What weapons of the future are Ukrainian gunsmiths preparing


Model UAV "Sokol-300", photo: Information Agency of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

Ukraine inherited from the USSR a developed defense-industrial complex. Several decades of decline have crippled its capabilities, but this does not mean that the country cannot produce modern models of weapons and equipment.

Will Ukraine be able to surprise the world with the development of modern weapons systems?

It will show in the near future.

The focus of the plans of the Ukrainian defense industry is the development of modern weapons systems, which are often called weapons the future. The country is ready to rely on unmanned aerial vehicles, including percussion vehicles, and robotic technology.

At the same time, Kiev is ready to rely on private companies and enterprises in the defense sector.

Ukraine relies on unmanned vehicles

It is worth noting that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine in total got almost 17 percent of the entire military-industrial complex of the USSR. In total, about two thousand defense enterprises remained on the territory of Ukraine, where more than 700 thousand citizens worked. By 1997, the number of workers in the Ukrainian military-industrial complex had decreased by more than 50 percent. By 2008, the number of defense enterprises had dropped almost fourfold - to 447.

Despite the general recession, a sufficient number of defense enterprises and personnel remained in the country. In recent years, the focus has been on new private companies entering this market. At the same time, enterprises have survived in the country that allow the creation of unmanned aerial vehicles. The Ukrainian industry is able to produce all components for UAVs: engines, radars, inertial systems.

It is important that such a large manufacturer remains in the country. aviation technicians, such as the state-owned enterprise Antonov, and the manufacturer of aircraft engines Motor Sich. Rocketry is also heavily represented, in particular, the famous Yuzhnoye and Luch design bureaus.

Ukrainian Bayraktar TB2, photo of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

In recent years, Ukraine, like other countries, has been actively interested in unmanned aircraft. The military conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh clearly showed how effective massing the use of unmanned vehicles can be. Even before the start of this conflict, Ukraine entered into an agreement with Turkey for the supply of drums drones Bayraktar TB2, which became one of the symbols of the war in Karabakh.

It is known that Ukraine has already acquired 6 such attack drones and three control stations, as well as one complex for the Ukrainian Navy, which was delivered literally in July 2021.

True, a number of difficulties arose with the operation of drones. In Karabakh, UAVs performed well in cloudless weather, while in most of Ukraine there are much fewer clear days. That is why the Ukrainian military does not give up hopes of creating their own drones adapted to local operating conditions.

UAVs "Falcon" and "Thunder"

One of the variants of the Ukrainian "Bayraktar" can be the drone "Sokol".

This project is being implemented by the Kiev state design bureau "Luch". Representatives of the Ukrainian defense industry believe that it will take them much less years to create their own analogue of the Turkish "Bayraktar". According to the most optimistic forecasts, it will take another two or three years. At the same time, Turkey's path to Bayraktar TB2 took almost two decades.

So far, the Ukrainian defense industry has presented only models of a new drone.

We are talking about the Sokol-300 model, which was first presented at the end of last year. The numbers in the title indicate the drone's payload mass. The development of this UAV has been going on in the country for more than two years and began back in mid-2019. Developed by the specialists of the Luch State Design Bureau, the drone is designed to conduct reconnaissance and strike at ground targets at tactical and operational depth.

Render of the UAV "Sokol-300" from the presentation of the GKKB "Luch"

It is known that, depending on the modification, the maximum take-off weight of the new Ukrainian drone can reach 1225 kg. Ideally, Ukrainian designers want to achieve a flight duration of 5 hours, a maximum speed of up to 580 km / h, and a flight range of 1300 km. The overall dimensions of the model are also known: the wingspan is 14 meters, the body length is 8,57 meters.

