Tank T-80U: firing accuracy of the last achievement of the Soviet "defense industry"

Source: ru.wikipedia.org

Tank The T-80U was adopted by the Soviet army back in 1985, but its combat characteristics have not lost their relevance today. This is especially true for its fire control system, which at the time of the collapse of the USSR was considered the most modern of those in serial production. Moreover, it was this system that was later installed on Russian T-90s of the 1992 model, so it would be quite interesting to look at its advantages in comparison with a simpler tank weapon system.

Fire control system T-80U

As is known, the accuracy of a shot from a tank gun is affected by many factors. Among them are wind, which can shift the trajectory of the projectile, atmospheric pressure, the distance to the target and its speed, its own speed, the angle of the tank's roll, the features of the projectile's ballistics, etc. Taking all these features into account can significantly increase the chances of successfully defeating the enemy with the first or second shot. During the development of the fire control system (FCS) for the T-80U tank, which was named "Irtysh" in honor of the river of the same name, these parameters were, of course, taken into account.

The sighting part of the SLA 1A45 "Irtysh" consists of three main components.

The first is the 1G46 gunner's day sight with a laser rangefinder. It is used to measure the range to the target, as well as to aim the cannon and the coaxial machine gun in daylight conditions. It is also used to control rockets "Reflex" complex, launched through a gun barrel.

The second is the TPN-4-49 Buran-PA gunner's night sight based on a 2nd generation image intensifier tube with a target detection range of up to one and a half kilometers. "Buran", of course, is not a thermal imager, but one of its features is the ability to work in a passive mode without illumination by an infrared searchlight.

The third is the sighting and observation complex of the commander PNK-4S, based on the combined sight-surveillance device TKN-4S. With the help of it, the tank commander can observe the terrain and fire from a cannon and a coaxial machine gun without getting up from his workplace. Like Buran, TKN-4S at night can operate in active mode with illumination from an infrared illuminator, and in passive mode without illumination.

To the left of the cannon on the roof of the turret is the commander's TKN-4S. To the right of the gun 1G46. Behind him, to the right, covered with an armored cover - "Buran-PA". Source: en.wikipedia.org

To the left of the cannon on the roof of the turret is the commander's TKN-4S. To the right of the gun - 1G46. Behind him, to the right, covered with an armored cover - "Buran-PA"

The fire control system includes a 2E42 tank armament stabilizer, which stabilizes the cannon and coaxial machine gun in the vertical and horizontal planes. Also included are a voltage converter, a block of switches, sensors for roll, linear acceleration, wind, and more.

Data from all sensors, including information about the range to the target, is processed by an electronic ballistic computer, which automatically generates the necessary corrections for firing.

Shooting T-80U at the range. Source: en.wikipedia.org

Shooting T-80U at the range

Choice of opponent

As you know, three main battle tanks were in service in the USSR at the same time - T-64, T-72 and T-80 in various modifications. To choose among them an opponent for the T-80U, in principle, was not a big deal. If only it fell under two criteria: the relative "freshness" of the modification and the presence of a simplified sighting system. In this regard, the T-72B is excellent. In fact, he is the same age as the T-80U, but it does not have an automated fire control system.

Tank T-72B, similar to the subject. Source: arsenal-info.ru

Tank T-72B, similar to the subject. Source: arsenal-info.ru


The comparative tests of these two machines, carried out in the second half of the 80s in Central Asia, cannot be called "greenhouse" ones. If ideal range conditions are often used to identify the maximum technical capabilities of a tank in terms of firing, then here we are talking about the military operation of tanks, during which a large load falls on the crews: long marches before firing, various weather conditions, severe time limits for hitting targets And so on.

The T-72B went first.

During the tests, these tanks fired 348 rounds of armor-piercing sub-caliber shells. Of this number, only 303 turned out to be “recorded”, that is, laid down in the time-to-kill regulations, etc. Of the 303 “recorded” shots, 101 hits on targets were recorded. Accordingly, out of the total number of shots, hits accounted for 29,02%.

