Deadborns. Soviet diesel missile submarines

Deadborns. Soviet diesel missile submarines

An unpleasant fact for us, but by the mid-50s we were losing the Cold War. And it was not about the warheads, we produced them no worse than the Americans, but about the delivery of these same charges to the United States.

The Tu-4A aircraft is outdated. Tu-16 did not reach the range. The famous "Bears" - Tu-95 - began to operate only in 1956, and they were few, extremely few, and given the need to break through the powerful US air defense, the idea was almost hopeless.


The R-5, of course, is a good car and even, one might say, epoch-making, but with a range of only 1200 km. In Europe it is good, in the USA it is not.

But the enemy had order - firstly, a huge fleet of strategic bombers, and secondly, the development of Jupiters, which in the late 50s would appear at the borders of the USSR, and Polaris for submarines was underway. Developed "Atlases" (in service since 1958) and "Torah". In a word, they could get us, but we could only strike at the European allies of the United States. An answer was needed, and it was found in the form of submarines.

If the missiles are not capable of reaching the target, they can be brought to the spot, since there were some studies. As many as two - firstly, the R-11 ballistic missile with a range of 260 km, and secondly, the P-5 cruise missile with a range of 500 km. With the second, everything was longer, but the first went quickly.

In January 1954, a meeting of designers was held, and already in June 1956, the first converted submarine of the B611 project entered service. The result was ambiguous - two R-11FM ballistic missiles with a range of 150 km and a warhead of 10 kilotons were perched on the initially torpedo boat. Launch preparation - two hours, then surfacing and launching missiles on the surface. All this, of course, is very bad, but a chance. Theoretically, such a boat could break through to the coast of the United States and, again, theoretically, strike at coastal cities.

Theoretically - because the range was not enough, which, however, can be solved in peacetime. There was no particular choice. And a slightly improved project for rebuilding submarines 611 into missile carriers - AB611 was launched.

In total, in 1957-1958, 5 submarines of this type were refitted. The project was frankly no, and in 1966 the missile armament was dismantled. The first pancake came out rather lumpy, but gave experience and at least a theoretical chance to hit a previously unattainable enemy.

Russian golf

In the meantime, while our Zulu were making the first launches, the development of the ballistic missile carriers went in two directions - nuclear and diesel submarines.

Everything was sad with atomic, I will write about them next time. And with diesels, the process began - the new project 629, of course, did not boggle the imagination. All the same surface launch, however, the R-13 missile was being finalized with a range of 600 km, but with the same problems - liquid fuel and 4 minutes to launch on the surface. However, the first three missile carriers received R-11FM, industry and science did not keep pace.

The development of a ballistic missile with an underwater launch was in full swing, the future R-21 promised many benefits, but a nuclear argument was needed here and now. And in 1957, construction began on a series of 24 missile carriers. It turned out controversial, at least before the rearmament on the P-21, but three arguments of one megaton on each ship gave confidence and held back the overseas enemy.

The last "Golf" entered service in 1962, when nuclear missile carriers were already in full swing. Two years later, nuclear submarines of project 667A will go into series, and by the end of the 60s, the new missile carriers will be hopelessly outdated and unnecessary. Although even earlier, by the time of the Cuban missile crisis, the USSR would stockpile the Tu-95, the R-7 ICBMs will appear, and more serious missiles will be developed ...

But the "Golfs" will remain in the ranks, however, where it is quieter - in the Pacific Ocean, and since the 70s - in the Baltic: it was believed that it was they who would guarantee a retaliatory strike against the European NATO countries.

As for me, it was stupid to write off the new ships, there were too many of them for experiments and tests, so they served ... Even one missile carrier in the "Commander of the Happy Pike" was removed.

Now it is difficult to judge whether such a rush with the construction of a huge number of boats was justified, but during the Cuban missile crisis, all the hope was on them. During the entire period of operation, one ship was lost - "K-129" in 1968, the same ship, the nose of which the Americans will raise from a depth of 4 km as part of Operation Jennifer. One submarine was transferred to China, becoming its first and for a long time the only missile carrier. She, too, died, according to rumors and gossip, when she collided with the Soviet nuclear submarine.


Our second chance to reach the United States was strategic cruise missiles.