It is known that Sokol-300 will receive a Ukrainian-made optoelectronic station. Ukrainian engines AI-450T2 and MS-500V-05S / CE are considered as a power plant. It is also possible to install a foreign engine Rotax 914, it is with it that the drone will be able to stay in the air for the longest time - up to 26 hours. In the role of a UAV control station, the Ukrainians plan to use a ready-made control center of the RK-360 anti-ship missile system of the Neptune MC. The anti-tank guided missile RK-2P with a range of up to 10 kilometers, which is being worked on at the Luch State Design Bureau, can be used as a weapon.

Another novelty of the Ukrainian defense industry may be a kamikaze drone or a loitering ammunition "Thunder". This development is the flagship of the "Athlon Avia" company. Director of the company Artem Vyunnik notes that "Thunder" is not a classic high-precision weapon. This drone is an aircraft that carries a warhead with a seeker. At the same time, the drone is endowed with all the properties inherent in both high-precision missiles and aircraft.

Loitering ammunition "Thunder", photo: "Athlon Avia"

The tactical and technical assignment for the development of the kamikaze drone was signed in June 2020, the development of the device was completed in July 2021. It is planned to test new items by the end of the year. The drone with a takeoff weight of 10 kg carries a warhead weighing 3,5 kg. The device can stay in the air for up to 60 minutes, flying at speeds up to 120 km / h.

Robotic platform "Scorpion"

The Infocom company from Zaporozhye is another private Ukrainian company that has started working in the defense sector. Like the private company Athlone Avia, this company has stepped up defense projects since 2014. The military specialization of Infocom is the creation of unmanned robotic platforms. Use your Robots the company hopes not only for military purposes, but also for civilian use, for example, when extinguishing fires.

The Scorpion robotic unmanned platform of this company is built on a tracked chassis and has good maneuverability. Currently Infocom is working on a whole line of small robots capable of carrying a payload of up to 150 kg. These devices can be used to transport ammunition and various military equipment, including clothing and provisions, transporting the wounded on a special cart, and sabotage.

As with any modern dual-use robot, the Scorpion can be equipped with various weapons. The exhibitions demonstrated models with a module with a large-caliber machine gun and ATGM. A police version is also available, which can be equipped with a tear gas device. In the fire-fighting version, the Scorpion can be equipped with a water cannon instead of a combat turret.

Robotic unmanned platform "Scorpion", frame from the report ICTV

The main specialization of Infocom is the IT sphere. The company is working to automate production processes, optimize the operation of industrial plants and improve industrial safety. At least no problems should arise with the control system of the robotic complex. It is reported that the robots presented can be controlled using simple mobile applications using a 3G / LTE module, it is also possible to control the device using Wi-Fi and Bluetooth modules.

Rocket weapon

But the best situation in Ukraine is with rocketry and missile technology.

Here, the country is able to practically completely independently produce the widest range of military products: from anti-tank systems and similar missiles and helicopter-based launchers to anti-ship missiles, MLRS and tactical missile systems. In the foreseeable future, the Ukrainian military associates the greatest hopes with the Alder and Neptune complexes.

At the same time, a number of experts believe that in the future, the operation of small robotic systems equipped with anti-tank missiles will be more effective than the purchase of conventional armored vehicles, the same wheeled armored personnel carriers BTR-4. According to the Ukrainian defense expert Valentin Badrak, the new armored personnel carrier costs the Armed Forces of Ukraine about 32 million hryvnias, while a small ground-based robotic complex equipped with an ATGM can be much cheaper - up to 3-4 million hryvnias.

Test launch of the anti-ship missile complex RK-360 MC "Neptune", photo: Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

The expert believes that in the future, robotic technology can significantly crowd out the conventional controlled. And for the cost of one armored personnel carrier, it will be possible to equip a whole subdivision of ground-based unmanned aerial systems. At the same time, Badrak believes that the enemy may not spend valuable weapons on small targets.

