Exotic military units of France. Tyiraliers


Tyrael of times of Napoleon III. Hand-painted photograph from Album photographique des uniformes de l'armee francaise Paris, 1866

As we recall from the article “Zouaves. New and unusual military units of France ", after the conquest of Algeria (1830), and then Tunisia and Morocco, the French decided to use the young men of these countries to control the newfound territories. Attempts to make the new combat formations mixed (in which Arabs and Berbers would serve alongside the French) were unsuccessful, and therefore already in 1841 the Zouave battalions became completely French, their "native" colleagues were transferred to other infantry units.

"Algerian tyrallers"

Now the former "native" zuavs began to be called Algerian arrows, but they are better known as Tirailleur. This word has no relation to Tyrol: it originates from the French verb tirer - “pull” (bow string), that is, originally meant “archer”, then “shooter”.

Algerian tyrallers. Please note that in their ranks there is a marketeer - Vivandiere. These women were described in the article.
“Zouaves. New and unusual military units of France "

Tyraeli then called light infantry in France, operating mainly in the loose formation. And after the Crimean War (in which they also took part), the tyrallers got the nickname “Turks” (“Turks”) - because both the Allies and the Russians often mistook them for Turks. Then in the Crimea there were three battalions of tyrallers: from Algeria, Oran and Constantine, brought together into one temporary regiment, numbering 73 officers and 2025 lower ranks.

Exotic military units of France. Tyiraliers
Algerian Rifle Officer, 1843-1852

Private Algerian shooters, 1853

The fighting path of the Maghreb tyrallers, in general, repeats the path of the Zouaves (in contrast to the shooters recruited in Indochina and in "black" Africa), so we will not repeat ourselves and lose time on listing the military campaigns in which they took part.

The battalions of zouaves and Maghreb tyrallers sometimes were part of one large military unit, but their troops never mixed with each other. An example is the famous Moroccan division, which played a large role in the First Battle of the Marne (September 1914) and in the battle of Artois (May 1915): it consisted of battalions of the Foreign Legion, Moroccan tyrallers and Zouaves.

The uniforms of tyiraliers resembled the form of zouaves, but were lighter in color, had a yellow edging and a yellow ornament. The sash was red, like the fez (sheshiya), the color of the brush of which (white, red or yellow) depended on the number of the battalion.

Tirailleurs algeriens durant la guerre de 1870

During World War I, tyrallers got a mustard color.

World War I, 1914: Algerian tyrants also have an old-style uniform

It should be noted that the formations of the tyrelers were still not completely Arab-Berber: regardless of successes in the service, the “natives” could only rely on non-commissioned officers. All the officers, part of the sergeants, machine-gun crews, sappers, doctors, telegraphists, clerks in these units were French. It is estimated that there could be from 20 to 30% of the total personnel of ethnic French in the regiments of tyrael.

The French Colonel Clement-Grancourt in his book “La tactique au Levant” wrote about the differences between Algerian and Tunisian tyrants:

“A short observation is enough to distinguish the Tunisian forces from the Algerian ones. Among Tunisians, there is rarely a type of a taut old soldier, with a long mustache or square beard, neatly trimmed with scissors, a type that is also found among the shooters of the new generation, the heir to the old "Turko". Most Tunisians are young Arabs, tall and thin, with narrow breasts and prominent cheekbones, and on their faces an expression of passivity and humility to fate. The Tunisian, the son of a peaceful and land-bound people, and not the son of the nomadic tribes who lived with his sword yesterday, does not serve in the French army as a volunteer and, not according to the laws of France, but by order of the Bey (governor) of Tunisia. There is no army that is easier to manage in peacetime than the Tunisian army. But in the campaign, and in battle, they show less energy than Algerians, and less than Algerians, they are attached to their unit ... The Tunisian ... a little more educated Algerian ... not as stubborn as the Kabil (mountain Berber tribe) ... subject to the example of their commanders more than Algerian. "

Like zouaves, in normal times, units of tyrallers were stationed outside of France, and for the first time they were in the metropolis during the First World War.

Algerian shooters during the First World War

In August 1914, 33 Algerians, 000 Moroccans, 9 Tunisians served in the French army. Later only in Morocco, an additional 400 battalions of tyrallers were formed (and the total number of all "colonial soldiers" - from the Maghreb and "black" Africa, during the years of World War I amounted to 7% of the number of the French army). But only 000 privates from among the Maghreb tyrallers then managed to rise to the rank of officer or non-commissioned officer.