In 1959, the P-5 rocket of Academician Chelomey was put into service with a range of up to 500 km and a warhead of 200 kilotons. At that time, this rocket in terms of characteristics was not much and worse than the R-13 and had the same drawback - a surface launch, which unmasked the submarines.

Immediately, the construction of nuclear submarines began and the re-equipment of medium diesel boats of project 613 for a new one weapon... There were two alterations - projects 644 and 665, six units of each project. The rework career turned out to be even shorter than that of the Golfs - by the mid-60s it turned out that the US air defense was intercepting the P-5 KR lightweight, and they were transferred to the Baltic and the Black Sea, where there were still chances to work on targets, and after a decade it was quiet cut. But for a short time, which fell during the Cuban missile crisis, these ships and missiles became an argument capable of attacking NATO naval bases.

But this is not the end stories.

On the basis of the P-5, the P-6 anti-ship missile system was developed and, in its own way, a unique project 651 boat, nicknamed by the Americans "Juliet", which was supposed to carry 4 P-6s. The uniqueness was that by the end of the 50s they still realized that a conventional diesel submarine as a carrier of missile weapons was extremely vulnerable. And the "Juliet" was planned to be equipped with a new storage battery - silver-zinc, which allowed the submarine to go under water for 810 miles. But something went wrong. And the quarrel with China, where the silver for the battery came from, turned these ships into ordinary mediocrity.

Surface launch of missiles, low speed, relatively high noise level, two control systems (initially the boats counted on the use of P-5 and P-6), abandonment of low-magnetic hull steel ... Nevertheless, 16 ships were built, putting the latter into operation fleet already in 1968. Built in order to think - what to do with them. A small-sized reactor (Dollezhal's egg) was even developed for them, but this project did not take off within a reasonable time. As a result, the boats ended up at the end of their careers, mainly in the Baltic and the Black Sea Fleet, a kind of graveyard of unsuccessful projects.

To summarize, the USSR built 39 diesel-electric submarines with ballistic and cruise missiles and refurbished, not counting experimental samples, another 17 ships of other projects. As a result, there were 56 diesel missile carriers. All with surface missile launch, all extremely vulnerable and outdated, almost on the stocks.

Is it correct?

Of course, right.

Unlike the United States, which could work for us from Europe, we could only reach their territory by sea. Even the appearance of the R-7 ICBM did not change much - the long preparation on the open launch pad made the missile extremely vulnerable to the first strike.

There are situations when they do badly out of lack of mind, but there are situations when it will not work out otherwise. And the diesel-powered missile carrier fleet is exactly the case. Well, with the exception of Juliet, which had to be removed from construction from the fifth building. But inertia worked there. The rest is exactly the argument that tipped the balance in favor of peace, not war. In 1962, the United States had to take into account 69 P-13 and 20 P-5s capable of hitting their shores. And in this sense, everything was done correctly, no matter how paradoxical the idea of ​​building diesel missile carriers sounded.

Another question - why not refurbished later?

But here, too, not everything is so simple - it is expensive. The history of the late XIX - early XX centuries was somewhat repeated, when ships became obsolete on the stocks, and attempts to outrun time gave rise to freaks.

It is about freaks and mistakes - in the next article about Soviet nuclear submarines of the first generation.
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  1. +17
    9 June 2021 18: 41
    The author, of course, would have built everything at once and planes, missiles, and submarines.
    I would like to ask him for what funds and on what equipment? based on what knowledge and what experience? what specialists?
    It's good to be correct and uncompromising in the back mind.
    1. +24
      9 June 2021 20: 47
      Quote: prior
      The author, of course, would have built everything at once and planes, missiles, and submarines.
      I would like to ask him for what funds and on what equipment? based on what knowledge and what experience? what specialists?
      It's good to be correct and uncompromising in the back mind.

      You have read the article very inattentively. The accents in the article are placed correctly. The author does not criticize anyone. He just talked about what happened. It is impossible to do better than it was done. At that time and in those conditions. And the author talks about it.
      1. 0
        17 June 2021 14: 39
        I liked the article! Everything is accurate and clear!
    2. +2
      10 June 2021 13: 22
      on what funds and on what equipment? based on what knowledge and what experience? what specialists?