The same situation may develop over time in aviation. Where the value of the conditional F-16 can be neutralized by the use of a larger number of simpler drones with an adequate set of weapons.
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  1. -3
    4 August 2021 04: 17

    Soviet apparatus - Kunnilator BM-300
    Kharkov Plant of Kunnilatorov and UAVs - USSR

    Price: 5 rubles. 50kop
    1. +7
      4 August 2021 04: 56
      All this is of course beautiful, but Ukraine needs to descend from heaven to earth and turn its muddy eye not on weapon of the futureand the weapon this... In today's realities, these are fairy tales. request
      1. +1
        4 August 2021 05: 31

        I marvel at the thought of that thought:
        Why do not I sokol, Why do not I pour,
        Why should I, God, never let krill be?
        I would have left the earth and into the sky of evil.
        1. 0
          4 August 2021 12: 12
          For me, this is the translation made by Mikhail Uspensky and better and more accurately corresponds to the realities of the day:

          "" A brave warrior was leaving the service,
          Loudly cried and sobbed:
          Why am I not a falcon
          And never flew?
          Why instead of wings
          Hands-hooks I have
          And not flight feathers -
          Haraluzhny armor?
          If I became this bird,
          A gray falcon that is to say,
          I'd dear boundaries
          I could take care of it more reliably!
          I'd come from there, from the skies,
          Couldn't give a damn about the enemy
          And his slanting thorn
          I would strive to peck ... "
          1. +2
            4 August 2021 12: 23
            Lyrics by M. Petrenko
            Music by L. Alexandrova
            Arranged by V. Zaremba
            Translation by Sergey Fatulev
            November 20.05.2011, XNUMX
            G. Samara

            I gaze at the sky with a thoughtful look:
            I would use a falcon's wings, but I don't fly,
            Oh, Lord, there is a limit to everything in the world ...
            I would spread my wings and fly into the sky.

            Behind the clouds distant, to distant countries,
            Look for destiny, heal wounds in the heart,
            To pray to the stars and the sun for happiness,
            And in their clear light, forget about the grief.

            I have been deprived of my fate since childhood,
            A servant for her, and a homeless boy,
            Alien in fate and stranger in people:
            Who really loves rootless children?

            I always fall asleep with disaster in my arms,
            In the hardships and sorrows of the ages,
            But in life there will be no other share for me -
            The distant sky is my home.

            And if melancholy suddenly overcomes me, -
            I will look at the sky, and my soul will grow warmer.
            I'm an orphan, it's hard for me to forget
            My thoughts are already flying high ...

            I would use eagle wings, strength, patience,
            I would leave the land for housewarming
            He flew into the endless sky as an eagle,
            And drowned in a white cloud for everyone!

      2. 0
        4 August 2021 09: 01
        What weapons of the future are Ukrainian gunsmiths preparing

        It seems to me it was necessary to title the article a little differently - "What kind of weapon IN THE FUTURE WILL Ukrainian gunsmiths be able to"
      3. 0
        4 August 2021 16: 25
        They have all the "achievements" - fairy tales. In reality, the country of "European" guest workers "divided into two camps
    2. 0
      4 August 2021 06: 00
      "Donbass. Realities", transfer laughing cooler only "civil defense" on ictv
  2. +2
    4 August 2021 05: 25
    But Yuri Apukhin for seven years, apparently, does not share the author's point of view!
    1. 0
      4 August 2021 05: 48
      And what was he wrong about? All this is beautiful but rests on the most important thing - mass production. And the point is not even that 99 percent of everything will either reach small batches with a gold value or disappear. And the fact that the competence of which the author is talking here zilch. Can they produce at least a dozen tanks a year? Well, at least 5? No. They saw 100 tanks or whatever Tayu had been sawing for 10 years. For money, live.
      1. +1
        4 August 2021 06: 05
        Not a hundred, but 52, and not 10 years, but six, but otherwise I agree with you!
        1. 0
          4 August 2021 06: 43
          The contract is from 11 years. And I just forgot the number) but it turns out even worse.
          1. +1
            4 August 2021 07: 58
            Yes, but in reality they performed it from 2012 to 2018, on average, 5 cars per year. request
      2. +4
        4 August 2021 06: 07
        You can argue ad infinitum.
        But even yesterday they wrote about the modernized equipment - the BMP 2 was modernized. Moreover, normal, budgetary work - not painting for dusting the eyes, nor super-duper, when the original sample cannot be recognized.
        Building new? And it is there, but the "hammer" is more often remembered than the BTR 3 and BTR 4.
        It's all about the basis. Who believes in what. Remember the phrase from "watch out for the car"?
        -... Tell me, is there a God?
        - Some believe that he is, others that he is not. Both are not provable ... "
        I have a philosophical approach to the question of the Ukrainian military-industrial complex - I see liquid in a glass. Without proving it is empty or full, I just see that it is.
        1. +1
          4 August 2021 06: 44
          They did not modernize but otkapitalili))) but what about the armored personnel carriers to remember them? How did the leaky customer arrive? Or how do they ingeniously burrow into water when forcing?) I also see the liquid in the glass. Only this is not water. They can not produce anything stupidly. There is no one, nowhere, and most importantly there is nothing. Well, literally everything is screaming about it.
          1. +6
            4 August 2021 07: 49
            Quote: carstorm 11
            They can not produce anything stupidly. There is no one, nowhere, and most importantly there is nothing.

