Enemy tanks of Ukraine: T-64 series


T-64BM Bulat. Source: lostarmour.info

The scale of the Ukrainian catastrophe

According to official data from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, by mid-June, more than 3,5 thousand armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Guard were destroyed. How much of this number is Tanks, is not known for certain. The nature of the Russian special operation seriously complicates an accurate count of tanks destroyed or temporarily disabled. high precision weapon hits equipment at a distance of several hundred kilometers from the front line. If in the first months numerous bloggers at least partially disclosed the quantitative and qualitative losses of tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers in the rear, now in Ukraine this is a criminal offense.

At the moment, it remains to believe the press service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and numerous photo and video evidence. But data from social networks and instant messengers should be trusted very conditionally.

Firstly, the photographs show far from all the destroyed or captured armored vehicles. You won’t send a reporter for every destroyed Ukrainian tank to photograph the act of death.

Secondly, photographs are relatively easy to manipulate. One burnt tank can be dragged around the neighborhood, captured from different angles and angles - please, this is how the myth of one and a half thousand destroyed Russian tanks is born.

Western accountants will invariably artificially increase the losses of Russian troops and underestimate the extent of the loss of Bandera's armored vehicles. Together with Ukrainian propagandists, these lively guys claim that the nationalists every day knock out at least 12-15 tanks of the allied forces. This is not documented in any way.

Thirdly, some Ukrainian vehicles on the battlefield are so fundamentally broken that only specialists can determine the identity of the tank. Therefore, the burned-out remains of a tank can easily be called a Russian machine - the interested part of the public will readily eat disinformation. Later, of course, one of the experts will refute the next fake of the "cissists", but this will no longer matter. As you know, whoever threw out the first fake has the “truth”.

T-64B. The date of destruction is indicated. Source: oryxspioenkop.com

Currently, photo and video evidence in the public domain speaks of the loss by the Ukrainian side of at least 200 tanks, half of which were left to the allied forces. We emphasize that, in fact, much more Bandera tanks were destroyed, but it is not possible to provide objective control data. An accurate count will be possible only after the end of the special operation and the transition to the control of the allied army of the entire territory of Ukraine.

If everything is very vague with the quantitative composition of the destroyed equipment, then with the qualitative one, the situation is much more transparent. And the main role here is played by tanks of the T-64 series.

T-64 in the service of Bandera

The entire color of Soviet tank building and even partially Russian captured vehicles are now fighting on the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Let's leave an assessment of the effectiveness and number of Bandera trophies outside the scope of this material - here we can’t even come close to the truth. But the tanks under the "yellow-blakyt" flag are exceptionally interesting.

For example, in Mariupol, nationalists removed from the pedestal and tried to send into battle the oldest tank from the selection - the T-64A. To the credit of the Kharkov designers, the armored car performed its functions quite tolerably, however, it never made it to the battle.

The production of the world's first tank with a 125-mm cannon in this modification was completed back in 1980. Even if we imagine that the car could be led to the attack, it would have lived to see the first grenade launcher. Despite the fact that the T-64A has combined armor, it is completely devoid of dynamic protection.

The only Ukrainian T-64B, destroyed at the end of April, also went into battle with bare armor. Judging by the photo, ammunition has traditionally detonated in the car. If we talk about booking, then on version "B" it was possible to strengthen the protection due to the new steel of the BTK-1Sh type, made by electroslag remelting. Without thickening the armor plates, it was possible to increase the projectile resistance by 10-15%. The gun received a new barrel, an improved threaded connection and an upgraded cradle. The remaining changes relate to the fire control system and the installation of Cobra guided weapons.

The most massive Ukrainian tank, whose losses reach at least 133 vehicles, is the T-64BV. In total, there are no more than 400 cars of this series in Ukraine. And yes, this technique also comes from the USSR. For the first time, the T-64BV entered the army back in 1985, and the main design innovation was the Kontakt-1 DZ.

In total, 265 containers with explosives were hung and built into each tank. Kharkiv engineers claim that resistance to cumulative ammunition has increased by 2,2 times, to armor-piercing sub-caliber - by 1,9 times.

The tanks received their baptism of fire in the summer of 1992 in Bender, when they quite successfully opposed the Moldavian Rapiers and grenade launchers. But if thirty years ago the tank was indeed quite modern, now it is only suitable for occasional use in battles. Preferably - at a distance of several hundred meters from the nearest anti-tank weapons and tanks of the allied forces.

Another thing is that a large part of the T-64BV tanks underwent modernization in 2017 and acquired a number of innovations. "Contact-1" was seized and replaced by the Ukrainian DZ "Knife". In addition, the tanks received new night vision devices, satellite navigation and a radio station.

In general, a little more than a hundred tanks were upgraded to the “2017 model of the year”. The motors were left the same (5TDF for 700 hp), and only a small part of the tanks were equipped with 850-horsepower 5TDFM. The mass of the car exceeds 42 tons, and the engine is already frankly not enough - the specific power is only 16,5 liters. s./t. For comparison: the T-72B3 with the V-92S2F diesel engine has a specific power of 24,3 liters. s./t.

By the way, the mobility of tanks in the battles in Ukraine plays an important role. The dependence is direct - the faster and more responsive the tank, the longer it lives.