      On what equipment, on the basis of what knowledge and experience did the Americans commission the Polaris in 1960?
  2. +22
    9 June 2021 18: 48
    Just a few years ago, the war ended, food was sold by ration cards, and almost the entire population without exception wore quilted jackets ... What kind of nuclear submarines could there be?
    1. +8
      9 June 2021 21: 02
      Quote: Xlor
      Just a few years ago, the war ended, food was sold by ration cards, and almost the entire population without exception wore quilted jackets ... What kind of nuclear submarines could there be?

      Especially, if you do not know, about the amount of technological assistance to China.
      Our cost of helping to develop the Chinese economy was 5 times more than the total cost of the Marshall Plan ...
      1. +1
        15 July 2021 15: 47
        Our cost of helping to develop the Chinese economy was 5 times more than the total cost of the Marshall Plan ...

        And all this in conditions of a half-starved population of their own country. And what is most important, such generous assistance never once prevented Chairman Mao from repaying the Soviet Union "despised for the kindest". :(
    2. +9
      9 June 2021 21: 41
      Generally, food ration cards were abolished in the USSR in 1947. On December 14, 1947, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) N 4004 "On the implementation of monetary reform and the abolition of cards for food and industrial goods" was issued, signed by Stalin and Zhdanov. The task was to stabilize the economy. In the same Great Britain, cards were canceled only in 1954.
    3. 0
      10 June 2021 09: 35
      Quote: Xlor
      Just a few years ago, the war ended, food was sold by ration cards, and almost the entire population without exception wore quilted jackets ... What kind of nuclear submarines could there be?

      Oh oh oh. What a wretchedness of thought. It's not about ration cards and quilted jackets. The first reactor in the Soviet Union was built in 1946. How much time did it take to create a reactor for a submarine? Obviously more than one year. And you say - quilted jackets.
  3. +7
    9 June 2021 19: 10
    a good article, everything is correctly described, but very short, and after all there was a lot of collisions of different design ideas and directions
  4. +24
    9 June 2021 19: 20
    About "stillborn" - not a very good name. What are they stillborn? they functioned and posed a threat (what / no) and for a long time. We went to the Mediterranean ...
  5. +24
    9 June 2021 19: 45
    It is hard to be the first - NOBODY knew how to ensure the safety of the launch, how to protect the submarine from hot gases, whether the rocket would withstand the long-term rolling and pressure at depth.
    Nevertheless, the USSR became the first country to possess ballistic missile submarines.
    During the world's first launch (16.09.55) on board the diesel-electric submarine were: chief designers, future academics:
    -ballistic missile R-11FM - SP Korolev;
    - submarine of project B611 - N.N. Isanin,
    And the main initiator of the creation of missile submarines, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Admiral L.A. Vladimirsky.
  6. +10
    9 June 2021 19: 53
    Now you can easily compare what was wrong or wrong.
    And then they simply could not create what was needed, for objective reasons.
    They did what they could and how they could ...
  7. +22
    9 June 2021 20: 07
    But the enemy had order - firstly, a huge fleet of strategic bombers, and secondly, the development of Jupiters, which in the late 50s would appear at the borders of the USSR, and Polaris for submarines was underway. Developed "Atlases" (in service since 1958) and "Torah". In a word, they could get us, but we could only strike at the European allies of the United States. An answer was needed, and it was found in the form of submarines.

    The author is new to the question.
    In the United States, there was also the problem of delivery, and there they tried to adapt diesel-electric submarines as carriers in the same way. And the result was no better, even worse, since the Regulus rocket, after surfacing, was removed from the hangar and installed on the launcher.

    For those who speak the language of a potential enemy -
  8. +18
    9 June 2021 20: 13
    You completely forget about a similar program in the United States. DPL carriers of the "Regulus" KR Practically the same age as their Soviet equivalents. The Regulus start was overwater. I've been on a boat like this. Growler. There, on excursions, the old sailors openly said that these submarines were suicide bombers. And that no one expected them to survive. At best, they will be sunk AFTER the launch of the CD. So if you criticize the Soviet submarines - carriers of strategic CD, then all the same shortcomings are inherent in the American diesel-electric submarines - carriers of strategic CD. The flight range of Regulus 1 is 925 km. It is quite another matter that in the United States much faster created ICBMs underwater launch Polaris and nuclear submarine "George Washington" for them. Even after the appearance of Trident, the Polaris remained in service for a long time. It was an excellent rocket. "Lunch the Polaris, the end doesn't scare us. When it will cease, the warheads will all RUST IN PEACE" - Megadeth.
    1. ANB
      9 June 2021 21: 10
      ... I've been on a boat like this. Growler