            Without serious insight, it is difficult to judge the real state of affairs in production. There are many opinions, and they are very contradictory. Of course, apart from the total for the main weapons - not a single new tank, not a single aircraft has been from the Ukrainian military-industrial complex over the past 7 years. By indirect indications (stop of railway transport, rolling power outages predicted for this fall, hysteria about SP-2 and the threat of losing one and a half billion dollars, which is mere pennies for a state of this size, etc.), it can be assumed that the announcement of "technological breakthroughs" and the alleged military victories today have more image goals than a statement of real opportunities. On the other hand, only the threat of an external invasion can save the current government (in any case, judging by the statements of their experts, they think so). There are a lot of uncertainties in the absence of realistic information. Experts have radically dispersed in their assessments of the Ukrainian realities. We have to wait .... I think.
        2. 0
          4 August 2021 06: 58
          The liquid in the glass is so cloudy - you immediately remember that in it you can "catch" the big money from the state budget. Does anyone really take this type of news seriously? Everything is much simpler here - wealth is foolish.
        3. -2
          4 August 2021 08: 00
          I see liquid in a glass.

          Keyword liquid, everything is very "thin" hi
        4. +1
          4 August 2021 16: 10
          Quote: Leader of the Redskins
          I have a philosophical approach to the question of the Ukrainian military-industrial complex - I see liquid in a glass. Without proving it is empty or full, I just see that it is.

          I also see some kind of liquid in the ukrostakan. But I would be careful not to drink or at least smell it.
  3. +2
    4 August 2021 06: 10
    Sho say, sho say .... who slipped this garbage here?
    Well, really, is it worth discussing?
  4. 0
    4 August 2021 06: 18
    Quote: Leader of the Redskins

    - Some believe that he is, others that he is not. Both are not provable ... "

    And they don't have to explain why none of this exists.
    Believers are responsible for explaining why there is something.

    (It has nothing to do with the UAV, but I could not help but answer this passage of yours, this is important. Sorry.)
  5. KCA
    4 August 2021 07: 25
    How many pretentious statements about Neptune? And we will destroy the entire KChF, and we will destroy the Crimean bridge, and we will recapture the Crimea, but what is the result? And as a result, there is one experimental DBK launcher, there is no aviation option at all, there is no ship option at all, there are Kiev dreamers, Moscow ones, however, are also full, the development of weapons of the future is countless, only serial ones can be counted on the fingers
  6. 0
    4 August 2021 08: 56
    Well, they clearly stole GROM from the company Zala is part of Rostec.
    1. +1
      4 August 2021 09: 09
      FSB doesn't catch mice at all?
  7. 0
    4 August 2021 09: 07
    Quote: Baku 2021

    Cunnilator? And what is this concrete mixer?
  8. 0
    4 August 2021 09: 34
    But in Iran, for example, leading defense specialists from time to time get into various accidents ...