World War I, Training of Moroccan tyrants. France, Bordeaux, August 1914

Advertising poster for charity art exhibition in favor of wounded Moroccan soldiers

French colonial troops

The tyrallers of North Africa showed themselves very well then during the fighting in the Middle East. Clément-Grancourt mentioned above reports:

“The load of action in the Levant was assigned primarily to the North African shooter. There is no doubt that his role in operations in Syria, Cilicia and around Aintaba was decisive ... The Middle East is a "cold country with a hot sun," like North Africa. An Arab from Algeria, accustomed to the inconvenience of living in Arab tents, and a mountain wagon, accustomed to lying on bare earth, both of them are better able to withstand sudden changes in temperature, and perhaps they are superior to the locals themselves who hide in huts in winter and gather around the "barbecue", its charcoal brazier. Not a single soldier is suitable for the war in the Levant like an Algerian shooter. ”

Maghreb tyraliers during World War II

After the outbreak of World War II, 123 thousand shooters were transported from Algeria to France. In total, about 200 thousand people from Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco were at the front. For several months of the fleeting campaign of 1940 in France, 5400 North African tyrael were killed, about 65 of them were captured.

Algerian tyrallers. The Second World War

Soldiers of the 3rd Regiment of Moroccan Tyrael, Vosges, March 1940

After the defeat of France, North Africa remained under the control of the Vichy government. From here, Germany received phosphorites, iron ore, non-ferrous metals and food, which created economic difficulties in the country. In addition, it was from Algeria that the army of Rommel was supplied, who fought with the British in Libya (as a result, food prices in this country from 1938 to 1942 increased more than 2 times). However, in November 1942, the Anglo-American forces occupied Morocco and Algeria, and in May 1943 - Tunisia. The tyrallers who came to their side took part in further Allied operations in Africa and in Europe, for the courage shown by servicemen, the 1st Algerian and 1st Moroccan regiments in 1948 were awarded the Order of the Legion of Honor.

The North African tyrallers took part in the First Indochina War and suffered huge losses in the famous battle of Dienbienf, from the defeat in which France was never able to recover.

In 1958, the regiments of Algerian riflemen were simply renamed to rifle regiments, and in 1964, after the declaration of independence of Algeria, they were completely disbanded.

Senegalese arrows

Since 1857, tyraller units began to be recruited in other French colonies: first in Senegal (initiated by Governor Louis Federb), and then in other African countries - in the territory of modern Guinea, Mali, Chad, the Central African Republic, Congo, Burkina Faso, Djibouti . All of them, regardless of the place of recruitment, were called Senegalese tyiraliers - Regiments d´Infanterie Coloniales Mixtes Senégalais.

The senegalese tirailleurs

Senegalese tyiraliers

Interestingly, the first "Senegalese" tyrelers were young slaves bought from their former African owners, and later they began to attract "contract soldiers" to these units. The confessional composition of these units was variegated - among them were Muslims and Christians.

These formations fought in Madagascar and Dahomey, in Chad, Congo and South Sudan. And in 1908, two Senegalese battalions were even in Morocco.

The increase in the number of regiments of the “Senegalese tyrallers” was greatly facilitated by the activities of General Manzhen, who served in French Sudan, who published the book Black Force in 1910: it stated that West and Equatorial Africa should become a "inexhaustible reservoir" of soldiers for the metropolis. It was he who divided the African tribes into the "warlike races" of West Africa (sedentary farmers of the Bambara, Wolof, Tukuler and some others) and the "weak" tribes of Equatorial Africa. With his "light hand", the African tribes of Sarah (southern Chad), Bambara (West Africa), Mandinka (Mali, Senegal, Guinea and Ivory Coast), Busans, gurunzi, began to be considered the most suitable for military service of Algeria Lobby (Upper Volta).

But what characteristic of representatives of different African tribes could be read in one of the French magazines:

“Bambara - thorough and masterful, Mosi - arrogant, but hardy, bobo - rude, but restrained and diligent, senufo - shy, but reliable, fulbe neglected, like all nomads, strict discipline, but they do not disappoint under fire, and from them we get good commanders, raspberries - sensitive and fast thinking when executing orders. All of them have various abilities in connection with their origin and temperament. And yet, they all belong to the hardy and prolific Sudanese race ... great fit to be soldiers. "

As a result, on February 7, 1912, a decree was issued that made military service compulsory for sub-Saharan Africa.

On the eve of World War I, the French army included 24 thousand natives of West Africa, 6 thousand riflemen from Equatorial Africa and 6 Malagasy (residents of Madagascar). In total, 300 thousand men of West Africa, 169 thousand from Equatorial Africa and 20 thousand from Madagascar were called to the front of World War I.