      And I was on our 629 Ave. We were taken on an excursion in Liepaja.
      We walked around the boat, looked at the bunk directly on the diesel engine.
      And they decided that the divers on diesels were very heroic. And we, if possible, want to serve at the atomic ones :)
  9. -7
    9 June 2021 20: 15
    “An unpleasant fact for us, but by the mid-50s we were losing the Cold War”))) And in the end we lost it.
    1. +2
      10 June 2021 00: 27
      Learn history, you ignoramus. Joseph Stalin led a country that was in a TOTAL economic blockade. And he built a superpower out of non-Honduras, who could not even provide himself with rifles. Do you understand this or not? Regardless of the Trotskyists' conspiracy, despite the Comintern sucking resources, despite the conspiracies of the generals "I will cut off your ears, Koba." I CREATED A SUPERPOWER, from whose nedogonduras almost everything was weighed out of sickly people after Napoleon. Tiny Japan tore the "God-rescued" warmer like a tuzik. You can say what you want about "British and American help", but don't lie to yourself. "Varyag" and a bunch of other ships were not built in Russia (they did not know how, and if they did, then the shipyards were simply not enough). Both the guns and the vehicles of the Japanese fleet were NOT English mators. And they were not commanded by an American admiral. Broke. For nedogonduras with 27% literacy and no heavy industry. And under Stalin's leadership, they caught up with them all. We ran for almost 100 years in 20. Almost. A herd of rams controlled by a Wolf will tear apart a herd of wolves controlled by a ram. And Stalin was such a Volchara in front of whom Churchill himself "felt an incomprehensible desire to stand at attention." It was Titan. He was the Greatest Politician after Frederick the Great and Duke of Richelieu. Before him Napoleon and Bismarck are mongrels. George Washington and other "founding fathers" are even smaller than mongrels in comparison with the Stalins. That's all. Are you in charge now? Not that not Volchara, not even a koiot and not a fox ... but so ... something incomprehensible. Nedogiena. Very reminiscent to me of Don Rab. The "gray mushroom of mediocrity" and his Oligarchs will eventually devour him, if he does not call on the "Order" (that is, the security forces) for help. By the way, you already have the Order (ZAO ROC). He is engaged in squeezing out buildings from schools, universities and hospitals and divorcing suckers for grandmothers "Candles bought in other churches do not work in ours." You are headed by something faceless, honoring Solzhenitsin and Ilyin. An anti-Soviet, and if so, then a Russophobe. Well, the results are as follows. And the fact that "America is panicking." Include what's between the ears. What can knock out money for the military-industrial complex and the Army better than the notorious "Russian Threat". Why, the Russians are coming, they have new cartoons ... And if so then you need to knock out the dough ... You are where you are because you are terpily. Be patient with what is wrong with you, and without petroleum jelly. Without Stalin, Mao, Castro, or, in extreme cases, without Mussolini or Franco, you will have HANA ... Liberators and Oligarchs will simply destroy everything, starting with the brains of your children, and what they do not destroy will be destroyed by fat obscurantists in women's dresses.
      Do you want to continue to be under-Honduras? Go on, you will soon gobble up the Soviet Legacy and groundwork in Science, Art and Education. Do you want to be a Superpower like under Stalin? Learn from your neighbor. Unlike yours, PLA Fighters fly with AFAR radars. And to begin with, it would be not sickly to shoot down the 5th column to Benin's mother, together with the corrupt officials and bureaucrats who have forgotten that their task is to serve, not to extort, and together with the bandits who have become "Dear businessmen". Something like China did it. If you are VERY lucky, your grandchildren will speak Chinese. And if not, they will know "100 words in English" and will be "knowledgeable consumers" these are those who will survive, and the rest simply "will not fit into the market" ...
      1. +5
        10 June 2021 15: 03
        Oh, how sad everything is. Yes, here the clinic is directly visible in the manner of presentation. Such a wonderful opus. A vinaigrette of lies, distortion of facts and omissions. One could argue, but there is no desire to bang against the wall.
        1. +2
          10 June 2021 18: 50
          Yes, believe anything. Just show me how the living conditions in Russia behind the Garden Ring have improved for a mere mortal over the past 10 years? How many new schools, colleges, polyclinics were opened (especially in small towns and villages), how much unemployment has decreased, especially among young people. Tell me about the successes of culture and art, except for "Zoya", "Bastards", "Devyatayev" and the inability of the blogger in whose skirt you brought to the economic forum. About how the grocery basket has increased. Tell me about how the money and children of your officials returned to Russia. Tell me how you stopped spitting on your own past. (We have the same problem, by the way). And at the same time tell me how there are successes with AFAR radars, new torpedoes. How did the AK-12 turn into just a tuning old AK74 with a bunch of picanites? Where is Armata? Where is the SU-57? You make fun of our Penguin, but they ARE and Fly. You are making fun of our F-22. But it WAS when you didn't even have an idea about the SU-57. By the way, it also has and also flies. And not in the amount of 10-15 pieces. Crimea yours? Your. And it should have been yours. And any place where the foot of the Soviet soldier has gone belongs to Russia. Only you have loved everything. And then tell us how much the brain drain from Russia has decreased. Show me exactly where I lied. And I will listen, and then with tears in my eyes I repent that I was wrong.
          1. +4
            11 June 2021 13: 34
            I will not argue, I will be too lazy to look for facts. I immediately poke a stick into the pus.
            It's very funny to watch a sausage emigrant prove to me, a Russian, living in Russia, in Siberia, how bad it is to live here. Yes, we eat up the last hedgehog and the coupons for the Internet run out, by the way, it will be necessary, by the way, to write a denunciation of some dissident to Comrade Major, so that a new portion of both of them will be given out.
            Here you left for America, for the sake of blessings and a satisfying life. I achieved everything. Why are you spinning here, among us Russians? You prove to us how inferior we are here (and the whole cartoon about nedogonduras is just about this case). Let's not talk about the fact that "you need to love Russia in the rain, when the weather is clear, it is dear to everyone anyway." You do not love Russia, you are not proud of it. You diligently attach yourself to American achievements, to which, by the way, neither you nor your ancestors have anything to do with it. OUR f-22, OUR Penguin. Evona turned aside.
            But in my soul, it seems to be itching. Otherwise, you would not be rubbing here, you would not try to teach. Do you know why itching? Because "Russia does not fit in a hat, gentlemen beggars."
            1. +3
              11 June 2021 18: 07
              Well, let's get started. You could not refute a single fact that I brought. The drain is protected. This time.
              About Penguin and F-22, I say "our" because I live here, served here. If I were "Amrikanskie", then some kind of smart ass, would start to jerk that they say "why don't you consider yourself an American"?
              I'm not going to lecture you, they don't pay me for it. I am simply stating a fact, while the Vlasov rag hangs over the Kremlin, the lowered Hitler lackeys, you will get worse and worse. Naturally, you do not eat hedgehogs yet, but you have already received the "mushroom and berry tax". And then, as in Chippolino, there will be a tax on rain and air.
              By the way, you write that I left for the USA "for the sake of attendants and hearty housing", you are completely wrong from the word. I left not for the sake of attendants and nourishing housing, but FROM what you all (who by action, who by inaction) turned the USSR. As my grandfather (by the way, the lieutenant colonel of the border troops) said, "It's time to tick, there will be no sense here. They will be robbed, sold and drunk everything. And what they don't plunder, they dirtied and vulgarize, well, we can't live without Stalin, we can't." And, by the way, no one can reproach him that he was not right.
              And again you say that "I am spinning among you, Russian". Well, first of all, I didn't try to make friends with any of you. I just read and express my thoughts. No more. I do not impose my friendship and society.
              You say, "You don’t love Russia." Excuse me, you have over the capital - the flag of the lowered Natsik lackeys, as in Ukraine. On the 9th of May, the Lenin Mausoleum is slaughtered with the same tricolor. Well, about the economy, education, culture, 3 churches a day instead of schools, clinics, schools and factories, you can read directly on this site. Industry, medicine, I need not tell you. You can swagger as much as you want, but you are at your best. And there are few reasons: a) Lack of state ideology b) Capitalism (or rather its wildest version - feudal oligarchic, as it was in the United States at the end of the 19th, the beginning of the 20th century, the so-called robber Baron Capitalism). By the way, where do you think I found all those facts about Torpedoes, AFAR, and your other problems? It is on this site. So the problems are not for me, moreover, you cannot refute nifiga. By the way, I fully admit that the oil industry does not live badly either. But I know very well how my distant relatives live in Vladimir, Kolchugino, Peresvet and Podolsk. By the way, I read about the general flight of scientists from Russia right on this site. Again, you cannot refute my facts, but if so, you tear off your vest (made in Turkey) and shout "In the rain" as you love Russia.
              And lastly, I do not teach anyone, I campaign. I wonder why you grieve that I am campaigning for the USSR and Stalin. Avon sausages you from this. Lovers of Solzhenitsin, Ilyin, Yeltsin and their protégé and ideological heir, Putin, are clearly not posed when they are poked in the nose that the USSR was a superpower with world achievements, and Russia was not. That in the USSR there was social justice, albeit not ideal, but not in Russia. That in RUSSIA, (not in the USSR), bureaucrats tell the youth “The state does not owe you anything, we did not ask you to give birth to anyone. but even so Lenin was also engaged in campaigning in Russia from abroad :-). <Joke>
              And the penultimate one. Love and patriotism should be streets with a TWO-WAY movement. Otherwise it turns out to be Stockholm syndrome and masochism. The country should be such that it WANTED to protect it. By the way, if an official says that "The state does not owe you anything," then citizens do not owe ANYTHING to such a state. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought and won and died with the cry "For the Motherland, for Stalin." On the planes and tanks it was written "For RKPB", "For the USSR". And now, do you think they will fight with shouts "For Stalin, for Sechin, for Usmanov, for Deripaska, for Gref"? And on the tanks will they write "For Gazprom, for ZAO ROC"? Here, I see a kind of Su-25 takes off, and on board is written "Potaninsky avenger."