Trophy and destroyed T-64BV. Source: oryxspioenkop.com

The next step in the development of the T-64 concept in Ukraine was the Bulats (T-64BM), which were already destroyed at least four copies and two were taken as trophies.

The machines are equipped with the Knife DZ mentioned above, which destroys ammunition with a cumulative jet. Reviews about this product are very mixed. Some Ukrainian experts consider the Knife almost a panacea for RPGs, ATGMs and HEAT rounds. Others point to the excessive power of the remote sensing, when the caterpillars break off from the explosives on the armor, jam the towers and completely demolish all attachments.

The Bulats received 850-horsepower engines, which somewhat improved mobility. The remaining improvements are of a tactical nature - the new Irtysh fire control system, controlled missiles "Combat", improved commander and gunner devices. One of the most important improvements can be considered a closed machine gun mount on the turret. Not all Russian tanks are equipped with such "luxury".

When describing the machines of the T-64 series, it is important to note that the thermal visibility of the 5TDF and 6-TD engines is somewhat lower than that of the Russian T-72 and T-90. The reason is a special engine duty cycle, higher air consumption and a specific ejection cooling system.

T-64BM Bulat. Source: oryxspioenkop.com

There is another modification - T-64MB2 "Crab", developed at the "Kharkov Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering. Morozov" (KMDB). The cars were shown to the general public only last year. By the way, several "Crabs" were destroyed in the Kharkov military command school.

The key advantage of the T-64MB2 is the 1-horsepower 000TD-6 diesel engine, which provides the 1-ton tank with good mobility. Only now the dimensions of the six-cylinder "suitcase" (the slang name for Kharkov tank engines) do not allow it to easily fit into the compact MTO of a Ukrainian tank. Therefore, all "Crabs" have a special feature - a characteristic hump above the engine, which is why it was necessary to raise the tank turret by several centimeters, otherwise the 45-degree rotation of the gun would be impossible. To protect the bare area, a forgotten barbette was installed, which did not allow shells to jam the tower. The T-360BM64, like the Bulat units, has a thermal imager mounted.

There are suspicions that all the newest "Crabs" have already been destroyed.

Enemy tanks of Ukraine: T-64 series

T-64B1M. Source: oryxspioenkop.com

An exotic modification of the "sixty-four" was the T-64B1M, which was discussed in the material "Bandera Armored Uniques of Special Operation "Z".

Even before 2014, this tank was intended for the army of the Congo and was a simplified T-64BM. The car has two characteristic features - there is only a built-in remote control and a turret shelf. It is noted that the tank is devoid of guided weapons. At least four vehicles in good condition were captured.

T-64BM. Source: lostarmour.info


Summing up the results of the T-64 series, it is worth saying that the Kharkov design bureaus, which are engaged in the refinement of tanks, left the undercarriage unattended. At the same time, the mass of individual modifications has already exceeded 45 tons. The elegant and maximally lightweight running gear is simply not designed for such overloads.

Failure of the suspension and road wheels - has become a common occurrence on the battlefield.

The T-64 and its modifications are the most massive, but by no means the only tanks in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The situation is such that tankers have to operate and repair three types of armored vehicles at once, rooted in the T-64, T-72 and T-80.

At least there are difficulties with three types of engines - turbo piston with two crankshafts, V-shaped and gas turbines. This imposes serious restrictions, especially in the context of a long military conflict.

The ending should ...
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  1. +15
    22 June 2022 04: 52
    The elegant and maximally lightweight running gear is simply not designed for such overloads.
    Failure of the suspension and road wheels - has become a common occurrence on the battlefield.

    The weakness of the chassis was noted almost at the time of its creation, it was not for nothing that the 72nd had huge rollers. The optimum is the T-80 chassis.
    At least there are difficulties with three types of engines - turbo piston with two crankshafts, V-shaped and gas turbines.
    And we have two types, and what's wrong - there is only one fuel (the turbine runs quietly on a solarium)!
    And generally the norm. I think that the Kharkov design bureau should no longer exist, that's enough, the entire defense industry is in Russia!
    1. 0
      22 June 2022 08: 34
      Quote: Vladimir_2U
      The weakness of the running gear was noted almost at the time of creation, in vain that hefty rollers were preserved on the 72nd.

      Don't confuse cold with flat...
      1. 0
        22 June 2022 08: 43
        Quote: svp67
        Don't confuse cold with flat...

        rollers are not one of the most important elements of the running tank?
        1. +2
          22 June 2022 08: 45
          Quote: Vladimir_2U
          rollers are not one of the most important elements of the running tank?

          And there are "unimportant"? Specify which
          1. +1
            22 June 2022 08: 56
            Quote: svp67
            And there are "unimportant"? Specify which

            First, clarify what is cold and what is flat, in your understanding ...
            1. -1
              22 June 2022 14: 13
              Quote: Vladimir_2U
              First, clarify what is cold and what is flat, in your understanding ...