T-72B tanks used cumulative shells in the amount of 165 units. Of these, 150 shots turned out to be “recorded”, and 38 hit the targets at all. Of the total number of shots, hits accounted for 23,03%.

The second in line was the T-80U.

During the tests, "Ears" made 249 shots with armor-piercing sub-caliber shells. 229 shots were taken into account, and 99 hit the targets. In this case, the hits had 39,75%.

The T-80U "cumulatives" were shot in the amount of 102 pieces, and 89 turned out to be "recorded" ones. Only 30 pieces hit the targets. That is, out of the total number of shots, hits on targets amounted to 29,41%.


It may seem that the differences of 6–10 percent are not very significant, but in fact they mean that the T-80U, in conditions close to combat, provides a third higher hit rate with sub-caliber shells than the T-72B, and cumulative - by about a quarter. It should be noted here that the T-72B sighting system is far from the level of the T-54/55, which the T-80U could surpass twice. The “seventy-two” has both a laser rangefinder and a ballistic corrector with a set of sensors, but this whole system does not work in automatic mode.

The superiority of automation, of course, is visible to the naked eye. But the human factor cannot be ruled out even in this case. So, the typical mistakes of the crews of the studied tanks were: the wrong choice of the type of projectile on the ballistics scales when loading the gun, incorrect measurement of the range to the target, aiming at the rangefinder mark and, let's say, excessive haste due to time limits for hitting targets.

To date, the T-80U, despite its almost forty years of age, cannot be written off as hopelessly outdated machines. Based on the combination of characteristics, such as high mobility, fairly good armor in combination with dynamic protection, as well as automation of the preparation of a cannon shot, it is quite capable of solving a wide range of tasks in a modern war.

Information sources:
O. N. Georgievsky, N. S. Kurbatov and others. “The influence of the reliability of the weapon system and the qualifications of the tank crew on the frequency of hitting the target”, 1989. Declassified by the expert commission of the FGAOU VO “SPbPU”. Act No. 1 dated 09.06.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX
M. Baryatinsky "All tanks of the USSR." Volume 3
A. S. Efremov, M. V. Pavlov and others.History creation of the first production tank T-80 with a gas turbine power plant"
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  1. +3
    28 June 2022 04: 51
    What to comment? the territory under control is expanding, the risks of enemy RPG strikes are growing, it must be controlled, so the tanks of the second wave come, which may well not only fight back, but also successfully attack the enemy in areas with little intense fighting
    1. +17
      28 June 2022 05: 01
      here come the tanks of the second wave

      T-80U is the tank of the second wave? Yes, in terms of combat properties, I think the T-72B3 does not lose, especially if you take into account the zoo of modifications of this very T-72B3, well, the T-90 is certainly not inferior
      So if we judge by similar criteria, then from the tanks of the first wave we only have the T-90m and armata (which is like a Schrodinger's cat)
      1. +3
        28 June 2022 07: 09
        the latest achievement of the Soviet "defense industry"

        The others haven't been seen yet... request
        1. +4
          28 June 2022 08: 47
          We saw, though mostly in parades. If you are talking about armored vehicles.
        2. +1
          28 June 2022 09: 22
          Quote: Civil
          The others haven't been seen yet...