Violent mobilization led to riots in African provinces, the largest of which was the uprising in West Volta that broke out in November 1915 - it was only possible to crush it in July 1916. The number of local residents who died during punitive operations amounted to thousands of people. The situation on the ground was so acute that the governor of French West Africa, Van Wallenhoven, fearing a general rebellion, formally turned to Paris in 1917 with a request to stop recruiting in his territory. And the inhabitants of the four communes of Senegal (Saint-Louis, Gore, Dakar, Rüfisk) were promised French citizenship, provided that the supply of draftees continued.

On April 25, 1915, the Allies launched an operation to capture the Dardanelles. The British attacked the European coast of the strait - the Gallipoli Peninsula. The French chose the Asian coast, where the Turkish forts Kum-Kale and Orkany were located. The French troops in this operation were represented by three thousand Senegalese tyiraliers, the landing of which was carried out by the Russian cruiser Askold and the French Jeanne d'Arc. The Russian sailors who ruled the landing boats suffered losses: four of them died, nine were injured.

The actions of the tyrallers were successful at first: they immediately captured two villages and even captured about 500 enemy soldiers, but with the approach of the Turkish reserves they were thrown back to the coast, and then they were forced to evacuate altogether. One of the Senegalese companies was captured.

If you are interested in how the UK and France Gallipoli operation prepared, went through and how it ended, read about it in my article “The Battle of the Straits. Gallipoli Allied Operation.

At the same time, the inhabitants of the provinces of continental France experienced a cultural shock: they had never before seen so many representatives of "exotic" peoples. " First of all, black “Senegalese” caught their eye (of course, we recall that this was the name of all military personnel from “black” Africa). The attitude towards them was initially hostile and wary, but later became condescending and patronizing: the Senegalese were treated as big children, poorly speaking French, but captivating with their cheerful disposition and spontaneity. And in 1915, cocoa of the Banania brand became extremely popular, on the label of which was an image of a smiling Senegalese arrow.

Label of cocoa "Banania" with the image of the Senegalese tyrael, 1915

But to the seemingly much more familiar and familiar natives of the Maghreb, the indigenous French at the time, oddly enough, were worse off.

In the course of hostilities, the Senegalese tyraller units suffered heavy losses from diseases caused by an unusual climate, especially in the autumn-winter period. So, the Cournot camp, created on the Atlantic coast in the vicinity of Arcachon to train arriving Africans, was closed after about 1000 recruits died in it - and the conditions in it were much better than at the forefront.

Near Verdun, the Moroccan Infantry Regiment (which was awarded the Order of the Legion of Honor) and two regiments of African tyiraliers: Senegalese and Somali became famous. It was thanks to them that they managed to recapture Fort Duamon.

Senegalese tyraller near Verdun, October 24, 1916

The Senegalese tyrallers suffered enormous losses during the so-called “Nivelles offensive” (April-May 1917): out of the 10 thousand Africans participating in it, 6 were killed, and their head General Mangen even received the nickname “the black butcher”.

During the Second Battle of the Marne (June-August 1918), 9 battalions of Senegalese riflemen defended the "martyr city" (ville martyr) of Reims and were able to keep Fort Pompel. Here's how they wrote about these tragic events in Germany:

“True, Reims’s defense is not worth a single drop of French blood. This is blacks put to the slaughter. Intoxicated with wine and vodka, abundant in the city, all blacks are armed with machetes, large military daggers. Woe to the Germans who fall into their hands! ”

(Communication from the Wolf Agency of June 5, 1918.)

And the French deputy Olivier de Llons de Féchin said in December 1924:

“Colonial units have always been distinguished by their bold and daring fighting. The attack of the 2nd colonial corps on September 25, 1915 north of Suen, the attack of the 1st colonial corps on the Somme, in July 1916, is one of the most brilliant military operations of these two years of positional warfare. It was the colonial regiment from Morocco, the only French regiment with a double red accelerant, that had the honor of recapturing Fort Duomont. The defense of Reims by the 1st Colonial Corps is inscribed with one of the most brilliant pages in history this so brutal war. "

On July 13, 1924, a monument to the heroes of the Black Army was unveiled in Reims.

Reims Monument to the heroes of the "Black Army" - Senegalese riflemen who defended the city during the First World War. The inscription on the cap reads: “La France et la Ville de Reims. Aux soldats africains tombés pour la défense de la Liberté. 1914-1918 "(" France and the city of Reims. African soldiers who fell, defending Freedom ")

The same monument was erected in the city of Bamako - the capital of French Sudan. On his pedestal it was written: "En témoignage de la reconnaissance envers les enfants d'adoption de la France, morts au combat pour la liberté et la civilization" ("Certificate of gratitude to the adopted children of France who fell in the battle for freedom and civilization" )

The monument in Reims in September 1940 was destroyed by the Germans occupying the city, but was restored and reopened on November 8, 2013:

Reims The restored monument to the heroes of the "Black Army"

Despite the heroism, only 4 "Senegalese shooters" during the First World War were able to rise to the rank of lieutenant.