              In my understanding? In it, then the T-64 was created when the military put forward a strict condition for the total weight of the tank. Morozov and his team had to work hard to be able to fit into these requirements and create a new tank. We agree their total weight, the average tank was supposed to be no higher than 40 tons, already with the modernization. By the way, for a heavy one, this weight was limited to 50 tons, so the IS-7 was rejected and the T-10 was adopted in service.
              In the process of creating and operating the T-64, we came to the concept of MBT, which automatically removed the division into medium and heavy, respectively, and the weight restrictions for tanks were no longer so categorical. Therefore, already when creating the T-72 and T-80, they did not chase after saving every gram.
              But no one considered the weak chassis of the T-64A and especially the T-64B. Moreover, it was used to create a completely new T-74 tank.
              1. +5
                22 June 2022 17: 35
                Quote: svp67
                But no one considered the weak chassis of the T-64A and especially the T-64B.
                Well, who is this meant for?

                “As a result, the consumption of 4–5 torsion bars per year for the UBG “driver” car was considered the norm ... For comparison, I’ll say that there were similar problems on the T-62, but they were not on the T-72 and T-80 ... Sometimes with torsion bars more serious incidents happened. So, one of my panzers during the exercises ran into a boulder in such a way that it not only broke the torsion bar, but also tore out the end with slots on the bottom. The car had to be sent to the BTRZ in Kirchmeser (Kirchmeser is located in the GDR. - Approx. E.V.), the turret was removed and the ending was welded on. The pullout of the median splined support threatened the death of the driver, or the destruction of the engine (V. Murakhovsky).

                A. Bulakirev and V. Bruskov spoke about mass cases of torsion barriers; on the low reliability of the rollers - A. Balakirev; on the discharge of tracks during the movement of T-64 on sandy soils with lateral rolls - V. Kulagin, V. Bruskov, I. Ashakin.

                The chassis of the T-64 tank is extremely capricious and, so to speak, unexploitable. When cornering in first gear, at high speeds and on heavy ground (wet arable land, tank track), there is an incredibly high risk of becoming without a track. At high speeds, if the caterpillar is a little loose, and turning in higher gears, the spectacle of a flying caterpillar with eversion of the fenders will remain forever in your memory!
                Alexander "Antipov" Captain of the reserve Tank Forces

                Quote: svp67
                In it, then the T-64 was created when the military put forward a strict condition for the total weight of the tank.
                You contradict yourself, the suspension was created for a medium tank - but for the main one it is normal.

                Quote: svp67
                Therefore, already when creating the T-72 and T-80, they did not chase after saving every gram.
                Well, yes, they didn’t chase, but are you aware that the T-72 ROAD ROLLER is aluminum?
                1. +1
                  22 June 2022 17: 53
                  Quote: Vladimir_2U
                  Well, yes, they didn’t chase, but are you aware that the T-72 ROAD ROLLER is aluminum?

                  Yes, I know, the roller disks are made of high-strength aluminum alloy, with the addition of zinc B-95 with steel flanges.
                  Quote: Vladimir_2U
                  Well, who is this meant for?

                  Quote: Vladimir_2U
                  As a result, the consumption of 4-5 torsion bars per year for the UBG "driver" car was considered the norm ...

                  Every time I read and think, maybe we served in different armies ... Yes, torsion bars flew, but why so often ... no, and replacing them was much easier than on the same T-62 ... where is it really special operation...
                  Quote: Vladimir_2U
                  You contradict yourself, the suspension was created for a medium tank - but for the main one it is normal.

                  What is the contradiction? You just don't get the point. The name is "screen", the main thing is weight. While the weight of the tank fit into 40 tons, it was quite consistent, as soon as it exceeded 42 tons, then its strength reserve ended
                  Quote: Vladimir_2U
                  At high speeds, if the caterpillar is a little loose, and turning in higher gears, the spectacle of a flying caterpillar with eversion of the fenders will remain forever in your memory!
                  Alexander "Antipov" Captain of the reserve Tank Forces

                  You read in. The reserve captain tells how the slovenly crew, who did not follow their combat vehicle, lost the caterpillar, with the loss of the fenders, because they were too lazy to check and tighten the caterpillar, but the car was to blame. By the way, if the caterpillar was weakened, then at high speeds a wave was guaranteed to arise on the upper branch of the caterpillar, which demolished the fender even during rectilinear movement. This also happened on the T-72 and T-80 tanks.
                  1. +4
                    22 June 2022 18: 37
                    Quote: svp67
                    Yes, I know, the roller disks are made of high-strength aluminum alloy, with the addition of zinc B-95 with steel flanges.
                    In the USSR, they often saved on matches, but here on mobilization! tank to put aluminum wheels? They always fought for weight, just some brought things to idiocy.
                    Quote: svp67
                    Every time I read and think, maybe we served in different armies ..
                    Maybe in different parts? Part of part of discord.

                    Quote: svp67
                    You just don't get the point.
                    Yes, where am I?

                    Quote: svp67
                    While the weight of the tank fit into 40 tons, it was quite consistent, as soon as it exceeded 42 tons, then its strength reserve ended
                    That's right, initially a weak hodovka that does not have a reserve for modernization. And numerous complaints do not apply to 40+ cars, but to 40-.

                    Quote: svp67
                    The reserve captain tells how the slovenly crew, who did not follow their combat vehicle, lost a caterpillar, with the loss of a fender
                    Let's not speculate. Because during the march the caterpillars, and even the "openwork" ones, stretch, even I know this.

