There is no reason to believe that after 22 years of such trends, SUDDENLY they will feint their ears and “walk on their hands.” The very fact that such a person as ROG for a long time buried the industry “in the sand” and was “water off a duck’s back” shows confirmation of these suspicions. Now Borisov has been installed not because they are thirsty for a breakthrough - but because the ROG has finally slipped, hit the bottom, as they say. Became media toxic. So this bag of sand flew not because it was bad or because of some distant plans - but stupidly with the goal of somewhat raising the CURRENT level of the hot air balloon above the ground.

    They are leaving the ISS because there is already a final understanding of the futility of cooperation with the United States and Co., the futility of using the ISS project as a lever of pressure that allows us to get into large-scale international space projects “without oil”. Here we get an epic refusal. The very existence of the ISS, among other things, is also coming to an end - you can still drink Borjomi, but we are unlikely to be interested in this, given the most muddy traditional line in space over the last 10 years at least. A new station would require an array of new experimental and production tasks, which are practically non-existent (due to the legacy of the attitude of these very 10-20 years) and only in this sense would there be a reason to create it.

    I think that in the next 2 years we will accelerate some priority experiments on the ISS, after which we will POSSIBLY one-time extend our participation in the ISS project in some way, after which, most likely, we will abandon the orbital station altogether for some time.
  71. 0
    13 August 2022 05: 39
    Too much pessimism. Yes, not everything is good, but rockets do not fall and do not explode. And they fell to Rogozin. Vostochny began launching missiles. The second stage of the cosmodrome is being built according to plan. Angara rockets are moving towards the heavy class. Not all at once. Step by step. The state doesn't have a lot of money. The Motherland has just begun to rise from its knees, God willing, our children will see the power of the USSR 2.0. Then spaceplanes will fly to Mars. In fact, now there is an analogy with the 20s of the last century, when after the collapse and civil war a great Power was created. Glory to the Z heroes who forge the future. Glory to Russia.
  72. The comment was deleted.
  73. 0
    22 October 2022 11: 17
    When the “scientific” community finally admits that there was no landing on the Moon, that not a single person rose even to a height of 400 kilometers above the Earth, that going beyond the Earth’s magnetic field means instant death for any earthly creature, that the real does space begin at a distance of almost 2.000.000 kilometers from the Earth (where the influence of Earth's gravity stops)? When will they stop talking nonsense about all sorts of evolutionary theories? When will they stop spending billions of dollars on nothing? Why are there billions for space “research”, but no money for research of the World Ocean? And why did the United States, after its “flights” to the Moon, create reusable ships under the “Space Shuttle” program with a maximum flight altitude above the Earth of 400 miles or 643 kilometers, where they had never ascended? Is this a white lie? When will they finally admit that life on planet Earth is unique and one of a kind in our entire Galaxy and that this is a biological experiment for the sake of which both our planet Earth and our star, the Sun, were changed? When will they finally stop talking nonsense about flights to Mars, the Moon, and so on? And what to fly on? On a modernized V-2 rocket, created by the German Wernher von Braun 80 years ago? After all, nothing new has been invented or created over the years!