After the Compiegne Armistice was concluded, West African battalions of Senegalese tyrael entered the Rhine region as part of the 10th French Army.

In November 2006, on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the battle of Verdun, the French parliament passed a law on the re-revaluation (revaluation) of the pensions of former soldiers of the colonies of World War I. But it soon became clear that the last of the Senegalese shooters, Abdule Ndie, died 5 days before the publication of this "fateful act." So nobody was able to take advantage of this belated generosity of the French parliamentarians.

As we recall from the previous article, the Senegalese arrows along with the Zouaves in December 1918 appeared in Odessa as interventionists.

They took an active part in the Reef War in Morocco (which was briefly described in the article “Zouaves. New and unusual military units of France ") After its completion, the "Senegalese tyiraliers" were constantly located not only at the place of their formation, but also in the French Maghreb, and even France.

Parade of the French colonial troops in Djibouti. July 14, 1939

Senegalese tyrael during World War II

Unions of the "black" Africa had a chance to participate in the fleeting military campaign of 1940. By April 1, 179 thousand Senegalese shooters had managed to mobilize the French army.

In the Catholic magazine Côte d´Ivoire Chretienne, published in the Ivory Coast colony after the outbreak of World War II, the following appeal appeared:

“In your khaki uniform like a dusty savannah, you will become the defender of France. Promise me, my little black man, my little Christian, that you will show yourself brave. France is hoping for you. You are fighting for the most noble country in the world. ”

French poster of 1941: “Three colors, one flag, one empire”

But practiced and "traditional" methods.

The tiraler Sama Kone, a native of the same Ivory Coast, testifies:

“We went to war because we did not want our relatives to have problems. If the recruits fled, their family ended up in jail. For example, my relative, Mori Bai, was sent to work south, he escaped from there, and then his brothers were sent to work, and his father was sent to prison. "

Theodor Ateba Jene in the book “Memoirs of a Colony Resident” reports that in one of the Sunday services in the capital of Cameroon, Yaounde, soldiers suddenly appeared in the cathedral, who took the believers by truck to Camp Ge'nin, where they were divided into the following groups: men, fit for military service, men fit for work in the labor army, women and the elderly, aimed at auxiliary work in careers, children who were forced to work at the toilets in the soldiers' barracks.

The same author reports one of the raids on recruits:

“Caught by the French put on ropes around the body and then tied all the detainees in one chain.”

French historian Nancy Lawler states:

“In all the battles, soldiers from Africa were on the front line, they were primarily sent under fire. "At night, the French units were located behind the African to provide cover."

Losses of Senegalese shooters during the 1940 campaign, according to various authors, ranged from 10 to 20 thousand people. As expected, the attitude of the Germans towards captured French and Africans was diametrically opposite. Nancy Lawler, already quoted by us, for example, talks about this case:

"After the change weapons the prisoners were quickly divided: white - in one direction, black - in the other ... they built black tyrallers, including wounded, on the edge of the road, and cut them all with machine-gun bursts. The survivors and runaways fired accurately from carbines. One German officer ordered the wounded to be pulled out onto the road, took out a gun and drove one after another a bullet in the head. Then he turned to the captured Frenchmen and shouted: “Tell us about it in France!” ”

Gaspard Scandariato, an officer (according to other sources, corporal) of the French army, recalled another execution of the "Senegalese" on June 20, 1940:

“The Germans surrounded us, in my unit there were 20 French officers and 180-200 Senegalese riflemen. The Germans ordered us to lay down our arms, raise our hands up and brought to the prisoner collection point, where there were already a lot of our troops. Then we were divided into two columns - in front of us were the Senegalese tyrael, followed by us Europeans. When we left the village, we met German soldiers in armored vehicles. "We were ordered to lie down on the ground, then we heard machine gun fire and screams ... They shot at the tyrelliers from a distance of no more than 10 meters, most of them were already killed in the first bursts."

Subsequently, the captured French were often entrusted with the protection and supervision of the "natives" sent to forced labor from the French colonies.

In 1944, both the Maghreb and Senegalese tyrael took part in Operation Dragoon, the landing of the Allied forces between Toulon and Cannes on August 15, 1944. This day is still a public holiday in Senegal.