          Well then look
          1. +1
            28 June 2022 18: 31
            Well then look

            They differ greatly in size... optical devices, up to a third of the height of the tank itself, these birdhouses. An excellent target for infantry, these expensive devices. The T-80U is more modest.
            1. 0
              29 June 2022 07: 19
              Quote: Konnick
              They differ greatly in size ... optical instruments,

              Yes ... and what was it only the Poles were thinking about when the Germans "sucked" this tank into them
              1. 0
                29 June 2022 08: 36
                The T-90M tank is an excellent anti-tank, it was designed for this purpose. But it has a hard time against infantry, which was the main purpose of the tank, so we don't see these tanks in the Donbass. There are plenty of tanks with minimized optical devices, such as the T-80 and T-62. Although current combat tactics show the need for assault self-propelled guns, with normal armor and a short-barreled gun capable of hitting targets at a distance of 500 to 3000 meters from a closed position, without making visual contact with the enemy, i.e. not exposing itself to danger from ATGMs, but hitting firing points based on target designation from an infantry unit that this SPG directly supports.
                1. +1
                  29 June 2022 09: 08
                  Quote: Konnick
                  And against the infantry, and this was the main purpose of the tank, it was hard for him, which is why we do not see these tanks in the Donbass.

                  For 2021...
                  4-I Panzer Division
                  - 12th tank regiment, three tank battalions - 93 T-80U and T-80UE-1 tanks.
                  - 13th tank regiment, three tank battalions - 93 T-80U and T-80UE-1 tanks.
                  - Tank battalion of the 423rd motorized rifle regiment - 21 T-80BVM tanks and 20 T-80BV tanks.
          2. +3
            28 June 2022 06: 11
            The comparative tests of these two machines, carried out in the second half of the 80s in Central Asia, cannot be called "greenhouse" ones.

            Test area selected incorrectly. For the T-80, in terms of performance, the Arctic regions are more suitable, where it is problematic to start a diesel engine.
            1. +6
              28 June 2022 09: 40
              Quote: riwas
              Test area selected incorrectly. For the T-80, in terms of performance, the Arctic regions are more suitable, where it is problematic to start a diesel engine.

              Now it remains to understand how the "wrong area" affected the accuracy of both tanks...
          3. +3
            28 June 2022 09: 11
            During the development of a fire control system (FCS) for the T-80U tank, which received the name "Irtysh" in honor of the river of the same name
            Which became the development of the OMS "Ob", the same in honor of the river of the same name and was installed on the T-64B \ T-80B tanks.
            1. +4
              28 June 2022 09: 22
              I'm embarrassed to ask - is "Shilka" also in honor of the river of the same name? lol
              1. +4
                28 June 2022 09: 35
                Quote: novel xnumx
                I'm embarrassed to ask - is "Shilka" also in honor of the river of the same name?

                You ask the author why he focused on this ... Although I think so, like "TUNGUSKA"
            2. 0
              28 June 2022 15: 08
              Well, not "Moscow River" or "Neva" to call if these products were worked out in Omsk ...
          4. +3
            28 June 2022 09: 35
            In the GSVG in the late 80s, there were exercises with live firing from an insert barrel. The company commander, for insurance, handed out several extra rounds to the crews. When they counted the holes in the targets, it turned out that there were more hits than the number of rounds issued. They sorted it out and found out what was going on. The company commander got a beating for not believing in the training of the personnel and equipment.
            I don’t know what tanks were, but tankers can shoot with snipers.
          5. +1
            28 June 2022 09: 37
            The T80U's gun shakes like an alcoholic's hands. I don’t know what is the reason for this phenomenon, I would like to know from the author why this happens and how to deal with it.
            1. +3
              28 June 2022 12: 03
              Quote: MegaWattExpert
              The T80U's cannon shakes like an alcoholic's hands.
              Incorrect hardware setup.
              1. +3
                29 June 2022 10: 11
                Quote: Bad_gr
                Incorrect hardware setup.