                    Quote: svp67
                    By the way, if the caterpillar was weakened, then at high speeds a wave was guaranteed to arise on the upper branch of the caterpillar, which demolished the fender even during rectilinear movement.
                    As far as I know, with the introduction of support rollers, this problem of Soviet tanks got rid of.
                    1. 0
                      22 June 2022 18: 52
                      Quote: Vladimir_2U
                      That's right, initially a weak hodovka that does not have a reserve for modernization. And numerous complaints do not apply to 40+ cars, but to 40-.

                      Did you serve on these tanks yourself? Have you exploited them?
                      Quote: Vladimir_2U
                      Let's not speculate. Because during the march the caterpillars, and even the "openwork" ones, stretch, even I know this.

                      Let's start with the fact that there is a point at the halts that obliges you to check the car and take measures for its maintenance. The speed on the marches is not so great, they usually "fly" and drop the tracks, this is about single cars.
                      And if it comes to that, then the old tracks of the T-54 ... T-62 tanks with a metal hinge “stretched” most of all, due to its wear during movement, such as on tanks using a rubber-metal hinge, this was a significant issue better
                      Quote: Vladimir_2U
                      As far as I know, with the introduction of support rollers, this problem of Soviet tanks got rid of.

                      You don't know the topic well
                      Quote: Vladimir_2U
                      They always fought for weight, just some brought things to idiocy.

                      Yes, yes ... I wonder what you would say about the designer of our BMP-1/2 ... That's where the race for a dropped caterpillar is an almost daily thing for young mechanics
                      1. 0
                        23 June 2022 04: 03
                        Quote: svp67
                        Did you serve on these tanks yourself? Have you exploited them?
                        No, but you didn’t serve the T-64?

                        Quote: svp67
                        Let's start with the fact that there is a point at the halts that obliges you to check the car and take measures for its maintenance. The speed on the marches is not so great, they usually "fly" and drop the tracks, this is about single cars.
                        And if there is a situation or a difficult turn before the halt? And you missed:
                        At high speeds, if the caterpillar is a little loose, and cornering in higher gears spectacle of a flying caterpillar
                        It is clearly stated that turns, and without a weakened caterpillar, were fraught with dumping. Immediately about the Russian language - Separate (separated by a comma at the beginning and end of the sentence and highlighted on both sides in the middle of the sentence) words and phrases that clarify the meaning of the preceding words. So the reset of the tracks on the turn was carried out even in their ideal condition.

                        Quote: svp67
                        And for that matter, the old caterpillars of the T-54 ... T-62 tanks with a metal hinge "stretched" most of all,
                        Well damn, what is it for? Do you know that until 98, the T-72 tracks were with an open hinge and a serial connection with fingers and, therefore, pulled with terrible force? And enchanting discharges are not mentioned. And the destruction of the fenders, too, except for cases of tightening foreign objects, until the rebound pin was installed.

                        Quote: svp67
                        As far as I know, with the introduction of support rollers, this problem of Soviet tanks got rid of.
                        You don't know the topic well
                        Perhaps unfamiliar with this problem on Carrier Roller vehicles (because it is not mentioned at all), but for non-PC powered tanks this problem is generally recognized.

                        Quote: svp67
                        Yes, yes ... I wonder what you would say about the designer of our BMP-1/2 ... That's where the race for a dropped caterpillar is an almost daily thing for young mechanics
                        Well, what does a car with a narrow track and single rollers have to do with tanks, and even with young mechanics? On the T-64, the mechanics were more qualified, I think.

                        Well, the opinion of a much (fundamentally) more hardened tanker than I, of course. )))

                        Quote: militarist63
                        Quite right! I didn’t serve on the T-64A (B), only on the T-62M and T-72A, but we had officers who were replaced from the GSVG, where they had a chance to taste all the delights of the T-64A (B) .... This is how they recalled this product of the tank industry , for the most part, laconically obscenely! And in relation to this very chassis, and in terms of the power plant. Torsion bars often flew out in the chassis ...
                      2. +2
                        23 June 2022 04: 57
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        No, but you didn’t serve the T-64?

                        Thanks for making me laugh. I not only served on them in the GSVG, but also studied and operated for four years in Kharkov, at the school ... So, your statement is "past"
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        So the reset of the tracks on the turn was carried out even in their ideal condition.

                        Again, this has never happened in my experience. By the way, I looked at the biography of Murakhovsky, he was in Germany, 10 ... 15 years earlier than me. I fully admit that there were problems then, but this does not mean that by the time my service began, the designer and production workers had not solved them
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Do you know that until 98, the T-72 tracks were with an open hinge and a serial connection with fingers and, therefore, pulled with terrible force?

                        Excuse me about the "open metal hinge" on the T-72, who told you?
                        Maybe on the very first T-72s, in the early 70s, they put such tracks with OMSh on them, but by the 80s he was riding a caterpillar with a RUBBER-METAL HINGE (RMSH). Yes with serial connection. Then they were transferred to a caterpillar with a parallel connection of the T-80 type, but without a rubber treadmill. Although the possibility of using OMSH on them remained
                        Caterpillars are small-link, lantern gearing, with rubber-metal (PMSH) or open (OMSH) hinge. The number of tracks in the caterpillar is 96. The width of the track is 580 mm, the engagement pitch is 137 mm. The mass of the caterpillar with RMSH is 1698 kg, with OMSH - 1430 kg. If necessary, on the T-72 tank, caterpillars with OMSH, used on the T-62 tank, can also be used with the installation of special drive wheel rims.