    When I was 14, I was very surprised why these pilots of the Ukrainian Air Force, who bombed children in Lugansk, did not hang themselves on their own balcony out of shame ...
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. -1
      4 August 2021 20: 03
      Can you tell me what the city is?
    3. -3
      6 August 2021 04: 34
      Quote: Jacket in stock
      When I was 14, I was very surprised why these pilots of the Ukrainian Air Force, who bombed children in Lugansk, did not hang themselves on their own balcony out of shame ...

      Well, the Luhansk security forces, who fired at the Ukrainian troops from residential areas, also for some reason did not want to hang themselves ...
      1. +2
        6 August 2021 04: 50
        Show the video ...
        But there is a video of a woman with a severed leg after a raid of Ukrainian attack aircraft ... this is a war crime for which Ukraine should be held accountable in the Hague Tribunal as a war crime.
        1. +1
          8 August 2021 15: 28
          Quote: Lech from Android.
          it is a war crime for which Ukraine should be held accountable in the Hague Tribunal as a war crime.

          there in this war there are so many photos and videos for which the "Hague Tribunal" give hunt to all sides of its opponents.
          And for Boeing and for Kramatorsk (nothing that someone decided the airfield, and at the same time bombard the large city with Smerch) and for Lugansk and Donetsk and others .. this is a war. Here both sides were shooting and there are no white fluffy ones. It's just convenient to always blame the enemy. And ours are all in white.
          As long as there is a court in The Hague. But these are white people - 298 passengers MH17. The prosecution says that three Russians and one Ukrainian are guilty. But while the trial is underway, the defense still has a chance.
      2. 0
        6 August 2021 06: 16
        Quote: onstar9
        Well, Luhansk security officials,

        Well, your saboteurs later found them and "hanged" them.
        And our mice are not caught, apparently so that the "brotherly people" do not offend .... or maybe they just did not stock up on ropes, there you have a runoff of candidates ....
        Well done, they were Poles, they did not hesitate, they hung them along the roads for kilometers. And it turned out to be effective, so many years have passed, and you are still licking their ass.
  9. -6
    4 August 2021 10: 34
    Hello! The most dangerous drone of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is Bayraktar. This thing is fine-tuned. But! In six months, Ukraine and Turkey will have Akinchi 2 (Ukrainian engines and Turkish assembly). This is already a serious device. He has a high ceiling and he can take a load not of 150 kg like bayraktars, but more than a ton. Accordingly, he will throw 250 kg aerial bombs. Then the militia's losses will increase, moreover. When Akinchi 2 will be 20 pieces of the APU will go forward but will not go abruptly, so as not to provoke Russia to strike. They will try to advance in different places, first of all, of course, Gorlovka and Zaitsevo to cut LPR and LPR. Dokuchaevsk and Kominternovo are also important.
    1. 0
      8 September 2021 17: 05
      they will not go anywhere. they are satisfied with the current state of affairs. time is now working for them.
  10. 0
    4 August 2021 13: 54
    They will be able to develop INTO something else, but serial production is no longer there.
    1. +1
      8 September 2021 17: 09
      there is no point in this drone. it will not be.
      how many do you need? pieces 50? with the probability of selling to others near zero?
      cheaper and faster to buy bikatars.
  11. +2
    4 August 2021 16: 41
    Recently, such messages about promising developments of the Ukrainian military-industrial complex appear on the Internet very often. But mostly these are either concepts, or mock-ups, or an exhibition sample. This is at its best. The country curator of Ukraine, the United States, will never allow making competitive military equipment. Business and nothing personal, and this must be understood. That was not why the Maidan was organized. Ukraine is assigned the role of Bandera infantry under NATO in the event of a conflict with Russia. Therefore, there will be help only within the framework of this and no more.
    1. -2
      6 August 2021 04: 43
      Quote: tank64rus
      The country curator of Ukraine, the United States, will never allow making competitive military equipment.