                Yes, the damping and rigidity settings of the STV are out of adjustment, but not only that, it happens that the MZ is out of order, the gun either cannot get on the hydraulic stop or be removed from it, and also because the necessary time was not given for the gyroscopes to spin up, and the worm gear was unstopped... But all this is due to poor preparation of the tanks by the crew and personal training
            2. +1
              28 June 2022 13: 47
              Most likely the sight was shaking, it was not stabilized. At least that was the case on the BMP-2.
          6. 0
            28 June 2022 10: 33
            The hit rate is extremely low. "Increase by 30%" does not increase combat effectiveness. If the tank comes from a storage base, then it has not been modernized, there are no trained crews. Thus, survivability on the battlefield and effectiveness, in general, will be low. This requires using tanks with great limitations.
          7. +9
            28 June 2022 10: 41
            Quote: glory1974
            In the GSVG in the late 80s, there were exercises with live firing from an insert barrel. The company commander, for insurance, handed out several extra rounds to the crews. When they counted the holes in the targets, it turned out that there were more hits than the number of rounds issued. They sorted it out and found out what was going on. The company commander got a beating for not believing in the training of the personnel and equipment.
            I don’t know what tanks were, but tankers can shoot with snipers.

            It was then that he served in the GSVG tank regiment (military unit 47280), the commander of our 3rd battalion gave a bribe to the target operator and he laid the targets after the shot "in manual mode." As a result, the battalion fired at "five". Because the battalion commander really wanted a colonel and the General Staff Academy. The tanks were T-64A and B.
            PS - and, by the way, as far as I remember, firing from an insert was called training, and live firing is a regular projectile from a tank barrel. Once they even fired rockets from the barrel, several of the best crews of the regiment at the training ground.
            1. -1
              28 June 2022 11: 01
              Quote from Antey
              The tanks were T-64A and B

              What year, can you be more specific? In 88, T-80UDs were transferred from the GSVG to Kantemirovka, and our T-64Bs were taken in return. I found only the very beginning of the process request
            2. avg
              28 June 2022 12: 45
              The battalion commander is a colonel, a student of the General Staff Academy... This was especially touching, immediately the unforgettable Dzhaba Ioseliani came to mind, at that time all Georgians were battalion commanders and colonels. wink
          8. +4
            28 June 2022 11: 21
            Strange article. Questions to the Author: when comparative tests of tanks were conducted in the second half of the 80s, according to my data, the last tests with live firing were in 1983 - Yurga, 1984 - Tsugol. After that, there were only marching ones. I hope the Author will correct me. As for O. N. Georgievskiy, N. S. Kurbatov et al. "The influence of the reliability of the weapons system and the qualifications of the tank crew on the frequency of hitting the target", 1989. Declassified by the expert commission of the FGAOU VO "SPbPU". Act No. 1 dated 09.06.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX, the question arises, is this not the research of Pavlov Design Bureau? If YES, then it is not worth talking about it.
          9. 0
            28 June 2022 13: 38
            During the development of a fire control system (FCS) for the T-80U tank, called "Irtysh"

            Stupid question from the couch: each tank has a national SLA? And it’s not destiny to make a common one ???
            1. +3
              29 June 2022 09: 56
              Quote: Not the fighter
              And it’s not destiny to make a common one ???

              Why is it fate, at one time it was the T-80U that was accepted as a single tank of the USSR, but with the collapse of the USSR, this idea somehow "fell apart", although the Ukrainians at the Malyshev plant continued to work on its development, and in Russia this SLA T -80U was adapted for the T-72 and received the T-90 ...)))
          10. +9
            28 June 2022 13: 50
            "T-80U, despite its almost forty years of age, cannot be written off as hopelessly outdated machines"

            what is there, speak directly - nothing has been done better since then
          11. -3
            28 June 2022 16: 05
            Quote: svp67
            Quote: Siberian54
            here come the tanks of the second wave

            Actually, one of the elite divisions of the RF Armed Forces is armed with T-80U and T-80UE1 tanks - the 4th Guards Tank (Kantemirovskaya)

            For the elite division, there were no more modern devices? winked lol
            1. -2
              6 July 2022 17: 55
              Quote: Radikal
              For the elite division, there were no more modern devices

              Which ones, please specify?
            2. 0
              7 July 2022 07: 57
              Quote: Radikal
              For the elite division, there were no more modern devices?