                        I'll tell you more, the T-72 caterpillar was completely installed on the T-64, as well as vice versa ... I saw such tanks that used "foreign" tracks. Yes, and when he served in the Far East, we had all T-62Ms on tracks with RMSh from T-72

                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Well, the opinion of a much (fundamentally) more hardened tanker than I, of course. )))

                        Quote: militarist63
                        Quite right! Did not serve on T-64A(B)

                        This is enough. They trained on the T-64 in Kharkov, all the other schools studied other vehicles, so the officers, their graduates frankly did NOT KNOW the device and the features of the operation of this tank, which is why many were afraid of it ... I know this for sure, I had seen enough of the officers of the graduates in the GSVG. ..
                      3. 0
                        23 June 2022 05: 42
                        Quote: svp67
                        Thanks for making me laugh. I not only served on them in the GSVG, but also studied and operated for four years in Kharkov, at the school ... So, your statement is "past"
                        I'm not familiar with your biography! And I asked for the purpose of asking, not to tease. hi

                        Quote: svp67
                        Again, this has never happened in my experience. By the way, I looked at the biography of Murakhovsky, he was in Germany, 10 ... 15 years earlier than me. I fully admit that there were problems then, but this does not mean that by the time my service began, the designer and production workers had not solved them
                        Maybe it's a matter of personal luck. wink In addition to Murakhovsky, other names are mentioned.

                        Quote: svp67
                        Excuse me about the "open hinge" on the T-72, who told you? Or did you come up with it yourself?
                        Of course, by myself, all by myself.
                        The caterpillar track with RMSH is a steel casting with a comb, seven lugs - four on one side and three on the other side .... ....

                        Caterpillar with open hinge small-link, lantern gearing, consists of 97 tracks and the same number of fingers.

                        track track with open hinge has two lantern windows for

                        Caterpillars with RMSH and open joint tracks are mounted on the tank so that the tracks lying on the ground are facing forward with four lugs.


                        Quote: svp67
                        This is enough. They trained on the T-64 in Kharkov, all the other schools studied other vehicles, so the officers, their graduates frankly did NOT KNOW the device and the features of the operation of this tank, which is why many were afraid of it ... I know this for sure, I had seen enough of the officers of the graduates in the GSVG. ..
                        With all due respect, but if the combat officers scold the car, and the "academicians" praise it, then the car is clearly not easy to operate.
                        And indirectly. Sergei Suvorov, your namesake by the way, in the publication about the T-64, in the chapter on operation, did not mention a word about the suspension problems. The engine, start-up, even the heater are mentioned, strictly with the message "you need to read the instructions", but the suspension is not mentioned at all. Not at all. THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN. It turns out that the question, and it was, was simply ignored, why? The conclusion is simple, the instructions are useless in the case of an obvious weakness of the element.
                      4. +1
                        23 June 2022 05: 55
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        With all due respect, but if the combat officers scold the car, and the "academicians" praise it, then the car is clearly not easy to operate.

                        And I never hid it. Yes, the T-64 for our army, even let's say, for our people, turned out to be quite complicated. He, during operation, did not forgive "mistakes", just taking water from a puddle and pouring it into it, as many civilians did when operating tractors or those who came to him from the T-54 ... 62, it was fraught, in the future engine failure.
                        So, if it was still possible to start instructions on other tanks, purely in Russian, with the words: "Well, what a moron, you still broke it ..." Then this is definitely not about the T-64, it had to be studied and known before this moment...
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Sergei Suvorov,

                        I have no honor to know
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        in the publication on the T-64, in the chapter on operation, he did not mention a word about suspension problems. The engine, start, even the heater are mentioned, strictly with the message "it is necessary to read the instructions", but the suspension does not. Not at all. IT DOESN'T HAPPEN. It turns out the question, but he was simply ignored, why? The conclusion is simple, from the instruction, in case of frank weakness of the element, there is no sense.

                        Strange conclusion. But he only wrote about the T-64, didn’t he write about other tanks? And if he wrote, then what did he write about their running gear?
                      5. 0
                        23 June 2022 06: 03
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Maybe it's a matter of personal luck.

                        Well, of course ... but nearby, everything was falling apart, I just didn’t notice it ... You understand this is simply not possible, any breakdown, any emergency in the regiment quickly became known, especially since we had the most experienced deputy technical officers in the battalion , they often came to consult from other units. Moreover, the service in the GSVG is constant exercises and trips to the training ground, where the equipment was constantly in action
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Of course, by myself, all by myself.
                        The caterpillar track with RMSH is a steel casting with a comb, seven lugs - four on one side and three on the other side .... ....
                        The caterpillar with an open hinge is small-linked, with lantern gearing, consists of 97 tracks and the same number of fingers.
                        The track track with an open hinge has two lantern windows for
                        Tracks with RMSH and tracks with an open joint

                        The main caterpillar of the T-72 tank was with RMS, OMSh could be used if necessary, but during its operation it was certainly better not to drive
                      6. +2
                        23 June 2022 06: 34
                        Quote: svp67
                        Sergei Suvorov,

                        I have no honor to know
                        A tanker with considerable experience, a military scientist and an interesting author.
                        Quote: svp67
                        Strange conclusion.
                        By indirect.