              And the last one. You are right, MOTHERLAND does not fit into a hat. But my Motherland is the USSR, and not some country under the flag of lowered Natsik lackeys, where their past is doused with manure like "Zoya", "Davlaev" and then to the heap (the heap is known what). Where are the oligarchs and the government so fond of their country that money and children are taken to the "hated west", by the way, where do the Puti-Pu children live? And where do Lavrov's children live? And further down the list. In our country, even the most filthy Democrat does not send his children for permanent residence outside the United States, and even the most filthy, most filthy democratic scum do not have citizenship of other countries. Well, about culture, art, education, medicine, and further down the list, you can read yourself, on the same site. You can read about torpedoes and AFAR (lack of them), about all the problems with the SU-57 and Armata right there. And do not present your claims and "indignation from the depths of your soul" to me. And not even to other authors, but to their own government and their own oligarchs and bureaucrats.
              And since you are in Siberia, if I were you, I would start learning Chinese. Maybe your children will be lucky and you will live under Socialism.
              1. 0
                11 June 2021 18: 30
                I was even too lazy to read this footcloth.
                1. +1
                  17 June 2021 14: 36
                  What kind of "papa colonel" is this! In his expressions, he was already a traitor to the Motherland, because he gave the oath, and he brought up his son that he smeared his heels from the country! And the rest are to blame !!!! And your daddy doesn't feel guilty ?!
                  1. 0
                    28 August 2021 17: 19
                    My father is not a military man. Military grandfather. was. He took the oath to the SOVIET UNION and the RED BANNER. And not Russia and not the Vlasov tricolor. And even more so not to Ukraine and Bandera's rag.
              2. The comment was deleted.
              3. 0
                28 August 2021 14: 38
                Bravo, Baron!)))
                There are konesh, excesses, but 99% everything is to the point.
      2. +1
        10 June 2021 19: 02
        And the USA did not build factories in the USSR?
  10. +8
    9 June 2021 20: 26
    Quote: prior
    It's good to be correct and uncompromising in the back mind.
    Do we read diagonally? The author just focuses on the fact that they did so not because they did not want or did not know how, but because in those conditions it could not have been otherwise. And no matter how short-lived those rocket diesels would seem, they completed their task. And they did it on "yat"! And for this, honor and glory to the designers who created them, the workers who built them, and immense respect for the guys who served on them. As one who served on their distant descendant SSBN K-447 of project 667B I am writing. It all started with them.
  11. +2
    9 June 2021 20: 29
    In hindsight, everyone is strong, but try to complete the task with what you have. ?))
  12. -6
    9 June 2021 20: 30
    Samsonov, ugh Ivanov, has already reached out to submarines, starting with the history of WWII and WWII. And with the same result. Losers are always Losers ...
  13. +3
    9 June 2021 20: 44
    Even one missile carrier in the "Commander of the Happy Pike" was removed.