Monument on the coast, at the landing site of the Allies. Saint-Tropez, France

Among the Senegalese tyrallers of those years was Leopold Cedar Senghor, who had served in the French army since 1939. This is an African poet, a supporter of the theory of “negro” (proclaiming the uniqueness and self-sufficiency of the African “black” culture) and the future president of Senegal.

Three Prime Ministers of Upper Volta (Burkina Faso) also served in the formations of Senegalese riflemen: Sangule Lamizana, Saye Zerbo, Joseph Issoufu Konombo, and the dictator of Togo Gnassingbe Eyadema.

Another famous “black tyrael” is the “emperor” of Central Africa, Jean Bedel Bokassa, who was a member of Operation Dragoons and the fighting on the Rhine, and then, after graduating from the Senegalese officer school of Saint Louis, took part in the war in Indochina, earning the Lorraine Cross and Legion of Honor.

After the end of World War II, the French army had 9 regiments of Senegalese tyrael, which were stationed in West Africa. They also took part in hostilities in Algeria, Madagascar and Indochina.

Senegalese shooters at a review near the city of Namdin (North Vietnam), July 14, 1951

Annamskie and Tonkin tyiraliers

Since 1879, the units of tyiraliers also appeared in Indochina: the first of them were recruited in the south of Vietnam - in Kokhinhin and Annam (Annamskie arrows).

Annam (Saigon) arrows

Annam shooter, cigarette card, 1895

In 1884, regiments from the natives of North Vietnam - Tonkin (Tonkin) were recruited. In total, 4 regiments of 3 thousand people each were created. Later, the number of regiments was brought to 6. It is interesting that before the start of World War I they did not have a military uniform - they used national uniform clothing.

Tonkin Tiraliers

Only in 1916 were they dressed in the form of French colonial units. And the traditional Vietnamese bamboo hat with a cork helmet was replaced only in 1931.

Tonkin arrows on the march

In 1885, during the Franco-Chinese War, the detachment of General de Negrie, in which there were two linear battalions, a battalion of the marine corps, a battalion of Algerian tyiraliers and two companies of Tonkin riflemen (about 2 thousand people) defeated 12 at a battle near Nui Bop -thousand enemy army. One of the Tonkin battalions fought at Verdun. But much more often the natives of Indochina were then used for auxiliary work, because their fighting reputation was then low. Then, the Tonkin shooters were in service in Syria and participated in the Reef War in Morocco.

During the years of World War II, 50 natives of Indochina were drafted into the French army. Indian trading posts (of which there were 000) and Pacific colonies each set up a battalion. The soldiers from Indochina were, for example, part of the troops defending the Maginot Line. In 5-1940 they also fought on the border with Thailand, which at the first stage of the war acted as an ally of Japan.

In 1945, all units of the Tonkin and Annam shooters were disbanded, their soldiers and sergeants continued to serve in ordinary French regiments.

As you probably guessed, both the "Senegalese" tyrallers and the units of the Indochina shooters were disbanded after gaining independence by the countries where they were formed.

The next article will talk about the combat formations of spag and hummers.
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  1. +22
    April 12 2020 07: 05
    Thank you for the interesting article. To what has been said, one can only add that in France, the main small arms were designed specifically for tirailleurs - magazine rifles of the Emile Berthier system (who, moreover, was not a weapons designer, but a railway engineer who worked on the Algerian railway, who had never been involved in small arms before, and as a result of successive modernizations, his rifles, along with the Lebel system, became the main small arms of the French army, and not only tirailleurs. Moreover, different designs were developed depending on the anatomical features. Thus, for the short (in the main) native soldiers from French Indochina, the Fusil de Tirailleur Indochinois Mle 1902 was produced - the rifle of the Indochinese shooters of the 1902 model (for a barrel of 635 mm, weight 3,63 kg) - the lightest and shortest of all Berthier systems (not counting carbines):

    And for the tall native soldiers from North Africa, a full-size "colonial" rifle was developed - the Fusil de Tirailleur Senegalaise Mle 1907 - a rifle of Senegalese shooters of the 1907 model, the barrel length of which was 787 mm.