                        Quote: svp67
                        But he only wrote about the T-64, didn’t he write about other tanks? And if he wrote, then what did he write about their running gear?
                        Of course he wrote. The running T-72 was frankly praised for its reliability, except for the nuance about clogging in swamps due to the proximity of the skating rinks. And he mentioned that when creating the T-72, the Urals REFUSED from the running T-64 due to instability to rocky soils.

                        Quote: svp67
                        The main caterpillar of the T-72 tank was with RMS, OMSh could be used if necessary, but during its operation it was certainly better not to drive
                        Yes, there was such a thing, but as it turns out, the T-62, as the main one, had a caterpillar with RMSh, so your
                        Quote: svp67
                        then the old caterpillars of the T-54 ... T-62 tanks with a metal hinge "stretched" most of all, due to its wear during movement,
                        applies to tracks with RMS, which means that it is not entirely suitable for the determining factors for dropping.

                        Quote: svp67
                        Well, of course ... but nearby, everything was falling apart, I just didn’t notice it ...
                        Well, a reset on an even straight line is still not an ordinary event. However, such cases are not mentioned at all about the T-72.
                      7. 0
                        23 June 2022 11: 23
                        Quote: Vladimir_2U
                        Well, a reset on an even straight run is still not an ordinary event

                        About which I only heard from you ... So, indeed, the event is not an ordinary one ... Because for the entire time of operation I have not seen this and have not even heard about it.
                  2. +4
                    23 June 2022 06: 01
                    Quote: svp67
                    While the weight of the tank fit into 40 tons, it was quite consistent, as soon as it exceeded 42 tons, then its strength reserve ended

                    Here it must be taken into account that the initial weight of the T-64 was "already" 34 tons, and for such a weight the suspension and openwork tracks were quite appropriate. But the weight began to increase from the very first modifications ... and the problems began.
                    1. +2
                      23 June 2022 11: 25
                      Quote: bayard
                      Here it must be taken into account that the initial weight of the T-64 was "already" 34 tons,

                      Well, yes, during the operation, the weight of the tank increased by more than nine tons, for the T-72 this figure is much lower.
                      1. 0
                        24 June 2022 10: 24
                        Since you have a dispute about skating rinks here, here's an opinion from a Ukrainian tanker).at 6.40.
                      2. +2
                        24 June 2022 11: 27
                        Quote from Lutens.
                        from Ukrainian tanker)

                        Heresy he carries. Let him show at least one photo of the "shoeless" T-72 in the Donbass, in this way. There is enough black soil and clay in the Urals, and so much and of such quality that Ukraine can only dream of, and somehow the T-72 has never been seen behind this
                      3. +2
                        24 June 2022 11: 59
                        Well, it’s unlikely that he has such a photo. In addition, every sandpiper praises his swamp, he drives a T64-bv, it’s clear that this car is closer to him.
                      4. 0
                        24 June 2022 12: 37
                        Quote from Lutens.
                        this car is closer to him.

                        I agree. And yet, the T-64 is losing this conflict to the T-72
                      5. +2
                        24 June 2022 12: 58
                        Well, as such, there seem to be no tank battles anymore. In all this time, I only found one shootout between a T-64 and a T-80 (shot by a drone). And even then, our T-80 was not visible on the video, it was simply written that it set the T-64 on fire. Some smart guys asked this guy to film a tank battle, but he politely sent them away - there is no time to suffer such nonsense in battle. Although judging by his answers, he films a lot of things, but he does not want to post anything unnecessary until the end of the conflict.
    2. +2
      23 June 2022 00: 18
      The weakness of the running gear was noted almost at the time of creation
      Quite right! I didn’t serve on the T-64A (B), only on the T-62M and T-72A, but we had officers who were replaced from the GSVG, where they had a chance to taste all the delights of the T-64A (B) .... This is how they recalled this product of the tank industry , for the most part, laconically obscenely! And in relation to this very chassis, and in terms of the power plant. Torsion bars often flew out in the chassis ... And with these small, narrow rollers, it is advisable not to drive into sandy soil, because there was a chance of losing a caterpillar, or even two, after which a technical tryndets set in - the tank actually lay on its belly, because. these road wheels easily fell into the sand! ((After the sometimes negative experience of starting the engines of the T-64 models, the easy launch of the T-62 and T-72 was simply perceived by the "Germans" with tenderness! But they there (in the GDR) received a lot of experience in replacing T-64 engines - thanks to an imperfect air cleaning system, it is very easy to ruin an engine there, which happened quite often in practice!
      And all these children's diseases T-64A (B) persisted for a very long time ...., and they are unlikely to be eliminated!
      1. +3
        23 June 2022 04: 09
        Quote: militarist63
        And all these children's diseases T-64A (B) persisted for a very long time ...., and they are unlikely to be eliminated!