    Was there, EMNIP, etc. 613 in the role of "pike"?
  14. +5
    9 June 2021 20: 50
    It seems that the author was in a hurry. Minimum information and no history. Even Wikipedia provides more information. By the way, the "dead" were in the ranks until the end of the 80s. In 89, one of them with a suspended reactor stood in Ara-Guba, I saw it myself.
    1. +4
      9 June 2021 23: 40
      More precisely, even before the early 90s. In Liepaja, being on an internship, I was on 651 projects, went to sea on L-2
    2. +1
      10 June 2021 11: 16
      There were 651 projects with the reactor
      1. 0
        10 June 2021 21: 42
        Yes, 651E. An acquaintance walked on it.
  15. +9
    9 June 2021 21: 18
    In fact, we should all be grateful to all those who created the nuclear missile shield. The one who does nothing is not mistaken.
  16. -7
    9 June 2021 22: 40
    Wouldn't it have been better even then to admit that we couldn't win the Cold War? And start negotiating with the States on a civilized resolution of the conflict
    1. +11
      9 June 2021 23: 39
      So Gorbachev agreed. Very civilized. How do you like the result? For some reason, I'm not very good.
      1. -2
        10 June 2021 00: 30
        That you were up in arms against Gorby, he fulfilled his task on "5 +" ... Another thing was WHO gave him this task ... :-( "When I saw him, I realized that this gentleman will sell us EVERYTHING" - Ronald Reagan
    2. +1
      10 June 2021 11: 17
      They tried the same. Google the theory of peaceful coexistence. But Americans CANNOT tolerate independent countries. Basically.
  17. -4
    10 June 2021 02: 42
    I read the article and got the impression:
    Every now and then I hear: "Zhores did not take into account", "Herzen failed", "Tolstoy misunderstood" ... As if a company of poor students was operating in history!