    With the beginning of the Great War, this rifle was slightly modified - the curved stem of the bolt was replaced with a straight one and the bayonet was replaced with a standard one for Lebel's rifle - the famous Rosalie. This is how the Fusil d Infanterie Mle 1907/15 was born - an infantry rifle. In 1916, it was again modernized - increasing the magazine capacity, loaded with a symmetrical pack, to 5 rounds. This is how the Fusil d Infanterie Mle 1916 appeared - the main rifle of the French infantry of that war.
    Packs for these rifles:
    1. +18
      April 12 2020 07: 56
      Thank you Valery for the article! Gorgeous to read about what you know absolutely nothing !!!
    2. -6
      April 12 2020 09: 37
      well, the most suitable cannon fodder for the French army.
      Africans are dressed in bloomers, just like Zaporozhye Cossacks. There is a connection.
      1. +2
        April 12 2020 22: 04
        Bar, I appreciate your humor: find a connection where it does not exist. Cossacks and blacks
        1. 0
          April 13 2020 23: 48
          Quote: vladcub
          Bar, I appreciate your humor: find a connection where it does not exist. Cossacks and blacks

          you misunderstood, I'm not talking about blacks.
    3. +4
      April 12 2020 16: 03
      Alexander, good afternoon. hi
      I was very interested in the rifles of these guys.

      I rummaged through the net and found only this:

      So they have "Lebel" there, or something else. Your opinion?
      1. +7
        April 12 2020 16: 33
        Judging by the khaki (or mustard) uniform, which in the First World War in the French army was worn only by legionaries (I mean Légion étrangère - Foreign Legion) and arrows from Troupes Coloniales or “colonial troops” (those that were earlier and later again became "marin"), as well as anchors in the corners of the collar of the jacket - these are infantrymen from the Troupes Coloniales, possibly from the 23rd Colonial Regiment, which was manned by African soldiers. They (like the legionnaires) were armed with a Fusil d Infanterie Mle 1886 M.93 rifle - better known in our country as an 8-mm Lebel system rifle of the 1886 model, a modification of 1893 - with an under-barrel magazine for 8 rounds, with a Rosalie needle bayonet:

        You have a photo - a later and rather rare alteration under the cartridge of 7,5x58 mm - 7.5 mm M1924. This version was created in 1927 and was called the Fusil d Infanterie Mle 1886 M.93 M.27 with a new barrel and magazine - instead of an under-barrel shaft, a double-row magazine shaft with staggered cartridges was installed, grooves for standard clips were cut in the receiver. The sight has also changed, of course. However, already in 1929, the French army adopted the new shortened cartridge 7.5 mm M1924 - 7,5x54 mm and refused to rework the old Lebel system under it.
        By the way, in the corner of the photo you can see another "masterpiece" of French weaponry, wrapped in a cover - an 8-mm Shosha light machine gun, or Fusil-Mitrailleur Chauchat Mle 1915 CSRG (in my opinion, the most unfortunate light machine gun of all times and peoples, especially its 1918 version years under the American cartridge .30-06, which the US Army fought in Europe at the end of the First World War).
        1. +5
          April 12 2020 17: 20
          However, the supply of military units at that time was not very good, and these guys, obviously, had no idea about condoms, and therefore they wrapped some rags on the trunks at the muzzle sections. laughing
        2. +1
          April 12 2020 22: 18
          Alexander 72, I will stand up for Shosh. This is a wartime machine gun, when a machine gun was as necessary as air, then Shosh was appropriate. Cheap and primitive production, and light machine guns were just appearing and soldiers were not yet spoiled by perfect models.
          What is more convenient to carry: 18-20 kg Schwarzlose or 7-8 kg Shosh. The answer is obvious.
    4. +1
      April 12 2020 22: 00
      Alexander 72, you amazed me: I have not heard of the Berthier rifle. I have a book: Small Arms Beetle, there are many different rifles, but there is no information about the system
  2. +14
    April 12 2020 07: 43
    Thanks to the author for his work, a very interesting series is planned, I will eagerly await the continuation!
  3. +4
    April 12 2020 07: 45
    Algerian shooters during the First World War

    In the trenches and in .... white pants! belay request
    Well, the French gave ...
    1. +4
      April 12 2020 16: 47
      In the XNUMXth century, tyrallers became one of the varieties of the colonial troops of France. In the African Army, stationed in North Africa, there were:
      Algerian tyrallers;
      Moroccan tyrallers;
      Tunisian tyrallers.
      Sub-Saharan Africa had:
      Senegalese tyrallers;
      Malgash tyrallers;
      Somali tyrallers.
      1. +5
        April 12 2020 16: 49
        At present, the 1st regiment of tyrants in Epinal, consisting of the 7th Tank Brigade, has been preserved in the French Army. The main IWT is wheeled infantry fighting vehicles VBCI and ATGM Milan
  4. +13
    April 12 2020 07: 54
    Very interesting and informative. Thanks to the author.
  5. +11
    April 12 2020 08: 21