        Thank you, I used your comment (part) as an argument, I hope you don't mind?
      2. 0
        23 June 2022 05: 18
        Quote: militarist63
        Quite right! Did not serve on T-64A(B)

        Very similar to "I didn't read, but I condemn"
        And on what basis do you then draw conclusions? Based on conversations. So I can tell you so many "fears" about any tank, since I managed to serve almost the entire line that if you don't know you will start to be "afraid" of them
    3. +1
      6 September 2022 21: 46
      Let me disagree. Kharkov Design Bureau, together with the city, should work for the Russian defense industry.
  2. +16
    22 June 2022 04: 54
    Judging by the photo, the ammunition load traditionally detonated in the car.

    This problem is not only for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but also for Russian tanks. Here's how ours fight it.
    “That’s why we haven’t been carrying a full ammunition for a long time. Only a “conveyor” under our feet. Twenty-two shells is enough! stands in a circle of the tower - if it hits, then Khan! Detonation. You will immediately throw back the tower ...
    Sometimes, when the “dill” has a high density of anti-tank weapons, in general, you load five shells, take them, pile on them, and come back again for five.
    1. +10
      22 June 2022 05: 14
      Surprisingly tenacious myth about the benefits of open hatches from cumulative ammunition :)
      1. +4
        22 June 2022 05: 24
        The nature of the Russian special operation seriously complicates an accurate count of tanks destroyed or temporarily disabled.
        ha ... at Konoshenkov, everything to the penny, every day!
        1. +4
          22 June 2022 11: 33
          Quote: kytx
          Surprisingly tenacious myth about the benefits of open hatches from cumulative ammunition :)
          The main reason for open hatches is that a shell-shocked person does not think well and, when leaving the tank, is sometimes unable to open the hatch if it is on the stopper. This has already been discussed here.
          1. 0
            22 June 2022 21: 20
            So they get shell shock precisely from open hatches! Although, when the BC ignites, it is the open hatches that can save lives, and even with the situational awareness of the commanders of our tanks, everything is not very good - they often stick out in the hatches until the very beginning of the battle.
      2. 0
        22 June 2022 05: 25
        Quote: kytx
        Surprisingly tenacious myth about the benefits of open hatches from cumulative ammunition :)

        It depends on the thickness of the armor, somewhere the K-jet is all, and somewhere almost half of the entire explosion breaks. I think that for tanks it is better to keep hatches closed. hi
        1. +2
          22 June 2022 11: 33
          the shock wave from a close explosion remarkably enters the battlefield through open hatches and you can easily get shell shock.
      3. Two
        22 June 2022 15: 52
        hi Aha! You will sit as if alive ...
    2. +2
      22 June 2022 05: 27
      Quote: riwas
      Here's how ours fight it.

      As I understand it, in the latest modifications of the T-90, this is solved by moving additional BC from the fighting compartment to the turret basket.
      1. +4
        22 June 2022 09: 36
        Yes something like that.
    3. +3
      22 June 2022 13: 48
      Quote: riwas
      Therefore, we have not carried a full BC for a long time. Only the "conveyor" under your feet. Twenty-two shells is enough!

      Logically. There is no point in carrying more, because reloading AZ / MZ with shells and charges stuffed throughout the BO right on the front line is a kind of fantasy. Anyway, to reload, you need to retreat to a shelter - and nothing prevents you from storing the BC there or giving it a lift there.

  3. +2
    22 June 2022 06: 44
    At least there are difficulties with three types of engines - turbo piston with two crankshafts, V-shaped and gas turbines. This imposes serious restrictions, especially in the context of a long military conflict.

    The author has again mixed up the engine names. There are no turbo piston engines with two shafts. There are diesel engines with opposite pistons and two crankshafts and turbocharging. The engine names are T-64 and T-72, respectively 6TDF 6-cylinder turbocharged diesel with horizontal cylinder arrangement with opposite pistons and two crankshafts and on the T-72 12-cylinder turbocharged diesel V-46, with a V-shaped arrangement of cylinders, a descendant of the legendary V-2.
    There are gas piston engines with a diesel engine-compressor without crankshafts, where the power is taken from the turbine shaft, i.e. a gas turbine engine with a piston motor-supercharger, they are not used on tanks.
    The T-80 uses a gas turbine engine with two turbochargers, so it has three shafts.
  4. +3
    22 June 2022 07: 08
    "An accurate count will be possible only after the end of the special operation and the transition to the control of the allied army of the entire territory of Ukraine." - just boundless optimism after four months since the start of the war))
    1. -5
      22 June 2022 09: 06
      And there, sooner or later, the exhaustion of resources and winter, so that even far from the front line it will become very cold and hungry. Not to mention the fact that intelligence cannot but look for generals among the Armed Forces of Ukraine who are ready to open the front, or stage a coup.
      1. -1
        22 June 2022 09: 45
        Intelligence can search, it's her job. Will he find it? So, even at the beginning of the war, the supreme commander turned to the generals with a proposal to overthrow the "drug addicts" and take power into their own hands, they say, it is easier to negotiate with them. The call went unanswered for 4 months)
        About the exhaustion of resources - this is true. Given that the "Ramstein coalition" has more than 50% of world GDP, and the Russian Federation - about 2%, the saying immediately comes to mind that while the fat one dries, the skinny one dies.
  5. 0
    22 June 2022 08: 31
    When describing the machines of the T-64 series, it is important to note that the thermal visibility of the 5TDF and 6-TD engines is somewhat lower than that of the Russian T-72 and T-90. The reason is a special engine duty cycle, higher air consumption and a specific ejection cooling system.
    Less????????? Here I do not agree. I would still believe that it is less than that of the T-80 with a gas turbine engine, but not with the T-72.
    1. 0
      22 June 2022 10: 30
      Here I do not agree. I would still believe that it is less than that of the T-80 with a gas turbine engine, but not with the T-72.