    But at the end it still became clear:
    There are situations when they do badly out of lack of mind, but there are situations when it will not work out otherwise. And the diesel-powered missile carrier fleet is exactly the case.

    But the author's argument says that in the USSR "nothing was produced except for galoshes." You can argue about this for a long time and is painful for pride because:
    But the enemy had order - firstly, a huge fleet of strategic bombers, and secondly, the development of Jupiters, which in the late 50s would appear at the borders of the USSR, and Polaris for submarines was underway. Developed "Atlases" (in service since 1958) and "Torah". In a word, they could get us, and we could only strike at the European allies of the United States.

    But why did the enemy, who had order in everything, not show himself in any way? Why "did not he dare to speak the word across"? But because in the USSR, the Tu-1952 flights began in 95, and in 1957 the USSR launched the world's first artificial satellite into orbit. And then there were the countries of the Air Force and military bases in different parts of the world.
    Yes, it is worth noting that the industry in the USSR developed in its own way. We also needed to portray decency in matters of copyright compliance (or pretend to comply). This is not China, which "copied and pasted" everything and everyone, sneezing at everyone ...
    But, let's be patient, because:
    The history of the late XIX - early XX centuries was somewhat repeated, when ships became obsolete on the stocks, and attempts to outrun time gave rise to freaks.
    It is about freaks and mistakes - in the next article about Soviet nuclear submarines of the first generation.