      What nonsense? In the same way, we can say that "Russia - the curator of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, etc., will never allow them to make competitive military equipment" .... It will, and allow everything ... Another thing is whether they will be able to make such equipment, even if "allow ten times"? Taiwan is a developed country, without America's help it cannot create a significant weapon for confrontation with China. And what can we say about Ukraine .... Even Turkey cannot do anything outstanding. Only now we "got out" a little on drones. The rest of their weapons are of a mediocre level.
      1. 0
        28 September 2021 18: 31
        Because Russia does not prohibit anything like that to anyone.
        But the United States really does ban it, meddling with Ukraine's deals with China.
        And Ukraine cannot do anything for its grandmother. China's loot could help.
        The USA blocked it.
        And what is this if not a ban? :)
  12. 0
    5 August 2021 00: 22
    If Ukraine could embody its cardboard fantasies in metal, then it should have given up yesterday ..
  13. -2
    10 August 2021 13: 00
    Well, well) .... Shaw the owner will give it and will. Or the fuselage and unfinished ones will pull and stink of a peremog)
  14. The comment was deleted.
  15. 0
    12 September 2021 06: 43
    Judging by the mortar hammer, the Ukrainian army will continue to destroy its own weapons, the main thing is not to interfere ...
  16. 0
    28 September 2021 18: 28
    The author, about the Falcon, it seems to me you are wrong. 300 is not a load at all. This is the distance at which this device can be operated. Moreover, this is only if there is a repeater.
    Without a repeater, the UAV can only be controlled for 150 km.
    Then he stops seeing the operator's signals and this is where his career ends, or he returns to the starting point.
    If the APU is able to deploy another repeater at a distance of 150 km from the main one, then theoretically it is possible to control the UAV through the repeater.
    Unfortunately, it is impossible to make a chain of such repeaters because the signal quality is lost and in general Ukraine is no longer about computers. Alas.

    Further - the loitering ammunition "Thunder". For some reason, it seems to me that it was recently used already in the LDNR, or more precisely, in terms of its composition with fuel like

    And the last one is the Scorpion Robotic Platform.
    This is the development of Infocom. All of Ukraine knows them.
    There children write code. Well, conditionally children, of course. Junior developers - that's their level. Because the hucksters' owners are not ready to pay the norm.bablo for good progers. And besides, in their business model, the turnover rate of 60% per year is normal. I’m sitting at 7.65 and then I’m fighting for a decline. And they have 60.
    They cannot make a normal software product. I control the robot modulo and I can do something in five minutes so that the robot conditionally raises its hand. It is not difficult at all, since everything is already there. And they will NOT be able to do something worthwhile.
  17. 0
    28 September 2021 21: 09
    And what else can Ukraine do if the pilots run away into civilian life? And maybe somewhere else. Who knows, won't tell.
  18. 0
    1 October 2021 18: 24
    Oh, what a delight Ukraine is! And nothing that this is all in order to more accurately kill the inhabitants of the Donetsk Republics ?!
  19. -1
    5 October 2021 07: 52
    Thanks to the author. This is what I thought, unfortunately, many are scoffing here, more than that, their experts on Ukrainian TV describe the realities even worse! And I think that we are forgetting the main thing, basically the Ukrainians are united against us, they have a goal of creating in opposition to us. Let's not forget that historically the people are talented and hardworking, it's worth seeing how many have been created by my fellow countrymen. Moreover, communicating with relatives and colleagues, I found out that in general they live quite well, for this one simply does not need to rely on the servants of the people, and they have opportunities. Who wants of course. They have developments, and most importantly they have "sponsors" and benefactors (including our government, which is wiping out ....) very likely to organize production at local enterprises. Well, then we will be surprised how it already happened!
  20. 0
    15 October 2021 13: 35
    "... where is the money, Zin ?!" V.S. Vysotsky.