    Leftmost Old Man Makhno? laughing
    1. +2
      April 12 2020 19: 52
      I also had such an idea. And then he ruled in Gulyai-Pole. laughing
  6. +12
    April 12 2020 08: 39
    Thanks to the author for an interesting series of articles, for the submission of material
    1. +4
      April 12 2020 16: 44
      Tirailleurs (French: Tirailleurs) - light troops operating in a loose formation (for example, peltasts - from the ancient Greeks, psilas - from the Byzantine Greeks, Velites - from the Romans).
      Few people know, but tirailleurs were officially in the Russian army. In the military regulations of 1811 "On the infantry service (in 3-rank formation)" tirailleurs were used for "investigation of the terrain or for more successful shelling of the enemy" and were placed in the 3rd rank. Unlike other infantry with smoothbore guns, tirailleurs were armed with rifled carbine guns and had lightweight equipment. In battle, they acted in loose formation, conducting aimed fire at the enemy, preparing an attack by line infantry.

      With the introduction of the 2-row system by Nicholas the First (in 1856), they began to be called hunters.
      1. +2
        April 12 2020 22: 36
        Rich, if my memory serves me, then you are talking about the huntsmen. They were also called "skirmishers"
        1. 0
          April 14 2020 16: 21
          I nod you, Svyatoslav hi
          You have a good memory and good historical knowledge.
          In this case, we are both right.
          The charter of 1811 clearly states - tyiraliers.
          In the Nikolaev charter of 1856 - already hunters.
          But under Alexander III, these units began to be called rangers. Moreover, Alexander himself, who did not like foreign words, insisted on the name skirmishers. Oddly enough, the General Staff won the dispute with the Tsar, citing the argument that in Russia there is a Life Guards Jaeger Regiment, and renaming it to the Life Guards Zastrelnichesky Regiment is not advisable.
  7. +11
    April 12 2020 09: 21
    In the novel by Henri Barbusse "Fire", dedicated to the First World War, there is this description:
    "In the twilight there is a tramp, a hum and a talk - this is the
    the road a new squad.
    - Africans!
    They pass. Brown, yellow, brown faces; sparse or thick
    curly beards; greenish-yellow overcoats; dirty helmets with images
    crescent instead of our symbol - grenades. Faces, wide or, on the contrary,
    angular and pointed, shining like new copper coins; eyes
    sparkle like ivory and onyx balls. From time to time in a row
    the coal-black mug of a tall Senegalese marksman stands out.
    the company carries a red flag with an image of a green hand.
    They are looked at silently. No one bothers them. They inspire respect and even
    some fear.
    Meanwhile, these Africans seem cheerful and lively. They, of course,
    go to the front line trenches. This is their usual place; their appearance is a sign
    upcoming attack. They are made for the offensive.
    - And they have seventy-five-millimeter guns! You could say they need
    light a candle! In difficult times, the Moroccan division was always sent
    - They can't keep up with us. They're going too fast. They're no longer
    stop ...
    These are black, brown, bronze devils; some of them are stern; they
    silent, scary, like traps. Others laugh; their laughter rings like
    strange music of exotic instruments; sparkles teeth grin.
    The audience starts telling stories about the properties of these "Araps": about their
    their fury in attacks, their passion for bayonet fighting, their ruthlessness.
    They repeat the stories that Africans themselves are willing to tell, and almost everyone
    in the same expressions and with the same gestures: "The German raises his hands:
    "Comrade! Comrade!" - "No, not comrade!" And they mimic a bayonet strike:
    how a bayonet is inserted into the stomach from above and pulled out from below, propping up with the foot.
    One Senegalese shooter, passing by us, hears what we are talking about.
    He looks at us, smiles from ear to ear and repeats, shaking his head negatively.
    head: "No, not comrade, never comrade, never! Chop your head off!"
    - They are indeed of a different breed; and their skin is definitely tarred.
    "canvas," says Bark, though he himself is far from timid. "On
    They are bored on vacation. They just wait for the boss to put his watch in his pocket and
    commanded: "Forward!"
    “Needless to say, these are real soldiers!”
    "And we are not soldiers, we are people," says fat Lamuse. "
  8. +13
    April 12 2020 10: 43
    I remember a moment from "All Quiet on the Western Front". There Remarque describes Africans in battle. I don't remember literally, but the meaning is this - they were desperate and courageous soldiers. They often attacked at night, but at the same time they were careless. We went into battle with lit cigarettes in our teeth and the Germans fired at these lights ..
  9. +6
    April 12 2020 11: 17
    I watched the French film Fort Sagan in youth, the service of Algerian shooters is just shown there.
  10. Fat
    April 12 2020 11: 41
    Chic article. Eh ... Continuation to wait a week. But worth it.
    1. +3
      April 12 2020 16: 53
      The article was a success. good Thanks to the author. We are waiting for the continuation of the author's cycle
  11. -5
    April 12 2020 12: 08
    Tiraliers, legionnaires, etc .: pot-bellied trifle compared to purebred French military men of the construction battalion - with beards, axes and leather aprons laughing

    Until the 20th century, French axmen played the role of not only sappers, but also assault units such as the Soviet SISBR, acting at the forefront and breaking through with axes the enemy’s fortifications in the image of Franks and Normans.