    Why are there submarines? The USSR did not have its own color film production, and when Adolf Hitler or some Eisenhower was filmed in all its glory (in all colors), we admired the "monochrome" images.
    I made one good conclusion for myself: WE LIVED IN SPITE OF ANYTHING!
    Let them make mistakes, let something come out "lumpy", but vobla in the Volga was the fleet of the far sea zone was, and in the end we achieved the solution of both the assigned tasks and the outlined plans.
  18. +1
    10 June 2021 02: 59
    Deadborns. Soviet diesel missile submarines

    stillborn is only for those who deny the laws of evolution (from the simpler and imperfect to the more complex and ideal) and are unfamiliar with the principle of the formation of fundamental science affecting one direction or another.
    So thanks to these very "stillborn", today's Russian fleet is armed with modern diesel submarines with a minimum noise level, armed with high-precision cruise missiles.
  19. +5
    10 June 2021 06: 40
    But I liked the article, but it seems that it is not Ivanov who writes, but Skomorokhov. Or is it just me?
    1. +4
      10 June 2021 06: 58
      Quote: Alex 1970
      But I liked the article, but it seems that it is not Ivanov who writes, but Skomorokhov. Or is it just me?

      It seems to be the same person.
      1. +3
        10 June 2021 07: 26
        Painfully the styles are similar, and also does not respond to comments
        1. +3
          10 June 2021 07: 49
          Standing in line at the cashier, whether there are answers.
  20. +3
    10 June 2021 11: 19
    Launch preparation - two hours, then surfacing and launching missiles on the surface.

    From ascent to launch - at least 5 minutes. Because the SLBM was launched not from the shaft, but from the launch pad, which, together with the rocket, had to be lifted to the upper cut of the shaft.
  21. 0
    10 June 2021 17: 10
    In the Baltic and the Black Sea, they could shoot at targets from their territorial waters.
  22. 0
    12 June 2021 00: 01
    served on K-24, normal boat, autonomous for 8 months, followed two aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean,
    1. 0
      17 June 2021 14: 29
      How did you manage it there !?
  23. The comment was deleted.
  24. 0
    16 June 2021 14: 22
    Hitler was right about the United States. She will buy anyone and sell. If Hitler had managed to extend the war for a month, then they would have jointly attacked the USSR. America was stopped not only by the rapid end of the war with Germany, but also by the fact that the nuclear bomb was not ready. And about the United States, as allies, Stalin knew well from the intervention.
  25. 0
    17 June 2021 14: 26
    Thank you for the article! The Americans had a chance to conquer us more than once, they were afraid! Perhaps thanks to the actions of our admirals.
    1. 0
      15 July 2021 17: 04
      The Americans had a chance to conquer us more than once, they were afraid!

      What am I ashamed of "were afraid" in the described period (1950s), having a multiple superiority in the number of nuclear weapons and extremely effective means of intercepting a possible retaliatory strike (batteries of "Nike-Ajax" and "Nike-Hercules" missiles of the NORAD system).

      Actually. There is a vivid example. If the US government were really so repulsed by aggressive militarists, as some individuals paint them here, then what was it that prevented them, say, from conquering Cuba? In the period from 1990 to 2005 (as much as 15 years), almost no one would fit in with Fidel Castro. And after the big question. The territory of Cuba is literally shot through by cruise missiles from ships, the Air Force is extremely weak in comparison with the American ones. However, no - they just forced the Cubans to curtail the foreign military adventures that were clearly unnecessary for the Republic of Cuba and then did not even interfere with having mutually beneficial trade with the countries of the European Union and China.
      PS: Anticipating possible questions. Saddam Hussein (with a small letter intentionally) was a power-hungry sadist, a geek and a scoundrel who loved power and money more than anything else. Until recently, he voluntarily positioned himself as an enemy of the United States and ignored all warnings sent to him. And so he got what he deserved. Both he and his degenerate sons fully deserved their death. In contrast to the innocent civilians of Iraq, who were in fact hostages of the Hussein regime. Who might not have suffered at all if Saddam had left voluntarily in 2002. So it goes.
  26. 0
    30 August 2021 17: 16
    The author is some kind of foreign agent. He claims that the USSR became a superpower capable of really threatening the United States only a decade after Stalin's death under the leadership of Khrushchev, who dreamed of destroying the USSR. And that for a whole decade the United States could destroy the USSR with impunity, but did not take advantage of it. He undermines our bonds.