      Yes, I agree with you. Since the volumetric efficiency of a 2-stroke engine is much less than that of a 4-stroke engine.
  6. +3
    22 June 2022 09: 02
    Judging by the photo, the ammunition load traditionally detonated in the car.

    There is a difference, the tank exploded immediately, or continued to burn after the evacuation or death of the crew, and as a result, the BC banged. It is obvious that in the latter case there is no longer a difference, the tank just burned out, or the turret was torn off, it’s all the same for remelting.

    The tanks received their baptism of fire in the summer of 1992 in Bender, when they quite successfully opposed the Moldavian Rapiers and grenade launchers.

    What? Yes, there EMNIP had 2 hits in tanks, including a side hit with a "rapier".

    and even partially Russian captured cars. Let's leave an assessment of the effectiveness and number of Bandera trophies outside the scope of this material - here we can’t even come close to the truth

    And there the question may arise, what should be considered trophies, because even a broken enemy vehicle left after the battle is already a trophy, perhaps it is repairable on the spot, perhaps at the factory. Or perhaps they abandoned him after 2 hours, and the enemy defeated him back, because there was no time to finish him off. Or finished off, although before that they were photographed next to him.

    Usually, if the crew abandons the tank, then there is a good reason for this, and even a perfectly serviceable tank, driven up the turret into the swamp, will not work without serious efforts to pull it out.

    In general, for ukrov, the ability to capture in recent months should be assessed as very low, the battlefield is not left behind them, the columns do not fall into ambushes.

    nationalists every day knock out at least 12-15 tanks of the allied forces.

    Well, they can knock out, since they have enough targets, it will soon be nothing for Russian anti-tankers to train on. Only 70-80% of the downed ones are likely to be quickly repaired. That is, irretrievable losses can be 2-4 units. armored vehicles per day. And the ukrov themselves, as I understand it, the situation is such that the equipment is hidden, and the losses are low, then, having dug up, the rod in the next offensive loses 20-30 vehicles at once, and everything repeats.
  7. +2
    22 June 2022 09: 37
    About "Bulats" reviews of Banderotankers are exclusively obscene, the car is overweight - the walker can not stand it. You can’t drive on rough terrain at maximum speed - torsion bars break, this is about mobility. The second point is that it has been repeatedly noted that DZ boxes are hanging on Bandera tanks, but they are empty. That is, just for beauty, the same applies to tanks received from Poland, they said that they would be equipped with DZ, but near Lisichansk they showed without DZ.
  8. +2
    22 June 2022 18: 04
    Quote: Bad_gr
    Quote: kytx
    Surprisingly tenacious myth about the benefits of open hatches from cumulative ammunition :)
    The main reason for open hatches is that a shell-shocked person does not think well and, when leaving the tank, is sometimes unable to open the hatch if it is on the stopper. This has already been discussed here.

    I do not mean it.
    There was a legend among the tankers that when a cumulative was pierced, a pressure drop occurs, and open hatches, like an emergency valve, relieve pressure. It has been refuted a hundred times that the volume of the jet in relation to the internal volume is not enough to create excess pressure, but still.

    Well, yes. If the hatches are open, there are more chances to topple.
    I saw how tankers pulled out of the tank after being hit, I was surprised by their natural agility.
    1. +1
      22 June 2022 18: 10
      Quote: kytx
      There was a legend among tankers that when a cumulative was pierced, a pressure drop occurs, and open hatches, like an emergency valve, relieve pressure

      It's not true, yes.

      Quote: kytx
      If the hatches are open, there are more chances to dump

      The commander's and gunner's hatches open with one hand in a second.
      Mechan's hatch - noticeably longer, but we are not talking about it now, as I understand it. Usually the mechan's hatch is closed in battle.

      Quote: kytx
      I saw how tankers pull out of the tank after being hit, I was surprised by their natural agility

      To put you there - you won’t run like that, believe me.
      1. +2
        22 June 2022 20: 52
        I have no doubt
  9. -1
    23 June 2022 00: 09
    Well, Russian tank crews are also fighting on the Soviet legacy, if that matters. Yes, of course, with the number of lost armored vehicles of the Central Intelligence Agency Ukrainians he's exaggerating, but that's their job, that's understandable. It's not clear, if everything is so great here, why did they send T-62 or T-80 BV from storage there, not to mention the numerous examples of using, to put it mildly, stale versions of T-72?)
    This pearl is especially liked)))):
    "An accurate count will be possible only after the end of the special operation and the transition to the control of the allied army of the entire territory of Ukraine"
    Dear, God forbid Donbass to occupy the whole at least until the end of the year and defend Kherson)