    The frail Arabs, Negroes and Indo-Chinese with hatchets did not stand nearby.
  12. +8
    April 12 2020 15: 07

    Pictured are two Moroccan tyralier gunners cleaning French Mle 24/29 Chatellerault light machine guns.
    Caliber 7,5 mm (cartridge 7,5 x 54 "French service")
    Machine gun weight - 8, 93 kg (without magazine)
    Magazine capacity 24 rounds.
    Combat rate of fire - 52/100 rounds per min.
    Effective firing range - 800 m.
    The machine gun was in service in France until the early fifties.

    There, in the article, in the top photo, soldiers with a Browning M1919A4 heavy machine gun, 7 mm caliber (lend-lease, however). It looks like they have Springfield rifles, but I could be wrong, it's hard to see.
    1. +6
      April 12 2020 16: 02
      It looks like they also have Springfield rifles, but I might be wrong, it's hard to see

      Yes, this is the Springfield М1903 modification of 1906 chambered for .30-06. This can be seen in the shape of the stock with a smooth buttstock neck (without the pistol protrusion) and in the sight.

      And for illustration, just a beautiful photo of modern reenactors in the form of various infantry regiments of the French army during the 1st World War - in the center in the form of "khaki" (mustard color) an Arab fighter (or African) is not a teralier or legionnaire, but a private from Troupes Coloniales or "colonial troops", those that have now become Troupes de marine - infantry "marine" (more precisely, they returned their old historical name):
  13. +2
    April 12 2020 15: 25
    But it soon became clear that the last of the Senegalese shooters, Abdule Ndie, died 5 days before the publication of this "fateful act." So nobody was able to take advantage of this belated generosity of the French parliament.
    How unexpected. belay
    P.S. Thanks for the article.
  14. +7
    April 12 2020 15: 42
    ... are represented by three thousand Senegalese tyraliers, the landing of which was carried out by the Russian cruiser "Askold" and the French "Jeanne d'Arc". The Russian sailors who drove the landing boats suffered losses: four of them were killed, nine were injured.

  15. +7
    April 12 2020 15: 51
    Good afternoon, Edward! hi
    Everything is cool, but special thanks for Bokassa, I did not know that this "uncle" was a war hero. soldier

    And here he eats someone. smile
    1. +2
      April 12 2020 22: 28
      Probably his political opponent. Or did he hawala in the order of special mercy? Let's say some minister distinguished himself and Bokas graciously eats him
      1. +3
        April 12 2020 22: 56
        They say that he ate the Queen of Beauty of his country, however, an ogre with claims, not everyone can boast of this, I mean cannibals. laughing
  16. Alf
    April 12 2020 18: 34
    How good a country that has almost unlimited human resources. Why feel sorry for them, forward, with machine guns, tomorrow they’ll catch and bring them back. Although some ... still claim that only in the USSR they filled up with corpses.
  17. +6
    April 12 2020 19: 25
    Thank you Valery! Wonderful cycle!
  18. +2
    April 12 2020 22: 23
    Dear moderators, stop putting Ryzhov and Shpakovsky together!
    Perfectly you can "breed" them: today Shpakovsky, and tomorrow Ryzhov. And the authors will not be offended by the attention and we will get more pleasure
  19. +1
    April 12 2020 22: 38
    Quote: Rich
    At present, the 1st regiment of tyrants in Epinal, consisting of the 7th Tank Brigade, has been preserved in the French Army. The main IWT is wheeled infantry fighting vehicles VBCI and ATGM Milan

    Who is it equipped with: dark-skinned as before or all kinds?
  20. +1
    April 12 2020 23: 13
    The North African tyrallers took part in the First Indochina War and suffered huge losses in the famous battle of Dienbienf, from the defeat in which France was never able to recover.

    Vietnamese troops with NOT French training turned out to be stronger!
  21. +1
    April 14 2020 18: 08
    Quote: Sea Cat
    They say that he ate the Queen of Beauty of his country, however, an ogre with claims, not everyone can boast of this, I mean cannibals. laughing

    Constantine, at the time of the "classical cannibals" they did not know yet: "beauty contest" so they did not eat "beauty queens"