              Well, I thought that you had no idea what kind of combat vehicle it was ...
          12. +3
            28 June 2022 17: 12
            According to my sofa imhu, the percentage of hits is low, it turns out that one target will be hit on average with 3 shots, then the presence of a thermal imager greatly facilitates or even speeds up the search and detection of targets in movement conditions, otherwise (ours) the tank commander must scout the area in advance, in order to predict where something might be waiting for him, to determine the ranges to landmarks, so that he would jump out, give an amendment, fire and (forgot) dumped. In short, the training of crews should be on top. When the tank teleports and starts to blindly rotate the tower, count the khan. And yes, I don’t watch tank biathlon, it’s sickening to watch our people shoot, stress is understandable, all garbage, but it’s not a crooked machine gun ...
          13. +2
            28 June 2022 20: 38
            I don’t know, I’m far from being a tanker, but I read a lot of memoirs of tankers from VO to Chechnya. So about Chechnya, even then the commanders of tank formations (platoons) wrote that the T-72 B sight and others were bad and needed to be replaced. In general, the guys describe very meticulously their actions at checkpoints, in ambushes, counter ambushes. Very relevant. It describes well how the militants changed and adjusted to our tactics and very successfully.
          14. -1
            30 June 2022 12: 06
            Quote: avg
            The battalion commander is a colonel, a student of the General Staff Academy... This was especially touching, immediately the unforgettable Dzhaba Ioseliani came to mind, at that time all Georgians were battalion commanders and colonels. wink

            The battalion commander had the rank of major. But he did not want to stop at the honorary pensioner rank of lieutenant colonel. A colonel could only be obtained after the academy. Any questions?
            1. 0
              6 August 2022 16: 40
              It would be more correct to say that the battalion commander wanted to go to the Academy .. This is a white rhombus and a silver escort. Kobats do not study at the Academy of the General Staff ... there from the regiment commander, if you take the USSR.
          15. 0
            30 June 2022 12: 09
            Quote: Repellent
            Quote from Antey
            The tanks were T-64A and B

            What year, can you be more specific? In 88, T-80UDs were transferred from the GSVG to Kantemirovka, and our T-64Bs were taken in return. I found only the very beginning of the process request

            1985-87. The T-80 was seen alive only once at the training ground. And our regiment in my presence was slowly re-equipping from “asheks” to “beshki”. For 2 years of service, it seems that only 1 or 2 tanks in our battalion were replaced.
          16. -1
            6 July 2022 19: 46
            Quote: svp67
            Quote: Radikal
            For the elite division, there were no more modern devices

            Which ones, please specify?

            T-90m "Breakthrough". Organize please... lol
          17. 0
            16 August 2022 03: 46
            In the spring, I came across an article - a conversation with our tankers in the SVO. They assessed the T 80 as a better tank than the T72 in combat conditions. Including because of its higher speed, allowing it to retreat or maneuver faster than the enemy, as well as for its better ride smoothness, which also affected the better result when shooting (despite the gun stabilizer. Based on the totality of characteristics, the T 80, according to their assessment, gives fewer losses, and a higher percentage of hit targets.
            Separately, he noted that in the conditions of the NMD, neither firing from closed positions, nor firing through the barrel of anti-tank missiles was used.
            On the other hand, a cape was used as an experiment, which reduces the heat visibility of the tank. Used until it fell apart. There was no mention of her replacement.
          18. 0
            10 September 2022 17: 32
            Viděl jsem dokumetární film na toto téma. Byl to koncert ale vím, že ne každá posádka dokáže být tak pečlivá. Je to nová doba pro nás starou generaci pohádková. am
          19. 0
            12 September 2022 18: 22
            Unfortunately, the diesel lobby nearly scrapped these tanks. Although in terms of power supply, the T-80 has a 1500 hp engine. - domestic diesel engines barely managed to crawl by the mid-2010s.